Allison spent $7.80 on lunch. That represents 6% of her daily net income. What is Allison's daily net income? Round your answer to the nearest penny if needed.


Answer 1

we get that the net income of Alison is:


so her net income is $130

Related Questions

jacobs school is selling tickets to a fall musical. On the first day of ticket sales the school sold 2 senior citizens tickets and 6 child tickets for a total of $26. The school took in $54 on the second day by selling 12 senior citizen tickets and 2 child tickets. Find the price of senior citizen ticket and the price of a child ticket.


Let s and c represent the prices of the senior citizen and the child tickets respectively

Then the problem can be modelled as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2s+6c=26--------------------(1) \\ 12s+2c=54--------------------(2) \\ We\text{ will now solve the simultaneous equation by elimination method} \\ \text{equation (1) }\times6\colon \\ 12s+36c=156---------------------(3) \\ 12s+2c=54-----------------------(2) \\ ---------------------------------------- \\ \text{equation (3) - equation (2):} \\ 34c=102 \\ \Rightarrow c=\frac{102}{34}=3 \\ \text{Substituting the value of c into equation (1), we have:} \\ 2s+6(3)=26 \\ 2s+18=26 \\ \Rightarrow2s=26-18=8 \\ \Rightarrow s=\frac{8}{2}=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

8. Ms. Crockett is trying to teach her nephew to play baseball. Below is a rough sketch of Brandon pitching a baseball. You can model his throw with the quadratic h(t) = -16t^2 +29t + 6 where t is the seconds since the ball left Brandon's hand and h(t) is the height of the ball in feet.


a) b) We have to start by labeling the graph.

This graph relates the height in the vertical axis with the distance in the horizontal axis. The equation that relates y and x is different from h(t), as we are not representing time in the horizontal axis.

Then, both the height and the distance will have units of feet:

The highest point will be at the point where the height stop increasing and start decreasing.

c) We can use the equation fo h(t) to find the value of t when h(t) = 0, that is , when the ball touches the ground.

As h(t) is a quadratic equation, finding t for h(t) = 0 is finding the roots of the quadratic equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h(t)=-16t^2+29t+6 \\ t=\frac{-29\pm\sqrt[]{29^2-4\cdot(-16)\cdot6}}{2\cdot(-16)} \\ t=\frac{-29\pm\sqrt[]{841+384}}{-32} \\ t=\frac{-29\pm\sqrt[]{1225}}{-32} \\ t=\frac{29\pm35}{32} \\ t_1=\frac{29-35}{32}=-\frac{6}{32}=-0.1875 \\ t_2=\frac{29+35}{32}=\frac{64}{32}=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

As the first root is a negative number, it does not make sense in this case. The solution then is the other root, that has a value of t=2. As t is in seconds, we know that the ball reaches the ground 2 seconds after the launch.


a) The labels and units are Height (in feet) for the vertical axis and Distance (in feet) for the horizontal axis.

b) The highest point corresponds to the point where the height stops increasing and starts decreasing.

c) The ball touches the ground 2 seconds after the launch.

What is mZS? Q 108° P R S m2S = O


First, we find arc RSP

[tex]\begin{gathered} 108=\frac{1}{2}\cdot RSP \\ \text{RSP}=2\cdot108=216 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Arc RSP measures 216°.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 216+RQP=360 \\ \text{RQP}=360-216=144 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we find angle S

[tex]m\angle S=\frac{1}{2}\cdot144=72[/tex]Hence, angle S measures 72°.

the table shows how many gummies a candy-maker can make in a certain number of hours
15 =1,500
25= 2,500
50= 5,000
what is the constant of proportionality? show your equation, work, and correct lables.


The constant of proportionality will be 100.

What is Proportional?

Any relationship that is always in the same ratio and quantity which vary directly with each other is called the proportional.

Given that;

The table shows how many gummies a candy-maker can make in a certain number of hours;

15 =1,500

25= 2,500

50= 5,000


We know that;

Th expression is,

⇒ y = kx

Where, K is constant of proportionality.

Here, By the first condition;

k = 1500/15

k = 100

By the second condition;

k = 2500/25

k = 100

By the third condition,

k = 5000/50

k = 100

Thus, The constant of proportionality will be 100.

Learn more about the proportion visit:


Triangle 1 is a scale drawing of Triangle 2 as shown below. Based on the information shown in these triangles, what is the length of the side x? A. 9 B. 15.75 c. 7



x = 7


Since triangle 1 is a scale drawing of triangle 2, the ratio of corresponding sides will be the same.


[tex]\frac{4}{6}=\text{ }\frac{x}{10.5}[/tex]

Cross multiply:

4(10.5) = 6x

42 = 6x

6x = 42

x = 42/6

x = 7

The solid shape is made from a hemisphere and a cone.
The radius of the hemisphere is equal to the radius of the base of the cone.

The cone has a height of 10 cm.
The volume of the cone is 270π cm3.

Work out the total volume of the solid shape in cm³
Give your answer in terms ofπ .


The volume of the solid shape is 756 cm³ .

What is the volume of the solid shape?

The volume of the solid shape is the sum of the volume of the hemisphere and the cone.

Volume of the solid shape = volume of the hemisphere + volume of the cone

Volume of the cone = 1/3πr²h

270π = 1/3πr² x 10

r² = (270π  x 3) / 10π

r² = 81

r = √81

r = 9

Volume of a hemisphere = (2/3) × r³ × π

Volume of a hemisphere = 2/3 x 9³ × π

Volume of a hemisphere = 486π cm³

Volume of the solid shape =  486π cm³ + 270π cm³  = 756 cm³

To learn more about the volume of a hemisphere, please check:


The triangle has the sides AB = 4cm BC = 6cm AC = 8cmCalculate the triangles Area


Given: A triangle ABC with sides AB=4cm, BC=6cm and AC=8cm

Required: To find out the area of the given triangle.

Explanation: Area of the triangle by Heron's formula is given by,


where, a,b,c are the sides of triangle and s is the semi-perimeter given by,


Now, let a=4, b=6 and c=8. Hence the semi perimeter s is-

[tex]s=\frac{4+6+8}{2}[/tex][tex]s=9\text{ cm}[/tex]

Now, putting these values of s, a, b, and c in Heron's formula we get,

[tex]A=\sqrt{9(9-4)(9-6)(9-8)}[/tex][tex]A=\sqrt{9\times5\times3\times1}[/tex][tex]A=3\sqrt{15}\text{ }cm^2[/tex][tex]A=11.61\text{ }cm^2[/tex]

Final Answer: Area of triangle is 11.61 sq cm.

For a certain company, the cost function for producing x items is C(x)=40x+150 and the revenue function for selling x items is R(x)=−0.5(x−110)^2+6,050. The maximum capacity of the company is 150 items.Assuming that the company sells all that it produces, what is the profit function?P(x)=What is the domain of P(x)?The company can choose to produce either 70 or 80 items. What is their profit for each case, and which level of production should they choose?


To solve this question, follow the steps below.

Step 01: Find the profit function P(x).


C(x) = cost of producing x units

R(x) = revenue when producing x units

Then, P(x) is = R(x) - C(x).

Substituting the equations in the formula:


Solve the equation, by solving first the quadratic part.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(x)=-0.5*(x^2-2*110*x+110^2)+6050-40x-150 \\ P(x)=-0.5x^2+110x-6050+6050-40x-150 \\ P(x)=-0.5x^2+110x-40x-150 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, sum the like-terms.


Step 02: Find the domain.

Since the maximum capacity of the company is 150 items. So, x-maximum is 150.

The minimum number of products is 0.

Then, 0 ≤ x ≤ 150.

Domain: 0 ≤ x ≤ 150 or [0, 150].

Step 03: Compare the profit for x = 70 and x = 80.

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(x)=-0.5x^{2}+70x-150 \\ P(70)=-0.5*70^2+70*70-150 \\ P(70)=-2450+4900-150 \\ P(70)=2300 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} P(x)=-0.5x^{2}+70x-150 \\ P(80)=-0.5*80^2+70*80-150 \\ P(80)=2250 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Comparing both profits, the profit for x = 70 is greater. So, they should choose x = 70.

In summary:

(a) Profit equation:


(b )Domain:

0 ≤ x ≤ 150 or [0, 150].

(c) Comparing x = 70 and x = 80.

Comparing both, the company should choose x = 70, because the profit is greater.

Write an equation of a line that passes through the given point and has the given slopethe correct blanks for the value of mand b.2.(-1, 4), slope - 1


The equation of a line in the slope intercept form is expressed as

y = mx + c


m represents slope

c represents y intercept

We would find c by substituting x = - 1, y = 4 and m = - 1 into the slope intercept equation. It becomes

4 = - 1 * - 1 + c

4 = 2 + c

c = 4 - 2 = 2

The equation would be

y = - x + 2

Paula started reading a book and read 1/12 of the book on the first day. The next day, she read 1/3 of the book. How much does she still need to read the book?





We have that Paula first read 1/12 of her book. Then she read, 1/3 of the book.

First, we have to find how much of the book she has read.

We do that by adding the amounts she has read.

That is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{1+(4\cdot1)}{12}=\frac{1+4}{12} \\ =\frac{5}{12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, to find how much she still has to read, we have to subtract the fraction she has read from 1.

That is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1-\frac{5}{12} \\ \Rightarrow\text{ }\frac{12}{12}-\frac{5}{12} \\ =\frac{7}{12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, she still has to read 7/12 of the book.

The temperature fell by 3°F every hour during a 6-hour period. What
was the overall change in temperature during the 6-hour period?




it decreased 18°F over 6 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

if it fell 3°F every hour for 6 hours just times it by 6


it decreased 18°F over 6 hours

Mrs. Nolan hired a painter to paint the exterior of her house. It took the painter 3 days to paint her house. The painter agreed to a rate of $23 per hour with a 12-hour unpaid lunch break each day. The table shows when the painter clocked in and out each day.Before taxes, how much money did the painter make


Given that the painter took three days to paint the exterior of the house in the following timings.

Thursday 7.30 am to 5.15 pm = 9 hours 45 minutes

Friday 7.00 am to 4.40 pm = 9 hours 40 minutes

Saturday 8.30 am to 4.30 pm = 8 hours

Also, it is given that the rate 23 $ per hour, and there is a rest of 1/2 hour lunch break each day.

So total lunch break = 3 x 1/2 hours = 3/2 hours = 1.5 hours = 1 hour 30 minutes

Total working time = 9 hours 45 minutes + 9 hours 40 minutes + 8 hours

= 27 hours 25 minutes

For 1 hour the rate is $ 23

1 hour = $ 23

60 minutes = $ 23

1 minute = $ 23/60

Now we have to subtract the lunchtime from the total time.


Time for which he was paid = 27 hours 25 minutes - 1 hour 30 minutes

= 25 hours 55 minutes


25 hours = $ 25 x 23 = $ 575

55 minutes = $ 55 x 23/60 = $ 21.08

Hence, the total money he was paid is = $ 575 + $ 21.08 = $ 596.08

Therefore the required answer is $ 596.08

The table below shows data for a class's mid-term and final exams:

96 100
95 85
92 85
90 83
87 83
86 82
82 81
81 78
80 78
78 78
73 75
Which data set has the smallest IQR? (1 point)
Group of answer choices

They have the same IQR

Mid-term exams

Final exams

There is not enough information


The interquartile range is a measure of where the “middle fifty” is in a data set, where the bulk of the values lies.

The interquartile range formula is the first quartile subtracted from the third quartile:


IQR of the Mid-Term

Step 1: Arrange the numbers in order


Step 2: Find the median


Step 3: Find Q1 and Q3

Q1 and Q3 are the median of the numbers before and after the median of the data set. Therefore, Q1 is the median of the first 5 numbers:


Q3 is the median of the last 5 numbers:


Step 4: Calculate the IQR


IQR of the Final

Step 1: Arrange the numbers in order


Step 2: Find the median


Step 3: Find Q1 and Q3

Q1 and Q3 are the median of the numbers before and after the median of the data set. Therefore, Q1 is the median of the first 5 numbers:


Q3 is the median of the last 5 numbers:


Step 4: Calculate the IQR



The data with the smallest IQR is the FINAL.

Hi I need the answer to the question quickly if possible please


The log function can be graphed using the vertical asymptote at x = 1 and the points (2,0), (5,1) & (3,0.5).

Given graph is [tex]g(x) = log_{4}(x-1)[/tex]

We have to find the asymptotes.

Set the argument of the logarithm equal to zero.

x - 1 = 0

Now add 1 to both the sides of the equation.

x - 1 + 1 = 0 + 1

= x = 1

The vertical asymptote occurs at x = 1

So, vertical asymptote: x = 1

Now, find the point at x = 2

Replace the variable x with 2 in the expression.

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}((2) - 1)[/tex]

Simplify the result

Subtract 1 from 2

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}(1)[/tex]

Logarithm base 4 of 1 is 0

f(2) = 0

The final answer is 0.

y = 0

Now find the point at x = 5

Replace the variable x with 5 in the expression.

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}((5) - 1)[/tex]

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}(4)[/tex]

Logarithm base 4 of 4 is 1

so, f(5) = 1

y = 1

Now find the point at x = 3

Replace the variable x with 3 in the expression.

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}((3) - 1)[/tex]

[tex]f(2) = log_{4}(2)[/tex]

Logarithm base 4 of 2 is [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex].

Rewrite as an equation.

[tex]log_{4}((2) = x[/tex]

Rewrite [tex]log_{4}((2) = x[/tex] in exponential form using definition of a logarithm. If x and b are positive real numbers and b does not equal 1, then [tex]log_{b}((x) = y[/tex] is equivalent to [tex]b^{y} = x.[/tex]

[tex]4^{x} = 2[/tex]

Create expressions in the equation that all have equal bases.

[tex](2^{2})^{x} = 2^{1}[/tex]

Rewrite [tex](2^{2})^{x} as 2^{2x}[/tex]

[tex]2^{2x} = 2^{1}[/tex]

Since the bases are the same, then two expressions are only equal if the exponents are also equal.

2x = 1

solve for x

[tex]x = \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

The variable x is equal to [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

[tex]f(3) = \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

The final answer is [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

So, y = 0.5

The log function can be graphed using the vertical asymptote at x = 1 and the points (2,0), (5,1) & (3,0.5).

x    y

2    0

3    0.5

5    1

Hence the answer is the log function can be graphed using the vertical asymptote at x = 1 and the points (2,0), (5,1) & (3,0.5).

To learn more about graphs, click here




The measure of the angle ∠XYZ = 76°

What is an angle?

Angles are formed when two lines intersect at a point. The measure of the 'opening' between these two rays is called an 'angle'. It is represented by the symbol ∠. Angles are usually measured in degrees and radians

∠XYZ = ∠WXY + ∠XWY( exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior angle)

substituting their values,

12x - 20 =  3x + 11 + 5x + 1

collecting like terms we have

12x -3x - 5x = 20 + 1 + 11

4x = 32

x = 32/4

x = 8

recall ∠XYZ = 12x - 20

substitute x = 8 into the above equation

∠XYZ = 12(8) - 20

∠XYZ = 96 - 20

∠XYZ = 76°

In conclusion, the value of ∠XYZ = 76°

Learn more about angles:


During 5/8 of the 72 physical education classes, Ethan played games involving running. During how many of this years physical education classes did Ethan have to run?


Ethan has to run in 45 classes

Here, we want to get the number of games that involved running

Mathematically, what we have to do here is to calculate the number in the fraction

We have this as;

[tex]\frac{5}{8}\text{ of 72 = }\frac{5}{8}\times\text{ 72 = 45}[/tex]

John compares the graph of two functions.• The first function was y=3x +4.• The second function fits the values in the table below.22What is the distance between the y-intercepts of the two functions?O A. 5 unitsO B. 6 unitsO C. 4 unitsOD. 3 units


the y-intercept of a parabola is the y coordinate of the point where does the graph intersect the y-axis.

so from the figure, we can see that the parabola is intersecting the y-axis at (0, -6)

and it is intersecting the x-axis at (3,0)

thus. y-intercept is (0, -6) and x-intercept is (3,0)

that is option D

For the first week of July, Sam Martinez worked 55 hours. Sam earns$8.60 an hour. His employer pays overtime for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week and pays
1.5 times the hourly rate for overtime hours. Calculate the following for the first week of July (round your responses to the nearest cent if necessary):

1) Regular Pay Amount;
2)Overtime Pay
3)Gross Pay


The regular pay amount for the first week of July is $344

The overtime pay amount for the first week of July is $193.50

The gross pay amount for the first week of July is $537.50

How to find the earnings of sam?

Total hours Sam worked = 55 hoursTotal regular hours = 40 hours

Overtime hours = Total hours Sam worked - Total regular hours

= 55 - 40

= 15 hours

Amount Sam earn per hour for regular hours = $8.60

Total regular pay amount = Total regular hours × Amount Sam earn per hour for regular hours

= 40 × $8.60

= $344

Amount Sam earn per hour for overtime hours = $8.60 × 1.5

= $12.90 per overtime hour

Total overtime pay amount = Overtime hours × Amount Sam earn per hour for overtime

= 15 × $12.90

= $193.50

Total gross pay = Total regular pay amount + Total overtime pay amount

= $344 + $193.50

= $537.50

In conclusion, the regular, overtime and gross pay of Sam for the first week of July is $344, $193.50 and $537.50 respectively.

Read more on gross pay:


Another photo is 20 inches long. How much wood is4needed for the frame? SHOW your WORK.


Given :

width of frame = 10.5 inches

length of frame = 20.75 inches

The amount of wood that she'll need for each photograph can be determined using the perimeter of the rectangular frame:

Perimeter(P) of rectangular frame:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P\text{ = 2l + 2w} \\ =\text{ 2 }\times\text{ 20.75 + 2}\times\text{ 10.5} \\ =\text{ 62.5 inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Amount of wood needed in perimeter = 62.5 inches

Options for the first box: 6,500, 10,500, 11,500, 14,000Options for the second box are: 11,500, 18,500, 14,000, 10,500




Given the equation:

y = -2500x + 19,000

For cars between 2 and 3 years,

The minimum is 2 and the maximum is 3 years

For the minimum, we have x = 2


y = -2500(2) + 19000

= 14000

For maximum, we have x = 3


y = -2500(3) + 19000


A growing company has been hiring employees at a steady rate of 1 new hire per month. The company started with 2 employees. The growth of the company can be modeled by the function g (2) = 2 + 2, where x represents the number of months, and g(x) represents the number of employees. Evaluate the function over the domain {3,4, 18, 24}.


The function that represents the number of employees by the number of months is:

[tex]g(x)\text{ = 2+x}[/tex]

For x = 3:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(3)\text{ = 2+3} \\ g(3)\text{ = 5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For x=6:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(6)=2+6 \\ g(6)\text{ = 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For 18:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(18)\text{ = 2+18} \\ g(18)\text{ = 20} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For 24:

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(24)=24+2 \\ g(24)=26 \end{gathered}[/tex]

find the mean, median and mode of the following distribution:3, 5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9, 15



[tex]3,5,3,4,6,8,7,9,15[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mean}=\frac{3+5+3+4+6+8+7+9+15}{9} \\ \text{Mean}=\frac{60}{9} \\ \text{Mean}=6.6667 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Ascending order : 3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,15

Median : 5th term is the median


Find the given equation of the line through (8,-7) which is perpendicular to the line y= x/2-9


The equation of a line in the slope intercept form is expressed as

y = mx + c


m = slope

c = y intercept

By comapring the given equation,

slope, m = 1/2

If two lines are perpendicular, it means that the slope of one line is the negative reciprocal of the slope of the other line. Thus,

slope of line passing through (8, - 7) = - 2/1 = - 2

We would find the y intercept of the line passing through (8, - 7) by substituting x = 8, y = - 7 and m = - 2 into the slope intercept equation. We have

- 7 = - 2 * 8 + c

- 7 = - 16 + c

c = - 7 + 16 = 9

The equation of the line is

y = - 2x + 9

Find the next 3 terms of the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13, 17


You have the following arithmetic sequence:

5, 9, 13, 17

due to the it is an arithmetic sequence, difference between consecutive numbers is constant.

In fact, when you calculate the difference between consecutive numbers you have:

9 - 5 = 4

13 - 9 = 4

17 - 13 = 4

To determine the next three terms it is necessary to sum 4 (the previous result) to each previous term, just as follow:

17 + 4 = 21

21 + 4 = 25

25 + 4 = 29

Hence, 21, 25 and 29 are the next three terms

Which of the following is an example of independent events? A. Drawing a king from a standard deck of cards and then drawing an 8 without replacing the kingB. Four people are drawn successively without replacement from a group of 30 to represent the groupC. Spinning a 3 on a spinner and getting a head from a coin tossD. Selecting a head from a bag of 9 different colored breads and then selecting a second bead without putting the first back


Two events are independent if the fact that one takes palce does not affect the probability of the other. This means that spinning a spinner and tossing a coin are indepent events since the probabilities do not affect each other.

Jake drives Go-Karts at an average speed of 2.75 laps per minute. If the relationship between the number of laps completed and numberof minutes varies directly, how long would it take him to complete 41.25 laps?O A. 0.07 minutesOB. 15 minutesO C. 38.5 minutesO D. 113 minutes


Since the number of minutes and number of laps completed varies directly, therefore if 2.75 laps correspond to 1 min then:

[tex]\frac{2.75\text{laps}}{1\min}=\frac{41.25\text{laps}}{x\min }\text{.}[/tex]

Solving for x we get:

[tex]x\min =\frac{41.25}{2.75}1\min =15\min \text{.}[/tex]

Answer: Option B.

a line segment has the endpoint T(2,4) and the midpoint of (3,6.5). find the coordinates of the other point B.


a line segment has the endpoint T(2,4) and the midpoint of (3,6.5). find the coordinates of the other point B.

we know that

The formula to calculate the midpoint between two points is equal to


In this problem we have




substitute the given values in the formula above


Find the value of x2 coordinate




Find the value of y2 coordinate





the coordinates of point B(4,9)

Karlo has $7,300 saved for a down payment towards the $26,700 car he wants to buy. He needs to have adown payment of at least 40% in order to get the lowest interest rate. How much more money would he need tosave?


The Solution:


The cost of car Karlo wants to buy is $26,700.

Karlo has saved = $7,300

We are required to find how much Karlo need to save more for the car.

Step 1:

Down payment of 40% of the total cost of the car is:

[tex]Down\text{ payment amount}=\frac{40}{100}\times26700=40\times267=\text{\$}10680[/tex]

Step 2:

Subtract $10680 from $26700.

[tex]Amount\text{ to save more }=26700-10680=\text{\$}16,020[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is $16,020.

Solve the equation 2-(y+9)<-3


Step 1:

Write the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ - (y + 9) < -3} \\ 2\text{ - y - 9 < - 3} \\ -y\text{ < - 3 - 2 + 9} \\ \text{ - y < 4} \\ y\text{ > -4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer

y > -4

In set-builder notations the solution set is

{y | y > -4}

In interval notation, the solution set is

[tex]\lbrack-3,\text{ }\infty)[/tex]

i need help with this problem its a two step equation -17= -9- 8m



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