America's response to the Holocaust?


Answer 1
Sorry wish I can help but I can’t but good try
Answer 2
Most Americans were given information about the Nazi regime and the plans they had for the Jews, but many either did not believe it or waited for further word that was reliable and gave proof. In terms of the government, America never got truly involved with the Holocaust, they didn’t add fuel to the fire but they also didn’t rescue refugees or victims. The American people, however, occasionally extended a helping hand for Jewish refugees. American Jewish politicians and civilians boycotted German trades in hopes that the decrease in economic would shift the Nazis’ focus. There was many trying to help, but since the government was run by a shocking amount of Anti-Semites, there was never any official help. The American people did the best they could, but America as a country did not do much to lend a hand.

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Use the quote from Georgia General Assembly member Denmark Groover following an important development in the 1950s
to answer the question.
"... [it] will serve notice that we intend to uphold what we stood for, will stand for, and will fight for."
What is Groover referring to in this quote?
A. the decision to end the white primary system in response to social unrest
B. the removal of African American legislators in response to public demands
C. the adoption of a new state flag in response to federal integration orders
D. the impeachment of a sitting governor in response to charges of corruption



Explanation: i took the test




bc im built different

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England tried to tax the colonist even though England did not control America so they went to war for freedom

Explain the obsession with fads during the 1920s.



Roaring Twenties fads ranged from the athletic to the ludicrous.  New dance steps such as the Charleston swept the nation's dance halls, and young Americans were eager to prove their agility.

Explanation: One of the most popular trends of the decade

does anybody know Mountain Meadows Youth Ranch up in Montana? if you do, I want youguys to tell me where it is in Montana, and if it is a boys program or a girls program. i go there btw. i will give out a hundred points and BRAINLIEST ANSWERᓚᘏᗢ:-)☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ(●'◡'●)༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)☜(゚ヮ゚☜)(☞゚ヮ゚)☞



ye im in boys program



391 Big Beaver Creek Rd, Trout Creek, MT 59874


yes girls only

What does the third circle consist of?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided
A rain
B blizzard
С grass
D sunshine


Answer: The answer is Rain.

Explanation: I got it right on the test.




what events was not something that Hamilton and
Jefferson argued about



Jefferson's notes contain complaints about yet another of what Jefferson called Hamilton's forty-five minute jury speeches. And on the opposite side, Hamilton, as he noted in a letter to Washington, couldn't bear the fact that whenever something didn't go Hamilton's way, he could see Jefferson across the table smirking at him.



What is the harm to federalism if a state can tax a national bank?




The state of Maryland decided to tax the Baltimore branch of the Bank of the ... who could levy taxes and therefore the national bank was infringing on state powers ... had two significant effects on what federalism means for the United States.

Which of the following conservation programs provides financial help for installing and constructing renewable energy systems?

Conservation Reserve Program

Conservation Stewardship Program

Environmental Quality Incentive Program

Rural Energy for America Program



Conservation Reserve Program. Environmental Quality Incentive Program.

Rural Energy for America Program


Select the correct locations on the map

In witch four regions did the worlds first farmers live



Sumeria-Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley. Sumeria-Mesopotamia


All 4 dots in the middle are correct. top and the bottom are wrong

Explanation:Trust me i gotit right

SOURCE A Qur'an 35:44 Nothing in the heavens or on earth can induce weakness or impotence in God; indeed, God is all-knowing and all-powerful. B T U E E X. X? 52​


Answer:  I do Not know its d

Explanation: need points

How do you think women were more helpful in the war- at home, as nurses or spies? Explain in at least two sentences.



Personally I think women were most helpful at home because most of the men were at war and things still needed to be completed at home. Things being that kids needed to be taught, fed and looked after.


Women were most helpful as nurses because women are more of caretakers with them having motherly instincts.

You can choose which answer you like best.



Women were more helpful at home because women could not really fight back then because it was against the laws, but they could help raise money for the war from home.


2. Define the term "popular sovereignty."




Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (rule by the people), who are the source of all political power.


popular sovereignty is a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.


In 1946 Stalin placed tight restrictions on countries in the?



Eastern bloc


In 1946 Stalin placed tight restrictions on countries in the "EASTERN BLOC"

The purpose of placing tight restrictions is to control the area following the aftermath of world war II. He was able to do this by using the Soviet Union red army to control the activities of the countries in Eastern Bloc such as Poland, East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary.

What did socialism become more popular in Europe during the 19th century?

A. There was a huge gap in wealth between factory owners and the people who worked in their factories.

B. The lower working classes were not able to find jobs in Europe's new industrial economy.

C. Women and children were paid much more for the same work, leading male workers to seek change.

D. Workers were eager for a government that gave them more representation in Parliament.





Why does Hitler believe its important to distinguish between emotional response and
facts when it comes to the Jewish population?



Hitler, from a physical point of view, is not, however, a very imposing figure - certainly not the Platonic idea of a great, fighting Leader or the Deliverer of Germany and the creator of a New Reich. In height he is a little below average. His hips are wide and his shoulders relatively narrow. His muscles are flabby; his legs short, thin and spindly, the latter being hidden in the past by heavy boots and more recently by long trousers. He has a large torso and is hollow-chested to the point where it is said that he has his uniforms padded. From a physical point of view he could not pass the requirements to his own elite guard.


Hope this will help


Hitler, from a physical point of view, is not, however, a very imposing figure - certainly not the Platonic idea of a great, fighting Leader or the Deliverer of Germany and the creator of a New Reich. In height he is a little below average. His hips are wide and his shoulders relatively narrow. His muscles are flabby; his legs short, thin and spindly, the latter being hidden in the past by heavy boots and more recently by long trousers. He has a large torso and is hollow-chested to the point where it is said that he has his uniforms padded. From a physical point of view he could not pass the requirements to his own elite guard.


Why did armstrong speak out against President Eisenhower



Mr Armstrong denounced President Eisenhower as "two faced", saying he had "no guts" and was being pushed around by local racists. "A no-good motherfu*cker," is how he described the segregationist Arkansas Governor Faubus, which the young Mr Lubenow persuaded him to tone down to the euphemism "uneducated ploughboy."


“Texas is now ours. Already, before these words are written, her Convention has undoubtedly ratified the acceptance, by her Congress, or our proffered invitation into the Union; and made the requisite changes in her already republican form of constitution to adapt it to it future federal relations. . . . [It is] the manifest destiny [of Americans] to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” —excerpt from article by John Louis O’Sullivan in United States Magazine and Democratic Review
In the above excerpt, O’Sullivan discusses the justification for the United States to

forcefully take over Texas and demand that it adopt the U.S. occupation regulations.

prevent the annexation of Texas into the U.S.

accept annexation of Texas from Great Britain and occupy the territory.

annex Texas and expand settlement to western U.S. lands according to its inherent (God-given) right of Manifest Destiny.



annex Texas and expand settlement to western U.S. lands according to its inherent (God-given) right of Manifest Destiny.

Write a paragraph on a recent fad that resulted in a shortage of that item. Tickets for a concert, the latest design of Air Jordans, etc. are examples of fads that would fit here. Draw connections between the demand for the fad and its price. Predict what happened when the fad is no longer a fad.



Grocery shortages have ranged from reasonably concerning to harmlessly annoying this year. For example, the surge in panic-buying caused shortages of meat and flour in the spring, which understandably scared many Americans. But there have also been shortages of our favorite beverages and snacks, not necessarily the things we can't live without, but rather the things we don't want to live without, as food companies had to trim down their production pipelines.

plzz help me this is due in like 20 mins


a. was very similar to the british govt.

I'm not sure but I would say C...

A not cause they were fighting for independence

B not cause there was no president,

they wanted an united nation for acceptance in foreign matters and markets... so honestly I'd say C cause they initially didn't wand a republic... but in the end saw that it was a necessity...

What conclusions can you draw from the first battles of the Civil War?



The era of wooden warships was at an end. What were Lincoln's motives in limiting the reach of the Emancipation Proclamation? He wanted to hurt the southern war effort in those areas not under Union control.


I’m pretty sure that the era of wooden warships was at an end. What were Lincoln's motives in limiting the reach of the Emancipation Proclamation? He wanted to hurt the southern war effort in those areas not under Union control

Crystal bought a dress for 45% of the original cost. After adding $1.35 for taxes, she paid a total of $23.85. What was the original cost of the dress?



The original cost of the dress was $53


To find the answer, we can first add back the 1.35 tax to the final cost of 23.85. This is equal to 25.2

This value is 45% of the original cost, so to find the original cost, we can use a simple rule of three:

$23.85   45%

x              100%

100 x 23.85 / 45 = $53

We can prove this answer by multiplying the resulting value for the corresponding percentage:

$53 x 45% = $23.85

What do you do when ur friend is mad at u and u want to make her happy again but ur long distance friends



You have to start talking to her again. I guess you could send her something, but if she values your friendship, she'll be happy to be friends with you after a day.


I hope you guys make up


depends on the severity


if its not too severe a simple apology explaining why you said/did was wrong and that you learned or if it was really severe best thing to do is give it time and then apologize that way they calm down and probably push the issue aside. That's atleast what has worked in the past for me.

What type of warfare did Union generals use at the Battle of Shiloh to defeat the confederate forces


Broadly the Federal artillery was equipped with rifled guns firing shells, while the Confederate artillery was equipped with the old style smooth bore cannon, of lesser range and accuracy; firing ball, grape shot and case shot.


Generals used attrition warfare; they held a line of defense and continuously reinforced it with troops.

Explanation: on the text it explains well.

Which factor encouraged more immigrants to settle in northern states than in southern states?

Southern states had smaller industrial sectors

Northern states had lower population densities

Governments in the north were less corrupt

Citizenship requirements in southern states were not as strict



Explanation: A because southern states had farming while the north was industrying heavily

The goal of the D-Day invasion (Operation Overlord) at Normandy, France, was which of the following? A. To defeat the Axis Powers in North Africa. B. To gain a foothold on the beaches in France. C. To end the Holocaust throughout Europe. D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​



D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​



D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​


Why did Hitler make the move to arrest the leadership of the SA at the Weisee conference?



why ofc he had suspicion about the ss troops thats why he arrested them




Thomas Jefferson is remembered for being the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence. He was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. He had previously served as the second vice president of the United States. Although Jefferson had good intentions, he clearly violated the Constitution by abusing his position as executive of the U.S. In another situation, Jefferson pushed the limits of presidential power by passing the Embargo Act of 1807. Jefferson exercised massive federal power to achieve his political goals.

How has a U-Boat generally been
A. as a passenger ship
B. as a battleship
C. as an aircraft carrier
D. as a submarine





The U-Boat was a submarine I believe :) It was special because it was key technology used during the war

How did Mao win the Chinese Civil War?


From 1911 to 1945, China experienced a revolution, a

struggle against warlords, a civil war between the

Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-Shek and the

Communists led by Mao Zedong, and invasion by the

Japanese. After the defeat of the Japanese in World

War II in 1945, a full-blown civil war erupted again in

1946. The Nationalists were backed by the United

States and the Communists had support from the

Soviet Union. By 1949, Chiang and the Nationalists,

despite having more soldiers than the Communists,

were defeated and forced to evacuate the Chinese

mainland for the island of Taiwan.

Historians point to a number of factors for the

nationalists defeat.

Chiang’s Kuomintang government was filled with

incompetent and corrupt officials. The people especially hated the tax collectors, who

were commonly called “blood-sucking devils.” Chiang himself held dictatorial powers,

but his orders were often ignored. He had little success in rallying Chinese nationalism

to win an unpopular war against the Communists.

Chiang’s decision to go to war against the Communists in 1946 came at the cost of

postponing the economic reconstruction of China. This meant diverting tax revenues,

investment, and other resources to the war effort rather than to the needs of the people.

Heavy taxes, a huge government debt, inflation, unemployment, and food shortages

caused many, especially in the cities, to lose faith in the Nationalist government.

From 1911 to 1945, China went through a revolution, a fight against warlords. Following Japan's loss in World War II in 1945, a full-fledged civil war emerged in 1946.

Why did China start a civil war?

The Chinese war has started from 1927 to 1949 due to the difference between the thinking of Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationalist Party.

It erupted immediate post - War, after a period of intermittent fighting between the two factions dating back to the 1920s.

Thus, From 1911 to 1945, China went through a revolution, a fight against warlords

For more information about Chinese war, click here:


In 1800 the US was much weaker than the European countries. Why would the Federalists believe the government should favor wealthy bankers and merchants?



because they are greedy and want only what they want


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