A painting by Giorgione in Venice. A woman breastfeeds a baby with a soldier looking in her direction.

What is the name of the painting above?
The Temptation
The Tempest
Assumption of the Virgin
Pesaro Madonna

A Painting By Giorgione In Venice. A Woman Breastfeeds A Baby With A Soldier Looking In Her Direction.What


Answer 1

The name of the painting shown above is the tempest.

Who was Giorgione?

Giorgione, born Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco on September 17, 1510, became an Italian painter of the Venetian faculty at some point in the High Renaissance, who died in his thirties.

He is thought of for the elusive poetic pleasant of his paintings, even though only approximately six surviving artworks are firmly attributed to him.

The uncertainty surrounding the identification and the meaning of his paintings has made Giorgione one of the most mysterious figures in European art.

Together, along with his more youthful present-day Titian, he based the Venetian school of Italian Renaissance painting on the Venetian faculty of the use of color and mood.

The faculty is historically opposed to the Florentine play, which relied on an extra-linear design-led style. The Tempest has been referred to as the primary panorama within the records of Western portrayal.

The concern of this play is unclear, but its creative mastery is apparent. The Tempest portrays a person and a girl on both sides of a stream, amid a town's rubble and an incoming storm.

The multitude of symbols in The Tempest provide many interpretations, but none is fully satisfying.

Theories that the play is set in duality have been brushed off due to the fact that radiography has proven that during the early degrees of the play, the person to the left becomes a seated lady.

The Three Philosophers is similarly enigmatic, and its attribution to Giorgione remains disputed.

The three figures stand close to a darkish, empty cave. Sometimes interpreted as symbols of Plato's cave or the Three Magi.

They appear misplaced in a regular Giorgionesque dreamy mood, bolstered by a hazy mild feature of his different landscapes, which includes the Pastoral Concert, now inside the Louvre.

The latter "well-knowns the Venetians' love of textures" due to the fact that the painter "renders nearly palpable the advent of flesh, fabric, wood, stone, and foliage."

It's clear that choice B, the tempest, is the best answer.

Learn more about Giorgione, refer to:


Answer 2


B The Tempest


I looked it up

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the darkest object
OC. the lightest object
OD center of Interest



D. Center of interest


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when you add white to any hue on the color wheel.


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Its C there was a greater emphasis on the individual in Roman society


The reason for this increase in the use of portraiture is There was a greater emphasis on the individual in Roman society. The appropriate response is option C.

What is portraiture ?

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Portraiture was used in Republican Rome as a way to establish social legitimacy and gain status through ancestry. One's forefathers earned national honor and a grandiose state funeral as a result of their ancestors' wrongdoing.

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To learn more about portraiture






It’s just a black screen I cant see anything

Answer:Answer: My friend is super cool she loves to watch tv when we spen time together  everyday we love to go to a waterpark


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favorite movie-- insidious

favorite sport--Football

your original language--English

favorite subject (in school or not)-- Math

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Hope you had fun doing this!

I had to get rid of the songs

A good portfolio will include all of the following EXCEPT
O work in several different mediums
work that shows off an artist's skills
work that follows the Principles of Design
work from several years ago, that is no longer your style



Im going to have to go with


several different mediums


it`s D


the person on top is right

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Do Re Me

Me Re Me

Me Fa So Fa

Me Re Do

Awnswr is do de jneejdjdb


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A. Tinted windows in a car
B. Construction paper
C. Colored tissue paper
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B. Construction paper


c. colored stained paper
hope this helps!

pls pls pls pls help will give branlyest :D
What things can you do improve the style of your report?

Move some of your paragraphs around.
Add more reasons to support your main claim.
Make sure you use a variety of sentences types or structures.



Add more reasons to support your main claim.


i did test hope this help


Make sure you use a variety of sentences types or structures.


Complete the counts for these 3 lines.



1, 2, (3) , 4, (1), 2, 3, (4), 1 ,(2), 3, (4) ,1, (2), (3), 4

(1), (2), 3, (4), 1, (2), (3) , 4, (1), 2, (3), 4, (1), 2, 3, 4

1, (2), (3), 4, 1, (2), 3, (4), (1), (2), (3), (4), 1, (2), 3 , 4


the parenthesis are rests

Make a Drawing
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drawing that addresses this social issue. Make use of various line types and visual
elements. Describe how you have used various elements in your drawing. Take a picture
of your drawing and insert it with your response.
Responses should fully articulate the social issue that inspired the drawing and explain
specifically how the drawing addresses that issue and what it has to say about it. Discuss
the choice of drawing media, the types of marks and lines used, and use of color in the
context of the social issue. Explain how you used the elements of art and principles of
design in the drawing to convey your message.
I need help ASAP



the answer is yes


How to draw still life



Measure your subject. Your subject doesn't have to be a bowl of fruits every time, it can be anything that is inanimate and inspires you.  

Start Drawing the shapes.

Delineate Shadow Edges.

Model the Form.  

Add Details and Finish.


Choose the answer that BEST supports this claim:

Ants are the hardest-working insects.

A. There are queen ants and soldier ants.

B. Ants find their way using their senses of smell.

C. Ants travel far distances to find food and materials.

D. Some types of ants are diurnal, and some are nocturnal.


Answer: I would guess D but i could be wrong


I would say C I think

identify the philipines made materials for gift wrapping, arrange Jumbled letters to reveal the materials. ​



1)Anahaw fan

2) abaca bag

3) ratan basket

4)bayong bag

5) abaca string

The Philippines made materials which are used to gift wrap from the jumbled words in the image given are:

1)Anahaw fan 2) abaca bag3) ratan basket 4)bayong bag 5) abaca string

According to the given image, we can see that some words in the image are scrambled/jumbled but they mean materials which are peculiar to the people of Philippines.

As a result of this, we can see that the words have been successfully unscrambled which are shown below to mean a fan, bags, a basket and a string.

Read more here:


Which of the following statements is true about payday loans



Where r the statements


Where the statement?

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Bilang 4: Gumawa ng awitin sa anyong strophic patungkol sa
Pandemyang nararanasan natin sa kasalukuyan. Gawin ito ng may 2 verses na may tig-
aapat na linya. Isulat sa kahon ang nabuong lyrics at kuhanan ng video ang pag-awit sa
iyong sariling komposisyon na ipapasa ito sa iyong guro.

kailangan ko na po ngayon nyong sagot plaese pa help nman po ​



I won't particularly tell you what to put but these are some recommendations coming from me as Filipino :)


Always check your spelling

Use Periods "." and Comas ","

When your done re-read and fix any mistakes.

I'm not sure if you don't understand what it says but basically you make a poem/song about the pandemic and the struggles of us humans, write at least 2 verses and when your done turn it in :)  


Gawain was a person who seemed to be a bad person, he was very mean and he liked to be very naughty sometimes, If I was you I would try my very best to forget about the incident, and think of happy thoughts not the bad ones.


When it is important to ensure that there is no natural light in the darkroom?

when developing film but not when printing photos

when printing photos but not when developing film

when both developing film and printing photos

neither when developing film nor when printing photos



when both developing film and photos



when developing film but not


Choose the answer that BEST supports this claim:

Martin Luther King Jr. made a difference in the civil rights movement.

A. Martin Luther King Jr. helped organize and lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which later influenced desegregation laws.

B. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated in January in the United States.

C. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.

D. Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott in 1953.


The correct answer is B

During the past week, mulitple people have claimed they have been signed out from different accounts on different apps. Has this happened to you? If so, do you know why?



No this has not happened to me.


It may be because their internet is unstable or because the settings is not to "save username and password."  Either way, they should make a new account and try only to use it for school, because if you use it for anything else to many times and get reported, brainly will give you a warning and then kick you out of brainly. I think. It has never actually happened to me. The reason could also be because there are too many people on brainly. You can never be sure.

Which choice best states one purpose of an interview?
A. to obtain background information on a field
B. to compare and contrast two fields
C. to persuade someone to study a field
D. to converse with an expert in a field



The best answer to go with is: D to converse with an expert in a field.


When you interview somebody you're looking for somebody who has great experience in the field you're in because someone without any knowledge of the field they are applying for will not know-how.

Please Mark as Brainliest


What social, political, and economic factors have influenced the emergence and development of hip-hops form or genre?
(Dance subject)




Hip hop and rap have many important influences—R&B, funk, soul, jazz, rock and roll performers; poets, and writers like Iceberg Slim; and stylistic forebears like Muhammad Ali and Richard Pryo.                                               Following Ronald Reagan's election as President in 1980, conditions in inner-city African-American communities worsened, and hip-hop political commentators began to increasingly address worsening social problems such as mass unemployment, police brutality, incarceration, inadequate public schools, political apathy, and ...

What is a difference between cellular respiration and breathing?

Select one:


All animals have cellular respiration and also breathe


All animals breathe , but not all animal have cellular respiration.


All animals have cellular respiration, but not all animals breathe.​



it is A


Infants gaining control of their torso before gaining control of their arms and legs is known as the cephalocaudal trend.

answer is F


f is the correct answer for this question

What are hip-hops defining characteristics?
(Dance assignment)


Answer: deejaying, or turntabling rapping, also known as MCing (emceeing) or rhyming graffiti painting, also known as graf or writing and break dancing, or B-boying


it is a musical element relating to the relative loudness (or quietness ) of music​



Dynamics is related to the relative loudness of music

How many counts does each quarter note receives in cut-time


One beat is the answer brainliest?
in cut time it’s half a beat.

Contour lines are particularly useful when creating
A. Renaissance art
B. blocks and squares
C. green screen scenes
D. drawings of 3D objects


contour lines are useful when creating any type of renaissance art




4. Which phoneme causes your mouth to be drawn into a round pucker, tongue flat on the bottom of the mouth?

A. U

B. E

C. O

D. A & I



C: O


When you say "o", your tongue lies flat while your mouth is shaped in a round pucker, kinda like an "o", too.

Choose the answer that BEST supports this claim:

Pickup trucks are more useful than cars.

A. Pickup trucks can be used to carry materials, move furniture, and tow other automobiles.

B. Cars have trunks that can be used for keeping things hidden from sight.

C. In most states, pickup trucks are just as popular as cars.

D. Pickup trucks can be any color of the rainbow.



A. Pickup trucks can be used to carry materials, move furniture, and tow other automobiles


I hope this helped ;)


Choice A best supports the claim.

Choice A is the only choice that explicitly states valuable reasons for why pickup trucks are more useful than cars.

Choice B is wrong because it goes in favor of cars, not pickup trucks.

Choice C doesn't add anything meaningful to the claim and implies that both pickup trucks and cars are useful, not that one is better than the other.

Choice D doesn't make sense.  Cars can be painted any color of the rainbow as well.

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