A teacher is four times as old as a student. In 28 years, the student's age will be half of the teacher's age. How old are they now?
The age of the teacher is
The age of the student is


Answer 1
Here, let the age of student be x and teacher be 4x after 28 years, the teacher is double the age of student. So the age of teacher will be 4x+28 and student will be 2(x+28)
Therefore the age of the teacher in present will be
And age of student will be:
Hope this helps

Related Questions

what is 3 /8 times 4/7 in simplest form




Step-by-step explanation:

Two analysts are going to compute confidence intervals for the unknown population mean lifetime of batteries being used in a particular brand of cellphones. The 1st analyst selects a random sample of batteries and computes a 95% confidence interval that has a margin of error of .85 hours. The 2nd analyst selects a random sample of batteries and computes a 99% confidence interval that has a margin of error of .70 hours. Both samples have the same standard deviation of 4 hours. Which analyst will have a wider interval



Due to the higher margin of error, the 1st analyst will have a wider interval.

Step-by-step explanation:

Width of a confidence interval:

The width of a confidence interval is twice its margin of error, meaning that the sample with the largets margin of error will be wider.

1st analyst:

Margin of error of 0.85, so width of 0.85*2 = 1.7

2nd analyst:

Margin of error of 0.7, so width of 0.7*2 = 1.4

Which analyst will have a wider interval?

Due to the higher margin of error, the 1st analyst will have a wider interval.

Help me pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!


Report this clown who put the first answer he’s trying to get your ip.



answer: 1180 m

fjdjdjdjdjcj random letters, work in picture



Step-by-step explanation:

break the polygon into two rectangles as shown in attachment

I have labeled the new length A

A = 50 - 18

A = 32 m

area of rectangle 1 = l x w

= 5 x 32

= 160m^2

area of rectangle 2 = l x w

= 18 x 25

= 450 m^

area of polygon = rectangle 1 + rectangle 2

= 160 + 450

= 610m^2




i need points i sugjest going on yt it gives you full guide

Step-by-step explanation:


I think its 3 I took this test last year if I remember right 3

In a plane, line b is parallel to line f, line f is parallel to line g, and line h is perpendicular to line b. Which of the following cannot be true?


Answer: f is Parralel to g

Step-by-step explanation:


You gave us no choices

Step-by-step explanation:

h is not parallel f

A sphere shaped orange has a diameter of 7 centimeters. Find the volume of the orange to the nearest tenth.​



Step-by-step explanation:

My education system is different so I dont know what nearest tenth would mean in this .

But going mathematically:

Its diameter is 7 centimetres.

So to find its volume we can use the formula pi/d or pi/r^2

Now, 22/7÷7 would be 22cm³.



Note: I had to write FA in that order, and not the other way around, due to the filter.

Part 1

There are 2 answers and they are

Choice 2) FA/AB = FG/BCChoice 3) AB/FA= BC/FG



For any of the answer choices we are involving the following segments


So we're only involving four segments. They are paired up to form fractions which are then set equal to one another. Notice how segment FA is smaller than AB, and how they correspond together. Going from FA to AB means go from small to big. If we write the ratio FA/AB, then can think of it as small/big.

Also note that FG is smaller than BC, and both segments also correspond as they are both going downhill from left to right. So we can write FG/BC to set equal to the first fraction we set up.

Overall, the proportion FA/AB = FG/BC is one valid answer.

The other valid answer is AB/FA= BC/FG. This equation is formed by applying the reciprocal to both sides of the first equation mentioned.

We can rule out choice 1 because FA/AB is small/big, but BC/FG is big/small. The two don't match up. Choice 4 is ruled out because AB does not correspond to FG.


Part 2

Answer:  27



Through similar ideas mentioned in part 1, we can form this proportion


we have the format small/big = small/big

We are given these values either in word form or through the diagram

FA= 15AB = FA+FB = 15+30 = 45AC = 81

Plug in those given values and isolate AG


15/45 = AG/81

15*81 = 45*AG .... cross multiply

1215 = 45AG

45AG = 1215

AG = 1215/45 .... divide both sides by 45

AG = 27

Segment AG is 27 inches long.

Please help me with my math guys really need it



The answers are given in the pictures. One of them was an opinionated question, so you can just put whatever you want there. I put my opinion just in case.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me with this




Step-by-step explanation:


i think the answer is

Step-by-step explanation:


pls help!! i’ll mark you brainliest : )



B, d, e

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the area of a triangle is 1/2×base (b)×height (h)

For b

Half of 3 is 1.5 × 8 = 12

For d

Half of 6 is 3 × 4= 12

For e

Half of 12 is 6 × 2= 12

Jason spent $980 total on a new Ps5 and some games. He paid $800 for the Ps5 and he paid $45 per game. How many games did Jason buy?



4 games

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this is right!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

So first off, subtract the 800 from the 980, this leaves the amount of money left ofr games:




Next divide this by how much each game cost, to get the amoutn per game:




So we know he got 4 games.

Hope this helps!

If you rotated the shape around the line, which three-dimensional figure would be formed?
O A cone
O B. sphere
O C. cylinder
D. pyramid



c cylinder

Step-by-step explanation:

Cone with a 3 dimensional figure





Step-by-step explanation:


it is A because the shape is the same and is just facing a different way

Step-by-step explanation:

Write the algebraic expression: The sum of 2 and 83p​


Answer and Step-by-step explanation:

2 + 83p would be the expression.

In word form:

Two plus eighty three times p.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)


[tex]2 + 83p[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The phrase 'the sum of' indicates addition.

The phrase "The sum of 2 and 83p​" would add '2' and '83p'.

"The sum of 2 and 83p​" as an expression would be: [tex]2 +83p[/tex].

[tex]83p + 2[/tex] would also be correct due to the commutative property.

Hope this helps.

A cylindrical tank has a base of diameter 12 ft and height 5 ft. The tank is full of water (of density 62.4 lb/ft3).(a) Write down an integral for the work needed to pump all of the water to a point 4 feet above the tank.(b) Write down an integral for the fluid force on the side of the tank.(c) How would your answer to part (a) change if the tank was on its side



a.  71884.8 π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁵(9 - y)dy

b.  23961.6 π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁵(5 - y)dy

c. 99840π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁶rdr

Step-by-step explanation:

.(a) Write down an integral for the work needed to pump all of the water to a point 4 feet above the tank.

The work done, W = ∫mgdy where m = mass of cylindrical tank = ρA([5 + 4] - y) where ρ = density of water = 62.4 lb/ft³, A = area of base of tank = πd²/4 where d = diameter of tank = 12 ft.( we add height of the tank + the height of point above the tank and subtract it from the vertical point above the base of the tank, y to get 5 + 4 - y) and g = acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/s²


W = ∫mgdy

W = ∫ρA([5 + 4] - y)gdy

W = ∫ρA(9 - y)gdy

W = ρgA∫(9 - y)dy

W = ρgπd²/4∫(9 - y)dy

we integrate W from  y from 0 to 5 which is the height of the tank

W = ρgπd²/4∫₀⁵(9 - y)dy

substituting the values of the other variables into the equation, we have

W = 62.4 lb/ft³π(12 ft)² (32 ft/s²)/4∫₀⁵(9 - y)dy

W = 71884.8 π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁵(9 - y)dy

.(b) Write down an integral for the fluid force on the side of the tank

Since force, F = ∫PdA where P = pressure = ρgh where h = (5 - y) since we are moving from h = 0 to h = 5. So, P = ρg(5 - y)

The differential area on the side of the tank is given by

dA = 2πrdy

So.  F = ∫PdA

F = ∫ρg(5 - y)2πrdy

Since we are integrating from y = 0 to y = 5, we have our integral as

F = ∫ρg2πr(5 - y)dy

F = ∫ρgπd(5 - y)dy    since d = 2r

substituting the values of the other variables into the equation, we have

F = ∫₀⁵62.4 lb/ft³π(12 ft) × 32 ft/s²(5 - y)dy

F = 23961.6 π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁵(5 - y)dy

.(c) How would your answer to part (a) change if the tank was on its side

The work done, W = ∫mgdr where m = mass of cylindrical tank = ρAh where ρ = density of water = 62.4 lb/ft³, A = curved surface area of cylindrical tank = 2πrh  where r = radius of tank, d = diameter of tank = 12 ft. and h =  height of the tank = 5 ft and g = acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/s²


W = ∫mgdr

W = ∫ρAhgdr

W = ∫ρ(2πrh)hgdr

W = ∫2ρπrh²gdr

W = 2ρπh²g∫rdr

we integrate from r = 0 to r = d/2 where d = diameter of cylindrical tank = 12 ft/2 = 6 ft


W = 2ρπh²g∫₀⁶rdr

substituting the values of the other variables into the equation, we have

W = 2 × 62.4 lb/ft³π(5 ft)² × 32 ft/s²∫₀⁶rdr

W = 99840π lb/ft-s²∫₀⁶rdr

Henry is mixing concrete.To make
concrete he needs to mix cement,
sand and gravel in the ratio 4:3:1 by
weight. Henry needs to make 120 kg
of concrete. He has 65 kg of cement,
40 kg of sand and 15 kg of gravel.
Which ingredient is Henry short of?




Step-by-step explanation:

120kg = (4 + 3 + 1) units = 8 units

1 unit = 120 ÷ 8 = 15kg

Calculating required quantities:

Cement: 4 units = 4(15) = 60kg

Sand: 3 units = 3(15) = 45kg

Gravel: 1 unit = 1(15) = 15kg

Comparing these values to those given in the question, he is short of sand.

(60 divided by (3+7) x2 ) x 5 +7 A. 60 B 22 C 30 D 67



the answer is D

Step-by-step explanation:

Osa is trying to estimate V8. So far she has 2.8, but she wants one more digit to make it more accurate. What value would you add to Osa's estimate of V8? How can you tell that your estimate is more accurate than Osa's
[tex] \sqrt{8} [/tex]


The rating is v8 12 for this question


How many six-character code words can be formed if the first two characters are letters and the others are letters and/or digits? Repetition of numbers and letters is allowed.

a) 6,760,000

b) 723,465,600

c) 1,135,420,416

d) 918,918,000

2.Answer question # 1 if Repetition is NOT allowed.
a) 918,918,000






A ; 3276000 (second answer)

Step-by-step explanation:

think of it like this:

L        L       #      #      #    # ( six symbols, L for letters, # for numbers)

26 X 26 X 10 X 10 X 10 X10 = 6760000

If we take away repetition then the equation would look like this:  

L       L       #     #     #    #   ( 26 then 25 due to the loss of a letter due to no  )

26 X 25 X 10 X 9 X 8 X 7   ( Repetition. Same with 10,9,8,7                               )  

Therefore the answer to the second question isn't even up there which is 3276000.

Hope this helps...

Convert to the given unit. 65 m = cm​



65m = 6500 Cm.

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is 99 ft”, and the length of the rectangle is 7 ft more than twice the width. Find the dimensions of the rectangle


Answer: Width = 5.5ft

Length = 18ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the width of the rectangle be x

Since the length of the rectangle is 7 ft more than twice the width. This mean that the length will be:

= (2 × x) + 7 = 2x + 7.

Therefore, length × width = area

x × (2x + 7) = 99

2x² + 7x = 99

2x² + 7x - 99 = 0

2x² + 18x - 11x - 99 = 0

2x(x + 9) - 11(x + 9) = 0

(2x - 11) = 0

2x = 0 + 11

2x = 11

x = 11/2

x = 5.5

The width is 5.5ft

Length = 2x + 7 = 2(5.5) + 7 = 11+7 = 18ft

A right rectangular prism has a base with sides 6 cm and 8 cm. If the volume of the prism is 624 cm^3, find the height of the prism.




Step-by-step explanation:

Volume= Length x Width x Height




8cm x 6cm=48cm^2

Divide 624cm^3 by 48cm^2= 13cm


Hope this helps!

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Foundations - Systems of Equations
Which expression is equivalent
Please help




Step-by-step explanation:

Which of these is NOT the net of a cube.




Step-by-step explanation:

You don't really need much of an explanation ...





Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] \frac{3}{2} [/tex]

Write the equation of the graph



x + 2y - 5 = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

We can see that , the graph passes through (0,2.5) and (5,0) . Therefore the ,

x intercept is 5 y intercept is 2.5

We can use the intercept form of equation as ,

=> x/a + y/b = 1

=> x/5 + y/2.5 = 1

=> x + 2y/5 = 1

=> x + 2y = 5

=> x + 2y -5 = 0 .

This equation can be verified by plotting the graph .[ Refer to attachment ]

Hence the equation of the line is x + 2y - 5 = 0 .

Please help!!! Brainlyest answer!!!!



Monday, Thursday, and friday

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the inequality given and solve for h



from here you just select all days that have more than or equal to 8.5 hours

which is

Monday, Thursday, and friday

Can you pleaseee help me I beg u !


It’s C :)
I need to get to twenty characters so


[tex]x < - 7[/tex]

the answer is option C

14. What is the length of a diagonal of rectangle EFGH? Show your work



The length of the diagonal of the rectangle is of [tex]\sqrt{58}[/tex] units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Pythagorean theorem:

The square of the hypothenuse h is equal to the sum of the squares of sides a and b, that is:

[tex]h^2 = a^2 + b^2[/tex]

Diagonal of a rectangle:

The diagonal is the hypothenuse, while the sides are a and b.

In this question:

The height has coordinates are y = 9 and y = 12, so the height is [tex]a = 12 - 9 = 3[/tex]

The length has coordinates at [tex]x = -6, x = -13[/tex], so the length is [tex]b = -6 - (-13) = 7[/tex]


[tex]d^2 = a^2 + b^2[/tex]

[tex]d^2 = 3^2 + 7^2[/tex]

[tex]d^2 = 9 + 49[/tex]

[tex]d^2 = 58[/tex]

[tex]d = \sqrt{58}[/tex]

The length of the diagonal of the rectangle is of [tex]\sqrt{58}[/tex] units.

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