Angie has 3 pink bows, 1 blue bow, and 6 purple bows in a box. She will randomly choose 1 bow from the box.
What is the probability Angie will choose a purple bow?


Answer 1
6/10 bows are purple
6/10 = 60/100 or 60%

Related Questions

The diameter of the circle shown below is 12. What is the area of the circle?



113.1 square inches.

If I have a 74 in one of my classes and then I get a 100 on my test what will my grade be


Around a 90 percent


Depends on the weight of the test

Step-by-step explanation:

The students will place a 10-inch ribbon on each stalk so that they can write the year and the height of the tree on it for reference. They will plant all 50 trees.



i can´t enter the page

Step-by-step explanation:

If M= {m, a,t} how many subsets of M are there?



8 {m},{a},{t},{m,a},{m,t},{a,t},{m,a,t},{}

10 marbles 3 red,5 blue,2green what is the probability of not getting a green marble


8/10 is the answer to the question


18/20 chance

Step-by-step explanation:

if you have 20 total marbles and two are green you have to subtract two because we are finding out the probability of NOT getting a green marble

Use the distance formula to find the distance between (2,1) and (6,8). Round to the tenths place. thats the question there isn't any picture or graph

please help!:(


6 8. Sorry if wrong

a school paid $31.50 for each calculator, if the school spent 504 dollars on calculators how many did the school buy?​


The school bought 16 calculators.

504/31.50 =16

also (area O O O O O O​



slide A= 6

slide B= 8

perimeter= 36

Area = 80

Step-by-step explanation:


slide A= 6

slide B= 8

perimeter= 36

Area = 80

Step-by-step explanation:

A machine is used to fill plastic bottles with bleach. A sample of 18 bottles had a mean fill volume of 2.007 L and a standard deviation of 0.010 L. The machine is then moved to another location. A sample of 10 bottles filled at the new location had a mean fill volume of 2.001 L and a standard deviation of 0.012 L. It is believed that moving the machine may have changed the mean fill volume, but it is unlikely to have changed the standard deviation. Assume that both samples come from approximately normal populations and have equal variance. The 99% confidence interval for the difference between the mean fill volumes at the two locations is approximately

Find a 99% confidence interval for the difference between the mean fill volumes at the two locations.



The 99% confidence interval for the difference between the mean fill volumes at the two locations is;

-0.1175665 L < μ₁ - μ₂ < 0.1295665 L

Step-by-step explanation:

The number of bottles in the sample at the first location, n₁ = 18 bottles

The mean fill volume, [tex]\bar{x}_{1}[/tex] = 2.007 L

The standard deviation, σ₁ = 0.010 L

The number of bottles in the sample at the second location, n₂ = 10 bottles

The mean fill volume, [tex]\bar{x}_{2}[/tex] = 2.001 L

The standard deviation, σ₂ = 0.012 L

The nature of the variance of the two samples = Equal variance

The confidence interval of the statistics, C = 99%

The difference between the mean

[tex]\mu_1 - \mu_2 = \left (\bar{x}_{1}- \bar{x}_{2} \right )\pm t_{\alpha /2} \times \sqrt{\dfrac{\sigma _{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\dfrac{\sigma _{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}[/tex]

(1 - C)/2 = (1 - 0.99)/2 = 0.005, the degrees of freedom, f = n₁ - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9

∴ [tex]t_{\alpha /2}[/tex] = 3.25

Therefore, we have;

[tex]\mu_1 - \mu_2 = \left (2.007- 2.001 \right )\pm 3.25 \times \sqrt{\dfrac{0.01^{2}}{18}+\dfrac{0.12^{2}}{10}}[/tex]

Therefore, we have the difference of the two means given as follows;

-0.1175665 L < μ₁ - μ₂ < 0.1295665 L

James had a large bag of raisins. He ate

of it. Then, he shared the rest of the raisins with 2 friends and himself (3 people in total). What portion of the whole bag of raisins did each of his friends get? Choose the numbers to complete the fraction?






Step-by-step explanation:





The friend both get 1/12

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps!

35. A production facility employs 20 workers on the day shift, 15 workers on the swing shift, and 10 workers on the graveyard shift. A quality control consultant is to select 6 of these workers for in-depth interviews. Suppose the selection is made in such a way that any particular group of 6 workers has the same chance of being selected as does any other group (drawing 6 slips without replacement from among 45). a. How many selections result in all 6 workers coming from the day shift



38760 selections result in all 6 workers coming from the day shift.

Step-by-step explanation:

The order in which the workers are chosen is not important, which means that we use the combinations formula to solve this question.

Combinations formula:

[tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

a. How many selections result in all 6 workers coming from the day shift:

20 workers are employed on the day shift, so this is a combination of 6 from a set of 20.

[tex]C_{20,6} = \frac{20!}{6!(20-6)!} = 38760[/tex]

38760 selections result in all 6 workers coming from the day shift.

Find the area of each figure


I can’t answer because there’s No pictures.
There’s no pictures

Given the inequality 6x - 10y ≥ 9 select all possible solutions!!
( -1, 1)
( 2, 8)
( 2, 1)
(-3, -4)
( 5, 2)
( 4, -2)


3 Answers: Choice D, Choice E, Choice F



The inequality 6x - 10y ≥ 9 solves to y ≤ (3/5)x - 9/10 when you isolate y.

Graph the line y = (3/5)x - 9/10 and make this a solid line. The boundary line is solid due to the "or equal to" as part of the inequality sign. We shade below the boundary line because of the "less than" after we isolated for y.

Now graph all of the points given as I've done so in the diagram below. The points in the blue shaded region, or on the boundary line, are part of the solution set. Those points are D, E and F.

We can verify this algebraically. For instance, if we weren't sure point E was  a solution or not, we would plug the coordinates into the inequality to get...

6x - 10y ≥ 9

6(5) - 10(2) ≥ 9 .... plug in (x,y) = (5,2)

30 - 20 ≥ 9

10 ≥ 9 ... this is a true statement

Since we end up with a true statement, this verifies point E is one of the solutions. I'll let you check points D and F.


I'll show an example of something that doesn't work. Let's pick on point A.

We'll plug in (x,y) = (-1,1)

6x - 10y ≥ 9

6(-1) - 10(1) ≥ 9

-6 - 10 ≥ 9

-16 ≥ 9

The last inequality is false because -16 is smaller than 9. So this shows point A is not a solution. Choices B and C are non-solutions for similar reasons.

The manufacturer of a low-calorie dairy drink wishes to compare the taste appeal of a new formula (formula B) with that of the standard formula (formula A). Each of four judges is given three glasses in random order, two containing formula A and the other containing formula B. Each judge is asked to state which glass he or she most enjoyed. Suppose that the two formulas are equally attractive. Let Y be the number of judges stating a preference for the new formula. a Find the probability function for Y . b What is the probability that at least three of the four judges state a preference for the new formula



a) [tex]P_y = \frac{4}{y} * \frac{1}{3}^y * \frac{2}{3}^{4-y}[/tex]

b) 0.033

Step-by-step explanation:

Let Y represents the number of judges preferring a formula.

There are total four judges and each judge can select either A or B

n = 4, p = 1/3

a) The probability function is

[tex]P_y = \frac{4}{y} * \frac{1}{3}^y * \frac{2}{3}^{4-y}[/tex]


Substituting the value of y -3 in above equation, we get -

[tex]P_3 = \frac{4}{3} * \frac{1}{3}^3 * \frac{2}{3}^{4-3}\\= \frac{4}{3} * 0.037 * 0.67\\= 0.033[/tex]

can you help me please ​



[tex]log_372 = 3.8928[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]log_38 = 1.8928[/tex]


Evaluate [tex]log_372[/tex]

We have:

[tex]log_372 = log_3(8 *9)[/tex]

Apply law of logarithm

[tex]log_372 = log_38 +log_39[/tex]

Express 9 as 3^2

[tex]log_372 = log_38 +log_33^2[/tex]

Evaluate the exponents

[tex]log_372 = log_38 +2log_33[/tex]

[tex]log_33 = 1[/tex].


[tex]log_372 = log_38 + 2 * 1[/tex]

[tex]log_372 = log_38 + 2[/tex]

Substitute [tex]log_38 = 1.8928[/tex]

[tex]log_372 = 1.8928 + 2[/tex]

[tex]log_372 = 3.8928[/tex]

7/10 -3/5 plz help me


it’s 1/10 I am pretty sure it’s that!!

Find the area of the shaded polygons. PLEASE WILL GIVE BRANLIEST



Green: 8 units

Red: 8.75 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Detail attached.

A questionnaire is developed to assess women's and men's attitudes toward using animals in research. One question asks whether animal research is wrong and is answered on a 7-point scale. Assume that in the population, the mean for women is 5, the mean for men is 4, and the standard deviation for both groups is 1.5. Assume the scores are normally distributed. If 12 women and 12 men are selected randomly, what is the probability that the mean of the women will be more than 1.5 points higher than the mean of the men



0.2061 = 20.61% probability that the mean of the women will be more than 1.5 points higher than the mean of the men

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question, we need to understand the normal probability distribution and the central limit theorem.

Normal Probability Distribution:

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the zscore of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the pvalue, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Subtraction of normal variables:

When we subtract normal variables, the mean is the subtraction of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem estabilishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

For a proportion p in a sample of size n, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean [tex]\mu = p[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}[/tex]


Mean 5, standard deviation 1.5.

Sample of 12.


[tex]\mu_{W} = 5[/tex]

[tex]s_{W} = \frac{1.5}{\sqrt{12}} = 0.433[/tex]


Mean of 4, standard deviation 1.5.

Sample of 12.


[tex]\mu_{M} = 4[/tex]

[tex]s_{M} = \frac{1.5}{\sqrt{12}} = 0.433[/tex]

What is the probability that the mean of the women will be more than 1.5 points higher than the mean of the men?

This is:

[tex]P(W - M) \geq 1.5[/tex]


[tex]\mu_{W-M} = \mu_{W} - \mu_{M} = 5 - 4 = 1[/tex]

[tex]s_{W - M} = \sqrt{s_{W}^2+S_{M}^2} = \sqrt{0.433^2+0.433^2} = 0.6124[/tex]

The probability is 1 subtracted by the pvalue of Z when X = 1.5. So

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

In this distribution

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu_{W-M}}{s_{W - M}}[/tex]

[tex]Z = \frac{1.5 - 1}{0.6124}[/tex]

[tex]Z = 0.82[/tex]

[tex]Z = 0.82[/tex] has a pvalue of 0.7939

1 - 0.7939 = 0.2061

0.2061 = 20.61% probability that the mean of the women will be more than 1.5 points higher than the mean of the men

What is the value of x?




Step-by-step explanation:

According to the corresponding angles theorem, when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, the corresponding angles are congruent. These 3 lines are all parallel, so 70 = 12x +14.

Subtract 14 from both sides

56 = 12x

Divide both sides by 12

14/3 = x


3.366 rounded to the nearest tenth of a ounce



The answer is 3.4

Step-by-step explanation:

5 or more, round up

4 or less, round down

rounding 6

round up



(-2, -7) and (-4, -9)



Step-by-step explanation:

determine the scale factor



The scale factor is (2/3)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]9 \times \frac{2}{3} = 6 \\ 12 \times \frac{2}{3} = 8[/tex]

I hope that is useful for you :)

In AOPQ, the measure of angle Q=90°, the measure of angle O=66°, and QO = 4.5 feet. Find the length of OP to the nearest tenth of a fo​


Answer:11.1 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

The measure of the interior angles of four refusal



B) 180(n-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

B) 180(n-2)

Identify the graph which shows the figure in graph A, rotated 90° in a clockwise direction around the origin.


the correct answer would be graph 1

6+x=23 what is x in the equation


the correct answer is x=17

whoever gets this correct gets brainliest


The Democratic Party usually wants more government help and higher taxes to tax the rich . And the republicans strongly believe in christian values .




12 x 9 (12 on the top and bottom and 9 on the sides)

Step-by-step explanation:

100 km = 2 units, or 2 boxes

450 x 2/100 = 900/100 = 9

(not sure if this would help or not)




w = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

add 15 to each side of the equation

w = 15 + (-4)

w = 11

Answer: w=11

Step-by-step explanation:

I will mark someone brainliest!



2nd option is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Oscillating powerful magnets within wire coils.


Step-by-step explanation:

I think it's got to be coal because the power plants always have like smoke and d is the only one that burns something

Savings Account
Total Saved ($)
2 4 6 8
Time (weeks)
What equation shows the line through the
data points on the graph?
A y = 20x
C y = 15x
B y = x + 20 D y = 40x



14 because when you divide it but not sure what yours is about

Step-by-step explanation:

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