1. The diagram above shows a bacterial cell.
What does structure A do? sc.6.L.14.6
It helps the bacterium obtain food.
® It helps the bacterial cell move.
© It helps keep the bacterium from drying
0 It helps control all processes of the


Answer 1


answer is C


Related Questions

The amount of light, pressure, and temperature are examples of?



The answer is No. You know light from Stars travel in cold temperature of space and different pressure as they enter our planet after travelling many light year to reach us at the same the speed.

Light bends when entering a different medium(refraction). Even if the medium is same and the temperature is different it will get bend. As the 2 different temperature air behave like 2 mediums (Due to distribution of atoms ).

But light doesn't’ bend by heating or by putting pressure on it.

Reread the first and second paragraphs. Number the events below in order from first to last.
___ Local business owners and movie studios began working together to bring films to local theaters.
___ Early movie theaters started opening in the early 1900s.
___ The first movies were made in the late 1800s.


Movies made in 1800s
Movie theaters open in the 1900s
Business owners team up

what are the tropical rainforest dominant plants



Orchids, Queen’s Tears, Lilies, Poinciana, Torch Ginger, Heliconia and Bromeliads. Orchids. This type of rainforest flowers grows in humid environments such is the Amazon rainforest. This type of rainforest flower is most frequently found rainforest flower in tropical rainforests.


How does the movie “The Martian” related to a biology concept?



Because of the garden that the dude made on mars.


The dude grew plants from his crew's poop and made a little tent with airtight seals, and as he said, once you grow something, you colonize it.

Please match the following terms with the appropriate definitions.

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]

[ Choose ]
SI unit for speed and velocity

[ Choose ]
SI unit for acceleration

[ Choose ]


Distance - an amount of space between two things

Displacement - something that is moved from original place or the area between a object when place in water (volume)

Slope - rise over run or an angle of a line

Sl unit for speed and velocity - meter per second

Sl unit for acceleration - meter per second squared

If a change in the soil occurred, how could that impact the organisms (consumers) in that ecosystem? Pls explain



The soil could kill the plants in the area and the consumers will lose there food and the organisms will die off or go extinct.


Your Hot Wheels car travels 120 cm in 1.34 seconds. What is its SPEED?
0.01 cm/s
67.55 cm/s
89.55 cm/s
160.80 cm/s



c) 89.55 cm/s


in this situation you have to divide to find the speed-

120/1.34 = 89.55223880...

closest answer is c

or rounded


hope this helps.

What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion:)


Osmosis is the movement of solvent particles
Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through the cell and Diffusion is the movement of molecules, such as oxygen, in and out of a cell

Which of these statements about Hox genes is true?
A. They regulate the development of body parts.
B. They occur in random places on the chromosome.
c. They were first discovered in mammals.
D. They are only involved in the development of embryos,
not adults.



A. They regulate the development of body parts


I just did it on Savvas (Pearson)

The statement which is true about HOX genes is they regulate the development of body parts.

What do you mean by HOX genes?

HOX genes may be defined as components of the homeotic transcription factor family that play a key part in controlling the body plan.

HOX genes play two important roles, which are given below:

Specifying the place where the limb of organisms forms.Specifying whether the particular mesenchyme cells will become stylopod, zeugopod, and autopod.

Therefore, the statement which is true about HOX genes is they regulate the development of body parts.

To learn more about HOX genes, refer to the link:



what are all the zodiac names
if I was born in september what is my zodiac





Have a great day :)


libra, cancer, aries, scorpio, leo, pisces, saggitarius, aqurious, capicorn, tarous, and gemini



The zodiac sign for September  is Virgo.

This zodiac symbol is considered to influence those born August 23 - September 22, under the Virgo zodiac sign

A group of students burned three different kinds of food and
collected data.
100 g
50 g
110 g
6a. How many calories were contained in each piece of food? Remember:
cal = m XAT







Which of these describes a nebula



A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae (more than one nebula) come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova. Other nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form. For this reason, some nebulae are called "star nurseries."


I need help please!!!



I believe the answer is x


I can't really tell from the graph bit I hope this helps

Its x I think. Baiiiiiiiiiiiii

Help me lable cells pls? Prokaryote and Eukaryote?​


The diagram is not clear but I will only try to answer what I can see

A is the pilus and it help the bacteria to attach itself to a specific surfaces or to other cells
B is the cytoplasm and it protect the cell from damages and also store molecules required for cellular processes
C is the plasma membrane they keep toxic substance out of the cell and regulate the in and out of specific molecule
K is the chloroplast and it store chlorophyll which is responsible for the color pigment
M is the large vacoule, and it stores waste , water and nutrients in the cell

I can’t see L well , that is why am unable to answer it
Thank you

¿Qué organismo se nutren a través de la fotosíntesis?


Las celulas vegetales es decir las plantas

7 examples of RNA and DNA ​


Rotavirus, polio virus, yellow fever virus, dengue virus, hepatitis C virus, measles virus, rabies virus, influenza virus and Ebola virus are examples of RNA virus.

Adenovirus, herpes virus, poxvirus and papillomavirus are examples of DNA virus.

The mutation rate is the probability of a single gene mutating in an offspring bug.

a. True
b. False





A mutation is any alteration in the genetic sequence of the genome of a particular organism. Mutations in the germline (i.e., gametes) can pass to the next generation, thereby these mutations can increase their frequency in the population if they are beneficial or 'adaptive' for the organism in the environment in which the organism lives (in this case, an insect/bug). The mutation rate can be defined as the probability of mutations in a single gene/locus/organism over time. Mutation rates are highly variable and they depend on the organism/cell that suffers the mutation (e.g., prokaryotic cells are more prone to suffer mutations compared to eukaryotic cells), type of mutations (e.g., point mutations, fragment deletions, etc), type of genetic sequence (e.g., mitochondrial DNA sequences are more prone to suffer mutations compared to nuclear DNA), type of cell (multicellular organisms), stage of development, etc. Thus, the mutation rate is the frequency by which a genetic sequence changes from the wild-type to a 'mutant' variant, which is often indicated as the number of mutations per round of replication, per gamete, per cell division, etc. In a single gene sequence, the mutation rate can be estimated as the number of de novo mutations per nucleotide per generation. For example, in humans, the mutation rate ranges from 10⁻⁴ to 10⁻⁶ per gene per generation.

Please Help
Which resource is renewable?
A. Wind
B. Diamonds
C. Aluminum
D. Coal



A. Wind

wind is a renewable resource because there is unlimited supply of it.


From his observations in the oceanic islands like the Galapagos, Darwin felt that: isolation is a significant factor in adaptation and speciation spontaneous generation is a significant factor in adaptation and speciation volcanic soils are a significatnt factor in adaptation and speciation inheritance of acquired characteristics is a significant factor in adaptation and speciation. none of these is correct



isolation is a significant factor in adaptation and speciation


In the theory of evolution by natural selection proposed by Darwin, adaptation refers to the adjustment of organisms to their environments in order to increase their chances of survival in that environment. In the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observed that finches had different types of beaks adapted to the type of food they ate. From this observation, Darwin proposed that finches evolved to eat different food sources. In this case, the islands lead to an adjustment (evolutionary) process by which geographically isolated individuals accumulate genetic differences in order to adapt them to the environmental conditions in the islands, which then may also prevent breeding between individuals from different islands when they are reunited (i.e., it may also lead to speciation).

Which of the following conditions is an X-linked disorder?
cystic fibrosis
color blindness
Down syndrome
sickle cell anemia


I think the answer is ethier d or e





If various physiological responses are constantly adjusting, do you think the body is ever in equilibrium?
Why or why not?


No because there is a consistent trade of energy between us. The body won't accomplish that even after it is no longer living since the body rots and this will likewise make a progression of material and energy between the two.

Respiratory syncytial virus uses the nasopharynx as its main replication site. has symptoms of dyspnea and rales. causes serious disease in infants 6 months old or younger. can be treated with the antiviral aerosol ribavirin. All of the choices are correct.



All of the choices are correct


The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an enveloped, negative-strand RNA virus (Paramyxoviridae family) capable of infecting ciliated cells of the airways by using its surface glycoproteins G and F for attachment and fusion during viral entry in target cells. RSV can affect the lungs and parts of the respiratory system (e.g., nasopharynx). Although RSV generally causes mild, cold-like symptoms, this virus may also lead to severe infection in babies (12 months) and infants, being one of the most common types of respiratory infections in children, older adults, and immunocompromised patients. Some common symptoms in individuals with RSV pneumonia include fever, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, wheezes, rales, rhonchi, etc.

4. A bacterium is discovered with new mutated form of isocitrate dehydrogenase that catalyzes the same reaction but produces hydrogen gas instead of NADH. a. Write a balanced equation for the new reaction. b. What affect does this mutation have on the amount of ATP produced from one glucose molecule


Isocitrate + NAD+ -> a-ketoglutarate + CO2 + H2

The amount of ATP produced from one molecule of glucose will decrease because NADH is no longer produced in the isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction. Without generation of this high energy electron carrier there will be less electrons from one molecule of glucose that are transferred to and through the electron transport chain. So there will be less protons (H+ ions) pumped into the intermembrane space. So there will be less of a H+ ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to drive the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase.

A bacterium is discovered with a new mutated form of isocitrate dehydrogenase that catalyzes the same reaction but makes H₂; the reactant is isocitrate, and the product is alpha-ketoglutarate. As the proton count decreases, less ATP is produced.

What is the importance of the proton gradient in energy production?

The proton gradient is formed during the electron transfer chain (ETC) by using all the NADH and FADH₂ that are derived from the glycolysis and kreb cycle. NADH and FADH₂, for example, are two compounds that travel through the different complexes to create the proton gradient, which later produces ATP; however, when H₂ is produced instead of NADH, less of a proton gradient is formed, and thus less ATP is produced. The equation is isocitrate+ NAD+ → alpha-ketoglutarate +CO₂ + H+

Hence, the reaction is composed of substrates isocitrate, NAD+, and products alpha-ketoglutarate, CO₂, and a proton (H+), which will be formed with significantly less ATP than the normal ATP produced from the one glucose.

Learn more about the proton gradient here.



What are the monomers that determine the shape of a protein?



Chains of amino acids make proteins. They can fold into many different complex shapes.

The process of nitrification is
carried out by what group of
A. producers
B. animals
C. bacteria


C) Bacteria is the correct option

Two protein kinases, PK1 and PK2, work sequentially in an intracellular signaling pathway. You create cells that contain inactivating mutations in the genes that encode either PK1 or PK2 and find that these cells no longer respond to a particular extracellular signal. You also create cells containing a version of PK1 that is permanently active and find that the cells behave as though they are receiving the signal even when the signal is not present. When you introduce the permanently active version of PK1 into cells that have an inactivating mutation in PK2, you find that these cells also behave as though they are receiving the signal even when no signal is present.
Answer the following question in the space give.
A. From these results, does PK1 activate PK2, or does PK2 activate PK1? Explain your answer.



The answer is "PK1 activates PK2"


All enzymes were required again for the transmission of a signal. If Pk1 is continuously active, pk2 will no longer be required, as per my theory, can trigger pk1, therefore the cells were if they amplify the message even when they're not active. But since both enzymes require regular copies together for transduction, pk2 is simple and pk1 requires to also be activated.

2. A hypothesis is an educated guess based upon observation. It is an explanation of a single event
based upon what is observed. A hypothesis has not been proved but can be supported by
a) Suppose that out of 10 trees planted in a yard, only five survived. What kind of hypothesis
you make about this observation or event? Remember that a hypothesis needs to have a certain



the yard did not have enough nutrients to support all 10 trees that were planted


What signals your body to breathe out, or exhale. We learning about the respiratory system


Answer: Your brain constantly gets signals from your body which detect the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood. Your brain will send signals to the muscles involved in breathing and adjust your breathing rate depending on how active you are.


Most earthquakes happen along the ?
B.volcanic mountains
C.pacific ring of fire
D.mid- ocean ridge


D. Mid- ocean ridge

Which labels correctly complete the diagram



The answer is the first one, i hope it helps


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Draw the game tree for this scenario and determine the subgame perfect equilibrium. c) What does your answer to (b) imply about the relationship between sunk costs, firstmover advantages, and entry deterrence? plz type down u answer What property allowswater to dissolve avariety of othersubstances?A. transparencyB. high specific heat capacityC. the density of the waterD. ability to act as a universalsolvent Which is the graph of f(x) = ruby was devoid___kinfness Work out the perimeter of this shape. Please help! When revising a poem, what can you do to increase its impact on readers? (Select all correct answers.)Replace neutral words with more nuance, emotional words.Make sure the poem includes a line expressing its them directly.Rearrange lines or stanzas to fine tune the reader's experience.Delete unnecessary words of phrases, to improve the rhythm. A factory makes 1,200 shirts every 6 hours. The factory makes shirts for 9 hours each workday. 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This price resulted in a 6% effective-interest rate on the bonds. Blue uses the effective-interest method to amortize bond premium or discount. The bonds pay annual interest on each January 1. (a) Prepare the journal entries to record the following transactions. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 125. Credit account titles are automatically indented when amount is entered. Do not indent manually.) 1. The issuance of the bonds on January 1, 2022. 2. Accrual of interest and amortization of the premium on December 31, 2022. 3. The payment of interest on January 1, 2023. 4. Accrual of interest and amortization of the premium on December 31, 2023. Luiza is writing this paragraph about Sudanese Slit Drum.In "Sudanese Slit Drum, Neil MacGregor traces the origins of a slit drum from Central Africa. 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(Use this order for the tree: Drug Use(yes/no) -> Test Result(+/-) -> Joint Probabilites)A positive test result puts the air traffic controllers job in jeopardy. What is the probability of a positive test result?Find the probability an air traffic control truly used drugs, given that the test is positive. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I WILL MARK THE BRAINIEST TO WHOEVER ANSWERS THIS CORRECTLY!!!!!!!! THIS IS TIMED!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!The question says:The annual profits for a company are given in the following table, where x represents the number of years since 2001, and y represents the profit in thousands of dollars. Write the linear regression equation that represents this set of data, rounding all coefficients to the nearest tenth. Using this equation, find the projected profit (in thousands of dollars) for 2012, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars.