A newly invented ride called Crazy Box in an amusement park has a strong magnet. The magnet accelerates the boxcar and its riders from zero to 35 m/s in 5 seconds. Suppose the mass of the boxcar and riders is 6,000 kg. What is the acceleration of the boxcar and its riders? What is the average net force exerted on the boxcar and riders by the magnets?


Answer 1




   Acceleration = change in velocity / change in time = 35/5 = 7 m/s^2

F = m * a

  = 6000 kg  *   7  m/s^2 = 42 000 N

Answer 2

The average net force exerted on the boxcar and its riders by the magnets is 42,000 N.

What is the average net force?

The average net force exerted on the boxcar and riders by the magnets is calculated as;

F(net) = ma


m is massa is acceleration

The acceleration is calculated as;

a = Δv / Δt

a = 35 m/s / 5 s

a = 7 m/s²

The acceleration of the boxcar and its riders is 7 m/s².

The average net force exerted on the boxcar and riders by the magnets is;

F = 6,000 kg x 7 m/s²

F = 42,000 N

Thus, the average net force exerted on them is determined as 42,000 N.

Learn more about net force here: https://brainly.com/question/14361879


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I just need part c please The first one I know it’s 32


We are given that in a falling object the distance "d" is directly proportional to the square of the time and the proportionality constant is 16. This means that the function of distance is given by:


The average rate of change is given by the following formula:



[tex]t_f,t_0=\text{ final and initial time}[/tex]

Now, we substitute the values of "d(t)":


We can factor the numerator and we get:


Simplifying we get:


For the first 2 seconds we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t_0=0 \\ t_f=2s \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=16(2s+0s) \\ r=32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the average rate of change is 32

For the next 2 seconds we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t_0=2s \\ t_f=4s \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we substitute the values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=16(4s+2s) \\ r=96 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the rate of change in the next two seconds is 96.

For the next 2 seconds we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t_0=4s \\ t_f=6s \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=16(6s+4s) \\ r=160 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the rate of change is 160

A motorboat travels 408 kilometers in 6 hours going upstream and 882 kilometers in 9 hours going downstream. What is the rate of the boat, and what is the rate of the current?


We have the next variables

x = speed of the boat in still water

y = speed of the current

(x-y) = Upstream speed

(x+y) = downstream speed

So we have the next equations for the distance

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6\mleft(x-y\mright)=408 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 9(x+y)=882 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

We simplify each equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-y=68 \\ x+y=98 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we sum both equations

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x=166 \\ x=\frac{166}{2} \\ x=83 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we calculate the y

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=98-x \\ y=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

x = speed of the boat in still water=83 km/hr

y = speed of the current 15 km/hr

The horsepower (hp) that a shaft can safely transmit varies jointly with its speed (in revolutions per minute, rpm) and the cube of its diameter. If a shaft of a certain material 2 inches in diameter can transmit 36 hp at 75 rpm, what diameter must the shaft have in order to transmit 134 hp at 35 rph


the shaft must have 4 inches of diameter


Step 1

given that The horsepower​ (hp) that a shaft can safely transmit varies jointly with its speed​ (in revolutions per​ minute, rpm) and the cube of its diameter.

[tex]Power\propto diamter^3v[/tex]


a) If a shaft of a certain material 2 inches in diameter can transmit 36 hp at 75​ rpm

[tex]\begin{gathered} 36\text{ hp=\lparen2 in\rparen}^3*75\text{ rpm*k} \\ 36=600\text{ k} \\ k=\frac{36}{600}=0.06 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b)what diameter must the shaft have in order to transmit 134 hp at 35 rph

[tex]\begin{gathered} Power\propto diamter^3v \\ Power=d^3*v*k \\ replace \\ 134=d^3*35*0.06 \\ 134=d^3*2.1 \\ divide\text{ both sides by 2.1} \\ \frac{134}{2.1}=\frac{d^3*2.1}{2.1} \\ 63.80=d^3 \\ cubic\text{ root in both sides} \\ \sqrt[3]{63.80}=\sqrt[3]{d^3} \\ 3.996=d \\ rounded \\ d=4\text{ inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]


the shaft must have 4 inches of diameter

I hope this helps you

Why are quarks important to physics and to the real, modern world?


Because Quarks are the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

Quark is any member of a group of elementary subatomic particles that interact by means of a strong force and are a fundamental constituent of matter.

You have measured a carts mass and observed that it changed position. What other information do you need to determine the carts momentum during that time? A. The carts electric charge. B. The net force on the cart. C. The displacement of the cart. D. The carts gravitational potential energy


Given that we know the mass and displacement of an object for a given amount of time, to determine the momentum we can use the fact that the change in momentum is equal to the impulse. This can be written as:

[tex]Ft=m\Delta v[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=\text{ net force} \\ t=\text{ time} \\ m=\text{ mass} \\ \Delta v=\text{ change in velocity} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, we need to know the net force in order to determine the momentum in that time.

A serving size of Lays Potato Chips is 15 chips. There are 160 calories in one serving and 10 grams of fat. If you eat two servings how many calories and grams of fat are there? Question 5 options: 320 calories, 20 gram of fat 160 calories, 10 grams of fat 340 calories, 15 grams of fat 325 calories, 25 grams of fat


If you eat two servings of Lays Potato Chips, you would have consumed 320 calories and 20 gram of fat.

One serving of Lays Potato Chips = 15 chips

Calories in one serving of Lays Potato Chips = 160 cal

Fat in one serving of Lays Potato Chips = 10 g

Calories in two serving of Lays Potato Chips = 160 * 2 = 320 cal

Fat in two serving of Lays Potato Chips = 10 * 2 = 20 g

Two serving of Lays Potato Chips will have twice the fat and calories of one serving of Lays Potato Chips. So multiply the values of calories and fats by 2 to get the required value.

Therefore, if you eat two servings Lays Potato Chips, you would have consumed 320 calories and 20 gram of fat.

To know more about fat and calories



If you eat two servings of Lays Potato Chips, there are 320 calories and 20 gram of fat so option 1 is correct.


A serving size of Lays Potato Chips is 15 chips.

There are 160 calories in one serving and 10 grams of fat.

Calories in two serving of Lays Potato Chips = calories in one serving *2

= 160 * 2

= 320 calories.

Fat in two serving of Lays Potato Chips = fat in one serving * 2

= 10 * 2

= 20 grams

Therefore, if you eat two servings Lays Potato Chips, there are  320 calories and 20 gram of fat so option 1 is correct.

Learn more about the potato chips and calories here:



A motion detector detected that a toy car covered 2 m at a constant speed of 0.25 m/s. Sketchthe graph to represent the motion of an obiect.



the function for the distance is given by

[tex]\text{distance}=\text{ sp}eed\cdot time\text{ }[/tex]

then, let

speed= 0.25 m/s

time= t

distance= 2m

hence, replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{distance}=\text{ sp}eed\cdot time\text{ } \\ \text{distance}=0.25\frac{m}{s}\cdot t \\ d(t)=0.25t\Rightarrow equation\text{ of the line} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now, to graph the line we need 2 points

a) when t= 0

[tex]\begin{gathered} d(t)=0.25t\Rightarrow equation\text{ of the line} \\ d(0)=0.25\cdot0 \\ d(0)=0 \\ so \\ \text{coordinate 1(0,0)} \end{gathered}[/tex]


b) when the car has covered 2m

let d=2

replace and solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} d(t)=0.25t\Rightarrow equation\text{ of the line} \\ 2=0.25t \\ \text{divide both sides by 0.25} \\ \frac{2}{0.25}=\frac{0.25t}{0.25} \\ 8=t \\ \text{hence, after 8 seconds, the distance is 2 m, so the coordinate is} \\ (8,2) \end{gathered}[/tex]


finally, draw a line that passes through the point P1(0,0) and P2(8,2)

I hope this helps you

A force F1 of magnitude 5.70 units acts on an object at the origin in a direction = 38.0° above the positive x-axis. (See the figure below.) A second force F2 of magnitude 5.00 units acts on the object in the direction of the positive y-axis. Find graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant force F1 + F2.magnitude unitsdirection ° counterclockwise from the +x-axisTwo forces act on an object. Force vector F1 acts up and right on the right side of the object at an angle above the horizontal. Force vector F2 acts vertically upwards on the top side of the object.



Magnitude: 9.62 units

Direction: 62.1°



F1 = 5.7 units

F2 = 5 units

Angle () = 38°

The vertical component of force F1 is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{1y}=F_1\cdot\sin\theta \\ \\ \text{ We replacing:} \\ \\ F_{1y}=5.7\cdot\sin(38)=3.5j\text{ units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The horizontal component of force F1 is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{1x}=F_1\cdot\cos\theta \\ \\ \text{ We replacing:} \\ \\ F_{1x}=5.7\cdot\cos(38)=4.5i\text{ units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the total force F1 is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_1=F_{1x}+F_{1y} \\ \\ F_1=4.5i+3.5j \end{gathered}[/tex]

The vertical component of force F2 is:

[tex]F_{2y}=5j\text{ units}[/tex]

The horizontal component of force F2 is:


Therefore, the total force F2 is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_2=F_{2x}+F_{2y} \\ \\ F_2=0i+5j \end{gathered}[/tex]

The resultant force (F1 + F2) would be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=F_1+F_2 \\ \\ F_=4.5i+3.5j+0i+5j \\ \\ F=4.5i+8.5j \end{gathered}[/tex]

The magnitude of the resultant force is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=\sqrt{(F_x)^2+(F_y)^2} \\ \\ \text{ We replacing:} \\ \\ F=\sqrt{4.5^2+8.5^2} \\ \\ F=\sqrt{20.25+72.25}=\sqrt{92.5} \\ \\ F=9.62\text{ units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The direction is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \theta =\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{F_y}{F_x}\right) \\ \\ \text{ We replacing:} \\ \\ \theta =\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{8.5}{4.5}\right) \\ \\ \theta=62.1\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the voltage of a circuit that has a resistance of 100 and an internal current of 2 amps 200 volts0 0.02 voltsO 50 volts



The resistance of the circuit, R=100 Ω

The current in the circuit, I = 2 A

From Ohm's law, we have,


Where V is the voltage.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]V=2\times100=200\text{ V}[/tex]

Thus the voltage of the internal circuit is 200 V.

That is the correct answer is the 1st option.

What happens to Centripedal force on the planet around a star if the radius of an orbit is doubled ? assume that velocity remains the same A) the Centripedal force will be half of its original value B) the Centripedal force will be double its original value C) the Centripedal force will be 1/4 of its original value D) the Centripedal force will not change


We will have the following:

We know that:


If we double the radius, then:

[tex]F_c=\frac{mv^2}{(2r)}\Rightarrow F_c=\frac{1}{2}\frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]

So, the centripetal force will be half of its original value. [Option A]

The figure below is made of 1-inch cubes. Two cubes have been removed from each row of the middle layer of a prism.What is the volume of the figure above? A. 34 in3 B. 38 in3 C. 40 in3 D. 36 in3


The volume of the prism is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=w\cdot l\cdot h \\ so\colon \\ V=4\cdot2\cdot5 \\ V=40in^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since two cubes have been removed from each row, the new volume is:



36 in³

Tory experiments with pulleys in physics class. She applies 60 newtons of force to a single pulley to lift a bowling ball. By adding another pulley, she'd get a mechanical advantage of 2. Whats the minimum input force she'll need to lift the ball if she adds another pulley?



The force applied by Tory, F=60 N

Mechanical advantage after adding the second pulley, MA=2

As Tory applies 60 N of force when there is only one pulley, the weight of the ball is 60 N.

Thus the output force is 60 N.

The mechanical advantage is given by,

[tex]MA=\frac{\text{output force}}{input\text{ force}}[/tex]

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2=\frac{60}{\text{input force}} \\ \Rightarrow input\text{ force}=\frac{60}{2} \\ =30\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the minimum input force tory need to apply is 30 N

11. If 100. g of gold-198 decays to 12.5 g in 25.3 days, what is the half-life of gold-198?


Given data

*The amount of gold-198 is N = 100 g

*The gold-198 decays is n = 12.5 g

*The given time is T = 25.3 days

The expression for the radioactivity decay is given as


Substitute the values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} 100=12.5(\frac{1}{2})^{\frac{25.3}{t}} \\ t=8.43\text{ days} \end{gathered}[/tex]

It took 89.5 degrees to stop the wheel from 47.8 rpm. What is the angular acceleration? (Please give a negative number)


8 rad/s^2 is the angular acceleration when It took 89.5 degrees to stop the wheel from 47.8 rpm.

θ =89.5=1,562 radian

Wf= 5 rad




α=8 rad/s^2

The rate at which the angular velocity alters over time in a circular motion is known as the angular acceleration. Rotational acceleration is another name for it. It has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. The symbol for angular acceleration is alpha.

Variable velocity is the cause of acceleration. If an item is rotating and changing speed, we refer to it as angular acceleration. According to the connection, the angular displacement of an item rotating depends on time t. Any time a body spins, there is angular acceleration. A quantitative vector can be used to indicate the change in angular velocity per unit of time.

To know more about   angular acceleration visit : https://brainly.com/question/14769426


Abby, who has a mass of 45.0 kg, is riding at 40.0 m/s in her red sports car whenshe must suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a deer crossing the road. Shestrikes the air bag, that brings her body to a stop in 0.500 s. What average forcedoes the seat belt exert on her?


We are given the following information

Mass = m = 45.0 kg

Initial speed = vi = 40.0 m/s

Time = t = 0.500 s

We are asked to find the average force that the seat belt exerted on her.

Recall from Newton's second law of motion,

[tex]F=m\cdot a[/tex]

Where a is the acceleration of the car and is given by

[tex]v_f=v_i+a\cdot t[/tex]

Where vf is the final velocity of the car that must be 0 since the car was stopped.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=40.0+a\cdot0.500 \\ a=\frac{-40.0}{0.500} \\ a=-80\; \; \frac{m}{s^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The negative sign indicates deacceleration since the card was stopped.

So, the force is

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=m\cdot a \\ F=45\cdot80 \\ F=3600\; N \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the seat belt exerted a force of 3600 N on her.

i’m a really confused on what to do the teacher didn’t really explain it well so i’m clueless on what to do..



0, no direction



We must add all the forces, the horizontal and vertical.

We must take into account the direction of the force, to the right and up are positive while to the left and down are negative.


[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{Rvertical}=F_n+F_g=20+(-20)=20-20=0 \\ F_{\text{Rhorizontal}}=F_{\text{app}}+F_{\text{fric}}=20+(-20)=20-20=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Being the vertical and horizontal forces 0, the net force is 0 as it has no magnitude and no direction.

It is balanced, since the net force is 0

3x5 - 2^2 - can you help me solve this?


Given, 3×5-2²

The multiplication operator precedes a subtraction operator. Thus the multiplication is performed before the subtraction is performed.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\times5-2^2 \\ =15-4 \\ =11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the answer we get after solving the given equation is 11.


Explanation:2 to the second =4. 3 times 5 equals 15. 15-4=11

When analyzing a combination circuit, which parts are combined first to determine total resistance? Select one:a.the parallel componentsb.the series components c.it does not matter d.the diagonal components



a. The parallel components


When analyzing a combination circuit, we always want to transform it into a series circuit by replacing the parallel sections with an equivalent resistor.

If the circuit is more complex, then we can consider each parallel branch as a subcircuit and solve those first in the same order: first the parallel components and then the series components.

A closed-pipe resonator is closed at both ends. Is this true or false?


A closed cylinder air column must have a closed end and an open end.

Then, the answer is:


A spring stores 68 J of potential energy when it is stretched by 6 cm. What is the spring constant?


The formula for calculating the elastic potential energy is expressed as

Elastic potential energy = 1/2kx^2


k represents the spring constant

x represents the compression or distance by which the spring was stretched.

From the information given,

Elastic potential energy = 68

x = 6 cm

we would convert 6 cm to m. Recall,

100cm = 1 m

6 cm = 6/100 = 0.06 m

By substituting these values into the formula, we have

68 = 1/2 x k x 0.06^2

68 = 0.0018k

k = 68/0.0018

k = 37777.78 N/m

The spring constant is 37777.78 N/m

A _____ stores electrical energy, whereas _____ is the ratio of a stored charge on each plate to the electric potential difference between the plates.capacitor, electrical potentialcapacitor, capacitanceinsulator, energyinsulator, capacitance


A capacitor stores electrical energy, whereas capacitance is the ratio of a stored charge on each plate to the electric potential difference between the plates. Therefore, second option is correct.

Whenever the charge stored in the capacitor increases it increase the capacitance of capacitor but when the potential difference increases it decrease the capacitance of a capacitor.

9. In this time interval, what is the vehicle's displacement? (In case it is difficult tosee... at the beginning, t=0s and x=Om at the end t=5s and x=1m)


The term displacement is simply as the distance between the initial position and the final position. It can be measured or calculated in meters

The displacement from the given position is calculated as

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=1-0 \\ =1\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the vehicle's displacement is d = 1 m

Find the x-component of thisvector:47.3m39.40


We know that

• The angle of direction is 39.4.


• The magnitude of the vector is 47.3 m.

To find the horizontal component, use the following formula.

[tex]v_x=v\cdot\cos \theta[/tex]

Use the given information to find the horizontal component.

[tex]v_x=47.3m\cdot\cos 39.4\approx36.6m[/tex]Therefore, the x-component is 36.6(m).

Questlon 7 of 10 Which two factors affect the amount of thermal energy an object has? O A. The directions in which the particles of the object are moving [ B. The amount of space between the particles of the object C. The mass of the object O D. The average kinetic energy of the particles of the object SUBM


C. The mass of the object

D. The average kinetic energy of the particles of the object

Thermal energy can be considered as kinetic energy, which involves the motions of the molecules of the object.

If an object has high kinetic energy, then the object has higher thermal energy.

What percentage of the speed of light in vacuum is the speed of light in a diamond? Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect. answer in:_____%



Step 1

find the speed of ligth in the diamond:

to do that we can use the formula

[tex]refractive\text{ index\lparen}\mu)=\frac{c(\text{ speed of light in vaccum\rparen}}{s(\text{ speed of light in the material\rparen}}[/tex]

we know that :

[tex]\begin{gathered} refractive\text{ index of diamond\lparen}\mu)=2.42 \\ speed\text{ of llight in the vaccum=c=300000 }\frac{km}{s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, replace and solve for speed of light in the diamond

[tex]\begin{gathered} refractive\text{ index\lparen}\mu)=\frac{c(\text{ speed of light in vaccum\rparen}}{s(\text{ speed of light in the material\rparen}} \\ 2.42=\frac{3*10^5\frac{km}{s}}{s} \\ s=\frac{3\times10^5\frac{km}{s}}{2.42} \\ s=123966.9\text{ }\frac{km}{s} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

finally, to find the percentage apply this formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ \% }=\frac{speed\text{ of light in diamond}}{spped\text{ of ligth invaccum}}*100\text{ \%} \\ replace \\ \text{ \%=}\frac{123966.9\frac{km}{s}}{3*10^5\frac{km}{s}}*100\text{ \%} \\ \text{ \%=0.413*100\%} \\ \text{ \%=41.3 \%} \\ rounded\text{ 41\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is

41 %

I hope this helps you


Two samples of water are prepared, one with red food coloring and one with blue. When carefully combined, the red-colored water is able to float on top of the bluecolored water. Which statement best explains this result?

A. The blue-colored water is hotter and more dense.

B. The red-colored water is cooler and more dense .

C. The blue-colored water is cooler and less dense.

D. The red- colored water is hotter and less dense.



B. The red-colored water is cooler and more dense .

Mass is the quantity of matter an object has. Is this true or false?


The mass of the object is the amount of matter present in the object.

Thus, the mass of the object does not change with the gravity or any other force unless the matter is removed from the object.

Hence, the given statement is true.

The metric unit of charge, the Coulomb, is ________.A) the charge of just one electron or protonB) the smallest unit of charge used in scienceC) is an amount of energy equivalent to equal numbers of electrons and protonsD) equivalent to a large number (6.25 x 1018) of unitary charges


The meteric unit of charge, the Coulomb, is equivalent to a large number of (6.25 x 10^18) of unitary charges.

Hence, the correct option is (D)

A pumpkin pie in a 10.50 in diameter plate is placed upon a rotating tray. Then, the tray is rotated such that the rim of the pie plate moves through a distance of 258 in. Express the angular distance that the pie plate has moved through in revolutions, radians, and degrees.


The angular distance traveled in degree, radian and revolution are : 49°, 0.273 radian and 0.14 revolution respectively

What is angular velocity?

The angular distance traveled around a circular path is the number of radians the path subtends.It can also be defined as the angle made by a body while moving in a circular path.

From the definition, angular distance (theta) = distance moved/radius.

radius = diameter/2

radius= 10.50/2= 5.25inches

angular distance= 258/5.25= 49.14°

in revolution , = 49.14/360=0.14 revolution

in radian ,= 49.14/180= 0.273radian

learn more about angular distance from



A 1,982-kg car starts from rest at the top of a driveway 6.74 m long that is sloped at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. If an average friction force of 2,721 N impedes the motion of the car, find the speed (in m/s) of the car at the bottom of the driveway.Use the approximation that g ≈ 10 m/s2.


In this situation, we cannot apply the law of conservation of energy, as there is friction. For us to solve, let us start by writing the balance equations. We'll have:

[tex]\sum F_x=P*sin(30)-Fat=ma[/tex][tex]\sum F_y=N-P*cos(30)=0[/tex]

In order to find out the acceleration, we can use the first equation:


The car will then suffer this acceleration on the sloped plane. With this, we can calculate its speed by the end using the equations for a uniformly accelerated movement:

[tex]S(t)=S_0+v_0t+\frac{at^2}{2}\Rightarrow6.74=\frac{3.627*t^2}{2}\Rightarrow t=1.928s[/tex]

This is the time the car will take to reach the bottom. By replacing this on the equation for the velocity we get:


Then, our final answer is 7 m/s

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