a physician prepares to deliver medication via epidural injection. what structures/spaces does the needle pass in order to enter the epidural space? select all that apply.


Answer 1

The lumbar puncture needle penetrates the skin, subcutaneous tissue, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, epidural space with internal vertebral venous plexus, dura mater, arachnoid, and finally subarachnoid space.

A lumbar puncture also referred to as a spinal tap, is a diagnostic procedure used to pinpoint particular illnesses.

It takes place in the lumbar region of the lower back. In a spinal tap, a needle is inserted between two hip bones to obtain a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (vertebrae).

The brain and spinal cord are protected from damage by the material that surrounds them.

The identification of serious disorders like meningitis can be aided by a spinal tap. hemorrhage, tumors of the brain or spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and other conditions affecting the central nervous system.

Using a spinal tap, anesthetics or chemotherapy drugs can be delivered into the cerebrospinal fluid.

The complete question is:

A physician prepares to deliver medication via epidural injection. what structures/spaces does the needle pass in order to enter the epidural space? select all that apply.

Options are: skin, subcutaneous tissue, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, epidural space with internal vertebral venous plexus, dura mater, arachnoid, and subarachnoid space.

To learn more about medical technology please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/27709980


Related Questions

in sub-saharan africa, how are hookworm, venereal diseases, and hepatitis all similarly categorized?


All three of these diseases are classified as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). This is because they are all caused by parasitic infections and can cause significant suffering and disability.

They are commonly found in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to diagnosis and treatment is limited. They are also often linked to poverty, with factors such as poor hygiene and lack of access to clean water contributing to their spread.

This makes it difficult to effectively tackle them since these problems need to be addressed in order to make a difference. As a result, they are often neglected and not given the attention they require. This means that they can become endemic, with devastating consequences.

To know more about venereal diseases, click below:



a home health care nurse is explaining to an emergency room nurse how nursing care in the home setting differs from that in the hospital setting. which statement by the home health care nurse would be most appropriate?


The environment is at the client's and family's control, not the nurse's. Complete timely, accurate, and detailed documentation.

Inform the admitting nurse verbally of the client's condition. During the entrance phase, a home health nurse creates a client's unique plan of care. The client & family must be welcomed to the unit by the nurse. The nurse should ascertain whether the patient wants their relatives to be there and/or whether they must be admitted. In the client's house, the nurse is a visitor. The fact that the home care nurse is a "guest" in the client's house distinguishes it from acute care as a primary distinction. Routine comfort measures for patients include bathing, skin care, repositioning, changing clothes and linens, and bathing.

Learn more about nurse



a client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis receives a prescription for the anticholinesterase medication, pyridostigmine (mestinon). which intervention should the nurse implement when preparing to administer this medication?


The intervention that the nurse should implement when preparing to administer the medications to the client in the case above is to administer the medications 30 minutes prior to meals.

Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease that causes the victim to feel weakness and rapid fatigue in the muscles after activities. It's caused by a breakdown in communication between the muscles and the nerves. While making the victim very uncomfortable, treatments can help to keep the symptoms under control, letting them live a relatively normal life.

The medications that are generally given to myasthenia gravis patients are medications that increase muscle strength. That's why it's best to take them before meal since they help enhance chewing and swallowing.

Learn more about myasthenia gravis at https://brainly.com/question/13451085


the nurse is caring for a client who has a traumatic brain injury with increased intracranial pressure. which health care provider prescription would the nurse question?


Teach isometric workouts would the nurse question for health care provider prescription for traumatic brain injury.  

Justification is that Isometric workouts raise intracranial pressure and the basal metabolic rate, therefore it is reasonable to question the prescription for them.Rest and over-the-counter painkillers to relieve a headache are typically the only treatments needed for mild traumatic brain injuries. A person with a moderate traumatic brain injury must, nevertheless, often be thoroughly watched at home for any lingering, deteriorating, or brand-new symptoms. Additionally, he or she might have follow-up medical health appointments.When it is appropriate to resume job, school, or recreational activities, the doctor will let you know. For the first few days or until your doctor says it's OK to resume regular activities, relative rest is typically advised. This involves restricting physical or thinking (cognitive) activities that make matters brain worse. You shouldn't fully stop engaging in both mental and physical activity. Most people gradually get back to their regular routines.

To know more about health check the below link:



during follow-up visits, the nurse informs the mother of a 3-month-old infant how to feed the infant expressed milk. which statements by the mother indicate effective learning? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


I can use a breast pump or express milk manually, and I can keep the milk for up to five days in the refrigerator. Two of the mother's words imply successful education.

Lactating women can remove milk from their breasts mechanically using a breast pump. They could be manual machines driven by hand or foot motions or automatic machines driven by electricity. The milk can be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days due to some lack of taste the baby can split it up, and you can put it in the freezer at any time before that. If there is still a lot of snow on the ground, you can store the milk in a snowbank until the power is restored, out of the sun, and then put the milk back in the freezer as soon as possible.

Learn more about baby's split here



a patient is referred for an abdominal sonogram with a history of chronic medical renal disease. what is typical sonographic appearance of this condition?


Many diseases that result in chronic kidney failure result in increased cortical echogenicity, and ultrasound is limited in its ability to differentiate between them.

The primary ultrasound imaging finding in chronic kidney disease is small, echogenic kidneys. Many diseases that result in chronic kidney failure result in increased cortical echogenicity, and ultrasound is limited in its ability to differentiate between them.

A kidney ultrasound may be used to assess the size, location, and shape of the kidneys and related structures, such as the ureters and bladder. Ultrasound can detect cysts, tumors, abscesses, obstructions, fluid collection, and infection within or around the kidneys.

The most common laboratory findings in patients with chronic kidney disease include increased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Urine studies may show proteinuria and abnormal red or white blood cells on urine microscopy.

Learn more about chronic kidney disease here:- https://brainly.com/question/29356731


benjamin is in a drug treatment facility. part of his treatment involves receiving the substance he abuses followed immediately by another drug that causes unpleasant physiological reactions such as vomiting and nausea. which type of therapy is benjamin receiving?





opqrst is considered a focused assessment for the evaluation of pain which has brought the patient in for this particular event. what type of questions relate to what the patient was doing when the signs and symptoms first started to occur?


An "onset question" is a type of question that relates to what the client was doing when the symptoms and signs first appeared.

The OPQRST can be defined as a focused assessment designed to evaluate the pain that has brought the client in for this specific event. OPQRST stands for Onset, Provokes, Quality Region and Radiation, Severity, and Time Course. 

The correct answer to the question above is "onset." Onset refers to the start of something. By using 5W and 1H, onset describes the beginning in detail. Typically, questions that relate to onset, such as:

when did the pain initiate? What were you doing? What were you doing when the pain started? How did it start or manifest (rapidly or gradually)? Is it sudden or gradual, acute or chronic? 


Learn more about describing the pain here: brainly.com/question/27014892


Individuals with diabetes have a difficult time metabolizing foods that are high in: _________


Individuals with diabetes have a difficult time metabolizing foods that are high in simple carbohydrates.

This is because your body does not produce enough insulin to break down carbohydrates into glucose and absorb it into the bloodstream. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot be used as an energy source, but instead enters the bloodstream and causes high blood sugar levels.

Tips for Diabetics to Control Simple Carbohydrate Intake

Diabetics can control their intake of simple carbohydrates by choosing high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, instead of refined foods. These foods contain complex carbohydrates, which are healthier for diabetics because they provide slow-release energy.

This means that high-fiber foods release glucose gradually into the bloodstream, which helps keep blood glucose levels stable. Fiber-rich foods also provide other important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

In addition, diabetics should avoid processed foods high in sugar. These foods include candy, cakes, cookies and soft drinks. These foods contain many simple carbohydrates and are rich in empty calories, which means they do not provide vitamins and minerals.

Learn more about Diabetics:



which feeling would the nurse anticipate a manic client with bipolar disorder is likely experiencing


The nurse would anticipate a manic client with bipolar disorder is likely experiencing Grandeur.

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of depression followed by periods of abnormally elevated mood lasting from days to weeks. If the elevated mood is severe or associated with psychosis, it is referred to as mania; if it is milder, it is referred to as hypomania. Mania causes an individual to act or feel abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable, and they frequently make rash decisions with little regard for the consequences.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and substance use disorder, among many other medical conditions, have symptoms that overlap with bipolar disorder. A diagnosis does not require medical testing, though blood tests or medical imaging can rule out other issues.

To learn more about bipolar disorder, here



Elam is packing his room to move into a new house. a small box can hold 8 books without breaking, while a large box can hold 12 books without breaking. he has at most 160 books to pack and less than 30 boxes total. let s represent the number of small boxes and l represent the number of large boxes. the inequalities s ≥ 0 and l ≥ 0 are part of the system that models this scenario. which inequalities complete the system? s – l < 30 8s – 12l ≤ 160 s l < 30 8s 12l ≤ 160 s l > 30 8s 12l ≤ 160 s l < 30 8s 12l ≥ 160


Elam is preparing to move into a new home by packing his room. A large box can carry 12 books without shattering, compared to a small box's 8 volumes. inequalities complete the system is s + l ≤ 30.

s + l ≤ 30

8s + 12l ≤ 160

The first inequality says that the total number of boxes (small and large) must be less than or equal to 30. The second inequality says that the total number of books (8 books per small box and 12 books per large box) must be less than or equal to 160.

Learn more about inequality here




2nd option


got it right on edge 2020

which is the correct definition of the term extrapyramidal symptoms (side effects from antipsychotic drugs)?


Drug-induced movement disorders is the correct definition of the term extrapyramidal symptoms (side effects from antipsychotic drugs).

Acute dyskinesias and dystonic reactions, tardive dyskinesia, Parkinsonism, akinesia, akathisia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome are examples of extrapyramidal symptoms.

Extrapyramidal side effects are a group of symptoms that can occur in antipsychotic medication users. Extrapyramidal symptoms include difficulty sitting still, involuntary muscle contraction, tremors, stiff muscles, and involuntary facial movements.

Extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), also known as drug-induced movement disorders, are among the most common side effects of dopamine-receptor blocking agents. Amantadine is the second-line treatment for drug-induced EPS after anticholinergic agents. One of the most effective treatments for EPS is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

To learn more about extrapyramidal symptoms, here



the nurse is cleaning and dressing a foot ulcer of a diabetic client. which actions are appropriate?


The appropriate actions are:

Wears sterile gloves to clean the ulcer.Cleans ulcer with normal saline.Cleans ulcer in a full circle, beginning in the center and working toward the outside.

When cleaning the wound, the nurse must use sterile gloves. The preferred cleansing agent is normal saline solution because, as an isotonic solution, it does not interfere with the normal healing process. Gently clean the wound in a full or half circle, starting in the center and working outward.

The preferred cleansing agent is normal saline solution because, as an isotonic solution, it does not interfere with the normal healing process. When cleaning the wound, use sterile gloves. The sterile gloves are used to keep the client's foot ulcer from becoming infected. A wound should be cleaned from the least contaminated area first, such as from the wound to the surrounding skin. Instead of a wash cloth, gauze and salve should be used.

To learn more about foot ulcer of a diabetic client, here



while changing her newborn daughters diaper, a client expresses concern about a small spot of red vaginal discharge on the diaper. how would the nurse respond to this concern?


While changing her baby girl's diaper, a client expresses concern about a small spot of red vaginal discharge on the diaper. The nurse explain that this is an expected finding.

The putting a bag with a urine sample in it on the perineum. Temporary and unrelated to issues with bleeding, infection, or urinary elimination, vaginal discharge on the diaper is caused by the action of maternal hormones. Women are more prone to urinary tract infections. Most often, they affect the bladder or urethra, but more severe infections affect the kidney. A bladder infection may cause pelvic pain, increased urge to urinate, pain with urination and blood in the urine. A kidney infection may cause back pain, nausea, vomiting and fever.

Hence,  appearance of red spot over vaginal discharge is expected findings.

To know more about  Bacterial infection.



a nurse is preparing to administer levothyroxine (synthroid) 0.25 mg iv bolus stat. available is levothyroxine injection 500 mcg/ml. how many ml should the nurse administer?


The amount of ml the nurse should administer is 0.5 ml while she prepares to administer levothyroxine (Synthroid) 0.25 mg iv bolus stat

How many ml should the nurse administer?

The given parameters are:

Levothyroxine = 0.25 mg iv bolus stat.

Levothyroxine injection = 500 mcg/ml.

The amount of ml the nurse should administer is

Amount = Levothyroxine needed /Levothyroxine injection

So, we have:

Amount = 0.25 mg/500 mcg/ml

Convert mg to mcg

Amount = 250 mcg/500 mcg/ml

Evaluate the quotient

Amount = 0.5 ml

Hence, the amount of ml the nurse should administer is 0.5 ml.

To learn more about the administration of drugs please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29430325


a client was admitted to the maternity unit 12 hours ago at station 0 and has been experiencing strong contractions every 3 minutes, and the fetus is currently still at station 0. the fetal heart rate on admission was 140 beats per minute and regular. the fetal heart rate is decreasing and a persistent nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern is present. which nursing action is appropriate?


Answer: Prepare the client for a cesarean delivery


Dystocia, failure of labor to progress, and a persistent nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern are indications of the need for cesarean delivery

a nurse is educating a rural community group on how to avoid contracting west nile virus by using approved insect repellant and wearing proper coverings when outdoors. by what means is the pathogen involved in west nile virus transmitted?


c) Vectors. The single-stranded RNA virus known as West Nile virus (WNV) belongs to the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus. It is mostly spread to people via the bite of an infected Culex mosquito.

Arthropods including mosquitoes, ticks, flies, fleas, and lice are routinely used as vectors. Biological vectors like mosquitoes and ticks may contain infections that can grow inside their bodies and be given to new hosts, generally by biting. Vectors can spread infectious illnesses either actively or passively. Dengue fever, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and malaria are a few examples of illnesses spread by vectors. Zoonotic illness, or a disease that typically affects animals but can infect humans, is a disease that can spread from animals to people.

The complete question is:

A nurse is educating a rural community group on how to avoid contracting West Nile virus by using approved insect repellant and wearing proper coverings when outdoors. By what means is the pathogen involved in West Nile virus transmitted?

a) Direct contact

b) Indirect contact

c) Vectors

d) Airborne route

Learn more about Virus



a client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes has been prescribed phentermine to treat obesity. which principle should be considered when planning care for this client?


The client may require increased doses of insulin when a client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes has been prescribed phentermine to treat obesity.

The main difference between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is a genetic condition that often shows up early in life, and type 2 is mainly lifestyle-related and develops over time. With type 1 diabetes, your immune system is attacking and destroying the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction. This reaction destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, called beta cells. This process can go on for months or years before any symptoms appear.

Type 1 diabetes causes people to make changes to their lifestyle that can affect their entire family. It also affects their daily emotions and quality of life, including their food choices, blood sugar measurements, and injections.

Learn more about type 1 diabetes here:- https://brainly.com/question/864309


a patient is admitted to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain. following evaluation, it was determined that the patient had an obstruction of the left colon due to adhesions from a prior abdominal surgery. the patient underwent laparotomy with lysis of adhesions. what conditions and procedures should be coded?


If the patient underwent laparotomy with lysis of adhesions Abdominal adhesions with obstruction, and lysis of adhesions procedures should be coded.

Bands of scar-like tissue in your abdomen are called abdominal adhesions. Between two or more organs or between organs and the abdominal wall, the band form.

When you move, your abdominal wall and organ surfaces typically do not stick together. However, these surfaces may become adherent, or stick together, as a result of abdominal adhesions.

A procedure called lysis of adhesions removes scar tissue that is causing abdominal and persistent pelvic pain. The scar tissue usually forms as part of the healing process after surgery, but it can also form after an infection or an inflammatory condition like endometriosis.

Know more about abdominal adhesions here: https://brainly.com/question/24958647


which factors should the nurse recognize put a patient diagnosed with diabetes at risk for inadequately self-managed blood glucose levels? (select all that apply.)


The factors the nurse should recognize that put a patient diagnosed with diabetes at risk for inadequately self-managed blood glucose levels are Obesity, a Desk job, and a Busy lifestyle.

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that has an impact on how your body uses food as fuel. Your body turns most of the food you consume into sugar (glucose), which is subsequently released into your bloodstream.

The food you eat provides blood glucose, which is your body's main energy source. The pancreas creates the hormone insulin, which makes it easier for your body to absorb glucose from food and use it as fuel in your cells. There are times when your body produces little to no insulin or uses it inefficiently. Because of this, glucose stays in your blood rather than reaching your cells.

To learn more about Diabetes visit: https://brainly.com/question/14823945


while assessing a pediatric client a nurse notices that the child is unable to focus on an obkect with both eyes simultaneously which other finding in the client will suggest strabismus


Other signs of strabismus in the patient include a crossed-eyed look and weakened extraocular muscles.

A congenital illness that impairs vision, strabismus occurs when both eyes are unable to focus on an item at the same time, giving the appearance that the eyes are crossed. The extraocular muscles are compromised as a result of this. Hyperopia or presbyopia is associated with impaired near vision. When intraocular pressure is high, glaucoma develops.

If strabismus develops during this crucial time, it may affect how the visual brain functions as an adult. The area of the brain that analyzes visual data is called the visual cortex.

Individuals with strabismus exhibit different reactions in the visual cortex than adults without strabismus, according to studies. Reduced responses to motion, contrast, and binocular signals are a few examples of these modifications.

Adults may experience vision issues such as decreased visual acuity, difficulty with depth perception, and binocular fusion as a result of alterations in the visual cortex.

As a result, choices 2 and 4 are the right ones.

The complete question is:-

while assessing a pediatric client a nurse notices that the child is unable to focus on an object with both eyes simultaneously which other findings in the client will suggest strabismus

1. Impaired near vision

2. the Crossed appearance of the eyes

3. Elevated intraocular pressure

4. Impaired extraocular muscles

5. Degeneration of the central retina

To learn more about strabismus, refer:-



the sense organs associated with the sense of static equilibrium are located within the vestibules of the inner ear.


The vestibules contain the utricle and saccule, two sensory organs related to the perception of static balance.

What does the word vestibule mean?

Since a vestibule typically refers to the entry, a vestibule in biology and anatomy is a bodily tube, canal, or void that connects to and open as an entrance to some other body portion. Using the term vestibule, a particular location of the human body's entry, is described.

What functions does the vestibule perform?

The vestibular system gives the body the sensation of balance and the knowledge of its position that is necessary for quick compensatory movement in response to forces that are both internally and externally generated.

To know more about vestibule visit :



What sensation does infrared have on the skin?



Infrared light has a warming effect on the skin. It can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.


the nurse is talking with the mom of a preschooler at the well-child visit. the mom reports that her 3 year old has a lot of energy and sleeps 9 hours per night. what assessment questions should the nurse ask in response to this comment?


Option 2,3,4 and 5 are correct. Typically, preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of sleep every day. Long naps may be taken by the child in addition to sleep at night.

It's critical to establish if the infant has to be woken after nine hours or if they wake up on their own. Due to mom's work schedule, the youngster might need to be woken. Given that the youngster is sleeping less than is expected, it is important to assess their level of rest. The nurse has to ascertain whether the youngster has trouble falling asleep. If so, perhaps more relaxing bedtime customs ought to be adopted. Typically, preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of sleep every day. Nine hours is insufficient.

The complete question is:

The nurse is talking with the mom of a preschooler at the well-child visit. The mom reports that her 3 year old has a lot of energy and sleeps 9 hours per night. What assessment questions should the nurse ask in response to this comment?

Select all that apply

1. Nothing, as this is normal for preschoolers.

2. Does your child take naps during the day?

3. Does your child wake up spontaneously or do you wake her?

4. Does your child appear rested upon awakening?

5. Does your child have trouble settling down for sleep?

Learn more about sleep



jenny is, by nature, a nervous person. she has been having a hard time concentrating and seeks the help of a counselor, dr. ang. dr. ang begins by being very warm. he does not direct jenny with regard to what she should talk about. instead, dr. ang primarily focuses on empathizing with jenny and accepting her for who she is. which therapeutic orientation is dr. ang most likely using?


Client-centered therapy , Based on the given information, the therapeutic orientation is dr. ang most likely using Client-centered therapy.

A non-directive kind of talk therapy is known as client-centered treatment or person-centered therapy. Each therapy session demands the client to actively take the lead, with the therapist serving mostly as a mentor or source of support.

A non-directive method of psychological treatment is called client-centered therapy. The approach is based on how the individual understands his or her current situation and assists the individual come up with their own approaches to difficulties.

This style of therapy focuses value on the participants ’ thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. It also necessitates that the therapist is sincere, attentive, and generous with their compliments.

Learn more about Client-centered therapy, here:



there has been a large disaster, and nurses from various units have been assigned to help with the large influx of clients. to which client would it be most appropriate to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse?


It would be best to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse to a male patient who underwent a 1-day postoperative hemicolectomy with a foley catheter.

Give floating nurses clientele with whom they can practice their abilities. One is similar to a client who has had a c-section; obstetric-postpartum nurses do not handle traction (the woman has any pregnancy-related problems); they shouldn't care for infected patients to prevent unintentional transmission, and they lack the necessary experience to handle patients.

As a result, choice 1 is the right response.

The compl;ete question is:-

there has been a large disaster, and nurses from various units have been assigned to help with the large influx of clients. to which client would it be most appropriate to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse?

1. 1-day postop hemicolectomy male with foley cath

2. women in pelvic traction who is 3 mo. pregnant

3. elderly woman who has herpes zoster

4. male admitted to hearing command voices to kill himself

To learn more about an obstetric-postpartum nurse, refer:-



loss of which part of the gastrointestinal tract would have the greatest impact on nutrient absorption?




It is the area where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs within the body. When the small intestine is damaged or lost (e.g., due to surgery), affected individuals may lose the ability to absorb sufficient amounts of water, vitamins and other nutrients from food.

u.s. agency that holds the legal responsibility for deciding whether a drug may be distributed and sold: a.pdr b.national institutes of health c.hospital formulary d.united states pharmacopeia e.fda


U.S. Agency holds FDA as the legal body for deciding whether a drug may be distributed and sold. This takes all the necessary decisions required in the field.

The Food and Drug Administration is in charge of protecting the public's health by ensuring the security, efficacy, and safety of pharmaceuticals for people and animals, biological products, and medical devices, as well as the safety of our country's cosmetics, food supply, and radiation-emitting goods. The FDA is also in responsibility of regulating the manufacture, advertising, and distribution of tobacco products in order to protect the general public's health and reduce youth tobacco use. The FDA's role in promoting public health includes accelerating research and development efforts that make medical products more effective, safe, and affordable as well as helping the general public get the precise, science-based information they need to use medications and foods to maintain and improve their health.

To learn more about FDA click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/9072310


ms. jones is admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of rule-out tuberculosis. she is placed in isolation. the diagnosis is confirmed 72 hours after admission, based on sputum cultures and chest x-ray findings. she has been prescribed three different drugs for the treatment of tb. the nurse is completing discharge teaching with ms. jones. which statement indicates that ms. jones understands the drug therapy?


Ms. Jones demonstrates that she is aware of the drug therapy with the comment, "I will need to take the medication daily for up to 2 years."

What is tuberculosis?

A potentially dangerous infectious disease that mostly affects the lungs is tuberculosis (TB). People can contract tuberculosis from one another by coughing or sneezing small droplets of bacteria into the air. The majority of medications used to treat tuberculosis don't work on many forms of the disease. For months, people with active tuberculosis must take a variety of medications to treat the infection and stop the development of antibiotic resistance.

What are the symptoms of TB?

Active TB symptoms and signs include:

Coughing for three weeks or longer.Bleeding or mucous when coughing.Chest pain, breathing difficulty, or coughing pain.Unintentional loss of weight.Fatigue.Fever.Sweats at night.Chills.Reduced appetite.

In addition to the kidneys, spine, and brain, other regions of your body might be impacted by tuberculosis. The symptoms and indicators of tuberculosis (TB) depend on the organs affected. For instance, tuberculosis in the kidneys might result in blood in the urine, while tuberculosis in the spine can result in back pain.

To learn more about TB visit:



which one of the following statements about peanut butter-based rutf is false? group of answer choices it contains balanced amounts of the three classes of macronutrients. it is being used to treat malnutrition in africa. it is most effective at treating malnutrition when only a small amount is used as a supplement to the normal home diet. it can be administered at home. it contains key vitamins and minerals.


False claim involving rutf made with peanut butter: The treatment can be given at home. Ready-to-use foods for healing. For children with SAM, RUTF-high energy fortified diets are appropriate.

Consumed without diluting or boiling first (less risk of contamination) -5x more energy per unit of mass (compared to F-100) and a same nutrient-to-energy ratio.

advantages of RUTF

It contains a blend of vitamins and minerals, peanuts, butter, vegetable oil, sugar, and powdered milk. One RUTF sachet contains 500 calories and the following micronutrients: High nutritional content enables underweight youngsters to swiftly put on weight. the work of a doctor to eradicate malnutrition in Africa. a non-profit leveraging the American pantry item to eradicate African malnutrition. Studies reveal that when children are treated at home with peanut butter-based RUTF as opposed to a diet made of maize or soy flour or their usual food with a tiny quantity of the RUTF supplement, they recover substantially more often.

Learn more about peanut butter



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