a trapeziod had bases of lengths 8 and 12. find the trapeziods area if its height is 12?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]Area=\frac{base1+base2}{2} *height[/tex]

[tex]Area=\frac{8+12}{2} *12[/tex]



Related Questions

Biologists studying wildlife in the state parks want to estimate the average weight of chipmunks. They measured the weights of 5 chipmunks from each of 10 parks. The mean of the data was 91 grams, and the median was 87 grams



The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean of a dataset gives the average which is obtained by taking the sun of each data value and dividing by the number of samples. The median however requires the arrangement of data in terms of size ze (ascending) and taking the mid value (value which falls in the 50% mark). For the data above, the most appropriate measure of the average is the mean. Hence, the prediction which matches the data is ; The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams.

Based on the data that the Biologists found out, the prediction that best matches the data is The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams.

What does the data say?

The data shows the weights of the five chipmunks that were recorded and the mean of these weights was 91 grams.

The mean of a dataset is the same as its average which means that the average weight found from the chipmunks was 91 grams.

In conclusion, option D is correct.

Options for this question are:

About one-half of the chipmunks weigh more than 91 grams

The average weight of the chipmunks is 87 grams.

About one-half of the chipmunks weigh more than 87 grams

The average weight of the chipmunks is 91 grams

Find out more on averages at https://brainly.com/question/14532771.

i rlly need help on this question and you won’t help



lol wheres the question

Step-by-step explanation:

Where is the question at?

Two different banks, Bank A and Bank B, offer accounts with exactly the same annual interest rate of 6.85%. However, the account from Bank A has interest compounded monthly, whereas the account from Bank B compounds interest continuously. To decide which bank to open an account with, you calculate the amount of interest you would earn after three years from an initial deposit of $5000 in each bank’s account. How much interest would you earn from each account? Which bank’s account earns more – and how much more?



Solution given:

For bank A.


principal [P]=$5000

time [T]=3years

now since simple interest is given by this bank

we have

Simple interest=PTR/100


For bank B


principal [P]=$5000

time [T]=3years

now since compound interest is given by this bank

we have

compound interest=P((1+R/100)^T-1)



Bank B gives more interest .more amount is

1099.49-1027.5=$71.99 or $72

Write the equation for the line through the following cities. 16.Ankara and Tbilisi ______________________________________ 17.London and Warsaw ______________________________________ 18.Amsterdam and Minsk ______________________________________ 19.Oslo and Rome ______________________________________ 20.Bern and Riga ______________________________________ 21.Tallinn and Vilnius ______________________________________ 22.Madrid and Sofia __________



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

The question is incomplete, as the graph or points of each city are not given.

So, I will provide a general explanation.

To calculate the equation of line through two points;

Start by writing out the coordinates of the two points.

For instance:

[tex]London = (4,6)[/tex]

[tex]Warsaw = (20,10)[/tex]

This points will be represented as:

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (4,6)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (20,10)[/tex]

Calculate the slope (m)

[tex]m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 -x_1}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{10 - 6}{20 - 4}[/tex]

[tex]m = \frac{4}{16}[/tex]


[tex]m = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

The equation is then calculated as:

[tex]y = m(x - x_1) + y_1[/tex]

This gives:

[tex]y = \frac{1}{4}(x - 4) + 6[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]y = \frac{1}{4}x - 1 + 6[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{1}{4}x +5[/tex]

Apply the above steps in the original question

In a quiz, you receive 7 points for a correct answer and –4 points for an incorrect answer.You receive 0 points if you do not answer the question.There are 20 questions in total.Is it possible to get a score of –11 in this quiz?



Yes it is possible

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]n = 20[/tex]

[tex]x= 7[/tex] --- correct

[tex]y = -4[/tex] --- wrong

[tex]z = 0[/tex] --- empty answer


Is a total of -11 possible?

To do this, we apply trial by error method.

After so many approaches, I found the following solution

[tex]x \to 3[/tex] -- Got 3 correctly

[tex]y \to 8[/tex] --- Failed 8

[tex]z \to 9[/tex] ---- Didn't answer 9

The above will give a score of -11.

We have:


[tex]3x+8y+9z = 3 * 7 + 8 * -4 + 9 * 0[/tex]

[tex]3x+8y+9z = 21-32 + 0[/tex]

[tex]3x+8y+9z = -11[/tex]

Hence, a score of -11 is possible

9. Joanna is considering two job offers. Phoenix Fashions offers

$1500/month plus 2.5% commission. Styles by Rebecca offers

$1250/month plus 5.5% commission.

a) Create a linear system by writing an equation for each salary.

b) What value of sales would result in the same total salary

for both jobs?

c) Which job should Joanna take? Explain your answer.



A] 1500 + 0.025x , 1250 + 0.055x ; B] Sales value = 8333

C] Offer 1, if prefers more fix salary over additional incentive. And, offer 2 if  prefers additional incentive over fix salary.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the sales be = x

A] Offer 1 = 1500 + 2.5% comm on sales = 1500 + 2.5%x = 1500 + 0.025x

Offer 2 = 1250 + 5.5% comm on sales = 1250 + 5.5%x = 1250 + 0.055x

B] Value of sales, resulting in total salary : at equation 1 = equation 2

1500 + 0.025x = 1250 + 0.055x

1500 - 1250 = 0.055x - 0.025x → 250 = 0.03x

x = 250 / 0.03 →  x (Sales value) = 8333

C] Which job she should take, would depend on her preferences.

If she wants more fixed salary, & less above per unit achievement, she should take offer 1 as fixed salary 1500 > 1250. If she wants less fixed salary & more additional incentives, she should take offer 2, as commission 5.5% > 2.5%




[tex]1) B[/tex]

[tex]2)\ B[/tex]

[tex]3)\ B[/tex]

[tex]4)\ C[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Let's use the Pythagorean Theorem:

[tex]X^2 + 13^2 = 21^2[/tex]

[tex]X^2 + 169 = 441[/tex]

[tex]X^2 = 272[/tex]

[tex]X= \sqrt{272} = 4\sqrt{17} = 16.5[/tex]


Let's use the Pythagorean Theorem:

[tex]16^2 + 28^2 = x^2[/tex]

[tex]x^2 = 1040[/tex]

[tex]x = \sqrt{1040} = 4\sqrt{65} = 32.2[/tex]


Let's use the Pythagorean Theorem:

[tex]7^2 + 24^2 = 25^2[/tex]

As this equation is correct, these three lengths could be used in a right triangle.


Let's use the Pythagorean Theorem:

[tex]7^2 + 24^2 = 25^2[/tex]

As this equation is correct, these three lengths could be used in a right triangle.





Step-by-step explanation:




The area is 1246 centimeters

Simplify: xy(x+5y)(x+2y)




Step-by-step explanation:

All three please 10 points



A) x = 3 or -1

B) x = -7

C)x = -7

Step-by-step explanation:

A) x² + 2x + 1 = 2x² - 2

Rearranging, we have;

2x² - x² - 2x - 2 - 1 = 0

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

Using quadratic formula, we have;

x = [-(-2) ± √((-2)² - 4(1 × -3))]/(2 × 1)

x = (2 ± √16)/2

x = (2 + 4)/2 or (2 - 4)/2

x = 6/2 or -2/2

x = 3 or -1

B) ((x + 2)/3) - 2/15 = (x - 2)/5

Multiply through by 15 to get;

5(x + 2) - 2 = 3(x - 2)

5x + 10 - 2 = 3x - 6

5x - 3x = -6 - 10 + 2

2x = -14

x = -14/2

x = -7

C) log(2x + 3) = 2log x

From log derivations, 2 log x is same as log x²


log(2x + 3) = logx²

Log will cancel out to give;

2x + 3 = x²

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

Using quadratic formula, we have;

x = [-(-2) ± √((-2)² - 4(1 × -3))]/(2 × 1)

x = (2 ± √16)/2

x = (2 + 4)/2 or (2 - 4)/2

x = 6/2 or -2/2

x = 3 or -1

move numbers to the table to show the value of x that satisfies each question
equation 2^x = 16
4^x = 1/16


The first empty box the answer is 3
The second empty box the answer is -3

Solve for x.
[tex]25x = 100[/tex]



Solution given:

[tex]25x = 100[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{100}{25}[/tex]

[tex]x = 4[/tex]

x=4 is a required answer.

Let's check


x is 4


- 5 1/4 -( -7 1/2)



-5 1/4-(-7 1/2 is simplified to 9/4

Step-by-step explanation:

-5 1/4 is simplified to -21/4  -(-7 1/2

-7 1/2 is simplified to -15/2 and two negatives make a positive.

so the equation now becomes


15/2 times 2 is 30/4

-21/4+30/4 is 9/4

The answer is 9/4

What's the slope of this line? Someone plz answer plz.




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] \frac{1}{2}x + 5[/tex]

Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone talk to me please?




Step-by-step explanation:


sure why not .


Step-by-step explanation:

can I have brainiest

Find the area of this circle. Use 3 for .
A = tar2
4 cm
[?] cm2



48 is the area

Step-by-step explanation:


Pi is 3.14 but in the question it states just a 3.

PLEASE HELP! In a film study, a sample of 300 movies was found to have an average runtime of 116 minutes with a standard deviation of 15 minutes. What is the margin of error for any sample of movie runtimes with 90% confidence (z=1.64)?



The answer is 1.42!!!!!!

Step-by-step explanation:

please help me

i’m stuck



14 mins

Safest answer and may be correct

due soon!!!
find the value of x



30 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

see the opposite side. it is the same thing but upside-down.

(remember straight line is 180 degrees)

please help me ill give you the crown thing if its right no joke


Answer: Third option

Step-by-step explanation:

The amount in each of the 3 busses (g) is fixed and equal, so 200+3g represents that

There are 95 candies in the dish.19 of the candies are chocolate. What percent of the candies are left




Step-by-step explanation:

20% of the candies are chocolate, leaving the rest of the 80%

omg bet you don't know this pt2



look at what the angle represent in the arrows

Step-by-step explanation:

Answers are 3/4 and 4/6





Step-by-step explanation:

The problem tells us that we need to use 25 equally sized stones to make a 12 feet long path. As the stones must be equally sized, you have to divide 12 by 25 to distribute the feet length equally. Therefore, 12 divided by 25 is just rewritten as 12/25 feet long.

Pleaseeeee helppppppppppppppp




Step-by-step explanation:

a biconditional is if and only if

Question 3
A bucket contains 4 red marbles, 10 blue marbles, 7 yellow marbles, and 5 green marbles.
What is the probability that you will get a blue, then a yellow with replacement?
a: 17/52
b: 10.796
c: 35/388
d: 10/26


It looks like it could be c but I’m not sure

Neva is training for a race. This week, she bikes 5.5 times as far as she runs. Her total distance running and biking this week is 26 mi. How far does Neva run this week?



Run = 4 miles

Biked = 22 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Let :

Number of miles ran = x

Number of miles biked = 5.5x

Total run and bike distance = 26 miles

Thus ;

x + 5.5x = 26

6.5x = 26

x = 26/6.5

x = 4

Total miles run ; x = 4 miles

Total miles biked, 5.5x = 5.5*4 = 22 miles

a tree cast a 25 foot shadow on a sunny day, if the angle of elevation from the tip of the shadow to the top of the top of the tree is 32 degrees, what is the heights of the tree to the nearest tenth of a foot?



Tree height is 15.6 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Picture a triangle with horizontal side 25 ft and angle 32 degrees on the left.  Then the following is true:


tan 32 = 0.625 = ---------------------       or   x = (0.625)(25 ft) = 15.6 ft

                                    25 ft        

What is the domain of the square root function graphed below?



x ≥ 3

Step-by-step explanation:

The domain is the set of x values in a function

The ordered pair ( 3 , 1 ) represents the point where the function starts

( note that the point is "closed" which means that ( 3 , 1 )  represents a solution to the function ) ( which also means that we will be using ≤ or ≥ )

The x value of that ordered pair is 3 which means that the domain must include 3.

The line then goes to the right of the x value 3, infinitely which means that the domain is anything greater than or equal to 3

or x ≥ 3

what is the percent of increase from 600,000 to 900,000?


Answer: 50%

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplifique a expressão: 5 √2^3




Step-by-step explanation:

5√2³ = 5√8 = 5√(2 x 4) = (2 x 5)√2 = 10√2

Other Questions
HURRY PLEASE IM BEING TIMED! THIS IS FOR 25 POINTS Please write 5 short sentences in Spanish. Each sentence needs to tell me what someone is going to do.All of your 5 sentences will follow this format: ir a + VERB.Here is an example of a good sentence:Voy a cocinar.Voy a cocinar = I will cookWhy did I write VOY instead of IR? Because In this format, the verb IR needs to be conjugated. VOY is a conjugated form of IR.Here are the conjugations of IR:yo VOY = I am goingt VAS = You are going,l VA = he is going , ella VA = she is goingnosotros VAMOS = we are goingHere are some verbs you can use in your sentences:(verbs: enamorarse-to fall in love, extraar-to miss someone, querer-to want/love, sacar fotos-to take pictures, usar la computadora-to use the computer, mirar la tele-watch tv, pedir-to ask for, tener hambre-to be hungry, tener sed- to be thirsty, comprar-to buy, divertirse-to have fun, cocinar-to cook, escuchar msica-to listen to music)Another Example:Yo ( conjugation of IR ) a ( verb from the list above).Yo (voy) a (querer) un perro.- I am going to want a dog. (I added "un perro = a dog" in my sentence to make it clear that I will want a dog. You can just write "Yo voy a querer").USE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TEMPLATES.1. Yo___ a____2. Tu___a___3. El___ a____4. Ella___ a____5. nosotros ____ a _____ 1) Create a class called Villain. Specifically, a Villain has the following fields: .name (String) a number of evil plans (int) In addition, a Villain has the following methods: a constructor that accepts an argument for each of the fields . a copy constructor an equals method, which checks/returns whether all the fields are the same a toString method 2) Create a class called Crazy Villain, which inherits from Villain. Specifically, a Crazy Villain has the following additional fields: a crazy laughter (String) a crazy idea (String In addition, write code for the following Crazy Villain methods: a constructor that accepts an argument for each of the fields a toString method that overrides the Villain toString method, in order to include the additional fields You do not need to instantiate/demo Villain or Crazy Villain objects. Which of the following makes it difficult for central African countries to fully develop their economic resources?a. high corporate taxesb. unfair trade agreementsc. frequent natural disastersd. poor transportations systems HELPPPP MEEEEEEE PLZZZZZZ In this activity you will write a paragraph in Spanish, about the types of entertainment you prefer, live and recorded, and why. Use the subjunctive mood in your response, where possible. For each event stated below, indicate how the concentration of each species in the chemical equation will then change to reach equilibrium.2CO(g) + O2(g) 2CO2(g)a. increasing the concentration of CO b. decreasing the amount of O2 c. decreasing the the volume of the system What event three weeks after the March on Washington showed Americans that change was needed what are the pillars of democracy is this correct? will give brainliest, question in pic President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 toD. A marble is picked at random. Without putting the first marble back, a second marble is picked at random. Find the probability that first marble picked is green and second marble picked is red. Write your result as a percentage. how are each of the rock types created (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) created? Simplify this expression using the distributive property.2(2z+9) 22. This system of equations has : y = -2xy = -2x + 1A. One SolutionB. Infinitely Many SolutionsC. No Solutions what produces magnetic fields I need help no links posted on My question or I will report you Create a Vocabulary Foldable (vocabulary words, definitions, and examples) for Animal Behavior. Refer to ACOS 7.10 Reproduction in Plants and Animals: Animal Behavior for vocabulary terms and notes. Upon completion, submit your work using the "Submit Assignment" button in Schoology - DO NOT EMAIL THE TEACHER YOUR WORK! You may attach a video recording or picture of your Vocabulary Foldable.1.) Stimulus 2.) Response3.) External4.) Internal5.) Behavior6.) Environmental Behavior7.) Hibernation8.) Migration9.) Inherited Behavior10.) Reflex11.) Instinct12.) Learned Behavior13.) Imprinting14.) Conditioning15.) Trial and Error Learning16.) Insight Learning17.) Social Behavior18.) Social Hierarchy19.) Territorial Behavior ggfdgfhkjljhvgtygjhcddfffdddddhh Does one disease happen in the circulatory system which can affect homeostasis? what do you find most important in your life?