An old willow with hollow branches
slowly swayed his few high gright tendrils
and sang:

Love is a young green willow
shimmering at the bare wood’s edge.

Which statement below best represents the theme of the poem?

The theme is age.

The theme is love.

Love is best experienced by the young.

Those who are old know nothing of love.


Answer 1

Here the theme is age.

What is Willow's poem's overarching theme?

Themes. Williams draws on topics of motion and sensation in "Poem." Both of them are associated with the topic of the poem, the emotions they arouse, and Williams' writing style. Watching the cat move from one stop to the next, he focused his attention on this fleeting moment of existence.

The theme of this piece can be resiliency in the face of adversity. The narrator speaks about the last leaf that falls from the willow tree and lands "on the earth" before wrapping up. This piece's tone shifts to one of relief and grief upon the fall of the last leaf, which serves as a crucial turning point.


To learn more about willow from the given link


Related Questions

Which lines spoken by romeo in act iii, scene i of romeo and juliet best support the inference that romeo desires future peace between the montagues and capulets?.


"Draw, Benvolio; beat down their weapons. Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage!" is the line spoken by Romeo in act III, scene I best support the inference that Romeo desires future peace between the Montagues and Capulets.

Romeo Montague desires future peace between the Montagues and Capulets. He believes that the current feud between the two families is senseless and that it is time for the fighting to stop.

Romeo is willing to do whatever it takes to bring about peace between the two families, even if it means making some personal sacrifices. He is hopeful that someday the Montagues and Capulets will be able to put aside their differences and live in harmony.

To know more about Romeo, click here.


for 100 points!!!!

The Draft Riots of 1863 left a huge mark on New York City's history.write informative essay describing the effects of the Draft Riots.Be sure use details from the text to support your description

The Riot in Lexington Avenue

During the summer of 1863, as the Civil War was waging, New York City erupted in violence. July 2018 marked the 155th anniversary of the New York City Draft Riots--the largest civil uprising in our nation's history. From Monday July 13, 1863 until Thursday July 16, 1863, mobs wreaked havoc on the streets of New York, looting stores, attacking police, soldiers, and African American civilians, and setting fire to homes and businesses. Union soldiers had to be called in from Gettysburg to put an end to the chaos.

The riots were sparked by the first federal draft in U.S. history. By 1863 the initial enthusiasm for the Civil War had vanished, and the Union struggled to recruit enough soldiers. Therefore, President Lincoln instituted a draft, which went into effect in New York City on Saturday July 11, 1863. All men between the ages of 20 and 35 (and all unmarried men between the ages of 35 and 45) whose names were selected were required by law to serve in the military, unless they paid a three hundred dollar exemption fee. In 1863 it could take the average person an entire year to earn that sum. Many New Yorkers were enraged that the wealthy could buy their way out of military service, while the poor and middle class, and a disproportionate number of immigrants, risked an agonizing death in the war.

Draftees were chosen through a lottery. The image above is of the only known "draft wheel" to have survived the mob violence. This wheel contained the names of thousands of potential draftees in the 7th Congressional District, which included the 11th and 17th Wards of New York City (the East Side below 14th Street and above Rivington Street). The wheel was turned and cards with names were pulled out. If a man's name was selected, he was required to go to war unless he could pay the substitution fee. The draft wheel was a dreaded symbol to many New Yorkers. This one wheel was saved with hundreds of draft cards still inside it.

On the morning of Monday July 13, rioters unleashed their fury on the Ninth District Draft Office. They stormed the office, and set it aflame. The fire ultimately destroyed an entire city block. The mob also directed its anger at New York's wealthy population, ransacking and burning mansions along Fifth Avenue. However, the rioters' primary target was the city's African American community.

There was a lot of racial tension in New York City during the Civil War. Many poor and immigrant whites, mostly of Irish descent, feared that if slavery ended, more African Americans would move to New York and take their jobs. The draft law brought a lot of simmering racial prejudice against African Americans to the surface. A lot of poor and working class white New Yorkers were afraid that Union victory would put an end to their jobs, so they did not want to fight in the war. They used their fear as an excuse to commit horrific acts of violence against African Americans.

For four days the mob terrorized the city's African American population, beating and murdering innocent civilians, and destroying their property. The official death toll was 119, and many historians estimate that even more people were killed.

Dr. James McCune Smith was directly impacted by the Draft Riots. Dr. Smith served as the physician at the Colored Orphan Asylum. In one of the most brutal acts of the riots, the mob set the orphan asylum ablaze, with over two hundred children inside. Remarkably, every single child escaped unharmed. However, the building was completely destroyed. Although the orphan asylum was rebuilt, it never regained its prime location on Fifth Avenue between 43rd and 44th Street. Rioters also stole much of the furniture and belongings of the children who lived in the asylum. In the image below, you can see rioters walking away from the burning orphanage with beds, mattresses and trunks. Though the Asylum's inhabitants all thankfully survived, one can only imagine the trauma they felt and the hardship of rebuilding their lives when most of their few possessions had been taken.

One object did make it through the blaze at the Colored Orphan Asylum: a singed but in-tact bible. This precious artifact can be seen below.

The Draft Riots took a devastating toll on New York City's African American community. Many African Americans sought refuge in Brooklyn and New Jersey. As a result of the riots, New York City's African American population declined by twenty percent.


The effect of the Draft Riots of 1863 was that it led to death and had caused millions of dollars in property damage and made some 3,000 of the city's Black residents homeless.

What was the effect of the Draft Riots of 1863?

The New York City draft riots, also known as the Manhattan draft riots and as Draft Week at the time, were violent disturbances in Lower Manhattan. Initially, the rioters' targets were only military and government buildings, symbols of the draft's unfairness. Mobs only attacked people who got in their way of their plans.

In addition to the death toll, the riots had caused millions of dollars in property damage and forced 3,000 Black residents of the city to flee. The New York Draft Riots are still the deadliest riots in United States history, outnumbering the 1992 Los Angeles Riots and the 1967 Detroit Riots.

Learn more about Draft Riots on:


Part A
What does the word succinct mean in the paragraph?


Answer:  clear and short; expressing what needs to be said without the use of unnecessary words.

according to "letter from birmingham jail," why does king feel some pride and satisfaction when he is criticized as an extremist?


According to "letter from Birmingham jail," The king is aware that many great leaders throughout history were extremists. He is well aware that extremists are invariably violent and destructive.

At the turn of the twentieth century, a new group emerged that took an aggressive stance against the British Empire. This group was known as the Extremists, and they did not support the Moderate leaders' peaceful stance.

The definition of extremism is "the advocacy of extreme measures or views" or "the quality or state of being extreme." The term is primarily used in a political or religious context to refer to an ideology that is considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of society.

To know more about extremists, click here.


Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab. Select the student that employs correct scientific reasoning.Student 1: If the spot was placed below the solvent level, this would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate.Student 2: If the solvent used has the opposite polarity of the stationary phase this will cause unequal movement of the sample.Student 3: If the developing chamber was closed too quickly than the sample wouldn't be able to travel on the TLC plate.


TLC should be positioned so that just the lowest edge of the plate touches the solvent.

What is a Laboratory?Adsorption is the property of how well a component of a mixture clings to the stationary phase, whereas solubility is the quality of how well a component of a mixture dissolves in the mobile phase.The greater the adsorption to the stationary phase, the slower the molecule will move across the column. Three students are asked to discuss the sources of error that might have affected the outcome of the lab therefore the student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1.This is referred to as a facility that provides controlled conditions for scientific experiments, research etc. it contains different tools and equipment such as microscope, beaker etc which helps to obtain accurate results.The student that employs correct scientific reasoning is Student 1 as he considers if the spot was placed below the solvent level, it would cause the sample to be dissolved into the solvent pool before traveling up the plate which is the error.During the process of Thin-layer chromatography, it should be placed in such a way that only the lower edge of the plate touches the solvent which is therefore the correct choice.

To learn more about lab refer to:


what is the name of this actress who starred as elizabeth in time for him to come home for christmas?


Holland Rodan played Elizabeth in this movie

–"jabari unmasked," nikki grimes
Fresh out of middle school, we all understand the rules: wear whatever’s in, scowl on cue to convince the world we’re fearless—anything to mask the million insecurities that pockmark our skin like acne. gone the grins when we strut down the hall. we talk tough and hope to god it’s enough to get us by. it’s all lies. Which structural element is present in the excerpt? a. stanza b. refrain c. couplet d. quatrain


The structural element presents in the excerpt "Jabari Unmasked" by Nike Grimes is the stanza.

Thus, the correct option is A.

In the options, we should know the word's meaning in order to determine which answer is correct.

a. А stаnzа is а group of lines within the verse of а poem. They often follow а similаr pаttern or meter or contаin а similаr ideа, but not аlwаys. They аre sepаrаted from other stаnzаs within the poem through the use of а breаk or а blаnk line.

b. A refrain is а verse, а line, а set, or а group of lines thаt аppeаrs аt the end of stаnzа, or аppeаrs where а poem divides into different sections

c. A couplet is а pаir of consecutive lines of poetry thаt creаte а complete thought or ideа

d. A quatrain is а type of stаnzа, or а complete poem, consisting of four lines.

The poem “Jabari Unmasked” has five stanzas. And on the excerpt above is the first stanza consisting of 9 lines.

For more information about Jabari Unmasked refer to the link:



the correct answer is (A.)

Read this example:
Dan Richards is the best mayor Cooperville has ever had
because he told me so himself.
Which logical fallacy does this example contain?
A. Ad hominem
B. False causality
C. Straw man
D. Begging the question


Based on the given example, "Dan Richards is the best mayor Cooperville has ever had because he told me so himself.", the logical fallacy that is used here is known as D. Begging the question

What is Begging the question fallacy?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the type of logical fallacy that has to do with using the premise of an argument to assume the conclusion and this is also known as circular reasoning.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given example, it is mentioned that Dan Richards is the best mayor and the premise that is given to support this given claim is that the mayor told him that, which shows that this argument is faulty and makes use of the premise of an argument to assume the conclusion and thus the correct answer to the given question is option D.

Read more about circular reasoning here:


Which of these statements about Don Quixote is best supported by the third paragraph?
A. He lives in a village filled with knights and traitors.
B. He believes giants and knights are as real as historical figures.
C. In his earlier life, he once fought a traitor and a giant.
D. He is having delusions so severe that he has been forced to receive treatment at a mental-health institution.


The answer is B………………………………..

HELPP!!!! 20 P0ints pleasee asapppp



i think its you're


the reason is: You're is never used to show possession in a sentence.

Answer: Even though the brain makes up only two percent of you're total body weight, it uses up twenty-five percent of the body's supply of oxygen.

Explanation: "You're" should be switched to "your" because you're means you are but put together.  The sentence would be rewritten as this:

Even though the brain makes up only two percent of your total body weight, it uses up twenty-five percent of the body's supply of oxygen.

Therefore, select "you're" for your question.

Have a great day! :)

The refrigerator door groaned as i opened it to get a snack. This sentence is an example of what type of figurative language.





A refrigerator door can't actually "groan." The literary device of personification allows writers to give inanimate items human actions/emotions to add detail to the story. In this example, the human action is "groaned" and is being used to personify a refrigerator.

What are the three types of satire?


Satire comes in three basic forms, each of which plays a specific function.Horatian. Horatian satire is humorous and provides a little amount of societal critique.Juvenalian. In contrast to humorous satire, juvenalian satire is sombre.

Menippean. Menippean satire assigns moral judgement to a certain viewpoint, such as racism or homophobia.

Three primary categories of satirical writing exist: Horatian humour Juvenilian humour Menippean humour

Perhaps the most typical form of satire is horatian satire. Horatian satire often employs humour to mock a subject or situation in a lighthearted way. Additionally, the satire's aim is to be humorous and serve as a catalyst for change in the subject matter. Also common in this kind is the usage of parody.

To learn more about Satire please click on below link


What are three things about nonfiction text?


Actual events & facts serve as the basis for nonfiction writing. It contains descriptions about actual locations as well as tales from genuine individuals. In fiction writing, there are made-up characters, settings, and events.

Text structures used in nonfiction writing include diagrams, pictures, and captions. Any text or media piece that makes a sincere effort to base information (and occasionally opinions) only on facts and actual life as opposed to fantasy is considered nonfiction. Nonfiction is sometimes thought of as being more objectively given, such as historical, scientific, or other simple and factual facts. However, nonfiction can also occasionally be presented more subjectively, such as truly held thoughts and ideas on a real-world topic. Nonfiction is frequently used as one of the two main categories of storytelling.

To know more about nonfiction writing:


How do you remove a split?


Steps. Click View > Split Window > Remove Divided to un-split the screen once it has been split vertically or horizontally.

How to exit or close split-screen mode on an iPad. The vertical bar between the two applications should be touched in the center with the controller. To end an app, drag the controller off the screen in that direction. Press F11 on your keyboard to enter fullscreen and leave the usual mode, which keeps the address bar, status bar, and other elements constantly visible. F11 again returns the display to normal. Any full-screen viewing options that your video app offers may be accessed by pressing the horizontally that resembles two arrows pointing in opposing directions. Tap the right-corner symbol depicting two squares with a line between them if you're watching the video picture-in-picture.

To learn more about horizontally please click on below link


In this line from Walt Whitmans poem “song of myself,” what is the meaning of the word steeps



"surroundings" is the word that the meaning of the word steeps


The poet wishes to maintain the identity of his individual self, and yet he desires to merge it with the universal self, which involves the identification of the poet's self with mankind and the mystical union of the poet with God, the Absolute Self.

Where is infrared light located?


The term "infrared" refers to electromagnetic waves whose frequencies are just below those of red visible light and above those of microwaves.

According to the California Institute of Technology, infrared radiation has longer waves than visible light (Caltech). Since heat or thermal radiation is the main source of infrared radiation, any item with a temperature will emit infrared radiation. Even things that we consider to be extremely cold, like an ice cube, produce infrared.There are several uses for infrared technology.  Infrared light is employed in wired and wireless activities in communications and networking. Some thermal radiation on the surface of the Earth is infrared in the mid-infrared band, which is considerably longer than in sunlight and occurs at much lower temperatures than the surface of the Sun.

Thus this is where infrared light is located.

Refer here to learn more about infrared light:


What is Squealer caught doing at the end of chapter 8?


At the conclusion of the chapter, Squealer was discovered writing the fifth commandment, "No animal shall consume alcohol to excess."

But by nightfall, he has healed. The following evening, several of the animals discover Squealer clutching a paintbrush close to the barn. He had just fallen from a ladder that was leaning against the area where the Seven Commandments are painted on the barn.Squealer makes an effort to convince everyone that the triumph was more significant than it actually was. It is determined that the gun will be fired on Napoleon's birthday as well as to commemorate the Battle of the Cowshed. Squealer informs the wounded animals that, despite what they might believe, they actually prevailed in what will now be known as "The Battle of the Windmill."

Thus this was what Squealer caught doing at the end of chapter 8.

Refer here to learn more about Squealer:


Briefly describe this setting in your own words Sonny’s blue


Answer:all you have to put is the subway

Explanation: there trying to make it like its a trick question but its really easy

What is the effect of repetition in Do not go gentle into that good night?


One clever tactic is to keep repeating the two refrains, "Do not go gently into that good night" and "Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

The poem's two refrains perform musical miracles by continually highlighting and elaborating on its topic. The words "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" and "Do not go lightly into that good night" are repeated throughout Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.The result of these repetitions is that, with each "rage, wrath" and "do not go easy," the poem's tone of anger and grief intensifies. Repetition can be employed to generate rhythm, develop a sense of urgency, or stress a mood or concept.

Thus this is the effect of repetition.

Refer here to learn more about repetition:


One of the most successful strategies a speaker can use in inspirational speaking is employing this


Inspirational speaking is a powerful tool that can be used to ignite a spark of motivation and enthusiasm within an audience. It can be used to encourage people to strive for excellence and to take action in pursuit of their dreams.

One of the most successful strategies a speaker can use in inspirational speaking is employing a dynamic speaking style. Stories and anecdotes can be used to illustrate a point in a powerful and engaging way. Through the use of stories, a speaker can create a vivid image in the minds of the audience, making the story come to life in a way that is both captivating and memorable. A story can also be used to emphasize a point or to inspire the audience to take action. A story can provide a vivid example of what is possible when someone puts their mind to it and works hard towards achieving their goals.

The use of stories can also help to create an emotional connection between the speaker and the audience. By sharing a personal story or one that is relevant to the audience, the speaker can establish a common ground with the audience and create a sense of understanding and empathy. In addition to stories and anecdotes, a speaker can also use humor, metaphors, and other techniques to add variety to their speech and keep the audience engaged. By using a combination of these tools, a speaker can create an inspiring and motivational experience for their audience.

Learn more about motivation at :


What is one result of a government deficit ?


A budget deficit may result in more borrowing, greater interest costs, and insufficient investments, all of which reduce income for the next year.

Every shortfall has to be covered. First, selling government securities like Treasury bonds is used to do this (T-bonds). Treasury bonds are purchased by individuals, businesses, and other governments and used as security for loans to the government.The government is responsible for funding the budget deficit. That is, if government spending (G) exceeds tax revenue (T), there will be a deficit that may be closed by selling government bonds (by borrowing money). The federal budget deficit for a particular year is calculated as the difference between the federal government's outlays and its tax receipts (also known as revenue).

Thus this is one result of a government deficit.

Refer here to learn more about government deficit:


Correct the sentence by adding a comma or commas. If the sentence is already correct, don't add any commas.

No the audience did not know Patrick would perform his new song.



No, the audience did not know Patrick would perform his new song.

How do concept maps serve as an assessment strategy that helps improve student learning?


The concept maps helps in identifying different types of concepts, making the interlinked connections among concepts and sequencing these concepts, before the teaching of more precise and more accurate concepts.

With a little upfront paintings, concept maps can provide a significant way of assessing greater-complicated getting to know and identifying college students' reasoning errors with out an undue burden of grading.

They're a effective look at approach due to the fact they help you notice the big picture: by way of beginning with higher-stage ideas, idea maps help you bite facts based totally on significant connections.

A idea map is a diagram of nodes adjoined with the aid of directional lines and prepared in hierarchical ranges that flow from general to unique concepts. Concept maps are used to assess how well college students see the big photo, and to demonstrate students' conceptual knowledge.

Learn more about maps here:-


Concept maps help identify different types of concepts, establish links between concepts, and rank these concepts in order before teaching a more precise and precise concept (Novak & Canas, 2008). Therefore, concept maps help both trainers and learners to identify misleading ideas.

A concept map is a visual organizer that helps students develop a better understanding of new concepts. Using the graphic organizer, students think about concepts in different ways. Most Concepts Her Map Organizer keeps students busy answering questions like "What is this?" how is it? Concept maps enhance understanding and comprehension.

Learn more about concept map here :


How many numbers are there in between 11 and 99?


88 numbers are there between 11 and 99, because “between” implies you don't use 10 or 99.

A number is a mathematical item used to depend, degree, and label. The unique examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. Numbers may be represented in language with number words. There are endless counting numbers and this is in endless price numbers.

A googolplex is 10 raised to the energy of a googol, that is it's one followed with the aid of a googol of zeroes."

A number is a mathematics price used for representing the amount and used in making calculations. A written image like “3” which represents various is referred to as numerals.

Learn more about Number here:-


the way teachers use language has a direct effect on students’ vocabulary growth.
a. true
b. false


Answer: A. True

Explanation: The way teachers use language has a large impact on students' vocabulary growth. If the teacher uses small words too frequently, then the student will not learn new words.

True. The way teachers use language has a significant influence on how much pupils learn new words. The pupil won't pick up new words if the teacher employs little terms too frequently.

What is a Vocabulary?

A person's language's set of common words is known as their vocabulary. A vocabulary is a useful and essential tool for communication and knowledge acquisition that typically develops with age. One of the most difficult aspects of learning a second language is developing a wide vocabulary.

All aspects of communication—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—benefit from a strong vocabulary. For the following reasons, vocabulary is essential to a child's success: Gaining vocabulary has a direct correlation with academic success. The capacity to learn to read is predicted by a child's kindergarten vocabulary size.

The majority of native adult test-takers have a vocabulary of between 20,000 and 35,000 words. Adult native test takers up until middle age pick up nearly one new word per day. In middle age, vocabulary growth slows.

To read more about Vocabulary, refer to -


What is the effect of the plot?


The events that make up a story's plot all lead to or have an impact on one another and form a larger narrative.

In other words, the plot is a set of causes and effects that mold the whole tale. Plot is a set of events and effects that influence the tale as a whole.The storyline then enters the picture. The primary storyline and a subplot are frequently closely related in a more complicated work of fiction, like a novel. The storyline serves as a road map for the tale. The reader is kept interested by the conflict and tension it helps to generate.To make sense to the reader and keep the tale flowing, the plot makes sure that every crucial component is there. In order for the main characters to have their happy ending, a conflict or difficulty must be overcome. Even a short narrative that is well written will have a storyline.

Thus, this is the effect of the plot.

Refer here to learn more about plot:


What does Blake emphasize through the use of repetition?


Repetition gives "The Lamb" the feel of a nursery rhyme tune. Repeated queries in "The Tyger" have an enigmatic effect, while repeated phrases highlight the speaker's tone.

Blake highlights the significance of the phrases by repeating them. The topic and concept that the poet wishes to emphasise are clear to us. A Tiger. The tiger symbolises a facet of God, much as the lamb in Blake's poem that has the same name. The tiger alludes to a different aspect of God's personality than the lamb, which tends to indicate that God is kind and gentle, in keeping with the image of a fatherly God watching over his flock.

To know more about Repetition:



-In "The Lamb," repetition creates the song-like effect of a nursery rhyme

-In "The Tyger" repeated questions create a mysterious effect ,and repeated lines emphasize the speaker's tone


why, doth not every earthly thing cry shame upon her? could she here deny the story that is printed in her blood meaning


Could she here refute the narrative imprinted on her body? — Hero, don't live and shut your eyes.

Because if I had believed that you would not pass very soon, I would personally attack your life in response to criticism if I believed that your spirits were higher than your humiliations. The Friar urges Leonato to make the announcement that she has passed away because he believes in her innocence. The Friar believes that Claudio will recall his affection for her in light of this information. Benedick reluctantly accepts to challenge Claudio to a duel after the others leave and after Beatrice and Benedick confess their love for one another. Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing contains a key concept of honor, or the high regard gained from others. In order to respect women, they were.

To learn more about narrative please click on below link


What makes a person a good and active citizen of the country?


Active citizenship means that people are involved in their communities and democracy at all levels, from intercity to national activism. increase.

Active citizenship can be as small as a campaign to clean our streets, or as big as educating young people about democratic values, skills and participation. Being a good citizen means being responsible. Qualities of a good citizen include giving back and helping others.

Ensuring Governments Care and Protect Citizens: means you, your family and your community. It means being proactive, taking responsibility and sacrificing yourself for the greater good. Good citizens are active in their communities. They are looking for ways to participate in the social life of their city and make their community a better place to live. So when a problem arises in the community, we look for ways to solve it.

Read more about citizen;


why does the author talk about six political entities in regards to this realm and not six countries?


For instance, if we see a lovely butterfly, it is actually beautiful and not only appealing to our sense of aesthetics and color perception.

Similar to how a naive realist would claim that something is truly ugly rather than only being judged to be such by us, Realism, usually referred to as political realism, is a perspective on world politics that emphasizes its adversarial and conflictual aspects. Typically, it is compared to idealism or liberalism, which tends to place an emphasis on collaboration Realistically speaking, everyday life was to be treated honestly. The immediacy, the now, the precise actions and their observable effects are what realists emphasize. A one-to-one correspondence between the topic and the depiction is the goal of realism. Additionally known as.

To learn more about politics please click on below link


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What mental illness does the narrator in the raven have? involves relationships inside and outside the firm that help in efforts to accomplish tasks that help to create value for stakeholders. an object has an acceleration of 15.7 m/s/s. if the mass of the object is increased by a factor of 13.6, what would be the new acceleration of the object? ______ defines who and what we are in relation to others. When cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. corys strategy is to use?a. an algorithmb. a heuristicc. a mnemonicd. insight The ability to understand others and have them understand you is known as __________.A. communication B. self-confidenceC. scene leadershipD. teamwork and diplomacy An example of mitosis at work is a leafa) turning yellow.b) growing.c) taking in carbon dioxide.d) performing photosynthesis.i just need the letter :) In this passage, what animals does dickens compare smoke and machinery to? a serpent and an elephant a chimney and a monster a black canal and a steam-engine a piston and an elephant. Whats the setting of the flowers by Alice walker Pistas y deported??? Which of the following represents a physical change? A. Bonds formingB. Atoms rearranging. c.Phase changingO D. Bonds breaking Virtually all of the deaths attributed to major earthquakes have resulted from the collapse of buildings.a. false b. true Can you improve a cars turning radius? ___________________ is the invasion and growth of pathogens in the body. in lpc leadership theory, the leader's relationship with group members, the structure of the task, and the leader's position power together determine the most effective way to lead. group of answer choices true false What tasks would be examples of pre-preparation? which statement describes the damage that results from earthquakes? amount of damage can be used to determine intensity. damage can be measured using the richter scale. the amount of damage increases one way to argue against the death penalty is to claim that we can always be mistaken, and the death penalty is a form of punishment that doesn't allow for self-correction: we cannot undo it. this type of argument, as we saw, is based on the philosophical position known as each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is Solve the following compound inequality 5x+711