an obese client has asked the nurse practitioner to prescribe sibutramine. what variable will most affect the nurse's decision?


Answer 1

The fact that sibutramine has been withdrawn from the market due to adverse cardiovascular effects will have the greatest impact on the nurse's decision.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a broad term for any condition affecting the heart or blood vessels. Blood flow to the heart, brain, or body can be reduced due to a blood clot (thrombosis), fatty deposit buildup inside an artery, which causes the artery to harden and narrow (atherosclerosis)

Sibutramine, formerly known as Meridia among other brand names, is an appetite suppressant that has been phased out in many countries. Until 2010, it was widely marketed but also prescribed as an adjunct to diet and exercise in the treatment of obesity.

Chest pain and discomfort, upper neck and back pain, indigestion, heartburn, stomach problems, extreme fatigue, upper body discomfort, dizziness, as well as shortness of breath are all symptoms of a heart attack. Arrhythmia is characterized by fluttering sensations in the chest (palpitations).

To know more about the Cardiovascular ,here


Related Questions

the united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes t or f





It is false that the United States has the most expensive health care system in the world on a per capita basis. In fact, the U.S. has one of the most expensive health care systems in the world, with high per capita health care costs compared to other countries. However, it does not have the highest per capita health care costs in the world.

a client is to receive a narcotic that will be applied transdermally. the nurse identifies this as which agent?


The nurse identifies this as Fentanyl.

Fentanyl is available in the form of a transdermal patch. Fentanyl, also known as fentanil, is a highly potent synthetic opioid used to treat pain. Fentanyl is used for anesthesia in conjunction with other drugs. It is also used illegally as a recreational drug, sometimes in combination with heroin, cocaine, benzodiazepines, or methamphetamine.

Fentanyl works by binding to opioid receptors in the body, which are located in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions. Extreme happiness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, constipation, sedation, tolerance, addiction, respiratory depression and arrest, unconsciousness, coma, and death are some of its side effects.

To learn more about fentanyl, here


a new nurse is speaking to a client during a mental-health interview. which technique(s) would indicate that the new nurse requires further teaching about therapeutic communication techniques? select all the apply.


A new nurse is speaking to a client during a mental-health interview. Technique would indicate that the new nurse requires further teaching about therapeutic communication techniques are restating, sconfronting, sinterpreting.

Therapeutic, Concerning therapeutics, the branch of medicine that focuses on explicitly treating disease. The therapeutic dosage is the amount of a medication needed to cure a disease. On the one hand, there is a traditional explanation for this therapy based on ideas like qi energy and meridians, which neither clinical researchers nor academics accept. However, researchers have made an effort to explain the phenomenon using terms that are frequently used in medicine. The life force of our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine, requires a healthy flow of energy. This energy is also known as qi, blood, or neurological electrical energy. This school of thinking contends that qi obstruction can result in unpleasant symptoms or a loss of function in many physiological organs. This point of view holds that an acupuncturist's job is to remove barriers so that qi or blood can flow more freely, which is said to aid in the body's recovery.

To know more about therapeutic please refer:


an older adult client is being evaluated for suspected pyelonephritis and is ordered kidney, ureter, and bladder (kub) x-ray. the nurse understands the significance of this order is related to which rationale? reveals causative microorganisms shows damage to the kidneys if risk for chronic pyelonephritis is likely detects calculi, cysts, or tumors


The significance of this order is related to detecting calculi, cysts, or tumors, which means option D is the right answer.

Pyelonephritis refers to the infection in kidney which is caused due to gram negative bacteria known as E. Coli. The main symptoms observed in this disease are fever, abdominal pain, and nausea or vomiting. Kidneys are essential organs of the body responsible for filtration of minerals and water. If any of the kidney is damaged then it may cause problems to the overall functions of the body. Pyelonephritis is not a serious disease and can be treated using antibiotics however it must not be left untreated for long as the bacteria may grow and affect other functions of the body. X ray, MRI or ultrasound helps to determine whether the cells near the kidneys are not converting not tumor which may cause cancerous tissues to develop.

Learn more about Pyelonephritis at:


the nurse suspects that the client may have pseudoparkinosism. which medications are indicated to counter this medication


The nurse suspects that the client may have pseudo parkinsonism. Benztropine and  Trihexyphenidyl drugs does the nurse anticipate to be prescribed by the primary healthcare provider to counter this condition.

Muscle spasms that hurt the client could be a sign of pseudo parkinsonism. The anticholinergic medications benztropine and trihexyphenidyl are used to relieve excruciating muscle spasms brought on by antipsychotic medications. The antipsychotic medications clozapine, haloperidol, and risperidone may be to blame for this side effect.

Hence, pseudo parkinsonism can be dealt with Benztropine and  Trihexyphenidyl drugs.

To know more about Parkinson disease.


a client diagnosed with hemorrhoids reports intense pain when straining to pass stools. what type of agent would the nurse expect to be the first choice for this client?


when interviewing a client with hemorrhoids, the nurse must assume the purchaser to report that hemorrhoids cause bleeding but are less probably to cause ache.

Now a days, small hemorrhoids can depart on their very own in a few days. Large hemorrhoids, specially ones that cause a number of ache, swelling, and itchiness, cannot depart on their very own and can require remedy from a health practitioner to heal.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids appear to be swollen coming out of anus. Prolapsed hemorrhoids may also have no other symptom than the protrusion, or they may purpose ache or soreness, itchiness, or burning.

Learn more about hemorrhoids here:-


which action would the nurse take when caring for an older adult with a history of recent memory loss


D. Employ electronic devices that provide alerts.  Providing electronic devices that give alerts can help an older who has developed recent memory loss by nurse.

Providing electronic devices that give alerts can help an older adult who has developed recent memory loss by nurse. Adjusting the daily schedule can aid older adults who have changes in their sleep pattern. When dealing with older adults with a confusional states problem, the nurse should ideally provide a protective environment for the client. In addition, the nurse should recommend applicable community resources like adult day care, home care aides, and homemaker services. If the person gets light-headed when standing up, the person should stand up slowly. Avoid sudden changes in position. If the person is thirsty, have them drink fluids.

(Which action would the nurse take when caring for an older adult with a history of recent memory loss?

A. Instruct the client to move slowly when changing positions.

B. Remind the client to look where he or she places the feet while walking.

C. Adjust the daily schedule to accommodate sleep pattern.

D. Employ electronic devices that provide alerts.)

Learn more about nurse


a patient has been diagnosed with a uti and is prescribed an antibiotic. what first-line fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent for utis has been found to be significantly effective? septra macrodantin bactrim cipro


Cipro has been demonstrated to be a highly effective first-line fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent for UTIs.

Cystitis (infection of the bladder/lower urinary tract) and pyelonephritis (infection of the kidney/upper urinary tract) are two examples of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The pathogenesis of UTIs in females starts with uropathogens from the fecal flora colonizing the vaginal introitus, then they ascend through the urethra into the bladder and, in the event of pyelonephritis, through the ureters to the kidneys.

Female cystitis is quite prevalent. The reason women are more likely than men to have urinary tract infections (UTIs) is probably due to the shorter distance between the anus and the urethra.

Recent sexual activity and a history of UTI are risk factors for cystitis in otherwise healthy females. An elevated incidence of cystitis is also linked to the use of spermicides alone, diaphragms, and spermicide-coated condoms.

The risk of cystitis can also be increased by other concomitant conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and anatomical or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract. Our method does not always classify individuals with these comorbidities as having complex UTIs, despite the fact that this is how they have previously been classified.

The correct response is, therefore, option D.

To learn more about fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent, refer:-


suzy spence, cma, is trying to find a patient's chief complaint from a previous office visit. she should look in what section of the medical record?


According to question, she should look in the clinical section of the medical record .

We can locate files more quickly by using color-coded filing. Compared to name labels printed in black on white, your mind associates colors considerably more quickly. You can access the desired part of the filing system very quickly with color-coded filing systems. Time can be saved by filing by color.

The main grievance's goal was to Chief complaints are significant because they frequently direct diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. They are also known as presenting problems, clinical syndromes, or reasons for visits. Additionally, it is an essential piece of data that state and regional public health systems gather in order to keep track of disease outbreaks.

To know more about clinical section visit :


Meningococcal meningitis is definitively diagnosed from cultures isolated from nasopharyngeal swabs, blood, or cerebrospinal on thayer–martin medium, a selective medium for the growth neisseria. however, preliminary diagnosis is often based on clinical symptoms, and treatment with antibiotics is started before culture tests confirm infection with n. meningitidis. why?


The preliminary diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis is based on clinical symptoms such as fever, headache, stiff neck, and confusion.

Meningococcal meningitis is a serious and life-threatening infection, so it is important to start treatment with antibiotics as soon as possible in order to prevent complications and death.

Unfortunately, the definitive diagnosis cannot be made until cultures, such as those on thayer-martin medium, are completed, which can take days. Therefore, in order to save time and prevent serious complications or death, treatment with antibiotics is started before culture tests are completed.

This is also important to prevent the spread of the infection to others. With treatment, the outcome of meningococcal meningitis is usually good.

To know more about bacterial infections, click below:


a 55-year-old patient comes to the clinic with weight loss, depression, and malaise. which collaborative partner would be beneficial in assisting in the plan of care?


When an elderly patient comes to the clinic with weight loss depression and malaise.  beneficial assisting in the plan of care Nurses can help reduce patient anxiety via many relaxation techniques, desensitization, and guided imagery can assist patients to cope,

Boom their sense of management, and allay anxiety. Be supportive of coping behaviors; give the patient time to relax. A supportive presence creates a supportive environment to enhance coping. techniques which include effective communication, energetic listening, personal visits, medicinal drug, tuning, and aromatherapy. each nurse develops methods to apprehend signs that patients sense worrying or distress.

The nursing care plan desires patients with predominant melancholy assisting the client to cope with the contemporary scenario, presenting to meeting mental wishes, and selling health and wellness.  it is important to cope with a fast decrease in weight due to the fact negative vitamins can have an effect on all the body's systems and make seniors extra liable to infections and different extreme health situations.

Learn more about Plan care for Elderly Patients here:


a client with a diagnosis of schizophrenia has been brought to the emergency department by a worker from the group home where the client resides. the worker states that the client has stopped taking medications and drank 2 to 3 gallons of water over the past several hours. what assessments should the nurse who is caring for this client prioritize?


Electrolyte level monitoring and neurological evaluation for schizophrenia. Either a blood test or a urine test can be used to determine your electrolytes. A blood sample is used for the blood test.

Blood is taken from a vein in your hand or arm using a needle. You give a urine sample in a specimen container for a urine test. Fluid balance, electrolyte status, and acid-base status are assessed specifically using measures such trends in weight, 24-hour intake and output, vital signs, pulses, lung sounds, skin, and mental status. Daily weights that are accurate can give vital information about fluid balance of schizophrenia patient. Neurological consequences such as disorientation, convulsions, and muscular weakness can result from high or low levels of electrolytes such sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium as well as from diseases of the acid-base metabolism.

Learn more about schizophrenia


the nurse is preparing to care for a dying client and several family members are at the clients bedside. which therapeutic technique should the nurse use when communicating with the family


-3).Encourage expression of feelings, concerns, and fears.-5).Touch and hold the client's or family member's hand if appropriate. therapeutic technique should the nurse use when communicating with the family, the nurse is preparing to care for a dying client and several family members are at the clients bedside.

The goal of therapeutic technique  is to emphasise the patients' physical, mental, and emotional well. While retaining a certain degree of professional detachment and impartiality, nurses provide patients assistance and information. In nursing, therapeutic communication is a face-to-face procedure where a nurse employs communication techniques to promote a patient's sense of wellbeing. Major techniques that use Behavior Theory include Social Learning Theory, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Exposure Therapy. With psychiatric conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and anxiety, this method is very useful.

Learn more about therapeutic technique here:


a patient who has suffered a crushing injury to his thumb and two fingers in an accident at a factory is relieved to be administered a local anesthetic prior to treatment. the drugs that were administered decrease the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to:


The drugs that were administered to a patient who had suffered a crushing injury during a local anesthetic prior to the treatment were intended to decrease the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to sodium.

Local anesthetics reduce the permeability of nerve cell membranes to ions, particularly sodium.

Local anesthetics prevent nerves in a specific area of your body from delivering signals to the brain. You will not feel any pain after getting a local anesthetic, but you may feel some tension or movement. It usually takes just a few minutes to completely lose feeling in the area in which a local anesthetic is administered. Local anesthetics block transmission of nerve impulses by reducing the increase in membrane permeability towards sodium ions which typically results in a nerve impulse.

Learn more about  local anesthetic here:


in the stages of the illness experience developed by edward a. suchman, in which stage is the role of the patient given up?


Illness behavior, according to Edward A. Suchman, is divided into five stages: symptom experience, assumption of a sick role, medical care contact, dependent patient, as well as recovery or rehabilitation.

Edward A. Suchman was an American sociologist who specialized in military organization studies, social behavior measurement, working conditions, and public health. He is best known as a major pioneer of the modern accountability movement, particularly the methodology of evaluation research. Suchman was a Sociology Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Cornell University, Harvard University, and Columbia University, where he received his Ph.D. During WWII, he worked as a Research Associate for the United States. He worked in the War Department Research Branch, conducting sociological studies on military personnel.

He considered experimental design with a control group to be the most powerful form of evaluation research, but he also recognized that classic experiments weren't always possible and generally preferred whatever method was most suitable for the circumstances of the a particular evaluation.

To know more about the Illness behavior, here


the nurse is caring for a client who states that he is suddenly having severe pain at a leg fracture site. the nurse notes increased swelling in the limb and difficulty palpating a pulse. the nurse suspects that the client may have:


Compartment syndrome The patient being cared for by the nurse claims to be experiencing sudden, excruciating pain at the location of a leg fracture. The nurse observes worsening limb edema and trouble feeling the pulse.

Acute compartment syndrome is characterized by extreme pain that is out of proportion to the initial damage. The hemorrhage and edema brought on by bone fractures and surgical procedures is one of the most significant causes of compartment syndrome. It could be challenging to feel a pulse if there is edema or swelling. While reflex sympathetic dystrophy is characterized by pain that is excessive compared to the damage, pulses are not diminished. Fracture blisters are regions of epidermal necrosis with edematous fluid separating the epidermis from the dermis underneath. 

learn more about compartment syndrome here:


pulse oximetry is prescribed for an adolescent. which would the nurse do to ensure accuracy of the pulse oximeter reading


Pulse oximetry is prescribed for an adolescent.  To  ensure accuracy of the pulse oximeter reading attach the probe to a finger or earlobe.

A technique called pulse oximetry is performed to determine the blood's oxygen saturation level. It is a simple, painless test to determine how well oxygen is being delivered to the body parts that are farthest from the heart, such the arms and legs.

A probe, which resembles a clip, is applied to a body part, like an ear lobe or finger. The probe measures the amount of oxygen in the blood using light. This knowledge aids the medical professional in determining whether a patient requires additional oxygen.

Hence, pulse oximeter accuracy can be efficiently determined from finger.

To know more about  Blood oxygen level.


the amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her ________.


The needs and personal objectives of the client are what define how much time the client will spend in psychotherapy.

What factor determines if psychotherapy is effective most significantly?

The client's resources are the single biggest factor influencing therapy improvement. The association between the client's level of motivation, relational skills, cultural background, expectations, preferences, and degree of defensiveness has been scientifically proven.

How long does classic psychoanalysis usually last?

Psychoanalysis typically requires three to five sessions per week as a therapeutic intervention and the duration of a normal or natural maturational shift (three to seven years). Treatment duration varies, but psychoanalysis typically lasts at least 5 years..

To know more about psychotherapy  visit:-


if a pregnant woman needs to increase the amount of vitamin a in her body, the best source of vitamin a would be foods such as: a. isoflavones and fish b. meat and dairy products c. those that contain beta-carotene. d. fruits and lean meats


Those that have beta-carotene in them. Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are colored by beta-carotene which is needed in pregnancy.

Thus, colorful fruits and vegetables like carrots, red peppers, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables, as well as mango, peaches, and apricots, are among the rich sources. Carrots make up 60% of the average British diet. However, most dietary supplements substitute beta-carotene for retinol, and there is no evidence linking a high intake of beta-carotene to birth abnormalities in pregnancy. The body of your infant transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A, which serves a variety of crucial purposes. Giving your infant foods rich in beta-carotene may enhance his immune system and help prevent or lessen asthma attacks brought on by exercise.

The complete question is:

If a pregnant woman needs to increase the amount of vitamin A in her body, the best source of vitamin A would be foods such as:

Fruits and lean meats

Meat and dairy products

Isoflavones and fish

Those that contain beta-carotene.

Learn more about Pregnancy


a patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury?


That injury most certainly caused facial nerve damage. The facial nerves branch and give rise to the chorda tympani, which supplies sensory supply to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.

The facial nerve connects your brain to particular muscles of your face. It controls the muscles that allow you to produce expressions like as raising a brow, smiling, or frowning. This nerve is also in charge of the majority of your tongue's taste experiences.

From top to bottom, the branches are: frontal (or temporal), zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical. Each of these branches offers input to a set of face expression muscles. The locations innervated by each branch are listed below in rough order. The facial nerve innervates the facial muscles that are responsible for facial expression, as well as the glands of the oral cavity and the lacrimal gland, as well as the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.

To know more about facial nerve visit


when a client with obstructive pulmonary disease has a new prescription for daily low dose prednisone, which information will the nurse include when teaching this client


The information the nurse will include when teaching this client would be Report any dark stools to the health care provider.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a set of disorders that produce airflow obstruction and breathing difficulties. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are examples. COPD makes it difficult for the 16 million Americans who suffer from the disease to breathe.

Smoking is the leading cause of COPD, accounting for around 9 out of every 10 cases. Smoke contains toxic compounds that can affect the lining of the lungs and airways. Stopping smoking can help keep COPD from worsening.

Short-acting bronchodilator inhalers are the initial line of treatment for most persons with COPD. Bronchodilators are medications that relax and enlarge your airways, making breathing easier.

To know more about pulmonary disease visit


you are taking the drug history from a patient. which of the following information should be collected as part of this interview? (select all that apply)


Answer: A,B,D,F


A. Allergies to any drugs

B. Alcohol or recreational drug use

D. The use of nutritional supplements or herbs

F. The illness or symptoms for which the drug is needed

a client with infective endocarditis of a prosthetic mitral valve returns to the emergency department with a second episode of left-sided weakness and visual changes. what collaborative management will the nurse expect for this client?


Collaborative care should the nurse anticipate for a patient who has surgical valve replacement after developing infective endocarditis of a prosthetic mitral valve and returning to the emergency.

In individuals who have experienced many major systemic embolic surgical valve replacement episodes, an aortic or mitral valve debridement, excision, or replacement is necessary. In order to avoid a stroke or treat severe valve leakage-related heart failure, surgery may also be advised. endocarditis Many times, during the same hospital stay, urgent cardiac surgery may be advised. mitral valve replacement (MVR) Other individuals could undergo endocarditis  surgery after finishing their antibiotic therapy at a later time. For individuals who have a mechanical valve in the mitral or tricuspid position, mitral valve replacement (MVR) with a mechanical prosthesis is advised (class I).

learn more about endocarditis here:


he charge nurse is making client care assignments for the evening shift. one of the licensed practical nurses (lpns) is a new graduate in orientation. which client would be an appropriate care assignment for this lpn?


Nurse a patient with diverticulitis who is 72 years old. Diverticulitis patients will require care, which an LPN should be able to do safely.

The angina patient needs ongoing examination from a licensed nurse since they are in an unstable state. A qualified nurse with certification in chemotherapy administration is required for the client getting chemotherapy treatment. It is advisable to choose an experienced pediatric nurse, not a recent student, to care for a kid with Kawasaki illness since the youngster has to be continuously monitored for cardiac issues. Giving the LPN adequate feedback on an assignment might entail saying that they did an excellent job of ensuring the patient's comfort.

Learn more about Nurse


an older adult client has newly diagnosed stage 2 hypertension. the health care provider has prescribed the client hydrochlorothiazide and enalapril. what will the nurse be sure to include in educating this client?


Stage 2 hypertension has just been discovered in an elderly customer. The client has been prescribed enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide by the healthcare practitioner. Change postures (laying down or sitting up) carefully to incorporate this customer in your education.

Antihypertensive drugs have the potential to lower blood pressure, particularly postural hypertension , which increases the risk of injury. When changing from a laying, sitting, or standing position to a standing position, the nurse instructs patients to healthcare do so slowly. When antihypertensive drugs are abruptly withdrawn, rebound hypertension results. Additionally, healthcare the nurse advises older clients to utilize walking aids and railings to reduce the risk of hypertension falls brought on by dizziness. Consuming salty meals may make using antihypertensive medicines ineffective.

learn more about hypertension here:


a new nurse asks the charge nurse for assistance in interpreting arterial blood gases (abgs) for a client. what acid/base imbalance should the charge nurse tell the new nurse these abgs indicate in the client?


Acid/base imbalance should the charge nurse tell the new nurse is Partially compensated ,metabolic alkalosis is indicated by these ABGs.

An arterial blood gas (ABG) test is a blood test that measures the acidity or pH and the levels of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the arteries. The pH is 7.46 (normal 7.35-7.45) which is high, which mode alkalosis. PaCO2 is 47 (normal 35-45) which is lofty. Over 45 is acidosis from excess CO2. HCO3 is 28 (normal 22-26) which is lofty. High bicarb equals alkalosis. HCO3 is proportional to pH, so both are indicative of alkalosis. The first problem is kidney problems or metabolic alkalosis. The lungs try to compensate by holding more acid. Thus, Partially compensated,metabolic alkalosis is the correct answer.

To know more about metabolic alkalosis please click on the link


is responsible for ensuring that public water systems meet minimum standards for protecting public health?


Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for ensuring that public water systems meet minimum standards for protecting public health.

The Environmental Protection Agency protects people and the environment from significant health risks by funding and conducting research, as well as developing and enforcing environmental regulations. The EPA—a U.S. federal agency designed to protect human and environmental health—was established by President Nixon in December 1970 in response to increased concerns about pollution and its negative externalities.

Environmental protection is the practice of individuals, organizations, and governments protecting the natural environment. Its goals are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment, as well as to repair damage and reverse trends where possible.

To learn more about Environmental Protection Agency, here


a patient is referred to radiology for an ac joint series. the routine calls for an ap axial projection (zanca method) to be included. how is this projection performed?


The acromioclavicular (AC) joint radiographic series is used to evaluate the acromioclavicular joint and the distal clavicle.

The position for an AP projection of the AC joints of the patient can be either seated or standing upright with the back of the patient's shoulders resting on the image receptor.

Weight-bearing views in suspected acromio-clavicular separation may be misleading if there is extensive spasm of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. The effect of this spasm may be lessened by strapping the weights to the wrist rather than having them hand-held.

The most reliable physical examination test for acromioclavicular joint pathology is the cross-body adduction test. This test assesses the stability of the affected shoulder and should be performed by manipulating the midshaft of the clavicle rather than the acromioclavicular joint itself.

Learn more about ac joint series here:-


a client comes to the clinic to talk about weight-loss strategies. the client understands the need to increase exercise and decrease calories. what additional strategy can the nurse share with this client that will assist in his effort to lose weight?


Besides the usual exercise increase and calorie intake decrease, the additional strategy that can assist the client with weight loss is keeping a journal or log of food intake and physical activity.

The typical things that must be done in a weight-loss strategy are increasing exercise effectively and decreasing calorie intake. It turns out that, other than these two, an additional strategy that can be done without much hassle is a diary or log of food intake and physical activity.

People that keep a log to track their weight-loss activity are more likely to keep it up throughout the entire cycle. It shows the user of the impact of their behavior as well as the positive changes they are making.

Learn more about weight-loss strategy at


after relocating to the nursing home 6 weeks ago, an older adult receives a diagnosis of depression. which intervention will the nurse implement to address the diagnosis of depression?


After relocating to the nursing home 6 weeks ago, an older adult receives a diagnosis of depression. Give the patient the opportunity to speak with other residents is the intervention will the nurse implement to address the diagnosis of depression.

Depression is a mood condition characterized by a loss of interest and unrelenting melancholy. Your emotions, ideas, and behavior are affected by clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, which can cause a number of mental and physical issues. You can find it difficult to get your regular daily tasks done, and you might periodically wonder if it's even worth living. In contrast to a straightforward case of the blues, depression is more nuanced and doesn't "pop out" of you. Long-term treatment may be necessary for depression. Don't give up though. Most depressed people experience improved symptoms with medication, counseling, or both. Despite certain changes, the basic signs and symptoms of depression in adolescents and teenagers are comparable to those in adults. Melancholy, irritability, clinginess, concern, aches and pains, refusal to go to school, or underweight are just a few of the symptoms that young children with depression may display. Teenagers may exhibit symptoms such as sadness, irritability, feeling down and unworthy, anger, poor academic performance.

To know more about depression please refer:


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