Abraham Lincoln‘s Gettysburg address and Martin Luther King Jr.‘s I have a dream speech where are separated by 100 years how were the two similar


Answer 1

“The Gettysburg Address,” a speech written by Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King's “I Have a Dream” speech states the importance of freedom and equality. Yet, a difference is that King alludes to the Bible while Abraham Lincoln refers to the Civil War. Answer:


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Question 1 (3 points) Saved
How was the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina
different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole?

A In South Carolina, the Progressive movement did not address the issue of child
labor; in other areas of the country, child labor laws were a main focus.

B Progressives worked for an eight-hour workday and better working conditions
throughout the nation, but reforms came at a much slower pace in South

C Progressive reforms in South Carolina took root and moved quickly; across the
nation, the Progressive movement faced opposition from many different sources.

D Across the country, Progressives focused on putting one reform in place at a
time; in South Carolina, Progressives tried to put many reforms in place at once,



the answer is a because the is what i think the answers is


Progressives worked for an eight-hour workday and better working conditions throughout the nation, but reforms came at a much slower pace in South Carolina were the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole. Thus, option (b) is correct

What is Progressive movement's?

The Progressive movement was founded in 1897. In the United States, the early twentieth century was a period of commercial boom and progressive reform. The Progressive Era in the United States was characterized by broad social action and governmental reform aimed at combating injustice, monopoly, wastage, and inefficiency.

On the other side, labor law reforms have focused more on trade unions and restraining illegal immigrants, who have a lower employment rate. Progressives introduced minimum wage regulations for women employees, implemented industrial accident insurance, prohibited child labor, and strengthened factory regulation.

As a result, the conclusion of the Progressive movement's reform of labor laws in South Carolina different from its reform of labor laws in the country as a whole are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on Progressive movement's, here:



can someone pls do this essay for me


Athenian society was composed of four main social classes - slaves, metics (non-citizen freepersons), women, and citizens, but within each of these broad classes were several sub-classes (such as the difference between common citizens and aristocratic citizens). Meanwhile, The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartiates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither slaves nor citizens. Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived communally well into adulthood.

What was the name of the Judicial Branch under the Articles of



There was no Judicial Branch under the Articles of Confederation.


Under the Constitution it was called the Supreme Court.

What was wayne coyne beliefs


Answer: can i answer in like 2 mins or do i need to answer it now? if you want i can go look for the answer and come back when i find it\


How does the way a society is organized impact the people living in it?
Directions: In the box below, answer the compelling question: How does the way a society is organized impact the people living in it? You can use examples from ancient Athens, ancient Sparta, ancient India, ancient China, or general use of social hierarchies to explain your answer. PLEASE WRITE THIS IN A ARGUMENTATIVE CLAIM​



jwhigigwgwiqvw iih wcwiw gu w org w cash wuwgs8wvw8wge evevee

What information in the speech clearly supports Patrick Henry's belief that war with Great Britain is inevitable?
A) No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the
B) For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.
C) I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.
D) I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, it its purpose be not to force us to submission?



D) I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, it its purpose be not to force us to submission?


How did the arrival of the British hasten the decline of the Mogul Empire​



by disagreeing


Why did Japan work to modernize Korea between 1910 and 1945?
O Japan hoped to benefit itself.
O Japan hoped to restore democratic ideals.
O Japan hoped to assist the regional economy.
O Japan hoped to end its colonization of the peninsula.


Answer:I believe it’s B


Growing up, Hitler dreamed of becoming a(n) _. However, he later discovered a talent for _ that helped him rally support for him and his causes.

Answer: artist, public speaking


He dreamed of becoming an artist in his youth however discovered a talent for public speaking that helped him rally support for his causes

According to this passage, what is the main duty of the Secretary at War?



The main duty of the Secretary at War was to handle all of the U.S. militaries affairs.


In 1798 the position Secretary of Navy was introduced thus reducing the duties of Secretary of War to only the affairs of the U.S. armies.

The role of the Secretary of War was a position in the United States government that was established in 1789 and lasted until 1947. The primary duty of the Secretary of War was to oversee the operations of the United States Army.

Who was the secretary of war in 1789?

Knox joined the Articles of Confederation as a secretary at war in 1785 and held the position through 1789. Knox joined George Washington's cabinet as secretary of war, serving from 1789 to 1794, after the ratification of the federal constitution and the inauguration of Washington as the country's first president.

The position was responsible for organizing and maintaining the army, as well as overseeing its recruitment, training, and deployment. The Secretary of War also advised the President on military matters and served as a liaison between the military and civilian leadership. The position was abolished in 1947 when the War Department was reorganized and replaced by the Department of Defense, which is led by the Secretary of Defense.

Learn more about the secretary of war here:



How were traditional religions in Africa different from Christianity

A. They were monotheistic.
B. They practiced ancestor worship.
C. They had several holy books.
d.They had no deities.
Pls right answer no wrong answer


Answer: The correct answer is B, they practiced ancestor worship.

Explanation: Traditional religions in Africa were different from Christianity because in Africa, people believed that if they made sacrifices and practiced ancestor worship, their loved ones would always be watching over them. Africans were not monotheistic, they believed that it was their loved ones who kept them shielded in hard times. They were agnostic, meaning they do not believe in a deity, and that there were no supernatural beings that could provide for them. Instead, ancient Africans chose to believe that their loved ones’ lives had a continuous existence, and that even though they die literally, they are there spiritually. With this being said, Christianity is a monotheistic religion in where we believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and that we shall follow through according to the instructions of the Bible, which basically gives us a key to Heaven. This is how traditional religions in Africa were different from Christianity.

How did the Fenians help the cause of union for the British North American colonies?
PLZ GIVE SIMPLE ANSWER thank you!!! I also give brainly to everyone!!!!


Answer: The Fenian Irish-American veterans of the American Civil War hoped to conquer Canada and trade it for Irish independence from Britain. Instead, Britain's North American colonies united against them in mutual defence, thereby contributing to the achievement of Confederation.

Example #1 of a "gap" or problem a dictator could step in to fill/fix (2-3

(for history)



An example of a problem or situation for which dictators appear to provide "solutions" to their country (although in reality they end up establishing authoritarian and violent governments) is, for example, a social or political conflict within the nation's society.

Thus, for example, after the conflict between the monarchy and the republicans in Spain in the 1930s, the dictator Francisco Franco entered the scene, establishing a dictatorship that lasted 36 years.

Using an analogy of a water balloon, describe the function of the bladder.


It explodes and that could happpen


A bladder is like a balloon, because it holds urine, just like a balloon holds air. The bladder holds urine that travels from the kidneys into the bladder.

1. Write a short note on secular literature of Ancient India?



The law books of ancient India was known as 'Dharmasutras' and 'Smritis'. These literary books were known as secular literature. Secular literature is one which comprises of worldly things and not pertaining to religious rituals or beliefs. This literature is rather more rational, scientific in its approach.

how does air pressure affect weather


I think it’s d not for sure

Which phrase best completes the diagram?
Physical geography of
southern Africa
Few remaining
rain forests
Rich in mineral





Taken the test

Question how to get a girl frend



bee kool



give her lots of food she likes and just be nice : D


chocolate and if it works, get her a pet like a kitten or a puppy (probably not a fish unless she loves fish) and just try to be as nice as possible

Explain How the Enlightenment Affects Revolutions in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.


It was driven by skepticism about traditional ideas and beliefs

It’s also affected North America by giving an idea to change the colonies to its own nation.

Gave the ideas of (freedom of speech, equality, freedom)

Place the following sequence of events in the correct order.



3214 That's the correct sequence order in the picture your welcome and have a great day :)


Mark brainlest

How did Mohandas Gandhi use nonviolence to protest British control? What is the
benefit of non violence over violence?


He would have rallies and unviolent protest against the British. Non violence means that no one would get hurt or in trouble for what they are doing to get what they want, and violence can get you killed and anybody involved killed as well. Hope this helps.

How did military preparedness affect Europe?



Some nations began arms build-ups


Which statements describe capital expenditure ? 1 It is for an item which will last more than a year . 2 It is recorded in the income statement . 3 It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Answer:  3. It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Capital expenditure can be defined as the expense that the organization or individual spend to purchase, and maintain the assets, goods, and services like buildings, land, vehicles, and others. It is collectively indicating towards the financial position of a person or organization. It is mentioned in the balance sheet but not in the income statement. It is important for companies to maintain assets for growth.

Who influenced the way Martin Luther King conducted his protests?


I believe Martin Luther King was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi.

Tommy’s statement:Georgia’s only Mayor contribution to World War I was growing victory gardens.


I believe the answer is C

One way that the Texas Constitution and the U.S Constitution are similar is that both established a government divided into​



The answer is the three beaches


The answer is the three beaches

Compare and contrast the basic elements of European architecture, with and without religious influence, during the
Renaissance. Use examples where possible. At least four sentences thank you!



Square - Many buildings were built as square or rectangle symmetrical shapes. Front - The front or "façade" of the buildings were generally symmetrical around the vertical axis. Columns - They used Roman type columns. Arches and Domes - Arches and domes were popular.

Renaissance architecture is the European architecture of the period between the early 14th and early 16th centuries in different regions, demonstrating a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture. Stylistically, Renaissance architecture followed Gothic architecture and was succeeded by Baroque architecture. Developed first in Florence, with Filippo Brunelleschi as one of its innovators, the Renaissance style quickly spread to other Italian cities. The style was carried to France, Germany, England, Russia and other parts of Europe at different dates and with varying degrees of impact.


why was King John was an unpopular king.? ​



John collected taxes, modernised the government and exerted his power over the Church, Scotland and Ireland. This made him unpopular with the barons. In 1201-2, helped by King Philip of France, the lords of Lusignan, a powerful alliance of French nobles, rebelled against John. John mounted a huge campaign to re-conquer Normandy, but was badly defeated at the Battle of Bouvines (1214). John was forced to pay the huge sum of 20,000 marks and concede some lands in France in order for King Philip to recognise him as the heir to Richard I.

In every village, Askia had an officer that worked for him. Why do you think that was important?


To make him more powerful

Why do you think Lenin's NEP was criticized by the supporters of Communism?​


Bc it was a bad thing for the economy
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