An acid:decreases the amount of ions in a water solution.feels slippery to the touch, like soap.will have a higher pH than a base.None of the choices are correct.


Answer 1

From the given options, let's select the correct Answer choice.

An acid can be said to be any substance containing hydrogen which can be able to donate hydrogen ions to another substance.

An acid does not feel slippery, rather it just feels wet. It is a base that is slippery.

An acid has a lower pH when compared to a base. pH less than 7 indicates acidity while pH greater than 7 indicates a base.

When an acid is added to water, the hydroxide ion concentration will reduce and the pH of yhe solution increases towards 7.

Therefore, an acid decreases the amount of ions in a water solution.


a). Decreases the amount of ions in a water solution.

Related Questions

A bicycle with a mass of 10.0 kg is pushed up an incline of 30 ° with respect to the horizon. Friction is assumed to be negligible. a) Draw the free body diagram. b) It determines the intensity of the force which, applied horizontally, makes the bicycle move forward at a constant speed. c) Determines the intensity of the force which, applied horizontally, moves the bicycle forward with an acceleration of 100 m / s²



a) The free body diagram is drawn in the explanation section

b) The intensity of the force applied horizontally which makes the bicycle move forward at a constant speed = 49.05 N

c) The intensity of the force applied horizontally which makes the bicycle move forward with an acceleration of 100 m/s² = 1049.05N


The mass of the bicycle, m = 10.0 kg

Angle of inclination, θ = 30°

The free body diagram of the illustration is drawn below

The bicyce is pushed up an incline of 30°

The weight of the bicycle acts downward (because the weight of every object acts downward)

Since the bicycle is pushed up an inclined of 30°, the force has to be resolved to the vertical(mgcosθ) and horizontal(mgsinθ)

b) The net force on the bicycle is:

[tex]\sum F=mg\sin \theta+ma[/tex]

If the bicycle moves at constant speed, the acceleration is 0 m/s²

a = 0m/s²

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sum F=10(9.81)\sin 30+10(0) \\ \sum F=10(9.81)(0.5) \\ \sum F=49.05N \end{gathered}[/tex]

c) The intensity of the force applied horizontally which moves the bicycle forward with an acceleration of 100 m/s²

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sum F=10(9.81)\sin 30+10(100) \\ \sum F=49.05+1000 \\ \sum F=1049.05N \end{gathered}[/tex]

Explain what inertia is. What causes inertia in an object that is at rest? In an object that is moving?


Inertia is the ability of the body to remain in the state or in uniform motion unless some external force acts on the body.

The inertia of the body is direly proportional to the mass of the body.

Thus, the greater the mass of the body greater is its inertia.

Three types of inertia:

In the state of rest, the inertia of the body resists the cause of motion. This inertia is known as resting inertia.

In the state of uniform motion, the inertia resists the cause of changing of motion. This inertia is known as motion inertia.

Some external force is applied to the body to change the direction of the motion of the body, the inertia that opposes this change in direction is known as directional inertia.

Calculate the current needed to carry the 2 000 MW generated at alarge power station if the distribution voltage is kept at 22 kV, thegenerator output voltage.


Given data

*The given power is P = 2000 MW = 2000 × 10^6 W

*The given distribution voltage is V = 22 kV = 22 × 10^3 V

The formula for the current needed to carry the 2000 MW generated at a large power station is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{2000\times10^6}{22\times10^3} \\ =90.90\times10^3\text{ A} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the current needed to carry the 2000 MW generated at a large power station is I = 90.90 × 10^3 A

What is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave emitted and absorbed by a phone?


The wavelengths of the electromagnetic waves emitted and absorbed by a phone is approximately 10-1000 m. Radio waves are those waves that are used for the cell phones to communicate with the towers.

Find the magnitude of the vector sum A→+B→+C→ . Each grid square is 2.00 N on a side. If the vector sum is to the west, enter a negative value. If the vector sum is to the east, enter a positive value.


Given data:

* The magnitude of the vector C is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=2\times2 \\ C=4\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

* The magnitude of the vector B is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} B=4\times2 \\ B=8\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]


From the given diagram, the magnitude of the vector A is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt[]{Base^2+Perpendicular^2} \\ A=\sqrt[]{(3\times2)^2+(4\times2)^2} \\ A=\sqrt[]{6^2+8^2} \\ A=\sqrt[]{36+64} \\ A=\sqrt[]{100} \\ A=10\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The count of square grid in the hypotenuse is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} n=\frac{A}{2} \\ n=\frac{10}{2} \\ n=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The angle of the vector A with the x-axis is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} cos(\theta)=\frac{Base}{\text{Hypotenuse}} \\ \cos (\theta)=\frac{3}{5} \\ \theta=53.13^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the value of vector A is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{A}=A\cos (53.13^{\circ})+A\sin (53.13^{\circ}) \\ \vec{A}=10\times\cos (53.13^{\circ})i+10\times\sin (53.13^{\circ})j \\ \vec{A}=6\text{ i + 8 j} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of vector B is,

[tex]\vec{B}=-8\text{ j}[/tex]

The value of vector C is,

[tex]\vec{C}=-4\text{ i}[/tex]

Thus, the sum of the vectors is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{A}+\vec{B}+\vec{C}=6\text{ i+8 j-8 j-4 i} \\ \vec{A}+\vec{B}+\vec{C}=2\text{ i} \\ |\vec{A}+\vec{B}+\vec{C}|=\sqrt[]{2^2} \\ |\vec{A}+\vec{B}+\vec{C}|=\text{ 2 N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the magnitude of the sum of three given vectors is 2 N towards the east (positive of the x-axis).

An airplane flying horizontally at a velocity of 138 m/s and at an altitude of 1500 meters when one of its wheels falls off.What horizontal distance (in meters) will the wheel travel before it strikes the ground?



2415 meters



Initial horizontal velocity (ux) = 138 m/s

Initial vertical velocity (uy) = 0 m/s

Height (h) = 1500 meters

The first thing is to calculate the time it takes for the airplane to reach the ground, just like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=u_yt+\frac{1}{2}at^2 \\ \\ \text{ we replacing} \\ \\ 1500=0\cdot t+\frac{1}{2}(9.8)t^2 \\ \\ 4.9t^2=1500 \\ \\ t^2=\frac{1500}{4.9} \\ \\ t=\sqrt{\frac{1500}{4.9}} \\ \\ t=17.5\text{ sec} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the horizontal distance would be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=u_x\cdot t \\ \\ \text{ we replacing} \\ \\ x=138\cdot17.5 \\ \\ x=2415\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the horizontal distance is 2415 meters

‼️‼️IF ANSWERED W WORK SHOWN I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST‼️‼️The electric field intensity between two large, parallel metal plates is 6000 N/C. The plates are 0.05 mapart. What is the electric potential difference between them?


We have the next information

E= 6000 N/C


In order to find the electric potential difference we have the next formula

[tex]\Delta V=Ed[/tex]

then we substitute the data given in the formula

[tex]\Delta V=(6000\frac{N}{C})(0.05m)=300\frac{J}{C}=300V[/tex]

The electric potential difference between them is 300 V

A laboratory cart with a mass of 7 kilograms moves a distance of 0.5 meters in 3 seconds.Calculate the momentum.


Given that the mass of the cart is m = 7 kg.

The distance is d = 0.5 m.

The time is t = 3 s.

We need to find the momentum, p.

The formula to calculate momentum is

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=mass\times velocity \\ =m\times\frac{d}{t} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values, the momentum will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=7\times\frac{0.5}{3} \\ =1.167kg\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the momentum is 1.167 kg m/s.

A rectangular container measuring 34 cm ⨯ 38 cm ⨯ 55 cm is filled with water. What is the mass of this volume of water in kilograms and grams?


We will have the following:








Hot air is transferred through heat being radiated from a thermal burner.

It can't be A. because the food isn't touching the burner, it can't be C. because food can't be completely cooked that way and that's not how ovens work, and it can't be D. because cool air doesn't rise.

B is the answer because it accurately describes how a oven is supposed to work.

Force can be given as ?


The force is, momentum/time.

option 1







the Temperature in each room will become equal over time

Define vector and state two examples.


Vector is a mathematical entity that has a magnitude and a direction.

It is graphically represented by an arrow. The size of the arrow indicates the magnitude, and the tip of the arrow indicates the direction.

For example, we have the vector below:

Some forms of writing this vector are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{v}=ai+bj=4i+3j\\ \\ \vec{v}=<4,3> \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, let's write a second example of a vector with 6 units in horizontal direction and -4 units in vertical direction, starting at the origin:

The magnitude and angle of a vector are given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{v}=ai+bj\\ \\ magnitude:\\ \\ |\vec{v}|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\\ \\ angle:\\ \\ \theta=\tan^{-1}(\frac{b}{a}) \end{gathered}[/tex]

A gardener pushes a lawn roller through a distance of 20m if he applies a force of 20kg weight in a direction inclined at 70 degree to ground find the work done by himG=9.8m/s^2


The total force applied to the roller can be obtained as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=(20\text{ kg-wt)(}\frac{9.8\text{ N}}{1\text{ kg-wt}}) \\ =196\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The work done by the gardner can be given as,

[tex]W=Fd\cos \theta[/tex]

Substitute the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=(196N)(20m)(\frac{1\text{ J}}{1\text{ Nm}})cos70^{\circ} \\ =(3920\text{ J)(}0.342) \\ =1340.64\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the work done by the gardener is 1340.64 J.

The position of a particle moving along the x axis is given by x = (21 + 22t - 6.0t 2)m, where t is in s. What is the average velocity during the time interval t = 1.0 s to t = 3.0 s?


Using the concept of linear motion, we got the average velocity as -2m/s.

Since the particle is moving in the x direction and we are given an equation

x = (21 + 22t - 6.0t 2)m

using the concept of differentiation we got

velocity (v) = dx/dt

Now distance x for t=1 s


x=37m  .....equation (1)

similarly distance at t=3 s


x=33m ....equation (2)

so average velocity is

average velocity = total distance/total time



So average velocity for a given time interval is -2m/s

To know more about linear motion, visit here:


What is the momentum of a 7.30 kg bowling ball going down the alley with a speed of 20.0 m/s?


Given data

*The given mass of the bowling ball is m = 7.30 kg

*The given speed is v = 20.0 m/s

The formula for the momentum of a 7.30 kg bowling ball is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=(7.30)\times(20.0) \\ =146\text{ kg.m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the momentum of a 7.30 kg bowling ball is p = 146 kg.m/s

I would appreciate if you can help me solve this problem. I’m having trouble with it


The frequency of a wave is given by:


Where v is the speed of the wave and lambda is the wavelenght. In this case the speed is 345 and the wavelenght is 0.85 meters; plugging the values given we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f=\frac{345}{0.8} \\ f=431.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the frequency of the wave is 431.25 Hz

What would happen to the pressure and temperature of a box as gas is added to it


When gas is added to the box, the number of molecules in the box will increase.

This will result in an increase in pressure as volume is fixed or constant.

As the box has a fixed volume, this will be an isochoric process.

In an isochoric process, the pressure is directly proportional to temperature, so the temperature will also increase.

Thus, pressure and temperature will increase when gas is added to a box.

Romeo and Juliet are sitting on a balcony 1.5 meters apart. If Romeo has a mass of 61.6 Kg and Juliet has a mass of 48.8 kg. What is the attractive force between them?


[tex]\begin{gathered} m_{Romeo}=61.6\text{ kg} \\ m_{Juliet}=48.8\text{ kg} \\ r=1.5\text{ m} \\ G=6.673x10^{-11}Nm^2/kg^2 \\ F=G*\frac{m_{Juliet}m_{Romeo}}{r^2} \\ \\ F=\left(6.673x10^{-11}Nm^2/kg^2\right)\frac{\left(48.8\text{ kg}\right)\left(61.6\text{ kg}\right)}{\left(1.5\text{ m}\right)^2} \\ \\ F=8.91x10^{-8}N \\ The\text{ attractive force is 8.91x10}^{-8}\text{N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Suppose a 1.90 N force can rupture an eardrum having an area of 1.14 cm².(a) Calculate the maximum tolerable gauge pressure inside the eardrum (in the middle ear) in N/m². (Pressures in themiddle ear may rise when an infection causes a fluid buildup. Use 13.6 x 10³ kg/m³ as the density of mercury.) submit answer in N/m²(a) part 2: Convert this value to mm Hg(b) At what depth in fresh water would this person's eardrum rupture, assuming the gauge pressure in the middle ear iszero?Submit Answer in m



The force is

[tex]F=1.90\text{ N}[/tex]

The area of the eardrum is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=1.14\text{ cm}^2 \\ =1.14\times10^{-4}\text{ m}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find:

The maximum tolerable gauge pressure inside the eardrum

a) the pressure in mm of Hg

b) At what depth in freshwater would this person's eardrum rupture


The pressure at the eardrum is

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{F}{A} \\ =\frac{1.90}{1.14\times10^{-4}} \\ =16.67\times10^3\text{ N/m}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the pressure is

[tex]16.67\times10^3\text{ N/m}^2[/tex]


We know,

[tex]1\text{ N/m}^2=0.0075\text{ mm of Hg}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 16.67\times10^3\text{ N/m}^2=0.0075\times16.67\times10^3\text{ mm of Hg} \\ =125.02\text{ mm of Hg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the pressure is 125.02 mm of Hg.


The depth of fresh water is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=\frac{P}{dg} \\ Here,\text{ d=1000 kg/m}^3 \\ g=9.8\text{ m/s}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} h=\frac{16.67\times10^3}{1000\times9.8} \\ =1.70\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the depth of water is 1.70 m.

1. The pupil brought the needle to one pole of the magnetic pointer. The needle attracted the pole of the pointer. Can this be evidence that the needle is magnetized? Why?



Yes, it is an evidence that the needle is magnetized.


Magnetism describes the ability of an object to be attracted or repelled by a magnet.

Since the needle was attracted when brought to one pole of the magnet, we can conclude that the pin has properties that make it to be magnetized.

Therefore, the above is an evidence that the needle is magnetized.

E. O 58.456 S48. A bullet is fired from the ground making an angle of 20 degwith the horizontal with a speed of 1500 m/s.Calculate the maximum height reached? (1 point)A. O20831.097 mB. 3642.875 mC. O8232.474 mD. O15803.894 mE. 13428.572 m9. A bullet is fired from the ground making an angle of 20 degwith the horizontal with a speed of 1500 m/s.How far (horizontally) will it fall? (1 point)


The maximum height of a projectile is given by:


In this case, the initial velocity is 1500 m/s, the angle is 20°; then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=\frac{(1500^)^2(\sin20)^2}{(2)(9.8)} \\ h=13428.572 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the maximum height is 13428.572 m

when a car driver reached the crest of a hill, she saw the stop light turn red and slammed on the brakes. the car slowed down as it moved to the bottom of the hill. is the KE and PE increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?


As the brakes are opposing the motion of the car and trying to decrease the velocity of the car while moving down the hill.

Thus, the kinetic energy of the car is decreasing as the car is moving down the hill.

The height of the car is also decreasing with the motion of the car down the hill, thus, the potential energy of the car is also decreasing.

The brakes are applying the frictional force on the car which is converting their energy into heat energy. The thermal energy of the car increases as the car moves down the hill.

Thus, the kinetic energy and potential energy of the car decreases while moving down the hill.

If you have ever been to the beach you will find that the sand heats up and cools down faster than the water. What can you predict about the heat capacity of water and sand based on this result.


Water has a higher heat capacity than sand

The change in temperature is faster in sand than in water

I need help on number 5. We need to use one of the four kinematics equations.





Parameters given:

Initial velocity, u = 26.2 m/s

When the vase reaches its maximum height, its velocity becomes 0 m/s. That is the final velocity.

We can now apply one of Newton's equations of motion to find the height:


where a = g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

Therefore, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=26.2^2-2(9.8)s \\ \Rightarrow19.6s=686.44 \\ s=\frac{686.44}{19.6} \\ s=35.02m \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the height that the vase will reach.

Which option gives an object's volume in SI units?O A. 2,6 m3OB. 4.3 kgOC. 3.4 LD. 5.5 K



A. 2.6 m^3


The volume of an object is given by the cube of its length.

In SI the unit for length is the meter, therefore, in the case of volume it would be cubic meters.

This means that the correct answer is: A. 2.6 m^3

A grocery shopper tosses a 6 kg bag of rice into a stationary 27 kg grocery cart. The bag hits the cart with a horizontal speed of 8.0 m/s toward the front of the cart. What is the final speed of the cart and the bag? Round to the hundredths place



The mass of the bag, m=6 kg

The mass of the cart, M=27 kg

The initial velocity of the cart, u=0 m/s

The initial velocity of the bag, v=8.0 m/s

From the law of conservation of momentum, the sum momentum of the bag and the momentum of the cart before the bag hits the cart must be equal to the momentum of the bag and the cart after the bag hits the cart.



Where V is the velocity of the bag and the cart after the bag hits the cart.

On rearranging,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{6\times8.0+0}{(27+6)} \\ =\frac{48}{33} \\ =1.45\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the final speed of the cart and the bag is 1.45 m/s

Consider the diagram of a combination circuit below on the left. In the middle, the resistors in the two parallel branches have been replaced by a single resistor (R4) with an equivalent resistance to the overall branch resistors. On the right, all three resistors have been replaced by a single resistor (R5) with an equivalent resistance as all three original resistors. Suppose that you know that:R1 = 24.8ΩR2 = 24.8ΩR3 = 12.7Ω What must R4 and R5 be in order for the two circuits to have the same equivalent resistance? R4 = ------- Ω R5 = ----- Ω



• R1 = 24.8Ω


• R2 = 24.8Ω


• R3 = 12.7Ω

From the diagram, let's find R4 and R5.

We can see that the 3 resistors R1, R2, and R3 are connected in parallel.


R1 + R2 = R4

To solve for R4, we have:


Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{R_4}=\frac{1}{24.8}+\frac{1}{24.8} \\ \\ \frac{1}{R_4}=\frac{1+1}{24.8} \\ \\ \frac{1}{R_4}=\frac{2}{24.8}=\frac{1}{12.4} \\ \\ R_4=12.4\text{ \Omega} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to solve for R5 since R3 and R4 are now in series, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} R_5=R_3+R_4 \\ \\ R_5=12.7+12.4 \\ \\ R_5=25.1Ω \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, we have:

R4 = 12.4 Ω

R5 = 25.1 Ω


• R4 = 12.4 ,Ω


• R5 = 25.1 ,Ω

2. Two charges are repelled by a force of 9.0 N. If the distance between them triples, what is the force between the charges?


F = k q1q2 / d^2

F= 9 N

The force is inversely related to the square of the distance. If d is 3 times larger, F is 9 times smaller.

F= 1 N

hello I need help with question 7 a and b please


Given data:

* The mass of the child is 40kg.

* The reading of the scale is 30 N.


(a). The free body diagram of the given system is,

(b). The weight of the child is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=40\times9.8 \\ W=392\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The Scale reading is,

[tex]N=30\text{ Newton}[/tex]

The net force acting on the box in terms of the weight of the box is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{\text{net}}=N-mg \\ F_{\text{net}}=30-392 \\ F_{\text{net}}=-362\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

According to the Newton's second law,


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