An ohm is best described as a unit of measure for...

A. electrical resistance

B. electrical current

C. electrical potential difference

D. magnetic field strength


Answer 1
The answears is b :))

Related Questions

URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! GIVING BRAINLIEST!! If you answer this correctly ill answer some of your questions you have posted! (30pts)



20 m


mechanical adv = distance over which the effort is applied (de) / distance the load travels (dr)

MA = de/ dr

10 = de/ 2

de = 20 m

NASA’s space shuttle program was active from 1981 until 2011. The photograph shows rockets carrying a space shuttle off the launchpad.

How can Newton’s law of action–reaction best be applied to explain the movement of a rocket?


Answer:As the fuel burns,gases push against the rocket, moving it upward

Explanation: here’s a tip download socratic take a pic of the question then scroll down there should be a quizzes with the answer for you quizzes is good when you want answers to a Science or language arts/reading so yea

Burning fuel in a rocket causes a push that propels the rocket forward from the front. The exhaust gas is pushed rearward in an equal and opposite direction as a result.

What is Newton’s law?

The three fundamental laws of classical mechanics known as Newton's laws of motion describe how an object's motion and the forces acting on it interact.

The following is a paraphrasing of these laws: Unless a force acts upon a body, it remains at rest or in continual straight-line motion.

The creation of thrust by a rocket engine can be understood via Newton's third law. In a rocket engine, a fuel and an oxidizer are burned to produce hot exhaust gas.

The hot exhaust gas from the rocket accelerates to the back of the rocket after passing through the nozzle.

Thus, this way, Newton’s law of action–reaction best be applied to rocket movement.

For more details regarding Newton's law, visit:


True or false? If two components are connected in series, the current through one component will
always be the same as the current through the other.​


the answer is ( True ) .

the current is the same in series circuits .

A power source of 6.0 V is attached to the ends of a
capacitor. The charge is 12 C.





If freckles is the dominant trait, this means every one of the genes with an upper case have freckles. This gives us:

3/4 of the offspring will have freckles. You can also say 75%

Hope this helps!! :)

How do the particles in a Longitudinal Wave move?

A) Parallel to the direction of the wave
B) Perpendicular to the direction of the wave
C) Particles do not move
D) The particle is the wave (wave packet)



In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. The particles do not move down the tube with the wave; they simply oscillate back and forth about their individual equilibrium positions. Pick a single particle and watch its motion.

A flight distance from philadelphia to cancun is 1469 miles.the estimated flight time is 3.25 hours.What is the avarage speeede of the plane in miles per hour(number and units)?



1469 miles /3.25 hours = 452 miles per hours


divide distance by the time it takes to get there

Helppp!!!!! Please!!
A 0.144 kg baseball approaches a batter with a speed of . The batter lines the ball directly back to the pitcher with a speed of . Find the impulse exerted on the ball . If the bat and ball were in contact for 0.012 sec , find the average force exerted on the ball by the bat 20 m/s 30 m/s


Complete question:

A 0.144 kg baseball approaches a batter with a speed of 20m/s . The batter lines the ball directly back to the pitcher with a speed of 30m/s . Find the impulse exerted on the ball . If the bat and ball were in contact for 0.012 sec , find the average force exerted on the ball by the bat


(1) The impulse exerted by the ball is 7.2 kg.m/s

(2) The average force exerted on the ball by the bat is 600 N.



mass of the baseball, m = 0.144 kg

velocity of the baseball, v₁ = 20 m/s

velocity of the batter, v₂ = -30 m/s (opposite direction to the ball's speed)

The impulse exerted by the ball is calculated as follows;

J = ΔP = mv₁ - mv₂

ΔP = m(v₁ - v₂)

ΔP = 0.144 [20 - (-30)]

ΔP = 0.144 ( 20 + 30 )

ΔP = 0.144 (50)

ΔP = 7.2 kg.m/s

The average force exerted on the ball by the bat is calculated as;

[tex]F = \frac{\Delta P }{t} \\\\where; t \ is \ time \ of \ contact= 0.012 \ s\\\\F = \frac{7.2}{0.012} \\\\F = 600 \ N[/tex]

Тесты имеют различные нормы-шкалы значений: социальные, возрастные и т.П. Индивидуальный показатель теста соотносится с его нормой. Норма теста обычно определяется в результате тестирования большой выборки испытуемых определенного возраста и пола и усреднения полученных оценок с их последующей дифференциацией по возрасту, полу и ряду других показателей. Норма теста - это средний уровень развития большой совокупности людей, похожих на данного испытуемого по ряду социально-демографических характеристик. То есть, это средний диапазон значений на шкале измеряемого свойства.


Translate it to English for me to better understand

An object is moving to the right at a constant velocity. What will happen if a
force of 20 N starts acting on it in the opposite direction?
The object's velocity will increase.
The object's velocity will decrease.
The object will come to a stop.
The object will move at the same velocity.





just trust me

Features of Elements
Use the periodic table on the next page to complete the following
table. The number in the name indicates the isotope and therefore
the nuclide number
Element and Chemicol Atomic Mass
Number Number
profons neutrons
2 4 나
Oxygen 10
Phosphorus 32
Potassium 39
Lead 90


I agree nuclide number of atomic mass

HELP ME PLEASE I need the answer now and I will give all my brain lists



I'd say it's B

Sorry if I get you wrong-

What color rays have the smaller/lesser angle





Train A leaves the station heading north at 80 mph. At the same time and from the same station, Train B heads south 65 mph. How far apart are the trains after 3 hours fo travel?



The trains will be 435 miles apart


Distance covered by the two trains can be obtained by multiplying their speeds with the time frame under consideration - in this our case, it is  3hours.

For Train A

Distance covered = 80mph X 3 hours = 240miles

For train B

Distance covered = 65mph X 3 hours = 195 miles.

The total distance between the two trains after 3 hours will be

240 + 195 = 435 miles

An archer uses 2000J of energy to pull a bow string 0.15m. What is the force constant (k) of the bow string?


The answer has to be 50 J

The spring constant of the given bow spring is equal to  1.77 × 10⁵ N/m.

What is Hooke's law?

Hooke's law can be described as a law that states that the force (F) required to extend or compress a spring by displacement linearly with respect to that displacement along a straight line.

The spring force can be represented in the form of an equation:

F = -kx

where k is a spring constant of the spring and x is the deformation of the spring. The negative sign shows that force is restoring force.

The energy that can be stored in the spring when it is stretched is given by:

E = (1/2)kx²

Given, the energy stored in the spring when it is stretched, E = 1000J

The distance by which the bow spring is stretched, x = 0.15 m

2000 =  (1/2) × k (0.15)²

k = 1.77 × 10⁵ N/m

Learn more about Hooke's law, here:


Which two statements describe what happens in both nuclear fusion and
nuclear fission reactions?
A. Each nucleus formed has fewer protons than the original nucleus
B. Nuclei with small masses combine to form nuclei with larger
C. Radiation is released from the nuclei that undergo a reaction.
D. A small amount of the mass in each nucleus that undergoes a
reaction is converted to energy.



C. Radiation is released from the nuclei that undergo a reaction.

D. A small amount of the mass in each nucleus that undergoes a

reaction is converted to energy.

Two statements, that describe what happens in both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reactions, are:

Radiation is released from the nuclei that undergo a reaction.A small amount of the mass in each nucleus that undergoes a reaction is converted to energy.

Hence, option (C) and (D) are correct.

What is nuclear reaction?

A nuclear reaction is a process in nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry where two nuclei or a nucleus and an outside subatomic particle meet to create one or more new nuclides. Consequently, at least one nuclide must change throughout a nuclear reaction.

Instead of being referred to as a nuclear reaction, the process is simply referred to as a sort of nuclear scattering if a nucleus interacts with another nucleus or particle and they subsequently separate without altering the nature of any nuclide.

Learn more about nuclear reaction here:


A rubber rod with a negative 4.0 C (-4.0 x 10-6 C) charge is 10 cm east of a pith ball with a positive charge of 5.0 C. A plastic rod with a positive 2.0 C charge is 5.0 cm north of the pith ball.


552. cm eastthat's the answer

Please help!!!!!!!!



Option C. 83.8 J


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass (m) of object = 2 Kg

Velocity (v) of the object = 5 m/s

Height (h) = 3 m

Mechanical energy =.?

Next, we shall determine the kinetic energy of the object. This can be obtained as shown below:

Mass (m) of object = 2 Kg

Velocity (v) of the object = 5 m/s

Kinetic energy (KE) =?

KE = ½mv²

KE = ½ × 2 × 5²

KE = 1 × 25

KE = 25 J

Next, we shall determine the potential energy of the object. This can be obtained as shown below:

Mass (m) of object = 2 Kg

Height (h) = 3 m

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s²

Potential energy (PE) =.?

PE = mgh

PE = 2 × 9.8 × 3

PE = 58.8 J

Finally, we shall determine the mechanical energy of the object. This can be obtained as shown below:

Kinetic energy (KE) = 25 J

Potential energy (PE) = 58.8 J

Mechanical energy =?

Mechanical energy = KE + PE

Mechanical energy = 25 + 58.8

Mechanical energy = 83.8 J

What is the main force that must be overcome in order to push an object
along a horizontal surface?


Answer: Friction


Friction and the normal force would be the two initial forces to overcome.

Answer: Friction

Explanation: The object must be pushed along which will create friction which nmust be overcome.

Gravitational potential energy (1) - masss (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg) x height (m)
1. Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the following masses on top of Trump tower which has a mass
of 202 m (g= 9.81 N/kg)
a) 100 kg
b) 90 kg
c) 45 kg
d) 58 kg
e) 1g
1) 1000 g
h) 1998
1) 1.5 kg
g) 100 g



Actually Welcome to the Concept of the Potential Energy.

Here lets calculate it one by one ;-

1.) P = mgh ==> 100*9.81*202===> 198162 Joules

2.) P = mgh ==> 90*9.81*202 ==> 178345.8 Joules

3.) P = mgh ===> 45*9.81*202 ===> 89172.9 Joules

4.) P = mgh ===> 58*9.81*202 ===> 114933.96 Joules

5.) P = mgh ===> 0.001*9.81*202 ===> 1.981 Joules

6.) P = mgh ===> 1.00*9.81*202 ===> 1981.62 Joules

7.) P = mgh ===> 1.998*9.81*202 ==> 3959.27 Joules

8.) P = mgh ===> 1.5*9.81*202 ===> 2971.43 Joules

9.) P = mgh ===> 0.1*9.81*202 ===> 198.162 Joules.

Above we calculated the potential energy for every mass given above.

last question, can someone help please?


Answer may very but include: The terminal velocity of an object falling through a fluid is its maximum attainable velocity in the fluid. it is said to occur when the sum of the drag force and the buoyancy is equal to the downward force of gravity acting on the object. At terminal velocity, the object stops accelerating and moves at constant velocity.

A piece of wire length 30cm and cross sectional area of 0.5mm^2 has a resistance of 5ohms at 20°c. It is then heated to a temperature of 150°c. Calculate it's resistivity at 20°c



8.333*10^-6 ohms


Resistivity of a material is expressed as;

p = RA/l

R is the resistance of the material

A is the cross sectional area

l is the length of the material


R = 5 ohms

A = 0.5mm^2

A = 5 * 10^-7m^2

l = 30cm  = 0.3m

Substitute into the formula;

p = (5 *  5 * 10^-7m^2)/0.3

p = 25 * 10^-7/0.3

p = 0.0000025/0.3

p = 8.333*10^-6

Hence its resistivity at 20 degrees Celsius is 8.333*10^-6 ohms

What is the acceleration of a 78kg ostrich exerting 438N of applied force running against a wind with 42N of air friction force?​



Explanation: sorry

so by the shape look at this what will the time acceleration speed or velocity be in a beyblade what is the average if the beyblade spins for atleast 45 seconds and the beyblade weighs 55 grams what is the speed or acceleration of the beyblade?



the answer is 1.09 speed




How is a mixture different from a compound?​




1 In a mixture two or more substances are mixed together (elements or compounds)

2Therd is no fixed proportion of the constituents

3 The mixture may or may not be homogenous

4 There is no chemical reaction between the constituent substances

5 There cannot be a chemical formula for a mixture

6 Heat or any other type of energy is not required or released during the formation of a mixture

7 The constituents can be separated using simple physical processes

8 The properties of the constituents are retaied


1 Two or more elements form a compound

2 The constituent elements combine in a definite proportion to form a compound

3 The elements are in a definite proportion in any part or fraction of the compound

4 There is a chemical reaction in the formation of a compound

5 A compound has always a chemical formula for a compound

6 Heat orany other energy is often required for the formation of a compound or released during the formation of a compound

7 The constituent elements can't be separated using simple physical processes in case of a compound

8 The properties of the constituent elements are not retained in the compound

pulling a 15 kg mass from a bucket from a depth of 6 meters well a man shook 20 sec what was his power



power=44.1 watts

Hope it helped


If a car used 250,000 W of power to complete a race in 12 s, how much work did the car do?



3,000,000 Joules!




work=3,000,000 Joules

What's a real-life example of Newton's Second Law?


Pushing a car is easier than pushing a truck with the same amount of force as the mass of the car is lesser than the mass of the truck or
In golf game, acceleration of the golf ball is directly proportional to the force with which it is hit by the golf stick.

motion is the act of ___
the options are movement, feeling, chemical engergy and sleep


it’s movement i believe :)




Do all the stars move in the sky ? Explain​


The earth rotates on its axis from west to east. Therefore, all the stars in the sky (except the pole star) seem to move from east to west. Pole star is located along the axis of rotation of the Earth in the north direction. Thus, it seems to remain stationary at a point in the sky and all other stars appear to move around the pole star.
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