an organization with an internal labor orientation a. is not willing to spend money to train current employee b. will tend to hire new employees to fill their needs c. will likely buy employee expertise through a merger or acquisition d. will likely spend time and money to train current employees rather than hire or acquire new employees with required skills


Answer 1

Self-efficacy refers to your perception of yourself, not who you really are. Because she thinks she can only perform to a certain standard and may not be aware of her aptitude for the job. The correct option A is not willing to spend money to train current employee.

A worker with low self-efficacy faces the danger of executing tasks below her true skill level. Self-efficacy is a phrase used by organisational leaders and performance managers to express a person's confidence in their own capacity to carry out a task successfully. Tasks that are the best match for each employee's knowledge, skills, and talents should be given to them.

Trade secrets, private information, and other sensitive materials are among the physical and informational assets that must be protected, and security awareness refers to the members of the organization's understanding of risks and attitude in this regard. It aids in raising awareness of the harm done by crimes and criminal conduct.

To know more about Organization visit:


Related Questions

if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Short-run equilibrium is when the aggregate amount of output is the same as the aggregate amount of demand. Long-run equilibrium is when prices adjust to changes in the market and the economy functions at its full potential.

Why is equilibrium such a key concept in economics?

For a market to be effective, it must be both efficient and balanced. If a market is currently balancing the amounts provided and sought, it has little incentive to deviate from its equilibrium price and quantity.

What best sums up equilibrium?

To achieve equilibrium, market supply and demand must be balanced, which results in stable price. In general, prices drop when there is a surplus of goods or services, which raises demand, while they rise when there is a shortage, which lowers demand.

To know more about Equilibrium visit:


a work-results oriented method of performance appraisal is: a. check list b. graphic rating scales c. management by objectives d. essay format


A work-results oriented method of performance appraisal is:  management by objectives.

An employee's job performance is regularly documented and evaluated through a performance appraisal which is sometimes referred to as a performance review, performance evaluation, development discussion, or employee appraisal. This is carried out after workers have received job training and have adapted to their positions. Employees in businesses regularly undergo performance reviews as part of career advancement. Performance evaluations are normally carried out by an employee's line manager or immediate manager. Despite their widespread use, annual performance reviews have come under fire for providing feedback too infrequently to be helpful, and some critics claim that performance evaluations in general are more harmful than helpful.

Learn more about appraisal from


if the proceeds from the sale of a plant asset exceed its book value, a gain on disposal occurs. group of answer choices true false


A gain on disposal happens when the sale proceeds of a plant asset are higher than the asset's book value .its true.

The difference between the selling price and the asset's book value is compared when plant assets are sold. Gain on disposition occurs when the selling proceeds exceed the asset's book value. When the sale profits are less than the book value of the liquidated plant asset, a loss on disposal occurs. If an asset is sold for more than its book value, a gain is shown on the income statement. When book value exceeds fair value, an asset's worth is said to be "damaged." The impairment loss must also be accounted for in your income from continuing operations.

Learn more about  plant from


because consumers often do not pay close attention to advertising messages, some of which contain large amounts of relatively complex information, advertisers are concerned with


Advertisers are worried about frequency because customers frequently do not pay close attention to advertising communications, some of which include significant volumes of very difficult information.

What is frequency in advertising?

The likelihood that a particular consumer will see an advertisement during a marketing campaign is known as frequency. A person is more likely to engage with the advertisement in a meaningful way and to interact with your business on a number of different levels if they are exposed to it more frequently.

Frequency in advertising establishes how frequently a user of the internet will view an advertisement over the course of a specific period of time. Determining the ideal frequency limit can help to gauge how much attention advertisements will receive when they are viewed.

Learn more about frequency, from:


1. Jalen is opening a credit card because her budget is really tight right now and she’s struggling to pay all of her expenses based on her income.
A. Why might a card with a long grace period be in her best interest?

B. She knows she’ll be making only the minimum monthly payments each month until she can find a job where she’ll earn more income. This means some of her payment every month will go toward paying interest rather than paying down her principal. What factor(s) might be most important to Delara? Why?


For Jalen, a longer grace period will helpful in long term credit availability in credit card service. Further for Delara maintain liquidity due to shortage of funds she should take lower interest rate credit facility.

What is credit card facility?

When referring to features of a credit card that a cardholder obtains when a credit card is opened, the term "credit card facility" is frequently used. The technology that comes with a credit card, for instance, might enable transactions to be automatically paid, divided into tracking categories, or transferred to other cards.

A credit card facility is the ability to withdraw cash; it is not usually associated with the cardholder's ability to borrow or get additional funds.

The equated monthly installments are payable monthly with interest payment and some part of principal from outstanding debt facility.

Therefore after availing credit card facility a customer shall go through with the facilities and charges attached with facility, because default in credit card may lead hamper the credit worthiness to avail further debt.

Learn more about credit card facility refer:


a 40-year-old man in the u.s. has a 0.242% risk of dying during the next year. an insurance company charges $275 for a life-insurance policy that pays a $100,000 death benefit. what is the expected value for the person buying the insurance?


The expected value for the person buying the insurance is -$30 (predicted value).

A $100,000 death benefit life insurance policy is sold by an insurance firm for $275. (99,725)(0.00242) + (-275)(0.99758) = -$33 is the predicted value. Simply multiply each value of the discrete random variable by its probability and add the results to determine the expected value, E(X), or mean of the variable. The formula is presented as E (X) = μ = ∑ x P (x) . You can do this by dividing potential outcomes by their likelihood before adding the results, as in the formula below: Return anticipated equals (Return A x Probability A) + (Return B x probability B) The highly volatile investment market means that a return's expected return is merely one of many possible returns. Expected value is computed by multiplying each potential result by its likelihood of occurring, adding the results, and then repeating the process. Any parameter that can be measured, such as cost, price, duration, or quantity, can be used to compute expected value.

Know more about insurance here:


suppose a high-income person, a middle-income person, and a low-income person all purchase identical houses that are financed by similar mortgages. who spends the most on tax-preferred goods? the high-income person the middle-income person they all spend the same on tax-preferred goods. the low-income person


Spends the most on tax-preferred goods They all pay the same tax rate.

What is tax?

A tax is a mandatory commercial business charge or another sort of levy imposed by a political organization on a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) in order to pay for government spending and other public expenses (regional, local, or national) Taxes can be paid in cash or as labor credit and can be either direct or indirect.

Its root word, tax, is Latin for "to assess." Before that, the cognate word "task," which is derived from Old French, was used in English. "Task" and "tax" were both often used for a while; the first required labor, and the second money. The word "tax" later came to describe something tiresome or difficult.

Let's imagine that people with high incomes, middle incomes, and low incomes all make the same home purchases and take out comparable mortgages to pay for them. The tax rate is the same for everyone.

Therefore,  pay the same tax rate.

Learn more about tax here:


Snail corporation filed its 2022 form 1120-s on february 20, 2024. Snail is a calendar-year taxpayer with 5 shareholders. What amount will snail owe for failure to file on time?


Snail corporation filed its 2022 form 1120-s on February 20, 2024. Snail is a calendar-year taxpayer with 5 shareholders. $36,900 amount will snail owe for failure to file on time.

Who is a shareholder?

A person or organisation that has contributed funds to a corporation in exchange for a share of ownership is referred to as a shareholder. Common or preferred shares issued by the corporation and held (i.e., owned) by the shareholder serve as a representation of that ownership.

What is a shareholder's function?

The shareholder, who also controls how the directors run the business and is responsible for the company's financial stability, also gets a cut of any profits the business makes.

To know more about shareholder, click here-


A person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the new york stock exchange. this is an example of?


A person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the New York stock exchange. This is an example of Transnational Investment.

Through foreign investment, money is transported from one country to another, giving the international investors considerable ownership stakes in native companies and assets. When foreigners invest internationally, it implies they possess a sizeable enough percentage of the company's stock to be able to actively participate in management or influence corporate strategy. International firms invest across several countries as part of the current trend of globalization.

Bonds, stocks, property, and other assets are all considered to be investments since they are all utilized to generate future income. Transnational investment is the management of income and assets across many nations, as well as the international production of products and services.

Learn more about Investment here:


financial advisors typically recommend an individual has enough savings to cover at least _____________ months worth of bills.


Financial advisors typically recommend an individual has enough savings to cover at least 3 to 6 months' worth of bills.

Finance is the study and field of money, forex and capital belongings. it is related to, but now not synonymous with economics, the look at of manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of cash, belongings, items and services (the field of monetary economics bridges the 2). Finance sports take area in monetary systems at various scopes, as a consequence the sphere can be more or less divided into private, corporate, and public finance.  In a economic gadget, belongings are bought, sold, or traded as monetary units, consisting of currencies, loans, bonds, stocks, stocks, options, futures, and so forth.

LEarn more about Financial here


What advice would you give to someone opening a checking account?


Tip: I consider that it is of great benefit to open a checking account since it will allow the use of large amounts of money and the money will be protected.What is a checking account?

It is an account granted by a bank to a company or a person so that he/she can have immediate access to his/her funds.

Compared to a savings account, a checking account allows you to:

Use checkbooks.Make payments of high amounts.Have the money available at any time.

However, a checking account has the disadvantage of charging a commission for each transaction and will never generate interest in favor of the account holder.

Learn more about checking account in:


opec is an example of a ; it can control the price of oil by controlling the market. question 6 options: 1) cabal 2) monopoly 3) cartel 4) producers' association 5) competitive market


An example of a cartel is OPEC. It is a collection of countries that control the Middle East's oil. A group of manufacturers who work together to minimize competition and raise product prices. Thus, the correct choice is (3) cartel.

What is the OPEC cartel?

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is a coalition of 13 nations. Despite the fact that Austria is not an OPEC member, it was founded in Baghdad in 1960 by the original five members and has been headquartered in Vienna, Austria, since 1965. In legal terms, OPEC may be considered a cartel, which is a group of producers that band together to try to limit supply and control pricing. However, in an economic sense, OPEC is not a cartel because its attempts to cooperate have mostly failed.

To learn more about OPEC, click


during most of the 1900s, the de beers group of south africa was viewed as a monopoly because it controlled a large percentage of diamond production and sales. t or f


The statement that the De Beers group of South Africa was viewed as a monopoly for most of the 1900s is True.

What is a Monopoly ?

A monopoly is a market arrangement where one producer or seller holds a disproportionate amount of power within a certain market. Monopolies are forbidden in free-market economies as they limit customer alternatives and impede competition.

In the 1900s, the De Beers group controlled over 70 % of the entire trade in diamonds around the world. They could influence prices and control the market, thereby making them a monopoly.

Find out more on monopolies at


investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal.a. trueb. false


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal. This statement is true.

Why is an investment more attractive to management if it has a shorter payback period?

If everything else is equal, investments with longer payback periods are preferable. When the net cash inflows from a capital investment are not equal, the payback method may be applied. Predictions for capital spending must take into account variables such shifting customer preferences, competition, and governmental laws.

Since the initial investment is at risk for less time, investments with shorter payback periods are thought to be preferable. The payback technique is the formula used to determine the payback time. In terms of years and fractions of years, the payback period is expressed.

To know more about investment, refer:


Colliers, incorporated, has 100,000 shares of cumulative preferred stock outstanding. The preferred stock pays dividends in the amount of $2 per share, but because of cash flow problems, the company did not pay any dividends last year. The board of directors plans to pay dividends in the amount of $600,000 this year.


The amount that  will go to preferred stockholders is $400,000.

The amount that  will be available for common stock dividends is $200,000.

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

Colliers, incorporated, has 100,000 shares of cumulative preferred stock outstanding. The preferred stock pays dividends in the amount of $2 per share, but because of cash flow problems, the company did not pay any dividends last year. The board of directors plans to pay dividends in the amount of $600,000 this year.

a. Preferred stockholders dividend

Preferred stockholders dividend=Dividend-(Cumulative preferred stock shares× Preferred stock per share)

Preferred stockholders dividend= ($2 x 100,000 shares) +($2 x 100,000 shares)

Preferred stockholders dividend= $200,000+$200,000

Preferred stockholders dividend= $400,000

b. Common stock dividends

Common stock dividends =(Cumulative preferred stock shares× Preferred stock per share)

Common stock dividends = $600,000-$200,000

Common stock dividends = $400,000

Inconclusion the amount that  will go to preferred stockholders is $400,000 and the amount that  will be available for common stock dividends is $200,000.

Learn more about Dividends at:


rome (67) and camille (69) are married and file a joint return. their gross income (including one-half of their social security) for 2021 was $48,650. up to what amount of their social security benefits may be taxable?


The social security taxes payable for Rome and Camille will be lesser than an amount of $3345.

The social security taxes can be referred to or considered as the taxes that are paid towards the regulatory payments towards the individual incomes generated by people during a given financial year. For people below the age of 70, couples filing a joint return cannot have a taxable amount of more than $3345, and thus, despite a higher income, Rome and Camille will have the maximum taxable to an amount of $3345.

Learn more about social security taxes here:


jill and jack both have two pails that can be used to carry water down from a hill. each makes only one trip down the hill, and each pail of water can be sold for $5. carrying the pails of water down requires considerable effort. each child would be willing to pay $2 to avoid carrying one pail down the hill, and an additional $3 to avoid carrying a second pail down the hill. if jack and jill each must decide whether to carry one or two pails of water down from the top of the hill, how many pails will each child choose to carry? group of answer choices


2 pails John and Jane Each child will have to pick whether to bring either one two pails of liquid down the hill from the top.

What exactly do pails mean?

pails are typically cylinder-shaped containers with handles: bucket. the amount that is contained in a milk pail. a water bucket

Size of a pail

In the maritime industry, a bucket is a specific type of cylinder shipping container having a capacity of between 3 and 50 liters (1 to 13 US gal). It typically does have a handle or bail, and its sides might be straight or angled.

to know more about pails visit:


Do I need a sales tax permit to sell crafts Texas?


Yes, an individual needs a sales tax permit to sell crafts Texas.

In the event that you sell available things at a fair, celebration, antique market, career expo, expressions and specialties show, firearm show or other kind of market or show, you might be responsible for collecting and remitting Texas sales and use tax. Contingent upon your business structure, you may likewise be answerable for covering franchise tax.

You should get a Texas sales and use tax permit in the event that you are an individual, organization, company or other lawful substance took part in business in Texas and you:

Sell tangible personal property in Texas;Rent or lease substantial individual property in Texas;Sell taxable services in Texas

Texas forces a 6.25 percent state sales and use tax on all retail deals, leases and rentals of most products, as well as available administrations. Local taxing jurisdictions (urban communities, provinces, particular reason regions and travel specialists) can likewise force up to 2 percent sales and use tax  for a most extreme joined pace of 8.25 percent.

Know more about Sales Tax -


A government will likely ____________________________ to encourage investment in technology r&d by private firms


A government will likely implement fiscal policy establishing tax incentives to encourage investment in technology R&D by private firms.

Fiscal policy is the use of public expenditure and taxation to affect the economy, particularly macroeconomic conditions. These include employment, inflation, economic expansion, and the total demand for goods and services.

The government may reduce tax rates or boost spending during a recession to boost demand and the economy. On the other hand, it can increase rates or reduce spending to slow down the economy in order to battle inflation.

Monetary policy, which is implemented by central bankers rather than elected government officials, is sometimes contrasted with fiscal policy.

John Maynard Keynes, a British economist, is primarily credited with influencing U.S. fiscal policy (1883-1946). He contended that the absence of the aggregate demand components of corporate investment and consumer spending is what causes economic recessions.

To know more about fiscal policy:


what are three factors that a company should strive for to maximize the benefits of an alliance? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. be sensitive to cultural differences establish partner bias learn from the partners build trust between the partners develop organizational control


The Three major factors a company should look out for to maximize their profits from an alliance are:

Build trust between the partnersBe sensitive to cultural differencesLearn from the partners

Company should be the ultimate professional at all times to build trust. This means never participating in gossip or discussing coworkers behind their backs. If your ally has faith that you will always behave professionally, they won't hesitate to advocate for you.

People typically receive less high-quality feedback that can assist them in making necessary course corrections and growing as leaders. This could be because of stereotypes or avoidance, in which managers are afraid of how someone might react to their remarks.

Learn more about Business here:


a production department within the factory, such as assembly, is an example of a profit center. true false


A production department within the factory, such as assembly, is an example of a profit center. - True.

Departmentalization (or departmentalisation) refers to the manner of grouping activities into departments. department of labour creates experts who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated via grouping professionals together in departments.  Grouping activities with the aid of features completed. activities may be grouped in line with characteristic (work being finished) to pursue economies of scale by means of setting personnel with shared competencies and knowledge into departments as an example human sources, IT, accounting, production, logistics, and engineering. useful departmentalization can be used in all styles of agencies.

Learn more about department here


the statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except
A. To list all revenues and expense.
B. To predict future cash flows.
C. To provide information about cash recepts and cash payments during a period
D. To determine a company’s ability to pay dividends and interest


All of the following objectives are intended for the statement of cash flows, with the exception of to list all revenues and expense. So, option a is the answer

Cash flow refers to the net change in cash and cash equivalents coming into and leaving a business. Inflows and outflows are represented by money received and spent, accordingly.

The term "revenue" refers to money made through selling a company's main products or services. An expense is a cost incurred while creating or providing a core company service. Wages and salaries for employees are example of revenue and expense

To learn more about cash flows


question content area when a business sells more than one product at varying selling prices, the business's break-even point can be determined as long as a.there is no limit b.the number of products does not exceed two c.the number of products does not exceed fifteen


when a business sells more than one product at varying selling prices, the business's break-even point can be determined as long as there is no limit.

To play out a break-even analysis for an organization that sells various items or offers numerous types of assistance, it is critical to comprehend the idea of a deals blend. A deals blend addresses the general extents of the items that an organization sells — all in all, the level of the organization's all out revenue that comes from item A, item B, item C, etc. Deals blend is critical to entrepreneurs and directors since they look to have a blend that expands benefit, since not all items have a similar net revenue. Organizations can boost their benefits assuming they can accomplish a deals blend that is weighty with high-margin items, products, or administrations. In the event that an organization centers around a deals blend weighty in with low-margin things, generally speaking profitability will frequently endure.

to know more about low margin click here:


ahmed and fatima are roommates and they are having a conflict about what type of streaming service is within their budget. ahmed wants a more expensive service but fatima wants a cheaper service. they agree to get the more expensive service, but ahmed will pay more than half of the cost, since he wanted the more expensive option. what form of communication did ahmed and fatima use to resolve their conflict?


Even when compared to cable, Sling is still less expensive than the majority of other streaming options.

Who is the leading provider of mobile phones?

Verizon Wireless, which has topped our ranking for the previous three years, is the best cell phone provider for 2021. Why? Although it is one of the largest, it receives top ratings for network coverage, speed, and dependability.

What is the cheapest plan from Verizon?

The Verizon Basic Phone 500 MB plan is the cheapest one offered by Verizon. Postpaid, it costs $30 per month. It is a choice for individuals who use very little data because it only provides 500 MB of data per month.

To know more about cheaper service visit:


the country of tinyland has a working population of six people. the annual wages for each worker are shown in the table. the poverty line in tinyland is $23,000. use this information to answer the questions on wages and inequality. john sarah ann mark edward mary $75,000 $22,000 $15,000 $100,000 $200,000 $30,000 what is the mean income in tinyland? (round to the nearest whole dollar.) mean income: $ what is the median income in tinyland? (round to the nearest whole dollar.) median income: $ if ann's wages increased to $30,000, what would be the impact on the poverty rate and income inequality in tinyland? the poverty rate and income inequality would decrease. the poverty rate would decrease and income inequality would increase. the poverty rate would increase and income inequality would decrease. the poverty rate and income inequality would increase. the poverty rate and income inequality would remain unchanged.


The increase in Ann's wages to $30,000 would have a positive impact on the poverty rate and income inequality in Tinyland.

The mean income in Tinyland would increase to $61,000, and the median income would increase to $30,000.

This would mean that the poverty line of $23,000 would be exceeded by all of the workers in Tinyland, thus reducing the poverty rate.

Additionally, the increase in Ann's wages would reduce the gap between the highest and lowest earners, thus decreasing income inequality in Tinyland.

Hence, the increase in Ann's wages to $30,000 would have a positive impact on the poverty rate and income inequality in Tinyland.

To know more about income here


The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.a. Trueb. False


Bonds issued at a discount or premium will have a variable carrying value as they approach maturity. This statement is false.

Regardless of whether bonds are issued at face value, a discount, or a premium, they will all have the same carrying value when they mature. If bonds are issued at a premium, both the carrying value and interest expense will decrease throughout the period of the bonds' lifespan.

The carrying value of a bond does not correspond to the bond payable amount unless the bond was issued at par. When a bond is issued at a premium, its carrying value exceeds its face value.

The difference between the payment received by the corporation issuing the bonds and the face value or par value of the bonds is known as the premium or discount on bonds payable.

To learn more about maturity


assume you have taken out a partially amortizing loan for $1,000,000 that has a term of 7 years, but amortizes over 20 years. calculate the balloon payment if the interest rate on this loan is 9%.



The balloon payment for this loan would be $581,213.92. This can be calculated by taking the original loan amount of $1,000,000, multiplied by the interest rate of 9%, then multiplied by the difference in the amortization period (20 years) and the loan term (7 years). This equals $540,000. Finally, add the original loan amount to the interest amount, resulting in $1,540,000. This is the total amount due at the end of the loan term, or the balloon payment.


park company is considering an investment of $38,500 that provides net cash flows of $13,200 annually for four years. what is the investment's payback period?


In 2.91 years, or $38,500 divided by $13,200, the investment will pay for itself. Year 4 will be a profit-only year.

Profit is the term used to describe the financial gain experienced when the revenue from a commercial activity exceeds the costs, costs, and taxes associated with maintaining that activity. Any profits generated are returned to the company's owners, who can decide whether to keep the money for themselves, pay dividends to shareholders, or reinvest it in the company. The money a business keeps after deducting all costs is known as profit. The main objective of every business, whether it be a little lemonade stand or a publicly traded multinational corporation, is to make money. As a result, a business's success is measured by its profitability in all of its forms. Profitability before taxes and other expenses is more appealing to certain analysts than top-line profitability is to others. Others, though, are simply interested in their bottom line.

Learn more about profit from


upland motors recently paid a $1.48 per share annual dividend. dividends are expected to increase by 2.5 percent annually. what is one share of this stock worth today if the appropriate discount rate is 14 percent? $12.87 b. $13.04 c. $14.16 d. $13.19 e. $12.25


Option d. $13.19 is the correct answer. The current price of the share of Upland Motors is $13.19

The dividend discount model (DDM) is one of many methods analysts use to value a stock. This method is based on the theory that the stock is the present value of all its future dividends. Instead of using free cash flows to value a company (like the discounted cash flow model (DCF) does), this method uses the net present value of future dividends.

We can use the DDM to calculate the current price of the stock:

Current Price = Dividend / (Discount Rate - Growth Rate)

First, we need to calculate the first dividend, which is $1.48 plus a 2.5% growth rate

1.48 * (1 + 0.025) = 1.48 * 1.025 = 1.517

Now you can solve for the current price:

Current Price = Dividend / (Discount Rate - Growth Rate)

1.517 / (0.14 - 0.025) = 13.1913043478 = $13.19

Learn more about shares:


fabio corporation is considering eliminating a department that has a contribution margin of $30,000 and $60,000 in fixed costs. of the fixed costs, $15,000 cannot be avoided. the effect of eliminating this department on fabio's overall net operating income would be:


Answer D

-Avoidable fixed costs = $60,000 - $15,000 = $45,000

Contribution margin $ 30,000

Avoidable fixed costs 45,000

Segment margin ($15,000)

Net operating income estimates an income-creating property's productivity prior to including any expenses from funding or duties.To work out NOI, deduct all operating costs caused on a property from all income produced on the property.The operating costs utilized in the NOI metric can be controlled if a land owner concedes or speeds up specific income or cost things.The NOI metric does exclude capital consumptions.NOI will demonstrate to a land owner in the event that leasing a property merits the cost of purchasing and keeping up with it.

NOI is determined by deducting all operating costs a property causes from the income it creates. This measurement doesn't consider the expenses of advance installments, capital uses, devaluation, amortization, or assessments on income.

to know more about fixed costs click here:


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