An empty bulldozer weighed 5 6/8 tons. If it scooped up 6 1/2 tons of dirt, what would be the
combined weight of the bulldozer and dirt?


Answer 1


12 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

common denominator between 8 and 2 is 4, adding those up will be 12.25 in decimal form or 12 1/4

Related Questions

What is the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, that passes through the
points (-2, -2) and
and (4, — 3)?



y = [tex]\frac{-1}{6}[/tex]x - [tex]\frac{7}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Find the slope -3- -2 / 4 - -2  so -3+2/4+2, -1/6 so m = -1/6

2.  Find y intercept (b)   y = mx + b so -2 = -1/6(-2) + b, -2 = 1/3 + b

b = -2-1/3, b = -6/3 - 1/3, so b = -7/3

3.  Put it all together y = mx + b so y = -1/6x -7/3




u r correct

Step-by-step explanation:

Help I would appreciate it



it is option C

hope it helps

97 And 83

Drag each tile to the correct box. Ross has a box of movies in four genres: romance, comedy, drama, and science fiction. The table gives the probability of picking a movie of each genre. Movie Genre Probability romance 0.38 comedy 0.1 science fiction 0.22 drama 0.3 As part of an experiment, Ross picks a movie at random and then replaces it. He repeats the process 200 times. Place the following events in order from the event with the lowest predicted frequency to the event with the highest predicted frequency. picking a romantic movie picking a comedy movie picking a science fiction movie picking a dramatic movie , , ,







Step-by-step explanation:


1ST BOX Picking a Comedy movie

2ND BOX picking a science  fiction movie

3RD BOX picking a dramatic movie

LAST BOX Picking a romantic movie

Step-by-step explanation:

I took the test

X-5(x-1)=2x-(2x-3) answer the question


Answer: x= 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation.


x−5(x−1)=2x+−1(2x−3)(Distribute the Negative Sign)





(x+−5x)+(5)=(2x+−2x)+(3)(Combine Like Terms)



Step 2: Subtract 5 from both sides.



Step 3: Divide both sides by -4.

−4x /−4 = −2 /−4

x = 1/2

Answer : x = 1/2

Hopes this help .

What is the relative minimum of the function?
if anyone could help it would be appreciated!! :)




Step-by-step explanation:

since the parabola opens upwards, the minimum is at the vertex of the parabola and the maximum is infinity, because the lines of a parabola goes on forever

you look for the smallest x value for the parabola and since you can see that the vertex of the parabola lies on x=-2, the minimum value of the function is -2.

Hope that helps :)

How do you write 0.00000058 in scientific notation



5.8 x 10^-7

Step-by-step explanation:


5.8 * [tex]10^{-7}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Move the decimal so there is one n zero digit to the left of the decimal point. The number of decimal places you moved will be the exponent on the 10. If the decimal moves to the right, the exponent will be negative. If it moves to the left, the exponents will be positive.

Which statement is true about the solution to /2x-1 = - 1?
The solution is x = -1 because 2(-1)-1 = -1
The solution is x = 1 because 2(1) - 1 = -1
The solution is x = 0 because
V2(0) - 1 = -1
There are no real number solutions to this equation.



The solution is x = 1 because 2(1) - 1 = -1

Step-by-step explanation:


D) no real numbers

Step-by-step explanation:

3x+5=12-7x solve? Help ​



3x + 5 = 12 - 7x

⇒ 3x = 12 - 5 - 7x

⇒ 3x = 7 - 7x

⇒ 3x + 7x = 7

⇒ 10x = 7

⇒ x= 7 ÷ 10

x = 0.7

What is the quotient of the fractions below?
3/5 divided by 5/11



1 8/25

Step-by-step explanation: its right



Step-by-step explanation:

what is the slope of the line that passes through the points (2,-3) and (2,13)? write your answer in simplest form



The slope is undefined because there is no change in x, making it a vertical line

Step-by-step explanation:

A boy is flying a kite and has let out 300 feet of string. He notices that the angle the string makes with the ground is 38 degrees. How high over the ground is the kite?



height = 184.7 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

sin 38 = height/300

0.6157 = height/300

height = 184.7 feet

5th grade math. correct answer will be marked brainliest.


20.5 is your answer
The change of y is increasing by 5 so to get the .5 months you divide 5 by 2 and that gives you 2.5 and then you add that 2.5 with 18 which gives you 20.5 sorry I am not good at explaining.


The points plotted below are on the graph of a polynomial. Which of the
following x-values is the best approximation of a root of the polynomial?
Check all that apply.

A. X-1.1
B. X= 4.3
C. x=2.4
D. X=6



I don't know the answer but have a site that helps me with math, its called

Step-by-step explanation:

Just check it out

nine more than the product of 22 and Gordons height​



9 + 22h


The question is incomplete as Gordon's height is not given. To solve further, we will represent this height with h

So, we have:

nine more than the [tex]product[/tex] of 22 and [tex]Gordons\ height[/tex]

More than, in this case means plus (+)

nine + the [tex]product[/tex] of 22 and [tex]Gordons\ height[/tex]

Rewrite nine as 9 and substitute h for Gordons height

9 + the [tex]product[/tex] of 22 and h

product, in this case means multiplication (*)

9 + 22 * h

So, the expression is:

9 + 22h

Not understanding :/


The answer will end up being c

Help please I’m begging u



Step-by-step explanation:

if ∠1=∠2







The volume of a rubber ball is 5,461 cm3. What is the radius of the ball?



~10.92 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

V = 4/3πr^3

5,461 = 4/3πr^3

4095.75 = πr^3

1303.72 = r^3 ≈ 10.92

Has a margin of error based on my rounding to the hundreths.

please help asap !!!!


No solution
This will help I hope

PLEASE HELP! The AHS football team did a weigh-in at the start of training camp. The weights of the players were distributed normally with a mean of 98kg and a standard deviation of 6kg. What percentage of players are under 86kg?


Answer:  2.5%



Notice how 98-2*6 = 98-12 = 86. So we're 2 standard deviations below the mean.

Start at the center, which is where the highest point is located. The value 98 is at the center. Then move 2 spots to the left, which has us move 2 standard deviations lower than the mean, and we arrive at 86. Refer to the diagram below.

From here, we add up the percentages in that diagram that are below the 86 mark. Those percentages are the 0.15% and 2.35%

So we get (0.15%) + (2.35%) = 2.5% which is the answer

Side note: This diagram is using the Empirical Rule. Some textbooks call it the "68-95-99.7 rule", but that's more clunky of a name in my opinion. The three values 68, 95 and 99.7 refer to the approximate percentage values within 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations of the mean.

which measurement uses square units​




Step-by-step explanation:


area :) hope this helps

Find the area of each. Use pi = 3.14



452.16 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

A = pi r^2

A = 3.14 * (12)^2

A = 3.14 * 144

A = 452.16 inches

how do you solve this?



Undefined Slope

Step-by-step explanation:

slope formula = y2-y1/x2-x1

-17 - 12/3 - 3


divide by zero, undefined

(1 point)
Find the area enclosed by the curve r=2 sin(0) + 3 sin(90).


If the 0's are indeed zeroes, then it would appear that you're using degrees, so that the equation

r(θ) = 2 sin(0°) + 3 sin(90°)

describes a circle r = 3 (since sin(0°) = 0 and sin(90°) = 1). In this case, the area would simply be π r ² = 9π.

But I suspect you meant to use θ, so the curve has the far more interesting equation,

r(θ) = 2 sin(θ) + 3 sin(9θ)

Since sin(9θ) has a period of 2π/9 and sin(θ) has a period of 2π, their sum has a period of 2π. (That is, 2π times the LCM of 1 and 1/9, which is 1.) But we observe r(θ) is odd, since

r(-θ) = 2 sin(-θ) + 3 sin(-9θ)

… = -2 sin(θ) - 3 sin(9θ)

… = - r(θ)

which tells us that the curve closes itself over a half-period. So the area bounded by the curve is given by the integral,

[tex]\displaystyle\int_0^\pi\int_0^{r(\theta)}r\,\mathrm dr\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

If you're not familiar with double integrals yet, all you need to know is that this reduces to the area formula you may/should be familiar with,

[tex]\displaystyle\frac12\int_0^\pi r(\theta)^2\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

Compute the integral:

[tex]=\displaystyle\frac12\int_0^\pi(2\sin(\theta)+3\sin(9\theta))^2\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

[tex]=\displaystyle\frac12\int_0^\pi(4\sin^2(\theta)+12\sin(\theta)\sin(9\theta)+9\sin^2(9\theta))\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

Apply some identities:

sin²(θ) = (1 - cos(2θ)) / 2

sin(θ) sin(9θ) = (cos(9θ - θ) - cos(9θ + θ)) / 2 = (cos(8θ) - cos(10θ)) / 2

sin²(9θ) = (1 - cos(18θ)) / 2

[tex]=\displaystyle\frac14\int_0^\pi(4(1-\cos(2\theta))+12(\cos(8\theta)-\cos(10\theta))+9(1-\cos(18\theta))\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

[tex]=\displaystyle\frac14\int_0^\pi(13 - 4\cos(2\theta) + 12\cos(8\theta) - 12\cos(10\theta) - 9\cos(18\theta))\,\mathrm d\theta[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac14 \left(13\theta-2\sin(2\theta)+\dfrac32\sin(8\theta)-\dfrac65\sin(10\theta)-\dfrac12\sin(18\theta)\right)\bigg|_0^\pi[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac1{40} \left(130\theta-20\sin(2\theta)+15\sin(8\theta)-12\sin(10\theta)-5\sin(18\theta)\right)\bigg|_0^\pi[/tex]


= 13π/4

Determine the number of x-intercepts that appear on a graph of eac
f(x) = (x + 1)(x - 3)(x - 4)


Check the photo to get the answer

I am so smart lol lol lollololololololololollololololololollolololololollololo



2. c. 1/2

3. d. 13/16

5. d. 5/12

1. b. simplified

4. b. Nicholas did not divide the numerator and..............


i know it’s been months since you posted this question but...

Step-by-step explanation:

2. c) 1/2, 9/18 / 9 = 1/2

3. d) 13/16, 26/32 / 2 = 13/16

5. d) 5/12, 10/24 / 2 = 5/12

1. b) simplified, you can’t simplify 8/9, it’s already smaller.

4. b) Nicholas did not divide the numerator and denominator by the same number, the GCF [greatest common factor]. 4/5 is not equivalent to 20/30. He should have divided by 10. 20/30 = 2/3.

why does that say 20/24 tho?- i think it meant 20/30.

i hope this helped! also, a definition of gcf:

GCF - A set of numbers' greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest factor that all of the numbers share. Twelve, twenty, and twenty-four, for example, all have two common factors: two and four. The GCF of 12, 20, and 24 is 4 since the highest is 4. The GCF method is often used to identify common denominators.

Solve for x please show work



x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

The 2nd polygon is 1.5 times larger.

12 x 1.5 = 18

18-6 = 12

12/4 = 3

x = 3

Can someone please help me


D. 97 and 83 because it equals 180


7 and 83

Step-by-step explanation:

SEND HELP YO Find and simplify the area (You need to completely multiply it out and include units in your answer):
2m* - 3 cm
2m" – 3 cm



[tex]Area = 2m^8 - 6m^4 + 4.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Base = 2m^4 - 3[/tex]

[tex]Height = 2m^4 - 3[/tex]


The area

This is calculated as:

[tex]Area = 0.5 * Base * Height[/tex]

[tex]Area = 0.5 * (2m^4 - 3) * (2m^4 - 3)[/tex]

Open brackst

[tex]Area = 0.5 * (4m^8 - 6m^4 - 6m^4 + 9)[/tex]

[tex]Area = 0.5 * (4m^8 - 12m^4 + 9)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]Area = 2m^8 - 6m^4 + 4.5[/tex]

how did you get 24/10?


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \tt{} \frac{24}{10} [/tex]

[tex] \tt{} \frac{24 \div 2}{10 \div 2} [/tex]

[tex]\tt{} \frac{12}{5} [/tex]

[tex]\tt{}2 \frac{2}{5} \: \: \: \: \: = 2.4[/tex]

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