A student takes a multiple-choice test with 8 questions on it, each of which have 4 choices. The student randomly guesses an answer to each question.

What is the probability that the student gets exactly 4 questions correct?

Round to 3 decimal places.


Answer 1


The correct answer is 0.087

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on Edge assignment

Related Questions

Need help fast!!!!!!!!



the arc length of minor arc AC is

[tex] \frac{165}{360} .2\pi.3 = \frac{11\pi}{4} [/tex]

answer this please I need a real answer



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:


x² + 2x + 1 = 2x² - 2 ( subtract x² + 2x + 1 from both sides

0 = x² - 2x - 3 ← in standard form

0 = (x - 3)(x + 1) ← in factored form

Equate each factor to zero and solve for x

x + 1 = 0 ⇒ x = - 1

x - 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3



[tex]\frac{x+2}{3}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{2}{15}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{x-2}{5}[/tex] ( multiply through by 15 to clear the fractions )

5(x + 2) - 2 = 3(x - 2) ← distribute parenthesis on both sides

5x + 10 - 2 = 3x - 6

5x + 8 = 3x - 6 ( subtract 3x from both sides )

2x + 8 = - 6 ( subtract 8 from both sides )

2x = - 14 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = - 7


(c) Assuming lg means log then using the rules of logarithms

log [tex]x^{n}[/tex] ⇔ nlogx

log x = log y ⇒ x = y


log(2x + 3) = 2logx

log(2x + 3) = log x² , so

x² = 2x + 3 ( subtract 2x + 3 from both sides )

x² - 2x - 3 = 0

(x - 3)(x + 1) = 0

x = 3 , x = - 1

x > 0 then x = 3

The area of a regular polygon is 100.8cm2. The perimeter is 56cm, what is the length of the apothem



3.6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Note that:

Area = 1/2 x perimeter x apothem.

To find the Apothem, the formula =

Area ÷ (1/2 × Perimeter)

Area = 100.8cm²

Perimeter = 56 cm


Apothem =

100.8 cm² ÷ (1/2 × 56 cm)

= 100.8cm² ÷ 28cm

= 3.6 cm

Therefore, the Length of the apothem is 3.6 cm

Jeff is buying books at a used bookstore. He wants to approximate the total cost of his purchase before checking out. Which amount is the most reasonable approximation of the total price of the 5 books?



35 is a reasonable amount

Step-by-step explanation:

Since all of the books cost around $7 and there are 5 books

when you multiply 7x5=35



The closest answer I can see you type is: 35/1.66666666

This is because you divide 21 by 18 which (if you divide 21 by 1.666666 you get 18) and whatever you do to 1 side, you do to the other, then you get 35/1.6666666

Un comerciante tiene 1108 cajas de zapatos y los quiere guardar en el cajon de su camion. Para saber si caben todas las cajas el coloca 20 a lo largo,7 a lo ancho y 8 a lo alto ¿puede guardar todas las cajas de zapatos en el cajon?



El comerciante NO PUEDE guardar todas las cajas de zapatos en el cajón

Step-by-step explanation:

Tenemos que encontrar el volumen de la caja.

Se nos dice en la pregunta que:

Coloca 20 a lo largo, 7 a lo ancho y 8 a la altura.

Volumen = Largo × Ancho × Alto

Largo = 20, Ancho = 7, Alto = 8

Volumen = 20 × 7 × 8

= 1120

También se nos dice que: el comerciante tiene 1108 cajas de zapatos y quiere guardarlas en el cajón de su camión.

Comparando esto con nuestro cálculo anterior, el comerciante NO PUEDE guardar todas las cajas de zapatos en el cajón

What is the side length of the smaller square plate on which 36 CM chopstick can fit along a diagonal without any overhang


Step-by-step explanation:
















How many different codes can a combination lock have if there are 4 numbers on the lock and each number can be from 0-9?



There are 10,000 possible combinations that the digits 0-9 can be arranged into to form a four-digit code. Suprisingly, people have an intense lack of imagination when it comes to choosing codes.

hey! i’ll give brainliest pls help.



Discovery of Uranus and Neptune


discovery of jupiter's mons which did not orbit earth

Step-by-step explanation:



C.) 16

The entire figure is 30 cm sq.

14 of it is in the triangle.

meaning the rest is in the square

30 - 14 = 16.

Hope this helps!

C. 16

Explanation: have a good day!

Your carry-on bag can weigh at most 40 pounds.Select an inequality that represents how much more weight x (in pounds) you can add to the bag and seal meet the requirement. Then solve the inequality.



22 + x ≤ 40

x ≤ 18 pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

Maximum weight = 40 pounds

Initial weight = 22 pounds

Let Maximum weight that can be added = x

Mathematically, this means :

Initial weight + additional weight ≤ 40

That is ;

22 + x ≤ 40

Additional weight, x :

x ≤ 40 - 22

x ≤ 18 pounds

If the ratio of baseballs to golf balls is 2:3 and there are 30 baseballs in the box, how many golf balls are in the box




Step-by-step explanation:

Ratio is 2 baseballs to 3 golf balls you have 30 baseballs.

2×15= 30

3x15= 45

The function f(x) = 1.25x^2 models the packaging costs, in cents, for a box shaped like a rectangular prism. The side lengths are 2x in., 2x in., and 0.5x in. What are reasonable domain and range values for this function, if the longest side length of the box can be no greater than 20 in.? Write the answers in interval notation.



I’m not sure but I need this too!!

Step-by-step explanation:

Jamie went deep sea diving. If he descends at a rate of 4 feet per minute, what integer represents his depth after 8 minutes?


Answer: 32 ft.

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

4 feet per minute times 8 minutes equals 32

Can you help me please, no links​



Step-by-step explanation:

x is one-half the value of its intercepted arc. Therefore, x is 110/2 which is 55. Second choice down is the one you want.

help me with math please



b. 4ft

Step-by-step explanation:

thank you for the points, have an amazing day! :)



Step-by-step explanation:

We need to use the Pythagorean theorem to complete this problem. We are given the hypotenuse and the base of the triangle in the middle. The hypotenuse is 5 and the base is 3.[tex]5^{2}[/tex] + [tex]3^{2}[/tex] = [tex]a^{2}[/tex] is what we will complete.

[tex]5^{2} +3^{2} = a^{2}[/tex]

[tex]25 + 9 = 34[/tex]

[tex]34 = a^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{34} =a[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is C.

please someone help me do this no bots plz


Answer: your picture is blocked btw

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help serious answers only




Step-by-step explanation:

In essence, this problem asks one to find the vertex of the given equation. An easy way to find the vertex of a quadratic equation in standard form is to complete the square.

Completeting the square involves grouping the quadratic and linear term, then factoring out the coefficient of the quadratic term. After doing so, one will add a term to make the grouped terms a perfect square trinomial and then balance the equation. Finally, one will simplify the equation and get the quadratic equation in vertex form. From there, finding vertex is quite easy, the x-coordinate is the additive inverse of the quadratic term, and the y-coordinate is the constant.

Once a quadratic equation in standard form has been converted to vertex form by the process of completing the square, its equation is amongst the lines of the following,


(k, h) is the vertex of the parabola.

The quadratic equation in standard form,


Group the quadratic and linear terms,


Factor out the coefficient of the quadratic term,


Add a term to make the grouped part a perfect square trinomial, then balance the equation,





The vertex of the equation is the following,




Plz help on this ASAP I forgot



B) If you use 9 cups of almonds, you need 5 cups of flour

Step-by-step explanation:

If 9 is your x-coordinate, that represents 9 cups of almond.

If 5 is your y-coordinate, that represents 5 cups of flour.

Therefore, B is correct

A cylinder has a base radius of 3cm and a height of 2cm. What is its volume in cubic
cm, to the nearest tenths place?




Step-by-step explanation:

Formula for finding volume of a cylinder is  V=pi r^2h, substitute h for the height and r for radius. V=pi 3^2 2

Hi, I need help please!

Jacob stood in line to pick up a souvenir postcard at the museum. All the postcards were either blue, white, or green, with a picture of a fish, insect, or bird. There was an equal number of each type of postcard. What is the probability that Jacob was randomly handed a green postcard with a fish on it?

A): 1/6

B): 1/9

C): 1/2

D): 1/3

Thanks so much, I would truly appreciate it! :)


the answer would be 1/6 :), also can I get brainliest!

Let A be a matrix with independent rows. A. Show that AAT is invertible. B. Show that if b is any vector in Col(A), then the equation Ax = b has a solution in Row(A) given by xR = AT (AAT )−1 b. (The matrix AT (AAT )−1 is called the pseudoinverse of A, and is usually denoted by A+ . It is a right inverse of A, and coincides with the two-sided inverse A−1 if A is square.) c. The mapping of Col(A) to Row(A) given by xR = AT (AAT )−1 b is an isomorphism



Attached below

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that A is a matrix with independent rows

A) Prove [tex]AA^{T}[/tex] is invertible

rank of A = number of rows of Matrix A

This shows that | A | ≠ 0  ( i.e. A has a full rank )

also  [tex]|A^{T} |[/tex] ≠ 0

and [tex]|AA^{T}|[/tex] = | A | [tex]|A^{T} |[/tex]   ≠ 0

Hence we can conclude that [tex]AA^{T}[/tex] is invertible

B) Prove that b is any vector in Col( A )

Attached below is the detailed solution

C) Mapping of Col ( A ) to Row ( A )

b is a non-zero vector hence AXr = 0 ( i.e. there is no solution )

also the kernel of the mapping will be Null

show that mapping preserves the operation

attached below is the detailed solution

A student spent 3 hours on homework last night. What percent of the day was spent on homework?



12.5% of the day

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 24 hours in 1 day

3/24 = 1/8

.125 = 12.5%



Step-by-step explanation:

What is the volume of a rectangular prism with a height of 1.5 feet and a base area of 4.5 square feet use the formula V=Bh


Step-by-step explanation:

you can use that same formula to answer that same question

The volume of the rectangular prism is [tex]6.75ft^{3}[/tex]

Diagram of a rectangular prism is shown in the attachment below.

Given that:

the height (h) = 1.5 ft

base area (B) = 4.5 sq ft

Volume of rectangular prism (V) [tex]= Bh[/tex]

Plug in the known values into the formula:

[tex]V = 4.5 \times 1.5\\V = 6.75 ft^{3}[/tex]

Volume of the rectangular prism is [tex]6.75ft^{3}[/tex]

Learn more about rectangular prism here:


Two tanks contain equal amount of liquid. They are connected by a pipe and 2500 gallons is
pumped from tank 1 to tank 2. When the pumping is done, one tank then contains 5 times as
much as the other. How many gallons did each tank contain at the start?




Step-by-step explanation:

Let the tank contain x gallons of water.

when pumping is done, then tank 1 contain x-2500 gallons

and tank 2 contain x+2500 gallons.

according to question,

5(x - 2500) = x + 2500

or, 5x -12500 =x+ 2500

or, 5x - x =2500+12500

or, 4x =15000

or, x= 3750

hence each tank contains 3750 gallons.

Amelia made a line plot of her scores on 25-point math quizzes.

What is the difference between the total of her most frequent number of points per quiz and

the total of her greatest number of points scored per quiz?

A. 0 points

B. 6 points

C. 18 points

D. 22 points



How do I ask a question on here?

Step-by-step explanation:


B.6 points

Step-by-step explanation:

First you can see that one is bigger and taller and if you count on the number line it will be 18, and 18 has 6 dots so it is B which says 6 dots.

The table shows morgan’s tips from five customers that he served at the Pizza Palace. What percent of these customers left more than a 15% tip? (i really need help PLEASE)



2 people left more than 15%.

19 Which of the following is equivalent to 2(12-6n+9)- Z(n? - En+9)? =1 19 Ο Σ(n- 32 =10 19 Ο Σ(n-32 19 Ο Σ(n+ 3)? =10 19 Ο Σ(n+ 3)?




B if its right i better get brainly list or a follow on ig

Step-by-step explanation:



Correct answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:

When solving the inital problem you get 1405

Solved problems:

A: 1405

B: 1466

C: 3145

D: 3410

Therefore the correct answer is A

In a spot check of cartons of eggs, Matilda found that 6 out of 200 eggs were cracked. If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, how many can expect to be cracked. (Prediction = Proportion)

Group of answer choices






[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{gold}{Answer \red{:)}}}}}}}}[/tex]

In a spot check of cartons of eggs, Matilda found that 6 out of 200 eggs were cracked.

In 200 eggs cracked =6

in 1 egg cracked =[tex]\dfrac{6}{200}[/tex]

According to the question,

If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, how many can expect to be cracked.

In 3000 eggs cracked=[tex]\dfrac{6}{200}×3000[/tex]

90 eggs


If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, 90 eggs can expect to be cracked

If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, 90 eggs can expect to be cracked.

What is Proportion?

A proportion is an equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other.

For example, if there is 1 boy and 3 girls you could write the ratio as: 1 : 3 (for every one boy there are 3 girls) 1 / 4 are boys and 3 / 4 are girls. 0.25 are boys (by dividing 1 by 4)

Given that :

In a spot check of cartons of eggs, Matilda found that 6 out of 200 eggs were cracked.

In 200 eggs cracked = 6 / 200 in 1 egg cracked

According to the question,

If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, how many can expect to be cracked.

In 3000 eggs cracked = 6 / 200 x 3000

= 90 eggs

Hence, If the store has 3,000 eggs for sale, 90 eggs can expect to be cracked.

Learned more about Proportion, click;



Someone please help! WILL MARK BRAINLIST!!


d the parallelogram moved 7 units left


c.) 7 units to the right

Step-by-step explanation:

A is 7 units away from A', B is 7 units away from B', and so on...


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