An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?a. Grandiose delusionsb. Thought insertionc. Persecutory delusionsd. Referential delusions


Answer 1

An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying type of delusion Persecutory delusions. The correct answer is C.

Persistent, unpleasant, unfounded fears that one will soon sustain harm or receive unfair treatment from others are known as persecutory delusions. These beliefs, which are present in some people with delusional disorder, a rare mental ilness, can lead to severe suffering like anxiety, depression, and panic.

Although most people with delusional disorder function normally, the fear of damage can be so strong that it causes some people to withdraw or even consider suicid.e.

When someone believes they are being followed or that someone they care about is or will be hurt, they have persecutory false beliefs. Even though the illusions are false, they may still happen because they are not uncommon.

To know more about persecutory delusion:


Related Questions

on a personality test, sandi rates herself low on curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness. which big five dimension is sandi rating?


On a personality test, sandi rates herself low on curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness. The big five dimension is sandi rating is openness to experience.

The 4 temperament principle is a proto-mental principle that suggests that there are 4 essential personality sorts: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.

Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and conduct that comprise someone's specific adjustment to the existence, such as important trends, hobbies, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.

Learn more about personality here


what amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness?


AmazonSmile is an Amazon website that supports charities, including Rosies in Brisbane, Australia. AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. To support Rosies, simply log into AmazonSmile and select "Rosies - Friends on the Street" as your charity of choice.

Support Rosies: How to Help Provide Food and a Friendly Face to the Homeless in Brisbane, Australia

By using AmazonSmile, you can easily and conveniently support Rosies, a local charity in Brisbane, Australia. Rosies provides food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness. When you log into AmazonSmile and select Rosies - Friends on the Street as your charity of choice, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charity. So, by simply shopping on AmazonSmile, you can help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Learn more about Support:


the relentless rehearsal of overgeneralized and self-blaming thought by depressed clients is called:


When you make a rule based on a single event or a series of coincidences, you are overgeneralizing. In the sentence, "always" and "never" are frequently used.

When you make a rule based on a single event or a series of coincidences, you are overgeneralizing. In the sentence, "always" and "never" are frequently used. You make the assumption that all subsequent events will result in the same way because you have experience with how one event played out.

Personalization and blame is a cognitive distortion in which you completely blame yourself or someone else for a situation that actually involved many factors over which you had no control.

At the point when you wind up taking part in this mental bending, put forth a cognizant attempt to consider different variables that could play had an impact in the circumstance. Consider external factors or other people's actions that might have also been contributing factors rather than blaming yourself for something that happened.

To know more about overgeneralized and self-blaming, visit:-


9.your mother is worried that since your father has just turned 40 years old, he is going to have an affair or buy a fancy new sports car. what would you tell your mother? a.she has no reason to be worried; very few males have a midlife crisis. b.she has reason to be worried, most males have a midlife crisis. c.she has no reason to be worried; females are much more likely to have a midlife crisis. d.she has reason to be worried; married men are much more likely to have a midlife crisis.


Answer: its d

Explanation: if you think about it in the perspective of a married person your always gonna have there ups and downs

_____is negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group.


Prejudice is a negative attitude and feeling toward an individual based solely on one's membership in a particular social group (

schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by a. multiple identities. b. precise motor control. c. disorganized thinking and disturbed perceptions. d. selective attention.


Schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by  c. disorganized thinking and disturbed perceptions.

Schizophrenia usually entails delusions (fake ideals), hallucinations (seeing or listening to things that do not exist), uncommon physical behavior, and disorganized thinking and speech. it's miles common for humans with schizophrenia to have a paranoid mind or hear voices.

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disease that affects less than one percent of the U.S. population. while schizophrenia is active, signs and symptoms can consist of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, hassle with thinking, and shortage of motivation.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here


What made the explorations significant to the Western Hemisphere?



Strong among them are the satisfaction of curiosity, the pursuit of trade, the spread of religion, and the desire for security and political power. At different times and in different places, different motives are dominant.

Summarize the impact of economic and politics on settlement and land usage in south America


Given that the population is being affected differently by the rise in inflation, poverty and inequality continue to be major issues.

What is South America's economy based on?

South America has a rich mineral heritage, a variety of agricultural products, and an abundance of freshwater. On three bodies of water—the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean—it also has thriving fisheries and ports. The export of natural resources is the mainstay of the continent's economy.

Additionally destroying South America's distinctive biomes are urbanization and industrialization. A square foot of the Amazon rainforest is burned every second. For the timber industry, trees are cut down, and towns, ranches, and farms are built on the rainforest plains.

Learn more about South America here:


the knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and family that individuals can use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society are part of


The knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and family that individuals can use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society are part of Cultural Capital.

Useful resource refers to all of the materials available in our environment that are technologically handy, economically viable, and culturally sustainable and help us to meet our wants and needs.

Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable; a renewable aid can refill itself at the price of its miles used, while a nonrenewable resource has a restricted supply. Renewable sources encompass wooden, wind, and solar even as nonrenewable assets encompass coal and natural gas.

Learn more about Resources here:


What are the principles of strength training?


The principles of strength training involve manipulation of the number of repetitions (reps).

In order to overload a group of muscles and achieve the desired change in strength, endurance, size, or shape, strength training involves manipulating the number of repetitions (reps), sets, tempo, exercises, and force.

The following are the five tenets of strength training:

1. Increased stress on the body, known as overload, leads to adaptations that boost fitness.

2. Recovery: The body should adjust to the stress of frequent, vigorous exercise

3. Specificity: Your body will adapt to the different sorts of exercise stress that it is subjected to.

4. Reversibility: In order to see results or keep your fitness level, you must be constant in your training efforts.

5. If you want to work toward fitness-related goals, periodization-a long-term training plan-is essential.

To know more about principles of strength training:


eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of South Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

Eliza Lucas Pinckney, who was likely the first significant American agriculturalist, recognised that the expanding textile industry was opening up new markets for dyes around the world. Beginning in 1739, she started cultivating and developing enhanced strains of the indigo plant, which was being used to color textiles in England's expanding textile factories.

While Lucas only had a broad understanding of the process from what she had seen in the Caribbean, she oversaw experiments for years to create effective strategies for the conditions in South Carolina. It's possible that African slaves transferred knowledge of indigo and rice processing and cultivation to the American and Caribbean colonies.

To learn about indigo refer:


The_________ perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning.


The psychoanalytic perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning.

Psychoanalytical Viewpoint. The unconscious mind rather than the conscious mind is the center of the psychoanalytic method. It is based on the fundamental tenet that the unconscious memories of your prior events shape the way you behave.

Jennifer discovers she forgot to get the cake when her husband asks where it is when he gets home. According to the psychoanalytical/psychodynamic viewpoint, Jennifer reacted to her amnesia in a manner similar to how she reacted when her father would ask her to do something and she failed to fulfill it.

To know more about psychoanalytic perspective:


dr. collins is conducting an experiment in which he is measuring retention of psychological information after reading the textbook vs. taking short quizzes. dr. collins ideas most directly exemplify the perspective. dr. collins is conducting an experiment in which he is measuring retention of psychological information after reading the textbook vs. taking short quizzes. dr. collins ideas most directly exemplify the perspective. social-cultural neuroscience psychodynamic humanistic cognitive


The Cognitive perspective is best immediately illustrated by Dr. Collins' theories. Dr. Collins is testing how well psychological knowledge is retained after reading the textbook versus taking quick quizzes.

What distinguishing features of cognitive perspective?

The cognitive approach's main characteristics are: a conviction that psychology should be treated as a pure science and that research methodology should be based on science. The main focus is on reasoning and related mental functions like language, perception, memory, and forgetting.

How else is cognitive perspective applied in the present?

Current Cognitive Psychology Research

This research has a wide range of real-world implications, including helping people deal with memory issues, improving decision-making, recovering from brain injuries, addressing learning disorders, and designing educational curriculum to improve learning.

To know more about Psychological Information, visit:


_______of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that steers the reply toward one side of an argument is referred to as a leading question.

What distinguishes leading questions from open question?

Leading questions figuratively "guide" the witness by implying the response you anticipate hearing. An open-ended questions does not imply the solution. An instance Assume that your goal is to prove that the deponent stole office supplies and was aware that he shouldn't have been doing so.

A leading question is what kind of prejudice?

Leading questions make it very clear that there is a "right" response that the question is guiding you towards, making them the easiest examples of bias to identify. These outcomes are constant.

To learn more about open-ended question here:


Which of the following describes the current voter turnout trend the best ?


A strong democracy depends on high voter turnout. Voting for one candidate or party over another won't significantly change public policy, according to a common view that contributes to low turnout.

The United States has a lower voter turnout than the majority of other advanced democracies. This section discusses turnout in the US and provides suggestions on how to boost it. In national elections, the voting participation rate in the  varies. In recent years, over 60% of the eligible population has cast a ballot in voter turnout presidential election years and approximately 40% has done so in midterm election years. The turnout in the 2020 and 2018 elections was the greatest in over a century for both the presidential and midterm elections.

learn more about voter turnout here:


the drive-reduction theory of motivation states that deviations from create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need. biology emotions homeostasis motivations


The accurate answer is Homeostasis which makes the whole statement stand correct. The drive-reduction theory states more about psychological behavior.

Homeostasis: what is it? Any self-regulating process by which an organism tends to remain stable while adjusting to conditions that are best for its survival is known as homeostasis. Life continues if homeostasis is maintained; if it fails, either a catastrophe or the organism's death follow. It simply explains drive reduction theory.

Learn more about drive reduction theory here:

Complete Question:

Drive theory states that deviations from ________ create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need.



what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?


When the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses called Response bias.

Response bias describes a number of variables that may cause someone to give a misleading or inaccurate answer to a question. This kind of prejudice is most common in self-report questions, such those found on surveys and in organized interviews. Response bias is a term that encompasses a wide range of participant tendencies to give incorrect or inaccurate answers to queries. In research involving participant self-report, such as organized interviews or surveys, these biases are pervasive. Another instance of response bias is when someone chooses an answer to a question that they are aware is untrue, but they do so out of discomfort by giving their sincere response.

Response bias, commonly referred to as survey bias, is the propensity for respondents to provide false information.

Learn more about Response bias here:


which reciprocity style was the most likely to be at the top, to be the most successful? which reciprocity style was the most likely to be at the top, to be the most successful? matchers takers givers


The four types of reciprocity style includes

Otherish givers, matchers, takers, selfless givers.The givers are most likely to be at the top.

Takers like to receive more than they give, according to Adam Grant, who said: "Takers have a particular signature. They favour reciprocity in their favour and prioritise their own demands over those of others. Givers. Giving people, on the other hand, will assist when the advantages to others outweigh the costs to themselves.Givers are deeply compassionate and empathic people who prioritise the needs of others before their own. They have the innate ability to support others by foreseeing their emotional needs. They take great pleasure in being accessible and serving as a source of support or a shoulder to cry on.

To know more about Reciprocity style here


if you were going to advise a middle-aged adult on how to best maintain and improve her cognitive abilities into older adulthood, your best advice would be to tell her to


If you were going to advise a middle-aged adult on how to best maintain and improve her cognitive abilities into older adulthood, your best advice would be to tell her to stay intellectually engaged in complex tasks.

The declines in performance on cognitive tasks requiring quick information processing or transformation in order to make decisions, such as measures of processing speed, working memory, and executive cognitive function, are the most significant changes in cognition with normal aging.

We develop a variety of cognitive skills that seem to reach their peak around the age of 30, and on average, very subtly deteriorate with age. Most frequently, these aging-related cognitive declines include generalized slowness of thinking as well as challenges with maintaining attention, multitasking, holding information in mind, and word finding.

Learn more about cognitive abilities  to visit this link


briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.



Chinese immigrants, according to Sinn, found a variety of jobs, therefore the miner's tax had little bearing on them. According to Pfaelzer, the Chinese were singled out by the miner's tax because that is where the majority of their jobs were located.

Chinese immigrants came to the western US in great numbers between 1850 and 1860. Although there were also many immigrants from other parts of Asia, the Chinese were by far the most noticeable group.

The other US regions also welcomed many European immigrants at the same time. Nevertheless, there were also a lot of Latin Americans in these areas.

The population of that region increased as a result of immigration to the Pacific coast. Due to this, states that could accommodate all of these people had to be established to organize the area.

Learn more about Sinn's and Pfaelzer's historical interpretations here:


an upper-class executive whose parents belong to the middle class and whose grandparents were raised in the lower class would be an example of:


An upper-class executive whose parents belong to the middle class and whose grandparents were raised in the lower class would be an example of intergenerational mobility.

Any shift in a family's social standing from one generation to the next is referred to as intergenerational mobility. The first generation, which included Millie, advanced into becoming a first generation college student and writer, and the second generation, which included Millie's children, advanced even further into becoming well-known authors throughout the world. Intergenerational mobility is demonstrated by all these alterations occurring within Millie's family line's generations.

Which three intergenerational mobility types are predominant?

Intragenerational Mobility: A person's social status can change over the course of a lifetime. Vertical mobility is the movement of people or groups from one socioeconomic level to another, frequently through marriage or job changes. Horizontal mobility is the transition between positions at the same social level.

Learn more about intergenerational mobility to visit this link



Which phrase describes one of the responsibilities of the President of the United Sates?

controlling the Congressional agenda

introducing new laws

deciding if a law is constitutional

appointing federal judges



Controlling the Congressional agenda


Ur welcome

Good day

The President of the United States plays one of the responsibilities of appointing federal judges. Thus the correct option is D.

What are the responsibilities of the president?

The president of the United States is considered the head of the country and responsible for appointing the leaders of government entities, including the Cabinet, in order to carry out and enforce the laws passed by Congress.

A president has the power to veto the bill approved by a majority of both the house of Congress. To declare a law unconstitutional is the primary duty of the supreme court which is the highest judiciary body.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the powers of the president, here:


Which statement best describes the main idea of the paragraph our country?


Our country can no longer refuse involvement because it cannot allow peace and freedom to be at risk. This statement describes the main idea.

President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany in a message or speech before a joint session on April 2, 1917. Wilson, adopting his customary stance of moral superiority, claimed that not only had America's rights as a neutral nation been infringed, but also that "the globe must be made safe for democracy" in his speech before a special session of Congress. To "bring peace and stability to make the world and the country itself at last free," Americans must fight "for the rights and liberties of little nations."

Read the paragraph from "Wilson's War Message to Congress."

Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic governments backed by organized force which is controlled wholly by their will, not by the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrality in such circumstances.

Which statement best describes the main idea of the paragraph?

Learn more about Wilson's war message here:


What led to the rise of communism in the soviet union?


Answer: After Tsar Nicholas II lost power and was demoted, efforts to make Russia a communist state were made.

Explanation: During the revolt of 1917, the Provisional Government established Russia as a democratic state, however, a group of rebellious Russians, named the Bolsheviks refused to accept that and started a revolt in October 1917. This led a man, Vladimir Lenin, to be elected, and yet he was a man of communism. I hoped this helped you answer your question!

abby is being evaluated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. during the evaluation, information is collected from her parents and her teachers. in addition, she is observed by the evaluator in the classroom, during lunch, at recess, and in her home. this situation illustrates which of these?


In addition, she is observed by the evaluator in the classroom, during lunch, at recess, and in her home. this situation illustrates the need to assess in multiple environments.

The term "natural environment" or "natural world" refers to all naturally occurring, that is, unman made, living and non-living phenomena. The phrase is most frequently used to refer to the Earth or specific regions of the Earth. This environment includes how all living things interact with one another as well as the climate, weather, and natural resources that have an impact on human survival and economic activities. Unlike the natural world, the manmade environment is different. Humans have profoundly altered landscapes through the conversion of agricultural land into metropolitan areas and other built habitats, substantially altering the natural environment to create a more streamlined human environment. Even less severe actions, like installing a solar system in the desert or constructing a mud home, turn the environment into an artificial one.

learn more about environments here


Who does Schenck compare a drafted soldier to do you agree or disagree Why?


A drafted soldier is compared by Schenck to an indentured servant. I concur with Schenck since the 13th amendment was broken because men were forced to fight in wars against their will,

Schenck which legally violates their sense of and ability to exercise freedom. I agree with Schenck because a drafted soldier is an ordinary citizen who is selected against their will to serve for the United States military. Schenck Said citizen has no say in the matter, as to say no would be to break the law, punishable by jail time and fines. Said citizen is also being drafted as a consequence of something the United States government and/or military did or decided to do. It is not for something the citizen has done. This citizen may be harmed or even killed in the line of duty, all for no fault of their own and without them ever being able to object in the entire process.

learn more about Schenck here:


hat ways do you believe that sociological imagination has helped you see how personal problems are intertwined with the public issues of society of which we are a part?


The sociological imagination enables us to consider how social concerns have an impact on society.

We won't be able to begin to understand how societal problems link to smaller, more personal ones until we have this capacity. We can improve our emotional biases in study situations by using the sociological imagination.

This kind of thinking enables people to understand the connection between their own experiences and the larger society in which they live.

Personal issues are issues that a person has that are unique to them and the scope of their close relationships with other people. According to Wright Mills, we act and act out our personal life as we decide what to do with our friends, family, groups, jobs, schools, and other things that are under our control.

To know more about sociological imagination, click here:


autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. a clear example of a joint attention interaction is


Autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. a clear example of a joint attention interaction is d. drawing someone's attention to an object by pointing to it.

The research proposes that ASD may be an end result of disruptions in ordinary mind boom very early in improvement. those disruptions may be the result of defects in genes that manage brain improvement and alter how mind cells communicate with every other. Autism is greater common in youngsters born prematurely. Autism spectrum disease (ASD) is a developmental incapacity as a result of differences in the brain.

Human beings with ASD regularly have problems with social conversation and interplay, and limited or repetitive behaviors or pursuits. human beings with ASD may also have one-of-a-kind approaches to learning, shifting, or paying interest.

No longer expressing emotion or best a restricted variety of emotions. trouble interpreting one-of-a-kind feelings in others. not seeming attached to mother and father. lacking interest in playing social games or the organization of other kids.

Learn more about Autistic here:


Disclaimer: The question is incomplete. Please read below to find the missing content.

Autistic children have been found to show deficits in joint attention interactions. A clear example of a joint attention interaction is

a. expressing friendship by hugging a person.

b. expressing a command verbally by saying "be quiet"

c. showing especially high interest in a stimulus, for example, by visually attending to it.

d. drawing someone's attention to an object by pointing to it.

which part of the Declartion of independence gives many different examples of the British governmanet's unfair treatment of the colonists?
A. list of grievances
B . conclusion
C. Preamble
D. introduction



see explanation


Which part of the Declaration of independence gives many different examples of the British government's unfair treatment of the colonists?

A. list of grievances

B . conclusion

C. Preamble

D. introduction


The third section is the List of Grievances. This is the longest part of the Declaration of Independence, and it covers all of the concerns the colonies had against the British government and the King of England.

what is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse?


The term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse is muscle twitch.

Muscle fasciculation is another name for muscle twitching. Small muscular contractions cause twitching in the body. Your nerves govern the fibers that make up your muscles. Your muscle fibers may contract as a result of a nerve being stimulated or being damaged.

The majority of muscle twitches go unreported and are not dangerous. They might sometimes be a sign of a nervous system disorder, therefore you should see your doctor.

Many different situations can make muscles twitch. The causes of minor muscle twitching are frequently less significant, lifestyle related factors. However, more extreme muscle twitching frequently indicates a serious condition.

To know more about muscle twitch:


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