A triangle contains angles measuring 28oand 37o. How many degrees is the third angle?


Answer 1
115 just like the guy above said

Related Questions


Assume that any lines that appear to be tangent are tangent.

perimeter =??



Perimeter = 55.4

Step-by-step explanation:

8 + 8 + 8.7 + 8.7+ 11 + 11 = 55.4

Hope this helps!



a. yes b. yes c. no d. yes e. no. f. yes

Find the range. 15,18,13,17,15


The answer is 5. The biggest number - the smallest number (18-13=5)

help pls, pls not links!!



it is 5 units long from A to B



Step-by-step explanation:

i dont know if your looking for the area but i can help you out on that, and im sooper sorry if this is the wrong answer! Plz forgive me if so!

d,a is 3 and from d to c is 5, 3x5=15, thats the area of the square!!

If you were looking for a different answer plz forgive me you didnt exactly tell us what you were looking for so i kinda just guessed it was area of the square real sorry if this is wrong!!

Could someone please show me how to factor this using the x method



(x + 2) (8x + 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]8x^{2}[/tex] + [tex]19x + 6[/tex]

= (x + 2) (8x + 3)

L = 3/a = 3/8

R = 16/a = 16/8 = 2



/ \

/ b \

where letters have their usual meaning. Comparing 8x² + 19x + 6 to ax² + bx + c,

ac = 8*6 = 48

b = 19

Factors of ac or 48 :-

1 * 48

2 * 24

3 * 16

As the sum of 3 and 16 is 19(or b), our required pair is 3 and 16.

On the left side:

L = 3/a = 3/8

On the right side:

R = 16/a = 16/8 = 2

Therefore, factorized form is (x + 3/8)(x + 2) which can be written as (8x + 3)(x + 2).

How this method works:

Make a X with ac and b on the top and bottom of the X, where ac and b are taken from ax² + bx + c.

On the left side we have d/a and e/a. Basically d and e are those values that we get after solving the whole question.

Step1: find the pair(s) for which sum of factors of ac = b. Here it is 3 and 16.

Step2: put these values in place of d and e.

Step3: solve left anf right of X,

Left = d/a = 3/8

Right = e/a = 16/8 = 2

Step4: whatever you get, put that in (x+?)(x+?) in place of ?.

I would really like help for this, if anyone is willing to help me.



It's bc

Step-by-step explanation:

Y= 200,000 (0.95)^2. How many birds will be there in 10 years?



Kathleen, a professional golfer, had an average score last season

of 80 points. This season, her average score has been 72 points.

What is the percent of decrease in Kathleen's average score

what is the answer?????​



< 1 = 88

< 2 = 92

Step-by-step explanation:

First add 4x - 4 + 4x = 180

X = 23

4(23) - 4 = 88

4(23) = 92

Sarah hiked a path that took her from 34 feet below sea level to 52 feet above sea level . What was the change in her elevation?​



86 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

First method: Logical thinking

Think of the position 34 ft below sea level as -34.

The position above sea level is 52.

You need to find the distance between -34 and 52.

You go from 34 ft below sea level, -34 to 0. That is 34 ft.

Then you go from sea level, 0 ft, to 52 ft above sea level. That is 52 ft.

The total is 34 ft + 52 ft = 86 ft

Answer: 86 ft

Second method: Calculate a distance in math

The distance between two points on a number line is the absolute value of the difference of their coordinates. The coordinates are -34 and 52. Subtract the numbers in either order, and take the absolute value of the difference.

|-34 - 52| = |-86| = 86

If you did it in the other order, you'd get the same answer.

|52 - (-34)| = |52 + 34| = |86| = 86

Answer: 86 ft

What is (3p+7)(3p-7)(p+8)



9p^3 + 72p^2 - 49p - 392

Step-by-step explanation:

(3p + 7) times (3p - 7) times (p + 8)

(9p^2 - 49) times (p +8)

9p^3 + 72p^2 - 49p - 392

I hope this helps a ton!!

Please help and show work ASAP DUE SPON




Step-by-step explanation:

r x r x h x 3.14 (pi) = 6x6x3.14x4=452.16, rounded to tenth is 452.2



Step-by-step explanation:

diameter= 12in.

radius= 12÷2

= 6in.

volume= πr²h


= π×36×4

= 113.097336×4

= 452.389

≈ 452.4in³

Please help me !!!!!



1) 115

2) 83

3) 45

4) 137

Step-by-step explanation:

im sure you noticed i just rewrote what numbers were already there, but that's because all angles that are directly across from each other have the same measurement. hope this helps

Cos^2theta -cos^2theta ×sin^2theta =cos^4theta​



we should prove this or solve only

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is helpful to you

expanding triple brackets i will give brainliest



[tex]x {3}^ + 3x {2}^ - 10x - 24 [/tex]

hope it helps!!!!!!!!!!

Graph: y = |x-4| + 2
Click or tap the graph to plot a point


Transformations: right 4, up 2

The graph of the absolute value function can be seen at the end of the answer.

How to graph the absolute value function?

For an absolute value function:

y = |x - a| + b

We need to start by graphing the vertex, which is the point (a, b).

Then, depending on the slope, we graph the arms.

In our case:

y = |x - 4| + 2

The slope is 1, so both the arms will open upwards with a 45° angle, and we can see that the vertex is (4, 2).

If you want to learn more about absolute value, you can read:



Grace has 2,640 beads to put on the bracelets she is making. It takes 48 beads to make each bracelet. How many bracelets can Grace make



Grade can make 55 bracelets

Step-by-step explanation:

2640/48 = 55



Step-by-step explanation:

2640 divided by 48

the answer is 55




Number one is 1624cm²

Number two is 32in²

For these problem you area calculating the surface area of the given objects. To calculate surface area you find the area of each side of the object and adding them together. length multiplied by width is the equation for area.

What is the equation of a line parallel to the y axis and passing through the point (2,1)?



x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

lines parallel to the y-axis are always vertical and begin with 'x ='



Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

A line parallel to the y-axis would make it a vertical line. Vertical lines have the equation x=d, where d is the x-intercept (the value of x when y=0).

We also need to know that every point a vertical line passes through has the same x-coordinate. Therefore, because this line passes through the point (2,1), we know that the x-intercept is (2,0).

Therefore, the equation of the line would be x=2.

I hope this helps!

Recall that two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90. Find the measures of two complementary angles if one angle is 15 degree more than two times the other angle.


Answer: 25° and 65°

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the smaller angle of the complementary angle be represented by x.

Since the other angle is 15 degree more than two times the other angle, this will be:

= (2 × x) + 15°

= 2x + 15°.

Then we add both angles together and equate them to 90° and this will be:

x + 2x + 15° = 90°

3x + 15° = 90°

3x = 90° - 15°

3x = 75°

x = 75°/3

x = 25°

Then the other angle will be:

= 2x + 15°

= (2 × 25°) + 15°

= 50° + 15°

= 65°

Therefore, the angles are 25° and 65°.

1. Is x + 8 a factor of b(x) = x3 + 18x2 + 80x? Determine using synthetic
division. Explain how you know it is or isn't.



If x+8 is a factor, divide by -8.

-8      1   18   80

             -8  -80


       1     10      0

It is a factor because there is no remainder.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the value of x. -1x + 72 = -3x + 84




Step-by-step explanation:

First, add x to each side.


Subtract 84 from each side


Dive each side by -2




Step-by-step explanation:


+3x on both sides


subtract 72 on both sides


divide by 2 on both sides


Gerald drove his car 360 miles on a trip. He used 20 gallons of gasoline. Which of the following is a unit rate that describes the distance Gerald drove per gallon of gasoline used?

18 miles per gallon

18 gallons per mile

340 miles per gallon

340 gallons per mile


Pick A for the answer



Step-by-step explanation:

135 miles in 3 hours is miles in 1 hour.



45 miles in 1 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

135/3 = 45

45 miles in 1 hour

Evaluate 2-10+8-\left(-2\right)2−10+8−(−2)2, minus, 10, plus, 8, minus, left parenthesis, minus, 2, right parenthesis.



Here we want to solve the equation:

"2, minus, 10, plus, 8, minus, left parenthesis, minus, 2, right parenthesis."

This can be written as:

2 - 10 + 8 - (-2)

Remember that we can solve this in any order we want, so let's go from left to right:

So we can solve first:

( 2 - 10) + 8 - (-2)

We know that:

2 - 10 = -8

Then we can replace that in the expression to get:

( 2 - 10) + 8 - (-2)  = -8 + 8 -(-2)

Now we can solve:

(-8 + 8) - (-2)

We know that:

-8 + 8 = 0        

Replacing that in the equation we get:

(-8 + 8) - (-2)    = 0 - (-2) = -(-2)

And now we can remember the rule of the signs:

(+)*(+) = (+)

(-)*(-) = (+)

(-)*(+) = (-)

(+)*(-) = (-)


-(-2) = (-1)*(-2) = +(1)*(2) = 2

The solution of the expression is 2.



The answer is 2

I checked it on Khan

Step-by-step explanation:

please help- provid explanation if possible! <3




Step-by-step explanation:

The rate of change is exponential.

Factor the following:
x^2 - 9​



(x + 3)(x - 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {x}^{2} - 9 \\ = {x}^{2} - {3}^{2} \\ = (x + 3)(x - 3)[/tex]

please help me I only have 2 minutes left winner gets brainliest is 1 + (8r+9) and (2+8) + 8r equivalent



Yes, this is equivalent.

Hope this helps!

A solid has 6 faces and 8
vertices. How many edges
does it have?
Euler's Formula: F+ V - E = 2



4 edges

Step-by-step explanation:

the shape is a cube

Answer: 12

Step-by-step explanation:

Euler’s formula: F + V - E = 2

6 + 8 - E = 2

14 - E = 2

You find E by subtracting 14 with 2

14 - 2 = 12

E = 12

I need help again. :( plzz help



4 white horses.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you need to find the total of the first set of horses (basically how many total were in the table).

~ 3+2+9+1 = 15

Next we need to find how many horses were white horses out of these 15 horses. In short the proportion would be White Horses/Total Horses.

~  [tex]\frac{3}{15}[/tex] (or  [tex]\frac{1}{5}[/tex], simplified)

Now, all we need to do is create the proportion with 20 as the denominator (in this case, 20 will be the total horses, and we just need to find X, or how many horses are expected to be white out of all of those horses). The proportion will look somewhat like this:

~  [tex]\frac{1}{5}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{x}{20}[/tex]

The final step is to multiply across (1x20) then divide that number by the 5 to find X.

~ 20÷5 = 4

Anyways, that means it would be expected to have 4 white horses out of 20 total. Hope this helped ^-^

3. in Figure 1, which of the following guarantees that alb?
A 2127
B. 325
C. 24 25
1 2
3 4
D. 24 27
Figure 1


pakii Ayus po

Step-by-step explanation:


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