According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?


Answer 1

According to the normative view of science, scientists should leave their personal values at the laboratory door.

Information that is created, presented, or interpreted based on an assumed, typically unstated, preference for a specific policy choice is described as a normative science.

Normative science is a type of research that strives to identify effective strategies for reaching acknowledged aims, ends, goals, objectives, or purposes. It often involves a community of inquiry and its collected corpus of provisional knowledge.

Facts and probabilities are what the public and decision-makers require from scientists when they weigh different policy options. They do not require scientists to cloak their own or their employers' biases and policy preferences in the guise of unbiased scientific information.

To learn more about normative science, follow the below link:


Related Questions

which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


The matching hypothesis is a social psychology concept that asserts the people to choose mates who are physically attractive and socially desirable to them.

What is an illustration of a matching hypothesis?In successful couples with different physical attractiveness, the matching hypothesis may compensate for the difference in attractiveness. Some wealthy and powerful men, for example, prefer younger, and more attractive women.The self concept, social cognition, attribution theory, social influence, group processes, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal processes, aggression, attitudes, and stereotypes are some of the topics studied in social psychology. The degree to which a person's physical features are aesthetically pleasing or beautiful is referred to as physical attractiveness.

Learn more about social psychology concept here:


What does the government do with the taxes collected from the citizens of the country?


The taxes collected from citizens are used to fund government services and operations.

The Role of Taxation in Funding Government Services and Operations

The taxes collected from citizens are used to fund government services and operations:

This includes paying for infrastructure, public safety, national defense, education, public health care, social services, and other government programs. In addition, taxes are also used to reduce the federal government's budget deficit and pay off the national debt.

In the United States, taxes are collected in several forms, including income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and excise taxes. Income taxes are levied on individuals and businesses, while payroll taxes are levied on employers and employees. Corporate taxes are levied on businesses, sales taxes are levied on consumers for certain goods and services, and property taxes are levied on homeowners for the value of their land and buildings. Excise taxes are levied on certain products and activities, such as fuel, tobacco, and alcohol.

Learn more about taxes collected at:


in what ways could walker's appeal reach the south? once there, how could it be distributed? who do you think distributed it? what consequences might a person in possession of walker's appeal face if caught?


His Appeal was published in September 1829. Walker relied on sailors and ship's commanders who were sympathetic to the cause to deliver the leaflet to southern ports in order to reach his target audience, the enslaved men and women of the South.

Walker's Appeal quickly changed the perspectives and behaviors of both blacks and whites. The Appeal served as a catalyst for tighter restrictions on both free and enslaved black people and heightened paranoia among southern whites on the possibility of a slave uprising.

Both slaves and slaveholders in the South were greatly affected by The Appeal.

The words inspired the slaves and gave them a sense of pride and optimism. On the other hand, horrified whites started passing laws that prohibited slaves from learning to read and restricted the spread of antislavery material.

To know more Slaves here


(q034) prior to hurricane katrina, nearly 30 percent of new orleans's population lived in poverty. group of answer choices true false


TRUE. About 67 percent of the city's residents were black before the hurricane Katrina, and approximately 30 percent of them were poor.

Many of New Orleans' most needy residents were made even more vulnerable as a result of Katrina, which made these situations worse. African Americans made up a disproportionately large number of the refugees, who sought safety under motorway bridges in thefor days before assistance came in the adjoining convention centre and the city's sports complex. Reporters monitoring the site compared it more to a sight from a post-tsunami Indonesia or a war-torn Somalia than to one of the richest countries in the world. The tragedy quickly became a representation of the nation's racial and economic inequality.

To know more about hurricane Katrina:


suppose a fall in stock prices makes people feel poorer. the decrease in wealth would induce people to:______.


Suppose a fall in stock prices makes people feel poorer. The decrease in wealth would induce people to desire decreased consumption.

When the growth rate of consumption declines, consumption falls from one period to the next. Reduced consumption will cause the aggregate demand to move, and reduced aggregate demand will cause the aggregate demand curve to shift to the left. Both the price level and actual GDP will decline as a result.Any reduction in consumer spending, no matter how slight, hurts the economy. Economic growth slows as it slows. Declining prices lead to deflation. The economy declines if consumers' lethargic spending doesn't pick up.

To know more about Consumption here


what percentage of women in the united states work and have a child under 6 years of age?
a. Over 66%
b. 50%
c. 33%
d. 25%


The percentage of women in the united states who work and have a child under 6 years of age is Over 66%. Thus the correct option is A.

What are the roles in which women can work?

There are varieties of roles in which women can work which includes Human resource management and well as in the education sector where they can easily manage the work-life balance with their personal life.

In the workplace, women have more benefits or opportunities. Certain occupations are reserved for women, whether they are educated or not. Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Women's roles, here:


What does Bill Gates say is the reason that the U.S. economy is in a 10 percent deficit?


According to Bill Gates, The US economy is in a 10 percent deficit because of the tax system.

What is deficit?

A deficit is the inverse of a surplus and is identical with a shortfall or loss. A deficit occurs when a government, organization, or individual spends more than it earns in a specific period of time, often a year.

The deficit is the difference between what the federal government spends and what it receives in taxes. A surplus rather than a deficit occurs when the government earns more income than it spends in a given year.

According to Bill Gates, the US economy is running a 10% deficit due to the tax system. To address the issue, Gates suggested that the United States impose taxes on the wealthiest.

Learn more about deficit here:


grandpa is 88 years old and he has no sign of a neurocognitive disorder says a friend of yours. your most accurate comment is:


A group of conditions known as neurocognitive disorders frequently result in impaired mental function.

A group of conditions known as neurocognitive disorders frequently result in impaired mental function. Previously known as organic brain syndrome, these conditions are now more commonly referred to as neurocognitive disorders.

Neurocognitive disorders can affect people of any age, but they typically affect older adults. Mental impairment may include:

A neurodegenerative condition, such as Alzheimer's or dementia, may be the cause of these symptoms, which include changes in behavior, memory issues, and difficulty comprehending language. The brain and nerves gradually deteriorate as a result of neurodegenerative diseases, which eventually lead to a loss of neurological function. Brain trauma or substance abuse can also result in neurocognitive disorders. Based on the symptoms that have been reported and the results of diagnostic tests, healthcare providers typically have the ability to identify the underlying cause of neurocognitive disorders. The best course of treatment for neurocognitive disorders can be determined by the condition's cause and severity.

To know more about neurocognitive disorders, visit:-


: the two major types of discrimination are: the two major types of discrimination are: age discrimination and disability discrimination. statistical discrimination and preference-based discrimination. employment discrimination and compensation discrimination. racial discrimination and gender discrimination.


Discrimination is broken down into four main categories: Harassment, victimization, and direct and indirect discrimination.

Race, Color, and Sex For instance, the Act outlaws discrimination based on a person's height or facial features against an Asian person. When people are treated differently from others due to the color of their skin, this is known as color discrimination.

Age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political opinion, race, religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation, language, culture, and many other factors may all be grounds for discrimination.

Examples of discrimination include the following: A person with cerebral palsy is refused admission to a restaurant. The pay of an employee is lower than that of a coworker of the opposite sex who does the same or similar work. Unwanted sexual advances are made by a manager.

To learn more about Discrimination here


what is the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for a member of the house of representatives?


If a candidate receives more than 50% of the official vote, they are elected to the House of Representatives.

Each candidate's total amount "1" votes are first totaled. A candidate will be elected if they receive more than 50% of the total first preference votes.

The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated if no contender receives more than half of the vote. Voters' second choices listed on the ballots for the excluded candidate are used to move their votes from this candidate to the other candidates. The candidate with the fewest votes at this point is eliminated, and the votes are transferred in accordance with the next preference displayed, if still no candidate has more than half the vote. This procedure is repeated until one candidate receives more than half of the official votes and is declared the winner.

According to the population of each state, voters choose the members of the House of Representatives.

To know more about the Members of the House of Representatives, refer:


Negative and dysfunctional values in a corporation fall under what type of cultural​ liability?


When shared ideals conflict with those that enhance an organization's effectiveness, culture becomes a liability. Strong cultures then, erase benefits since special abilities are likely to disappear as people try to adapt.

What does corporate culture entail?

Company culture is the way you conduct yourself at work. The combination of your formal and informal procedures, attitudes, and beliefs results in the experience that both your employees and consumers have. Company culture is fundamentally the way things are done at work.

What is an unhealthy business culture?

A toxic work environment is one where management methods, procedures, and rules are prevalent and encourage unproductive behaviors and disagreements among team members. Employees may suffer as a result, as it may hinder their ability to be productive and advance their careers.

To know more about Company culture, visit:


What term best describes the governments that santa anna and porfirio diaz separately established after independence?


The term is dictatorship that describes the governments that santa anna and porfirio diaz separately established after independence.

A dictatorship is a system of government that is defined by a leader or group of leaders who hold significant amounts of unchecked power whereas a dictator is the person in charge of a dictatorship.

Military dictatorships, one-party dictatorships, personalist dictatorships, and absolute monarchy are all examples of authoritarian or totalitarian dictatorships.

Elections are frequently held in dictatorships to demonstrate their legitimacy or to reward members of the ruling party, but the opposition is not allowed to participate in these elections. Coercion, which includes limiting information access, tracking the political opposition, and violent acts, is used to keep order in a dictatorship.

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how durkheim and weber came to see the relationship between sociology (the scientific study of society) and religion


A comparison of Max Weber and Emil Durkheim's perspectives on religion and its influence on social behavior and history reveals that the two theorists used distinct methodologies, jargon, and theories.

Weber was a Protestant Christian, whereas Durkheim was an atheist. While Durkheim focused on the impact of religion as a communal activity, Weber's focus was on the individual and their relationship with their god.

It is clear that Weber focused on the moral effects of religion on the economic aspects of life and the historical development of economic systems while Durkheim's "science" focused on the moral effects of religion on real-world social behaviour, extending this to the philosophical and even psychological realm as he studied group religious behaviour.

Know more about Durkheim visit:


which of these nfl teams has a cheerleading squad? new york jets cleveland browns pittsburgh steelers green bay packers


The New York Jets have a cheerleading squad. The other three do not have a cheerleading squad.

Which statement best describes the overall effects of new technology such as poison gas?


New technology helped to the western front's impasse. During World War I, this remark best represents the total consequences of modern technology, such as poisonous gas and superior weaponry.

Ichtys wrote and drew the Japanese manga series Superior. The plot revolves around the Hero Exa as well as the Demon Queen Sheila, as well as the ensuing war between both the demon & human races. From June 2004 until February 2009, it was released in Square Enix's Gangan Powered. After Gangan Powered discontinued publication, the series was re-titled Superior Cross and serialized in Monthly GFantasy from April 2009 to July 2011. Frontier Works published a Drama CD in March 2007. Superior is set in a planet where humans & monsters coexist, but for many years, all races have been at war, attempting to annihilate each other. Sheila, the formidable Demon Queen, rises to dominate the monsters.

Learn more about dominate here


over the course of a year, natural selection simulations conducted in the same grassy plot area would be likely to have different results.
a) true
b) false


The correct statement is : Over the course of a year, natural selection simulations conducted in the same grassy plot area would be likely to have different results.

This is True Statement .

Natural selection is the technique via which populations of dwelling organisms adapt and alternate. individuals in a population are naturally variable, that means that they are all extraordinary in some methods. this modification manner that some individuals have trends better ideal to the environment than others.

Natural selection is the system in nature by which organisms higher adapted to their surroundings have a tendency to continue to exist and reproduce more than the ones much less adapted to their surroundings.

Natural selection enhances the renovation of a collection of organisms which might be first-class adjusted to the bodily and organic conditions in their environment and may additionally result in their development in some cases.

Learn more about natural selection here :


When an agent breaches an agency agreement, the right to avoid the contract can be exercised at the election of?


The principal has the right to renounce any contract made with the agent when the latter violates the terms of the agency agreement or his or her agency obligations under a contract.

Does an agent still owe her principle money even after the agency relationship has ended?

An agency formed under a power of attorney or for a specific purpose is frequently dissolved once the purpose for which it was created has been fulfilled. After the agency relationship has ended, the agent is freed from any fiduciary duties to the principal that may have resulted from it.

What is the phrase used to describe the situation where the principal terminates the agency relationship?

The law allows for the explicit, implausible, or automatic termination of agencies. By the provisions of the contract, by mutual consent, by revocation by the principal, or by repudiation by the agent, an agency is expressly dissolved.

Learn more about agency relationship:


4. name and describe at least three characteristics of the proposed fifth stage of cognitive development.


The fifth stage of cognitive growth that has been proposed is postformal thought.

Characteristics of the proposed fifth stage of cognitive development are:

Postformal thinkers don't wait around for an issue to be presented to them. They adopt a more adaptable and all-encompassing strategy, taking into account many facets of a scenario to foresee issues and deal with them swiftly rather than denying, evading, or delaying. Postformal thought is therefore more useful, inventive, and creative than earlier thought. It is also more dialectical (which means more capable of combining contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole).

Know more about Postformal thought visit:


what was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Georgia experienced extreme destruction and upheaval during the close of the American Civil War. The destruction caused by war, the difficulty to keep a work force free of slavery, and the unfavorable climate had a terrible impact on agricultural output.

White Democrats, who were the Assembly's minority at the time, plotted with enough white Republicans soon after taking office to force the expulsion of the African-American lawmakers in September 1868. The Georgia Supreme Court decided the next year that African Americans were entitled to run for office in Georgia.

The Georgia General Assembly approved the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery, in the first few days of December 1865. President Johnson handed back Georgia's administration to its elected leaders on December 20 after the Union's war objectives of liberation and unification were achieved.

To know more Civil War here


which best describes the innate ability to mentally group similar events, people, and things together?


Cognition best describes the innate ability to mentally group similar events, people, and things together.

The mental activities and processes involved in thinking, understanding, remembering, and expressing information are collectively referred to as "cognition." Cognition includes processes like reasoning, judgment, and associating new information with existing knowledge.

Concepts are the mental connections between similar things, events, and people. Concepts are organized into several categories using hierarchies. A thought is a grouping of connected events, ideas, or individuals in the mind.

The primary focus of cognitive psychology is on the mental processes involved in thinking, understanding, remembering, and conveying knowledge.There are conscious and unconscious cognitive processes in humans. It can deal with issues that are both intuitive and conceptual as well as concrete and abstract.

To know more about 'cognition' related questions



a group whose members have significantly less control over their lives than the members of a dominant group is called a (an):


a group whose members have significantly less control over their lives than the members of a dominant group is called a minority group.

Minority groups are subordinate to the majority or dominant group in terms of power and privileges. Minorities are not defined by numerical inferiority, but by five characteristics: unequal treatment, physical or cultural distinctions, involuntary membership, subordination, and group marriage.

subgroups are classified by race, ethnicity, religion and gender.

The social significance of race arises from the process of racial formation. Biological significance is relatively unimportant to society.

Theoretical Perspectives of Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Labeling provide insights into the sociology of intergroup relations.

To know more about Minorities  , visit:-


Who or what exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the united states of america?


Public Opinion exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the United States.

What does the term "public opinion" mean?

The term "public opinion" describes a vast range of viewpoints that people may have on issues that are important to their community, government, or state. It gives feedback to legislators, influences public policy, and guides government operations. It allows for democratic self-government. Opinions change as new data is discovered by interest groups, legislators, new administrations, etc.; they are not fixed in stone.

What benefit does public opinion provide?

The greatest way to determine what the general populace feels or thinks about a topic is to consult public opinion. This is a more cost-effective choice than having you run elections. You reach a decision and save effort and money in the process.

To learn more about Public Opinion visit:


What is the basic problem of the Social Security program ?


The basic and the most important problem of the Social Security program is that there are too many beneficiaries to avail the benefits.

Social security benefits are provided to the citizens of the country by the ruling government so that they are able to avail at least the basic necessities of life. The weaker or the poorer section of the society is unable to maintain even the standard of living. These benefits are to secure their interests. However, these programs face many difficulties. Sometimes the funds are not enough for the people as there are too many beneficiaries and the government cannot neglect them. Also sometimes the benefits are not reached to the intended people instead those are availed by middlemen.

Learn more about Social security benefits at:


according to the lecture, no matter our culture, gender, or ethnicity, we share with other humans the motivation to succeed, gain status, and secure our share of material and social resources. in essence, all humans are motivated to...


No matter our culture, gender, or ethnicity, We share with other humans the motivation to succeed, gain status, and secure our share of material and social resources. In essence, all humans are motivated to fulfill our unmet needs.

All humans are motivated to some extent by the desire to be happy and to avoid suffering. We all have a basic instinct to seek out pleasure and to avoid pain. Beyond this basic instinct, though, our motivations can vary a lot from person to person.

Some of us are motivated by a desire for status or wealth, while others are motivated by a desire to help others or make the world a better place. Some of us are motivated by a combination of these things.

To know more about motivation, click here.


in history class, james is effortfully connecting the new material to what he has learned in the past. this making of connections in the moment best describes james’:______.


in history class, James is effortfully connecting the new material to what he has learned in the past. this making of connections in the moment best describes James working memory.

Working memory is the skill that allows us to work with information without losing track of what we're doing. It allows James to relate what he already known with the new information. It is the the small amount of information that can be held in mind and used in the execution of cognitive tasks. It facilitates It facilitates planning, comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving. Working memory allows individuals to recall and draw upon past events to frame their understanding of and behavior within the present.

Learn more about working memory here


which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


In the five-factor model of personality, the type of personality disorder that is found primarily under neuroticism is a borderline personality disorder. Hence, the correct option is (C).

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

A borderline personality disorder is a form of mental illness that affects a person's ability to regulate their emotional state. One of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder is someone who makes decisions impulsively or without good judgment. In the five-factor personality models, a borderline personality disorder can be found in neuroticism. Neuroticism is a trait characterized by sadness, mood swings, and anxiety which make someone worry easily and find it difficult to bounce back from stressful situations.

The question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

In the five-factor model of personality, the type of personality disorder that is found primarily under neuroticism is a

A. Avoidant personality disorder

B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

C. Borderline personality disorder

Learn more about borderline personality disorder at


What were the 3 main stances ideas of the Democratic-Republican Party?


personal liberty, social mobility, and westward expansion were the three main stances/ideas of the Democratic-Republican Party.

Democratic-Republican Party also known as the Republican party came to be the first opposition political party in the United States. The Democratic-Republicans opposed the efforts of the Federalists to create a powerful, centralized state and opposed the creation of a national bank, the expansion of the army and navy, and the enactment of the Sedition and Alien Acts.

Jefferson was particularly opposed to the idea of a national debt because he saw it as risky and immoral from the start. Jefferson's Democratic-Republican successors would supervise the construction of various federally funded infrastructure projects and enact protective tariffs in an effort to foster economic growth and the growth of a diverse economy.

To learn more about the Republican party, follow the below link:


Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment. a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


The goal of the Water Power Corporation is to start operations that include dumping garbage into navigable waters. The business must install specific equipment before starting operations in accordance with the Clean Water Act.

Which three goals does the Clean Water Act aim to accomplish?

The Clean Water Act (CWA), also known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, is a set of legislation that were adopted in the US during the start of the 1970s. The CWA attempts to protect waters from contamination while also boosting water quality and keeping them clean and healthy.

What was the major goal of the Water Quality Act?

It aims to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the country's waters by preventing point and non-point sources of pollution, supporting publicly owned treatment facilities in their efforts to improve the treatment of waste water, and maintaining the integrity of wetlands.

Learn more about Clean Water Act:


who is responsible for appointing members to more than 300 boards and commissions that share regulatory authority with the governor?


The correct answer to this question is Option C i.e. the voters.

Direct Democracy can come in many forms. One of them is that voters have the right to choose from whom to vote, not just vote to a party, they vote in the person they want to represent them.

In the U.S., no one is required by law to vote in any local, state, or presidential election. According to the U.S. Constitution, voting is a right. Many constitutional amendments have been ratified since the first election. However, none of them made voting mandatory for U.S. citizens.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Who is responsible for appointing members to the more than 320 boards and commissions that share regulatory authority with the governor?

A. the Governor

B. the Secretary of State

C. the voters

D. The Assembly

To know more about voter rights, click here:


when developing an iep for a student with severe or multiple disabilities, one of the greatest responsibilities of a special educator as an iep team member is


To take into consideration all the needs of students for holistic development.

At the IEP team meeting, the child's special education teacher can offer valuable insight and experience regarding how to educate kids with disabilities. The special educator is responsible for working with the child to implement the IEP in addition to contributing to its writing. He or she may collaborate with the child's regular education teacher, work with other members of the school staff, especially the regular education teacher, and/or work with the child in a resource room or special class designed just for students receiving special education services.

how to adapt testing or how to give each student who needs them accommodations on the test, so that they can demonstrate what they've learned; and other issues.

Learn more about special educators here:


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