according to federal labor laws, which of the following employer acts is absolutely prohibited during an organizing campaign? a. expressing views about the disadvantages of unions b. stressing the favorable employee-employer relationship in the past without a union c. presenting unfavorable publicity the organizing union has received concerning corruption d. threatening employees with the loss of their jobs if they vote to unionize


Answer 1

Threatening employees with the loss of their jobs if they vote to unionize.

What cannot employers do while a union is being formed?

Supervisors and managers are not allowed to coercively interrogate you about your union involvement or the union activity of your coworkers, spy on you (or give the impression that they are doing so), threaten you, or bribe you. These actions are not grounds for dismissal, reprimand, demotion, or other type of punishment.

The Taft-Hartley Act expressly forbids which of the following?

The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed jurisdictional, wildcat, solidarity, and political strikes, as well as secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed workplaces, and financial contributions by unions to federal political campaigns.

To know more about Federal labor laws visit


Related Questions

if rachel quits the company after two years, what effect will her resignation have on her retirement plan?


When you leave your company, choose to leave the pension plan, or cease contributing to it, you are no longer a part of the Retirement plan. What you've created is still yours. Typically, you have the choice of leaving your pension where it is or moving it to another Retirement plan.

Retirement is the cessation of one's employment, occupation, or active working life. Another way to semi-retire is to work fewer hours or with less job. When they are old or unable to work due to health issues, many people decide to retire. People may also choose to retire if they are qualified for private or public pension benefits, while some people are compelled to do so due to physical limitations or because of laws governing their professions. The concept of retiring was first popularized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the majority of nations. Prior to the advent of social security, pension plans, and low life expectancy.

Learn more about Retirement from


three years ago, preferred stock rtf was unable to pay a dividend. two years ago, the company was only able to pay a dividend of 3%. last year, the company was only able to pay shareholders a dividend of 4%. as conditions are now improved, the firm would like to pay dividends to common shareholders. what dividend percentage must the preferred shareholders first receive in order for this to happen?


These often have the right to a fixed dividend that is stated as a percentage of the nominal (par) value of the share; for example, a £1 preference share with a 5% dividend right will pay out 5p annually. But it is still a dividend and can only be paid from earnings.

What dividend amount is given to preferred shareholders?

Divide the dividend percentage by the par value of the preferred stock. For instance, if the stock was issued at $40 per share and the dividend rate is 7.5 percent, the yearly dividend is $3 per share.

who is the first shareholder to earn dividends?

Due to their primacy over the company's income, preferred shareholders receive dividend payments before common shareholders do. Common shareholders come last. Consequently, they will receive payment after creditors, bondholders, and preferred shareholders when it comes to corporate assets.

To know more about stock rtf visit:-


an organization's production process maps most directly to the activity in porter's value chain model. question 32 options: a) inbound logistics b) operations c) sales and marketing d) all of the above


An organization's production process maps most directly to c) outbound logistics.

The demand side of the supply-demand relationship is the main focus of outbound logistics. The procedure entails the storage and delivery of commodities to the consumer or final user. Order fulfillment, packing, shipping, delivery, and customer assistance connected to delivery are among the phases.

To fulfill demand, a business keeps a specific amount of inventory on hand. Outbound logistics procedures organize and safely store these commodities in the appropriate settings. In warehouse management, inbound and outbound logistics are combined. However, logistics for outbound shipment of final goods.

Inbound logistics focusses on product acquisition for businesses that sell finished goods they get from suppliers, and outbound logistics completes orders sent directly to clients and delivers the goods to retail locations.

To know more about outbound logistics:


Correct question:

The fulfillment process maps most directly to the _______ activity in Porter's value chain model.

A) inbound logistics

B) operations

C) outbound logistics

D) service

in capacity planning, the feasibility of the sales and operations production plan is verified by a group of answer choices rough-cut capacity plan. resource requirements plan. master production schedule. capacity requirements plan.


In capacity planning, the feasibility of the sales and operations production plan is verified by a resource requirements plan. So option b. is correct.

A capacity planning process involves determining how much production capacity is required to meet changing demand for products. Design capacity refers to an organization's maximum capacity to accomplish work over a given period in capacity planning. It is the act of balancing available resources to satisfy customer demand or project capacity needs.

A capacity planning process is used by organizations to determine their production capacity in order to meet the changing needs of their products.

Learn more about capacity planning here


An organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees.a. True
b. False


True, An organization has a system in place that allows one salesperson to update contact information for a client, simultaneously updating the same information for all other employees.

The salesperson is accountable for greeting clients, serving them notice things within the store, and ringing up purchases. To achieve success as a salesman you need to have wonderful communication skills. an honest salesperson meets sales objectives while remaining polite and useful to customers. Responsibilities of a salesperson are :

Present, promote, and sell products/services victimization solid arguments to existing and prospective customers.Perform cost-benefit and desires analysis of existing/potential customers to fulfill their needs.

Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships. The 5 varieties are the Challenger, the laborious Worker, the Lone Wolf, the connection Builder, and also the drawback Solver. These profiles verify how a salesperson interacts with prospects and closes deals.

Learn more about Salesperson here:


What is a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount ?


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is a federally sponsored corporation that insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also known as the FDIC, is a separate department of the US government. The FDIC safeguards depositors of insured banks with locations in the US from losing their money in the event that an insured bank fails.

The FDIC administers receiverships, provides big and complicated financial institutions with resolution options, guarantees deposits, and inspects and supervises financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection.

There are just a few deposit instruments that are covered by FDIC deposit insurance, including checking and savings accounts, money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), and certificates of deposit.

To learn more about FDIC visit:


project fdi costs $80,500 and has cash flows of $32,300, $36,400, and $30,000 for years 1 to 3, respectively. what is the irr of project fdi? g


The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of Project FDI is 16.1%.

What does IRR means?

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a financial metric used to calculate the rate of return on an investment. It is calculated as the discount rate that equals the present value of all cash flows from a project or investment. In a discounted cash flow analysis, IRR is a discount rate that causes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows to equal zero.

What does NPV mean?

NVP stands for Net Value Proposition. It is a business term used to describe the value that a product or service provides to a customer or client. It is used to evaluate the cost and benefit of a product or service, as well as its perceived value in the marketplace.

Solution to find IRR:

We can calculate the IRR by using the following formula:

IRR = -80,500 + 32,300/(1+IRR) + 36,400/(1+IRR)^2 + 30,000/(1+IRR)^3

Solving for IRR, we get IRR = 16.1%.

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of Project FDI is 16.1%.

To know more about IRR,


if full body protection is needed in your job, whose responsibility is it to pay for it?


OSHA mandates that businesses shoulder the cost of equipping employees with the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need for their professions.

Which are some instances of employers?

An employer is, more particularly, a corporation, institution, government body, agency, consulting company, nonprofit organization, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or otherwise places people who may be referred to as employees or staff members to work.

What distinguishes workers from employers?

Employers rely on their staff to carry out specified responsibilities in order to accomplish organizational objectives, guarantee the smooth operation of the company, and generate revenues. Employees, the other hand, rely on their employer to reimburse the agreed-upon pay or earnings so they may sustain themselves and, if applicable, their family.

To know more about Employers visit :


what is the potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year?


The potential for losing money in the Stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year is 33%.

A stock market is a place where people trade securities to make a profit. In the stock market, publicly listed companies shares are traded with each other.

Like how it helps in making a profit, investing without learning about it will push us to losses. According to popular estimates, as much as 90% of people lose money in stock markets, including both new and seasoned investors.

Many investors, especially new ones, fall into the trap of investing based on stock tips given by other investors.

To know more about the Stock market,


materials used by square yard products inc. in producing division 3's product are currently purchased from outside suppliers at a cost of $5.00 per unit. however, the same materials are available with division 6. division 6 has unused capacity and can produce the materials needed by division 3 at a variable cost of $3.00 per unit. a transfer price of $3.20 per unit is established, and 40,000 units of material are transferred, with no reduction in division 6's current sales. how much will division 6's income from operations increase? a.$15,000 b.$8,000 c.$150,000 d.$80,000


Option B is the right choice, costing $8,000.

What changes in demand occur when income rises?

For the vast majority of items, referred to as typical goods, demand will rise as consumer earnings rise, and vice versa. Therefore, the demand curve for restaurant meals, vehicles, and boats will move to the right as wages rise. People will purchase more at the same prices.

Calculation of Division 6's increased operating revenue:

Additional sales multiplied by the contribution per unit is an increase in operating income.

Contribution Per Unit = Transfer Price - Variable Cost = 3.20$ - 3.20$ = 0.20$ per unit.

As a result, Division 6's increase in operating revenue equals 40,000 units multiplied by $0.20 per unit, or $8,000.

Option B is the right choice, costing $8,000.

To know more about Income and Expenditure visit:


in an oligopoly, a firm's minimum efficient scale is large relative to the market. a. true b. false


The correct answer is true. In an oligopoly, the minimum efficient scale is large relative to the market.

A market structure known as an oligopoly has a small number of enterprises, none of which can prevent the others from having a large impact. The market share of the major companies is calculated using the concentration ratio.

In the past, oligopolies have existed in the steel industry, the oil industry, the railroad industry, the tire industry, grocery store chains, and the wireless industry. An oligopoly can prevent new competitors from entering the market, stifle innovation, and raise prices, all of which are detrimental to consumers.

Learn more about oligopoly here


the term autarky refers to a country that: select one: a. does not trade with other countries. b. trades goods and services based upon the princi


The correct response is B) does not trade with other countries. When a nation does not engage in trade with other nations, the situation is referred to as autarky.

Usually applied to cultures, communities, states, and their economic systems, autarky is the quality of self-sufficiency. Many political ideologies and movements, particularly left-wing ones like African socialism, mutualism, war communism, communalism, swadeshi, syndicalism (especially anarcho-syndicalism), and left-wing populism, have adopted autarky as an ideal or method in an effort to create alternative economic structures or to exert control over resources against structures that they perceive as hostile. Autarky has also been embraced by conservative, centrist, and nationalist movements in an effort to conserve a portion of the social structure as it currently exists or to promote a certain industry. In order to lessen foreign economic, political, and cultural influences and to advance world peace, autarky proponents have called for national self-sufficiency. In general, economists are in favour of free trade. Most economists agree that protectionism has a detrimental impact on economic growth and economic welfare while free trade and the removal of trade barriers have a beneficial impact on economic growth and stability.

Learn more about autarky here


The term autarky refers to a situation when a country:

A) trades goods and services based on the principle of comparative advantage.

B) does not trade with other countries.

C) trades goods and services based on the principle of Ricardian advantage.

D) trades goods and services based on the principle of absolute advantage.

suppose the marginal propensity to consume (mpc) is 0.8 and there is a $1,000 increase in autonomous consumption. given this information, real gdp will increase by


The correct answer to the given question is: the real GDP will increase by $5000

The percentage of an overall salary increase that a customer spends on purchasing goods and services rather than saving is known as the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) in economics. The keynesian macroeconomic theory includes the concept of the marginal propensity to consume, which is determined as the change in consumption divided by the change in income. C / Y, where C is the change in consumption and Y is the change in income, is the formula for calculating the marginal propensity to consume. MPC equals 0.8 / 1 = 0.8 if consumption rises by 80 cents for every dollar of new income.

To learn more about MPC click here:


the difference between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law are called


The difference between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law are called excess reserves.

What are excess reserves?

Capital reserves stored in excess of what is required by regulators, creditors, or internal controls are known as excess reserves by a bank or financial institution. Excess reserves for commercial banks are compared to standard reserve requirement amounts established by central banking regulators.

The minimum liquid deposits (like cash) that must be held in reserve at a bank are determined by the required reserve ratios. The extra amount is considered as excess. The amount of total reserves that the bank can lend out is known as excess reserves.

Therefore, excess reserves is the difference e between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law.

To learn more about excess reserves, click here:


arthur is looking forward to having more time for leisure pursuits after retirement. he is excited about trying out new options. arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include group of answer choices more vigorous physical activities. things that have been lifelong interests. new activities never pursued before. activities that earn extra money.


Arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include things that have been lifelong interests.

What type of recreational activity is most popular?

Only 3% of people said they did not enjoy listening to music, according to a YouGov survey of the most popular leisure activities. All age groups, from millennials to baby boomers, consistently fell into that high number.

How vital are recreational activities?

Leisure time has both physiological and psychological advantages, including lower levels of tension, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, enhanced mood, and higher levels of positive emotions. Additionally, cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate can all be lowered by recreational activity.

To learn more about Leisure Activities here:


suppose a monopolistically competitive firm is producing the profit-maximizing level of output and is earning an economic profit in the short run. then: a price is less than marginal cost. b price is less than average total costs. c marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost. d average total cost is at its minimum point.


D. Average total cost is at its minimum point. Average total cost is referred to as the sum total of all production costs divided by the total quantity of output.

A monopolistic firm is what?

A totally competitive market, where there are an infinite number of enterprises operating, is the antithesis of a monopolistic market. In a truly monopolistic model, the monopoly firm can limit output, raise prices, and make long-term profits that are above average. Monopolistic competition refers to a competitive market with few near substitute buyers and sellers.

What is the monopolistic approach?

Pricing Policy in a Monopolistic Competitive Market

Companies decide the prices for their items in a monopolistic competitive market. Every business sells a commodity that might be identical to another business's, therefore every business can successfully establish its prices.

To know more about Monopolistic Firm visit:


a significant decrease in the money supply tends to: a. reduce the supply of gold held by the federal government. b. create shortages that would cause prices of goods and services to rise. c. reduce the size of the federal government's deficit. d. send the economy into a recession


A significant decrease in the money supply tends to: d. send the economy into a recession.

Thus, the first consequence of a decline in the money supply is an increase in interest rates. Businesses are less inclined to borrow money for investment purposes as interest rates climb. Additionally, customers are less eager to take out loans to acquire things like homes, vehicles, and other items. Spending falls as a result.

Income is decreased and the interest rate is increased when the money supply shrinks. Investment declines as interest rates rise, and consumption declines as disposable income declines.

When the amount of money available or its rate of growth decreases, opposite impacts result. Disinflation (lower inflation) or deflation (falling prices) follow a reduction in economic activity.

To know more about federal government, refer:


the main characteristics of a pure are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition.


The main characteristics of a pure monopoly are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition.

What is the single seller?

A market arrangement in which there is just one single seller and only one type of good available. As the only vendor of the goods with no viable alternatives, the seller in a pure monopoly has no rivals.

A market with a monopoly is one where there is only one supplier of goods. A monopoly is a type of market in which there is only a single seller of a good and that seller has complete control over the price.

Few companies sell homogenous or differentiated items in this sector. Additionally, because there aren't many vendors in the market, each vendor influences the actions of other vendors, who in turn affect them.

Learn more about the single seller here:


Full Question-

The main characteristics of a pure monopoly, Correct Unavailable are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition.

a person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the new york stock exchange. this is an example of:____.


Worldwide investment

Describe the stock exchange.

A stock exchange facilitates the trading of a variety of financial instruments, including bonds, commodities, and equities. Exchanges bring investors, businesses, and governments together.

What types of financial controls are there?

Financial controls are laws and practices intended to stop or catch fraud and accounting irregularities. Account reconciliation, double-counting cash deposits, approving new vendors, and rotating employee duties are a few examples of financial controls.

Which four main stock exchanges are there?

Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), China; New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), USA; National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), USA; European New Exchange Technology (EURONEXT), Europe.

To know more about  stock exchange visit:-


you suggest businesssense to april. she asks you to explain the largest benefit of outsourcing to this company.


The biggest advantage of outsourcing to this business is to benefit from scale. In order to save time and money, Business Sense should be able to implement economies of scale.

A business practice known as outsourcing involves contracting out services or job duties to a third party on an ongoing basis. Although there are numerous risks and difficulties when negotiating and managing outsourcing contracts, outsourcing can have significant advantages.

Contracting out business operations and processes to outside vendors is known as outsourcing. The advantages of outsourcing can be significant, ranging from cost reductions and increased efficiency to a stronger competitive advantage.

To know more about Outsourcing, refer to this link:


ethier enterprise has an unlevered beta of 0.5. ethier is financed with 40% debt and has a levered beta of 0.7. if the risk free rate is 3.5% and the market risk premium is 6%, how much is the additional premium that ethier's shareholders require to be compensated for financial risk? round your answer to one decimal place.


The additional premium that Ethier's shareholders require to be compensated for financial risk is 1.44%.

Calculate the capital structure risk premium

Levered Beta = 0.7

Unlevered Beta = 0.5

Debt-Equity Ratio = 40%

Capital Structure Risk Premium = (Levered Beta - Unlevered Beta) * (1 - Debt-Equity Ratio)

Capital Structure Risk Premium = (0.7 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.4)

Capital Structure Risk Premium = 0.12

Step 2: Calculate the additional premium required

Additional Premium = Capital Structure Risk Premium * (Risk Free Rate + Market Risk Premium)

Additional Premium = 0.12 * (3.5% + 6%)

Additional Premium = 1.44%

Therefore, the additional premium that Ethier's shareholders require to be compensated for financial risk is 1.44%.

For more questions like Additional premium click the link below:


what are the six modes companies use to enter foreign markets? multiple select question. licensing exporting joint ventures wholly-owned subsidiaries franchising unionization turnkey projects arbitration


The six modes companies use to enter foreign markets exporting, turnkey initiatives, licensing, franchising, organizing joint ventures with a number-country firm, or putting in place a brand new entirely-owned subsidiary inside the host united states of America.

There are six companies' modes of overseas access exporting, turn-key projects, licensing, franchising, setting up a joint task with a number of united states of America firms, or setting up an entirely owned subsidiary in the host USA.

Whilst entering overseas markets, there are 3 basic entry selections they may be Exporting-selling goods and services to other countries is known as exporting. Licensing-Licensing presents us permission to open a business in some other place for manufacturing products and services.

Learn more about foreign markets here


fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the united states. today, a college diploma is virtually the bare minimum. this change reflects the process of


Fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the United States. Today, a college diploma is virtually the minimum. The change reflects the process of credentialism.

Credentialism is the practice of relying on credentials provided by professional organizations, educational institutions, and other organizations to determine whether or not a candidate is qualified to perform a certain job.

A high school graduation was the prerequisite for joining the US paid labor force fifty years ago. Nowadays, having a college degree is practically required. This modification illustrates the credentialism process.

To know more about Credentialism, refer:


mila was so excited to finally have a full time job again after a period of sporadic part time work. she was most excited about her new medical insurance, 401(k) retirement plan and the fact that the company will pay for a portion of her child care expenses. these are examples of:


Mila was so excited to finally have a full-time job again after a period of sporadic part-time work. she was most excited about her new medical insurance, 401(k) retirement plan, and the fact that the company will pay for a portion of her childcare expenses. these are examples of benefits.

Insurance is a way of protection from financial loss wherein, in trade for a rate, a celebration is of the same opinion to compensate any other celebration within the event of a certain loss, harm, or harm. it is a form of risk control, in the main used to hedge towards the danger of a contingent or unsure loss.

An entity that offers the coverage is referred to as an insurer, insurance corporation, coverage provider, or underwriter. a person or entity who buys coverage is called a policyholder, even as a person or entity covered underneath the coverage is called an insured. The coverage transaction includes the policyholder assuming a guaranteed, recognized, and a comparatively small loss in the shape of a fee to the insurer (a premium) in change for the insurer's promise to compensate the insured within the event of a protected loss. The loss can also or won't be financial, however, it needs to be reducible to monetary phrases. furthermore, it commonly includes something wherein the insured has an insurable hobby mounted through ownership, possession, or pre-existing dating.

To learn more about Insurance visit here:


the importance of requiring a down-payment for a mortgage loan is debated. an important argument for it is that making any cash down payment:


The importance of requiring a down-payment for a mortgage loan is debated. An important argument for it is that making any cash down payment: signals sincere intent to perform.

What is payment?A payment is an exchange of money, goods or services for goods and services in an amount acceptable  to both parties and  agreed  in advance. You can pay with cash,  check,  wire transfer,  credit card,  debit card, or cryptocurrencies. Understand payments. Recipients are generally free to choose which payment methods they accept.However, the law generally requires the payer to accept the country's fiat currency up to a certain limit. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, payments are generally made in the recipient's local currency.Payments in another currency require an additional foreign exchange transaction.The recipient can compromise on the debt. Accept partial payments or offer discounts to fully settle the debtor's debts. For example: Charge additional charges such as cash payment  or immediate payment.

to learn more about payment from the given link :


Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.
a. true
b. false


"Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." False Option B

What is Leadership?

Generally, The capacity to persuade other people to willingly work toward organizational objectives is an essential component of leadership.

Kotter believes that the key to leadership is successfully navigating change.

According to John Kotter, management is the process of dealing with complexity, while leadership is the process of coping with change.

Read more about Leadership


The management of Ballard MicroBrew is considering the purchase of an automated bottling machine for $120,000. The machine would replace an old piece of equipment that costs $30,000 per year to operate. The new machine would cost $12,000 per year to operate. The old machine currently in use is fully depreciated and could be sold now for a salvage value of $40,000. The new machine would have a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value.Required:1. What is the annual depreciation expense associated with the new bottling machine?2. What is the annual incremental net operating income provided by the new bottling machine?3. What is the amount of the initial investment associated with this project that should be used for calculating the simple rate of return?4. What is the simple rate of return on the new bottling machine? (Round your answer to 1 decimal place.)


$12,000 is the annual depreciation expense associated with the new bottling machine. 7.5% is the simple rate of return on the new bottling machine.

Cost savings = Equipment cost - New machine cost = 30,000 - 12,000 = 18,000. Depreciation per year = Cost of automated bottling machine ÷ Useful years = 120,000 ÷ 10 = 12,000. Simple rate of return = (Cost savings - Depreciation of new equipment) ÷ (cost - salvage of old)  = (18,000 - 12,000) ÷ (120,000 - 40,000) = 6,000 ÷ 80,000 = 0.075 = 7.5%.

Depreciation is a non-cash business expense that is estimated over the time that a valuable asset is utilized by your company. The simple rate of return is calculated by dividing the additional net income anticipated from a potential investment opportunity by the initial investment.

To learn more about Depreciation visit:


a person who promotes, supports and facilitates a project, e.g., securing resources from other managers, is called a what?


A person who promotes, supports and facilitates a project, e.g., securing resources from other managers, is called: project champion.

A project champion is the colleague in charge of a project the board project. This is the individual who ensures everybody is ready and on target to finish the project effectively and on time.

Project champions should be conceived pioneers. It ultimately depends on them to "champion" the project, so they should likewise be similarly persuading. They don't hear "no." They track down arrangements.

A project champion is mindful of detail and a superb communicator. They should watch out for the highs and lows of the project help and report them to all interested parties.

Project champions ought to have quite a while of involvement added to their repertoire, so they can finish their skill of the project. Years in the field outfit them with the skill to anticipate what amount of time certain errands will require and how much prioritization they'll require.

to know more about the project champion click here:


a characteristic that sets apart as an economic and political system is the private ownership of businesses. t or f


True, Private ownership of businesses is a distinguishing feature of an economic and political system.

Family-owned businesses, sole proprietorships, and the vast majority of small and medium-sized businesses are examples of privately owned businesses. A privately owned company, unlike a public company, is not required to answer to public investors.

A private limited company is owned privately by a few individuals and has its own legal entity. Shares cannot be traded publicly in this case. It limits the number of shares to 50. Shareholders cannot sell their shares unless the other shareholders agree.

To know more about Private ownership, click here.


video shack's accounts receivable decreases during the year by $8.2 million. what is the amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period if its net sales are $65.0 million? (round your answer to 1 decimal place. enter your answer in millions (i.e., $10,100,000 should be entered as 10.1).)


The amount of cash received during the reporting period is $73.2 million

The account receivables are treated as a current asset and it is recorded and shown on the balance sheet. The total cash collection from customers includes a decrease in account receivables and collection from sales in the current period.

A journal is a thorough account that documents all of a company's financial activities. It is used for account reconciliation in the future and for the transfer of data to other formal accounting records, including the general ledger.

The journal entry is as follows: (amount in millions)

Cash A/c....Dr. $73.2

Accounts receivable A/c.....Cr. $8.2

Sales A/c.....Cr. $65

(Being cash collection from accounts receivables and sales recorded)

Learn more about journal entry:


Other Questions
Jones & Company, a major retail chain across the United States, offers a wide range of consumer goods such as clothing, furniture, home appliances, cosmetics, jewelry, and food. Jones & Company is best described as a ________.A) supermarketB) department storeC) specialty storeD) pop-up storeE) category killer In the study of urban ecology in Baltimore and Phoenix, how do the two cities differ in their citizens' exposure to toxic chemicals?Baltimore has taken a zero-tolerance approach to polluters, so its citizens are much less exposed to toxic chemicals than the citizens of Phoenix.Minorities in both cities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards than white citizens, but minorities in Phoenix are provided with better health care to offset the costs related to exposure.Baltimore was built before building codes and zoning laws prohibited building homes on contaminated sites, so all of the citizens of Baltimore are exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals, whereas Phoenix has been built more recently and so does not have problems related to toxic chemical exposure.Phoenix has largely eliminated exposure to toxic chemicals, whereas the citizens of Baltimore suffer from extreme exposure to such hazards.In Phoenix, ethnic minorities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards, whereas in Baltimore, those living in working-class white neighborhoods are more likely to be exposed. Most endangered species are-selected species.consideredA. JB. IC. SD. K Ms Lilita is the new CEO of Baro Corporation, one of the oldest conglomerates in east Africa. It operates using more than 50 diversified business portfolios ranging from fisheries to cement. Ms Lilita is appointed as CEO to Baro just a year ago; and before joining Baro Co. she has been working as Vice President in one of the firms in the financial sector. Recently, Ms Lilita is unhappy with the prospect of the company after she assessed the five years performance trend of Baro. She is more stressed because of several additional troubling factors in the business environment. One of the Baros key competitors, Akobo Corporation is aggressively engaged in several mergers and acquisitions in the key business areas of Baro. Further, Akobo is successfully attracting key talent to outsmart the intense competition that only Ms Lilita seems to understand well from Baros side. These are actually just a few of the distressful issues for Baro. Even worse is the shifting trend in the consumer preferences for major products of Baro almost in all markets, which Baro has not yet systematically analyzed. Thinking of all these issues, she just sunk in her office sofa and sighed deep gazing at the big picture of recently inaugurated new cement plant of Baro. Suddenly she thought that a solution might be solicited from one of the veteran employees of Baro, Mr. Shemsu. Mr.Shemsu has been working for more than three decades in Baro. He is currently working as R & D director of Baro, and he has also worked in different departments; marketing, operations, and HRM. Taking all these experiences Ms Lilita thought that he could be a linchpin employee to hint her some insights with important company strategic and administrative memories. Of course he is so loyal employee whom most of the colleagues admire for his unwavering dedication to Baro, but he is a mediocre type person without much insight of the recent complex competitive environment. You see Mr.ShemsuOur company needs to tackle several issues to stay organizat How do you dilate an image? 2. Mr. Hamilton, a diabetic patient at your clinic, is diagnosed with ketoacidosis by the physician. Thephysician explains that if a diabetic patient does not take the insulin that is normally prescribed and ifthe resulting hyperglycemia is left untreated, it can lead to an emergency condition called ketoacidosisThis occurs when ketones, a group of acids that can build up in the bloodstream, accumulate, andchange the balance of acids in the blood. The patient's wife, Mrs. Hamilton, asks if you can explain inbasic terms why such a change is potentially life threatening.? confidentiality means A) trusting others with personal and private information B) speaking softly when using the phone and intercom C) being polite, considerate, and helpful D) having good work ethics how did the achievement of the grand canal impact the geographical distance between the yellow river and yangtze river? Given the descriptions below, which is (are) true regarding notes receivable? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select question.(A)It is the promise of another entity to pay a specific sum of money on a specified future date.(B)Another name for a note receivable is a promissory note.(C)Notes receivable is classified as a liability.(D)Notes receivable is classified as an asset. an employer can eliminate a workers medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the workers employment. True/False ? What does Claudius reveal in his opening speech? given ipv6 address prefix 2001:db8::/48, what will be the last subnet that is created if the subnet prefix is changed to /52? You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant way to specifically control chromatin remodeling on a gene by gene basis. You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. You are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. Select modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes. Check all that apply. Increase acetylation of histonesDecrease acetylation of histones Decrease phosphorylation of histones Increase phosphorylation of histones Increase methylation of histones Decrease methylation of histones a potassium atom (atomic number 19) loses an electron while forming a bond with another atom which best describes the potassium ion that forms? What is conceptual concept in research? Alice is buying books from an online retail site, and she finds that she is able to change the price of a book from $19.99 to $1.99. which part of the cia triad has been broken? Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client's family in the process. Identify the true and false statements about family therapy.-It holds to the systems approach that an individual is part of a larger contextin this case, the family.-A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.-It cannot successfully be used in the treatments of substance abuse or addictions because family relations in those situations are too volatile.-It is based on the belief that most psychological disorders result from traumatic events occurring early in lifeusually within the family. Find cos (A) given the triangle a loan is offered with monthly payments and a 6.5 percent apr. what is the loan's effective annual rate (ear)? Why do people love BTS?