According to a government study, among adults in the 25- to 34-year age group, the mean amount spent per year on reading and entertainment is $2,060. Assume that the distribution of the amounts spent follows the normal distribution with a standard deviation of $495. Use Appendix B.3. (Round your z-score computation to 2 decimal places and final answers to 2 decimal places.) What percent of the adults spend more than $2,575 per year on reading and entertainment


Answer 1


The answer is [tex]15.00[/tex] %

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's start defining the random variable. We have the following variable :

[tex]X:[/tex] '' The amount spent per year on reading and entertainment among adults in the 25- to 34- year age group ''

We assume that [tex]X[/tex] follows the normal distribution. We can write :

[tex]X[/tex] ~ N ( μ , σ )

Where μ is the mean of the distribution and σ is the standard deviation (both are parameters from the normal distribution). Using the data from the question :

[tex]X[/tex] ~ [tex]N(2060;495)[/tex]

In order to answer the question, we first must calculate the probability :

[tex]P(X>2575)[/tex] (I)

We are going to calculate this probability by making a substitution. If we substract the mean to the variable [tex]X[/tex] and then divide by the standard deviation, we obtain a new variable [tex]Z[/tex] which can be modeled as a [tex]N(0;1)[/tex]. This is convenient because the cumulative distribution from [tex]Z[/tex] is tabulated and can be found on any book or either in Internet.This process is called standardizing the variable :

[ ([tex]X[/tex]-μ) / σ ] = [tex]Z[/tex] ~ [tex]N(0;1)[/tex] ⇒ If we apply this to the equation (I) ⇒



[tex]P(Z>1.04)=1-P(Z\leq 1.04)[/tex] (II)

Looking in any cumulative distribution table of [tex]Z[/tex] ⇒ [tex]P(Z\leq 1.04)=0.85[/tex]

If we replace this value in (II) ⇒

[tex]P(Z>1.04)=1-P(Z\leq 1.04)=1-0.85=0.15[/tex]

Using percent we obtain [tex]15.00[/tex] %

Related Questions

What is the inverse of the function y = 2x + 3?



y = x/2 - 3/2

Step-by-step explanation:


y = x/2 - 3/2

Step-by-step explanation:

First, get x on its own:

Subtract 3 from each side

y - 3 = 2x

Divide through by 2

y/2 - 3/2 = x

or x = y/2 - 3/2

Now simply switch labels: x↔y

y = x/2 - 3/2

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x, y and z is equal to 27. Find w.
A. 23
B. 19
C. 25 D. 29​



look at the picture i sent

What is the slope of the following equation?
y = -3x +7
A. -3
B. 7
C. X
D. -7


Answer: A. -3

Step-by-step explanation: The slope is the coefficent of x, this can be read as -3/1, down 3 over 1.

The area of a rectangle is 108 square meters the width is 9 meters what is the length




Step-by-step explanation:



length is 12

Step-by-step explanation:

108 divided by 9 is 12

Help meeee please or I'm going to fail school
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Answer: The is THH, or A.

Step-by-step explanation: The question directly ask for “at least two heads”, which no other answer contains two heads. Therefore, the answer is A.

Transform the equation 2x^2 + 4xy + 5y^2 - 4x - 22 to parallel axes
through (-2,3).



I think you are happy with answer

Please help me! No links

How many math problems were answered correctly by Suzy and Joe?


Since suzy answered 9 and Joe answered 12, you add 9+12 to get 21. The answer is 21 math problems.

The Sine Function

The tide is the regular rising or falling of the ocean's surface. This is due in large part to the gravitational forces of the moon. The following table represents water level of the tide off the coast of Kings Point, N.Y. for a 24 hour period.
February 9th through February 10th of 2009.

Use your graphing calculator to produce a sine regression model for the data in the table. Round a, b, c, and d to the nearest 0.0001. Then use your model to predict the height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation.

a. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is -3.27 feet.
b. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 16 feet.
c. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 8 feet.
d. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is -0.63 feet.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



C. The height of the tide 30 hours after the original observation is 8 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

I calculated it logically

Jill took a photograph of a plane taking off. Her mother is an air-traffic controller and was able to estimate the measurements shown. How far is the plane above the ground? Round to the nearest yard?
56 yards

75 yards

40 yards

60 yards


Probably 75 I think hope this helps


75 yards .

Step-by-step explanation:

Let 90 yards be h ,50 yards be b and remaining side be p

h^2 = p^2 + b^2



root 5600=p


Use the Distributive Property to solve the equation below. Use pencil and paper. Describe what it means to distribute the 2 to each term inside the parentheses.



Use the distributive property to solve the equation 2(m + 2) = 22. Describe what it means to distribute the 2 to each term inside the parentheses



Step-by-step explanation:

how do you simplify?




w= 9x/5

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

How would you characterize the relationship between the hours spent on homework and the test scores



sorry can'thelp

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer and explanation:

I would characterize the relationship as a positive correlation. I would probably give it a 0.7, which means that the correlation is relatively strong. Also, this is an example of correlation, not causation, because there is not scientific proof that doing homework more will cause better grades. Hope this helps!

what is the probability of rolling a number greater than 2 with a standard number cube



4/6 or 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

6 sides with 4 of the numbers being greater than 2; 4/6. The simplified version is 2/3.

Which of the following is not true? Select one: The data is symmetrical. The median is 1.25. The data is skewed right The spread of the data distribution is from 0 to 2.5


do you have a picture of the data table?

The lowest part of the Caspian Sea has an elevation of 28 meters below sea level. Enter the integer that represents the elevation of the lowest part of the Caspian Sea, in meters



-28 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Sea level is represented as 0 meters typically, so for something that is 28 meters below sea level, you would represent that as -28 meters.

Maria had $22.45 to spend on groceries. After buying 3 bags of chips, she had $10.60 left. If each bag of chips costs the same amount, what is the price of one bag of chips




Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount she has to spend and subtract the amount left ($10.60) and that will leave you with $11.85.  So this is  how much was spent on the 3 bags of chips. To find how much each bag cost, divide $11.85/3 bags = $3.95 per bag.

Karen, Janet, Brian, and José ran for class president.
José received 35% of the vote and Janet received 24%.
What percentages could Brian and Karen have received?


A. 45% and 26%
B. 25% and 16%
C. 30% and 21%
D. 35% and 36%


The correct answer is b

Determine whether the sampling is dependent or independent. Indicate whether the response variable is qualitative or quantitative.
A psychologist wants to measure the effect of music on memory. He randomly selects 80 students and measures their scores on a memory test conducted in silence. The next day he measures their scores on a similar test conducted while classical music is playing. The mean score without music is compared to the mean score with music.
A. quantitative, independent.
B. ​quantitative, dependent.
C. ​qualitative, dependent.
D. ​qualitative, independent.



its B i did chapter 11 test yesterday

Step-by-step explanation:

It is B. Quantitative, Dependent

Plz help me well mark brainliest!!...




Step-by-step explanation:


hope it helps :)

answer: B

explanation: to get the perimeter you need to add all the sides.

What is the sum of the measures of angles 3,4,5?



It's equal to 3² + 4² + 5² = 9 + 16 + 25 = 50



Hi I think the answer would be B
If you add up all the numbers it equals 50 and then add football and tennis together that equals 13, and then you have to divide 13/50 which equals 0.26 (26%)
SOMEONE ALREADY ANSWERED BUT “ i will report you faster than this is due “ AOSJDJD IM CRYING

find the volume of the pyramid 6ft 6ft 4ft



48 ft³

Step-by-step explanation:


6 · 6 · 4

144 ÷ 3



48ft cubed

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the numbers then use cubed because your working with volume.

Maggie bought c CDs for $12 each, b books for $7 each, and a purse costing $24.

a. Write an expression to show the total amount of money Maggie spent.

b. If Maggie bought 4 CDs and 3 books, how much money did she spend?


Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

Maggie bought c CDs for $12 each, b books for $7 each, and a purse costing $24.

(a) Cost of c CDs = 12c

Cost of b books = 7b

Cost of p purse = 24p

Total amount = 12c+7b+24p

(b) Cost of 4 CDs = 12(4) = $48

Cost of 3 books = 7(3) = $21

Hence, this is the required solution.

i got one hour to complete this please help ASAP :




Step-by-step explanation:

How can limit be used in real life



Engineers use limits in real life.

Step-by-step explanation:

Limits are also used as real-life approximations to calculating derivataves. So to make calculations, engineers will approximate a function using small differences in the function and then try and calculate the derivative of the function by having smaller and smaller spacing in the function sample intervals.

Can someone please help me with this (it says I have to choose more than 1 answers)



B & C

Step-by-step explanation:

Since x is greater than 38, 40 and 120 matches the condition.

Hope u understand.

Please mark as the brainliest

Lauren is making string bracelets with black and silver beads added in for decoration.

Black beads come in packages of 24, and silver beads come in packages of 36.
Each bracelet will have the same number of each color bead.
Lauren has one package of each bead color, and she will use all of the beads.
What is the greatest number of bracelets Lauren can make?


The greatest number of bracelets Lauren can make using the black beads and the silver beads is 12.

What is the greatest number of bracelets that can be made?

In order to determine the greatest number of bracelets that can be made, the highest common factor of both numbers have to be determined.

Highest common factor is the highest factor that is common to two or more numbers

Factors of 24 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24Factors of 36 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 18, 36 Highest common factor = 12

To learn more about highest common factor, please check:


In the first region are located 6 Rattatta Pokemon hidden in the grass at any given time and 8 Pidgey Pokemon. What would be the probability of running a Rattatta Pokemon?​


6+8= 14
6/14 is the probability

In a school machine shop, 60% of all machine breakdowns occur on lathes and 15% occur on drill presses. Let E denote the event that the next machine breakdown is on a lathe, and let F denote the event that a drill press is the next machine to break down. With and P(E) = 60 and P(F) =.15, calculate:
A. P(EC).
B. P(EUE).
C. P(EC ∩ FC).



A. P(EC) = 0.4  

B. P(E∪E) = 0.75

C. P(EC ∩ FC) = 0.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us calculate -:

we are given with - P(E) = 60 and P(F) =.15,

Thus , (a) [tex]P(E^C)=1-P(E)[/tex]



(b) P(E∪F) = P(E) + P(F)

   = 0.60 + 0.15

   = 0.75

(c) [tex]P(E^C[/tex]∩[tex]F^C)[/tex] [tex]=1-P(E[/tex]∪ [tex]F)[/tex]


   = [tex]0.25[/tex]

Hence , the answers are -A. P(EC) = 0.4  , B. P(E∪E) = 0.75  , C. P(EC ∩ FC) = 0.25.

The function f(x) = 2 and g(x) = f(x + k). Ifk = -5, what can be concluded about the graph of
The graph of g(x) is shifted vertically
Select a Value
The graph of g(x) is shifted horizontally



the graph is not shifted vertically from the graph of f(x)

the graph is not shifted horizontally from the graph of f(x)

Step-by-step explanation:

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