A student drew a model of two liquids. One hot and one cold. How would the student draw this? Choose all that applies?

A. Models should show two separate containers of liquid.

B. Models should show one container of liquid.

C. There should be something to represent the molecules in the liquid.

D. There should be something to represent air in the liquid.

E. The student should put longer arrows on the cold liquid and short arrows on the warm liquid. The arrows show the speed of the molecular movement.

F. The student should put shorter arrows on the cold liquid and longer arrows on the warm liquid. The arrows show the speed of the molecular movement.

G. There should be a key to tell what the arrows represent and how the molecules are represented.

Please answer ASAP! Will reward.​


Answer 1

Models should show two separate containers of liquid and There should be a key to tell what the arrows represent and how the molecules are represented.

It is the lowest point in the substance and has chemical elements. Atoms don't exist on their own; instead, they combine to create ions and molecules, which combine to create the substances that we can see, feel, and touch.

One or more atoms joined together by covalent (chemical) bonds make up molecules. Atoms may be seen as circles with a central nucleus (consisting of protons and neutrons) and one or more concentric circles around it that represent the "shells" or "levels" in which the electrons surrounding the atom's nucleus are placed as well as marks that distinguish the electron. every level

To know more about  molecules visit : brainly.com/question/11405437


Related Questions

In the reaction 2 HgO --> 2 Hg + O2, how many moles of O2 are produced when 3.4 moles of HgO are decomposed?


In order to find the number of moles of O2 in this reaction we need to set up the properly balanced equation, which the question already gave us:

2 HgO -> 2 Hg + O2

From this equation we see that the molar ratio between HgO and O2 is 2:1, which means that for every 2 moles of HgO reacting we will end up having 1 mol of O2 as product, now what if we have 3.4 moles of HgO:

2 HgO = 1 O2

3.4 HgO = x O2

x = 1.7 moles of O2

5. You have 2 Liters of a 5 M Solution of H3PO4. How many grams are present?



979.94 grams



Volume of solution = 2 L

Molarity = 5 M

What to find:

The mass in grams of H3PO4 present in the solution.

Step-by-step solution:

The first step is to calculate the moles of H3PO4 present using the molarity formula below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Molarity=\frac{Moles}{Volume\text{ }in\text{ }L} \\ \\ \Rightarrow Moles=Molarity\times Volume\text{ }in\text{ }L \end{gathered}[/tex]

Put the values of the given parameters into the formula to get the moles:

[tex]Moles=5M\times2L=10\text{ }mol[/tex]

The moles of H3PO4 present in the solution = 10 mol.

Therefore, the mass present can be determined using the mole formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Moles=\frac{Mass\text{ }in\text{ }grams}{Molar\text{ }mass} \\ \\ \Rightarrow Mass\text{ }in\text{ }grams=Moles\times Molar\text{ }mass \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the periodic table, the molar mass of H3PO4 can be known as 97.994 g/mol.

So putting moles = 10 mol and molar mass = 97.994 g/mol, then the mass is:

[tex]Mass=10\text{ }mol\times97.994\text{ }g\text{/}mol=979.94\text{ }grams[/tex]

Therefore, the mass in grams of H3PO4 present in the solution = 979.94 grams.

No clue on how to do these or how to show all my work and unit cancellations.


Question 16:

We are given the following balanced equation: (Remember to always balance the equation)

[tex]2HNO_3+Mg(OH)_2\rightarrow Mg(NO_3)_2+2H_2O[/tex]

We are also told that Mg(OH)2 is in excess, meaning HNO3 is the limiting reactant, we will use its moles to find the number of moles of Mg(NO3)2, then we can convert that to mass.

The ratio between HNO3 and Mg(NO3)2 is 2:1

Therefore the number of moles of Mg(NO3)2 = 8.00 mol x (1/2) = 4.00 mol

Now we can convert the number of moles of Mg(NO3)2 to mass: molar mass of Mg(NO3)2 = 148,3 g/mol

[tex]\frac{8.00\text{ mol x 1}}{2}\text{ x }\frac{148.3\text{ g}}{1\text{ mol}}\text{ = 592 g}[/tex]

So the mol will cancel the mol, then you will be left with g.

how to the chemical properties of sodium oxide allow them to be used




Sodium oxide is an inorganic compound that has sodium and oxygen as its constituent

Majorly, its applications include in the ceramic industry and also aerounautical applications (for making light weight parts of air crafts)

So what exact properties of this oxide conform these properties?

The property here is that it is insoluble in water and other aqueous solutions

Furthermore, due to its ionic conductivity property, it finds use in applications like in the making of fuel cells.

In a compound that contains monatomic ions, which of the following gets named first?the nonmetalthe metalthe anionthe roman numeral of the valence number


If we given a compound such as K₂SO₄, this compound would be named as such that the metal comes first, followed by the anion or non-metal and lastly roman numeral of the valence number.

So in naming this compound, we would go as

Potassium tetraoxosulphate (VI)

Where potassium is the metal, tetraoxosulphate is the anion and lastly the roman number of the valence electron.

Another example would would be MgCl₂

The name of this compound is magnesium chloride.

In this compound, the metal is named first as well, followed by the non-metal. The roman numeral of the valence electron is not written here because the value is 1 and we don't need to write it.

Another example of the above is CaBr

This compound is calcium bromide

The metal is named first and then the non-metal. The roman numeral of the valence number is not written becaue it is also 1.

Lastly example would be NaNO₃

This compound is named as sodium trioxonitrite(v)

The metal is also named first, followed by the anion and lastly the roman numeral of the valence number.

From the explanation above, the answer to this question is The Metal

Convert -4 degrees F to K.[?] KTin KelvinEnterQopyright © 2003-2022 dcelins Corporation. All Riss Reserved


From the question given, we are to convert -4⁰F to K

The standard value of ⁰F to K is

1⁰F = 255.93K

-4⁰F = x

Let's solve for -4⁰F


From the calculations above, -4⁰F is equal to 253.15K

How would this need to be answered? I don’t know how to do any of this.


Step 1

It is known that the rate law can be written as follows:

Given the reaction: X + Y => Products (completed and balanced), the rate of the reaction would be:

[tex]rate\text{ = k }\lbrack X\rbrack^a\lbrack Y\rbrack^b[/tex]

k = rate constant

[X] = concentration of reactant X

[Y] = concentration of reactant Y

a, b = are the order of the reaction with respect to X and Y (they are not necessarily the coefficients of the reaction)


Step 2

Information provided:


First order in A

Zero order in B

Second order in C

Therefore, the rate law:


[tex]\begin{gathered} rate\text{ =k x }\lbrack A\rbrack^1x\text{ }\lbrack B\rbrack^0x\text{ }\lbrack C\rbrack^2 \\ rate\text{ = k x }\lbrack A\rbrack\text{ x }\lbrack C\rbrack^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hey I miss my dad but I’m watching it and


Firstly what you need to know is that metallic bonds form in metallic substances. The elements that form these bonds are found on the left of the periodic table. So the metallic bonds form when the charge when the charge is spread over a wide distance when comparing to the size of the atom. These bonds occur between metals like zinc, and since they are in a form of solids, their atoms are tightly packed together.

The formation of metallic bonds occur because the metals exchange electrons, this electron exchange occur in different spatial directions.

For each of the following solutions, calculate the specified value.Calculate the number of grams of 3.9 % (m/m) NaCl solution that contains 7.20 g of NaCl .Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


Step 1

It is known that a value of "x" % (m/m) means:

"x" grams in 100 grams of solution


Step 2

Information provided:

3.9 % (m/m) of NaCl solution


Step 3


According to step 1, it is known that:

3.9 % (m/m) => 3.9 g NaCl in 100 g



3.9 g NaCl ------------ 100 g of solution

7.20 NaCl ------------- X

X = 7.20 NaCl x 100 g of solution/3.9 g NaCl

X = 184.61 g = 180 g approx.

Answer: 180 g of solution


Provide an example of each of the following mixtures and state whether it is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture. Support your answers.

a) A mixture of a solid and a liquid.

b) A mixture of two gases.

c) A mixture of two liquids.

d) A mixture of two solids.

Answer (cuz i found it xD)
a) Dirt and water [mud] (Heterogenous - mud can settle down at the bottom and leaving the mixture with much less mud at the top of the container than at the bottom)
b) Smoke and fog [smog] (Heterogenous - Smog often carries around a lot of different particles other than just smoke and fog. These are not the same particles as another smog cloud a few miles over)
c) Milk and chocolate syrup [chocolate milk] (Heterogenous - The chocolate syrup can settle at the bottom leaving different amounts on both top and bottom of the mixture.)
d) Copper and Zinc [brass] (Homogenous - Brass is always copper + zinc, though the ratios can vary greatly. If it were heterogenous we would see variety in things such as color, which we don't)


Example of each of the following mixtures and state whether it is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture

A mixture of a solid and a liquid -  Dirt and water [mud] (Heterogenous - mud can settle down at the bottom and leaving the mixture with much less mud at the top of the container than at the bottom)

A mixture of two gases - Smoke and fog [smog] (Heterogenous - Smog often carries around a lot of different particles other than just smoke and fog. These are not the same particles as another smog cloud a few miles over)

A mixture of two liquids - Milk and chocolate syrup [chocolate milk] (Heterogenous - The chocolate syrup can settle at the bottom leaving different amounts on both top and bottom of the mixture.)

A mixture of two solids - Copper and Zinc [brass] (Homogenous - Brass is always copper + zinc, though the ratios can vary greatly. If it were heterogenous we would see variety in things such as color, which we don't)

Mixture is the compound made up of two or more chemical component which are not chemically linked called as mixture

Here mixture of solid and liquid is dirt and water means water is the liquid whereas dirt is the solid and mixture of two gases are smoke and fog this two are gases that's why it is called mixture of gases and mixture of two liquid are milk and chocolate syrup because they are syrup that's why they are mixture of two liquid and mixture of two solid are copper and zinc copper is also the solid and zinc is also the solid that's why it is the mixture of two solid

Know more about homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture



How many moles are in 28.87 grams of Ec3H305?Ec has a molar mass of 31.79 grams/molè.(Hint: You need to determine the molar mass of Ec3H305 to solve this problem).


We have the compound Ec3H3O5. I assume that the compound Ec is an unknown compound, but we are given the molar mass of the compound Ec.

The molar mass of the molecule will be equal to the sum of the masses of each element multiplied by the number of times that it is repeated in the molecule, to make it clearer we can make the following table:

The molar mass of the molecule will be equal to 146.39g/mol, therefore the moles in 28.87 grams will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mol }_{}Ec_3H_3O_5=GivengEc_3H_3O_5\times\frac{1molEc_3H_3O_5}{MolarMass,gEc_3H_3O_5} \\ \text{Mol}Ec_3H_3O_5=28.87gEc_3H_3O_5\times\frac{1molEc_3H_3O_5}{146.39gEc_3H_3O_5}=0.20molEc_3H_3O_5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 28.87g of Ec3H3O5 there are 0.20molEc3H3O5

7 While grocery shopping on a Sunday afternoon, Jonas sees a pot roast that has been marked down. The pot roast has an expiration date set for Tuesday, but Jonas wants to host dinner for friends on Friday night. Which would be the BEST way for Jonas to make sure the pot roast is safely prepared? A. Cook the pot roast on Sunday and refrigerate it until Friday night. B. Buy the pot roast and keep it in the refrigerator until Friday night. C. Freeze the pot roast until he is ready to prepare it Friday night. D. Keep the pot roast in the refrigerator but cook it on Tuesday.


The best way for Jonas to make sure the pot roast is safely prepared is Freeze the pot roast until he is ready to prepare it Friday night

Pot roast is the browned meat cooked with the vegetable in a covered pot

So according to the given data while grocery shopping on a Sunday afternoon, jonas sees a pot roast that has been marked down the pot roast has an expiration date set for Tuesday, but Jonas wants to host dinner for friends on Friday night then the best way for Jonas to make sure the pot roast is safely prepared is Freeze the pot roast until he is ready to prepare it Friday night because he wants to host dinner for friends on Friday night then he bought earlier then it would be spoiled because is is a meat that's why the correct option is C bought the pot roast and freeze it until Friday night and when he want then make it

Know more pot roast



Thoroughly compare the way energy is produced in a fission nuclear power plant versus how energy is produced by fusion in stars (such as our sun). Make sure to include similarities and differences between fission and fusion.



Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are different types of reactions that release energy due to the presence of high-powered atomic bonds between particles found within a nucleus.

In fission, an atom is split into two or more smaller, lighter atoms. Fusion, in contrast, occurs when two or more smaller atoms fuse together, creating a larger, heavier atom.

Fission reaction does not normally occur in nature.But fusion occurs in stars, such as the sun.

Fission produces many highly radioactive particles.Few radioactive particles are produced by the fusion reaction, but if a fission "trigger" is used, radioactive particles will result from that.

A critical mass of the substance and high-speed neutrons are required in fission. In contrast, a high density, high-temperature environment is required in a fusion reaction.

In a fission reaction, it takes little energy to split two atoms. Extremely high energy is required to bring two or more protons close enough that nuclear forces overcome their electrostatic repulsion in a fusion reaction.

In terms of released energy, the energy released by fission is a million times greater than that released in chemical reactions; but lower than the energy released by nuclear fusion. On the other hand, the energy released by fusion is three to four times greater than the energy released by fission.

One class of nuclear weapons is a fission bomb, also known as an atomic bomb or atom bomb. One class of nuclear weapons is the hydrogen bomb, which uses a fission reaction to "trigger" a fusion reaction.

In terms of energy production, fission is used in nuclear power plants.While fusion is an experimental technology for producing power.

Finally, Uranium is the primary fuel used in nuclear power plants.Hydrogen isotopes (Deuterium and Tritium) are the primary fuel used in experimental fusion power plants.

19.When a compound is added to water only a few of its molecules dissociate to produce hydrogen ions. It is a...Select one:a. strong acid.b. weak acid.c. strong base.d. weak base.



Weak acid ------ option B


Acid is divided in strong and weak acid

Generally, acid can be defined as a substance that will produce hydrogen ions as the only positive ions when dissolved in water.

Strong acid will dissolved completely in water to give hydrogen ions. Example of a strong acid is Hydrogen

Weak acid will dissolved partially in water to give hydrogen ions

Hence, a compound that will give only few of its molecules to produce hydrogen ions when dissolved in water is called a weak acid

Therefore, the correct answer is weak acid

The minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place is called the _____________.A. primer energyB. induction thresholdC. reaction thresholdD. activation energy


In a chemical reaction, there is a lot of energy involved, both being added for the reaction to occur and also being released, but for a reaction to take place, we need the so-called Activation Energy, which is the minimum amount of energy required for the compounds to react. Letter D is correct

A homogeneous mixture consist ofGroup of answer choicesa solutea solventneitherboth



Mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogeneous.

Homogeneous mixtures have a distinct phase. Heterogeneous mixtures have two or more distinct phases.

A solution is a homogeneous mixture between two or more substances. The process used to obtain this mixture is called dissolution.

A solution is always formed by the solute and the solvent.

Answer: both

Convert 91 mL to µL and write the answer in scientific notation.



[tex]\text{ 91000}\mu L[/tex]


Given that;

The volume is 91mL

Let x represent the volume in microliter

Recall, that 1mL is equivalent to 1000 microliters

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ 1mL }\rightarrow\text{ 1000}\mu L \\ \text{ 91mL }\rightarrow\text{ x}\mu L \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ 1mL }\times\text{ x}\mu L\text{ = 1000}\mu L\text{ }\times\text{ 91mL} \\ \text{ isolate x} \\ \text{ x}\mu L\text{ = }\frac{1000\mu L\times91\cancel{mL}}{1\cancel{mL}} \\ \\ \text{ x }\mu L\text{ = }1000\text{ }\times\text{ 91} \\ \text{ x = 91000}\mu L \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 91000 microliters

mno2+4hcl=cl2+mncl2+2h2o if you were given 145 g of HCl how many grams of MnCl2 Could you Theoretically produce if you reacted with the excess MnO2


The first step is to use the molecular weight of HCl to convert 145g to moles of HCl (mw=36.458g/mol):


Now, use the ratio of the coefficients of MnCl2 to HCl, to find how many moles of MnCl2 are produced with this amount of HCl:


Use the molecular weight of MnCl2 to convert the amount of moles produced to grams:


124.9g of MnCl2 are produced.

part A: A very flexible helium-filled balloon is released from the ground into the air at 20. ∘C . The initial volume of the balloon is 5.00 L , and the pressure is 760. mmHg . The balloon ascends to an altitude of 20 km , where the pressure is 76.0 mmHg and the temperature is − 50. ∘C . What is the new volume, V2 , of the balloon in liters, assuming it doesn't break or leak?part B: Consider 4.60 L of a gas at 365 mmHg and 20. ∘C . If the container is compressed to 3.00 L and the temperature is increased to 33 ∘C , what is the new pressure, P2 , inside the container? Assume no change in the amount of gas inside the cylinder.



The volume of the gas is V2 is 38.1 liters


Given that;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ The initial temperature of the balloon is 20}\degree C \\ \text{ The initial volume of the balloon is 5.0L} \\ \text{ The initial pressure of the balloon is 760 mmHg} \\ \text{ The final temperature of the balloon is - 50}\degree C \\ \text{ The final pressure of the balloon is 76 mmHg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find the final volume of the balloon, follow the steps below

Step 1; Write the general gas law equation

[tex]\text{ }\frac{P1\text{ }\times\text{ V1}}{T1}\text{ }=\text{ }\frac{\text{ P2}\times\text{ V2}}{T2}[/tex]

Step 2; Convert the temperature to kelvin

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ t1 }=\text{ 20}\degree C \\ \text{ T }=\text{ t }+\text{ 273.15} \\ \text{ T }=\text{ 20 + 273.15} \\ \text{ T = 293.15K} \\ \\ t2\text{ }=\text{ -50}\degree C \\ \text{ T = -50 + 273.15} \\ \text{ T}=\text{ 223.15K} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3; Substitute the given that into the formula given

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }\frac{760\times5}{293.15}\text{ }=\text{ }\frac{76\text{ }\times\text{ V2}}{223.15} \\ \text{ cross multiply} \\ \text{ 760 }\times\text{ 5}\times\text{ 223.15 }=\text{ 76 }\times\text{ v2}\times\text{ 293.15} \\ \text{ 847970 }=\text{ 22, 279.4 }\times\text{ v2} \\ \text{ divide both sides by 22294} \\ \text{ }\frac{8479890}{222794}=\text{ }\frac{22294\text{ V2}}{22294} \\ \text{ v2 }=\text{ 38.1 Liters} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the gas is V2 is 38.1 liters

What technique can be applied in the study of the
universe and the composition of space?
A. analytical
B. mathematical
C. astrological
D. spectrophotometer


It’s D. Spectrophotometer

Perform the following operationand express the answer inscientific notation.7.00x105 – 5.00x104-[ ? ]x10[?]Coefficient (green)Exponent (yellow)Enter


The answer is 6.5x10^5

Coefficient = 6.5

Exponent = 5

Which statement is true concerning the structure and its functional group?Group of answer choicesCH3CH2OH is a caboxylic acidCH3CH2NH2 is an amineCH3CH2COOH is an esterCH3CH2SH is an ethernone of the above



Amines are molecules that contain carbon-nitrogen bonds. The nitrogen atom in an amine has a lone pair of electrons and three bonds to other atoms, either carbon or hydrogen.

Functional group: NH2-R primary amine; NH-R secondary amine; N-R tertiary amine.

CH3CH2NH2 is the only one true. This is ethylamine

CH3CH2OH: OH- alcohol group

CH3CH2COOH: -COOH the functional group is a carboxyl group from a carboxylic acid.

CH3CH2SH: SH- this functional group is referred to as either a thiol group or a sulfhydryl group.

Answer: CH3CH2NH2 is an amine

A solution containing 30 g of potassium chlorate in 100 mL of water at 70 °C isSupersaturated MagasaturadeUnsaturated Saturated


According to the given solubility diagram, the solubility of potassium chlorate in water at 70°C is 30g/100g of water.

It means that if at 70°C there are 30g of this salt, the solution is saturated.

The correct answer is the last choice, saturated.

A 2.5 M solution has an initial volume of 150.0 mL. The solution is diluted to a final volume of 300.0 mL. What is the new concentration?


The final or new concentration of a solution that was diluted to 300mL is 1.25M.

How to calculate concentration?

The final concentration or molarity of a solution can be calculated using the following formula;

CaVa = CbVb


Ca = initial concentrationCb = final concentrationVa = initial volumeVb = final volume

According to this question, 2.5 M solution has an initial volume of 150.0 mL. The solution is diluted to a final volume of 300.0 mL. The final concentration can be calculated as follows:

2.5 × 150 = Cb × 300

375 = 300Cb

Cb = 1.25M

Therefore, the 1.25M is the new concentration of the solution.

Learn more about concentration at: https://brainly.com/question/16587536


what is the mass of aluminum used if o.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by aluminum chloride reaction?


The mass of aluminum used if 0.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by aluminum chloride reaction is 13.33 g.

given that :

number of moles of aluminum chloride = 0.1 moles

The balanced chemical reaction as:

2Al  +    3Cl₂    ----->   2AlCl₃

2 moles of moles of AlCl₃ produced by 2 moles of Al

therefor 0.1 moles of AlCl₃ produced by 0.1 moles of Al

number of moles of Al = 0.1 mol

Mass of Al = number of moles × molar mass

                 = 0.1 × 133.34 g/ mol

                  = 13.33 g

Thus, The mass of aluminum used if 0.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by aluminum chloride reaction is 13.33 g.

To learn more about Number of moles here



Please help!! 100pts and brainliest!
Using the ions above, write the formulas and give the names for 5 possible ionic compounds involving these ions.


Using the ions, the formulas and give the names for 5 possible ionic compounds involving these ions are :

1) Rubidium hydride - RbH

2) Iron(II)chloride - FeCl₂

3) Aluminum chloride - AlCl₃

4) Rubidium oxide - Rb₂O

5) Iron(II)oxide - FeO

1) Rubidium hydride - RbH

In Rubidium hydride : Rubidium forms Rb⁺ ion. hydrogen form H⁻ ion. they combined and form ionic compound. The one positive charge on rubidium neutralizes the one negative on hydrogen.

2)  Iron(II)chloride - FeCl₂

In iron(II)chloride :  iron form Fe⁺² and Chlorine form Cl⁻ ion. +2 charge are neutralizes by the two chlorine negative ion.

3) Aluminum chloride - AlCl₃

In this Aluminum form Al³⁺  and chlorine forms Cl⁻ and form ionic compound, Aluminum chloride.

4) Rubidium oxide - Rb₂O

In Rubidium oxide : Rubidium for Rb⁺ and oxygen form O²⁻.

5) Iron(II)oxide - FeO

In the ionic compound iron(II)oxide : Iron forms Fe²⁺ ion and oxygen forms O²⁻ ion.

Thus, Using the ions, the formulas and give the names for 5 possible ionic compounds involving these ions are :

1) Rubidium hydride - RbH

2) Iron(II)chloride - FeCl₂

3) Aluminum chloride - AlCl₃

4) Rubidium oxide - Rb₂O

5) Iron(II)oxide - FeO

To learn more about Ions here



How many moles are there for silver that are produced





Given the reaction between Magnessium and silver nitrate expressed as:

[tex]Mg(s)+2AgNO_3(aq)\rightarrow Mg(NO_3)_2(aq)+2Ag(s)[/tex]

Given the following parameter

Moles of Magnessium at the start = 0.480moles

According to stoichiometry, 1mole of magnessium produce 2 moles of silver. Hence the moles of silver that is produced if 0.48moles of Mg reacted is given as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} mole\text{ of Ag = 2}\times0.48moles \\ mole\text{ of Ag =}0.96moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the moles of silver that will produced is 0.96moles

Read this excerpt from "The World on Turtle's Back."

In the Sky-World was a man who aimed to please his pregnant wife. His wife told him that she wanted some bark from the roots of the Great Tree. Though the husband knew it was wrong, he dug up the roots of the tree for his wife. In doing so, he broke a hole in the floor of the Sky-World, and was shocked to find empty space underneath. He was terrified and told his wife what he did.

Which words in this excerpt support the idea that the husband was very devoted to his wife?
a man who aimed to please his pregnant wife
the husband knew it was wrong
he broke a hole in the floor of the Sky-World
He . . . told his wife what he did


The words in this excerpt which support the idea that the husband was very devoted to his wife is "the husband knew it was wrong".

What is an excerpt?

An excerpt is described as a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.

From the excerpt above, we can conclude that the husband was devoted to his wife by digging up the roots of the tree for his wife even when he knew it was wrong to do do and so he broke a hole in the floor of the Sky-World, and was shocked to find empty space underneath.

Learn more about excerpt at: https://brainly.com/question/21400963


Study the phase diagram of a saltwater solution compared to pure water.



The solute is more volatile when compared to the solvent.


From the diagram, the solute is more volatile when compared to the solvent. This is because a volatile solute (i.e., a solute that has a vapor pressure of its own) will contribute to the vapor pressure above a solution in which it is dissolved.

Hence, the correct option is: The solute is more volatile when compared to the solvent.

The atomic mass of copper (Cu) is 63 546 amu, the atomic mass of sulfur (S) is 32.065, and the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is 15.999 amu. Which molar mass is correct for copper sulfate (CuSO4)? (1 point) O 446.440 g/mol O 225.802 g/mol O 159.607 g/mol O 111.610 g/mol​


The molar mass for copper sulfate (CuSO₄), given that the atomic mass of sulfur (S) is 32.065, and the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is 15.999 amu, is 159.607 g/mol

How do I determine the molar mass of CuSO₄?

The molar mass of a compound is the sum of the individual atomic masses of the various elements that makes up the compound.

With the above information, we can obtain the molar mass for copper sulfate (CuSO₄) as follow:

Atomic mass of Copper (Cu) = 63.546 amuAtomic mass of sulfur (S) = 32.065 amuAtomic mass of oxygen (O) = 15.999 amuMolar mass of copper sulfate (CuSO₄) =?

Molar mass of CuSO₄ = 63.546 + 32.065 + (4 × 15.999)

Molar mass of CuSO₄ = 63.546 + 32.065 + 63.996

Molar mass of CuSO₄ = 159.607 g/mol

Thus, we can conclude that the molar mass for copper sulfate (CuSO₄) is 159.607 g/mol

Learn more about molar mass:



Answer: 159.607 g/mol


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