A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue: Which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury? A. Hypoglossal (XII) B. Glossopharyngeal (IX) C. Vagus (X)D. Trigeminal (V)E Facial (VII)


Answer 1

The hypoglossal cranial nerve was possibly harmed in that injury.

The Hypoglossal Nerve is the twelfth Cranial Nerve (Cranial Nerve XII). It is mostly an efferent nerve for the tongue muscle structure. The nerve starts from the medulla and voyages caudally and dorsally to the tongue. Taste misfortune is accepted to be brought about by demyelination of chorda tympani, a part of the facial nerve. Nonetheless, creature studies have shown that there exists a frill pathway of tongue innervation through the trigeminal nerve, which is likewise liable for loss of taste. It innervates every one of the outward and inborn muscles of the tongue, with the exception of the palatoglossus which is innervated by the vagus nerve. It is a nerve with a sole engine capability.

To learn more about the human body,



Related Questions

in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Animals are replicated in their entirety through reproductive cloning. In trials aiming at producing tissues to replace damaged or ill tissues, therapeutic cloning creates embryonic stem cells.

The intentional creation of individuals that are genetically similar is known as reproductive cloning. Each freshly created person is a duplicate of the original.

Reproductive cloning creates an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal utilising somatic cell nuclear transfer. The new generated embryo is returned to the uterus during reproductive cloning so it can implant and develop. Possibly the most famous example is Dolly the sheep.

By transferring dissociated nuclear material from a somatic cell into an enucleated egg, therapeutic cloning aims to establish embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor.

To learn more about reproductive cloning, refer



The cell membrane encloses the cell contents"
What are the major properties of the cell membrane?



Cell membranes are crucial to the life of the cell. The plasma membrane encloses the cell, defines its boundaries, and maintains the essential differences between the cytosol and the extracellular environment.

(1) Cell membranes are thin enclosures that form closed boundaries. (2) Cell membranes are made up of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. (3) Cell membranes consists of a phospholipid bilayer. (4) Cell membranes are held together by non-covalent interactions (5) Membranes are fluid-like structure

Light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors.true/false


The statement 'light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors' is true.

In the field of biology, the retina can be described as the site of the human eye that absorbs light. Inside the retina, the photoreceptors are present that become excited when light is absorbed.

It is the photoreceptors that transmit the light energy into electrical signals so that they can be carried in the form of impulses to the brain as a signal.

In order for the light to excite the photoreceptors present in the retina, it has to pass through the various levels of neural thickness in the retina. Hence, the statement above is true.

To learn more about photoreceptor, click here:



explain what happens in the skeletal muscle sarcomere to result in the changes in active, passive, and total force when the resting muscle length is changed.


Maximum overlap is reached along with an active force in the skeletal muscle sarcomere. Due of titin's elastic recoil, passive increases. Actin/myosin overlap causes a decrease in active.

The distinct predictions of the tetanic force-length relationship of skeletal muscle made by the sliding filament and cross-bridge theories of muscle contraction have been put to the test in experiments. When the filament overlap is optimum, the active force produced by a maximally activated single fibre (with sarcomere length control) is optimal, and it decreases correspondingly when overlap is reduced. Because skeletal muscle has a static force-length relationship, it cannot foresee the effects of dynamic contractions. The active force is modulated during muscular contraction as a result of changes in sarcomere length, which is a phenomenon that is not always predicted by the cross-bridge theory.

To learn more about skeletal muscle sarcomere, refer: https://brainly.com/question/9308027


Describe how the defect in the Single-Mutant (Sev R7 precursor cell causes the cell to become cone cell instead of a photoreceptor cell. No response entered (c) The scientists predict that the presence of activated Ras in the Double-Mutant (Sev RasD) R7 precursor cell will enable the cell to differentiate into an R7 photoreceptor cell Based on Figure evaluate the likely accuracy of their prediction_ No response entered (d) The Sev RTK is expressed In more cell types than just R7 precursor cells, and It appears to be important in determining the phenotypes of these Other cells. Explain how one receptor can Induce different phenotypes In different cell types: No response entered


The Ras protein cannot bind to Sev RTK, so there is no signaling pathway causing the cell to become a cone cell.

RAS proteins play an important role in normal development. Active RAS promotes cell growth, proliferation, and migration. RAS in normal cells receives and obeys signals to rapidly switch between active (GTP form) and inactive (GDP form) states.

Ras proteins are proto-oncogenes that are frequently mutated in cancers in humans. They are encoded by three genes that are widely expressed: HRAS, KRAS, and NRAS. These proteins are GTPases, which act as molecular switches, regulating pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival. KRAS is the most frequently mutated of the three Ras isoforms, accounting for 75% of Ras-mutant cancers in 19 of the 29 cancer types listed in Table 1.

To learn more about RAS protein, here



describe generally how the enzymes might lower the activation energy and ultimately speed up a reaction


The explanation for how enzymes could reduce activation energy and subsequently speed up a process is given below.

The minimal amount of energy needed to activate atoms or molecules so they may go through chemical change or reaction is known as activation energy.They bring the reactants near enough to prevent them from wasting extra energy when they randomly clash.Molecules can interact with less energy by tying reactants to the active site.In order to reduce activation energy, reactions also take place via a different method.The kind of substrate, temperature, ionic concentration, and pH of the environment all affect how an enzyme reacts.Trypsin (pH 8), another enzyme in the digestive tract, breaks protein chains in food into smaller pieces. Digestive enzymes are produced in the acidic environment (low pH) of the stomach to aid in the breakdown of proteins into smaller molecules.

To know more about Trypsin please click on the link brainly.com/question/15280465


Hemoglobin is the protein that transports o2 through the blood from the lungs to the rest of the body. in doing so, each molecule of hemoglobin combines with four molecules of o2. if 1.00 g of hemoglobin combines with 1.53 ml of o2 at 37°c and 743 torr, what is the molar mass of hemoglobin?


The Molar mass of hemoglobin will be 67992 g/mol.

According to the relation between Pressure, volume and temperature, the equation is given as:

PV = nRT              ... (1)

Where "P" signifies pressure, "V" signifies volume, "R" signifies gas constant, "T" signifies temperature and "n" signifies number of moles.

P = 743/760 = 0.987 atm

T = 273 + 37 = 310 K

R = 0.08206 L⋅atm/mol⋅K

Substituting the values of pressure and temperature in equation (1), we get:

n = [0.987 * 1.99* 10^(-3)] / (0.08206 * 310)

n = [7.65 * 10^(-5)] moles of oxygen

Since, Number of moles of hemoglobin is one fourth of moles of oxygen. This implies that,

number of moles of hemoglobin = (1/4) * [7.65 * 10^(-5)]

number of moles of hemoglobin = 1.912 * 10^(-5) moles

Molar mass of hemoglobin is equal to weight of hemoglobin divided by number of moles of hemoglobin

Molar mass of hemoglobin = 1.30 / [1.912 * 10^(-5)] g/mol

Molar mass of hemoglobin = 67992 g/mol

Learn more about hemoglobin at:



The area between the presynaptic nerve cell and the postsynaptic muscle cell is termed the synaptic cleft.
a. True
b. False


TRUE, The presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are firstly clearly separated from one another. The synaptic cleft is the term for the space separating the two.

The statement is true

Where can you find the postsynaptic membrane?

The postsynaptic dense (PSD), which is often found near the apex of the dendritic spine, is a structural and physiological specialization of postsynaptic membrane that characterizes excitatory synapses.

What is Neurotransmitters ?

Neurotransmitters that have been released into the synaptic cleft interact to receptor proteins on the postsynaptic cell's membrane, causing the membrane's ionic channels to either open or close. Another action potential starts whenever these channels open, which causes depolarization.

To know more about postsynaptic membrane visit:



Describe the relative numbers of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers,
and tertiary consumers expected in an ecosystem based on the food chain depicted
below. Use a diagram, if possible, to assist your explanation of the reasons you might
expect the population differences you described.
grass → grasshoppers → mice → snakes


the relative numbers of producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers.

What is energy?

energy is ability to do the work.scientist defines energy as the ability to do the work. energy is so necssary for human being. all things need energy to do something.

Here the grass is primary producer as it utilise the sun energy which is the source of energy in the ecosystem

Then the grasshopper is primary consumer as it consume the grass and gets energy from it

Then the mice is secondary  consumers as it eats the grasshopper for food and gets energy

And at last the snake is the tertiary consumer as it consume the mice and gets the energy from it

To know more about energy click-



lucy vs. ape vs. human for this lab you are going to compare lucy (a. afarensis) to an ape and a human. you will first compare the pelvis and femur. then you will compare the skulls. lucy vs. ape lucy vs. human illium shape and length orientation of the illiac blades (do they curve inward, are they flat?) femur is there a bicondylar angle present? what is the orientation of the head of the femur? straight? curved? what is the size of the linea aspera? overall which is lucy more similar to? an ape or a human? what features sup


Lucy's femurs, or thighbones, are angled inward from the hip toward the knee. She is thus able to walk with her feet close together thanks to the direct descent of her shinbones (tibiae) to the earth. According to some experts, Lucy's long arms, which are similar to the pole used by tightrope walkers, may have helped her balance while walking on two legs.

The angle formed by the femur's diaphysis and a line parallel to the infracondylar plane is known as the bicondylar angle. Australopithecus afarensis' femoral bicondylar angle proves that these 3.5 million-year-old hominids were bipedal.

Which bones in the skeleton of Lucy most like those of a chimpanzee?

A digital recreation of Lucy's upper arm bone is seen here. The CT images were compared to those of contemporary primates and humans. Her upper limb strength was determined to be closer to that of a chimpanzee than a human, according to specialists.

To know more about human femurs visit:-



Which of the following is example of chemical mutagen *?


This chemical mutagen includes substances like salt, Sodium azide, and ethyl methanesulfonate. Here option C is the correct answer.

A monofunctional ethylating agent called ethyl methanesulfonate has been shown to be mutagenic in a range of genetic test systems, including viruses and mammals. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to cause cancer in animals.

One of the most potent chemical mutagens in agricultural plants has been sodium azide. The development of an organic metabolite of the azide molecule mediates the mutagenicity. This metabolite enters the nucleus, interacts with the DNA, and alters the genome at a specific location.

Strong mutagens include a class of very poisonous substances called vesicants, of which mustard gas is the best-known example.

Complete question:

Which of the following is a chemical mutagen?

A - Ethyl methane sulphonate and X-rays

B - Sodium azide and UV rays

C - Ethyl methanesulphonate and Sodium azide

D - X-rays, gamma rays, and UV rays

To learn more about chemical mutagen



What does socrates do in socrates, condemned to death, addresses his judges, also known as apologia (the apology)? socrates refuses to abandon his course of questioning and challenging answers. Socrates abandons his course of questioning and challenging answers. Socrates deserts his course of questioning and challenging answers. Socrates leaves his course of questioning and challenging answers.


In Socrates, Condemned to Death, Addresses His Judges, also known as Apologia (The Apology), according to my understanding of Socrates, Socrates continues to pose questions and offer challenging responses.

Because of his contributions to the development of ancient Greek philosophy, which paved the path for Western philosophy, Socrates of Athens is regarded as one of the most famous individuals in history. In Socrates, Condemned to Death, Addresses His Judges, commonly known as Apologia (The Apology), Socrates, who is condemned to death, maintains his line of inquiry and challenging responses.

Before the jury, Socrates questions why he should have been so eager to continue his line of philosophical investigation if the resentment it has garnered him has endangered his life. He responds to his own query by stating that the only pertinent consideration while acting is whether or not one is doing justly. In comparison to thoughts of justice, issues of life and death are self-serving and irrelevant.

To know more about Socrates visit:



scientists mate two parrots from different populations to see if speciation has occured. the parrots mate over and over again but the male sperm never fertilizes the female egg. what type of barrier is this


The parrots mate again and again, yet the male sperm never treats the female egg. Mating happens, however, gametes can't join together. This is an illustration of gametic disconnection, a prezygotic reproductive barrier.

Prezygotic barriers keep individuals from various species from mating to create a zygote, a solitary-celled incipient organism. Some model situations are underneath: Two species could favor various territories and consequently be probably not going to experience each other. This is called habitat isolation. Prezygotic barriers are ostensibly the most significant and compelling boundaries, considering that they would act right off the bat in the existing pattern of a creature, force the most grounded obstacle to quality stream, and could forestall exorbitant yet negative mating mixes.

To learn more about cells and reproduction,



What are the characteristics of a hormone?


The functions of certain cells or organs are regulated by hormones, which circulate in the circulation.

Some basic characteristics of a hormone are:

They are substances generated chemically by certain endocrine gland cells.Circulation carries them to the desired cells, tissue, or organ.They act according to their kind.They are present in incredibly small numbers. Most of them are soluble in water.They have a light molecular structure.After acting, they are destroyed.They are heterogeneous substances in terms of composition.They can't be kept for a very long period; typically, they are synthesized and secured as needed.Typically, they create hormone receptor complexes in target cells to activate them.

Learn more about the characteristics of hormones here:



In which region did biomass production increase by the highest percentage between 2005 and 2015?


Midwest region did biomass production increase by the highest percentage between 2005 and 2015.

Our ability to produce and process biomass could provide us with a remarkably sustainable source of organic chemicals, organic materials (like biopolymers), and liquid transportation fuels. Despite the fact that there are many alternative sustainable sources of electricity, biomass can aid in the production of electricity sustainably. Biomass is a particularly useful source of both animal and human nourishment.

Bio based industrial products have the ability to serve as the foundation for local and global economic systems that are considerably more just and fair because biomass production is geographically broadly distributed. Additionally, because biomass production occurs all over the world, conflicts over resources like oil may be reduced or perhaps eliminated.

To know more about Biomass visit:



Malonyl-coa is an intermediate in fatty acid synthesis. it also regulates fatty acid metabolism.a. Trueb. False


Malonyl-coa is an intermediate in fatty acid synthesis. It also regulates fatty acid metabolism. The above statement is true.

When in a catabolic condition and not eating, the liver produces ketones by metabolizing fatty acids. This safeguards the brain during the nighttime fast or extended hunger periods because the brain cannot metabolize fatty acids. We published a report in the JCI in 1977 describing the startling discovery that malonyl-CoA, the building block of fatty acid synthesis, also inhibited fatty acid oxidation.

This discovery has been supported by further research, which has improved our knowledge of molecular metabolism. Only the liver engages in ketogenesis, which is the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids to produce acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. When there is not enough glucose produced, the body switches to a lipid-based economy. Ketone synthesis is protective since the brain cannot metabolize fatty acids for energy.

To know more about Malonyl-coa visit:



what is one virulence factor that differentiates staphylococcus aureus from other species of staphylococci? group of answer choices it can produce coagulase. it produces lipase. it has a capsule. it produces catalase. it can live on the surface of the skin and in cutaneous oil glands.


The difference between the staphylococcus aureus from other species of staphylococci is that it can produce coagulase.

Coagulase superb staphylococci are acknowledged human pathogens. Transmission of those organisms happens thru direct touch with colonized or inflamed men and women or thru oblique touch with infected objects. S. aureus is the maximum not unusualplace species on this group; extra species encompass S. lugdunensis and S.

The coagulase take a look at differentiates traces of Staphylococcus aureus from S. epidermidis and different coagulase-bad species. S. aureus traces are commonly able to coagulating EDTA-handled plasma withinside the tube take a look at and could produce clumps of cells withinside the slide testaureus is differentiated from different staphylococci via way of means of the coagulase take a look at.

Read more about staphylococcus:



for what reason might the id50 for salmonella typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen?


The answer is b) The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to more easily establish infection.

Resistance against foreign microbial colonization is crucially provided by the gut microbiome. Antimicrobial resistance (AR) is provided by the gut microbiota through a variety of processes that include the release of antimicrobial compounds, food competition, support of the integrity of the gut barrier, and the use of bacteriophages. However, bacterial intestinal infections are a significant contributor to disease worldwide, suggesting that the microbiota's role in CR can be compromised and rendered ineffective. Drugs like antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, antidiabetics, and antipsychotics might alter the microbiota's makeup and perhaps disrupt the CR as a result, opening the door for exogenous pathogens to colonize the gut and eventually lead to infection.

The complete question is:

For what reason might the ID50 for Salmonella Typhi decrease when a rat simultaneously ingests sulfa drugs with the pathogen?

a) It would not; the ID50 goes up.

b) The antimicrobial interferes with the microbiome enabling the pathogen to be a more easily established infection.

c) There would not be an effect on the ID50.

d) The antimicrobial inactivates stomach acid and allows the pathogen to more readily pass to the intestine.

e) Salmonella Typhi becomes stronger in the presence of sulfa drugs.

To learn more about antimicrobial resistance click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/11459786


thermogenesis has been studied the plants in the genus arum, including skunk cabbage and the corpse flower. in these plants, what hypotheses have been provided to explain the reason behind thermogenesis? select all that apply


The hypotheses that have been given to explain the reasons behind thermogenesis in the genus Arum are:

protection from frost damageheat source for pollinators

Thermogenesis plants are found in various families, but Araceae contains many of these species. Skunk cabbage, dead horse arum, elephant yam, and Philodendron selloum, are some examples of thermogenic plants belonging to the Araceae family. These plants can generate large amounts of heat that even mammals cannot, and their rate of heat production will increase if they are in a cooler environment.

Thermogenesis plants produce heat to aid in pollination. Heat makes the scent of these flowers more volatile which helps the scent spread more widely so pollinating insects can smell them from afar.

This question has several options

a) protection from frost damage

b) leaf production and photosynthesis.

c) seed germination.

d) heat source for pollinators

c) pollinator attraction.

True choice is A and D

Learn more about thermogenesis at https://brainly.com/question/29726555


i. Soybean and maize can grow simultaneously on the same field explain?
ii. What is the main purpose of mixed cropping?
iii. Enlist various methods to control weed, insect, and disease.




Planting Soybean and Maize in alternate rows in the same field is called as intercropping           will this help (please heart)

The bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing _____________ ions go diffuse across the membrane into the cell.


The bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing Potassium ions go diffuse across the membrane into the cell.

Potassium has the chemical symbol K and the atomic number 19. Potassium is a silvery-white metal that may be sliced with a knife with little effort. In seconds, potassium metal interacts with ambient oxygen to generate flaky white potassium peroxide.

Potassium can be found naturally in many foods as well as as a supplement. Its primary function in the body is to assist maintain normal fluid levels within our cells. Its counterpart, sodium, maintains proper fluid levels outside of cells. Potassium also aids muscle contraction and maintains normal blood pressure.

To know more about Potassium visit



Why do cells need to replicate their DNA before divding?




Replication is an essential process because, whenever a cell divides, the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information, or DNA, as the parent cell. The replication process relies on the fact that each strand of DNA can serve as a template for duplication.

Why might a scientist choose mitochondrial DNA instead of ribosomal RNA as a molecular clock?



How is mtDNA useful as a molecular clock? Scientists use the fact that mtDNA is passed down unshuffled to trace mutations back through many generations in a single species.


Abnormal crackle-like lung sounds heard through a stethoscope during inspiration.
a. True
b. False


Abnormal crackle-like lung sounds heard through a stethoscope during inspiration: a. True

A crackle is an abnormal crackle-like lung sound heard through a stethoscope during inspiration (breathing in).

Inspirational humans are folks that can set a purpose and do everything in their energy to reap it. It takes a whole lot of willpower to at least one's passions to achieve your dreams. folks that adopt this trait can use it to empower the ones around them.

Derived from the Latin word “inspirare,” meaning to “breathe into,” proposal is the feeling of being mentally inspired to occur what we want to create. Being stimulated can give you the ideas and desire you want to: resolve complicated issues. increase something new and thrilling.

Learn more about inspiration here:



what is the function of the spleen? group of answer choices tissue repair hematopoiesis red blood cell and platelet destruction blood reservoir all of the above


In the top left side of your abdomen, behind your left ribs, and next to your stomach, is an organ the size of your fist called the spleen. Despite being a crucial component of your immune system, you are nonetheless capable of surviving without it. This is due to the fact that the liver may perform many of the spleen's duties.

Cellular waste and old or damaged blood cells are removed from the blood as it is filtered. Create antibodies and white blood cells to aid in the body's defense against illness. Helps keep your body's fluid levels stable. Produces antibodies that can defend you against infection. Rapid satiety following a meal (an enlarged spleen can press on the stomach).

To learn more about blood cells  follow the below link:



what would you assume if you found rna transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within e. coli? lactose has bound to the lac operon activator. lactose is present in the cell. the lac operon activator protein is present in the cell. the lac operon repressor protein is absent in the cell.


Rna transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within e. coli indicates the presence of lactose. Thus correct answer (b).

What is operon?

An operon is a collection of genes that all share a single promoter during transcription, found in bateria.There are regulatory DNA sequences in every operon, and these sequences serve as binding sites for regulatory proteins that either encourage or hinder transcription.Regulatory proteins frequently attach to tiny molecules, which can alter the protein's capacity to bind DNA and turn it on or off.Some operons are inducible, which means that a specific tiny molecule can activate them. Others can be turned off by a single molecule and are repressible, which means they are switched on by default.one example of operon is Lac operon of E. coli contains genes involved in lactose metabolism. It's expressed only when lactose is present and glucose is absent.

Learn more about the Lac operon with the help of the given link:



What would you assume if you found RNA transcripts of lactose-utilizing genes within E. coli?

A) Lactose has bound to the lac operon activator.

B) Lactose is present in the cell.

C) The lac operon activator protein is present in the cell.

D) The lac operon repressor protein is absent in the cell.

plants are considered primary producers because they convert light energy into chemical energy. animals are considered consumers because they must eat to receive sufficient energy from their environment. how does the big picture illustrate the different modes of obtaining energy?


The different modes of obtaining energy from light energy to chemical energy is shown by food webs.

Food webs demonstrate the flow of energy within a system. Organic matter is produced by plants using energy from the sun. Following that, main consumers eat plants, which are then consumed by secondary consumers, and so forth.

The energy that the Sun first released is absorbed with each step, but it also diminishes with each step. 90% of the energy in the meals that animals eat is used up by them for daily activity. Only 10% of the original energy is now available for the following consumer. As you move up the food chain, its effectiveness declines.

This highlights a crucial element in the allocation of energy in diets for humans as well. consuming food produced by animals and plants at the base of the food chain.

For more information on food webs kindly visit to



Muscle fiber features called ___________ are repeating units within muscle fibers that act as the functional units of muscle contraction


Muscle fiber features called Sarcomere are repeating units within muscle fibers that act as the functional units of muscle contraction.

Because the actin and myosin filaments that drive their contraction are arranged into repeating arrays, or sarcomeres, that have a striated microscopic appearance, skeletal and cardiac muscles are known as striated muscles.

What is the purpose of muscle fiber?

Muscle fibers' main function is to regulate the forces that go through the body. The quadriceps and gluteus maximus shorten as the body changes from a seated to a standing position to help the body resist gravity. Similar activities may be used to create force to move a resistance.

Where can you find muscle fiber?

Except for the heart, smooth muscle fibers are spindle-shaped, involuntary, and located in the walls of hollow visceral organs (such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines). Skeletal muscle fibers can be found in muscles that are attached to bones.

To know more about Muscle fibers visit:



If a single marble is pulled out of the bag, how many outcomes are in the sample space?.


If a single marble is pulled out of the bag, there will be 6 outcomes are in the sample space.

A sample space is a assortment or a group of potential outcomes of a random experiment. The sample house is painted victimization the image, “S”. The set of potential outcomes of an experiment is named events. A sample house might contain variety of outcomes that depends on the experiment.

In probability, an outcome is a potential results of an experiment or trial. every potential outcome of a selected experiment is exclusive, and completely different outcomes are reciprocally exclusive (only one outcome can occur on every trial of the experiment).

To learn more about outcomes here



what membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?


The otolithic membrane the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion

what is otolith membrane?

The otolithic membrane is a fibrous structure located in the vestibular system of inner ear.

It plays a critical role in brain's interpretation of equilibrium.

The membrane serves to determine if body or the head is tilted, in addition to linear acceleration of the body.

The otoliths are small structures in inner ear used to register gravity and linear acceleration

The semicircular canals allow us to the sense direction and speed of angular acceleration.

learn more about otolith membrane at



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