a race car goes around a circular track of radius 150 m at speed of 10.0 m/s. How long does it take to complete one lap?


Answer 1


94.25 seconds


Solve for period (T) using: v=(2*pi*r)/T

rearrange: vT=2*pi*r

rearrange: T=(2*pi*r)/v

Plug in values.


T=94.25 seconds

Answer 2

If a race car goes around a circular track of a radius of 150 m at speed of 10.0 m/s ,then the time taken to complete the one lap would be 94.25 seconds.

What is speed?

The total distance covered by any object per unit of time is known as speed. It depends only on the magnitude of the moving object. The unit of speed is a meter/second. The generally considered unit for speed is a meter per second.

As given in the problem a race car goes around a circular track of radius 150 m at speed of 10.0 m/s.

vT = 2 × π × r

T = (2 × π × r)/ v

T = (2 × π× 150)/10

T = 94.25 seconds

Thus, the time taken to complete the one lap would be 94.25 seconds.

To learn more about speed here, refer to the link given below ;



Related Questions


12. During sleep the pituitary gland shuts down for the rest of the night.

13. When a person has a nightmare they wake up in a sweat and don't remember
the content of their dream.



true for first and false for second


An alumium rod when measured with a steel scale both being at 25 degree celcius appears to be 1 meter long. If the scale is correct at 0 degree celcius, what is the true length of the rod at 25 degree celcius? What wull be the length of rod at 0 degree celcius?​


temperature at which the rod is measured= 25°
length of aluminium rod measured at 25°C= 1 meter
temperature at which the scale is correct= 0°C
Linear expansivity of steel= 12* 10^-6
linear expansivity of aluminum= 26* 10^-6
To find:
True length of rod at 25°C
Length of rod at 0°C
Let the length of the aluminum and steel rod at 0°C be L0A and L0S respectively.
Length of the steel scale at 25°C , thermal expansion is:
LA25 = LA0(1+ (αS - αA)25)
LA0 = LA25/ (1+ (αS-αA)t)
LA0 = 100/ (1+ (12*10^-6 - 26*10^-6)25)
LA0 ≈ 100.05 cm at 0°C
2. Let the length at 25°C of the aluminium trod be LA25
The actual measure of aluminum rod at 25°C, will be
LA25 = 100 * (1+ 26* 10^-6*25)
LA25 ≈ 100.06 cm

4. Name three examples of "concentrated" forms of energy.



Nuclear power plant.

Gas stove.


Gas pump.

Geothermal heat pump.

Power lines.

Solar panels.



Hope this helps :))


gasoline,solar panels,geothermal heat pump,windmills


Gravity does not actually "pull" objects at
all, rather gravity is a result of the warping.
or curving, of

A Stars and planets
B. The solar system
C Spacetime
D. Any object


I believe it’s (D. Any object)

determine the value of a and K when 0.51 is written is scientific nation​



The value 0.51


A wave with a frequency of 5Hz travels a distance of 40mm in 2 seconds.What is the speed of the wave​



20mm per second



an object is found to have weight of 16.7N on moon

what is it's
weight on earth where g= 10N/kg



167 kg


On Earth it is 167 kg. We have to multiply the weight in the Moon by 10 because 1 kg on Earth, is nearly 10 N. 1 kg is 9,8 N in fact, but we get it as 10 N in general.

Do me Brainliest if I helped you. :)

In 1976, a 53 kg helicopter was built in Denmark. Suppose this helicopter flew east with a speed of 60.0 m/s and the total momentum of the helicopter and pilot was 7,200 kg∙m/s to the east. What was the mass of the pilot?



67 kg.


From the question,

Total momentum = (mass of the pilot+ mass of the helicopter)×velocity.

I = (m+M)v............................... Equation 1

Where I = Total momentum of the pilot and the helicopter, m = mass of the pilot, M = mass of the helicopter, v = velocity.

make m the subject of the equation

m = (I/v)-M.............................. Equation 2

Given: I = 7200 kg.m/s, v = 60 m/s, M = 53 kg.

Substitute these values into equation 2

m = (7200/60)-53

m = 120-53

m = 67 kg.

Hence the mass of the pilot is 67 kg

what is the mass of a ball rolling at 4.5m/s if it's momentum is 3.5 kg•m/s?​



The ball has a mass of 7/9 kg


Momentum is just mass times velocity, so to find its mass, we can simply divide the given momentum by the given velocity.

[tex]3.5 kg\frac{m}{s} \div 4.5\frac{m}{s} = \frac{7}{9}kg[/tex]

Explain which energies work together to bake the bread
and cook the eggs.



Thermal Energy


The energies that work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs is the thermal energy. Thermal energy is basically heat energy, which makes the food warmer.

Thermal energy and chemical energy work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs.

What is thermal energy?

The energy present in a system that determines its temperature is referred to as thermal energy. Thermal energy flows as heat. Thermodynamics is a whole field of physics that studies how heat is transmitted across various systems and how work is done in the process.

What is chemical energy?

Chemical energy is described as: the power that is kept in chemical compound bonds (molecules and atoms). It is released during the chemical process, which is referred to as an exothermic reaction, which mostly generates heat as a byproduct.

When the bread is baked or the eggs are cooked, thermal energy is provided from outside and  chemical energy inside the molecules of bread  or eggs come to play. So, these two energies work together to bake the bread and cook the eggs.

Learn more about energy here:



A plastic ball in a liquid is acted upon by its weight and by a buoyant force. The weight of the ball is 4 N. The buoyant force has a magnitude of 5 N and acts vertically upward. When the ball is released from rest, what is it's acceleration and direction? [2 pts] for a Free Body Diagram correctly labeled.​



The acceleration is 2.448 meters per square second and is vertically upward.


The Free Body Diagram of the plastic ball in the liquid is presented in the image attached below. By Second Newton's Law, we know that forces acting on the plastic ball is:

[tex]\Sigma F = F - m\cdot g = m\cdot a[/tex] (1)


[tex]F[/tex] - Buoyant force, measured in newtons.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the plastic ball, measured in kilograms.

[tex]g[/tex] - Gravitational acceleration, measured in meters per square second.

[tex]a[/tex] - Net acceleration, measured in meters per square second.

If we know that [tex]F = 5\,N[/tex], [tex]m = 0.408\,kg[/tex] and [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], then the net acceleration of the plastic ball is:

[tex]a = \frac{F}{m} - g[/tex]

[tex]a= 2.448\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex]

The acceleration is 2.448 meters per square second and is vertically upward.

Help please :)

X-ray waves are transmitted by ....... ?



im not sure maybe viberation



X-ray waves are transmitted by ....... body tissues with very little absorption

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

One of the smallest planes ever flown was the Bumble Bee II, which had a mass of 180 kg. If the pilot’s mass was 70 kg, what was the velocity of both plane and pilot if their momentum was 20,800 kg∙m/s to the west?



83.2 m/s to the West


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass of plane = 180 Kg

Mass of pilot = 70 Kg

Momentum = 20800 Kg∙m/s West

Velocity =?

Next, we shall determine the total mass. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of plane = 180 Kg

Mass of pilot = 70 Kg

Total mass =?

Total mass = Mass of plane + Mass of pilot

Total mass = 180 + 70

Total mass = 250 Kg

Finally, we shall determine the velocity. This can be obtained as follow:

Total mass = 250 Kg

Momentum = 20800 Kg∙m/s West

Velocity =?

Momentum = mass × Velocity

20800 = 250 × Velocity

Divide both side by 250

Velocity = 20800 / 250

Velocity = 83.2 m/s West

Thus, the velocity of both plane and pilot is 83.2 m/s to the West

Lichen grows on the surface of hornblende granite and causes it to breakdown at a faster rate. This is an example of. _______ Weathering





Weathering can be defined as the physical and chemical breakdown of rock into smaller pieces called sediment. Weathering can be classified into two categories namely;

I. Physical weathering : it is the process of breaking rocks into pieces without affecting its chemical composition e.g temperature, abrasion and frost action.

II. Chemical weathering : it is the process of breaking rocks into pieces by chemical action which leads to changes in its chemical composition e.g carbonation, hydration, plant acid and oxidation.

In this scenario, Lichen grows on the surface of hornblende granite and causes it to breakdown at a faster rate. Thus, this is an example of chemical weathering

Waves are ?
that can travel through matter.



A wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. The direction a wave propagates is perpendicular to the direction it oscillates for transverse waves. A wave does not move mass in the direction of propagation; it transfers energy.

student c precise or accurate darts



i don't get it


? provide answers pls

The main difference between a chest and a bounce pass is what?


Answer: The main difference between the three is the mode of transmission. The chest pass is straight through the air towards your teammate. While the bounce pass is directed toward the ground and then at your teammate. Finally, the overhead pass is projected high in the air to avoid defenders.



The main difference is: the chest pass is straight through the air towards your teammate. While the bounce pass is directed toward the ground and then at your teammate.

The secondary main difference is the amount of power from the ball recived from the person reciving

At the bottom of the air track, the glider hits and stretches a rubber band, that causes the glider to change direction. When the rubber band is maximally stretched, the glider's kinetic energy is zero, because it is momentarily at rest. Since the glider is at the bottom of the air track, its (gravitational) potential energy is also zero. So the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energies is zero, yet energy is conserved. Where did the energy go?



That energy is the elastic potential energy of the rubber band. At the bottom position, all the energy is being stored in the stretched rubber band, in the form of elastic potential energy.


When the glider reaches the bottom, its kinetic energy and potential energy become zero due to zero velocity and zero height, respectively. So, the sum of these energies will become zero. This will violate the law of conservation f energy. Hence, there must be a third type of energy that accounts for the conservation of the energy of the system at other configurations.

That energy is the elastic potential energy of the rubber band. At the bottom position, all the energy is being stored in the stretched rubber band, in the form of elastic potential energy.

A boy kicks a football with a force of 20 N, the time the force acts for is 0.3s. Calculate the impulse on the ball.



20 * .3 = 6N


The impulse on the ball kicked with a force of 20 N force 0.3 s is 6 Ns

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Force = 20 N

Time = 0.3 s

Impulse = ?

The impulse on the ball can be obtained as follow:

[tex]impulse \: = force \: \times time \\ impulse \: = 20 \: \times \: 0.3 \\[/tex]

Impulse = 6 Ns

Therefore, the impulse on the ball is 6 Ns

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/231466

Explain what happens to the movement, energy and arrangement of particles during the process
of distillation.​



Distillation separates a liquid from a solution. For example, water can be separated from salty water by simple distillation. This method works because the water evaporates from the solution, but is then cooled and condensed into a separate container. The salt does not evaporate and so it stays behind.

An inclined plane consists of a 25 m length that raises an object 5 m above the ground. When pushing a 4500 N crate to the top of the ramp you exert 1000 N. What is the ideal Mechanical Advantage of this machine?​


The IDEAL mechanical advantage of this ramp is (25m / 5m) = 5 .

But it's only giving you a real MA of (4500N/1000N) = 4.5 .

The friction between the crate and the surface of the ramp is robbing some of the work you do as you slide the crate up the ramp, which degrades the mechanical advantage.

cosmic Microwave Background radiation is one piece of supporting evidence for the Big Band Theory. Are these microwaves at the longer or shorter end of the spectrum?

are they long or short?



it is long.


I know the answer but I don't know how to explain it

What does the Preamble to the Constitution set out as the goals for the government? Which branches of
government address each of the goals of the Preamble specifically?



Six purposes of government: to form a more perfect union; establish justice; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare; secure the blessings of liberty now and in the future.


Someone pls help!! Right now :(


It would be yes, once they pull the parachute they start to accelerate upwards

4 people are playing a tug of war. Two are pulling on the right side. Two are pulling on the left side. On the right side, one is pulling with a force of 60 N and the other with a force of 70 N. On the left side, one is pulling with a force of 30 N. How much force should the second person on the left apply to keep the rope in equilibrium? HINT: The rope will be in equilibrium if the net force is 0.





since the two at the left side is pulling with a force of 70 and 60 which equals to 130 for the rope to be in equilibrium, those at the left must also pull with same force. Which makes it 130-30=100N

The course an object travels along is called DIRECTION.





False I’m pretty sure sorry if I’m wrong !!

What us a magnetic domain?​


magnetic domain is a region within a magnetic material in which the magnetization is in a uniform direction. This means that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction.

Which of the following best describes the location of the
Above the crust
Between the crust and the lithosphere
Between the crust and the core
Beneath the core



The mantle exists above the crust of the earth

(What is the weight of a 50 kg woman at the top of Jupiter's
atmosphere, where g = 24.8 N/kg? Give your answer in both
newtons and pounds.



The correct answer is - 1240 newtons; 278.763 lbs.


How is it difficult to perform electrostatic experiments on humid days​



that should be the right answer

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Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (-7, -4) and (-8,2).Put your answer in fully reduced point-slope form, unless it is a vertical or horizontalline. Help Meeeeee PLSSSSSSS Milo and Audrey sold tickets to the school concert. Milo sold 14 fewer tickets than Audrey. If Milo sold 32 tickets, how many tickets did Audrey sell? 1. According to Keller Larry it is the process by which governance is done.A.politicB. GovernanceC. GovernmentD.alloftheabove2. Politics refers to the study of state and government in the other hand, political science describes theprocesses by which people and institutions exercise and exist.A.Both statements are TRUEC Only the first statement is TRUEB. Only the first statement is FALSEC.only the first statement is trueD. Both statementare FALSE3. Defines as the execution of power, in whatever forms, policies, laws, decisions it chooses.A.StateB. GovernmentC.politicsD.Givernance4. 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