A wave with a frequency of 5Hz travels a distance of 40mm in 2 seconds.What is the speed of the wave​


Answer 1


20mm per second



Related Questions

Given vector A with magnitude 2N and vector B magnitude 4N, what are the minimum and maximum magnitudes of A+B?​


-- If A and B are pointing in exactly opposite directions, then their sum A+B is the minimum possible value.  A+B = 2 N in the same direction as B.

-- If A and B are pointing in exactly the same direction, then their sum A+B is the maximum possible value.  A+B = 6 N in that same direction.  

A student plans to determine the resistivity of a specific type of metal. To do this, the student will use wires constructed of the metal with known dimensions that are connected to a variable power source. The potential difference across and the current through each wire are measured and the resistance of each is calculated. The resistance is used to determine the resistivity. Which of the following should be kept constant to ensure that the resistivity values are consistent, and why?

a. The potential difference across the wires, because then only the currents will be different.
b. The currents in the wires, because then only the resistances will be different.
c. The lengths of the wires, because the resistivity changes with length.
d. The temperature of the wires, because resistivity changes with temperature.



reviewing the different answers, the correct one is d


In the experiment to determine the resistivity of the wires, the student should use the relationship

         R = ρ L / A

         ρ = R A/L

in the statement they indicate that the difference that potential and current are measured, calculating the resistances from Ohm's law

         V = i R

          R = V / i

As resistivity is a property of the material that depends on the temperature, great care must be taken that the resistors do not change the temperature during the experiment, as this alters the resistivity value.

When reviewing the different answers, the correct one is d

During which sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increase


During the "waxing" phases, the two weeks immediately following the New Moon.

New Moon ==> waxing crescent ==> First Quarter ==> waxing gibbous ==> Full Moon

The phase of the moon decides the moon's visibility. The sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increases is; the waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon.

What is the moon phase?

The moon changes shape every day. This is due to the fact that the celestial body has no light of its own and can only reflect sunlight.

Only the side of the moon facing the sun can reflect this light and seem bright. The opposite side appears black. this is a full moon.

We can only see the black section when it lies between the sun and the earth when a new moon occurs. We witness intermediate phases like a half-moon and crescent in between these two extremes.

Following are the sequence of phases does the moon's visibility increase is;

1. Waxing crescent

2. First Quarter

3. Waxing gibbous

4. Full Moon

The phase of the moon decides the moon's visibility. Hence the visibility changes with the change in the phase of the moon.

To learn more about the moon's phase refer to the link;


Which of the following would require the greatest number of calories?
a. heating 1 g of water from 10°C to 80°C
b. heating 10 g of water from 10°C to 40°C
c. heating 100 g of water from 10°C to 20°C
d. heating 1000 g of water from 10°C to 12°C





You are boiling more grams for more time because the more water the longer it takes which requires more calories to burn it.

Find the momentum of a 15 kg object traveling at 7 m/s

What is the momentum?

What equation did you use to solve?



105 kg*m/s






what kind of weather would u assosiate with higher perssure system? How does the density, humidity and air motion compare to that of low pressure system?



Low pressure systems typically arrive with storms and clouds. Air motion is usually upwards, as heated are is less dense and more buoyant than cooler air. A high pressure system is typically cooler than its counter-part, and skies are usually clear. Low pressure systems carry more water vapor due to rising hot air cooling and condensing.

During a circus act, an elderly performer thrills the crowd by catching a cannon ball shot at him. The cannon ball has a mass of 39.0 kg and its horizontal component of velocity is 6.50 m/s just before the 65.0 kg performer catches it. If the performer is initially motionless on nearly frictionless roller skates, what is his speed immediately after catching the cannon ball



[tex]2.4375\ \text{m/s}[/tex]


[tex]m_1[/tex] = Mass of cannon ball = 39 kg

[tex]m_2[/tex] = Mass of performer = 65 kg

[tex]u_1[/tex] = Initial horizontal component of cannon ball's velocity = 6.5 m/s

[tex]u_2[/tex] = Initial horizontal component of performer's velocity = 0

v = Velocity of combined mass

As the momentum of the system is conserved we have

[tex]m_1u_1+m_2u_2=(m_1+m_2)v\\\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{m_1u_1+m_2u_2}{m_1+m_2}\\\Rightarrow v=\dfrac{39\times 6.5+0}{39+65}\\\Rightarrow v=2.4375\ \text{m/s}[/tex]

The speed of the performer immediately after catching the cannon ball is [tex]2.4375\ \text{m/s}[/tex].

Which of the following is NOT a reason
why gravity is important?

A It holds the planets in
orbit around the sun
B. It causes the ocean tides
C. It guides the growth of plants
D. None of the above



I'm gonna say d


bc they all seem very important

hope this helped

An object that is spinning, but not orbiting anything, has zero angular momentum.



The answer is fals:)

What is the unique geological feature found on Mercury surface?



The surface of Mercury has landforms that indicate its crust may have contracted. They are long, sinuous cliffs called lobate scarps. These scarps appear to be the surface expression of thrust faults, where the crust is broken along an inclined plane and pushed upward.


I hope this helps a little bit.

a rugby player passes the ball 5.34 m across the field, where it is caught at the same height as it left his hand. at what angle was the ball thrown if its initial speed was 7.7 m/s, assuming that the smaller of the two possible angles was used





x = Displacement in x direction = 5.34 m

t = Time taken to travel the displacement

y = Displacement in y direction = 0

u = Initial velocity of ball = 7.7 m/s

g = Acceleration due to gravity = [tex]9.81\ \text{m/s}^2[/tex]

Displacement in x direction is given by

[tex]x=u\cos\theta t\\\Rightarrow t=\dfrac{5.34}{7.7 \cos\theta}[/tex]

Displacement in y direction is given by

[tex]y=u\sin\theta t-\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2\\\Rightarrow 0=7.7\sin\theta \dfrac{5.34}{7.7\cos\theta}-\dfrac{1}{2}\times 9.81 (\dfrac{5.34}{7.7\cos\theta})^2\\\Rightarrow 0=7.7\sin\theta-4.905\times \dfrac{5.34}{7.7\cos\theta}\\\Rightarrow 0=7.7^2\sin\theta \cos\theta-4.905\times 5.34\\\Rightarrow 0=7.7^2\dfrac{\sin2\theta}{2}-4.905\times 5.34\\\Rightarrow 0=7.7^2\sin2\theta-4.905\times5.34\times 2\\\Rightarrow \sin2\theta=\dfrac{4.905\times 5.34\times 2}{7.7^2}\\\Rightarrow 2\theta=\sin^{-1}\dfrac{4.905\times 5.34\times 2}{7.7^2}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow \theta=\dfrac{62.07}{2}\\\Rightarrow \theta=31.035^{\circ}[/tex]

The angle at which the ball was thrown is [tex]31.035^{\circ}[/tex].

a system of 11 protons and 15 neutrons has a net charge of


I believe it is 11. Because there are no electrons you do not need to subtract anything.

Question 1 of 10
Which object has the most gravitational potential energy?

A. A 8 kg book at a height of 2 m
B. An 8 kg book at a height of 3 m
C. An 5 kg book at a height of 3 m
D. A5 kg book at a height of 2 m



B = An 8 kg book at a height of 3 m

I think the answer is B

A ball on the end of a string is whirled around in a horizontal circle of radius 0.300 m. The plane of the circle is 1.00 m above the ground. The string breaks and the ball lands 2.30 m (horizontally) away from the point on the ground directly beneath the ball's location when the string breaks. Find the centripetal acceleration in m/s2 of the ball during its circular motion.



86.7 m/s²


Given that

Radius of the circle, r = 0.3 m

Height of the plane above the ground, = 1 m

Distance at which the ball lands, d = 2.3 m

To solve this question, we would use one of the principles of projectile motion.

v = ut + 1/2at²

-1 = 0 + 1/2 * -9.8 * t²

-1 = -4.9 t²

t² = 1/4.9

t² = 0.204

t = √0.204

t = 0.45 s

Then again, it's constant horizontal speed is

v(x) = x/t

v(x) = 2.3 / 0.45

v(x) = 5.1 m/s

And finally, the centripetal acceleration is gotten using the formula

a = v²/r

a = 5.1² / 0.3

a = 26.01 / 0.3

a = 86.7 m/s²




oh no i hope i dont fall and the  i agree with the other dude

Answer: Okay, thanks I really appreciate the generosity.

Which image best illustrates diffraction?


The one above I am guessing

Answer: A


Problem 05.086 - Water pumped from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir Water is pumped from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir by a pump that provides 21 kW of useful mechanical power to the water. The free surface of the upper reservoir is 45 m higher than the surface of the lower reservoir. If the flow rate of water is measured to be 0.03 m3/s, determine the irreversible head loss of the system and the lost mechanical power during this process. Take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m3. The irreversible head loss of the system is 26.35 m. The lost mechanical power in this process is kW.



Lost Mechanical Power = 7.7565 KW

Head Loss = 26.35 m


First, we will find the useful mechanical power used to transport water to the higher reservoir:

[tex]P_{useful} = \rho ghV[/tex]


P_useful = Useful mechanical Power = ?

ρ = density of water = 1000 kg/m³

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

h = height = 45 m

V = Volume flow rate = 0.03 m³/s


[tex]P_{useful} = (1000\ kg/m^3)(9.81\ m/s^2)(45\ m)(0.03\ m^3/s)\\P_{useful} = 13243.5\ W = 13.2435\ KW[/tex]

Now, the lost mechanical power will be:

[tex]Lost\ Mechanical\ Power = Total\ Mechanical\ Power - Useful\ power\\Lost\ Mechanical\ Power = 21\ KW - 13.2435\ KW\\[/tex]

Lost Mechanical Power = 7.7565 KW

Now, for the head loss:

[tex]Lost\ Mechanical\ Power = \rho g(Head\ Loss)V\\Head\ Loss = \frac{Lost\ Mechanical\ Power}{\rho gV} \\\\Head\ Loss = \frac{7756.5\ W}{(1000\ kg/m^3)(9.81\ m/s^2)(0.03\ m^3/s)} \\[/tex]

Head Loss = 26.35 m

Name the principle which states that energy
cannot be created or destroyed, merely
transferred from one form to another:​


Law of Conservation of Energy


the Laws of Thermodynamics


these laws states that no form of energy can be created by anyone or anything, without a previous and equal input of energy being put in, that energy can only be transferred from object to object and through different forms

Example: the way a heater runs to warm up an area, that is the process of electrical energy, or energy stored in propane being converted into heat energy

this law is universally implied and has been proven on multiple accounts to be true, in no way can you create energy out of thin air, all you can do is transform and transfer it

hope this is what you was going for, very good point in science

this is one of two correct answers, the other answer to this question is also correct

what are three physical properties of gases


Answer:   Gases have three characteristic properties: (1) they are easy to compress, (2) they expand to fill their containers, and (3) they occupy far more space than the liquids or solids from which they form. An internal combustion engine provides a good example of the ease with which gases can be compressed.


19. In a turtle race, a 20 kg turtle moves with a velocity of 0.1 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the turtle?

A. 20 J

B. 0.2 J

C. 0.1 J


0.1^2= 0.01
KE= 1/2(20)(0.01)
KE= 0.1 J





I think it might be (e



As dancers twirl faster and faster around their partners, they are demonstrating what type of energy?
A. Binding energy,
B. Nuclear energy,
C. Kinetic energy,


Your answer would be Kinetic energy

3. What is the power of a derby race car that uses a 50 N force to travel 20 meters in 10 seconds?
A. 1000 W
B. 100 W
C. 80 W


I think it is B. 100 W

________ is described as the pulling force transmitted by the means of a
string, a cable, chain. (An example would be a pulley)

Please help I need to turn this today!



it should be tension for the space




I'm not sure if I'm right but if the example is a pulley a pulley applies tension to a belt or rope or chain to keep it tight

How does the amplitude of the wave change as you get farther from the speaker?



The sound is perceived as louder if the amplitude increases, and softer if the amplitude decreases. ... As the amplitude of the sound wave increases, the intensity of the sound increases. Sounds with higher intensities are perceived to be louder.

Two small, identical conducting spheres repel each other with a force of 0.020 N when they are 0.35 m apart. After a conducting wire is connected between the spheres and then removed, they repel each other with a force of 0.055 N. What is the original charge on each sphere



why does anyone need to know


1 plus one = 69

Why is fluorine more chemically reactive than nitrogen



Me encanta el pollo, de todos modos, un día que es hoy, por cierto, fui a la tierra de los pollos y caminé en México, ¿sabías que es mi sueño? ¿Olvidé que mi nombre es jemma y me gusta caminar? párrafo así que nos vemos



Fluorine needs to gain only 1 electron to have a full octet, while nitrogen needs to gain 3.

what is the name for a force of gravity acting on an object





We call it "Ralph" or "the object's weight".

Your teacher then challenges you to use the items in the envelope to create a model of a carbon-14 atom. Before you begin, you and your
group brainstorm ideas for creating your model. Your group suggests the following steps:
use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
use 14 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
add 6 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
place 14 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
Which of the following steps should you follow to create a correct model of a Carbon-14 atom?
O A. steps 1,4,6
O B. steps 1, 3,5
o c. steps 2, 3, 6
O D. steps 2,4,5



Look it up


We need to use 6 red circles as well as 8 blue circles to represent the 6 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus, after which we need to place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus to represent the 6 electrons in the atom. is required. Thus, the correct option is A.

How to create a Carbon-14 atom?

To make an accurate model of a carbon-14 atom, we need to follow the steps that represent the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a carbon-14 atom.

Carbon-14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons, so we will use a total of 6 red and 8 blue circles around the nucleus which also has 6 electrons, so we need to put 6 yellow circles around the nucleus.

The correct steps to follow to create a model of a Carbon-14 atom are:

Step 1:  Use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom

Step 4: Add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom

Step 6:  Place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Carbon-14 atom, here:



What is sin for the given right triangle?
8.6 meters
5 meters

6.99 meters
A. l0.71
B. 0.81
C. 0.58
D. 1.72





sin of a right triangle is opposite divided by hypotenuse

in this case, that is 5/8.6 = 0.581395349

you can easily remember the trig functions with this acronym:


S: Sine

O: Opposite

H: Hypotenuse

C: Cosine

A: Adjacent

H: Hypotenuse

T: Tangent

O: Opposite

A: Adjacent


sin = Mp /0P

sin = 5/8,6

sin = 0,58

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