Aaron received credit of$48 on a purchase of $960. What percent of$960 is 48%?


Answer 1

we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{48}{960}=\frac{x}{100} \\ 100\times\frac{48}{960}=100\times\frac{x}{100} \\ x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

answer: 5%

Answer 2
the answer is 5% percent

Related Questions

What number is 2% of 35



The 2% of 35 is;



We want to find the 2% of 35

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 2\% of 35 =} \\ \frac{2}{100}\times\text{ 35 = }\frac{70}{100}=0.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the 2% of 35 is;



Step-by-step explanation:



Amanda is a fashion designer. She has 25 yards of silk material. The skirtAmanda is making requires 1 yards, the dress requires 4 yards, the shirtrequires 7 yards, and the pants requires yards.After making her pieces, how many yards of silk does Amanda have left?


To determine how much silk Amanda has at the end we need to substract the amount each pice need from the original amount:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 25-\frac{18}{7}-\frac{11}{2}-\frac{7}{4}-\frac{25}{7}=25-\frac{43}{7}-\frac{11}{2}-\frac{7}{4} \\ =25-\frac{86+77}{14}-\frac{7}{4} \\ =25-\frac{163}{14}-\frac{7}{4} \\ =25-\frac{652+98}{56} \\ =25-\frac{750}{56} \\ =\frac{1400-750}{56} \\ =\frac{650}{56} \\ =\frac{325}{28} \\ =11\frac{17}{28} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore Amanda has 11 17/28 yards of silk left.

12x+18 rewrite using distributive property


we have


REmember that





Factor (2)*(3)=6



the answer is


If 11 people each own of an acre of
land and they put all their land together
how much land, in acres, would they


If 11 people each own of an acre of 2/19 land, their land together is area of  22/19 of an acre.

If 11 people each own of an acre of 2/19

The area of land owned by 1 person = 2/9

To find the area of land owned by  11 persons altogether

We have to multiply 11 with the area owned by one person

11 x (2/19)

= 22/19

Therefore, If 11 people each own of an acre of 2/19 land, the they land owned by them altogether is area of  22/19 of an acre.

To learn more about multiplication refer here



2) Given that XY || AC, what is YC if BX = 10, BA = 15, and BY = 8?A) 4 B) 6 C)8D)12


We can see that triangles ABC and AXY are congruent

This means that


Now, we know that BX=10, BY=8 and BA=AX+BX, hence AX=BA-BX, we have


now, since BA-BX=15-10, BA-BX=5, it yields,


Now, we need to isolate YC, this is given by




we have that

[tex]\begin{gathered} YC=8(\frac{1}{2}) \\ YC=\frac{8}{2} \\ YC=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, the answer is YC=4, which corresponds to A).

An empty swimming pool needs to be filled to the top. The pool is shaped like a cylinder with a diameter of 9 m and a depth of 1.1 m. Suppose water is pumped into the pool at a rate of 13 m^3 per hour. How many hours will it take to fill the empty pool?

Use the value 3.14 for pi, and round your answer to the nearest hour. Do not round any intermediate computations.




volume of cylinder




divide 31.086÷13=2.3912hours

Y 3+ 2+ 1+ -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -1- -2 -3+ -4 47 What is the slope of the line?


To find the slope of the line, we will follow the steps given below:

Step 1: select two points on the graph

(0, -1) and (4,2)

Step 2: Apply the slope formula:




The slope of the graph is:


Consider the following simple statements: p: Your shirt is tucked into your pants. q: Your pants are tucked into your shirt.What is the symbolic form of the statement: "If your shirt isn't tucked into your pants then your pants are tucked into your shirt."Select the correct answer below:∼q⟹p∼q⟹∼pp⟹∼q∼p⟹q



We are asked the symbolic form of "If your shirt isn't tucked into your pants then your pants are tucked into your shirt."

This simply means the negation of p implies q.

p implies q is represented as p⟹q

Then the negation of p implies q will be ∼p⟹q.

Therefore, the correct answer is ∼p⟹q

help me asap please on this math question


Equations showing direct variations are 2x = y and y = 1.8c

Direct Variation exists between two variables when one variable is directly dependent to another variable means change in one variable will create change in other one also and vice versa.

Two variable increase or decrease by the same factor.

Suppose x and y is that are in direct variation then you can write

y ∝ x

where, "∝" denotes proportionality

removing proportionality sign by constant then you can write

y = k x , where k is constant and can hold any real value

From the following equation ,

2x = y with 2 as constant and

y = 1.8x with 1.8 as constant shows direct variations

To know more about Direct variation here



Use the following function for questions # 1 - # 5:f(x) =x?- 14x + 44#1: Find the X value of the turning point.


The given function is

f(x) = x^2 - 14x + 44

To find the turning point, we would differentiate the function, equate the derivative to zero and solve for x. We have

f'(x) = 2x - 14

Equating it to zero, we have

2x - 14 = 0

2x = 14

x = 14/2

x = 7

The value of x of the turnng point is 7

The price of a train ticket consists of an initial fee of $5 plus a fee of $2.75 per stop. Julia has $21 and would like to travel 50 kilometers. She wants to know the largest number of stops she can afford to buy on a ticketLet S represent the number of stops that Julia buys.1) Which inequality describes this scenario?A. 5+2.75•S ≤ 21 B. 5+2.75•S ≥ 21 C. 5+2.75•S ≤ 50 D. 5+2.75•S ≥ 502) What is the largest number of stops that Julia can afford?


Let's begin by listing out the information given to us:

Initial fee = $5

Fee per stop = $2.75

Amount with Julia = $21

What is the highest number of stops she can make?

S = the number of stops Julia bought

Julia pays the initial fee of $5. We subtract this from the $21, we have

$ (21 - 5) = $16

Julia has $16 left to buy her stops. She cannot spend beyond the amount of money with her (altogether $21). She spends lesser than or equal to $21 (≤ $21)

The inequality that describes this scenario is given by:

initial fee + fee per stop * number of stops ≤ 21

5 + 2.75 * S ≤ 21

Hence, option A is the correct answer

What is the largest number of stops that Julia can afford?

This is gotten by dividing the amount left after subtracting the initial fee by the fee per stop

n = 16/2.75 = 5.82 = 5 stops (rounding downwards)

We round downwards because the number of stops must be a whole number and it must be lesser than or equal to $21 altogether

What is the surface area of the regular pyramid below?A. 648 sq. unitsB. 552 sq. unitsC. 396 sq. unitsD. 522 sq. units


Step 1:

Concept: Calculate the area of each face and add all together to get the surface area of the pyramid.

The regular pyramid below have 4 triangles and a square

Step 2: Apply the area formula to find the area of the 4 triangles and a square.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area of a triangle = }\frac{Base\text{ x Height}}{2} \\ \text{Area of the square base = Length x Length} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3:

Given data for the triangle

Height = 21

Base = 12

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of a triangle = }\frac{Base\text{ x Height}}{2} \\ =\text{ }\frac{21\text{ x 12}}{2} \\ =\text{ }\frac{252}{2} \\ =126\text{ sq. units} \\ \text{Area of the four triangles = 4 x 126 = 504 sq. units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4: Find the area of the square

Given data for the square

Length = 12

Area = length x length = 12 x 12 = 144 sq. units

Step 5: Add the area of the four triangles and the square.

Surface area of the regular pyramid = 504 + 144

= 648 sq. units

the radius of a circle is 4 centimeters. what is the diameter? give the exact answer in simplest form


we have that

the diameter is two times the radius


in this problem


D=2(4)=8 cm

diameter is 8 cm

5Jamal's band learns lots of new songs.The band learns a new song every fourdays. At this rate, how many new songswill the band learn in four weeks?LAsongs


Given that The band learns a new song every four days.

We need to find the number of new songs for four weeks.

We know that one week= 7 days

[tex]1\text{ w}eek\text{ = 7 days }[/tex]

Multiply by 4 to find the number of days in four weeks.

[tex]1\times4\text{ w}eek\text{ = 7 }\times4\text{ days }[/tex]

[tex]4\text{ w}eeks\text{= 28days }[/tex]

We need to find the number of new songs that the band learns in 28 days.

Divide 28 by 4 to find the number of songs since the band learns one new song every 4 days.

[tex]\frac{28}{4}=7\text{ songs}[/tex]

The band learns 7 songs in four weeks.

Five fair tetrahedral (four-sided) dice are rolled at the same time. The values on the faces of each die are 1, 2, 3, and 4.a. What is the theoretical probability of rolling a 1 on all five dice?b. Zavier conducted an experiment in which he rolled five fair tetrahedral dice 50 times. He rolled a 1 on all five dice once. What is the experimental probability of rolling a 1 on all five dice?



The probability of an event is the ratio of number of outcome of the event to the total outcome of events.


(a) The theoretical probability of rolling a 1 on all five dice is;


(b) In the experiment, he rolled five fair tetrahedral dice 50 times. Thus, the experiment probability of rolling a 1 on all five dice is;


consider parallelogram JKLM below.use the information given in the figure to find m


Here, we have a parallelogram JKLM.


JK = 3x

LM = 3

m∠J = 106°

m∠KMJ = 34°

A parallelogram is a quadilateral that has equal opposite angles and the opposite sides are also equal.

Thus, we have:

• m∠L = m∠J = 106°

m∠L = 106°

• x:

Here, JK is opposite side LM. SInce they are opposite sides, they have equal length.

Thus, we have:


3x = 3

Divide both sides by 3:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3x}{3}=\frac{3}{3} \\ \\ x=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

x = 1

• m∠LKM:

Apply the alternate interior angles theorem. Alternate interior angles are congruent.

∠LKM and ∠KMJ are alternate interior angles. This means they are congruent.

Thus, we have:

m∠LKM = m∠KMJ = 34°

m∠LKM = 34°


• m∠L = 106°

• x = 1

• m∠LKM = 34°

According to the graph, what is the value of the constant in the equation below? 2- 18+ Height = Constant Wiat 16+ (0.5,1.6) 12+ Height (0.8.1) 0.8 + (1.6.05) (2.0.4) 12 14 16 18 2


Liyah, this is the solution:

• Height = Constant/Width


• Height * Width = Constant (you need to multiply each ordered pair )


Constant = 1.6 * 0.5

Constant = 0.8

Constant = 0.4 * 2

Constant = 0.8

The correct answer is C. 0.8

Hello! Thank you for helping me today, I need a little bit of assistance to understand the rest of this question please. (This is is not an active test, it is a book I am studying in order to take the ASVAB in a couple of weeks.)Options;A: 1/8B: 1/7C: 1/6D: 1/4



We are told that in a certain class, 3 out of 24 students are in student organizations.


What is the ratio of students in student organizations to students not in student organizations?

Step-by-step solution;

We shall begin by dividing the entire students into the two given groups, and that will be;

In student organizations = 3

Not in student organizations = 21

Total number of all students = 24

To determine the ratio of one value to the other, we express them as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Ratio\text{ }of\text{ }x\text{ }to\text{ }y=x:y \\ \\ OR \\ \\ Ratio\text{ }of\text{ }x\text{ }to\text{ }y=\frac{x}{y} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, to express the ratio of students in organizations to students not in organizations, we will have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Ratio=\frac{3}{21} \\ \\ Ratio=\frac{1}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Therefore, the correct answer is option B

Simplify the expression cos x/ cot x.a. cos xb. tan xc. sin xd. cos²x/sin x


cosx/cotx = cosx *tan x =cosx (sinx/cosx) = sin x


c. sin x

#6) long division a. Let P(x) = 8x^3 + 27 and D(x) = 2x + 3


The functions are given to be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(x)=8x^3+27 \\ D(x)=2x+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To evaluate:

[tex]P(x)\div D(x)[/tex]


Divide the leading term of the dividend by the leading term of the divisor. Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table. Multiply it by the divisor and subtract the dividend from the obtained result:


Divide the leading term of the obtained remainder by the leading term of the divisor. Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table. Multiply it by the divisor and subtract the remainder from the obtained result:


Divide the leading term of the obtained remainder by the leading term of the divisor. Write down the calculated result in the upper part of the table. Multiply it by the divisor and subtract the remainder from the obtained result:



Find the value of b. * 4 b 6 Y 9 5.8 W


The smaller triangle has its hypotenuse as 4 units and the base as 6 units

The bigger triangle has its hypotenuse as 10 units, the height as 5.8 units and the other hypotenuse as 9 units

Using similarity properties, compare the ratio of the sides as;

Compare the ratio of the bigger triangle sides to that of the smaller traingle

First find the base of the bigger triangle using the sides given and applying the pythagorean relationship as;

10^2 - 5.8^2 = a^2

100 - 33.64 = a^2

66.36 = a^2

1/2 a= 8 .15 units

a= 16.30 units

Compare ratio

a/ 6 = 5.8 / b

16.30 /6 = 5.8/ b

16.30 b = { 6 * 5.8 }

b = {6 * 5.8} / 16.30

b = 2.13 units


2.13 units

A __ is a polynomial with one term.




Step-by-step explanation:

A polynomial that consists of exactly one term is called monomial.

Examples are 3, 10x², xy,...

So the answer is: Monomial

You flip a coin and roll a die. The table shows the sample space.12 3 4 5 6Heads(H) H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4H-5H-6Tails(T) T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6What is the probability of getting a head or a tail and anven number?Answer as a reduced fraction in the form ab.


You flip a coin and roll a die. The table shows the sample space.


2 3 4 5 6

Heads(H) H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4H-5H-6

Tails(T) T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6

What is the probability of getting a head or a tail and an

even number?

we know that

The probability of an event is the ratio of the size of the event space to the size of the sample space.

The size of the sample space is the total number of possible outcomes

The event space is the number of outcomes in the event you are interested in.

In this problem

the size of the sample space is (6+6+6)=18

the size of the event space is equal to (6+6+3)=15

REmember that an even number are (2,4 and 6)


the probability is equal to





the answer is5/6

help me asap please!!! no explanation just the process and answer


To find out the determinant, multiply in cross




the answer is 29

9. At last Friday's soccer game there were a total of 673 fans in attendance, including students and non-students.Let x represent the number of students, and y represent non-students. Which of the following statements couldrepresent the number of fans in attendance. Select all that apply.a. x + y = 673b. 335 and 138c. 335 and 338d. x=y - 673e. y = -x + 673f. 273 and 400


The answer is A

From the question:

Total fans in attendence = 673

x = number of students

y= non - students

Total of fans in attendance =

x + y= 673

John drank 18 fluid ounces of juice. How much is this in cups? Write your answer as a whole number or a mixed number in simplest form. Include the correct unit in your answer.


We know that 1 cup is equivalent to 8 fluid ounces. Then, we can establish the following rule of three:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8\text{ fluid ounces ----- 1 cup} \\ 18\text{ fluid ounces ------ x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, by cross multiplying these quantities, we have

[tex]x\times8\text{ fluid ounces= 1 cup}\times\text{ 18 ounces}[/tex]

By dividing both sides by 8 fluid ounces, we get

[tex]x=\frac{1\text{ cup}\times18\text{ ounces}}{8\text{ fluid ounces}}[/tex]

which gives

[tex]x=\frac{18}{8}\text{ cups}[/tex]

Now, we need to convert this simple form to a mixed form, that is,

Then, by simplifying this mixed form, the answer is:

[tex]2\frac{1}{4}\text{ cups}[/tex]

3 2 1 -3-2- 1 2 3 2 -3 Domain: (-3,3] Range: [-2, 2] Domain: (-2, 2] Range: [-3,3] Domain: (-2,-3) Range: (2,3) Domain: {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} Range: {-3, -2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3} None of the above NON


The domain is [ -2, 2]

and the range is [-3, 3]

polinomials (x + 3)2


Given the following question:


(x + 3)2

First, we flip the polynomial:

(x + 3)2 = 2(x + 3)

2(x + 3)

Next, we apply the distributive law where we multiply 2 by x and 3.

2 × x = 2x

2 × 3 = 6

2x + 6

Expression cannot be simplified any further:

= 2x + 6

(a) Does f (x) have a horizontal asymptote? If so, what is it?(b) Does f (x) have any vertical asymptotes? If so, what are they?


a) Horizontal asymptotes are horizontal lines that the graph of a function approaches but never touches. To find the horizontal asymptote, we would apply one of the rules which states that

If the degree of the of the denominator is bigger than the degree of the numerator, the horizontal asymptote is the x axis of the graph. It occurs at y = 0

The degree is the largest exponent in the function. Looking at the given function, the degree of the numerator is 2 while the degree of the denominator is 3. Thus,

there is a horizontal asymptote at y = 0

b) The vertical asymptotes are vertical lines which correspond to the zeros of the denominator of rational functions. It is equal to the values of x that make the denominator to be zero. Looking at the given function, (x + 1) cancels out in the numerator and denominator. We are left with (x - 4) and (x + 5). We would equate both terms to zero and solve for x. These values of x would make the denominator to be equal to zero. We have

x - 4 = 0

x = 4

x + 5 = 0

x = - 5


there are vertical asymptotes at x = - 5 and x = 4

What is the measure of


In the parallelogram ABCD,

Angle D is 145 degree.

In the parallelogram adjacent angles sum is 180 degree.

In the given parallelogram ABCD , angle D and angle C are adjacent.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle D+\angle C=180^{\circ} \\ 145^{\circ}+\angle C=180^{\circ} \\ \angle C=180^{\circ}-145^{\circ} \\ \angle C=35^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: Option B) 35 degree.

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