A ______ is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.


Answer 1

Answer: stimulus


A stimulus is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.

Answer 2

A stimulus is anything in the environment that affects the behavior of an organism.

Related Questions

difference between antigens and antibodies?​



Antigens are molecules capable of stimulating an immune response. Each antigen has distinct surface features, or epitopes, resulting in specific responses. Antibodies (immunoglobins) are Y-shaped proteins produced by B cells of the immune system in response to exposure to antigens.


Plz mark as Brainliest

hopes this helps

An atom has 5 electrons in its outer electron shell. To complete its outer shell it needs_____additional electrons.



to complete the outer shell it needs -3 additional electrons

A student places water in a freezer. Several hours later, the student observes that the water has frozen.

Which statement BEST describes the arrangement and motion of particles in the ice?
The particles have high energy and move about freely.
The particles have low energy and vibrate in a fixed position.
The particles have high energy, are charged and move about freely.
The particles have low energy and are able to move past each other.



the particles have low energy and are able to mive and past each other

The particle in the ice will have low energy and vibrate in a fixed position. The correct option is B.

What is freezing?

The process by which something changes from liquid to solid as the temperature drops is known as freezing. Water basically freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.

The process of changing a substance from a liquid to a solid is known as freezing. When a liquid's molecules slow down enough, their attractions cause them to arrange themselves into fixed positions as a solid.

The average energy of the molecules in a liquid decreases as it cools. At some point, the amount of heat removed is great enough that the molecules' attractive forces draw them close together, and the liquid freezes to a solid.

The particles in a liquid eventually stop moving and settle into a stable arrangement, forming a solid.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding freezing, visit:



What is Castration and give me the types of castration​



Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles. Castration may be accomplished by physical, chemical or hormonal techniques. Testicles may be removed surgically or killed by obstructing the blood supply. Young calves may be castrated with rubber rings.

When a doctor is able to determine the sex of the fetus during an ultrasound, which stage of development is the fetus in? third trimester blastocyst formation first trimester second trimester



second trimester


The second trimester, which is week thirteen to week twenty four, the foetus would have develop enough to be picked up by the ultrasound scan. At this stage, the doctor can easily determine the sex of the foetus whether it is a boy or a girl.

The second trimester, which is week thirteen to week twenty four, the foetus would have develop enough to be picked up by the ultrasound scan. At this stage, the doctor can easily determine the sex of the foetus whether it is a boy or a girl.

What is Second Trimester?

During this trimester, morning sickness typically subsides as well as the acute fatigue and breast discomfort. Your fetus has completed the development of all of its organs and systems and is about to start expanding in size.

For most women, the second trimester is the most physically satisfying. During this time, morning sickness typically subsides, and the intense fatigue and breast discomfort usually go away.

Human chorionic gonadotropin levels have decreased, and estrogen and progesterone levels have changed, which can be linked to these alterations.

Therefore, The second trimester, which is week thirteen to week twenty four, the fetus would have develop enough to be picked up by the ultrasound scan. At this stage, the doctor can easily determine the sex of the fetus whether it is a boy or a girl.

To learn more about Trimester, refer to the link:



The photo shows a cross between a plant with white flowers and a plant with red flowers. The offspring is a plant with flowers that have both colors. X / Which pattern of inheritance is shown? 1/4 O A. Codominance B. Incomplete dominance O C. Recessiveness D. Multiple gene​



The correct answer is - A. codominance.


Codominance is an inheritance pattern that develops if there are two alleles of a particular gene in an organism and both are expressed together. It is not common as normally dominant allele masks the effect of recessive allele but here both traits occur.

Codominance is different from incomplete dominance as incomplete dominance expresses the dominant allele more than the recessive allele and expresses a mix of both.

In Drosophila, the linked mutations ebony body color (e), rough eyes (r), and brevis bristles (b), are autosomal recessive. A test cross yielded the following results:
wild type 169
ebony 619
ebony, rough 9
brevis 14
rough 93
ebony, brevis 97
rough, brevis 621
ebony, rough, brevis 165
Total 1787
1: Which locus is in somewhere between the other two?
a. ebony
b. rough
c. brevis
d. wild type
e. can not be determined from the information provided
2: What is the percentage of double cross overs?



The correct answer is - 1) rough

2) [(9+14)/1786]* 100 = 1.2877 percentage


In this case there is mutated genes are :

mutated : ebony (e), rough (r) and brevis (b)

wild type: e+,  r+ and b+

Given: wild type 169 (e+ r+ b+)

ebony 619 (e b+ r+)....... parent

rough, brevis 621 (e+ b r)  .... parent

ebony, rough, brevis - 165 (e r b)

rough - 93 (e+ r b+)

ebony, brevis - 97 (e r+ b)

ebony, rough - 9 (e r b+) ....... double cross

brevis - 14 (e+ r+ b) ..... double cross


In this question, there is the three-point cross is performed, in such case, if one is mutated then the other two are normal. For instance, here ebony is mutated then the rest two are norma - e r+ b+.

We know the most frequent genotypes in such case, are parental and least frequent are double crossover genotypes. We can get the correct order of genes by the double-cross of parental genotypes and if we get double cross over then the gene order is correct.

(e b+ r+)      ----------->  (e r b+)

(e+ b r)        ------------> (e+ r+ b)

double cross                  double crossover


parental gentype

Thus, the correct order is e r b that means rough is between ebony and brevis.

The percentage of double cross over =

(number of first double-cross + second double-cross over/1787)*100

[(9+14)/1786]* 100 = 1.2877 percentage

Which one of the following is NOT one of the two most abundant and common elements in the universe?


It is Plutonium ........

Select a drug to research. Explain how tolerance and withdrawal would work for a person addicted to that drug.


So here is the most obvious thing here… tolerance is a physical effect of repeated use of a drug, a great example would be a alcohol. Always the Tolerance does not always equal a type of addiction. Withdrawal: Symptoms a person experiences when not using a substance, due to the body reacting to no longer having the substance. Now back to the alcohol… alcohol is a very commonly used on types of drugs, for an example like regular rubbing a alcohol, drinking and more. This type can really make somebody addicted to the type of substance that is in it. Hope this helps!

How can local environmental coinages have global effects?



Changes in local environments can have global effects for several reasons. Animals, like birds, migrate from region to region. A change in one of their environments can cause behavioral changes which will affect other organisms living in these environments. Air and water move among regions.


Have a great day !

long time no see?? apple sauce



yes, its great



i guess


Which step of protein synthesis does the lac operon stop and how ?




The phospholipid bilayer, shown below, that makes up the cell membrane is partially permeable . This means that it selectively prevents large, polar molecules and certain ions from passing into or out of the cell. Transport proteins are therefore used to move them, essentially by-passing the membrane.

N O 2) Select the best answer. What are three important minerals found in soil? O nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium O carbon, oxygen, calcium aluminum, lithium, magnesium copper, gold, silver​



Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium



phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium

In kelp forests along the North American coastline, sea stars (pictured above) get their nutrients by feeding on dead or decaying debris, or
A.) detritus
B.) autotrophs
C.) omnivores


Answer: The correct option is A (detritus).


The sea star also called the star fish belongs to the phylum echinodermata. They are slow moving marine animals living on the sea-shores and sea beds. They possess tube feet under their arms which enables them to move to location where they can obtain food.

During feeding, the star fish is capable of pouring digestive enzymes on the soft tissue of its prey. Once liquefied, it absorbs it into its stomach. The following are the different types of food that a star fish can feed on:

--> coral,

--> sponges,

--> clams,

--> oysters,

--> sand dollars, and mussels

They also feed on dead or decaying debris of different plants and animals. These dead or decaying debris are also called DETRITUS. A detritus is made up of leaves and other plant parts, animal remains and waste organic products that fall into water bodies from the kelp forests along the North American coastline.

3. Two body systems work together to help remove waste products from blood. What
are these two systems?
a. Respiratory and excretory
b. skeletal and digestive
c. circulatory and reproductive
d. nervous and excretory


the answer would be A. respiratory is in charge of removing carbon dioxide and the excretory is in charge of removing and filtering waste from the blood

If someone died from chronic mercury poisoning what might be visible during the autopsy ? A-black vomit. B-mees lines. C-red coloring on their lips. D-silver eyes.


Mees lines. These are characteristic of heavy metal poisoning.

Which of the following are reasons that demonstrate the importance of forests on Earth? (Choose all that apply.)
a. The roots of the trees in forests reduce soil erosion.
b. Trees absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
c. Forests are a source of a great amount of biodiversity.
d. The trees in forests play an important role in the hydrologic cycle.



a. The roots of the trees in forests reduce soil erosion.

c. Forests are a source of a great amount of biodiversity.

d. The trees in forests play an important role in the hydrologic cycle.


Took the test

The importance of the forest is that roots of the trees in forests reduce soil erosion, forests are a source of a great amount of biodiversity, and also trees in forests play an important role in the hydrologic cycle. Thus, the correct options are a, c, and d.

What is hydrologic cycle?

The hydrologic cycle is the ongoing movement of water in the Earth-Atmosphere system. The water cycle is outlined as the movement of groundwater to the atmosphere and back again.

Since the vertical growing floor and resulting canopy shade create micro-niches by altering locally available light, heat, and moisture, forests have a high biodiversity.

The forest is important because the roots of trees in forests reduce soil erosion, forests provide a large amount of biodiversity, and trees in forests play an important role in the hydrologic cycle.

Thus, the correct options are a, c, and d.

For more details regarding forests, visit:



what activity would increase the risk of anti microbial resistance



Down below


The main drivers of antimicrobial resistance include the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials; lack of access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for both humans and animals; poor infection and disease prevention and control in health-care facilities and farms; poor access to quality, affordable medicines.

the potential for antibiotic resistance was recognized in the early 1940s, almost immediately after the first large-scale clinical use of penicillin, the first antibiotic. mass production of penicillin was part of the war effort of world war ii, when the drug was used widely by military populations to treat the wounded. however, even before the war had ended, resistance to penicillin was already being reported. in 1940, british biochemists sir ernst boris chain and sir edward penley abraham published a report about a bacterial enzyme capable of destroying penicillin. in the following decades, overuse and repeated exposure to antibiotic agents favored the selection and replication of numerous strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. select all of the statements that accurately portray the role of natural selection in antibiotic resistance. a) when bacteria are repeatedly exposed to antibiotics, they learn how to avoid the antibiotic and survive to reproduce. b) when people overuse antibiotics, the bacteria get resistant to the antibiotic and it is no longer an effective treatment. some bacteria possess a gene for bacterial resistance. these bacteria are likely to survive a course or antibiotics and reproduce. 09 d) bacteria containing the gene for antibiotic resistance can share a plasmid of the gene with other bacteria, allowing the population of bacteria with antibiotic resistance to survive and reproduce. when someone quits taking an antibiotic when they are feeling better, they likely kill only the weaker bacteria. the bacteria with a gene for antibiotic resistance survive, giving them the opportunity to reproduce. e


Answer: c,d,e


I did this and this is correct


The following Statements accurately portrays role of natural selection in antibiotic resistance

c) some bacteria possess a gene for bacterial resistance. these bacteria are likely to survive a course or antibiotics and reproduce.

d) bacteria containing the gene for antibiotic resistance can share a plasmid of the gene with other bacteria, allowing the population of bacteria with antibiotic resistance to survive and reproduce

e) when someone quits taking an antibiotic when they are feeling better, they likely kill only the weaker bacteria. the bacteria with a gene for antibiotic resistance survive, giving them the opportunity to reproduce


When bacteria are initially exposed to an antibiotic, those most susceptible to the antibiotic will die quickly, leaving any surviving bacteria to pass on their resistant features to succeeding generations.

As in option C , bacteria possessing better gene will b selected by the nature and hence portrays Natural selection

In option d Bacteria reproduce by plasmid (extra chromosomal DNA ) transfer . Bacteria with antibiotic resistant gene with pass these genes to the succeeding generations.

When bacteria are initially exposed to an antibiotic, those most susceptible to the antibiotic will die quickly, leaving  bacteria possessing gene resistant against antibiotics. Here, Darwin’s theory of natural selection comes in. This gives the bacteria an advantage over other(which do not possess antibiotic resistant gene) this bacteria will grow better than its neighbors and can increase in numbers

In option e When one quits antibiotics before completing the entire course of any prescribed antibiotic. The antibiotic   resistant bacteria survives. Bacteria that are not controlled or killed by antibiotics. They are able to survive and even multiply in the presence of an antibiotic.

Learn more about Natural Selection in Antibiotics



Why do daughter cells have DNA that is identical to the parent cell? Explain your answer.


the RNA is the daughter cell of DNA

I hope it's helpful for you

Would Pollution be another one or if not what would





why do you need to take biology in college if your major is Nursing?​ ​



Because you still have to obtain degree in your nursing

Biology you learn the body parts in detail, cells , and atoms. Nursing you need to know your body parts, your cells, and atoms
Hope that helped

In which of the following areas is the high biodiversity found there threatened? (Choose all that apply)
a. Columbia
b. Indonesia
c. Madagascar
d. India



columbia, indonesia, and madagascar


i took the test

Among these alternatives, the country with high biodiversity found threatened is in Madagascar.

Threatened biodiversity in Madagacar

70% of the species that inhabit these islands are totally unique in the world. Its great wealth of biodiversity ranges from


In addition, during the last decade,

40 mammals69 amphibians61 reptiles42 invertebrates and 385 new plants have been discovered in its territory.

Even so, 75% of its forests have disappeared in recent decades; therefore, urgent measures must be taken to prevent this phenomenon.

With this information, we can conclude thatthe country with high biodiversity found threatened is in Madagascar.

Learn more about biodiversity in brainly.com/question/13073382

How do drugs affect you socially



Drugs affect you socially because some of your friends may not want to be around you anymore. Also drugs affect your mindset and the way you think, you may end up saying things to people around you that you didn't really want to say which will make people wanna distance from


Mushrooms, bread molds, and yeasts are classified together in the fungi kingdom. Specific characteristics are used to
classify these organisms. Which of the following is a characteristic used to classify these organisms as fungi?



D.) They are heterotrophs






Birds are the main predators of these beetles; they hunt the beetles by sight and pick them off the tree bark where they feed. A logging company clears trees off an island and plants younger trees as a replacement. Trees with light bark are planted on one side of the island, and trees with dark bark are planted on the other side of the island. What do you predict would happen to the range of coloration in the population of beetles living on the light-colored trees of the island


Complete question:

1. The graph below depicts the frequency of expression of the coloration of beetles on an island:

Graph is the 1st Pic --> Attached files    

Birds are the main predators of these beetles; they hunt the beetles by sight and pick them up off of the tree bark where they feed. A logging company clears the trees off of the island and plants younger trees as a replacement. Trees with light bark are planted on one side of the island and trees with dark bark are planted on the other side of the island. What do you predict would happen to the range of coloration in the populations of beetles on each side of the island?

Select TWO answers, one to represent the beetles living on the light colored trees and one to represent the beetles living on the dark colored trees. (2 points)

A. graph 2 below

B. graph 3 below

C. graph 4 below

D. graph 5 below


B. graph 3 below

D. graph 5 below


The original population of beetles (Graph 1) shows that most individuals had an intermediate phenotype between dark and light color. The graph expresses its highest point in the middle of the phenotypic ax, while the curve´s tails coincide with light and dark colors.

Probably, most of the trees inhabiting the whole island had some darkish color tone, which beetles used to camouflage and avoid predation.

When the company cleared the area and reforested, they planted light trees on one half and dark trees on the other half of the island. This change in the environment modeled the beetled phenotype, together with predation pressure.

If we consider the whole original population, we should say that it went under a disruptive selection. But if we think about the sides of the island separately, we could say that the population living on each side went under directional selection. We are not thinking about the whole population of beetled inhabiting the whole island, but two groups inhabiting each side of the island.

Graph 3 represents the beetles inhabiting the part of the land with dark trees. The population went under directional selection, and most of them turned into dark-colored to camouflage with the substrate in which they live.Graph 5 represents the beetles inhabiting the other part of the land with light trees. The population went under directional selection, and most of them became light-colored to camouflage with the substrate in which they live.

Which statement regarding DNA packing in eukaryotes is false?
A Tight DNA packing tends to promote gene expression
B) Euchromatin can be highly expressed
none of the answers are false
A nucleosome consists of DNA wound around a core of 8 histone
E Highly compacted chromatin is generally not expressed at all.



The correct answer is - A. Tight DNA packing tends to promote gene expression.


Euchromatin which is less packed or condensed is highly expressed as it participates in the transcription whereas highly compacted chromatin - heterochromatin not expressed at all as these does undergoes the transcription process.

DNA binds around a core of 8 subunits of Histone protein in a nucleosome in which DNA is negatively charged and histone protein is positively charged protein .

DNA packing decreases its transcription and hence no expression.

What is the probability of two cystic fibrosis carriers having a child with cystic fibrosis?

A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%



Each time two CF carriers have a child, the chances are: 25 percent (1 in 4).

Therefore, your answer is B.

Answer: option B. 25%


Hi, I just need help with these question. Don’t put links to files or I’ll report!



6) B

7) False

8) False

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