A student uses visible spectrophotometry to determine the concentration of CoCl2(aq) in a sample solution. First the student prepares a set of CoCl2(aq) solutions of known concentration. Then the student uses a spectrophotometer to determine the absorbance of each of the standard solutions at a wavelength of 510nm and constructs a standard curve. Finally, the student determines the absorbance of the sample of unknown concentration. The original solution used to make the solutions for the standard curve was prepared by dissolving 2.60g of CoCl2 (molar mass 130.g/mol) in enough water to make 100.mL of solution. What is the molar concentration of the solution


Answer 1


0.200 M


Step 1: Given data

Mass of CoCl₂ (m): 2.60 gMolar mass of CoCl₂ (M): 130. g/molVolume of solution (V): 100. mL (0.100 L)

Step 2: Calculate the moles (n) of CoCl₂ (solute)

We will use the following expression.

n = m / M

n = 2.60 g / (130. g/mol) = 0.0200 mol

Step 3: Calculate the molar concentration of the solution

Molarity is equal to the moles of solute divided by the liters of solution.

M = n/V

M = 0.0200 mol/0.100 L = 0.200 M

Related Questions

An atom of element X has an atomic number of 11 and a mass number of 23. .
a) What is the definition of atomic number?
b) How many protons, electrons and neutrons are in this atom?
c) A different atom of X has an atomic number of 11, but a mass number of 24. Give a
name for these two forms of X.
d) Would these two atoms have similar chemical properties? Give a reason for your



ssaasasasassdsdsdafdftrga*b*y/a la 3



a) the number of protons in an atom

b) 11 protons, 11 electrons and 12 neutrons.

c) Isotope

d) yes, they still have the same number of protons and electrons.


b) Number of neutrons = mass number - atomic number

Atoms have the same number of electrons and protons

c) isotopes are atoms with the same number of  protons but a different number of neutrons.

Hope this helped !

Which is the correct Lewis dot structure of NH2?
ов. В





If a system is left to change spontaneously, in what state will it end?

A. The state with the lowest possible energy consistent with the state of maximum disorder

B. the state with lowest possible energy

C. The same state in which it began

D. The state with the maximum disorder



The state with the lowest possible energy consistent with the state of maximum disorder

so letter A

If a system is left to change spontaneously then, the state with the lowest possible energy is consistent with the state of maximum disorder. option A is correct.

what is spontaneous change?

A spontaneous change may be so fast or rapid or in a fraction of time that it is essentially instantaneous or fast or so slow that it cannot be observed over any practical time of  period.

A is the spontaneous change is one in which the system happening into which the  A an increase or boost  in internal energy B lowering  decline in entropy C lowering in energy D no energy change Medium.

The time-evolution  or change of a system in which it releases free energy and it moves to a lower, or decreased more thermodynamically stable energy state, closer to  attend the thermodynamic equilibrium.

Therefore, the system is left to change spontaneously then, and the state with the lowest possible energy is consistent with the state of maximum disorder. option A is correct.

Learn more about spontaneous change, here :



For H 3 PO 4 and H 3 BO 3 , does the subscript " of hydrogen in these two formulas seem to result in additional ions in solution as it did in Group A? Explain .



See Explanation


Let us consider the ionization of these compounds;

H3PO4 ⇔3H^+ + PO4^3-

H3BO3  ⇔3H^+ + BO3^3-

The next to consider is the type of electrolyte the both solution are; the both solutions are weak electrolytes and weak electrolytes do not ionize to a large extent.

The implication of this is that, not so much number of ions is added to the solution due to the poor ionization of these weak electrolytes. Hence, in spite of the subscript of 3, the conductivity of the solution does not significantly improve for the reason stated here quite unlike when strong electrolytes are used.

Under Adolf Hitler, Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles by expanding its

military and occupying the Rhineland. How did the League of Nations respond to

these violations?

The League of Nations issued a declaration of war on Germany.

O The League of Nations condemned the violations but took no other action.

O The League of Nations imposed harsh sanctions on Germany.

The League of Nations sent a multinational peacekeeping force to the region.



B. The League of Nations condemned the violations but took no other action.


Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by sending German military forces in Rhineland. He not only violated the Treaty of Versailles but the Locarno Pact also.

The treaty was signed in 1919 to end the war between Germany and the Allied Powers.

Even after Adolf Hitler violated the treaty, the League Nations did not take any actions.

Therefore, option B is correct.

True or False?

A day is about 12 hours long



false it's 24 hours long.

positivities and negativity of computer creativity




Some of the positive effects are faster communication, an organization of data and information, computerization of tasks, and easier access to the information. Some of the negative effects of computers are human's break their social interact with friends and families, cause back problem, depression, and poor health.


Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).

Scholarly interest in creativity is found in a number of disciplines, primarily psychology, business studies, and cognitive science, but also education, the humanities, technology, engineering, philosophy (particularly philosophy of science), theology, sociology, linguistics, the arts, economics, and mathematics, covering the relations between creativity and general intelligence, personality type, mental and neural processes, mental health, or artificial intelligence; the potential for fostering creativity through education and training; the fostering of creativity for national economic benefit, and the application of creative resources to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

A picture of a lightbulb is associated with someone having an idea, an example of creativity.

A solution has pH of 9 what is it?​


basic. solutions with a pH from over 7 to 14 are bases
A solution with a pH of 9 is a base. Hope this helps.

how deadly and destructive is the crystal movement of a volcano?



Explosive eruptions occur when magma, which is molten rock in the ground, contains gas. ... The most dangerous features of these events are volcanic ash flows  swift, ground-hugging avalanches of searing hot gas, ash and rock that destroy everything in their path.


What is the pH of the solution if the [H3O+] concentration is 2.5 X 10-4 M?





To calculate the pH of any solution, use the formula;

pH= -log[ concentration ] and for this case take pH= -log[H3O+]

= -log[2.5x10^-4]

therefore pH= 3.60

The idea of pH mainly applies in the determination of the nature of various solutions to the used in the chemical analysis. The correct pH must be determined in order to get accurate results. Ionic equillibria mostly involves the calculations involving pH which is normally obtained after determination of equilibrium concentrations.

Which type of changes are melting, freezing, and boiling?​



the changes are physical changes

15.True or False:
The concentration of a solution can be increased indefinitely by
adding solute


(I hate the 20 character limit)

Cu1+ and O2- what is the formula and what is the name of it



copper I oxide


Copper is known to form two oxides; copper I oxide and copper II oxide.

In the question we have the ions; Cu1+ and O2-. Ionic compounds are formed by a combination of ions as typified below;

Cu^+  +  O^2-   -------> Cu2O

This compound is copper I oxide

Two blocks of metal are separated and have different temperatures as shown.

The blcoks are then pushed together so they touch.

Which statement describes how heat flows?

Block 1

Block 2

Block 1

Block 2



A. Heat flows drom block 1 to block 2

B. Heat flows from block 2 to block 1

C. There is no heat flow

D. Heat flows back and forth from one block to another



A. Heat flows from block 1 to block 2


Thermal or heat energy flows when objects of different temperature come in contact. Heat naturally flows from hot objects (high temperature) to cold objects (low temperature) and will keep on flowing until an equilibrium is reached.

According to this question, two blocks of metal, which are of different temperatures, are illustrated to be in contact. Block 1 is at 60°C while Block 2 is at 25°C. Block 1 is hotter than Block 2, hence, heat will flow from block 1 to block 2.

please answer!!! 4x + 5x + 6b​



9x +6b

hope this helps

have a good day :)


Two firefighters are trying to break through a door. One firefighter is heavy, and the other is light. If they run at the same speed, which one is more likely to break through?



the heavy one


the heavy one because heavy things and break things and the light one can't

The transmission of thermal energy that is caused by the flow of a fluid’s particles. It can only occur with liquids and gases is...


Convection is the transfer of heat/thermal enrgy by the movement of a fluid(either a liquid or gas).

2C2H6 + 7O2 → __CO2 + 6H2O

What coefficient will need to be placed in the blank in order for the following equation to be correctly balanced?







From the Combustion formula of Organic Compounds....

Exactly 4 Moles of CO2 would make the equation balanced




What primarily causes the spread of acid rain?
through groundwater and aquifers
through streams and rivers
through the atmosphere
through ocean currents



(C) through the atmosphere


C) through the atmosphere

Assertion: Naphthalene,
camphor, iodine, ammonium
chloride are some common
examples of the substances
which undergo sublimation.
Reason: All solids are first
converted to liquids and then
gases on heating.
Both assertion (A) and
Reason (R) are true
and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of
assertion (A)
Both assertion (A) and
reason (R) are true but
reason (R) is not the
correct explanation of
assertion (A)
Assertion (A) is true
but reason (R) is false.
Assertion (A) is false but reason (R)is true.​



Assertion (A) is true

but reason (R) is false.


If we look at the assertion closely, it is true that a sublime substance changes from solid to gas without  passing through a liquid state. Naphthalene, camphor, iodine and ammonium  chloride are some common  examples of the substances  which undergo sublimation.

However, not all solids first pass through a liquid state before converting to gas. Sublime solids such as those listed above passes directly from solid to gas without passing through a liquid state.

Hence the assertion is true but reason is false.

You are performing a titration with 0.80 M sodium hydroxide as a standard. Estimate how much would be needed to change 125 mL of a 2.0 M solution of nitric acid to a faint pink endpoint.



312.5 mL


We'll begin by writing the balanced equation for the reaction. This is illustrated below:

HNO₃ + NaOH —> NaNO₃ + H₂O

From the balanced equation above,

The mole ratio of acid, HNO₃ (nₐ) = 1

The mole ratio of base, NaOH (n₆) = 1

Finally, we shall determine the volume of the base, NaOH needed for the reaction. This can be obtained as follow:

Molarity of base, NaOH (M₆) = 0.08 M

Volume of acid, HNO₃ (Vₐ) = 125 mL

Molarity of acid, HNO₃ (Mₐ) = 2 M

Volume of base, NaOH (V₆) =?

MₐVₐ / M₆V₆ = nₐ/n₆

2 × 125 / 0.80 × V₆ = 1/1

250 / 0.80 × V₆ = 1

Cross multiply

0.80 × V₆ = 250

Divide both side by 0.8

V₆ = 250 / 0.8

V₆ = 312.5 mL

Thus, the volume of the base, NaOH needed for the reaction is 312.5 mL

help plz Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(01.05 LC)

Which states of matter have the same volume when moved?

Gases and liquids
Gases and solids
Liquids and solids
Solids, liquids, and gases



(Gases and liquids )

is the answer

Gases and liquids are the states of matter that have the same volume when moved.

Hope it helps you

What is the molarity of a Ba(OH)2 solution if 93.9 mL is completely titrated by 15.3 mL of 0.247 M H2SO4?

show work please!! i am not 100 percent sure how to do this so i would like to see steps if possible



0.04 M.


We'll begin by writing the balanced equation for the reaction. This is illustrated below:

Ba(OH)₂ + H₂SO₄ —> BaSO₄ + 2H₂O

From the balanced equation above,

The mole ratio of acid, H₂SO₄ (nₐ) = 1

The mole ratio of base, Ba(OH)₂ (n₆) = 1

Finally, we shall determine the molarity of Ba(OH)₂ solution. This can be obtained as follow:

Volume of base, Ba(OH)₂ (V₆) = 93.9 mL

Volume of acid, H₂SO₄ (Vₐ) = 15.3 mL

Molarity of acid, H₂SO₄ (Mₐ) = 0.247 M

Molarity of base, Ba(OH)₂ (M₆) =?

MₐVₐ / M₆V₆ = nₐ / n₆

0.247 × 15.3 / M₆ × 93.9 = 1/1

3.7791 / M₆ × 93.9 = 1

Cross multiply

M₆ × 93.9 = 3.7791

Divide both side by 93.9

M₆ = 3.7791 / 93.9

M₆ = 0.04 M

Therefore, the molarity of the Ba(OH)₂ solution is 0.04 M

Which is a definite sign of a chemical reaction?

Chemical properties change.

Physical properties change.

A gas forms.

A solid forms


Answer: here i am choosing two answer because i am not sure . a gas forms and a solid forms

Explanation: a solid forms thus is to say a precipitate is formed

a gas forms thus to say effervescence , fizzing and bubbling whiles a gas is being produced.

CuSO4 + 2NaBr --> CuBr2 + Na2SO4 ? How many grams of CuSO4 are needed to react with 1.80 x 1024 molecules of NaBr?





Hello there!

In this case, by considering the given chemical reaction, it is possible for us to calculate the required grams of CuSO4 by considering its molar mass of 159.6 g/mol, the given molecules of NaBr, the Avogadro's number and the 1:2 mole ratio between these two in order to set up the following stoichiometric set up:

[tex]1.80x10^{24}moleculesNaBr*\frac{1molNaBr}{6.022x10^{23}molecules NaBr}*\frac{1molCuSO_4}{2molNaBr} *\frac{159.6gCuSO_4}{1molCuSO_4}\\\\=238.5gCuSO_4[/tex]

Best regards!

What is natural gas and how does it work



Natural Gas is a fossil energy source that formed deep beneath the Earth's surface. It is used in power plants to generate electricity by burning natural gas as their fuel.

Explanation: I hope this helped :)


A molecule of natural gas is made up of carbon and hydrogen. When the hydrogen is segregated from the carbon and filled into a fuel cell, it fuses with oxygen to produce water, electricity, and heat. The carbon is released as carbon dioxide in smaller quantities than from gas turbines.


This is the site I got the info from :

How Natural Gas Works | Peak Oilhttps://www.peakoil.net › non-renewable › how-natural-g


This tree species was preserved as a fossil in the Arizona desert. The species is now extinct. Describe what the environment was like when the tree lived and how it is different now. Then, infer why this type of tree and other living things that lived with it are extinct.


it would have lots of greens and it would be darker cause all the tree would block the light

Please help me is my final 2. Which of the following is a fission reaction?
Carbon-12 and Hydrogen-1 combining to form a Nitrogen-13 atom
Hydrogen-2 and Hydrogen-3 combining to form a Helium-4 atom
and a neutron
Uranium-235 absorbing a neutron and breaking into Barium-141,
Krypton-92 and three neutrons
None of the above



Uranium-235 absorbing a neutron and breaking into Barium-141,  Krypton-92 and three neutrons


A fission reaction is said to have occurred when an unstable nucleus is bombarded with a neutron such that it disintegrates into daughter nuclei and produces more neutrons in the process. Hence, Uranium-235 absorbing a neutron and breaking into Barium-141,  Krypton-92 and three neutrons is a fission reaction.

This fission reaction is often a self sustaining reaction. The neutrons produced in the reaction bombards more of the parent nucleus and the process continues indefinitely(chain reaction).

Control rods and moderators are used to keep the chain reaction in check.

A 3.0 g sample of a gas occupies a volume of 1.00L at 100C and 740 torr pressure. The molecular weight of the

(Give the same ANSWER for the next TWO problems)

gas is



94.2 g/mol


Ideal Gases Law can useful to solve this

P . V = n . R . T

We need to make some conversions

740 Torr . 1 atm/ 760 Torr = 0.974 atm

100°C + 273 = 373K

Let's replace the values

0.974 atm . 1 L = n . 0.082 L.atm/ mol.K . 373K

n will determine the number of moles

(0.974 atm . 1 L) / (0.082 L.atm/ mol.K . 373K)

n = 0.032 moles

This amount is the weigh for 3 g of gas. How many grams does 1 mol weighs?

Molecular weight → g/mol → 3 g/0.032 moles = 94.2 g/mol

How would the number of atoms in a 2.02g sample of hydrogen compare to the number of atoms in a 32.00g sample of oxygen



Number of atoms is equal.


1 mol of anything contains NA particles.

NA is known as Avogadro's number, 6.02×10²³

We determined the moles of each compound. Both molecules are dyatomic,

H₂  → 2.02 g . 1mol / 2.016 g = 1 mol

O₂ →  32 g . 1mol / 32g = 1 mol

Both have the same amount of moles.

In conclussion, the number of atoms is the same in both samples.

Other Questions
If you were a poet writing today, what historical events and trends would influence your work and writing style? A store that provides hedonic benefits will __________. [This question has been randomly selected from a pool of 3 questions. For optimal success in this class, repeat this chapter's questions until you are sure you are acquainted with all of the alternate versions of each question.] Group of answer choices have drive-through facilities emphasize efficiency in the check-out process encourage customers to shop as quickly as possible stock only essential products offer an entertaining and enjoyable shopping experienc A virologist has a cell-free extract of herpes simplex virus (HSV) that has a titer of 6 x 106 infectious virus particles/mL. This virus forms plaques on monolayers of the monkey kidney cell line, CV-1. Following completion of a 10-fold dilution series, the virologist plates 100 microliters of each sample in duplicate. Required:What experimental results did he MOST LIKELY observe in the duplicate plates corresponding to his 1:10000 dilution? The square number is 19 less than 100, what is the number? Find the surface area of a square pyramid with side length 4 mi and slant height 5 mi. q1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :/ I Need some help understanding how to do this Andy runs 437.5 meters in 62.5 seconds. If Andy runs at a constant speed, how far does he run in one second? simply square root of 18 Who was Sikaner e Aazem? * Which of the following does NOT create a mechanical wave? Text to speechA. a shaking ropeB. a guitar being playedC. dropping a rock in a pondD. light coming through a window Express the solution graphically of }(2x + 1) < 3. Guys pls help me!!!! Before a high-school football game the footballs were inflated to p = 13 psi (pounds per square inch). After the game the mean inflation was 12.5 psi.Select the null hypothesis H0.Group of answer choices0=130=12.5012.5 Name the following compoundCH 3 CH 2 CH = CH CH 2 CH 3 In parallelogram PQRS if m_SPQ=25 find m_RSP.R25XS Trevor's mom bought 3 gallons of fruit juice at the store how many fluid ounces of fruit juice did Trevors mom buy? Rosario tiene muchas habilidades para plantar. Todo lo que ella planta crece muy bonito. Todas las tardes se puedever a Rosario echndole agua a sus flores.-agricultura-abogada-bombera-carpintera ACTIVIDAD 1Responde los siguientes planteamientos1.- Has visto un motor como el de la primera imagen? En dnde?2.- Qu necesita ese motor para generar movimiento?3.- Qu relacin encuentras entre ambas imgenes? 1. What is the main idea of this passage? *(3 Points)Eskimos' food and eating utensils came from animals and simple materials.O b. The Eskimos had many uses for animals,O c Meat was the Eskimos' main diet eaten in many small meals a day.2. This passage