All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa EXCEPT…
A destabilization of local African societies
B the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market
C increased violence through widespread use of firearms


Answer 1

All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa expect  the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market.

What exactly is a market?

In order to expedite the exchange or transaction of products and services, buyers and sellers can come together in a market. A market may be actual, like a real store, or it may be virtual, like an online retailer. Financial markets, auction markets, and criminal markets are other examples.

The actions of markets

Markets allocate limited resources to the highest bidder. Markets are dynamic, unplanned systems of interaction. To produce any given good, there are millions of distinct people involved, each with a very unique set of interests, talents, knowledge, and objectives.

To know more about Market visit:


Related Questions

What is a fracture where there is no displacement in the rock called?


A fracture is referred to as a fault if the rock has been moved along it, such as by moving one side up or down, and a fracture is referred to as a joint if there has been no movement along the crack.

What are the types of fractures in rocks?

Commonly occurring fractures can be divided into three geologically based major groups depending on the type of displacement discontinuity: (1) dilating fractures/joints, (2) shearing fractures/faults, and (3) closing fractures/pressure solution surfaces.

Non displacement fracture definition.

Nondisplaced fractures occur when a bone breaks or cracks while retaining its normal alignment. Nondisplaced fractures frequently only need to be treated with bracing, boots, or casting.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link


Is the 3rd deepest point on Earth?


The Galathea Depth in the Philippine trench is 10.54 km below sea level, making it the world's third deepest point. This submarine trench, also known as the Mindanao Trench, is located in the Philippine Sea.

The Emden Deep, also known as the Galathea Deep or Galathea Depth, is a section of the 10,540-metre-deep Philippine Trench in the south-western Pacific Ocean that extends beyond 6,000 meters. It spans 1,320 kilometers in length and 30 kilometers in width in the east of the Philippines.

Learn more on deepest point -


Can orcas swim in shallow water?


Orcas are capable of swimming in shallow water, and they have been observed purposefully swimming up steep beaches, estuaries, or icebergs to catch prey.

Plunge depth: Although they are not typically deep divers, killer whales may dive to depths of at least 100 m (328 ft). Under experimental circumstances, a killer whale dived as far as 259 meters (850 ft.). In order to feed on stingrays, Hinds said that orcas will occasionally enter shallow water.

"Some people don't spot them, but the ones who do are in amazement at seeing these orcas so close into the beach," Hinds said. It is not believed that orcas in the wild pose a threat to people. But up to this point, their "playfulness" has only caused repairable harm; as reported by the Daily Mail, the total now also includes a sunken boat. The crew of a sailing yacht was horrified and fled for their lives on a life raft near Portugal when seven orcas attacked and sank it in less than 45 minutes.

Learn more about orcas visit:


Unit 6 (Southwest and South Asia): Why was India divided into two different
countries when it won independence from Britain?
Your answer


The reason why India was divided into two different countries after its independence from Britain, was to reduce religious conflict between Muslims and Hindus.

Why was India partitioned at independence ?

The polarization of Hindus and Muslims had reached such a degree that many on both sides thought it was impossible for followers of the two faiths to coexist peacefully.

Muslims made up the largest religious minority in British India at about 25% of the total population. They had become accustomed to having their minority status preserved by a system of reserved parliamentary seats and distinct electorates while living under imperial rule. The British system of political control, also referred to as "divide and rule," depended on identifying interest groups prepared to work together.

As a result, the Muslims knew that it would be best if they had their own nation and so advocated for it. This led to India being divided into the nations of India and Pakistan when independence was won from the British.

Find out more on India at


Undersea earthquakes have the potential to cause which natural phenomena? question 6 options: a. hurricanes b. monsoons
c. tornadoes d. tsunamis


Tsunamis (D) usually generated by undersea Earthquakes or activity under the ocean floor, and categorized into natural phenomena caused by nature.

What do undersea earthquakes cause?When a great earthquake ruptures, the faulting can cause vertical slip that is large enough to disturb the overlying ocean, thus generating a tsunami that will travel outwards in all directions.A tsunami is a sequence of massive waves caused by an underwater disturbance, most commonly earthquakes that occur underneath or near the ocean. A tsunami can be caused by volcanic eruptions, undersea landslides, and coastal rock falls, as well as a massive asteroid slamming the ocean.

Learn more about tsunami here:


Do orcas prefer warm or cold water?


Orcas prefer cold water.

These species seem to prefer cooler temperatures, even though they may be discovered in warmer waters close to the equator as compared to arctic waters. Orcas may go to semi-enclosed seas, river mouths, & ice-covered areas in addition to residing in deep ocean waters.

Whales and other marine mammals with warm blood may survive in cold water. Fat acts as an insulating material to assist whales maintain energy and warmth when they dive to freezing depths and cruise across icy seas, like those in Alaska.

Because of the increasing ocean temperatures, the killer whale is migrating further north in search of a new environment in which there are more sources of food and the water is cooler. On the other side, the ecology is negatively impacted over the long term by the movement of the dolphin species.

Learn more about orcas at


some scientists claim that they can determine when the earth first formed as a planet. which technique do scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed?


Analysis of radioactive isotopes in rocks this technique is used to determine when the earth first formed.

Radiometric relationship, which relies on the predictable decay of radioactive isotopes of carbon, uranium, potassium, and different factors, provides accurate age estimates for activities returned to the formation of Earth more than 4.5 billion years in the past.

Uranium is a silvery-white metallic chemical detail within the periodic desk, with atomic number ninety two. it is assigned the chemical image U. A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons. Uranium has the very best atomic weight of all naturally happening factors.

Carbon (from Latin carbo 'coal') is a chemical detail with the symbol C and atomic variety 6. it's miles nonmetallic and tetravalent—its atom making 4 electrons to be had to form covalent chemical bonds. It belongs to organization 14 of the periodic table. Carbon makes up simplest about 0.0.5 percent of Earth's crust.

Learn more about carbon here :-


Can you answer the questions below?:

Mention the countries that occupy the continent of America!!

ThanK YoU​


^ North American and South America

This is due in an hour

What is the difference between the spatial perspective and the ecological perspective in geography?

Explain the interaction between the four main components of Earth's physical systems. Be sure to include the name of each system and its primary function in your answer.

What are some of the conflicts surrounding immigration, population, and multiculturalism in the United States?

Which of the following systems has the greatest role in shaping society: religion, economics, or government? Be sure to support your answer with at least three examples of how the system you chose affects society.


It's the spatial perspective where things happen. An ecological perspective is how a living organism interacts with its physical environment.

Explain the interaction between the four main components of Earth's physical systems

Atmosphere - Provides air to breathe. gas system surrounding the Earth

Biosphere - the system of all living things on Earth

Hydrosphere - all water systems on Earth (including water vapour)

Lithosphere - a system of physical parts of the Earth. B. Rocks.

What are some of the conflicts surrounding immigration, population, and multiculturalism in the United States?

Racism and xenophobia are major issues associated with immigration to the United States.

Which of the following systems has the greatest role in shaping society: religion, economics, or government?

The systems that have played the greatest role in shaping society are: economically

The first reason is that the economy brings prosperity to society, and more power brings more prosperity. Second : Whoever controls the economy has the power to control the government because the government is also subject to the budget. Finally, the economic system has a great impact on people's daily lives.

For example, in an agricultural country, people do not choose to be a fisherman as a profession.

Learn more about Spatial perspective:


Do killer whales have emotions?


Scientists can certainly assert that killer whales think and experience emotions at a level similar to humans and apes by analyzing both the physical behavior of killer whales and the brain regions that we know have to do with emotions.

As we have seen, killer whales have deeper and more pervasive social lives than do humans. Their identities are shaped by their relationships to their families and tribes, and their empathy is strong enough to extend to other species. The spectrum of human emotions is wide, ranging from the ferocious rage felt.

When your car is unexpectedly towed to the profound love we feel when sharing a beautiful moment with those who are closest to us. The range of emotions that orcas experience is still being defined by academics, and it probably always will be. After all, our languages are very different. According to Giles, "the biology and physiology of these creatures lead us to conclude that not only do they have feeling, but they may also be capable of having extremely rich emotional lives."

Learn more about Whales visit:


in the past 150 years, co2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%. what has dramatically increased during this time that has led to this increase in co2? explain how this has occurred.


Since 1750, the industrial processes have increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by over 50%. This increase is due to the discovery of isotopic fingerprints in the atmosphere by scientists.

What causes CO2 emissions?

Emissions of carbon dioxide can come from both natural and man-made processes. Examples of natural sources include respiration, decomposition, and oceanic release. Cement production, forest clearing, and the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of human-caused emissions.

Are CO2 emissions dangerous?

The effects of CO2 exposure on health are likely to be numerous. These include headaches, dizziness, restlessness, convulsions, coma, hypoxia, perspiration, a tingling or pins-and-needles sensation, and hypoxia.

To know more about co2 emissions visit:


Identify whether each of the following descriptions are true or false. To sustain fossil fuel resources, alternative sources of energy should be used. Drip irrigation uses more water and is not helpful in sustaining water use. Limiting erosion, disposing of mining waste, and limiting water pollution from the mine helps sustain land use. Deforestation is helpful in sustaining trees.


To preserve the resources of fossil fuels, alternative energy sources such as renewable energy should be used. As a result, the given assertion is true.The second excerption is false, because drip irrigation has possesses the tendency to save water and nutrients by permitting water to drip gradually to the plant roots.The third excerption is  true, because limiting erosion, disposing of mining waste, and limiting water pollution from the mine can helps sustain land use.The fourth excerption is false, because deforestation refers to the removal of the stand of trees or a forest where the land is afterward transformed into a non-forest use, then it can't help in maintaining trees.

What is deforestation explain the importance of trees?

Trees are felled for wood, waiting to be transported and sold. Deforestation is the clearing of forest land on purpose. Throughout history up to modern times, forests have been destroyed to make room for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction. Forests are one of our most valuable resources on Earth, they provide us with clean air, materials, food and much more. Forests even provide natural habitats for various animals and help support biodiversity, making deforestation extremely dangerous.

Learn more about deforestation here:



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False


1) Examine the illustration of an ecosystem below. Identify four
abiotic factors and four biotic factors, and write them in the
spaces provided.

a. b. c. d.
a. b. c. d.



Abiotic factors are non living. Therefore Abiotic factors include

1. Mountain

2. Water

3. Sun

4. Rocks

The biotic factors are the following

1. Trees

2. Butterfly

3. Bird

4. Fish

Hope this helps. Please give brainliest I need five more

What are the four factors that determine water quality?


Water quality is determined by measuring a variety of properties. Temperature, acidity (pH), dissolved solids (specific conductance), particulate matter (turbidity), dissolved oxygen, hardness, and suspended sediment are examples of these. Each reveals a different aspect of a body of water's health.

Water quality is determined by several factors, including dissolved oxygen concentration, bacteria levels, salt (or salinity), and the amount of material suspended in the water (turbidity).

To determine water quality, some bodies of water measure the concentration of microscopic algae as well as the quantities of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

The intended use determines the parameters for water quality. Water quality research typically focuses on water that has been treated for potability, industrial/domestic use, or restoration (of an environment/ecosystem, generally for the health of human/aquatic life).

Learn more about Water quality  to visit this link


which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there?


The cigar producer who established a business there is honored with the moniker Ybor City in Florida.

Vicente Martnez de Ybor headed a group of Cuban cigar producers that created Ybor City, now a neighborhood in Tampa, in 1886. To prevent their employees from being unionized, the cigar firms relocated from Key West. Story of a Man from Florida's Ybor City.

Ybor City in Tampa, Florida, had earned the title of "Cigar Capital of the World" by 1900. West Tampa, which is nearby, benefited from Ybor City's prosperity as well. It funded new box-making and label-printing enterprises in addition to having ten of its own cigar plants by 1895.

In Tampa, Florida, renowned brands including J.C. Newman Cigar Company, Tabanero Cigar Company, and Fandy Cigar Company are all produced.

To learn more about Ybor City


Volcanoes are known for their destruction. how are they constructive? question 2 options: a. killing all the animals and vegetations b. forming new land and islands c. melting rock into gold d. forming new species of animals


1. Volcanoes erupt with a powerfully destructive mixture of ash, lava, hot, toxic gases, and rock. Explosions from volcanoes have claimed lives. 2. Option (c) is correct, you can make gold by melting the rock.

Volcanic eruptions can bring forth additional health risks such wildfires, floods, mudslides, electricity outages, and contaminated drinking water. The most powerful volcanoes are regarded as stratovolcanoes. A stratovolcano in Washington state named Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. The crust melts and thins due to heat from the mantle plume, which results in volcanic activity at the surface. The sequence of volcanoes known as the Hawaiian Islands was created by the presence of a hot spot in the centre of the Pacific Plate.

At the Galeras volcano in the Andes of Colombia, Goff made the discovery. Dr. Goff noted that while gold can occasionally be found in extinct volcanoes, the Galeras volcano is currently spewing commercial quantities of gold from its raging summit. Yes, to some extent. It's crucial to keep in mind that a "rock" typically lacks a single melting point. It dissolves gradually over time. The minerals that make up igneous (magmatic) rocks, such as quartz, olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar, each melt at a different temperature.

Learn more about Volcanoes visit:


What is the main reason why the K-12 curriculum includes entrepreneurship as one of its core subjects?


Collaboration, invention, and creativity are supported through entrepreneurship education. Your pupils will need these talents well after middle school and high school since they are highly regarded by the best institutions and the majority of enterprises worldwide.

Students from all socioeconomic levels benefit from entrepreneurship education because it fosters unique talents and abilities and educates children to think beyond the box. Studying entrepreneurship and ways to innovate can help you come up with new ways to solve problems and gain insights on how to navigate the path to success from ideation to market adoption. Entrepreneurship education encourages students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to think outside the box and nurture unconventional talents and skills. It also creates opportunity, ensures social justice, instills confidence, and boosts the economy. Opportunities are created, social fairness is upheld, confidence is fostered, and the economy is stimulated.

To learn more about entrepreneurship click the link below:


Is clarity a good indicator of water quality?


Yes, clarity is a good indicator of water quality

The primary determinant of how the public perceives the quality of water is water clarity. Clear water can be a sign that the water is free of sediment and other particles that can affect its quality, but it does not necessarily mean that the water is safe to drink or use.

Clarity can be a good indicator of water quality to some extent, but it is not the only factor that should be considered. Other factors, such as the presence of harmful bacteria, chemicals, or other contaminants, can also impact the quality of the water and should be tested for in order to determine its safety. In general, it's important to use a combination of factors, including clarity, to assess the quality of water.

Read more about water quality on:


the zone of interface between the ocean and the continent, which includes the beach, coast, and shoreline, is called the .


The zone of interface between the ocean and the continent, which includes the beach, coast, and shoreline, is called the littoral zone.

The region along the beach and extending out to the edge of the continental shelf is known as an ocean's littoral zone. The littoral zone includes the intertidal area of a beach. The littoral zone also includes estuaries. The supralittoral zone, the intertidal zone, and the sublittoral zone are the three subzones that make up the littoral region. The "spray zone," which is situated between the high-tide line and dry ground, is only submerged during storms. The area between high and low tides is known as the intertidal zone. The lake or pond's shoreline is located in this zone. The section from dry land that slopes into the open water makes up this feature, which can be either very narrow or very wide. Because of their steep edges, oligotrophic, or youthful, bodies of water typically have small Littoral Zones. The grassy, reedy, marshy area that surrounds the banks of our waterways is known as the littoral zone. A littoral zone is defined by science as the region that is between uplands and open water. These are wonderful areas to explore nature's interconnection and how people effect water's health dependent on how they manage land.

Learn more about littoral zone here


globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


The term "globalization" describes the growing interconnection of various regions of the world. The procedure entails a type of reciprocal interchange of beliefs, principles, and ideas.

The process benefits all of the interacting civilizations, either positively or negatively. On the whole, globalization is attributed to the improvement of the local culture. For instance, the culture of wearing blue denim is unique to Western civilizations, namely American society, and represents the widespread struggle for women's suffrage, the advancement of capitalistic values, and civil rights.

Blue denim was explicitly forbidden in the USSR during the cold war, a time when US-USSR tensions were at their highest. USSR wanted to forbid it in an effort to distance itself from western capitalism and civil rights movements.

The exchange of capitalistic and democratic ideals finally came about as a result of the greater east-west connection, and gradually blue denim came to rule the world as a symbol of freedom and liberty.

To learn more about globalization


Can killer whales survive in warm water?


Killer whales have also been spotted in warm-water environments, including Florida, Hawaii, Australia, the Galapagos Islands, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as more temperate regions, like New Zealand and South Africa.

The Pacific Northwest, the Atlantic coast of northern Norway, and the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean are among the very productive regions of cold-water upwelling where killer whales can be found. Even while these encounters are rare, they do show that killer whales may go to tropical waters.

Only in very rare instances have killer whales been spotted in freshwater rivers like the Rhine, Thames, and Elbe. One even went in search of fish 177 km (110 mi) up the Columbia River. The most common mammal in the world, orcas are found throughout all of the oceans. However, they choose polar locations over sub- and tropical oceans.

Learn more about Whales visit:


search for augusta again and zoom in. with the remaining sealevel layers on, is augusta under water?


Answer: This is more likely to be either one of these; epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadalpelagic zones

Note: This is a harder question, as this is not a problem solving so i cannot help with this although there are 4 levels of sea layers.

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which seismic wave type causes the most destruction of property during an earthquake?


Both vertical and horizontal ground motions are produced by Rayleigh waves.

These waves can be the most harmful because when they pass, they elevate and lower the land as they move along. An earthquake is a quick movement of geological materials beneath the earth's surface that causes the ground to shake violently or weakly. The tectonic plate border is where earthquakes start. Earthquakes typically result from subsurface rock breaking unexpectedly and rapid movement along a fault. The seismic waves that cause the ground to tremble are brought on by this quick release of energy.

Sudden tectonic changes in the earth's crust are what generate earthquakes. Orogeny, which causes earthquakes and volcanoes, is caused when the tectonic plates glide over one another. Vibrations result from these disruptions.

Learn more about Earthquake here:


why should we care about ozone? question 3 options: it's a dangerous stratospheric pollutant. it protects the earth's surface from uv radiation. it is used in the production of cfcs. it's a major pollutant in our rainwater. it protects the earth from climate change.


The correct answer (b)it protects the earth's surface from uv radiation.

Some of the Sun's biologically harmful ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere. Stratospheric ozone is referred to as "good" ozone due to this advantageous role.

Three oxygen molecules (O3) combine to form the odorless, colorless gas known as ozone, which occurs naturally in the environment. Both the upper atmosphere of the Earth, known as the stratosphere, and the lower atmosphere, known as the troposphere, can contain it.

Can you smell ozone?

Ozone has a very characteristic pungent odor, sometimes described as like chlorine bleach, and it can sometimes be detected after lightning strikes or during electrical discharges. Individual humans vary in their ability to smell ozone; some people can smell it at levels as low as 0.05 ppm

learn more about ozone to visit this link


Why would Europe be considered a 'religious Christian region' ?


Answer: It is because Europe was home to the Roman and Holy Roman empires and the Crusades are from Christan Europe. The Roman Emperor (Constantine), forced all of his citizens to be Christians, although Christianity was derived from the Middle East. Another way, was the followers of Jesus also migrated to Europe and spread the religion.

Some scientists claim that they can determine when the earth first formed as a planet. which technique do scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed?


Some scientists claim that they can determine when the Earth was first formed as a planet. The technique that scientists use today to determine when the earth was first formed is called radiometric dating.

Radiometric dating requires an understanding of isotopes. Isotopes are variations of an element differentiated by the number of neutrons in their nuclei. As advances in chemistry, geology, and physics continued, scientists found a method by which the absolute age- an actual number of years- of a rock or mineral sample could be determined. This method is radiometric dating, and it involves the decay or breakdown, of radioactive elements.

Learn more about radiometric dating here:


What is the relationship between heat and pressure and sedimentary rock?


When sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat and/or pressure, they can change form and become metamorphic rocks, or they can melt and erupt as igneous rocks. They are also capable of being broken down and reformed into new sedimentary rocks.

Weathering and erosion can break down sedimentary rock back into sediment. It may also give rise to another type of rock. It may change into metamorphic rock if it is deeply buried enough in the crust to be subjected to increased temperature and pressure.

Learn more on rock


What are 5 interesting facts about killer whales?


Interesting facts about killer whales are that they are not whales but dolphins. Furthermore, they are intelligent and social.

Killer whales, also known as orcas, are a type of dolphin that is found in all the world's oceans. They are the largest member of the dolphin family. Some of the interesting facts about killer whales are -

Killer whales are the largest members of the dolphin family. Despite their name, killer whales are not actually whales; they are a type of dolphin.Killer whales are found in all the world's oceans, from polar regions to tropical waters.Killer whales are highly intelligent and social animals and live in complex and tightly-knit social groups called pods.Killer whales have distinctive black and white coloration.Killer whales are known for their powerful vocalizations, which can be heard over long distances and are used for communication within the pod.

Read more about killer whales on:


the united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes


The United States has the most expensive healthcare system of any country. A medical consultation with a general practitioner costs, on average, $190 or around €170. A stay in hospital can result in bills amounting to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A fitness machine is the way in which all health services are supplied. From how they're financed to the personnel, facilities and elements to be had, a sturdy health system will ensure that everyone is capable of get admission to first rate healthcare with out monetary trouble. all people has the right to get entry to healthcare. creation. in keeping with the world health business enterprise a health machine consists of all establishments, human beings and movements whose number one cause is to sell, restore or keep health. This consists of efforts to persuade determinants of health in addition to extra direct activities that improve health.

The Netherlands has a frequent healthcare gadget. it is controlled through the government and supplemented by non-public insurers. absolutely everyone dwelling or working in the Netherlands have to achieve basic degree health insurance .

Learn more about healthcare system here:


what is the seismic moment of an earthquake that slips 30 cm over an area of 15*30km^2 in rock with a shear modulus of 30 gpa?


The seismic moment of an earthquake is 405,000. Seismologists use a quantity called seismic moment to calculate the magnitude of an earthquake.

Thus, M 0 has torque dimensions that are expressed in newton meters. In the body-force equivalent description of seismic sources as a double-couple (a pair of force couples with opposite torques), the relationship between a seismic moment and a torque is obvious: the seismic moment is the torque of each of the two couples. Seismic moment is not a measure of energy despite having the same dimensions as energy. Indirect and approximate relationships exist between the seismic moment, potential energy decrease, and radiated energy. In order to constrain its variables, the seismic moment of an earthquake is often approximated using the information at hand. Seismograms, which are recordings of an earthquake's ground motion, are typically used to determine the moment for contemporary earthquakes.

The equation M0 = DAμ, where D is the average fault displacement, A is the total area of the fault surface, and is the average stiffness (with regard to shearing forces) of the rocks in the fault, can be used to calculate the seismic moment, M0.

M0 = DAμ

M0 = 30*15*30*30

M0 =405,000

Learn more about seismic moment here


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