Answer pls brainliest

Answer Pls Brainliest


Answer 1


4 paragraphs essay below


Solomon Northup was a free man living in New York in the 1800s. He was a skilled musician and had a wife and children. One day, he was offered a job as a musician and accepted, only to be drugged and sold into slavery. He was shipped to Louisiana and was forced to work on a plantation, where he was given the name "Platt" and was not allowed to reveal his true identity.

The film, titled "12 Years a Slave," tells the story of Solomon Northup's ordeal. It is a powerful and emotional depiction of the horrors of slavery. The film shows the brutal treatment that Solomon and other enslaved people endured, including beatings, whippings, and other forms of abuse. It also illustrates the psychological toll that slavery took on Solomon and the other characters, as they struggled to hold onto their dignity and humanity in the face of such dehumanizing circumstances.

Despite the difficult subject matter, the film is beautifully made and features strong performances from its cast, including Chiwetel Ejiofor as Solomon and Michael Fassbender as Edwin Epps, the cruel slave owner. The cinematography is stunning, and the score is haunting and evocative. Overall, "12 Years a Slave" is a powerful and important film that shines a light on a dark chapter in American history.

In conclusion, "12 Years a Slave" is a must-see film that offers a visceral and emotional look at the horrors of slavery. It is a powerful reminder of the struggles that enslaved people faced and the resilience they showed in the face of unimaginable adversity. Despite its difficult subject matter, the film is a beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant work of art.

Related Questions

Read the passage by James Madison.

Of these the first is, the "power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof." Few parts of the Constitution have been assailed with more intemperance than this; yet on a fair investigation of it, no part can appear more completely invulnerable. Without the SUBSTANCE of this power, the whole Constitution would be a dead letter.

James Madison, New York Packet, January 25, 1788

Which statement explains why Madison thinks the "Constitution would be a dead letter” without this power?

A.This power makes it possible to have concurrent powers that maintain a balance between state and federal powers.

B.This power makes it possible to argue that the laws created by the Constitution are the supreme law of the land.

C.This power makes it possible to create the laws needed to carry out the enumerated powers granted by the Constitution.

D.This power makes it possible to decide which government powers need to be reserved for the states and for the people.


This power makes it possible to argue that the laws created by the Constitution are the supreme law of the land is the statement explains why Madison thinks the "Constitution would be a dead letter” without this power. Hence, option B is correct.

The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal for all criminal matters from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland as well as all civil disputes involving the United Kingdom. handles appeals regarding debatable legal issues of general public significance. focuses on instances with the greatest constitutional and public significance.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. The Court is made up of one Chief Justice, eight Associate Justices, and one Associate Justice. According to Article III of the U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court Justices serve lifetime appointments on the Court, just like all Federal judges do.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about  supreme law, click here:


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How Terrorist Organizations are
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to Fund Their Illicit Activity


Participation in illegal trade by terrorists Organizations  is about more than just making money. It accomplishes a variety of goals, including the erasure of history, the lowering of community morale

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Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?
a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.
b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.
c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics.
d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor.


Congressmen who feared that the United States would become involved in European conflicts opposed joining the League, but the collective security clause ultimately prevented the United States from joining.

Why did Congress reject the League of Nations?

Lodge spearheaded the League opposition because Republicans were worried that joining the League would bind the US to an expensive group that would make it harder for the US to protect its own interests.

What impact did the United States' decision not to join the League of Nations have?

The United States' failure to join the League of Nations demonstrated the public's reluctance to take part in any new international conflicts. This was particularly Republicans like Henry Cabot Lodge embody this.

To know more about European conflicts visit:-


archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Numerous mummies were discovered during the excavations, some of which had a golden tongue or amulet inserted into the mouth of the corpse.

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The pyramid of an unidentified ancient Egyptian queen has been discovered in Egypt, together with a trove of coffins, mummies, antiques, and a network of connected tunnels.

Learn more about mummies here:


Why was nationalism a source of tension and conflict in the Ottoman Empire?​


Answer: The Balkans were nationalists, who rebel against the Ottoman, and Europeans are taking lands for themselves to prevent Russia from expanding.

Explanation: I think the explanation is in the answer honestly.

B. There are fifteen Cabinet level Departments. How does the Cabinet assist thePresident in seeing that the laws are faithfully executed? Please answer this in at least one paragraph and I will rate you thank you so much.


The President is required to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed and to swear or affirm to faithfully execute the Office of President twice in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

What is the cabinet level department?

The daily operation of the federal government is carried out by fifteen executive departments, each of which is headed by a member of the President's Cabinet who has been selected to that position.

A cabinet is a group of powerful state representatives, usually made up of the most powerful members of the executive branch. Cabinet ministers or secretaries are the typical titles for members of a cabinet.

They are joined in this by other executive agencies like the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, whose leaders are fully subordinate to the President but do not belong to the Cabinet.

Therefore, The President must ensure that the laws are faithfully carried out under the department.

Learn more about the cabinet level, refer to:


Which Indigenous group in the Great Plains hunted, gathered, and farmed in order to provide food for their peoples?

A. Both the Dakota and the Lakota Sioux
B. Only the Lakota Sioux
C. Only the Dakota Sioux
D. Neither the Dakota nor the Lakota Sioux



The Indigenous group in the Great Plains that hunted, gathered, and farmed in order to provide food for their peoples were the Dakota and the Lakota Sioux.


what is the trans-atlantic slave trade? how did it impact the culture of the us?


Millions of African men, women, and children were the victims of a trade between European and African slavers. Second, significant parts of the Americas and Europe were able to establish their economies and political systems thanks to the revenues made by Americans and Europeans through the slave trade and slavery.

Other facets of American society bear the cultural imprint of enslaved Africans. For instance, the linguistic patterns developed by enslaved Africans had a significant influence on Southern American speech patterns. Soul food and southern cooking are often used interchangeably. A semi-feudal class that worked with Europeans to legitimize the subjugation of their own people was created in Africa as a result of the Atlantic trade.

These classes originated from the African nobility and the middlemen who made the capture possible.

Learn more about trans-Atlantic slaves here:


Why did people live in rural areas before the Agricultural Revolution?


They could grow food on small areas of land. Often nomadic, this was the only way of life for humans until about 12,000 years ago, when archaeological studies show evidence of the rise of agriculture.

Human lifestyles began to change as groups formed permanent settlements and tended crops. Some hunter-gatherer peoples still remain today. Before the Industrial revolution began, life was very hard. People worked on farms and had to use their own strength to plow their fields and harvest their crops. The farmers had animals to help, but managing them could also be difficult. There was not electricity. The Neolithic Era began when some groups of humans abandoned the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle entirely to begin farming. It may have taken humans hundreds or even thousands of years to fully transition from a subsistence lifestyle of wild plants to maintaining small gardens and then tending to large crop fields.

To learn more about subsistence please click on below link.


California admitted as a free state
Popular soveriegnty applied to the rest of the Mexican Cession
Harsher fugitive slave law

What do these items relate to?


The items in the question relate to Compromise of 1850

What is Compromise of 1850?

After the Mexican-American War, the five acts that made up the Compromise of 1850 attempted to resolve differences on slavery in newly gained territory (1846-48). It created a new border between Texas and New Mexico, acknowledged California as a free state, gave Utah and New Mexico the option of becoming slave or free states, and made it easier for slaveowners to reclaim slaves under the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act. The Compromise of 1850 was drafted by Senators Stephan Douglas of the Democratic Party and Henry Clay of the Whig Party. Persistent dissatisfaction with its provisions played a role in the outbreak of the Civil War.

To know more about Compromise of 1850, visit:


a court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. the court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the constitution in its approach.


A court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. The court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the constitution in its approach. This court is engaging in judicial  precedent. The correct answer is D.

A court decision that is cited as a constitutional power for the underlying legal concept is referred to as precedent. The decision is determined according to the legal precedent by looking at similar cases that have already happened in the past.

The precedent doctrine, often referred to as stare judgment, or abiding by the decision, is based on the idea that cases should be resolved similarly when they are comparable. The stare decision principle holds that the court's decision should be used as precedent in future instances with a comparable legal issue.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

A court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. The court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the Constitution in its approach.

This court is engaging in judicial:

a) restraint.

b) review.

c) activism.

d) precedent.

Learn more about judicial  precedent at


explain how the united states used the open door policy and other actions to gain and maintain imperialist influence in china at the turn of the twentieth century.


The United States made a wise decision with the Open Door Policy to foster trade relations with China while also promoting American interests in the Far East.

The United States was able to increase the size of its markets for manufactured goods in the short term thanks to the Open Door Policy. The United States launched the Open Door policy in 1899 and 1900 as a statement of values. It demanded support for Chinese territorial and administrative integrity as well as the maintenance of equal trading rights for all nations with China.

The Open Door Policy was a principle that was never fully enshrined in a treaty or other body of international law. It was said or hinted at, but it was never put into action.

Learn more about open door policy here:


Do fallout shelters still exist?


When government funding for the program ran out in the 1970s, the fallout shelters were mostly stopped.

A man walks past a fallout shelter sign in New York City's center. In addition, current research indicates that it could be safer for individuals to remain put during a nuclear assault than to try to flee.

For more questions like Fallout Shelters  visit the link below


What is the first African country to gain independence?


Answer: Ghana is the the first African country to gain independence.

What were the early farming methods?


Cut and burn agriculture—also called as swidden or shifting agriculture—is a traditional method of maintaining domesticated crops that requires the rotation of many plots of land in a planting cycle.

We may also gain a lot from the errors of the past. In the ninth and tenth century, the Vikings constructed farms in Iceland and Greenland using the same methods they had developed in Scandinavia. There is a general consensus that Iceland and, to a lesser extent, Greenland's environmental damage is caused by the direct transplant of ineffective farming techniques.

Numerous grazing animals, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses, were introduced by Norse farmers who engaged in landnám (an Old Norse practice that roughly translates to "land grab"). The Norse transferred their animals to summer pastures from May to September, and then to individual farms during the winter, just as they had done in Scandinavia.

learn more about agriculture here


Which statement best completes the diagram?


The statement that best completes the diagram is C. Equality becomes a more important value to English colonists which is an effect of the Great Awakening.

What is the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement that had a huge impact on the English colonies in America in the 1730s and 1740s. It brought change to the colonies in the aspect of religion, society, and politics.

During the period, sermons on spiritual equality were preached and it led colonists to ask for political equality, which set the stage for the American Revolution.

The Great Awakening happened when there Christians were becoming disinterested in religion and some were disappointed with how wealth and reasoning were controlling the ways of life.

Jonathan Edwards, an Anglican minister is considered one of the chief fathers of the Great Awakening.

Thus, the Great Awakening, made it possible for equality to become a more vital value to English colonists.

Find out more about the Great Awakening at


In what way did setting these
territorial borders in this
manner affect the future states
in this region?


Answer: Northwest Territory, U.S. territory created by Congress in 1787 encompassing the region lying west of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of the Great Lakes. Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts had claims to this area, which they ceded to the central government between 1780 and 1800. Land policy and territorial government were established by the Northwest Ordinances of 1785 and 1787. Ultimately, five states—Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin—were organized from the territory, and a small part, the land lying between the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers, was incorporated into Minnesota.

please explain the causes and consequences behind manifest destiny during the antebellum period. please explain the compromise of 1850 and its significance of the 1850's political climate. explain the causes and consequences of the kansas-nebraska act and bleeding kansas. in your analysis, please include the genesis of the free-soil movement, the pro-slavery movement, the caning of charles sumner, and the freedom fighter john brown. how did john brown's actions help lead the country into a civil war?


Despite the raid's failure, it increased sectarian strife and the stakes for the 1860 presidential election. Brown's attack prevented the greater North–South accommodation, which served as a major catalyst for the Civil War.

What were Manifest Destiny's causes and effects?

The theory underpinned American territorial expansion in the 19th century and served as justification for the eviction of Native Americans and other ethnic groups from their homes. As more states were admitted to the Union as a result of the United States' fast growth, the problem of slavery became more pressing and the Civil War eventually broke out.

What was the political impact of the Compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Act was modified as part of the Compromise of 1850, which also saw the abolition of the slave trade in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Utah was given a territorial government, and California joined the union as a free state.

To know more about the Compromise of 1850, visit:


Why were Theodore Roosevelt's actions in Latin America controversial?


Foreign policy in Latin America was no exception to Theodore Roosevelt's reputation as a very active and forward-thinking president.

Although his initiatives in Latin America benefited the rapidly expanding United States, they also had a mixed effect on the region. In the early 1900s, President Roosevelt modified previous American policies, such as the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, to have the support of the Navy. The Platt Amendment of 1901 was one such amendment that allowed for American expansionism under President Roosevelt. Cuba immediately established itself as the cornerstone of the United States' new Latin American strategy as a result of this amendment. 

To know more about Theodore Roosevelt, refer:


Mexico is currently known for deposits of which natural resource?



Explanation: Mexico is known for several resources mainly oil, silver, copper, and wood

what are two examples of small, common independent states unifying into a large nation in the late 19th century?


A regional intergovernmental body in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Eastern Asia, and Western Asia is known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was established.

The founding nations signed the Belavezha Accords on December 8, 1991, announcing that the Union would dissolve and that the Independent States would take its place as the Soviet Union started to disintegrate. A few days later, the Alma-Ata Protocol, which proclaimed the dissolution of the Soviet Union, was signed. The Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, declined to take part because they view their membership in the Soviet Union as an illegitimate occupation. In 2008, Georgia resigned from the organisation after the Russo-Georgian War. Although it had already stopped participating in the organisation much earlier, Ukraine formally ended its participation in CIS statutory organisations in 2018.

To learn more about Independent States please click on below link


Both the Mississippi Constitution of 1817 and the US Constitution



The Mississippi Constitution of 1817 and the US Constitution are both important documents in the history of the United States. The Mississippi Constitution was adopted on October 1, 1817 and served as the fundamental law of the state of Mississippi until it was replaced by a new constitution in 1890. The US Constitution, on the other hand, is the supreme law of the United States and was adopted on September 17, 1787. It establishes the framework of the federal government and sets out the powers and duties of the three branches of government. Despite some differences in their specific provisions, both constitutions are designed to protect the rights and liberties of individuals and to ensure the rule of law.

the united states–mexico–canada agreement is an example of a –––––––– –––––––– agreement.


A trade pact between the stated parties is illustrated by the agreement between the United States and Mexico. In place of the North American Free Trade Agreement, there is now the USMCA (NAFTA).

What is meant by a trade agreement?

A trade agreement is any agreement between governments that governs their trading ties. Trade pacts that involve two or more states may be bilateral, multilateral, or both. trading internationally. An extensive tax, tariff, and trade pact known as a trade agreement frequently includes investment guarantees. It exists when two or more nations come to an agreement on conditions that facilitate trade between them.

What is the purpose of trade agreements and What is the impact of trade agreements?

FTAs (free trade agreements) enable producers and exporters in the United States increase their access to international markets. Trade obstacles are removed by bilateral and international agreements, tariffs are lowered or eliminated, and economic progress is encouraged.

Trade agreements between nations reduce trade barriers on imported goods and, in theory, should benefit consumers by increasing choice, granting access to higher-quality items, and lowering prices.

To know more about Agreement visit:


What role did newspapers such as the liberator play in the antislavery movement?.


They reported news related to slavery and the anti-slavery. They offered a place where abolitionists could express their views. They allowed both sides of the slavery issue to express their opinions. They helped spread the abolitionist message.

Why was The Liberator important to the antis-bondages movement?This newspaper was published and edited in Boston by William Lloyd Garrison, a leading white abolitionist and founder of the influential American Anti-Slavery Society. Over the three decades of its publication, The Liberator denounced all people and acts that would prolong bondages including the United States Constitution.Members of the movement were linked by the press, allowing them to collaborate and promote their cause. Abolitionists rallied to the Union cause after the Civil War began in 1861. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared slaves free in many parts of the South. The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in the country in 1865.

Learn about antislavery movement here:


Why did the 14 points Fail?


The people of the USA rejected the 14 point peace plan because they were so used to being a isolationism country and Woodrow's fourteen point plan threatened that.

I need help!!!

1. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch?

2. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch?

3. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Executive Branch?

4. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch?

5. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch?

6. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Executive Branch?

Solving these would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find an answer. Thanks in advance!


Answer: 1. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch? = The president can veto legislation created by Congress and nominates heads of federal agencies.

2. What is the Executive Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch? = The Executive branch has the ability to appoint Federal judges and issue pardons.

3. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Executive Branch? = Congress confirms or rejects the president's nominees and can remove the president from office in exceptional circumstances.

4. What is the Legislative Branch's checks on the Judicial Branch? = Congress confirms or rejects the president's nominees and can remove the president from office in exceptional circumstances.

5. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Legislative Branch? = The Judicial branch can declare acts of the President unconstitutional, which removes them from the law.

6. What is the Judicial Branch's checks on the Executive Branch? = The Judicial branch can declare acts of the President unconstitutional, which removes them from the law.


how did german soldiers who returned from world war i affect the way german politics was conducted?


World war 1 was fought from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918, resulting in estimated loss of twenty million lives, with the outcome of defeat for Germany, creating an upsurge in the German politics and formation of new democratic government, the Weimar Republics. 

Extreme exhaustion of German supplies and troops due to four years of warfare, led the government loosing the military support, and up surging revolution from the warfare soldiers led to downfall, and forced abdication of throne by the Kaiser Wilhelm II the emperor and Chief Commander of the Germany, and fleeing to Holland.

The power than handed to the leader of the left – wing Social Democratic party, Friedrich Ebert, followed by the signing of a treaty, popularly known as The Treaty of Versailles ,on 28 June 1919. 

To know more about the German politics visit the link given below :


In order to avoid discrimination in the workplace, what should employers do?
O make sure company buildings are accessible to employees with disabilities
O attempt to hire a diverse combination of races, genders, and ages
O offer promotions based on job performance, attitude, and other nondiscriminatory criteria
O all of the above


the answer is all of the above, they should do all of those….also the answer is always “all of the above” if it’s an option

What president believed that american individualism would get them through the depression?


The president believed that American individualism would get them through the depression is President Hoover's.

The term is often associated with the concept of laissez-faire and its associated proponents but was actually coined by U.S. President Herbert Hoover. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during the Great Depression. and helped restore confidence to the American people.

He promised immediate and strong action and in his inaugural address, he brought hope by declaring that it is fear itself that we must fear. During his term as governor Coolidge set a record for fiscal conservatism strong support for women's suffrage and vague opposition to Prohibition. During his presidency, he restored public confidence in the White House after many scandals in the Harding administration.

Learn more about The president here:-


What did the magna carta of 1215 share with the english bill of rights, the american declaration of independence, and the french declaration of rights of man and citizen?.


The Magna Carta of 1215 share with the English Bill of Rights, the American Declaration of Independence, and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen that the power of the king and queen will be limited. All of these documents had little actual effect on the cultures that produced them.

What is Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta Libertatum (medieval Latin for "The Great Charter of Liberty"), commonly known as the Magna Carta (also known as the "Great Charter"), was a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. Drafted by Cardinal Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebellious barons, it protects the rights of the Church, protects the Barons from wrongful imprisonment, and promotes speedy justice. promised access. Restrictions on feudal payments to the crown enforced by a council of twenty-five barons. Neither side supported their promises, and the charter was approved by Pope Innocent III. Discarded and developed into the First Baron's War.

Learn more about Magna Carta


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