a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


Answer 1

The researcher should conclude from her results in her phylogenetic study of organisms using geneA that "GeneA has undergone a gene duplication in several species". The correct answer is B.

Genetic Similarities Between Two Different Species

A researcher is investigating how species evolved from one another using GeneA. Three different but similar gene sequences from a number of the species she is studying were obtained using the same primers. GeneA has experienced gene duplication in several species. 

Those shared genes show that all life on Earth is connected and that it evolved from a common ancestor. Genes that are shared across species or even within species are referred to as homologous genes, or sometimes shared genes.

Horizontal gene transfer, or HGT, is the introduction of genetic information from one species to another through methods other than vertical transmission from parent(s) to offspring. Even organisms that seem to be phylogenetically unrelated could exchange genes as a result of these transfers.

Learn more about phylogenetic here: brainly.com/question/8683650


Related Questions

where is the majority of the nation's biggest crop grown? a. the southeast b. the midwest c. california d.florida, louisiana, and hawaii envi101 fina


The majority of the nation's biggest crop grown is grown in The Midwest.

Hence, Option B is correct.

Plants that are grown and harvested for food or for profit are referred to as crops, as are items made from plants. Food crops, feed crops, fiber crops, oil crops, ornamental crops, and industrial crops are the six main groups into which crops are traditionally separated.

Corn, which is mostly farmed in a region known as the Corn Belt, is the crop with the highest production in the United States. Soybeans are the second-largest crop farmed in the US.

The majority of crops are harvested for human and animal consumption. Additionally, it is grown for household consumption. Rice, wheat, oats, millets, fruits, vegetables are some examples of crops.

To know more about Crops here



President obama’s administration promoted a more dynamic approach to developing a grand strategy by employing a strategy of protectionism.
a. True
b. False


It is accurate to say that President Obama's administration developed a more novel approach to dealing with developing a great technique by using a protectionism process.

What is protectionism, and how does Obama's organization relate to it?

Barack Obama, the president of the United States, asked Congress to approve international pacts with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea in 2011, but at a cost.

The continuance of a protectionist program that provides government assistance to American employees who lose their jobs due to foreign competition is a need for any agreement. At that point, the action coincided with a pre-planned levy package planned in China.

Protectionist strategies "smother development and kill business," according to history students.

Learn more about protectionism: https://brainly.com/question/29725737


What news does Claudius receive of Hamlet and why is that a surprise Act 4 Scene 7?



Claudius receives a letter from Hamlet

jamiloleole performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. this illustrates what is known as:


The spacing effect , refers to the observation that long-term memory is increased when learning experiences are spread apart in time, rather than massed in quick succession

Hermann Ebbinghaus, a psychologist, established in 1885 that humans lose 80% of freshly learnt content within 24 hours. His study of human memory capacities resulted in the so-called forgetting curve.

Recognition occurs when you recognize previously learnt knowledge after experiencing it again. It entails a comparative procedure. When you take a multiple-choice test, you rely on recognition to assist you in selecting the proper answer.

According to memory research, recollections of former experiences are likely to be altered by our current expectations. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall knowledge learnt in the past.

Learn more about to vocabulary tests visit here;



What are the 5 Importances of core strength?


The core muscles serve two purposes:

1) To protect the spine from excessive load, and

2) To transfer force from the lower to the upper body and vice versa. A strong, stable core assists us in avoiding injuries and performing at our best.

Spine injuries are commonly caused by a combination of bending forward, side to side, or excessive rotation. Back injuries are usually the result of a series of incidents (such as lifting something heavy), rather than a single incident.

3)To protect the back, we should aim for 360-degree stiffness around the spine as we move, run, jump, throw, lift objects, and transfer force throughout our bodies. This is accomplished by coordinating the muscles in our hips, torso, and shoulders.

4) Because core muscles are designed for endurance rather than maximum strength, it is best to increase reps as strength improves.

5) Finally, working with a fitness professional to ensure safety and proper technique is advised when developing a core stability program that will produce positive results.

To learn more about core strength, please refer:



which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


Matching hypothesis concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability.

According to the matching hypothesis, persons who are attracted to someone physically are more likely to start and maintain a serious relationship with them. The idea originated in the field of social psychology and was originally put out in 1966 by Elaine Hatfield and her associates in the United States.

Even if we desire physically appealing partners, this does not imply that we search for the best attractive match. In fact, this finding has prompted some to put out the matching hypothesis, which holds that people are more likely to choose a partner who they perceive to be on par with them in terms of physical appearance and social desirability.

Learn more about Desires here:



_____ of bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


Selection of bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.

What is sample?

A sample is a condensed, controllable representation of a larger group. It is a subgroup of people with traits from a wider population. When population sizes are too big for the test to include all potential participants or observations, samples are utilised in statistical testing. A sample should be representative of the population as a whole and should not show bias toward any particular characteristic.

Researchers and statisticians use a variety of sampling procedures, each with advantages and disadvantages of its own.

To know more about sample, click here- brainly.com/question/24466382


episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of:________


Episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of: advanced anxiety disorder.

What is anxiety disorder?

A type of disorder which harms a person's mental and physical health, it begins when a person's feelings become excessive and compulsive.

Anxiety is characterized by the feeling of nervousness and agitation in front of other people, this disease gradually causes damage to the subjects and can even cause death if it is not prevented in time.

Learn more about anxiety in: https://brainly.com/question/1754863


A survey showed that x% of the students at hoover high school have a job. Write a proportion to find the number of students that have a job, z, if there are y students at hoover high school.





x/100 = z/y

Step-by-step explanation:  I had to do it for math homework

Who served as an ethics consultant to Boeing following the document issue coming to light?
a. The author of the text
b. Marianne Jennings
c. Vice Dean Philip Regier
d. Both a and b


After the document problem became public, the text's author, Marianne Jennings, worked with Boeing as an ethical consultant.

The correct option is d.

Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business Department of Management professor of legal and ethical studies in business is Marianne Jennings. Since 1995, she has served as an ASU Dean's Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar.

Numerous academic, professional, and trade periodicals have published hundreds of works by Professor Jennings. Her paper, "Ethics and Investment Management," was chosen one of the top 50 articles of 2005 by Emerald Management Review in 2006.

She was recognised as one of Trust Across America's Top 100 Thought Leaders and one of Ethisphere's 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics. She contributes to the Real Estate Law Journal and Ethikos.

To learn more about ethics consultant, refer



approximately 1.7 percent of all babies born between 1955 and 2000 had with a combination of male and female sex characteristics, leading many scholars to believe that sex can occur on a continuum. these babies are referred to as


Approximately 1.7 percent of all babies born between 1955 and 2000 had with a combination of male and female sex characteristics, leading many scholars to believe that sex can occur on a continuum. these babies are referred to as intersex.

Continuum theories or models provide an explanation for variant as involving sluggish quantitative transitions with out abrupt adjustments or discontinuities. In comparison, express theories or fashions give an explanation for version the use of qualitatively special states.

A continuum is something that maintains ongoing, converting slowly through the years, like the continuum of the four seasons. further to that means "a whole made up of many parts," continuum, pronounced "kon-TIN-yoo-um," can describe a range this is usually present.

Learn more about continuum here:https://brainly.com/question/8840506

How has affirmative action changed over time ?


Affirmative action's justification has shifted from eliminating historical prejudice to promoting diversity.

Given that schools are prohibited by law from implementing racial quotas, affirmative action has evolved through time to become more sophisticated in certain respects as institutions seek student populations that are more representative of society.

The Wagner Act, a federal statute that granted workers the freedom to create and join unions, brought the concept of affirmative action to the forefront in 1935. But according to Smithsonian Magazine, John F. Kennedy was the first president to clearly associate the term with a strategy intended to foster racial equality.

To know more about Affirmative action: https://brainly.com/question/11724970


as a leader, you no longer reward or punish every time your employee exhibits a specified behavior. now, you reward or punish on a more random basis. this type of schedule of reinforcement is known as:


As a leader, you no longer reward or punish every time your employee exhibits a specified behavior. now, you reward or punish on a more random basis. this type of schedule of reinforcement is known as: partial reinforcement.

An employee is someone who receives paid to paintings for a person or organization. workers don't want to paintings full time to be considered employees—they clearly need to be paid to work by using a company (the person or business that will pay them).

To individually do the work they have been employed to do. to do their paintings cautiously and critically (In a few cases, they can be fired or disciplined if they're frequently late for work, or if they may be absent too regularly or for no right motive.) to avoid putting themselves or others in threat.

Learn more about employee here:https://brainly.com/question/1190099

which is not an attraction of utilitarianism? group of answer choices it makes it easy to acquire moral knowledge it justifies many of our basic moral beliefs. it helps us solve moral conflicts. it is impartial


Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory that discusses how we should assess a variety of issues that include decisions that people must make. A few things that can be assessed include deeds,

Utilitarianism is one of the best known and most influential moral theories rules, regulations, moral standards, and personality qualities. Because it is based on the belief that the results or consequences of decisions, laws, policies, etc. decide whether they are good or bad, right or wrong, utilitarianism is a type of consequentialism. In general, whatever is being considered, we should pick the option that will result in the best overall outcomes. In the jargon of utilitarian's, we should choose the choice that "maximizes utility, that action or policy that creates the highest quantity of good.

learn more about utilitarianism here:



which famous political scientist outlined six characteristics necessary for large-scale democracy?


Six qualities that Robert Dahl highlighted are essential for widespread democracy.

Why is democracy so crucial?

Supporting democracy contributes to the development of a more secure, prosperous, and stable international context where the United States may promote its national interests as well as fundamental American values like religious freedom and worker rights.

Why is democracy indirect in India?

India is a large nation with a sizable population, making it physically difficult for everyone to gather in one place and decide on national affairs. Additionally, not all citizens are able to participate in all choices affecting the business of the state because they lack the necessary time, motivation, or abilities.

To know more about democracy visit:



abigail adams: persuading her husband i long to hear that you have declared an independency. and, by the way, in the new code of laws which i suppose it will be necessary for you to make, i desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. if particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation. that your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute; but such of you as wish to be happy willingly give up the harsh title of master for the more tender and endearing one of friend. why, then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity? men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the vassals of your sex; regard us then as beings placed by providence under your protection, and in imitation of the supreme being make use of that power only for our happiness. what is abigail trying to convince her husband to do? give two examples of how she attempts to persuade him.


Abigail Adams seeks to persuade her husband to improve how women are treated under the laws of the new nation. She attempts to warn him about what will happen if "special care and attention is not paid to the ladies." The women are going to launch their own uprising.

Most people associate Abigail Adams with her pleading with her husband, John Adams, to "Remember the Ladies." Abigail particularly urged her husband to "be more generous and fair to [the Ladies] than your forebears" as John was drafting the Declaration of Independence. Do not give the Husbands such unrestricted authority. Keep in mind that if they had the power, all men would rule oppressively. If the ladies are not given special care and attention, we are determined to spark a rebellion and will not be held accountable for any laws in which we have no voice or representation.

To learn more about Abigail Adams please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28402916


garner is imaginative, independent, and prefers variety. brandy is conventional, practical, and has limited interests. it is likely that garner scores high, while brandy scores low on the big five personality factor of group of answer choices openness to experience. agreeableness. neuroticism. extraversion.


The accurate answer is Openness which makes the whole statement stand correct. The big five personality traits are important for one’s overall development.

Being imaginative and creative, inventive, open to unusual ideas, adventure, and nonconformity are characteristics of openness to experience. Those with high scores on this scale of openness are independent and willing to live with more thrill and uncertainty (or less certainty). As a consequence of this, they frequently are the first to consider brand-new ideas and beliefs—which are frequently later proven to be incorrect. Openness and intelligence have been linked in some studies.

Learn more about Personality factor here:



who actually took down al capone?


Eliot Ness, an American Prohibition agent most remembered for his attempts to bring down Al Capone and uphold Prohibition in Chicago.

Who was Al Capone?

The Chicago Outfit's co-founder and leader, Alphonse Gabriel Capone, often known as “Scarface,” was an American mobster and businessman who rose to fame during the Prohibition era.

His unstoppable operatives, subsequently known as “the Untouchables,” not only destroyed mobster Al Capone's criminal organization but also went on to capture several prominent criminals and bootleggers in Chicago.

Therefore,  Eliot Ness actually took down Al Capone.

Learn more about the Al Capone, refer to:



if a round analog clock featuring numbers 1-12 is hung on the wall upside down, the minute hand will point to the right of the viewer when the clock reads two forty-five.
a) true
b) false


B. False. The minutes hand would be pointing to the left.

if a round analog clock featuring numbers 1-12 is hung on the wall upside down, the minute hand will point to the right of the viewer when the clock reads two forty-five, is the false statement. Hence, option B is correct.

What is analog clock?

An analogue clock or watch displays the time by having hands that move and have hours indicated from 1 to 12. Some timepieces display the time merely by the position and angle of the hands, while others use Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) or none at all.

In fact, analogue clocks are still useful for adults with ADHD who have trouble with time estimate, deadlines, and time blindness. Here's how analogue clocks can benefit brains with ADHD.

There are various ways that clocks can show the time. Analog clocks display the current time on a conventional clock face with movable hands. Digital clocks show the passing of time as numbers. The 12-hour time notation and 24-hour numbering schemes are both in use.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about analog clock, click here:



how would the wife of bath fit into contemporary society? what social trends would she support or reject?


Wife of bath , Rights for women, social trends would she support or reject

The knight is punished for raping by going on a quest to find out what women most want. This plot component is an event for the story to explain upon each of the different things ladies want and, now and again, what these cravings uncover about their inclination.

Even though "The Wife of Bath's Tale" begins with a woman being sexually assaulted, the rest of the story imagines a world where women are sovereign, administer justice, and have power over men's bodies. According to the dishonest lady's assertion that women most desire sovereignty over their partners and husbands, this world is what they want.

However, the story's loathly lady-turned-beautiful-wife gives power back to her husband at the end, curiously despite his willingness to give it to her. This raises questions about what women really want. This conclusion is in line with the many different things that women tell the knight they most want, as women end up being just as much of a mystery as they were at the beginning of the story.

To know more about wife of bath visit



true or false: when it comes to popularity rankings, correlational data can provide helpful perspective on ranking success.


When it comes to popularity rankings, correlational data can provide helpful perspective on ranking success.

The above statement is True.

With a correlational research design, correlations between two variables—or more—are examined without any of the variables being under the researcher's direct control or manipulation. It is a form of quantitative study that is not experimental.

The link between height and weight is a good example. Taller persons typically weigh more. When there is a negative correlation between two variables, it means that when one variable rises, the other one falls.

Correlational study, for instance, may show the statistical link between high income earners and relocation; that is, the likelihood that someone will relocate or not increases with money.

To know more about Correlational data here



please give an example of how you have handled a challenge in the workplace before.



I said to myself "Dam, nothing I can do about it, better not let it ruin my day"


A former coworker at my old job was sick, and the project he was working on was critical. My CEO asked me to intervene. Even though I had no prior experience with such assignments, I was able to complete them by drawing on my knowledge and problem-solving abilities. We succeeded in finishing the job on schedule.

How you have handled a challenge in the workplace?

It was difficult for me to finish the assignment and deliver it on time. I originally had problems, but I later made the decision to concentrate on some time management techniques. I made a timetable, took extra little breaks, allotted more time than usual, and explored ideas to aid in my concentration.

The hardest scenario I had to deal with at work was organizing the event on a tight budget with my coworkers. New goods from our firm were showcased during the event. It was difficult to provide suppliers with diverse tasks on a tight budget. I made the decision to outsource a lot of the work to regional businesses.

Learn more about challenges in the workplace here:



how is the damage pattern from a derecho different from the damage pattern from a tornado?


The damage pattern Tornado damage is in a towards the center, derecho damage is in a straight line.

Tornado: A ferociously whirling column of air that makes contact with the earth and is typically connected to the base of a thunderstorm. The most dangerous storms in nature are tornadoes.When warm, humid air and cold, dry air clash, a tornado is created. Thunderstorms are typically produced when the colder, denser air is forced over the warmer air. An updraft results when warm air rises through colder air. Winds that abruptly change in speed or direction will cause the updraft to start rotating.

To know more about Tornado  here



disorders whose symptoms are primarily physical but whose development is greatly influenced by psychological factors are called:


Psychosomatic Disorders Are those which have physical symptoms primarily, but whose progression is heavily influenced by psychological factors.

The term "psychosomatic" is derived from two words, "psyche" which means Mind and "Soma" which means Body. A disease that affects both the body and the mind is called a psychosomatic disorder.

It is believed that some physical conditions are more vulnerable to being exacerbated by mental conditions like stress and worry. How bad a physical illness is at any particular time depends on your emotional condition.

Psychophysiologic or psychosomatic disorder is a syndrome when the involuntary nervous system and internal secretory glands are improperly activated, causing structural damage or dysfunction to physiological organs.

As a physiological consequence of an emotional state, the psychosomatic symptom so appears.

To learn more about Disorder, click here:



how does being a member of the capitalist class affect one's ability to find a spouse who would be accepted by the entire family?


The field of eligible spouses for capitalists is much narrower than that which exists for other classes.

Usually people marry someone who is in a similar social position.

The economy and the culture are profoundly interconnected. The verifiable advancement of the family is in numerous ways a branch-off of the colossal monetary development that free enterprise has delivered. Those adjustments of the family originally freed men, then, at that point, ladies and youngsters from the drudgery and actual fatigue of pre-modern work. They have moved the elements of the family up Abraham Maslow's ordered progression of necessities to where we currently view our familial connections as being about the self-completion that involves the first spot on that list. That is one of the most central goals of progressives across the world, yet they remain reluctant to give capitalism the proper credit for the very changes they applaud. In the mean time, moderates wring their hands about the development of opportunity in the social domain while they keep on adulating, generally, the opportunity in the financial domain that made it conceivable and drives its proceeding with advancement.

Know more on Capitalists - https://brainly.com/question/9008502


How do you record audio professionally?


Getting the greatest quality for your recording requires more than just investing in a high-end microphone. You can take a variety of actions to improve the clarity of your audio recordings.

Here are ten suggestions for recording audio that is of great quality. Put everything on silence that you don't want your microphone to capture. 2. Switch to airplane mode on your phone.3. Reduce echo 4. Prevent wind from blowing into your microphone. 5. Update the microphone. 6. Modify the levels. 7. If you intend to do some synchronizing in post, begin with a sound cue Approach the sound. ADR . Capture background noise You merely need to click a few times to add a new sound

learn more about  recording    here:



cassie felt ignored because jaime kept playing on his phone during their lunch together. this example best illustrates which type of disconfirming message?


Throughout their meal, Casey was ignored as Jaime continued to play on his phone. This particular case finest exemplifies a disconfirming message that is impenetrable. Here option A is the correct answer.

When you refer to anything as ambiguous, you are referring to the fact that there are several possible interpretations of it, making it confusing or perplexing. Impenetrable refers to something that is impenetrable.

Something impenetrable won't allow you in, whether it's a brick wall or a challenging reading section. Disconfirming messages make the recipient of your communication feel unimportant, insulted, and ultimately unheard.

Avoiding direct eye contact and all nonverbal communication. Disconfirming signals can also be sent by disregarding the other person's requests, not responding to their inquiries, not returning phone calls, or not returning text messages.

Complete question:

Cassie felt ignored because Jamie kept playing on his phone during their lunch together. This example pest illustrates which type of disconfirming message?

a) impersonal

b) ambiguous

c) incongruous

d) irrelevant

e) impervious

To learn more about disconfirming messages



the_____is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.


The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.

Exploring the Collective Unconscious

The collective unconscious is a concept developed by psychoanalyst Carl Jung. It is a universal version of the personal unconscious, which holds mental patterns and memories that are common to all of us. These mental patterns and memories are not solely based on personal experiences, but are instead inherited from our ancestors. This collective unconscious is made up of archetypes, which are universal symbols and ideas. Jung believed that these archetypes could be seen in our dreams, myths and symbols, as they provide us with a collective view of our experience.

Learn more about psychoanalysis: https://brainly.com/question/13462727


Manuel and manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that ________________________.


It is most likely that Manuel is a psychiatrist and Manfred is a clinical psychologist.

A mental disorder is a behavioral or mental pattern that significantly impairs personal functioning or produces severe discomfort, commonly known as a mental disease or psychological problem. These characteristics may be ongoing, relapsing, or only present during specific periods. There are several illnesses that have been described, and the indications and symptoms of each differ greatly. A mental health expert, often a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, may diagnose such conditions. Mental disorders are often identified by a person's behavior, feelings, perceptions, or thoughts. This may be connected to specific brain areas or activities, frequently in a social setting. One element of mental health is a mental illness.

Learn more about Clinical Psychologist here:



the following are caregories of the u.s. federal budget. which are the two largest categories of federal spending? welfare interest on the federal debt defense foreign aid social security health care


U.S. Federal spending and sales additives for fiscal yr 2021. principal expenditure categories are healthcare, Social security, and protection; profits and payroll taxes are the primary sales assets. The expenses of the united states federal government as a percent of GDP through the years.

Federal spending is classed into two fundamental categories mandatory and discretionary. about 63 percent of the federal budget is mandatory spending, 30 percent is discretionary spending, and the rest is interest payments on debt (see chart).

Authorities' spending is broken down into two number one categories: mandatory and discretionary. mandatory spending represents nearly two-thirds of annual federal spending. This form of spending does not require an annual vote by using Congress. the second one most important category is discretionary spending.

Learn more about federal here



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What is another word for premarital sex? Many anthropologists believe the Native Americans of Poverty Point were not isolated, despite the group's hunter-gatherer lifestyle. In fact, evidence of a more social lifestyle, marked by major involvement in trading has been discovered. Which piece of evidence has been found to BEST support this claim?A Buried deep within Mound A, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of a trading center. They have discovered signs, maps, drawings, and structures used at trading centers.B Poverty Point was surrounded by tall walls on all sides, and it could only be accessed through a gate. This was a common characteristic of trading posts to prevent stealing.C Archaeologists have found materials like copper and mica at Poverty Point that have not been found elsewhere in Louisiana. These items would have likely been brought by traders.D Maps from early exploration of America have been found throughout Louisiana. Many of them show Poverty Point as a major trading location, marked by the recognizable "Mound A." The sporting equipment has been sorted into baseballs and bats. The number of baseballs is four less than three times the number of bats. The equipment is 80% baseballs. Choose the equation that best represents this scenario. a legal document in which one person transfers assets to another who manages them for designated beneficiaries is called a Isaiah recorded the grade-level and instrument of everyone in the middle school School of Rock below.Seventh Grade StudentsInstrument # of StudentsGuitar 11Bass 3Drums 3Keyboard 4Eighth Grade StudentsInstrument # of StudentsGuitar 4Bass 10Drums 6Keyboard 3Based on these results, express the probability that an eighth grader chosen at random will play the guitar as a decimal to the nearest hundredth. for potential customers in decision-making moments, what video ad formats are optimized to drive action and make it easier for them to take meaningful actions that can be measured? The vast majority of human behavior in society is considered prosocial behavior. True False What is the greatest downside to a market economy? a) Form sentences using the appropriate words "pero" (but) or "sino" (but rather) to compare or contrast statements.Ex. Algunos estudiantes estudian en casa, pero necesitan entregar sus tareas.1. Marisol participa en clase/no estudia para los examenes.2. Alma no escucha la explicacion/ est distrada con el celular.3. Mis amigos son buenos/no toman buenas decisiones.4. Yo quiero aprender espaol/necesito estudiar y practicar en casa.5. Ernesto y Saul no son colombiano/venezolanos. once a peptide bond has been formed between the amino acid attached to the trna in the p site and the amino acid associated with the trna in the a site, what process occurs next? a. What abiotic factor in a desert is likely to have caused both populations to stabilize after experiencing a period of exponential growth? Explain your answer. (2 points)b. What is a likely reason that the environment has a greater carrying capacity for population A than for population B? (3 points) what is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities? what act requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions? Nurse performing a skin assessment for a client who expresses concern about skin cancer. What findings should the nurse identify as a potential indication of a skin malignancy? Was Thomas Jefferson a good president in march, margaret made a loan to pete for $10,000. three months later, she began to hear rumors about pete's failing financial condition. when in july, pete asked her to loan him an additional $2,000 to buy inventory, margaret required a security interest in the inventory and also demanded that pete secure the first loan with his personal automobile. in september, pete filed bankruptcy. will the security interest in the automobile be enforceable? Can someone please help me with this question a 17-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician complaining of persistent drainage from his ear. he has a history of chronic ear infections and, one month prior, was started on amoxicillin secondary to symptoms of hearing loss and drainage along with physical exam findings of an inflamed, bulging tympanic membrane. when his symptoms failed to resolve, his medication was changed to amoxicillin-clavulanate; however, the patient is still experiencing symptoms. given his history and the persistence of symptoms despite antibiotic therapy, what diagnosis should be considered? 2(6-x)=3 help help help help Help pls I dont understand