According to the author, which of the following events influenced the
development of the Harlem Renaissance? *
1.The emancipation of enslaved African Americans
2.African American participation in World War I
3.African Americans obtaining the right to vote
4.The Great Depression

According To The Author, Which Of The Following Events Influenced Thedevelopment Of The Harlem Renaissance?


Answer 1


2. African American participation in World War I


In the passage, the speaker describes how the "defeat of the kaiser" boosted spirits and raised optimism, and the kaiser was the leader of Germany during WWI.

Answer 2

The Harlem Renaissance arose from the changes that had occurred in the African-American community after slavery's abolition, such as the development of communities in the North.

What was the involvement of African-Americans in World War I?

African American artists, performers, and writers were at the forefront of the fight against intellectual and creative racism. Between the wars, and even amid the hardships of the Significant Depression, there was a great surge of African American cultural expression known as the "Harlem Renaissance."

Paintings, paintings, classical music, jazz, blues, poetry, books, plays, and dance were all popular during this time period and received international renown. However, artistic and intellectual excellence did not result in blacks achieving political, economic, and educational equality with whites. Racism remained a potent influence in American society.

Thus, Option 2 is the correct event that influenced the development of the Harlem Renaissance.

For more information about Harlem Renaissance refer to the link:

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Which of the following stands is best suited for hunting on the edges of fields or in open country?

A, Permanent treestand
A, Permanent treestand
Permanent treestand
B, Self climbing stand
B, Self climbing stand
Self climbing stand
C, Simple platform
C, Simple platform
Simple platform
D, Tower stand
D, Tower stand
Tower stand



C is the answer


C because it can give you an overview of all directions including under you

please help i’ll give you brainilist and thanks


Answer: I cant see the question


Anong ideolohiya ang may malaking impluwensiyasa mga
kilusang nasyonalista sa Timog
at Kanlurang Asya?
A. Komunismo
B. Demokrasya
C. Sosyalismo




Question: Anong ideolohiya ang may malaking impluwensiyasa mga

kilusang nasyonalista sa Timog

at Kanlurang Asya?


A. Komunismo

B. Demokrasya

C. Sosyalismo


Answer: B. Demokrasya

I know that because im filipino too

Which of the following was NOT a populist leader in Latin America during the twetieth century?

a) Jorge Eliécer Gaitán of Colombia
b)Raúl Haya de la Torre of Perú
c)Lázaro Cárdenas of Mexico
d) Gaspár Francia of Paraguay


C) Lázaro Cárdenas of Mexico

he does not study well ,______?(isn't he,does he,doesn't he,can he )​






he does not study well , does he ?

Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How did the European establishment of trading outposts in India drive European
colonization efforts there?


They thought it was a good way of income they brought many riches.

public Administration conclusion please ​


Conclusion On Public Administration The roll of ethics in public administration is based on the administration; administrators should be value-free when they implement public policy. I will discuss why ethics should be based on the administration and, why it should not be based on each individual worker in the administration.


Public Administration deals with human beings who have a will and a mind of their own and are capable of thinking and acting in a number of ways. Matters of human relationships are not amenable to the technique of physical science.


Would you eat more fat having TWO packages of Doritos or Two servings of M&Ms.



Well, it'd be two packages of Doritos


Doritos has a total fat of 10% or 8 grams. Thus 16 grams of fat for 2 servings of a 1oz (28g or ~12 chips).

M&Ms has a total fat of 5g or 6%. So 10 grams of fat for 2 servings of M&Ms of a 1oz (28g or ~32 pieces)

although you said, "packs" for the Doritos and all Doritos bags contain a different amount of chips in the bag so I just did the serving size.

(I wasn't going to answer but then I got curious and decided to just look up the nutrition facts and add up the servings lol)

What did Luther mean by liberty



King comprehended human freedom, extensively, as the limit with respect to a "profound, new and internal man" to make a man a "advocated, free and genuine Christian." As indicated by King, "Christian man is the most free master of all, and subject to none." obviously, confidence gives us genuine Christian freedom.


sorry if it doesnt help! brainliest?

please help me with this question!!!


I think is symbolic is freedom

What event started Word War I?



What event started Word War I?


The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand


The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War (World War I). After the assassination, the following series of events took place: • July 28 - Austria declared war on Serbia

The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The political cartoon "Must Liberty's Light Go Out?" supports which of the
following conclusions about the United States during World War I?
A. Despite organized efforts to suppress dissent, opposition groups
were still able to publish criticisms of the government during the
B. Because of worries about the spread of communism, major
newspapers refused to print unpatriotic content during the war.
C. Widespread patriotism during the war would have naturally
silenced critics of the government without any kind of legal
D. Early U's victories in Europe led to nearly unanimous support for
government programs enacted during the war.



A:  Despite organized efforts to suppress dissent, opposition groups

were still able to publish criticisms of the government during the


Explanation: I took the quiz and got it right.


A. Despite organized efforts to suppress dissent, opposition groups

were still able to publish criticisms of the government during the



What is terrorism? What should be done to end terrorism from the world?
What are the impacts of explosive substance?​



Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political or social objectives.

Prevent terrorism not only fight it

Explosive compounds have the potential to act as physiological filters suppressing intolerant species and clearing space for tolerant ones


What made it difficult for freed African Americans to take advantage of the
Homestead Act?
A. They lacked the money needed to build homes and start farms.
O B. They lacked the skills needed to grow and harvest crops.
C. They were treated as equals in the South after the Civil War.
D. They were paid high wages in the South after the Civil War.


The factor that made the Black Americans to take advantage of the homestead act was that They lacked the money needed to build homes and start farms.

What was the homestead act?

This was the term that was used to refer to the act that could enable the people of the United States to gain ownership of land domains after they had applied for it from the government of the country.

The homestead act was used as way for a lot of people tp be able to get federal land for as many as people that would be able to farm on the lands.

This was a difficult situation for the blacks who did not have the money needed to build homes and start farms.

Read more on homestead act here:


Explain what a standard of living is? What does it say about a country?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Explain what a standard of living is? What does it say about a country?

In general terms, when we are talking about the term "standard of living," it means the money o material possessions an average citizen has in a country, a city, or in a specific location. This can be translated as how comfortable the people in that place are when their income and material possessions.

For instance, the standard of living of a developed country indicates that people in that nation have everything to live a good life, with all the comfort and luxuries that allow people to have extra money to travel, to buy clothes, to entertainment, to have good health insurance, to invest in banks or the stock and change.

On the other hand, the standard of living in a developing country is very low, and it barely allows people to survive. They are living by the day. That is what this standard of living indicates about a country, its economy, and teh politicians that rule the country.

Part A
In paragraph 6, how does hearing the sound of the solid
rocket boosters shape the author's experience of the

01. The physical sensation of the sound vibrations
makes her feel closer to the shuttle.
O2. The loudness of the rockets reminds her of the
risks taken by the shuttle crew.
3. The sudden increase in volume alerts her that
the launch is beginning
4. The noise from the rockets helps her locate the
distant launchpad.
Part B
Which excerpt from paragraph 6 best supports the
correct answer from Part A?
O 1. "Only when the stack nears the clouds does the
sound arrive."
O2. It's a rumble at first, corresponding to main
engine start
3. "it's loud but not overwhelming"
4. "am physically connected to Atlantis now."


Answer:4 and 1


The was my answers

Which of the following is NOT a way that African Americans resisted slavery?
A) Rebellions & killed slave owners

B) Broke tools and worked slow

C) Faked sick and ran away

D) All are ways of resistance


the answer should be d

President Truman had a difficult decision to make the Ultimate Weapon was ready to use what was the reading he he he used to drop little boy a he agreed with the KKK that the Japanese were an inferior not as good and needed to be wiped out he wanted Revenge because of the snake attack on Pearl Harbor see if the US invaded Japan it will cost millions of lives and last week 10 years so he dropped the bomb to end the war​




Try punctuation!

It's a free thing that only costs less than a second to install!

Keyboards love it!

I assume the choices are

he used to drop little boy

he agreed with the KKK that the Japanese were an inferior not as good and needed to be wiped out

he wanted Revenge because of the snake attack on Pearl Harbor


the US invaded Japan it will cost millions of lives and last week 10 years so he dropped the bomb to end the war​

If I am right, it would be the US invaded Japan it will cost millions of lives and last week 10 years so he dropped the bomb to end the war​.


Consider the system of equations. 2x + 4y = 8 x + 2y = 4 Which of the following statements about the ordered pair (-2, 3) is TRUE? Question 18 options: It is a solution to the first equation but not the second equation. It is the only solution to the system of equations. It is one of many solutions to the system. It is not a solution to either equation.



Not a solution to either


Because they have the same outcome but not the same input.

Of the three branches of government, the president is under the direct responsibility of the executive branch True False ​




yes the president is under the executive

Read Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Is it primarily an appeal from ethos, pathos, or logos? ​



Answer is Pathos


He is trying to get them to stimulate emotions to end the war and to remember the dead soldier's legacy.

I hope this helped :)

What arguments could be made for the necessity of a draft?
What arguments could be made against drafting young men into military service?


Not fully developed just ended there teens or still in there teens haven’t fully experienced life they can loose therw lives so quickly at a young age and there probably not experienced
FOR: In dire war-times, not enough citizens volunteer to be the crucially needed military personnel, requiring a draft for the safety and success of the nation.
AGAINST: However, drafting a country’s young men deprives it of a large portion of its workforce and citizenry, depressing economic, social, and societal growth for years to come. Additionally, there are inevitable long-term impacts on the men drafted, specifically debilitating mental and physical impairments/injuries from combat that they have no choice opting into or out of.

Question 6 (4 points)
Governments grant free people three things: life, liberty, and happiness.


the answer is true “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

What happened after Texas became a part of the U.S.?



Texas was annexed by the United States in 1845 and became the 28th state.

Until 1836, Texas had been part of Mexico, but in that year a group of settlers from the United States who lived in Mexican Texas declared independence. They called their new country the Republic of Texas, which was an independent country for nine years.

Politics in the United States fractured over the issue of whether Texas should be admitted as a slave or free state. In the end, Texas was admitted to the United States a slave state.

The annexation of Texas contributed to the coming of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). The conflict started, in part, over a disagreement about which river was Mexico’s true northern border: the Nueces or the Rio Grande.


But the United States’ annexation of Texas was not the end of the story. In the spring of 1846, tensions mounted between the United States and Mexico, and the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) started, in part, over a border dispute between the two countries. Mexico claimed the Nueces River to be Texas’s southern border, but the United States insisted the border lay further south at the Rio Grande River.

The Mexican-American War confirmed Texas’s southern border at the Rio Grande, indicating the United States victory. The United States also acquired California, New Mexico, and Arizona, as well as parts of Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

please help me with this. gracias​



D) 3 cm


area = 1/2(b1 + b)(h)

91 = 1/2(10 + b)(14)


91 = (5 + 1/2b)14 = 70 + 7b

subtract 70 from each side of the equation:

21 = 7b

b = 3


Area of trapezoid=91cm²


one base[B]=10cm

another base[b]=b(let)

we have

Area of trapezoid=91cm²






So another base's length is 3cm.

What political party believes in social equality, government benefits, high taxes, and no
Republican party
Libertarian party
Democratic party
Socialist party



C Democratic


Explain why it took 100 years after the end of slavery for the U.S. Congress to pass a law outlawing racial discrimination. 3 key main ideas as to why



Emancipation: promise and poverty

For African Americans in the South, life after slavery was a world transformed. Gone were the brutalities and indignities of slave life, the whippings and sexual assaults, the selling and forcible relocation of family members, the denial of education, wages, legal marriage, homeownership, and more. African Americans celebrated their newfound freedom both privately and in public jubilees.

But life in the years after slavery also proved to be difficult. Although slavery was over, the brutalities of white race prejudice persisted. After slavery, state governments across the South instituted laws known as Black Codes. These laws granted certain legal rights to blacks, including the right to marry, own property, and sue in court, but the Codes also made it illegal for blacks to serve on juries, testify against whites, or serve in state militias. The Black Codes also required black sharecroppers and tenant farmers to sign annual labor contracts with white landowners. If they refused they could be arrested and hired out for work.


Most southern black Americans, though free, lived in desperate rural poverty. Having been denied education and wages under slavery, ex-slaves were often forced by the necessity of their economic circumstances to rent land from former white slave owners. These sharecroppers paid rent on the land by giving a portion of their crop to the landowner.

In a few places in the South, former slaves seized land from former slave owners in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War. But federal troops quickly restored the land to the white landowners. A movement among Republicans in Congress to provide land to former slaves was unsuccessful. Former slaves were never compensated for their enslavement.

But over the course of the late 1860s and throughout the 1870s, the federal government’s military presence was withdrawn from various southern states, and with the Compromise of 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes ordered the last federal troops in the South to withdraw.

With no troops to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteen Amendments, Reconstruction was at an end. Across the South lynching, disenfranchisement, and segregationist laws proliferated. It would not be until after the Second World War and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement that Jim Crow segregation would be outlawed.

plzzzz help for brianly



C: Crowned the new Roman Emperor


In 800, Pope Leo III (750-816) crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans. In this role, he encouraged the Carolingian Renaissance, a cultural and intellectual revival in Europe.

What argument did Friedan make in The Feminine Mystique? Traditional women’s roles made women feel worthless. Women no longer wanted to be married and have children. Traditional women’s roles made women feel fulfilled. Women found a strong sense of identity in motherhood.


The Argument Friedan make in The Feminine Mystique is that Traditional women’s roles made women feel worthless. Hence option A.

The Feminine Mystique

The term feminine mystique is related to patriarchal mindset that the role of Women is to take care of home and children. The argument Friedan made is that Feminine mystique does not empower women but only hurt them both personally and professionally.

Hence, the option A is Correct which says "Traditional women’s roles made women feel worthless".

Learn more about feminine mystique here:


part 2 is b-Friedan connected with her readers’ feelings.Explanation:

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Pretty soon it darkened up, and begun to thunder and lighten; so the birds was right about it. Directly it begun to rain, and it rained like all fury, too, and I never see the wind blow so. It was one of these regular summer storms. It would get so dark that it looked all blue-black outside, and lovely; and the rain would thrash along by so thick that the trees off a little ways looked dim and spider-webby: and here would come a blast of wind that would bend the trees down and turn up the pale underside of the leaves V: and then a perfect ripper of a gust would follow along and set the branches to tossing their arms as if they was just wild; and next, when it was just about the bluest and blackest-FST! it was as bright as glory, and you'd have a little glimpse of tree-tops a-plunging about away off yonder in the storm, hundreds of yards further than you could see before, dark as sin again in a second, and now you'd hear the thunder let go with an awful crash, and then go rumbling, grumbling, tumbling, down the sky towards the under side of the world, like rolling empty barrels down stairswhere it's long stairs and they bounce a good deal, you know. ... 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