a stretch of 100 base pairs of dna contains 15 complete rotations. this dna molecule is please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices denatured. relaxed. negatively supercoiled. positively supercoiled.


Answer 1

Positively supercoiled molecules make up DNA.

How many base pairs of DNA are supercoiled around each nucleosome?

In the nucleoprotein particles known as nucleosomes found in eukaryotic chromatin, the DNA double helix is repeatedly supercoiled. A typical nucleosome has a core composed of 145–147 base pairs (bp) of DNA that wraps around an octamer of histones in 1.7 left-handed superhelical twists (1–3).

What is the mechanism by which information is transferred from one DNA molecule to its daughter molecules?

DNA replication is the mechanism by which a cell duplicates its chromosomal DNA after each cell division. After then, the duplicated DNA is separated into two "daughter" cells that get the same genetic material. Chromosome segregation is the term for this process.

To know more about supercoiled molecules visit;-



Related Questions

what is another term for alcohol dependence ?A. alcohol poisoning B. alcohol withdrawal C. alcohol addiction


Another term for alcohol dependence is alcohol addiction. (option C)


C alcohol addiction


What do these do in a CELL MEMBRANE? (detail explain)

Protein Channel
Polar head (hydrophilic)
Nonpolar tail (hydrophobic)


Protein Channel- they'll allow these outside extracellular ions into the cell. And normally, these sodium ions wouldn't be able to pass through the cell membrane just by themselves.
Carbohydrate- function as adhesion and address loci for cells. The Fluid Mosaic Model describes membranes as a fluid lipid bilayer with floating proteins and carbohydrates.
Phospholipid- This basic cellular structure acts as a barrier to protect the cell against various environmental insults and more importantly, enables multiple cellular processes to occur in subcellular compartments.
Polar Head- The heads (the phospho part) are polar while the tails (the lipid part) are non-polar. The heads, which form the outer and inner linings, are "hydrophilic" (water loving) while the tails that face the interior of the cell membrane are "hydrophobic" (water fearing).
Nonpolar Tail- These hydrophobic tails do not allow polar molecules to pass through. Thus, for molecules to pass through channels are formed by proteins.



A saturated solution is one that has as much of the solute present as is capable of dissolving. A solution is said to be unsaturated if it doesn't contain all of the solutes that can dissolve in it.

The type of material used and the temperature affect any liquid's saturation point. When the amount of dissolved solute reaches the solvent's saturation point, the solution is said to be saturated. Some specific kinds of solutes can dissolve in a solvent.

For a solution to form, a solute must be introduced to a solvent. A homogeneous solution is created when the solute dissolves in a solvent. An unsaturated solution is a term used to describe a solution in which solutes dissolve.

Accordingly, a solution is said to be unsaturated if it doesn't include all of the solutes that it is capable of dissolving. A saturated solution, on the other hand, contains as much of the solute as it is capable of dissolving.




when ecf [k ] decreases (hypokalemia), then which of the following will occur? group of answer choices renin secretion will decrease aldosterone secretion will decrease activity of the na /k atpase on collecting duct basolateral membranes will increase angiotensin ii levels will increase cortical collecting duct cells will decrease k secretion


A decrease in the extracellular K+ concentration leads to hyperpolarization of the cell membrane and can result in muscle weakness that is occasionally severe enough to cause paralysis, which occurs in patients with hypokalemic dRTA.

Conversely, hypokalemia inhibits aldosterone production. Small changes in plasma potassium have a greater effect on aldosterone than on renin secretion. In patients with essential hypertension, diuretic-induced changes in serum potassium concentrations may affect both renin and aldosterone secretion. You also need potassium for a healthy digestive system and bone health. Low potassium can affect these important functions in your body. Over time, low levels of potassium in your body can cause effects such as abnormal heart rhythms, muscle weakness, and even paralysis.

You can learn more about this at:



the menstrual cycle starts on the 1st of a woman's period what hormone is produced during the first half of the month?


The hormone produced during the first half of the month is the estradiol.

The rate at which a specific allele for red flower color appears within a population is known as its.


The rate at which a particular allele manifests itself within a population is known as the allele frequency (or gene frequency). In population genetics, evolution is referred to be a shift in an allele's frequency within a population.

The term "prevalent allele" refers to what kind of allele?

Wild-type alleles are the most abundant alleles in a population. true. Usually, recessive alleles result in an increase in the production of functional proteins. false. When heterozygous for a recessive illness allele, a person typically has 50% of the normal protein levels.

What does the name allele mean?

The alternative form or variations of a gene are referred to as "alleles." Individuals inherit one allele from each parent for each autosomal gene, and we routinely classify the alleles. They are typically referred to as wild-type, mutant, aberrant, or normal alleles.

To know more about Allele visit:-



which characteristic(s) are used to distinguish members of the enterobacteriaceae from one another? group of answer choices both motility and the ability to ferment lactose. the presence or absence of the enzyme oxidase. both motility and the presence or absence of the enzyme oxidase. motility the ability to ferment lactose.


Litmus milk is primarily used to distinguish members within the genus Clostridium. It distinguishes Enterobacteriaceae from other gram-negative bacilli based on the ability of enteric solvents to reduce litmus.

Moreover, Enterobacteriaceae is a family of Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore-forming rods. Characteristics of this family include motility, catalase positive and oxidase negative includes reduction of nitrates to nitrites and acid production from glucose fermentation.

Members of the Enterobacteriaceae are bacilli, facultative anaerobes, fermenting sugars producing lactic acid, and various other end products. They are usually 1-5 μm long and have Gram-negative stains. Most have many flagella used for locomotion, but a few genera are non-motile.

You can learn more about this at:



With this information, generate two hypotheses to address the question, "what type of molecule makes up the genetic material?". What two molecules could it be, based on known info at the time. Use meischer’s terminology.


The molecule present inside cells that carries the genetic material required for an organism to develop and operate is known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), sometimes known as the genetic material carrier molecule. Thanks to DNA molecules, this knowledge can be transmitted from one generation to the next.

What is Deoxyribonucleic acid?The molecule that carries the genetic information required for an organism to grow and function is called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. A double helix, which is made up of two linked strands that loop around one another to resemble a twisted ladder, is the shape of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a type of polymer consisting of two polynucleotide chains that coil around one another to form a double helix.referred to as deoxyribonucleic acid. Genetic material included in all recognised creatures, including many viruses, is essential to their growth, development, function, and reproduction. DNA and ribonucleic acid are examples of nucleic acids.

To learn more about Deoxyribonucleic acid refer to:



When a species is separated by water, what type of speciation can occur?
Geographic Isolation
Reproductive Isolation
Genetic Drift


Answer: Geographic Isolation

Explanation: Geographic isolation is when two populations are separated by a geographical barrier so A is the correct answer

Chemicals released into the space between nerve cells that bind to receptors are calledQuestion options:A) action potentials.B) neurochemicals.C) neurotransmitters.D) platelets.


The correct answer is C) neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are neurochemicals that work between neurons' spaces. As the name describes, they transmit information between nerve cells.

3. the gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is concerned with potential health hazards from pathogenic viruses and? a. drinking water b. bacteria in groundwater and water-borne viruses c. germs d. giardia lamblia


The gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is concerned with potential health hazards from pathogenic viruses and bacteria in groundwater and water-borne viruses. Correct answer: letter B.

The standard for groundwater disinfection

One of the most important aspects of public health is ensuring that the water we drink is clean and safe. The gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is designed to protect us from these potential health hazards.

There are two main ways to disinfect groundwater:

Chlorination is the most common method, and it is effective at killing viruses and bacteria. Ultraviolet light is also effective, but it is more expensive.

The gwd rule requires that all public water systems disinfect their groundwater. This protects us from pathogenic viruses and bacteria that could make us sick. It also protects us from water-borne viruses that could cause serious illnesses.

Learn more about The standard for groundwater disinfection:



Living organisms rely on four major biomolecules:carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.Carbohydrates are sugars and starches. Lipids are fatty acids. Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Nucleic acids are found in geneticmaterial. Two examples of biomolecules are shown here.Which elements from sugar molecules, such as glucose,are used to make amino acids?A. Carbon,Hydrogen, and OxygenB. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,and NitrogenC. Carbon, Hydrogen,and NitrogenD.Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen


The elements from sugar molecules that are used to make amino acids are: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Nitrogen is also necesay for amino acids, but carbohydrates are not a source of this element.

The correct answer is option A.

All of the following are kinds of passive transport expect
B.facilitated diffusion
E.ions channels


Answer: B


What is the phenotype of a black cat?A. blackB. bbC. BB or BbD. bb


We can assume that the black color of the cat is given by a dominant allele (B). We also have to consider that this is a tricky question, since they ask about the phenotype (trait, like color), instead of the genotype (alleles to a particular gene, like BB, Bb, or bb).

So the phenotype of a black cat is black, or the A answer option.

Evaluate Clara's practices for the prevention of parasite infestation in the following scenario.
Last year, Clara lost thousands of dollars when her sheep herd was infested with tapeworms. She has
always been diligent about keeping the pens clean and ensuring a proper diet. She has also always given
her sheep plenty of freedom by allowing them to wander day and night, and she even protects them from
the hot weather by putting them out to graze in the cooler evening hours. She hopes that this year the
herd will be more fortunate.


I believe Clara's actions will lessen the parasite infestation. I also believe she might arrange for routine veterinary examinations of the sheep to make sure they are free of any parasites that might infect the entire flock.

Because producers can see the visibly ejected worms whereas they cannot see stomach worms, only their symptoms or eggs, tapeworms frequently cause greater anxiety among sheep and goat farmers than stomach worms (nematodes) (in the feces).

People and animals with spines that have intestines are home to tapeworms, which are flat, ribbon-shaped worms. One of three classes of parasitic worms, they are long, segmented worms from the class Cestoda.

The move-and-dose strategy won't frequently work because many sheep pastures can't produce hay. To control parasites in this situation, prophylactic deworming treatments must be given throughout the season.

Clara's activities will therefore reduce the parasite invasion, I can infer. To ensure that the sheep are free of any parasites that could infect the entire flock, she might arrange for routine veterinarian checks of the animals.




Identify the number classified as composite.
O 67
O 47
0 27
O 37





Prime number - Can only be divided by one and itself

Composite number can be divided by numbers other than one and itself




hope this helps!! have a great day, night, or afternoon!! O(n_n)O

The most common site of implantation is which part of the uterus


When the embryo reaches the stage of blastocyst, it will be implanted in the uterus lining called endometrium, more specifically in the upper and posterior wall.

Which two statements explain why water is vital to sustaining a healthy ecosystem.



clean fresh water is necessary for drinking and sanitation and it moves things like nutrients, pathogens and sediment in and out an ecosystem

What would happen to the effectiveness of an original vaccination if a mutation in the virus caused the protein spike to change ? Make a claim that answers the question, then support that claim with evidence. What did you learn about mutations that would support your claim ?


Vaccine contain weaakened or inactive parts of the organism or antigen. It triggers the immune response of the body. If there is a mutation that caused the pretein spike to change, the effectiveness of an original vaccination will be affected. The antibodies from the vaccine are dire3cted against it and will no longer be effective and binding to destroy the virus. This will eventually escape immune surveillance. When there is a new variant, the original vaccination will not be effective completely. But somehow, it can provide at least some protection against the new virus variant. It will not make the original vaccination totally ineffective because it will still provide an elicit immune responce. It is possible to change the composition of the vaccine to provide protection against the new variants.

Put the events in the correct order.
(1. Decomposers increase oxygen consumption) (2. Algae consume the
available nutrients and then begin to die off) (3. Decomposers break down
algae and increase in number) (4. An algal bloom occurs)


Answer: 3


Why would it be illogical to assume that such a large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf


The large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf and no all deer and mice living on a forest be a population because they are different species.

What is population?

A population can be defined as the discrete entities with identifiable characteristics like people, animals and data collection has called a population. A local population can be restricted to a smaller area where as a metapopulation has defined as when individuals in local populations scatter among other local populations.

A population consists of a similar group of species who reside in a  geographical location and interbreed to produce fertile offspring, all individuals are able to survive and reproduce due to genetic variations.

Therefore, The large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf and no all deer and mice living on a forest be a population because they are different species.

Learn more about population on:



Many eukaryotic genes can be placed into bacteria and expressed in bacterial cells. However, some modifications must be made for this to work successfully. What do you predict is a primary issue with expressing eukaryotic genes in bacterial cells?.


It is expected to observe as a primary issue a differential expression of eukaryotic genes in bacterial cells since in bacteria lack several gene modulation mechanisms such as epigenetic modulation.

What is the differential expression of eukaryotic genes?

The differential expression of eukaryotic genes is a complex process that involves regulation both at transcriptional levels and posttranscriptional levels.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the expression of eukaryotic genes is much more complex than bacteria and we have taken it into account when expressing eukaryotic genes into bacterial cells

Learn more about the expression of eukaryotic genes here:



(ii) Describe the stages used in the laboratory to clone and produce Tegon from the genetically
engineered cell.




A small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid is extracted from the bacteria or yeast cell.A small section is then cut out of the circular plasmid by restriction enzymes, ‘molecular scissors’.The gene for human insulin is inserted into the gap in the plasmid. This plasmid is now genetically modified.The genetically modified plasmid is introduced into a new bacteria or yeast cell.This cell then divides rapidly and starts making insulin.To create large amounts of the cells, the genetically modified bacteria or yeast are grown in large fermentation vessels that contain all the nutrients they need. The more the cells divide, the more insulin is produced.When fermentation is complete, the mixture is filtered to release the insulin.The insulin is then purified and packaged into bottles and insulin pens for distribution to patients with diabetes.

The DNA of an animal's somatic cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus and DNA removed in order to create a clone. With the same genes as the cell donor, the egg develops into an embryo. The embryo is then placed inside the uterus of an adult female to develop.

What is DNA ?

A polymer made of two polynucleotide chains that coil around one another to form a double helix is called deoxyribonucleic acid. All known organisms and many viruses have genetic information in the polymer that is necessary for their development, operation, growth, and reproduction. Nucleic acids include DNA and ribonucleic acid.

The process of genetic engineering consists of three main phases. These include (1) isolating DNA fragments from a donor organism, (2) integrating an isolated donor DNA fragment into the genome of the vector, and (3) allowing the recombinant vector to develop in the proper host.

Selection, mutagenesis, conjugation, and protoplasm fusion are examples of conventional genetic modification techniques that have been used, particularly for microbial starter cultures. The latter is comparable to somatic hybridization in plant systems.

Thus, The DNA of an animal's somatic cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus and DNA removed in order to create a clone.

To learn more about DNA, follow the link;



What is translation?


Translation in biology is defined as the process of turning nucleic acid information into amino acids. The study of genes, genetic variants, and heredity is part of the molecular foundation of inheritance. The molecular foundation of heredity consists of DNA, RNA, and genetic code


Translation in simple terms is turning the transcripted mRNA codons or sequences into amino acids.

Transcription in simple terms is DNA codons or sequences getting converted into mRNA codons or sequences.

Both of these together are called Gene Expression.

What is this Cell Called_________?


Answer: Plant cells



plant cells


A sarcomere that is at a resting length of 1. 7um will generate __________________ force compared to a sarcomere at 2. 15um.


A sarcomere will produce its maximum active force at a resting size around 1. 7um as opposed to 2. 15um.

What do sarcomeres do and what are they?

Sarcomeres are the basic building blocks of muscle fibers or contractile units. The functional components responsible for producing muscle contraction are actin but also myosin, the two main protein filaments who make up each sarcomere. The most prevalent idea for why muscles contract is the hypodermic needle theory.

Why Do Sarcomeres Function?

Muscle cells can be seen to contain striations and resemble stripes under a microscope. This pattern is formed by the layering of sarcomeres, a collection of basic muscle tissue units.

To know more about Sarcomere visit:



What is the difference between pcr and sanger sequencing with regard to the materials needed to perform these reactions?.


Answer: The primary difference is the addition of ddNTPs in Sanger Sequencing


Sanger sequencing requires a DNA template, a sequencing primer, a thermostable DNA polymerase, nucleotides (dNTPs), dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs), and buffer.

The various components required for PCR include a DNA template, DNA primers, dNTPs, and DNA polymerase.

ddNTPS lack a 3' -OH causing elongation termination which is necessary for Sanger sequencing.

1) what are rules about matter we should follow when investigating and explaining how plants grow and function?
2) what are rules about energy we should follow when investigating and explaining how plants grow, move, and function?


1.) Just as matter is made up of particles that works together to lead to the successful functionality of the system, the plant is made up of cells and tissues that function together to lead to its growth and development.

2.) Just as energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one state to another, the energy from sunlight is being transformed to chemical energy which is being used by plants to grow, move and function.

What is matter?

Matter is defined as a substance that is made up of particles that has weight and can occupy space. Matter is also made up of three major states such as solid, liquid and gas.

A plant is considered to be a matter as it is made up of cells and tissues such as the pith, protoxylem, xylem, phloem, sclerenchyma, chloroplast and cortex. These plant tissue cells obey the rules of matter as they function together to bring about the effective growth and development of the plant.

Plants also follow the rules of energy because they have the ability to transform energy from sunlight to chemical energy which is utilised for growth, movement and functioning.

Learn more about energy here:



the tumor in colette's shoulder was considered to have malignant potential, although the pet scan was negative for metastasis to the lymph nodes. rather than treat her entire body with chemotherapy, colette's physician recommended a treatment more specific to the one area, radiation, and referred colette to a radiation oncologist. what is a radiation oncologist?


Specialist in treatment of disease with high-energy radiation.

Moreover, To correctly diagnose a hand nerve injury, your orthopedic doctor will perform a thorough evaluation, which includes a review of your medical history and symptoms as well as physical and neurological examination of your hand.

You can learn more about this at:



which is part of fetal circulation? group of answer choices ductus venosus foramen ovale ductus arteriosus all of the above a


The foramen ovale is a shunt that directs most of the blood to the left atrium.

The sinus venosus is where?

The heart chamber with muscular walls that is upstream of a right side of the heart in vertebrate animals and the solitary atrium in fish is called the sinuses venosus, or venous blood sinus. It is the area that is home to the dominant sinus node or cardiac pacemaker.

Which veins empty into the sinus venous?

The sinus venosus is connected to the left & right cardinal cardinal veins by relatively short portions. The common compass vein is formed on either side by the union of the anterolateral cardinal veins, with the anterior conveying the vascular resistance from of the upper body as well as the posterior from of the lower body.

To know more about Venosus visit:



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