Answer: listening closely to what someone has to say


Answer 1

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have

We listen in order to learn.

To comprehend, we listen.

For entertainment, we listen.

Listening helps us learn.

You'd think we'd be skilled at it after all the listening we do! In reality, most of us are not, and studies show that, as per Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, we only retain between 25% and 50% of what we hear.

This means that even if you speak to your employer, coworkers, clients, or spouse for 10 minutes, they will only pay attention to around half of what you say.

learn more about  listening closely here:


Related Questions

In 25 words or fewer, describe a better way to choose a class project
with a friend when you disagree on what to do.



Well you guys are going to have to come up with something that you both like to get the project done and all y'all are doing is getting a grade for the project it's not that important.

How to cope up with anxiety at school when u r helpless.



Be confident. Know that it is a Thursday right now at the time of this question, and that once your through and done with today, you only have ONE more school day left before it is the weekend and you can relax!


May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 2 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!


I'm not entirely sure if this would help but... When your in school you can feel alone and as if no one can help. I would recommend music. If you are at school and you can't listen to music at the moment then maybe read. I go to online homeschooling and school stresses me a lot and listening to music helps ALOT. After school, I have my own problems and once I start reading I jump into my book and forget about everything else. Its very calming both things.


Again, I'm not sure if this helps but hopefully it does <3

What Can you infer are the possible effects of fetal alcohol syndrome?​


Fetal alcohol problems are mostly causing heart, bone and kidney problems. Memory based problems, seizures and neurological problems are diagnosed too.

What are the problems caused by alcohol ?

The problems are mostly affecting liver, kidneys, weaker immunity, memory based disorders, psychological problems and other disorders related to immunity are the prone diseases as well.

Fetal alcohol syndrome are the disorders caused where a baby is exposed to alcohol before birth.

Such babies have low weight, have trouble in gaining weight, some children have smaller head size comparatively to normal ones, some suffer heart diseases, some have eyes issues, liver issues, ears and hearing problems.

Therefore, these babies are prone to many health related diseases mentioned above.

Learn more about fetal alcohol syndrome at :



How does individual behavior play a role in preventing chronic diseases?

By exercising and eating a healthy diet, an individual can decrease health risks.

Health risks associated with family history can be eliminated through a sustained exercise program.

By avoiding individuals with cardiovascular diseases, one can prevent contracting one themselves.

Chronic diseases can be avoided when an individual intermittently arranges a doctor’s visit.



I believe it is the first one, not sure though but it seems like a possible answer


The correct answer to your question.....

How does individual behavior play a role in preventing chronic diseases?



How does individual behavior play a role in preventing chronic diseases?

By exercising and eating a healthy diet, an individual can decrease health risks.

Have a great day/week (:


what is the role of the mitochondria in a neuromuscular junction?


The key role is to provide ATP for the assembly of actin cytoskeleton  involved in the assembly  of presynaptic specialization including the clustering of SV'S  and  motochondria themselves


Which is the BEST definition of junk food?

food that has calories and fat but not protein or vitamins

food that has protein and fat but very few calories

food that is created in a factory instead of naturally

food that is designed to be eaten between meals




food that has calories and fat but no protein or vitamins




Junk food" is a term used to describe food that is high in calories from sugar and/or fat, and possibly also sodium, but with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value.

a regular health care provider is referred to as a medical what?


Answer: medical supervisor or healthcare provider


Stress is typically ____________ for adolescent girls compared to adolescent boys.


Answer: more common
Stress is typically more common for adolescent girls compared to adolescent boys

Can someone plsss help me


Please give me more of an explanation so I can help you

Answer: Can you give me an explanation about this?


Dalia is trying to focus on the four main guidelines for healthy diet and nutrition from the USDA. What would be the BEST way for her to "shift to healthier food
and beverage choices"?



For a healthier diet and nutrition, Dalia should choose nutrient-dense foods in place of processed foods.


Which method of birth control is considered to be permanent? question 3 options: condom implant vasectomy diaphragm


The answer is vasectomy. Pls mark brainliest!! Need two more!!!!!

In 1970, a series of public policies were created to help reduce the effects of air and water pollution on the environment. One policy was the Clean Water Act.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. . .

Under the CWA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. We have also set water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters.

The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained. . . . Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches.

– “Summary of the Clean Water Act,” US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

According to this passage, which scenario would be in violation of the CWA?

An oil refinery directly channels chemical wastewater into surrounding man-made ditches.

Builders construct a landfill that uses liners to reduce wastewater from seeping into the ground.

A water quality expert at a lake records the level of a toxic chemical below current standards.

A paper mill factory gets permission to release an approved amount of discharge into a stream.


According to the passage “Summary of the Clean Water Act,” US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the scenario which would be in violation of the CWA is an oil refinery directly channels chemical wastewater into surrounding man-made ditches.

The CWA unconditionally prohibits any discharge of a waste from some extent supply to surface waters unless it's drained correspondence with the necessities of the act, and also the statute has since 1972 maintained as a definite “national goal” the elimination of all point-source discharges to surface waters by 1985.

The EPA's 3 principles are to follow the science, follow the law, and be clear, whereas adding a fourth foundational principle: advance justice and equity.

To learn more about CWA here


Jordan is passing a group of guys outside her high school. One offers her a cigarette but Jordan declines, saying that she doesn’t smoke. Another of the guys sneers, “Why don’t you smoke? Does your mommy not like it?” To push back against this negative peer pressure, what would be Jordan’s BEST response?
“Why do you smoke?”

“Because it’s bad for my health.”

“Honestly, she doesn’t.”

Just keep walking and ignore them.

Help me...HELP ME...DUDES!!!!



An object, without change in direction, travels a distance of 50 m with an

initial speed 5 m/s in 4 s. Find the object's velocity at the end of the given time



B: because it is bad for my health.


conducting a regular self-exam conducting a regular self-exam regularly of the external reproductive system can reduce a male's risk for what condition
o a hernia
o testicular cancer
o an enlarged prostate
o infertility






please go to this to checkout more about this and the other answers ;)

Choose the option that best matches the description given
Table mounted equipment


Table mounted equipment should be at least 4 inches high or sealed to the countertop.

Equipment that is not portable and is intended to be mounted off the ground on a table, counter, or shelf is referred to as table-mounted equipment.

Equipment set on tables must have at least 4-inch-high legs, be easily movable (with a weight limit of 80 pounds), or be securely fastened to the surface. Dishwashers must be installed to protect utensils, equipment, and other food-contact surfaces from contamination.

Any object that is permanently attached to a vehicle that weighs more than 500 pounds is referred to be mounted equipment. This includes mounting the equipment via techniques like welding or bolting.

To learn more about Mounted visit:


Which of the following is NOT among the recommendations by health professionals to treat hypertension?


Decrease intake of dairy products to avoid sodium is not among the recommendations by health professionals to treat hypertension.

Why is it important for clients with hypertension to control it?Heart disease and stroke, two of the top killers in the US, are both greatly increased by high blood pressure. More to over half of all adults in America who have high blood pressure don't have it under control, and close to one-third of them do.Many people with uncontrolled high blood pressure are unaware of their condition. Despite the fact that millions of people take blood pressure medications, their blood pressure is still out of control. There are numerous chances for persons with high blood pressure to take control that have been lost. Every time a patient visits a doctor or nurse, excessive blood pressure should be recognized and treated.

To learn more about hypertension, refer to


PLSS HELP ME!! :( (Nutrition and Wellness)
Bryan learns that he has Type 1 diabetes mellitus, and he will need to follow a specific diet to stay healthy from now on. How can his family support Bryan and encourage Bryan to make the needed changes? Give at least three suggestions.


- only buy healthy foods
- eat healthy also to not make him feel singled out
- help him find out everything he can and can’t eat and pre make meals for him

Transports blood throughout the body is not a function of the respiratory system. Thus, option A is correct.

What is circulatory system?

The circulatory system transports oxygen that the respiratory system brings into the body and the circulatory system which is made up of the heart and vessels such as veins and arteries carry oxygen, nutrients and hormones to other parts of the body. The respiratory system deals with bringing in the oxygen into the body for use which is then distributed by the circulatory system to various parts.

According to my research on studies conducted by various medical professionals, I can say that based on the information provided within the question the main function of the respiratory system is to supply the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. This process is done through many different organs, the main one being the lungs which takes the oxygen and disperse it through the bloodstream.

Therefore, Transports blood throughout the body is not a function of the respiratory system. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about  Transports blood on:


why are protein shakes not really filled with protein? discuss amino acids​



Although the powder has a higher concentration of protein it has a lack of other nutrients that naturally accompany proteins found in meat, fish, dairy products or whole grains. Protein food offer vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and healthy fats unavailable in protein powder.

You find a butcher shop which offers lower prices then what your restaurant is currently paying for it meats. what could you do as the person in charge of ordering and receiving food?


Make sure the butcher meat is the same or better quality and is still good to eat. If it is confirm with any higher up you may have then make the switch. Make sure to inform your costumers in case they have dietary restrictions

Ensure that the product name and the date it was received are clearly labeled on every piece of food. When storing food, only use containers made for food. Never keep food on the ground. Every food item needs to be kept at least 15 cm (ca. 6 inches) from the ground.

What are they in charge of ordering and receiving food?

Reduce spending since higher-quality products are not required. Maintain a high standard for menu items. Encourage suppliers to quote accurately and competitively to cut expenses.

Make sure the meat from the butcher is still safe to eat and of the same quality, if not better. If so, confirm with any superiors you may have before making the change. If any of your customers have dietary requirements, be sure to let them know.

Therefore, butcher shop which offers lower prices than what your restaurant is currently paying for its meats.

Learn more about food here:


what two jobs preform all the skills of the EMR and EMT?


Answer: AEMT's and Paramedics


EMTs can handle most of the basic health procedures like performing CPR and using oxygen on a patient, and paramedics can perform more complex procedures like inserting IV lines, administering drugs, and more

How many times from Goal Line to Goal Line would it take to run a mile on a soccer field that is 130 yards?


There is 1’760 yards in a mile, 13 laps would give you 1’690 yards. leaving an additional 70 yards to run.
About 13 and a half a little bit more

What types of on-campus drinking behaviors put you at the highest risk for negative outcomes? what are some of the primary reasons/factors why students choose to use drugs while others do not?.


Alcohol types of on-campus ingesting/drinking behaviors positioned you at the very high risk  for bad/negative outcomes. People use drugs for plenty reasons: they need to sense exact, prevent feeling bad, or carry out higher in faculty or at work.

The closing cause may be very not unusualplace amongst teens. Drugs excite the elements of the mind that make you sense exact. Drugs excite the elements of the mind that make you sense exact. But after you are taking a drug for a while, the sense-exact elements of your mind get used to it. You not have the coolest emotions which you had whilst you first used the drug. This is actual in case you use unlawful capsules or in case you misuse prescription capsules. Misuse consists of taking a drug in a different way than how your medical doctor tells you to (taking greater or crushing tablets to "shoot up" or snort), taking a person else’s prescription, or taking it simply to get “high.”

Problem ingesting and associated results are a prime social problem plaguing university campuses throughout the United States. Each year, alcohol is liable for fatalities, assaults, severe injuries, and arrests that arise amongst university students. In addition, the authors spotlight people at an multiplied threat of experiencing alcohol-associated problems, along with Greek-letter social company individuals and pupil athletes.

Learn more about drugs Visit :


Saanvi says that she’s tried to eat healthier, but she just can’t do it. She’d rather starve than eat another serving of carrots and hummus or whole wheat toast with peanut butter. She’s just so sick of them! What would be the BEST suggestion to help Saanvi stick with her healthy eating goals?


Answer: Eating healthy food that she likes

Logan loves to order beef and broccoli from his local takeout restaurant. His doctor tells him that usually takeout meals like that contain more sodium than he needs during the day. Without giving up his favorite dish, what is the BEST way for Logan to reduce his salt intake?



learn how to make the dish himself at home.


What are control points on an orienteering course?
a. locations that participants must reach in order to win
b. points where water is provided to participants
c. areas where team members switch
d. places on a map that are marked by an X


Control points on an orienteering course refers to the places on a map that are marked by an X and is denoted as option D.

What is Orienteering?

This is referred to as a type of sport in which people run from one place to another. It also employs the use of a compass and a map to guide them between points which are marked along the route and may be denoted as X or a unique sign.

The marked points are referred to as control points and is therefore the reason why option D was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Orienteering here


Essay about muscles


The body has over 600 skeletal muscles. Our muscles pull on our bones to move the body physically. The muscle we use most in our body and is the the most useful muscle is out heart. It is the most important muscle because it is what keep us breathing everyday. How our skeleton muscles move is when the muscular system and the nervous system work together. Somatic signals are sent from the cerebral cortex to nerves associated with specific skeletal muscles. Most signals travel through spinal nerves that connect with nerves that innervate skeletal muscles throughout the body. Also the muscles in our body make up the walls of many organs too. Not all muscle tissue is skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle tissue is in the walls of many human body organs and helps those organs move to facilitate body functions.

I hope this helps

An essay about muscles is given below.

The body has over 600 skeletal muscles. Our muscles pull on our bones to move the body physically. The muscle we use most in our body and is the the most useful muscle is out heart. It is the most important muscle because it is what keep us breathing everyday. How our skeleton muscles move is when the muscular system and the nervous system work together. Somatic signals are sent from the cerebral cortex to nerves associated with specific skeletal muscles.

Most signals travel through spinal nerves that connect with nerves that innervate skeletal muscles throughout the body. Also the muscles in our body make up the walls of many organs too. Not all muscle tissue is skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle tissue is in the walls of many human body organs and helps those organs move to facilitate body functions.

To learn more about Muscles here


Match the following natural disasters. 1. a large, rapidly rotating storm that carries ocean water on to land earthquake 2. a violently rotating column of air that reaches from the clouds to the ground tornado 3. a severe snowstorm with strong winds hurricane 4. a release of energy that violently shakes Earth's crust lightning 5. a static discharge of electricity from the atmosphere to the ground blizzard


Natural disasters occur when sudden changes happen in nature. Natural disasters cause great damage to Earth's environment as well as to people. Some of the Natural disasters are Cyclones, Earthquakes, Floods etc.

Hurricane ⇒ A large, rapidly rotating storm that carries ocean water onto land.Tornado ⇒ A violently rotating column of air that reaches from the clouds to the ground.Blizzard ⇒ A severe snowstorm with strong winds.Earthquake ⇒ A release of energy that violently shakes Earth's crust.Lighting ⇒ A static discharge of electricity from the atmosphere to the ground.

To know more about Natural disasters:

Nutrition Labels provide what type of information? Please check all that apply.

A. Serving size
C. Nutrients
D. Vitamins
E. If the product is healthy or unhealthy.



Nutrition labels show A,B,C,D

A health care provider orders a bolus infusion of 250 ml of normal saline to run over 1 hour. The set delivers 20 gtt/ml. What is the flow rate in gtt/min?.


The flow rate of solution at which it is inflused. and duration in minutes gives the flow rate (gtt/min). 250 mL x 20 gtt/mL x 60 min = 83 gtt/min.

The volume (mL) multiplied by the drop factor (gtt/mL) and divided by the the administration of a single dose of a medicine or other substance over a brief period of time. Typically, it is injected or infused into a blood vessel.A needle is injected straight into the patient's arm to do this. It makes it possible to treat chronic illnesses more more effectively since it puts medication, antibiotics, and/or normal saline right into the bloodstream.

learn more about infusion here:


____ treat individuals who experience problems with their neuromusculoskeletal system to help them regain their health and improve their functional abilities; they believe that misalignment of the spinal column impacts the overall health of the individual and, in some cases, lowers resistance to disease.
a. Athletic trainers
b. Professional dancers
c. Chiropractors
d. Psychotherapists


Chiropractors treat individuals who experience problems with their neuromusculoskeletal system to help them regain their health and improve their functional abilities; they believe that misalignment of the spinal column impacts the overall health of the individual and, in some cases, lowers resistance to disease.

Who are chiropractors?

The neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes the patient's bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, is cared for by chiropractors. A chiropractor uses spinal adjustments to keep the spine in proper alignment to treat back and neck discomfort. Chiropractic includes additional treatments like nutrition and exercise and focuses on the body's capacity to heal itself. The benefits of spinal adjustment and realigning joints, according to chiropractors, are that they enhance the neuromusculoskeletal system's capacity to function, which in turn enhances the performance of other systems throughout the body.

Thus from above conclusion we can say that chiropractors treat individuals who experience problems with their neuromusculoskeletal system to help them regain their health and improve their functional abilities; they believe that misalignment of the spinal column impacts the overall health of the individual and, in some cases, lowers resistance to disease.

Learn more about the neuromusculoskeletal system here:


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