According to Lenin, are
people really free in a
capitalist state? Why or
why not?


Answer 1


there just are bbbbbbbh

Related Questions

Which of the following exists in the
"Utopia" Thomas More creates?
A. an absence of a monetary system
B. a need for open conflict to resolve disputes
C. a governmental figure head to run society
D. a society run completely by the church and its


The Answer is Auuuuuuuuuuu

An absence of a monetary system of the following exists in the "Utopia" Thomas More creates. The correct option is A. The needs of the entire nation are met by an abundance of goods and provisions produced by utopians, and any shortage in one area is filled at no cost by another that is well stocked.

What was the main goal of utopian socialism?

The goal of utopian socialism, whether achieved through violence or nonviolent means, is to eliminate the social contradiction between the rich and the poor. In order to truly achieve liberty and equality, society as a whole must do so, not just in the political sphere.

Wealth, power, slavery, and the roots of injustice are just a few of the themes that Utopia explores. The Utopian society's ideal qualities are the overarching theme of the entire book. Due to the lack of money and private property, Utopia is devoid of greed, corruption, and power struggles.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about utopian socialism here:


How did World War I impact the rise of authoritarian rule in Eastern Europe?



Economic problems, ethnic tensions, and inexperience in democracy ...


War of 1812


Helping people and and fighting for us

Money that the government receives from taxes is called

A) the treasury

B) the budget

C) revenue

D) cash


C. revenue
Officially known as Government/National Revenue


C) Revenue


Money that the government receives from taxes is called revenue.

What defense did Albert Speer offer at the Nuremberg trials?



Despite the reservations of his defense lawyer, Speer decided that his best defense was to admit his share of collective responsibility for the crimes of the regime and to distance himself from Hitler, a man who Speer freely admitted had once held him in thrall like all the rest.


PLEASE HELP: What issues did Native Americans have with the federal government? How did the NCAI help?


Answer: tribes expanded self-determination authority over significant housing resources.


tribes expanded self-determination

A la pregunta de Darío Echandía, ¿El poder para qué?, ¿qué respondes?






What did Percival Lowell build in Flagstaff, Arizona?

A. an observatory
B. a university
C. an architecture school
D. an airplane factory


He built an observatory

How did European countries view war in the late 1800's and early 1900's



The European political landscape was dominated by the Napoleonic Wars, a series of conflicts declared against Napoleon's First French Empire and changing sets of European allies by opposing coalitions that ran from 1803 to 1815.


The French Revolution broke out in 1789, and its effects reverberated throughout much of Europe for many decades. World War I began in 1914. Its inception resulted from many trends in European society, culture, and diplomacy during the late 19th century. The 19th century saw large amounts of social change; slavery was abolished, and the First and Second Industrial Revolutions (which also overlap with the 18th and 20th centuries, respectively) led to massive urbanization and much higher levels of productivity, profit and prosperity.

Hope I helped :DDD

TO DEHtory A The Medex
TC Copy of Assessment Dailyex
Q Aztec Empire Part 1 - Final Flashx
riptions teachtci com/shared/programs/343/lessons/1937/assessments/762235
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the passage below and your knowledge of history to answer the questions.
In the Market Place of Tenochtitlán From earliest dawn troops of country people had thronged the three great causeways leading from
the mainland, and poured over them into the city. Fleets of canoes from Tezcuco, on the opposite side of the lake, and from various
smaller cities and villages on its border, were constantly arriving [loaded] with parties of expectant sight-seers. Thus the avenues,
streets, and squares, as well as the enclosures of the six hundred teocallis, or temples of the city, were filled, soon after sunrise, by an
eager and joyous multitude [great number of people)... To name all the commodities (goods] offered for sale in this vast market-place
would be a tedious task for in all Tenochtitlán were no stores, nor shops, nor places for trade, save this. - Kirk Munroe, The White
Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec, 1893
17. According to this passage, what are two ways that people entered Tenochtitlán?




Tenochtitlan was located on a swampy island in Lake Texcoco in what is today south central Mexico. The Aztecs were able to settle there because no one else wanted the land. At first, it wasn't a great place to start a city, but soon the Aztecs built up islands where they could grow crops. The water also worked as a natural defense against attacks from other cities.

This is talking about globalization and GDP for Econ. I need help!

Now that you have researched and gathered data, it’s time to create a short outline for your paragraph. Be sure to define a clear topic, and list some important evidence that you will use to educate your reader.



technology over the past 10 years has changed very much with more people having access to technology know it is easier for many people to communicate around the world which allows for globalization. this helps us trade more because of communication which allows to live in our world today.


good luck

Describe what a priest does in everyday life would have been like in the Ancient Egypt society?



well in eqypt they would help the dead pass over to the afterlife,

Describe the New Mexico volunteers who fought for the Union.


Answer:The New Mexico Volunteers finished their enlistments fighting Indians once the prospect of Confederate invasion had gone (by the end of 1862).


did The arrival of the Conquistadors in the valley of Mexico marked the decline of the Aztec civilization?





What was the Lewis and Clarke expedition ?



he Lewis and Clark Expedition from August 31, 1803, to September 25, 1806, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the United States expedition to cross the newly acquired western portion of the country after the Louisiana Purchase. The Corps of Discovery was a select group of U.S. Army and civilian volunteers under the command of Cap…


How did enslaved Africans most contribute to the growth of the northern economy during the first half of the nineteenth century?


Answer: they worked to produce goods that were sold and traded which resulted in a boom in trade with the north as the north needed things the south had but it was the slaves making the things the south had.

in the roman empire the economy focused on what 2 things?


Answer:Largely Agrarian and Centered on the trading of commodities such as grain and wine.


In Texas, which branch of government determines the state budget?
a legislative
b. executive
c. judicial
d. all three branches
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


D ur welcome if it’s wrong I’m sorry g


It's B




#1 Containing

#2 Proactive

#3 Regimes

#4 Reagan Doctrine

#5 Afghanistan

#6 Mujahideen

#7 Withdrew

#8 Secret aid

#9 Contras

#10 Nicaragua

#11 radical Marxist communists

#12 anti-communist

Use the information to answer the following question.
• Few trade barriers
• Laws protect private property
• Courts enforce laws to protect consumers and businesses
• Prices for goods and service are based on what consumer agree to pay
What type of economy do these statements describe?
CA Pure command
CB Communist
C. Mixed
D. Pure market



D. Pure market


Hope this helps (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Give at least three examples
of checks and balances
among the branches of
Georgia's state government.



The legislative branch makes laws, but the President in the executive branch can veto those laws with a Presidential Veto. The legislative branch makes laws, but the judicial branch can declare those laws unconstitutional.

hope i helped


What are the benefits and problems of political parties



Advantages. Some historians have suggested that two-party systems promote centrism and encourage political parties to find common positions which appeal to wide swaths of the electorate. It can lead to political stability which leads, in turn, to economic growth.

Problems: The lack of internal democracy – If there is a concentration of power in the hands of one or only a few ministers in the party, it gives space to internal conflicts. The dynastic succession – This has been in the political parties from time immemorial.

Describe the psychological impact of the slave trade on Africans.


Answer:The scale of the Atlantic slave trade had a profound impact on African civilization. Slavery had a severe impact on African societies and resulted in West Africa's long-term impoverished. This amplified the consequences that already existed among its rulers, kinships, kingdoms, and society.


number 2

regulating labor practices, improving housing and prison conditions, and equal rights for women and ethic minorities are objectives of which progressive platform?

A. Efficiency and sanitation
B. Fair Treatment of citizens
C. State Rights
D. Regulation of Wealth


The Answer is B

I hope it’s helps bestie ❤️

Who started the Renaissance?
Why did the Renaissance start?
How did the Renaissance start?



The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy, a place with a rich cultural history where wealthy citizens could afford to support budding artists. Members of the powerful Medici family, which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, were famous backers of the movement.


hope this helps

Mortgage debt decreased from 1970 to 2008.

True or False



true because


Hedge funds, banks, and insurance companies caused the subprime mortgage crisis. ... Demand for mortgages led to an asset bubble in housing. When the Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate, it sent adjustable mortgage interest rates skyrocketing. As a result, home prices plummeted, and borrowers defaulted




I hope my answers is correct

• state any six characteristics of present society​



I don't know Cosmo speak so so slick clean


chicken Slap slick scratch Olympic what Aztec knock sarcasm KYescutcheon


Six of the most important characteristics are: cities, government, religion, social structure, writing and art.

Cause Effect Radical Republicans hope to protect freed slaves political rights in the South A. Radical Republicans cut off funding to the Freedman's Bureau B. Radical Republicans pass the Reconstruction Acts. C. Radical Republicans support democrat candidates for president. D. Radical Republicans remove Johnson from office.



B. Radical Republicans pass the Reconstruction Acts.



In which age bracket in the U.S are people of color currently the majority?



between the ages of 25 and 54.



According to the latest projections from the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the United States will be “majority-minority”1—majority people of color—in 2043. For the working-age population (those between the ages of 18 and 64) the transition takes place in 2039


This is the site I got the info from:,transition%20takes%20place%20in%202039.

Which technology was advanced by Michael Dell and led to the creation of a major
Texas Industry?




PC (personal computer)


Youre welcome and good luck

Other Questions
A record is spinning on a turntable. A record is a uniform disk of mass 1.00 kg and a radius of 0.13 m that spins around an axis through its center. The record is initially spinning at 10 rad/s. Then the motor is turned off and the record slows to a stop with constant angular acceleration. As the record is slowing down it spins through 6.37 revolutions. What is the magnitude of the net torque acting on the record as it slows down Plssssssss helppppppppppppp All of the following are true about the American military during the Vietnam WarEXCEPT:The government censored the press by not allowing TV networks to report fromVietnam12 UnsavedAmericans had a difficult time telling apart the Vietcong and VietnameseciviliansThe U.S. advantage in military power was balanced by the Vietcong's use ofguerilla tacticsAmerican military tactics included search-and-destroy missions, bombings, andnapalm Solve for x in the following equations:-8x -10y = -2 when y = -3A) -3B) -6C) 4D) -2 Which of the following statements best describes what happens during exercise?(Please explain why each of the incorrect statements are wrong. Thank you!)A. Blood vessels in the muscles dilate to increase blood flow.B. Blood vessels in the heart dilate to increase blood pressure.C. Blood vessels in the organs dilate to increase blood oxygen.D. Blood vessels in the lungs dilate to increase blood volume. Find the code word by completing the maze below. To complete the maze you must determine what type of triangle is formed by the given set of dimensions. There are letters in each box that will form the code word you need to unlock puzzle one. The letters will go in order to form the word. MI 4,7,9 Obtusa 5,5,5 obtusa 9.12,15 Acute 12, 16,20 BEGIN Right Acute Right Obtuse N S Acute Right 7, 12, 18 P Acute 15,20,25 1,3,5 6,8,10 Acute Jobtuse Obtuse Right Right 21,28,35 Right P 30, 40, 50 Acute 6, 12,18 12,18,31 Obtuse Obtuse Obtuse Obtuse 3,4,5 Right 2,2,2 Acute 12, 16,20 Right FINISH Code: Please help I dont understand this How did the cotton gin impact the lives of slave, the land, and the economy of the south. (PLEASE PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR EACH ANSWER) No links Marking Branliest for best answer possible Which of the following statements is an example of propaganda? A. Humbron can be purchased scented or unscented and is widely available at hair salons as well as your local corner store. B. It is designed for people who have dry hair, damaged hair, oily hair, split ends, dandruff, dry scalp, or itchy scalp. C. Humbron will give your hair that soft, manageable, movie-star feeling at only a few dollars more than your usual shampoo, and isn't that a small price to pay? D. Humbron is made from all natural ingredients and is free of formaldehyde, diazolydinal urea, sodium lauryl sulfate, and propylene glycol. What is the safest way to defrost meat? Decomposer How it gets its energyExamples of animals what is the symbol of gold Complete the following table so that it represents a linear function and determine the rate of change. In a food chain, consumers gather energy by _______. Can someone plz helpa.consuming organisms at a lower trophic levelb.consuming organisms at a higher trophic levelc.decomposing dead organic matterd.absorbing sunlight directly is a shark asexual, sexual, or both How do you calculate 25+16-49 in BODMAS Dave stared in disbelief at the stack of boxes in his sister's room."What's the problem, Dave?" she demanded. "You said you'd help me move these boxes to the attic.""Are you serious, Deb?" he responded crossly. "Who do you think I am? Hercules?"What does the reference to Hercules tell the reader about Dave's attitude toward his sister's request?01. He thinks his sister is big enough to move her own boxes.0 2. He believes that he will need great strength to move the bepes.O 3. He feels that he is too important to be asked to move the boxes.4. He understands that his sister will view him as a hero if he moves the boxes. Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 4: Gumawa ng awitin sa anyong strophic patungkol saPandemyang nararanasan natin sa kasalukuyan. Gawin ito ng may 2 verses na may tig-aapat na linya. Isulat sa kahon ang nabuong lyrics at kuhanan ng video ang pag-awit saiyong sariling komposisyon na ipapasa ito sa iyong guro.25kailangan ko na po ngayon nyong sagot plaese pa help nman po Please help me, I'm suffering from all of these parallel lines ;9Only 1 is needed, but doing both would be godly If you flip a coin and roll a six sided die what is the probability that you will flip a heads and roll at least a three