An ecosystem experiences a severe wildfire that wipes out all plant and animal life.Which sentence is true?A. Only abiotic factors were destroyed by the wildfire, but even if the biotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.B. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, and even if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.c. Only abiotic factors were destroyed by the wildfire, so if the biotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.


Answer 1

Ecology: Ecological succession, ecosystem

The stability of an ecosystem refers to the ability of an ecosystem to return to equilibrium after a perturbation such as a wildfire, for example, the ecosystem was a forest before the wildfire, and then it can return to being a forest after the fire.

If a severe wildfire wipes out all plant and animal life, then the biotic elements of that ecosystem are destroyed, and a secondary succession begins to take place. This not necessarily means that the same species would colonize.

We are between two options that correctly identify the plants and animals as biotic factors:

B. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, and even if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can never return to stability.

D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.

The first colonizers in a secondary succesion are plants such as grass and herbaceous plants, and the kind of plants that can grow in a place depends on the soil characteristics, sunlight, and water supply, i. e. abiotic factors. So, if the abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem should be able to return to stability.

This means the right answer would be D. Plants and animals were destroyed by the wildfire, but if abiotic factors remain the same, the ecosystem can return to stability.

Related Questions

Which describes symbiosis?A. Two organisms belonging to different species live closely together and have non-specific interactions.B. Two organisms belonging to the same species living in the same area. One organism leeches resources from the other one.C. Two organisms belonging to different species live closely together and have specific interactions.D. Two organisms belonging to the same species living in the same area. They fight to have access to limited resources.


Symbiosis is a kind of ecological relationship where two or more species are closely related in terms of their living habits; they reciprocally benefit from these interactions, for example, they provide each part of the symbiosis with nutrients.

There are too many symbiotic relationships in nature, one of them we can find in organisms such as anemones, and clownfishes; in whale sharks and other fish species that tend to seal the oceans with them, and in pollination, being plants and insects, as we can see in the following pictures:

Considering this, we can say that the correct answer to the question is the third one: C. Two (or more) organisms belonging to different species live closely together and have specific interactions.

The apex of the heart is:a) the top, nearest your brainb) the rear, nearest your spinec) the front, nearest your ribcaged) the bottom, nearest your stomach


The apex of the heart is bottom, nearest to your ribcage. (c)

Q. Describe what is meant by a healthy diet. Explain the role of each of the nutrients below in the body: i. Proteins ii. Carbohydrates Q. Liam wants a test to find out if diet lemonade contains any sugar.Write a plan for Liam to use to test for sugar and predict the result he should get,with a reason. (6 marks)In this question you get marks for how well your answer is written.You will get marks for:spellinggrammarorganising your ideas and information clearlyusing key scientific words.


A healthy diet is one that contains a variety of different components, including macro and micro nutrients. It should maintain and promote a person's health over time.

Proteins are the main component in muscles, and also some specific types are enzymes, which help to carry out multiple functions inside cells.

Carbohydrates are processed inside the body to produce the energy to accomplish all functions to stay alive.

Dexter is a student who has learned about the neritic zone. His teacher has given him names of components of the abiotic and biotic factors. He has to categorize them. In which categories would the sea turtle fall?hardshell substrate temperature detritivore reptile


- Biotic factors are living organisms that take part in an environment, for example, plants and animals are biotic factors.

- Abiotic factors are all non-living parts of an environment, for example, the temperature, the soil, the sunlight, etc.

The shell is the part of a living organism, so it can be classified as a biotic factor.

A reptile is an animal member of the class Reptilia, they can be classified as biotic factors.

The sea turtle is a living organism, so it can be classified as a biotic factor.

The temperature is a non-living part of the environment, it can be classified as an abiotic factor.

The substrate is the base where living organisms live, for example, the bottom of the marine habitats formed by rocks, sand, or gravel), it can be classified as an abiotic factor.

Detritivores are organisms that feed on dead organisms and decomposed matter, they can be classified as biotic organisms.

Which of the following events occurs in the process of meiosis?OOOOOne diploid cell divides two times resulting in 4 haploid cells.Crossing over occurs between non sister chromatids.Random segregation occurs.All of these choices are correct.


- All of these choices are correct.

What is an organic compound that stores energy, forms cell membranes, and carries messages??


Lipids are organic compounds that are mainly used to store energy, nonetheless, they have other important roles. Depending on their structure, they can be part of cell membranes (phospholipids) carry messages (cycloperhydrophenanthrene derivates), and so on.

Sec regulates the stock market for what type of company


The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Division of Investment Management oversees and manages investment firms, federally licensed investment advisors, and insurance products.

In an effort to encourage ethical business practices, the disclosure of critical market information, and the prevention of fraud, the Securities and Exchange Commission regulates securities exchanges, securities brokers and dealers, investment advisors, and mutual funds.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a federal watchdog organization in the United States tasked with policing the securities industry and safeguarding investors.

Due in significant part to the 1929 stock market crisis that precipitated the Great Depression, the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 and the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 were passed, creating the SEC.

The SEC collaborates with the Justice Department on criminal matters and has the authority to pursue civil lawsuits against violators of the law.

to know more about (SEC) visit


3A genetic mutation occurs in a rabbit's muscle cell. This genetic mutation will be passed on toOA. the cells of the rabbit's offspring.OB. cells that are produced when the mutant cell divides.OC. the cells that are next to the mutant muscle cell.OD. the existing cells in the rabbit's body.ResetSubmit


It's needed to consider that we have two kinds of cells: somatic cells (which have 2 chromosomes inherited from our parents; 2n), and sexual cells (which have only one chromosome, inherited only from one of our parents; n). This is crucial to understand that somatic cells, whose genetic information we do not inherit, and sexual cells, whose genetic information we do inherit, differ in how they divide themselves. The first one, although they divide themselves, they can't pass a mutation to the offspring, while sexual cells can do, or the B option, which states "cells that are produced when the mutant cell divides".

23. What do we call an organism’s genetic information that is a type of nucleicacid?A. carbohydratesB. DNAC. lipids


Genetic information

The molecule in charge of storing and passing to the offspring the genetic information is the nucleic acid DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid (option B).

32. Human activities continue to place strains on the environment. One of these strains is the loss of biodiversity. Explain what this problem is, and describe some ways that humans are involved in both the problem and the possible solutions. In your answer be sure to state: . the meaning of the term biodiversity • one negative effect on humans if biodiversity continues to be lost • one practice that could be used to preserve bio- diversity in New York State


Biodiversity has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution, and climate change.

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.

At least, we need to be aware of all the factors that contribute to this:

Global Warming. ...Climate Change. ...Genetic Modification. ...Ocean Acidification. ...Water Pollution. ...Overfishing.

Humans depend upon biodiversity for survival, such as for the foods we eat, medicines we use to stay healthy, and materials we wear or use to build our homes. These services are the tangible products or items that we and other species consume for survival. human beings have to survive a lot for these resources if biodiversity o our planet earth is facing any such serious threat.

Attract “good” insects by planting pollen and nectar plants. Maintain wetlands by conserving water and reducing irrigation. Avoid draining water bodies on your property. Construct fences to protect riparian areas and other sensitive habitats from trampling and other disturbances.

To learn more about biodiversity and its challenges visit,

Photosynthesis converts _______________ energy to _______________ energy to be used by organisms in the food chain.

chemical, seven, ATP, one, six, carbon dioxide, radiant, bacteria, cycles.



Photosynthesis converts radiant energy to chemical energy to be used by organisms in the food chain.


A chemical change can be represented by______changing into______in a_______.
A. Products, reactants, chemical reaction
B. Chemical reaction, products, reactants
C. Chemical reaction, reactants, products.
D. Reactants, products, chemical reaction


It’s probably A it makes the most sense

How many times did the HIV-1 strain evolve from primates go affect humans? once twice many times


The HIV-1 evolved from primates to affect humans many times.

What is the responsibility of a scientist?


Scientists are responsible for conducting and communicating scientific work with integrity, respect, fairness, trustworthiness and transparency, and for considering the consequences of new knowledge and its application

What does the circulatory system and ribosomes have in common or do they not have anything in common


The endoplasmatic reticulum

One characteristic shared by a virus and a living cell is that both A: Store genetic information in a nuclear acidsB: have a crystalline structureC: gain energy directly from the sunD:use glucose for respiration


Answer: A. Store genetic information in nucleic acids.


Cells store genetic information in the form of DNA while viruses typically store their genetic information in the form of RNA and sometimes DNA.

Which of the following best explains the change in the frequency of penicillin resistance in S. aureus from 1940 to 2010?A) S. aureus that were resistant to penicillin evolved to use penicillin as an energy source that nonresident strains could not use. B) S. aureus that were resistant to penicillin developed a mutualistic relationship with humans, while the nonresident strains did not.C) S. aureus that were resistant to penicillin evolved to produce more quickly than nonresident strains. D) S. aureus that were resistant to penicillin survived and reproduced in the presence of the antibiotic, while nonresident strains did not.


The alternative that best explains the change in the frequency of penicillin resistence in S. aureus is:

D) S. aureus that were resistant to penicillin survived and reproduced in the presence of the antibiotic, while nonresident strains did not.

The bacteria strain resistance to a antibiotic melecule is a case of the ability to defeat the drug by the process of adaptation to the substance. When a organisms is exposed to a antibiotic for a long time it will adapt to survive, since artificial selection will take place by the pressure of the drug in the environment, being the bacteria that can survive and reproduce able to make everytime more resistant offspring.

SpermatogoniumPrimaryspermatocyteSecondaryspermatocytesMaleMeiosis beginsMelosis]DogoniumPrimaryDocyteSecondaryDocyteFemaleMelosis beginsAbMelosis IPolarbodyEEBRERemember in meiosis, 4 daughter cells are formed. In themale, all four daughter cells will go on to form maturesperm with tails.12. In a female, how many of the 4 cells become the eggor ova?


Only one of the 4 cells become the egg or ova. Among the 4 cells, only 2 cells with 4 interconnections to become oocytes will continue the process. Among the 2 cells, only one become the ovum. The other cells continue to meiosis but will not be able to complete the process. The rest of the cells will become the nurse cells.

8. As you travel from a spreading center towards a coastline, what happens to the thickness of
sediment on the sea-floor? Explain why.



the sediments get progressively thicker


Near mid-ocean ridge systems where new oceanic crust is being formed, sediments are thinner, as they have had less time to accumulate on the younger crust. As you move away from the ridge spreading center the sediments get progressively thicker (see section 4.

The weather map shows some conditions in the atmosphere at noon on aparticular day.10161016-19201008100410009961024H1012 1008 1008 1012 1016Where would you expect the warmest weather?O A. In the southeastB. In the southwestC. In the northeastD. In the northwest


In the northwest, we can expect the warmest weather.

A weather map, also known as a synoptic weather chart, depicts various meteorological features across a certain area at a specific time and contains many symbols with various meanings. Since the middle of the 19th century, these maps have been utilized for research and weather forecasting.

Isothermal maps display temperature gradients that can be used to identify weather fronts. Frontal zones first appeared on weather maps in Norway in the 1910s. Jacob is credited with developing the polar front idea, which was based on a network of monitoring sites along the Norwegian coast during World War I.

To learn more about Weather maps visit:


In an ecosystem with four levels—producers, primary consumers, and two higher-level consumers—describe where the decomposers operate within the context of these trophic levels. Provide at least two examples.What trophic levels do decomposers act on? What are examples of how decomposers act on two different trophic levels?


The Decomposers which decompose the organic matter from dead plants and animals occupy the last trophic level or the top of the ecological pyramid, the most common examples of decomposers are microorganisms like bacteria, and fungi.

For example, plants that can make their food through the process of photosynthesis are called producers, consumers are of three types herbivores carnivores, omnivores based on their consumption, and decomposers are classified by the type of organic matter they break down.

Scavengers, Detritivores, Saprotrophs.

The Decomposers which decompose the
organic matter from dead plants and animals
occupy the last trophic level or the top of the
ecological pyramid, the most common
examples of decomposers are microorganisms
like bacteria, and fungi.
For example, plants that can make their food
through the process of photosynthesis are
called producers, consumers are of three types
herbivores carnivores, omnivores based on
their consumption, and decomposers are
classified by the type of organic matter they
break down.
Scavengers, Detritivores, Saprotrophs.

List one natural causes of deforestation. List one human-related cause of deforestation.



One natural cause of deforestation could be a forest fire.

One human related cause of deforestation would be logging for wood.


In a feedback loop the specific variables that is changing and that the body is regulating is called the?


The stimulus or physiological variables is the item to be regulated, the maintenance of the feedback loops for the body regulation is called homeostasis (internal activity balance) that is a process that controls the stimulus to each function and how they triggers the response from the body activity. Receptors detects the changes in stimulus and Integrators compare the variable in relation to a set point to singnal the effectors to generate a physiological response.

Somo of the most showed examples of the homeostasis and the feedback loops are:

-Control of body temperature;

-Control of blood glucose.


-The name of the process that controls the balance of the physiological variables of the body is: Homeostasis;

-The responsible to start a feedback loop is: the Stimulus (positive or negative);

-The stages for a feedback are: Stimulus ---> Receptors ----> Integrators -----> effectors;

Therefore, for this process the variable that changes in a feedback loop is the stimulus.

Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.Roset Help1. The outside of this organelle is surrounded by a double layer ofchloroplastthylakoidchlorophyll2. The thick fluid inside this organelle is where many of the reactions of photosynthesis take place. Thisfluid is called thestoma3. One of the single pancake-like discs in this organelle is called amembrane4. The entire organelle shown in the image is called agranumstroma5. One of the 'stacks of pancakes" is called awhich is the light-6. The reason this organello is green is because of the pigmentabsorbing molecule of this organelle.7. The gases needed as inputs for photosynthesis enter the plant through small pores called


In the first question: The outside of this organelle is surrounded by a double layer of thylakoids, which are modifications of the chloroplast's membrane.

In the second: The thick fluid inside this organelle is where many of the reactions of photosynthesis take place. This fluid is called the Stroma, which connects all the organs and serves as a buffer for the products and reactants in use.

In the third: One of the single pancake-like discs in this organelle is called a membrane granum.

In the fourth: The entire organelle shown in the image is called a chloroplast.

In the fifth: One of the 'stacks of pancakes" is called a which is the light-harvesting antennae.

In the sixth: The reason this organello is green is because of the pigment absorbing molecule of this organelle, the pigment is chlorophyll-a (at least in plants, and several unicellular photosynthetic organisms, but it is not the only one).

In the sevent: The gases needed as inputs for photosynthesis enter the plant through small pores called stomata.

Structure of the skin


Please see below image for skin structure

Draw a punnett square for one heterozygous Yellow bird, mixed with a recessive red bird. What color will the offspring be?Provide the possible genotype and phenotype outcomes.


They are giving us the parent's phenotype and genotype:

P1: Yellow, heterozygous

P2: Red, recessive homozygous

Let's assign the letter Y to the yellow allele and y to the red allele.

P1: Yy


Then the Punnett's square would be as follows:

This means 50% of the offspring would be heterozygous yellow birds, and the other 50% would be recessive homozygous red birds.

So, if there are 4 fledglings, 2 would be red and the other 2 would be yellow.

What causes wind?

A. The constant density of the air

B. The temperature differences of the hemispheres

C. The circulating air currents

D. The movement of the earths axis





Wind is the movement of air, caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun and the Earth's own rotation. Winds range from light breezes to natural hazards such as hurricanes and tornadoes.

The answer is D. The movement of the earth’s axis causes wind.

What is happening in the stratosphere and thermosphere as altitude increases? A. The temperature decreases in the stratosphere because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and in the thermosphere because of direct exposure to the sun. B. The temperature increases in the stratosphere because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and in the thermosphere because of direct exposure to the sun. C. The temperature is normal in the stratosphere because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and in the thermosphere because of direct exposure to the sun. D. The temperature is the same in the stratosphere because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and in the thermosphere because of direct exposure to the sun


The correct option is B. The temperature increases in the stratosphere because ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, and in the thermosphere because of direct exposure to the sun. As altitude increases more ozone is formed and more solar radiation heats molecules, which results in increased temperature in both the stratosphere and the termosphere.

to construct linkage maps, scientists estimate the distance between genes on the same chromosome based on the ______, as indicated by the percentage of recombinant offspring.


To construct linkage maps, scientists estimate the distance between genes on the same chromosome based on the crossover frequency, as indicated by the percentage of recombinant offspring.

On the same chromosome are linked genes. X-linked genes are found on the X chromosome, while genes that are sex-linked are found on a sex chromosome. Linkage maps that depict the positions of genes on chromosomes are created using the frequency of gene crossing-over.

The frequency of crossing-over between two genes on the same chromosome can be used to evaluate linkage. Non-homologous chromosomes do not share any genes. They autonomously assort during meiosis, which gives them a 50% chance of ending up in various gametes. Genes are assumed to be on the same (homologous) chromosome if they appear in different gametes less than 50% of the time, they tend to be inherited together.

To know more about crossing over, refer to the following link:


Clones have the same exact _________.Select one:aphysical appearanceb.intelligencec.personality traitsd.genetic material



Clones have the same DNA and the same genes in their nucleus. Therefore, clones have the exact genetic material in their nucleus.


The correct answer is D.

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