a workstation was patched last night with the latest operating system security update. this morning, the workstation only displays a blank screen. you restart the computer, but the operating system fails to load. what is the next step you should attempt to boot this workstation? reboot the workstation into safe mode and disable windows services/applications reboot the workstation into safe mode and roll back the recent security update reboot the workstation into safe mode, open regedit, and repair the windows registry reboot the workstation into the bios and reconfigure boot options see all questions back next question


Answer 1


A workstation was patched last night with the latest operating system security update. This morning, the workstation only displays a black screen


Related Questions

assign isteenager with true if kidage is 13 to 19 inclusive. otherwise, assign isteenager with false.


The required program is written in C++ that assigns the variable isTeenager with 'true' if the variable 'kidAge' has values between 13 to 19 inclusively; otherwise, assigns 'isTeenager' with 'false'.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


  bool isTeenager;

  int kidAge;

   cout << "Enter Kid Age = " ;

   cin>> kidAge;

   if ((kidAge >= 13) && (kidAge <= 19))


       isTeenager = true;




       isTeenager = false;


    if (isTeenager)


       cout << "Teen" << endl;




       cout << "Not teen" << endl;


   return 0;


The output of the program is attached below:

You can learn more about C++ programs at



g 3. the earliest of file systems were designed to be efficient for purposes of storing files in tape drives. later file systems were designed to be efficient for storing files in hard disk drives (hdd). more modern file systems are designed to be efficient for storing files in solid state disks (ssd). discuss some of the impacts of such differences in the design of the file system components in the kernel.


A file system keeps track of where the data is saved on the actual disk. The Master File Table (MFT) is used by Windows as an index for the data it keeps on hard drives.

Contrary to popular perception, formatting or removing a partition has no impact on the data therein. Data can still be recovered even though the file allocation table (FAT) is simply deleted.

The interface between the disk and the host is provided by the memory controller of flash memory, and it also manages the data on the disk. By doing this, the controller converts and records the LBA and physical addresses of the data on the memory. This task is comparable to that of an HDD controller.

Lash controllers contain some substantial added features, but the controller in HDDs only provides tiny additional functionality, such as S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) and handling faulty sectors. These features are built into the Flash File System (FFS), the file system that makes it possible to use SSDs as regular drives. Both of these features are entirely dependent on the maker.

To learn more about File system click here:



you recently bought an enterprise server that you will use for virtualization. you need to run as many as ten virtual machines with windows server 2019 as the guest os. to save on licensing costs, what edition of windows server 2019 should you purchase?


The requirements of highly virtualized data centers and cloud environments are met by the Datacenter edition. It has all the features of Windows Server 2019 Standard without any of its restrictions.

One Hyper-V host and any number of virtual machines are allowed with each license. There are a few more features after that that are exclusive to this edition of Windows Server.

The network controller is one of the capabilities that are exclusive to the Windows Server Datacenter. It enables centralized infrastructure administration and gives you tools for automatically monitoring, setting up, and troubleshooting your virtualized network environment. Instead of manually setting network devices and services, network configuration can be automated using a network controller.

The Host Guardian Hyper-V Support is another feature that is exclusive to the Datacenter edition. You can use it to determine whether the hoster or business is aware of the Hyper-V hosts in the fabric. This solution can also assist you in managing the keys needed to launch a shielded virtual machine.

To learn more about Windows Server click here:



true or false: it is more cost effective for a small start-up company to purchase its own server than to pay for a web hosting company's services.


It is more cost effective for a small start up company to purchase their own server rather than to pay for a web hosting company's services. (Flase)

What is a web hosting company?

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that provides clients with the tools they need to build and maintain websites and makes them available on the World Wide Web. Sometimes, web hosting company that offer web hosting services are referred to as web hosts.

Usually, web hosting calls for the following:

the hosting of the websites by one or more servers; Colocation, which provides physical space, electricity, and Internet connectivity for the server(s), may be physical or virtual;setting up the domain name system to give the websites a name and point them to the hosting server(s);running on the host is a web server;

Learn more about web hosting



How to Fix ""Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which Is Required by WordPress"" Error?


Update WordPress, Check your PHP version, Ensure the MySQL extension is installed, Verify that the PHP extension is properly configured.

What does a computer install?

Making a computer software (including peripherals and plugins) ready for use involves installing (or setting up) the application. Installation is the process of specifically configuring hardware or software so that it may be used with a computer.

How do I install a device?

This occurs when the user plugs on (or explicitly installs) a Plug- and-Play (PnP) device, as well as when the system boots for all currently connected devices. Windows is able to identify the devices that are there thanks to drivers like the ACPI driver as well as other PnP bus drivers.

To know more about Installation visit:



you are the administrator of the eastsim domain, which has two domain controllers. your active directory structure has organizational units (ous) for each company department. you have assistant administrators who help manage active directory objects. for each ou, you grant one of your assistants full control over the ou. you come to work one morning to find that while managing some user accounts, the administrator in charge of the sales ou has deleted the entire ou. you restore the ou and all of its objects from a recent backup. you want to configure the ou to prevent accidental deletion. you edit the ou properties, but can't find the protect object from accidental deletion setting. what should you do so you can configure this setting?


1 ) Edit the properties for each OU to prevent accidental deletion.

2) Remove full control permissions from each OU. Run the Delegation of Control wizard for each OU, granting permissions to perform the necessary management tasks.

What is OU?

An organizational unit (OU) is a container that houses users, groups, and computers within a Microsoft Active Directory domain. It is the smallest unit to which an administrator can apply account permissions or Group Policy settings. Multiple organizational units may be contained within one another, but each containing OU's attributes must be distinct from the others. Other domain objects cannot be included in Active Directory organizational units.

"Organizational unit" is frequently abbreviated to "OU" in everyday speech. Even in Microsoft's own documentation, "container" is frequently used in its place. All terms are accepted as being accurate and interchangeable.

The majority of OUs at Indiana University are structured first around campuses, then around departments, and sub-OUs are then distinct divisions within departments.

Learn more about organizational units



you have a user who cannot connect to the network. what is the first thing you could check to determine the source of the problem?


The first thing you could check to determine the source of the problem when you have a user who cannot connect to the network is Connectivity. It is using routers, switches, and gateways as well as other devices is one approach to linking diverse network components to one another.

Simple issues like a modem, router, or network cable that is loose or unplugged might occasionally cause an internet connection to drop. Your computer's wireless network interface card can be off if you're connected to a wireless network. Check your Wi-Fi settings first by going to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi, and then turn Wi-Fi on. Check the settings that switch Wi-Fi on and off to make sure it's turned on before browsing from your phone or tablet.

Check the Ethernet cables that connect to your router for wired connections. Try replacing any problematic cables with fresh ones or switching ports if you have any suspicions that they are to blame.

The device's port or interface could be physically down or malfunctioning, which would prevent the source host from being able to interact with the destination host.

To learn more about network click here:



a thread (say tb) signals completion of some task by setting a memory variable done to 1. another thread (say ta ) waits for completion of the task. can this be achieved safely without using condition variables?


The solution instructs threads to test a condition, and if it is satisfied, the threads sleep.

The wait subroutine's return value does not necessarily indicate whether the predicate is true or false. It is advised to contain a condition wait in a "while loop" that verifies the predicate. The scheduler can decide which of the several threads that are awaiting the same condition variable should be woken up (assuming that all threads have the same priority level). All threads that are blocked on the supplied condition variable at the time of the call are unblocked by the cnd broadcast() function.

Learn more about condition here-



suppose you have a network with 1,000 routers where each router is connected to 3 other routers on average. (a) if link state routing is used in this network, how many entries a routing update will carry? what information will each entry contain? explain. (4 points)


The IP ranges inside and outside must be known. I'll only utilize a class A outside range and a class C interior range on the router for this example.

Class B outside and Class C internal addresses are assigned to routers A and B.

The Configuration: Router A, Interfaces 0 and 1 (Int0), and Router B, Interfaces 0 and 1 (Int1) (Int1)

Router A Int0 IP addr Mask Int1 IP addr Mask Add this to the route table for

Routes and and are used.

In either DHCP or static entries, each network device must utilize router A or router B as its default gateway (GW). your direction from here.

Learn more about router here-



how to set new password for spectrum wireless router sagemcom fast 5285 advanced home wifi 6 router sax1v1s


You can a special network name and an alphanumeric password to protect your home wireless router. You can do this action on Spectrum.net or the My Spectrum App.

What is wireless router?

The hardware that Internet service providers use to link you to their cable or xDSL Internet network is known as a wireless router and is frequently found in homes. Combining the networking capabilities of a wireless access point and a router, a wireless router, also known as a Wi-Fi router, performs both tasks.

Local networks are connected to one another or to the Internet by routers. The 900 MHz, 2.4, 3.6, 5, and 60 GHz radio frequency bands are used by a wireless access point to wirelessly connect devices to the network. The IEEE 802.11ac Wave 2 standard, frequently abbreviated as Wave 2, is the foundation for the most recent wireless routers.

As a WLAN (wireless local area network) device, a wireless router is sometimes referred to. Similarly, a Wi-Fi network is a wireless network.

Learn more about wireless router



What dimension focuses on the way that smart products are equipped with computing power that enables autonomous decision-making and self-learning processes based on algorithms?


Intelligent dimension looks at how products can become smarter by being equipped with computing power, which allows them to make decisions and learn by themselves using algorithms. Correct answer: letter B.

For, The intelligent dimension studies how products can become smarter if they are endowed with computing power and artificial intelligence capabilities. Through algorithms, products can learn from their experiences, identify patterns and make decisions autonomously.

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Products: A Look at the Intelligent Dimension

In recent years, technological advancement has enabled products to become increasingly intelligent. This new dimension of technology is known as the intelligent dimension.

The smart dimension is revolutionizing the world of products, as, they can react to various external factors, such as weather, time of day, user behavior and others. This means that products can respond to user needs more efficiently, more accurately and more quickly.

In the CapGemini IOT Industry 4.0, What dimension focuses on the way that smart products are equipped with computing power that enables autonomous decision-making and self-learning processes based on algorithms?

A) Connected

B) Intelligent

C) Responsive

D) Aware

Learn more about the Intelligent Dimension:



according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


They have created a business strategy that collected e-waste from manufacturers and customers before recycling it ethically.

Exactly what does business mean?

An organization or entrepreneurial entity engaging in industrial, industrial, or professional activity is referred to as a business. Enterprises can be for-profit corporations or charitable institutions.

What makes business so crucial?

Our lives depend heavily on business. They start creating goods and services that satisfy our needs and wants.Then, they enlist homes as workers and treat them to earnings, salaries, and perks. As a result, it serves as a source of profit for them, which they may utilize to maintain their way of life.

To know more about Business visit :



an administrator ordered replacement printer paper that is a thicker caliper than recommended by the printer manufacturer. what is the biggest risk in using this paper?


Paper will jam  is the biggest risk in using this paper by an administrator.

What influences paper thickness?

Paper thickness and caliper are affected by many factors, including finish and base. Simply put, unfinished paper of a given basis weight has a greater caliper or caliper than finished paper.

Why is paper density important?

Paper density is commonly expressed in grams, which measures density in grams per square meter. When labeling, it is important to understand the weight of the materials used to manufacture the label product and the total weight of the finished label product. Paper heavier than this may not feed properly in some printers.

Learn more about printer papers:



you are troubleshooting an embedded system and are debugging a process that is running on the system. you have a logic analyzer that can show you the contents of all the cpu registers and program memory. you need to determine the location of the next instruction the cpu will execute. where should you look?


You should look at the Program Counter (PC) register. The PC register contains the address of the next instruction the CPU will execute.

The Importance of the Program Counter Register in Embedded System Debugging

Embedded systems are complex and intricate pieces of technology, and it can be difficult to debug them when something goes wrong. To make the process easier, many embedded systems come with tools like logic analyzers, which can provide valuable data about the system's internal state. One of the most important pieces of information the logic analyzer can provide is the location of the next instruction the CPU will execute. This location can be found in the Program Counter (PC) register.

The PC register is a special CPU register that stores the address of the next instruction to be executed. This information is essential for debugging an embedded system, as it allows developers to identify the exact location of the next line of code that will be executed. Knowing this information makes it much easier to diagnose and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

The PC register is also useful for optimizing code. By examining the contents of the PC register, developers can identify which instructions are taking up most of the CPU's time. This can then be used to optimize the code, making it run faster and more efficiently.

Learn more about Embedded System Debugging :



you have ten servers in your datacenter running windows server and linux. you recently performed performance monitoring tests and found that you have two high-performance windows servers that are underutilized with respect to processing, memory and storage. you have several other lower performance servers that are running windows server and linux on older hardware that is out of warranty and is becoming unreliable. using your existing resources, what can you do to better utilize the high performance servers while being able to retire the older servers?


Install a bare-metal virtualization product on the high-performance servers and transfer the workload of the older servers to VM.

How do I check the performance of a server in Windows?

Select Start > Run from the Wind ows taskbar. In the Run dialogue box, type perfmon, and then click OK. In Performance Monitor, enter: Expand Data Collector Sets in the left-hand panel.

Gathering Windows Server Performance Monitor Information

Select Make data logs.

Check the Performance counter box.

Next, click.

How do I check the performance of a Linux server?

top - Monitor process activity.... vmstat - Virtual memory statistics.... w - Determine who is logged in and what they are doing.

ps - Displays the Linux processes. ... free - Show Linux server memory usage. ...\siostat - Montor Linux average CPU load and disc activity. ...

sar - This programme monitors, collects, and reports on Linux system activity.

learn more about linux visit:



Someone Please help with IT work
When sending personally identifiable information in an email, ______ the message.

A. snail mail

B. label as anonymous

C. encrypt

D. call to relay

A strong password should be at least ____ characters long.

A. 4

B. 3

C. 8

D. 20
I appreciate it thank you


The answer is C I believe.
encrypt the message and 8 characters

g what type of compression would be used to compress a ms-word document? internal lossy upgraded lossless


Lossless compression would be used to compress a ms-word document. All of the data bits can be rebuilt when the file is decompressed to restore it to its original condition. When a loss of data is not acceptable, lossless compression is the best option for compressing text or numeric files.

Data that has been compressed using lossy techniques typically cannot be retrieved or precisely recreated since they result in some information loss. We can typically achieve significantly greater compression ratios than with lossless compression in exchange for allowing this distortion in the reconstruction. This lack of accurate reconstruction is not a concern in many situations.

For instance, it is not necessary to know the precise value of each voice sample while storing or transferring speech. Various degrees of information loss about the value of each sample can be accepted, depending on the level of quality necessary for the rebuilt speech. An important amount of information must be lost in order for the rebuilt speech to seem as natural as possible. The amount of information loss that may be accepted is substantially lower if the quality of the reconstructed speech must match that of a compact disc, though. Additionally, ZIP, GIF, and PNG ans video files can use lossless compression.

To learn more about compression click here:



Using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of forecast and scenario model

In Excel, which function is used for decision making?

The IF function is one of the most commonly used in Excel. It enables you to make logical comparisons between a value and your expectations. In its simplest form, the IF function says something like: If the value in a cell is what you expect (true) - do this.

What exactly is an Excel what-if analysis?

What-If Analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes affect the results of worksheet formulas. Three kinds of What-If Analysis tools come with Excel: Scenarios, Goal Seek, and Data Tables. Scenarios and data tables take input values and generate possible outcomes.

What function is responsible for decision-making?

Decision-making is an essential component of modern management. Essentially, the primary function of management is rational or sound decision making. Every manager makes hundreds of decisions, either subconsciously or consciously, as the key component in the role of a manager.

learn more about Excel visit:



What are the 3 attributes of information?


As previously said, the three highly important qualities of validity, accuracy, and completeness can be expanded into the information quality of integrity.

For information to be valuable and to meet the definition of information, it must largely have the characteristics of relevance, availability, and timeliness. Accuracy, completeness, consistency, distinctiveness, and timeliness are five qualities of high-quality information. For information to be accurate and valuable, it must be of high quality. Standard attributes, commonly referred to as global attributes, work with a wide variety of elements. The essential attributes such as accesskey, class, contenteditable, contextmenu, data, dir, hidden, id, lang, style, tabindex, and title are included in them.

Learn more about information here-



which multidimensional visualization would be best for each of these multidimensional data analysis tasks?


Artificial intelligence multidimensional visualization would be best for each of these multidimensional data analysis tasks.

Anything that is three dimensions or fewer and multidimensional visualization is simple for us to comprehend. We can relate to a three-dimensional world because we live in one. What about dimensions with four or more? There are two approaches to tackle this in data multidimensional visualization. We examine how the first three dimensions evolve over time if the fourth dimension is time. When there is no consideration of time, we depict dimensions three and higher as distinct, side-by-side multidimensional visualization representations. We essentially divide the issue into a number of three-dimensional parts.
Multidimensional visualization simply means to add the additional aspects or variables for consideration.

To know more about Multidimensional visualization kindly visit



what is a proxy? a. a standard that specifies the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission b. a simple network protocol that allows the transfer of files between two computers on the internet c. a standard internet protocol that provides the technical foundation for the public internet as well as for large numbers of private networks d. software that prevents direct communication between a sending and receiving computer and is used to monitor packets for security reasons


An intermediary proxy server serves as your connection to the internet. End consumers are separated from the websites they visit by an intermediary server.

What is the purpose of a proxy?

Proxies are frequently used for system optimization, such as load balancing and caching comparable requests for faster response times, as well as information security against threats. They can handle authentication requests and act as a firewall.

What kind of proxy would that be?

Some proxy servers consist of a collection of programs or servers that obstruct popular internet services. An SMTP proxy, for instance, intercepts email, whereas an HTTP proxy intercepts online access. An organization's single IP address is shown to the internet through a proxy server using a network addressing system.

To know more about proxy here:



Rfid eliminates the need for manual counting and bar-code scanning of goods at receiving docks.
a. true
b. false


The statement "RFID eliminates the need for manual counting and bar-code scanning of goods at receiving docks" is a true statement. This is because RFID technology can assist cashiers in scanning codes on products purchased by customers so that their work can be assisted

What is RFID?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. An RFID system consists of a small radio transponder, a receiver and a radio transmitter. When triggered by an electromagnetic interrogation pulse from a nearby RFID reader, the tag transmits digital data, typically an identifier number, to the reader. This number can be used to track goods in stock.

Passive tags are powered by interrogating radio wave energy from an RFID reader. Active tags are battery-powered and can therefore be read at longer distances than RFID readers, up to hundreds of meters. Unlike barcodes, tags do not need to be in the reader's line of sight, so tags can be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is an automated identification and data collection (AIDC) method.

Learn more about RFID https://brainly.com/question/29554696


for the past 10 years, a restaurant has been running a customer loyalty program, rewarding customers with discounts and treats. records of these rewards have been kept in odd notes and multiple spreadsheets used in different ways by various employees who have come and gone over the years. because of this, some customers are not getting their rewards, while others are receiving rewards they have not earned. overall, the restaurant is losing money and business with this program. how can a database management system (dbms) help with this problem?


A DBMS will help the owners manage the data they already have to run their customer loyalty program more efficiently.

Which of the following is an example of something an information policy might specify?

A website's user agreement states that it will keep the browsing history associated with the IP address for an indefinite period of time and reserves the right to sell that information to interested parties.

Which data type is best suited for a field containing customer email addresses?

Names and email addresses are always of the string type, whereas numbers can be stored as either a numerical type or as a string because a string is a collection of characters that includes digits.

How would the dashboards you recommend help them achieve their objectives more effectively?

A TV dashboard's primary function is to make key goals and metrics visible and understandable. This helps teams stay focused on their objectives and achieve the goals they set out at the start of a business cycle. This effect is unlikely to be achieved by a cluttered dashboard with irrelevant information.

learn more about database management visit:



beth is looking through web server logs and finds form input that looks like this:what type of attack has she likely discovered?


Beth has likely discovered a SQL injection attack, through web server logs.

The goal of a SQL injection attack, which targets databases, is to insert malicious code into the target database using form input or other user-provided information. In order to access or alter database data or to issue commands to the server, the attacker tries to mislead the database into running malicious code.

Beth found a form input that appears to be trying to insert malicious code into the database. Structured Query Language (SQL), a computer language used to administer databases, is used as part of the input as a series of commands. The input contains several symbols and characters that are frequently utilized in SQL injection attacks, including the single quote (') and the semicolon (;).

To know more about web servers logs kindly visit


as a penetration tester, you want to improve your password cracking speed by building a specialized system with multiple video boards installed. which tool can take advantage of multiple gpus for password cracking?


There are many ways an account. Password cracking is one of them, and it entails using various computational and other approaches to get past the password authentication procedure.

This essay will discuss a variety of password cracking techniques. Nowadays, you might even come across specialized password cracking tools that aren't only designed to be harmful. Before we go into the intricacies, let's first define what password cracking is. Password cracking is the technique of recovering passwords from a computer or from data that a computer transmits. This doesn't have to be a difficult method. In order to crack a password, a brute-force strategy that looks at every possible combination is also used.

Learn more about transmits here-



working together, it takes two computers 10 minutes to send out a company's email. if it takes the slower computer 35 minutes to do the job on its own, how long will it take the faster computer to do the job on its own?


It takes the faster computer 70 minutes to do the job on its own.

To solve this problem, we can use the formula for solving for the time it takes two people working together to complete a task:

Time = (Time of slower worker * Number of workers) / (Number of workers - 1)

This formula is based on the idea that the slower worker determines the overall time it takes to complete the task, and the faster worker helps to reduce the overall time. The formula takes into account the time that the slower worker takes to complete the task on their own, as well as the number of workers involved.

In this case, we are given that it takes the slower computer 35 minutes to do the job on its own, and that it takes the two computers working together 10 minutes to send out the company's email. We can plug these values into the formula as follows:

Time = (35 minutes * 2) / (2 - 1)

= 70 minutes / 1

= 70 minutes

Learn more about time here https://brainly.com/question/29733295


A favorably adjudicated background investigation is required for access to classified information.t/f


A favorably adjudicated background investigation is required for access to classified information is true statement.

What is background investigation?

Background assessments, also known as background investigations, look into a candidate's professional, criminal, and personal histories to assess their behavioral dependability, honesty, and personal growth. The background investigation will involve checks of the applicant's credit and criminal histories, records checks to confirm the citizenship of family members, and verification of the applicant's birthdate, academic credentials, employment history, and military service.

Learn more about background investigation: https://brainly.com/question/29937527


which command adds a rule to the linux netfilter firewall that prevents incoming ping packets from being processed?


The command that adds a rule to the linux netfilter firewall that prevents incoming ping packets from being processed is   iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP

The iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP command is valid syntax for adding a network filter rule that prevents incoming ping packets from being processed.

What is the name of the firewall built into most Linux distributions?

Linux has a built-in firewall called iptables. This is an easy-to-use program that allows you to configure the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall. The default firewall installed by Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora Linux, and other distributions is iptables.

What are Linux firewall rules?

A firewall creates a barrier between trusted and untrusted networks. A firewall works by defining rules that control both allowed and blocked traffic. A firewall utility developed for Linux systems is iptables.

Learn more about Linux firewall :



he risk of ddos attacks, sql injection attacks, phishing, etc., is classified under which threat category? compliance operational technical strategic


He risk of DDOS attacks, SQL injection attacks, phishing, etc., is classified under technical threat category. Hence option c is correct.

What is technical threat?

Technical threat is defined as modifications' potential effects on a project, system, or overall infrastructure in the event that a deployment does not go as planned. Technical flaws are issues that are purposefully designed into technology.

These databases are the subject of a sort of cybersecurity attack known as SQL injection (SQLi), which uses carefully prepared SQL statements to fool the systems into doing unforeseen and undesirable actions. The attack types that are included are TCP-SYN, UDP Flood, and benign traffic.

Thus, he risk of DDOS attacks, SQL injection attacks, phishing, etc., is classified under technical threat category. Hence option c is correct.

To learn more about technical threat, refer to the link below:



what is the name of the exception raised when a program statement attempts to evaluate an unassigned identifier?


The name of the exception which is raised when a program statement attempts to evaluate an unassigned identifier is TypeError EXPLANATION.

What is an exception?

A program exception is an occurrence that takes place while it is being run and jars the instructions out of their usual order.

An object is created and given to the runtime system when a method encounters an error. The object, known as an exception object, contains details about the error, including its type and the state of the program at the time of the error. Throwing an exception is the process of creating an exception object and delivering it to the runtime system.

The runtime system makes an effort to find a way to handle an exception after a method throws one. The ordered list of methods that were called to get to the method where the error occurred is the set of potential "things" that can be used to handle the exception.

Learn more about exception



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