A ________ is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.- phobia- compulsion- flashback- panic attack


Answer 1

A panic attack is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, choking sensations, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.

What is panic attack?

Feeling of sudden and intense anxiety is called panic attack . Panic attacks can have physical symptoms, like shaking, nausea, rapid, irregular heartbeats, dry mouth, breathlessness and dizziness. The symptoms of a panic attack are not very dangerous, but can be frightening.

Different types of panic attacks are : Cued Panic Attacks, Situational Predisposed Panic Attacks and Spontaneous Panic Attacks.

Triggers for panic attacks maybe over breathing, long periods of stress or a sudden change of environment.

To know more about panic attack, refer



Related Questions

Do you age faster if you don't sleep?


Yes, one age faster when they don't sleep. Some of the maximum extreme capability troubles related to continual sleep deprivation are excessive blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart attack, coronary heart failure or stroke.

Beneath the surface, your frame is getting old too, and sleep loss can accelerate the process. UCLA researchers found that only a single night time of inadequate sleep could make an older adults' cells age quicker. This won't appear to be a large deal, however it has the capability to bring forth plenty of different diseases. Other capability troubles encompass obesity, depression, decreased immune system characteristic and decrease intercourse drive.

Therefore, one age faster when they don't sleep.

To learn more about sleep check the below link:



What age does life insurance stop?


Around 80 -95 depends on the kind

What is meant by national security policy?


National security policy refers to the government techniques which aims at providing holistic security or safe working environment to the citizens within the geographical ambit of the government.

National Security is important for securing the sovereignty of the nation. It addresses the needs of the people and shield the citizens from foreign invaders and their attacks. Military strength is the key factor which is deterministic of the security policy strength. It ensures better use of resources according to shared values and objectives, thereby minimizing  conflicts among nations. It aims at expanding economic prosperity and opportunity for the people. The first purpose of national security policy of any country is to preserve the political identity, framework and institutions present in the national geographical area.

Learn more about National security policy at:



Sometimes your friends will have suggestions that are just not good ideas. Give an example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something and the language that you would use to communicate “no.” Then explain why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.


The answers include the following below:

An example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something is when told to steal. The language that was used to communicate “no" was by being reluctant ad avoiding him/her.Refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance because a person may risk jail term or death if anything goes wrong.

What is Communication?

This is referred to as the process in which information is exchanged through various types of means such as speaking, sign language etc.

It is best to stay away from criminal activities such as stealing as the culprit may spend the rest of his/her life in jail and the appropriate language to say no to it is reluctance and avoiding such individual. Thus is therefore the reason why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.

Read more about Communication here https://brainly.com/question/25645043


the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions. True or False


the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions: false- 30

After every 30 chest compressions at a charge of 100 to one hundred twenty a minute, supply 2 breaths. preserve with cycles of 30 chest compressions and a couple of rescue breaths till the kid starts offevolved to recover or emergency help arrives.

CPR consists of three cycles of fashionable CPR with every cycle along with 30 chest compressions with a pause for 2 ventilations at a compression:ventilation ratio of 30:2. CCC includes a series of three cycles of continuous chest compressions with out pauses for air flow.

Define what CPR way, the “four Rs” (chance, apprehend, React and Resuscitate), and phrases related to CPR together with: Chain of Survival and Emergency response system, angina, heart assault, cardiac arrest and defibrillation.

Learn more about CPR here:



Stephan is hosting a class on EMDR. What statement is he MOST likely to say during
this course?
We will completely work through all five stages of grief.
At the end, the patient might choose to go to rehab.
You can incorporate rescue breathing as needed.
This could entirely remove traumatic memories.


If Stephan is teaching an EMDR course, he will probably claim that this technique can completely erase painful memories.

Why are you breathing?

The act of breathing is how oxygen from the air enters your lungs and travels throughout your body. The oxygen is removed from our circulation by our lungs, where it travels to the organs and tissues that enable us all to stand, talk, and act.

What are all the two basic breathing phases?

Inspiration and expiration are the two key steps in the breathing system. The diaphragm and posterior intercostal muscles contract during inspiration. So when intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax, exhalation happens.

To know more about Breathing visit:



What is the most important thing to do before and during exercise?


The most important thing to do before and during any exercise/ workout is proper hydration.

Water content in the body must be always maintained proper because it keeps the metabolism good and also ensures that blood flow in the body takes place efficiently. The effective working of major organ system in the body is associated with water retention in the body. Other than that, person must do proper warm ups before beginning with any exercise. Both these habits helps to reduce fatigue, unconsciousness and muscle cramps in the body. Also, sudden heavy workouts must be avoided. It helps to improve the flexibility and reduce soreness after the workout

Learn more about workout at:



the ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self


The self-reference effect is a concept used to describe how connecting knowledge to oneself improves long-term memory.

A remark that refers to itself or its own referent is referred to as making a self-reference in the context of language. The phrase "This sentence is not true" is perhaps the most well-known instance of a self-referential sentence. Also frequently employed in broader contexts is self-reference. Over the past thirty years, the self-reference effect, or the tendency for people to remember information better when it has been encoded with reference to the self (Rogers, Kuiper, & Kirker, 1977), has established itself as a reliable encoding approach.

Any circumstance in which someone or something refers to itself is referred to as a self-reference. Self-referential objects are those that make references to themselves. Sheila explains that self-referencing is just the act of connecting knowledge with oneself. This is a helpful technique for memory enhancement since you are more likely to recall knowledge if you process it in reference to yourself than if you relate it to someone else.

Learn more about long-term memory visit : brainly.com/question/25040884


what is the best way to dispose of confidential information in a health care facility?


Using shredding  is the best way to dispose of confidential information in a health care facility.

What is health care facility?

Facilities for providing healthcare are called health facilities. They include of medical facilities like hospitals, clinics, outpatient care facilities, and specialty care facilities like maternity and mental health facilities.

14 Different Types of Healthcare Facilities Where Medical Experts Treat Patients

When attempting to make an informed choice regarding medical care, it is essential to comprehend the distinctions between the numerous types of facilities.

a hospital, an ambulatory surgery center, a doctor's office, an urgent care facility, a nursing home, etc.

Securely discard confidential medical records by shredding them. Making sure that documents, including medical records, are completely destroyed during the disposal process is the key to a safe and secure process.

Read more about health care facility:



exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.


Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

By definition, aerobic exercise means that “with element.” Your respiratory and pulse rate can increase throughout aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system healthy. cardiopulmonary exercise is any form of cardiovascular acquisition, or “cardio.” It will embrace activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

Regular exercise can improve your brain health, manage weight, scale back the chance of sickness, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to try and do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any quantity of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health edges.

To learn more about Aerobic exercise here



When a good is inelastic?



a good is in inelastic when price elasticity of demand is >0<1. which means that a small percentage change in price will cause a bigger percentage change in quantity demanded.

the united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes


The U.S. healthcare system "has some of the best outcomes in the world, despite its difficulties," according to one of the speakers in Escape Fire.

Whose healthcare system is the most expensive in the world?

greatest medical costs in the world Of all nations, the United States has the most expensive healthcare system. The average cost of a doctor's visit with a general practitioner is $190, or roughly €170. Hospital stays can result in expenses of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Why is the American healthcare system so costly?

The complicated healthcare system in the US is largely cost-driven by the market. Prescription drug prices that are out of control and healthcare workers' pay that is higher than in other western countries.

To know more about united states health care system visit :-



parenting as a team project


What’s the question?

Cass' insulin pump is computerized and connected device. Her parents are worried about a medical hack, where it can be remotely broken into and could alter Cass' doses of insulin. Explain how this medical device is protected from medical hacks and describe what you can say to her parents to help curb their
their fears?




Cass' insulin pump is computerized and connected device. Her parents are worried about a medical hack, where it can be remotely broken into and could alter Cass' doses of insulin. Explain how this medical device is protected from medical hacks and describe what you can say to her parents to help curb their

their fears?

Does swimming burn most calories?


For 30 minutes of swimming, you'll typically burn 250 calories. You can stretch your spine and seem taller and less slumped by practicing maintaining your alignment while you are in the water.

Calorie burning through swimming is effective. Swimming laps at a slow to medium pace burns about 423 calories for a 160-pound person every hour. If they swim more quickly, the same person might burn up to 715 calories in an hour. Swimming makes it simpler to burn calories since water resistance is so much higher (and more consistent) than air resistance. Simply said, if you swim the same distance as you would run, you'll burn more calories. Swimmers burn more calories since swimming is a full-body workout.

Learn more about swimming



Some nutrient needs increase during pregnancy. which nutrient recommends the intake level of 27 mg a day during pregnancy?


The nutrient that is recommended to have an intake of 27 mg a day during pregnancy is iron.

Iron is an essential mineral for pregnant women as it helps in the production of hemoglobin, which is the oxygen-carrying molecule in the blood.

It also helps in the development of the baby’s cells and tissues and is necessary for the baby’s growth. Iron also helps to prevent anemia, a common complication during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body’s need for iron increases as the baby and placenta both require iron for their growth and development.

Therefore, pregnant women need to consume an adequate amount of iron-rich foods such as lean red meat, poultry, fish, and legumes, as well as iron-fortified cereals, to meet their daily requirements.

It is also recommended to take a daily iron supplement, as it can help to meet the increased need for iron during pregnancy.

This is important, as even mild anemia during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications such as preterm delivery, low birth weight, and maternal mortality.

Therefore, pregnant women must consume 27 mg of iron per day to ensure their own and their baby’s health.

To know more about hemoglobin, click below:



What do viruses need to live / survive?


Viruses need a host cell to reproduce. They are only considered living things in that they contain the same type of proteins as other living things. They carry on none of the other life processes.

Create a marketing plan for your own product. Include your mission statement, product details, target market, pricing, budget, and marketing strategies.




My own product is a line of organic, plant-based skincare products. The line includes a facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and serum, all made with natural, sustainable ingredients and designed to nourish and protect the skin.

Mission statement:

Our mission is to provide high-quality, organic skincare products that are effective, sustainable, and affordable. We believe that natural, plant-based ingredients are the key to healthy, radiant skin, and we are committed to using only the finest, carefully sourced ingredients in our products.

Product details:

Our line of skincare products includes the following items:

Facial cleanser: A gentle, foaming cleanser made with organic aloe vera, chamomile, and lavender to soothe and calm the skin.

Toner: A refreshing toner made with organic rosewater, witch hazel, and cucumber to tone and balance the skin.

Moisturizer: A nourishing moisturizer made with organic avocado oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter to hydrate and protect the skin.

Serum: A lightweight serum made with organic argan oil, rosehip oil, and vitamin E to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

All of our products are vegan, cruelty-free, and free from synthetic fragrances and preservatives.

Target market:

Our target market is women between the ages of 25 and 45 who are interested in natural, organic skincare products. These women are health-conscious, environmentally-aware, and willing to pay a premium for high-quality, natural products.


Our pricing strategy is to offer premium, organic skincare products at a competitive price point. We will target a price point that is slightly higher than mass-market skincare products, but lower than other premium, organic skincare brands.


Our marketing budget will be focused on creating a strong online presence, through social media marketing, influencer partnerships, and content marketing. We will also allocate a small portion of our budget for traditional advertising, such as print and billboard ads.

Marketing strategies:

Our marketing strategy will focus on building brand awareness and trust among our target market. We will use social media marketing and influencer partnerships to showcase our products and highlight the natural, organic ingredients that make them unique. We will also create high-quality, informative content, such as blog posts and videos, to educate our audience about the benefits of natural skincare and the importance of using organic, plant-based ingredients. Additionally, we will use traditional advertising, such as print and billboard ads, to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to our website.


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


True. When an employee has an injury while traveling to or from work, it is typically not regarded as having happened on the job or during the course of employment and is therefore not covered by workers' compensation legislation.

What exactly is a bodily harm?

A significant injury to the body involves physical trauma. Physical trauma can be of two major types: Blunt force trauma is when a force or item impacts a bodily part, frequently causing concussions, serious wounds, or fractured bones.

How would you define harm?

Body damage is a result of an injury. It is a catch-all phrase for hurt brought on by mishaps, hits, falls, and other incidents. Millions of Americans hurt themselves every year.

To know more about Injury visit:



Who do EMS profeional with olid kill and additional intruction become to ait future EMS profeional?


The premier source for expert-guided clinical for paramedics, EMTs, and the entire spectrum of emergency medical service personnel is EMS World.

A little bit of technology, humanity, medicine, commerce, health, compassion, life, death, PTSD, etc. are all present in EMS. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) must get ready to handle some of the particular difficulties that arise from terrorist attacks. The primary concern is the safety of the EMS personnel who arrive at the scene of a terrorist assault. If the shooter has not yet been neutralized in a shooting incident, no one should approach the site without being adequately educated in tactical medicine and wearing the necessary protective gear. A responder to an attack that uses chemicals, biological agents, or radiation must have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

To learn more about EMS Professional click here https://brainly.com/question/28361409


an elderly woman wants to begin an exercise program to keep herself healthy. what would you advise?


She could start walking every morning and evening, or change eating habits

an effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are


An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

What is cycle of depression?

Cycle of depression can be defined as when a level of activity decreases. When someone stop doing the things it love doing. One of the symptoms of depression is that it can bring about some drastic changes in a depressed daily routines and their behaviour.

Some of the example of cycle of depression is that it can bring about feeling sad or loss of interest

Therefore cycle of depression is one of the way to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

Learn more about Cycle of depression here: brainly.com/question/7518857


negative feedback loops occurs when the body tries to ________ a condition it is experiencing


negative feedback loops occurs when the body tries to  reverse a condition it is experiencing reverse.

What affects the body would a negative feedback cycle have?

A negative feedback loop, sometimes referred to as an inhibitory loop, enables the organism to control itself.The process begins when a biological system produces more, which raises the levels of specific proteins or hormones in the body.This inhibits or reverses the system's ability to produce in the future.

Where in the body does negative feedback happen?

The control of blood calcium levels is another illustration of negative feedback.The hormone parathyroid is secreted by the parathyroid glands, and it controls the amount of calcium present in the blood.The parathyroid glands detect a drop in calcium and release more parathyroid hormone as a result.

To know more about hormone visit:



Is swimming good for weight loss?


Swimming is an efficient way to burn calories. A 160-pound person burns approximately 423 calories an hour while swimming laps at a low or moderate pace. That same person may burn up to 715 calories an hour swimming at a more vigorous pace.
Also Swimming cardio is one of the most effective ways to lose weight including your belly fat. This requires you to keep swimming for 15-20 minutes at the time while maintaining your heart rate levels in the particular zone that we call – fat burning zone.

Which gland is responsible for releasing melatonin?
B. thyroid
C. pineal
D. adrenal
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
• C
• D


C. Pineal. Hope this helps you. Good luck!

according to the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for americans, consuming less than ___ % of calories from total fat helps reduce risk of heart disease.


According to the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans and one of the fundamental public health tips relative to coronary heart, disorder hazard is to eat less than 10 percent of energy from saturated fats, and an average of 30 percent or much less of general energy from all fat.

Recommended day-by-day cholesterol intakes are three hundred mg or less consistent with day. restrict saturated fats to less than 10% of overall energy daily by replacing them with unsaturated fats and restrict trans fats to as little as possible. Diets excessive in saturated and trans fats are associated with coronary heart sickness. the yank coronary heart association recommends aiming for a dietary sample that achieves 5% to six% of energy from saturated fat. The state-of-the-art dietary pointers for people recommend preserving saturated fats to less than 10 percent of calories a day.

Research shows that a heart-wholesome weight loss plan can provide up to 35 percent of its energy from fats, as long as the fats are ordinarily mono- and polyunsaturated. For a weight loss program of two,000 energy, that's a maximum of 78 grams of fat. Unsaturated fat often comes from plant assets, as indicated on the desk above.

Learn more about Calories & Heart disease here:



According to the lecture, all of the following are examples of environmental factors that influence mental health disorders except: a. Death of a family member b. Brain damage c. Divorce d. Substance abuse.


All of the given options that are examples of environmental factors that influence mental health disorders is brain damage, i.e., option b.

Some examples of mental health disorders includes, anxiety disorders, which includes panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias. Depression, bipolar disorder, and different temper disorders. Eating disorders.

Serious mental illness is described as a intellectual, behavioral, or emotional ailment ensuing in extreme purposeful impairment, which extensively interferes with or limits one or greater principal existence activities.

Therefore, option b is the correct choice.

To learn more about mental health check the link below:



An assertive communicator uses
"YOU" messages, which often lead to fights.
Please select the best answer from
the choices provided.


An assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which often lead to fights. Thus, the given option is false.

What is the use of "YOU" messages in assertive communicator?

In the assertive communicator the uses "YOU" messages, which has been often lead to the fights. The truth has been, assertive people do not blame anyone and will not the point to "You" without a proper logic.

It has a completely false statement which has an assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which has often lead to fights. The correct option among the two options that are given in the question is the second option.

Therefore, An assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which often lead to fights. Thus, the given option is false.

Learn more about assertive communicator on:






an elderly woman wants to begin an exercise program to keep herself healthy. what would you advise?


Walking- it’s an easy harmless way of staying in shape

does anyone who has snap


beep bop beep bop boop beep
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