A wave is a disturbance that carries

A. water from one place to another.
B. sound from one place to another.
C. matter from one place to another.
D. energy from one place to another.


Answer 1


(D) energy from one place to another

Related Questions

Plz help w answer 1:/ confused ash



I would say d I had the same question yesterday and I got it correct so hope that helps

Yeah that’s the same question I was asking

a man counts 6 waves on a pond in 10 seconds. the distance between them is 40 cm. what is their speed?​



so a man counts 6 waves on a pound in 10 second


6×10 = 60


so the answer is3

Hi!!! Please help me, 25 points!! :D

Which material refracts the light rays the least: air, water, or glass?





water is a liquid and can be refracted.

glass is a solid which can also be refracted.


air you can't see just see mainly.

air is the answer.

hope this helps :)

The answer is AIR
Have a great day

A ray of light traveling in water hits a glass surface. The index of refraction of the water is 1.33, and that of the glass is 1.50. At what angle with the plane of the surface must the incident ray strike the glass in order that the polarization of the reflected ray is the greatest





From the question we are told that:

Water index of refraction [tex]i_w=1.33[/tex]

Glass index of refraction [tex]i_g=1.50[/tex]

Generally the equation for Brewster's law is mathematically given by



 [tex]\theta=48.44 \textdegree[/tex]

Therefore Angle of incident to plane  \mu (normal at 90 degree to the surface)




What is meant by density? what are its SI unite?
please answer me..​



Density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance. ... Density offers a convenient means of obtaining the mass of a body from its volume or vice versa; the mass is equal to the volume multiplied by the density (M = Vd), while the volume is equal to the mass divided by the density (V = M/d).


The International System of Units is the modern form of the metric system. It is the only system of measurement with an official status in nearly every country in the world


Density is mass per unit volume


SI unit is kgm3

the density of brick is 1,600 kg/m3. what is the mass of a brick with a volume of 0.0006 m3? WILL MARK BRAINLIEST





The mass of a brick with a volume of 0.0006 m³ and a density of 1600 kg/m³ is 0.96kg.


The mass of a substance can be calculated by multiplying the density of the substance by its volume. That is;

Mass = density × volume

According to this question, the density of brick is 1,600 kg/m3 and it has a volume of 0.0006m³. The mass is calculated as follows:

Mass = 0.0006 × 1600

Mass = 0.96kg

Therefore, the mass of a brick with a volume of 0.0006m³ and a density of 1600 kg/m³ is 0.96kg.

Learn more about mass at: https://brainly.com/question/19694949

When a narrow laser beam passes through a fine wire mesh before arriving at the wall, it forms a complicated pattern of bright spots on the wall. This pattern of spots would not occur if you sent a flashlight beam through the mesh because light from the flashlight is not a single electromagnetic wave. cannot be sent through a single opening of the mesh. is horizontally polarized, while laser light is vertically polarized. is vertically polarized, while laser light is horizontally polarized.



this pattern to occur there must be coherence in the light beams.

you use a flashlight, the rays are incoherent so diffraction patterns cannot occur.


The point pattern that appears in the wall is the result of the interference and diffraction processes through each space of the mesh, for this pattern to occur there must be coherence in the light beams.

The coherence process is that all the rays have the same constant and phase, before the appearance of the lasers, the light is stopped by a small opening and this ray is the one that passes through the slits, with the appearance of the laser this it is consistent from its production process, so opening is not necessary, with this there is much greater intensity and the measurement process is simplified.

When you use a flashlight, the rays are incoherent so diffraction patterns cannot occur.

Polarization has no effect on diffraction patterns so it does not matter if it is vertical or horizontal.

To understand the first law of thermodynamics and its origin. By relating heat, thermal energy, and work, the first law lays the groundwork for thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics generalizes the concept of energy conservation to include heat energy. You are probably already aware that loss of total mechanical energy (e.g., from nonconservative forces such as friction) does not destroy energy, but rather converts mechanical energy into thermal energy. This process, as well as the reverse process (conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy), can be described quantitatively by the first law. Like the law of mechanical energy conservation that it generalizes, the first law relates the changes in energy that occur from the beginning to the end of some process. The first law involves the following physical quantities Using your knowledge of energy conservation, express AEth in terms of Q and W. • W: work done on the system by the outside world, Q: heat added to the system by the outside world, and AEth: thermal energy change of the system.





Conditional waves contain a crest, trough, wavelength, and amplitude
True or False?​





A baseball player hits a pop-up. The ball was hit when it was 3 feet off the ground with an initial
upward velocity of 80 ft/s. How long will it take for the ball to reach a height of 10 feet off the
ground, on the way down?




Use the equation


where h(t) is the height after a certain amount of time goes by, v0t is the initial upwards velocity, and h0 is the initial height of the projectile. For us:

h(t) = 10

v0t = 80

h0 = 3 and filling in:

[tex]10=-16t^2+80t+3[/tex] and get everything on one side to factor:


This factors to

t = .09 sec and 4.9 sec. Let's interpret this.

The time of .09 is when the ball reached 10 feet on the way up, and

the time of 4.9 is when the ball reached 10 feet on the way back down. That's the height we need, 4.9 seconds.

Help pls... 100points
1 Answer:
The pitch of a sound depends on
a. frequency
b. intensity
c. amplitude
d. quality
2 Answer:
The loudness of a sound depends on
a. frequency
b. intensity
c. overtones
d. timbre
3 Answer:
The number of sound waves per unit time is called
a. amplitude
b. wavelength
c. speed
d. frequency
4 Answer:
The blending of fundamental tone and overtones produces a sound's
a. intensity
b. pitch
c. timbre
d. loudness
5 Answer:
Sonar is used
a. to locate objects in water
b. to determine underwater distances
c. for both a and b
d. for neither a nor b
6 Answer:
Sounds of frequencies below 20 Hz are called
a. fundamentals
b. overtones
c. ultrasonic sounds
d. infrasonic sounds
7 Answer:
A sound is music if it has
a. a definite pitch
b. a pleasing quality
c. rhythm
d. all of these characteristics
8 Answer:
The stirrup is a part of the
a. outer ear
b. middle ear
c. inner ear
d. cochlea
9 Answer:
An example of a percussion instrument is a (an)
a. trumpet
b. harp
c. drum
d. flute
10 Answer:
The speed of sound depends on
a. temperature
b. density
c. elasticity
d. all of these factors
11 Answer:
Sounds with frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called _____.
12 Answer:
The science of sound is called _____.
13 Answer:
High-frequency waves are used in a sound navigation and ranging
system called _____.
14 Answer:
Sounds produced when sections of a string vibrate separately are
called _____.
15 Answer:
Sound without pleasing quality, identifiable pitch, and repeating
patterns is called _____.
16 Answer:
The speed of sound decreases with increasing temperature.
a. true
b. false
17 Answer:
Sound waves are transverse.
a. true
b. false
18 Answer:
The decibel is a unit of pitch.
a. true
b. false
19 Answer:
A change in the pitch of a sound due to motion of source or
receiver (observer) is called the Doppler effect.
a. true
b. false
20 Answer:
Guitars and cellos are examples of percussion instruments.
a. true
b. false




1. a as pitch depends on frequency

2. b as loudness depends on intensity

3. d as that is definition of frequency

4. c as that is definition of timbre

5. c as sonar can do both

6. d as that is definition of infrasound

7. d

8. b as that is one of three bones in the middle ear

9. c as you hit the drum to make sound

10. d

11. ultrasound

12. acoustics

13. ultrasound

14.  harmonics? or resonance?

15. noise

16. b

17. b

18. b

19. a

20. b

A properly exposed photograph is taken at f/16 and 1/120s. What lens opening is required if the shutter speed is 1/60s



f / 8


The f-number is the ratio of the lens's focal length to its diameter and is a measure of the intensity of the light reaching the CCD. The smaller the greater the intensity of the light

           I = D / f

           f-number = f / D

           I = 1 / f-number

the energy deposited in the CCD is proportional to the intensity of the light and the exposure time (Δt)

          E = I Δt

          E = 1 /f-number   Δt

in the exercise they indicate that the system is well exposed (the image is sharp and clear) for fo-number = f / 16

        Δt = exposure time = 1/120 s

        E =   [tex]\frac{1}{120} \ \ \frac{1}{fo-number}[/tex]  


indicate that the exposure time has been changed to Δt = 1/60 s, which should be the f₁-number

        E = [tex]\frac{1}{60} \ \ \frac{1}{f_1-number}[/tex]

the energy deposited must be the same per location we can equal the expressions

          [tex]\frac{1}{120} \ \frac{1}{f_o-number} = \frac{1}{60} \ \frac{1}{f_1-number}[/tex]

         f₁-number = [tex]\frac{60}{120} \ \ \frac{1}{fo-number}[/tex]


         f₁-number = ½  16

         f₁-number  = 8

so the system should be set to f / 8

The velocity of a particle is given by v=25t2 -80t-200, where velocity is meter per second and time is seconds. Determine the velocity for the first six seconds when acceleration is zero.



 v = 220 m / s


This is a kinematics exercise, the expression for velocity is

          v = 25 t² - 80 t - 200

asks the velocity for time t = 6 s.

let's calculate

        v = 25 6² - 80 6 - 200

        v = 220 m / s

The velocity for the first six seconds when acceleration is zero is -44 m/s.

What is velocity?

The velocity of an object is the rate of change displacement with time.

The velocity of the object for the first six seconds when the acceleration is zero is calculated as follows;

[tex]a = \frac{dv}{dt} \\\\a = 50t - 80\\\\0 = 50t - 80\\\\50t = 80\\\\t = 1.6 \ s[/tex]

Velocity when time = 1.6 s

[tex]v(1.6) = 25(1.6)^2 - 80(1.6) - 200\\\\v(1.6) = -264 \ m/s[/tex]

The velocity for the first six seconds when acceleration is zero.

[tex]v = v_{a =0} + v_6\\\\v = - 264 \ + 25(6)^2 - 80(6) - 200\\\\v = -44 \ m/s[/tex]

Learn more about velocity here: https://brainly.com/question/6504879

Your _________ is simply your weight-to-height ratio which can be calculated using certain body measurements.

O health
O size
O weight loss


The answer would be Size




bad bunny is the best!!!

Ice is placed in cool water. What happens to the temperature of the ice and the water?




ice absorbs heat from the water. As the water molecules lose energy, they begin to slow down, and consequently to cool. So, it's kind of the opposite of what we might think: when we put ice in water, the ice doesn't give its cold to the water, it takes heat from the water.

what's the point of friendship?​



Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but it's not always easy to build or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of friendships in your life and what you can do to develop and nurture friendships

Science questions!! Please help!!

Post Assessment on Investigating the Immune System
please help!! Please choose the right answers!! Dont guess if you dont know the answers!!


Answer: i think it is for 16,  Infectious diseases commonly spread through the direct transfer of bacteria. for 17 i think In biology, immunity is the capability of multicellular organisms to resist harmful microorganisms. i dont have a clue about the others but i hope this is right or atleast helps


distance moved by the effort in lifting the 5000N load to the height of 15m



Hello There!!


Work done= force × distance moved

Work done=5000N×15m

Work done=75,000J

hope this helps,have a great day!!


To calculate the density of an object, its mass is ________ its volume.
added to

divided by

multiplied by

subtracted by


B. Mass is Divided by volume

A main-sequence star at a distance of 20 pc is barely visible through a certain telescope. The star subsequently ascends the giant branch, during which time its temperature drops by a factor of three and its radius increases a hundredfold. What is the new maximum distance at which the star would still be visible in the same telescope?




The surface area of a star estimated by the energy emitted per sq meter yields the overall luminosity, which can be represented mathematically as:

[tex]L= 4 \pi R^2 \sigma T^4 --- (1)[/tex]


L ∝ R²T⁴


R = radius of the sphere

σ = Stefans constant

T = temperature

Also; The following showcase the relationship between flux density as well as illuminated surface area as:

[tex]F = \dfrac{L}{A}[/tex]


A = 4πd² and L ∝ R²T⁴

[tex]F = \dfrac{R^2T^4}{4 \pi d^2} \\ \\ F \alpha \dfrac{R^2T^4}{ d^2} --- (2)[/tex]

Given that:

distance d₁ = 20 pc

Then, using equation (2)

[tex]F_1 \ \alpha \ \dfrac{R^2_1T^4_1}{ d^2_1}[/tex]

However, we are also being told that there is a temp. drop by a factor of 3;

So, the final temp. [tex]T_2 = \dfrac{T_1}{3}[/tex]; and the final radius is [tex]R_2 = 100R_1[/tex] since there is increment by 100 folds.


[tex]F_2 \ \alpha \ \dfrac{R^2_2T^4_2}{ d^2_2}[/tex]


[tex]F_1 = F_2[/tex]

It implies that:

[tex]\dfrac{R^2_1T^4_1}{ d^2_1 } = \dfrac{R^2_2T^4_2}{ d^2_2} \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{R_2^2T_2^4}{R_1^2T_1^4}}(d_1)[/tex]

Replacing all our values, we have:

[tex]d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100R_1)^2 \times (\dfrac{T_1}{3})^4}{R_1^2T_1^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100)^2 }{3^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 = \sqrt{\dfrac{(100)^2 }{3^4}}(20 ) \\ \\ d_2 =222 \ pc[/tex]

The periodic table displays
only the important compounds that exist in the world.
all of the known compounds that exist in the world today.
only the important elements that exist in the world.
all of the known tements that exist in the world today.


D. All the known elements that exist in the world today

Mom cuts the cheese by pressing the knife with a force of 50N. What is the pressure of the knife blade into the cheese if the blade is 12 cm long and 0.2 mm wide?





A= L x W

Change the units to metres

W= 0.2x10-³m

L= 12 x 10-²m

A= 0.2x10-³ x 12 x10-²


P= 50/2.4x10^-5

= 2.08x10^6Nm-¹ ~ 2.1x10^6Nm-¹

What happens during nuclear fission? A) Nucleus forms from two smaller nuclei. B) two nuclei give off positrons C) A nucleus gives off an alpha particle D) Two or more nuclei forms when a larger nucleus splits



it is d, just did the quiz. all this came from the amazing com mentor who said a was wrong and it is d, thank you.


This splitting of the big atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei is known as nuclear fission, and further discussion is as follows:

Nuclear fission:

The neutron collides with a uranium atom that splits during the fission of nuclear, producing a tremendous quantity of energy in the form of heat produced. If a uranium atom splits, additional neutrons are extricated.

It proceeds to smash more uranium, and the cycle continues forever.The neutrons are absorbed into a nucleus in such a nuclear reactor. It transforms into uranium-236, which is extremely unstable. Its nucleus is split into two enormous shards known as 'daughter nuclei'.

Therefore, the final answer is "Option D".

Find out more about the nuclear fission here:


The disk weights 40 lb and has a radius of gyration is 0.6 ft. A 15 lb/ft moment is applied and the spring has a spring constant of 10 lb/ft. The system was initially at rest and the disk is rolling without slipping. The spring is initially unstretched. Find the angular velocity of the wheel when disk moves to the right 0.5 ft.



angular velocity = 2.6543 rad/s


To find the angular velocity of the wheel when the disk moves to the right 0.5 ft, we need to be aware that the spring will stretch twice the value of gyration with any slight change in the position or movement of gyration since the top of the wheel is holding the spring.

The work done here:

= ((distance moved by the wheel) X spring constant X (Final displacement^2 - Initial displacement^2)) + Mass (q2 – q1)

Where q2 = 0.5ft

            q1 = 0.8 lb      

Note that linear velocity = radius X angular velocity

= -0.5(10)(1^2 – 0) + 15(0.5/0.8) = 4.375 ft·lb    

Then, the kinetic energy :

 Since the spring is initially unstretched, the initial tension in the spring = 0

So the final tension = ((distance moved by the wheel) X (linear velocity)^2 X (angular velocity) ^2 + (distance moved by the wheel) X (linear velocity) X ( radius of gyration) ^2 X (angular velocity) ^2

= 0.5(40/32.2)(0.8w) ^2 + 0.5(40/32.2)(0.6)^2 X w2

final tension = 0.621 w2

So the angular velocity of the wheel when disk moves to the right 0.5 ft = The Initial workdone + Initial kinetic energy will be equal to the final workdone + the final Kinetic energy

0 + 4.375 ft·lb = 0.621 w2

 angular velocity = 2.6543 rad/s

A plane is heading south with a velocity of 150 kilometers/hour. It experiences a tallwind with a velocity of 20 kilometers/hour. Find the resultant
velocity of the plane.

A.120 kilometers/hour to the south

B.148 kilometers/hour to the north

C.170 kilometers/hour to the south

D.130 kilometers/hour to the north
E.150 kilometers/hour to the south


Answer: 170km/hr to the South


The resultant velocity of the plane ilwill be gotten by adding the value of the velocities of the plane with the tallwind. It should be noted that the direction of the wind is.takwn into consideration.

Therefore, the resultant velocity of the plane will be:

= 20km/hr + 150km/hr

= 170km/hr to the South


Resultant Velocity = 20 km/h + 150 km/h = 170 km/h


a test tube has a diameter of 3cm . how many turns would a piece of thread of length 90.42 make round test tube​



4.8 turns would be made around the tube


You need the circumference of the tube since it's just a lifted circle



And round that to 4.8

A satellite of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius R2 around a spherical planet of radius R1 made of a material with density ρ. ( R2 is measured from the center of the planet, not its surface.) Use G for the universal gravitational constant.

A) Find the kinetic energy of this satellite, K
Express the satellite's kinetic energy in terms of G, m, π, R1, R2, and ρ.

B) Find U, the gravitational potential energy of the satellite. Take the gravitational potential energy to be zero for an object infinitely far away from the planet.
Express the satellite's gravitational potential energy in terms of G, m, π, R1, R2, and ρ.

C) What is the ratio of the kinetic energy of this satellite to its potential energy?
Express K/U in terms of parameters given in the introduction.




get mass of planet:  

ρ = M / V  

V = 4/3 * R_1^3  

M = ρ * V  

M = ρ * 4/3 * R_1^3  

equate force equations:

F = (GMm) / r^2     // r = R_2  

F = ma  

a = v^2/R_2  

F = m * (v^2/R_2)    

m * (v^2/R_2) = (GMm) / R_2^2  

plug in and solve v^2:  

m * (v^2/R_2) = (G * (ρ * 4/3 * R_1^3) *m) / R_2^2  

v^2 = (G * ρ * (4/3) * π * R_1^3) / R_2


put into kinetic energy equation:  

K = 1/2 * m * v^2  

K = 1/2 * m * (G * ρ * (4/3) * π * R_1^3) / R_2



U = -(GmM) / R_2


plug in mass of planet:  

U = -(G * m * ρ * 4/3 * R_1^3) / R_2


use previous equations and do some algebra:

K/U = (1/2 * m * (G * ρ * (4/3) * π * R_1^3) / R_2) * -(R_2 / (G * m * ρ * 4/3 * R_1^3))  

K/U = -1/2

Air(ideal gas) at 292.15k is expended by a piston from 600cm^3 to 900cm^3 at a temperature of 550k at 900kpa pressure. find the pressure before expansion.



The pressure before expansion is 717.1 kPa.


We need to use the Ideal Gas equation to find the initial pressure:

[tex] PV = nRT [/tex]


P: is the pressure

V: is the volume

n: is the number of moles

R: is the gas constant

T: is the temperature

Since the number of moles does not change after the expansion, we need the following number of moles:

[tex] n = \frac{P_{f}V_{f}}{RT_{f}} [/tex]  (1)

Where "f" is for final

Before the expansion, the pressure is:

[tex] P_{i} = \frac{nRT_{i}}{V_{i}} [/tex]   (2)

By entering equation (1) into (2) we have:

[tex] P_{i} = (\frac{P_{f}V_{f}}{RT_{f}})(\frac{RT_{i}}{V_{i}}) [/tex]

[tex]P_{i} = \frac{P_{f}V_{f}T_{i}}{T_{f}V_{i}} = \frac{900 kPa*900 cm^{3}*292.15 K}{550 K*600 cm^{3}} = 717.1 kPa[/tex]

Therefore, the pressure before expansion is 717.1 kPa.                  

I hope it helps you!        

Which of the following is a terrestrial habitat?
A) Pond B) Garden C) Lake D) River​




Explanation: All the other habitats are aquatic

Please help to Calculate the lower and upper bound for 3.2 + 4.6​



i think it is 7.10


I dont  have an explenation    

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