A health club charges 35% a month for membership fees. Determine whether the cost of membership is proportional to the number of months. Explain your reasoning.


Answer 1

Yes, Because the amount charged grows by $35, a fixed amount, every time the number of months increases by 1.

What exactly does direct proportionality mean?

Direct proportion, also known as direct variation, is a relationship between two quantities when their ratio equals a fixed number. The proportional symbol is used to denote it. The fact that the other quantity is inverted here means that the same symbol is really employed to denote inverse proportional.

Direct proportionality applies. This is so that the cost of the membership remains constant no matter how many months you choose to pay for. For instance, the cost is 1 x $35 if you pay for one month. The price increases to 2 x $35 if you pay for two months, which is twice as expensive.

To know more about direct proportionality visit:



Related Questions

Playing basketball carries a met value of 8 and you weigh 130lbs or roughly 59kg, approximately how many calories per minute would you burn?.


The average person burns 575-775 calories per hour in a game of basketball. If they are shooting baskets, they will burn 325-450 calories per hour.

What is Calories?
are a measure of energy. Two main definitions of "calorie" are frequently used due to historical factors. The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of one kilogramme of water by one degree Celsius was the original definition of the large calorie, food calorie, as well as kilogramme calorie (or one kelvin). The amount of heat required to produce the same increase in one gramme of water was known as the small calorie or gramme calorie. As a result, 1000 small calories are equal to 1 large calorie.

How many calories do basketball players burn?

Calories expended per minute equal (MET x body weight in kg x 3.5) / 200

"MET" is a unit of measurement for the energy expended during a given period of physical exercise. The chart above shows the MET for each activity.The energy required to perform a task with a MET of 1 is roughly equivalent to what it would take to sit stationary at room temperature without actively digesting food.When compared to a task with a MET of 1, one with a MET of 2 requires twice as much energy. Ten times as much energy is expended on a work with a MET of 10 as on one with a MET of 1.

Hence, the average person burns 575-775 calories per hour in a game of basketball. If they are shooting baskets, they will burn 325-450 calories per hour.

To know more about calories check the below link:



ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30°


The value of the expression  ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30° is 5√3/6

The expression is calculated using trignometic values

ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30°

1/tan 30 + 2/sin 60 - 3 cos 30

1/(1/√3) + 2/(√3/2) - 3 (√3/2)

√3 + 4/√3 - 3√3/2

LCM is 2√3

(√3(2√3) + 2(4) - 3√3(√3) )/2√3

(6 + 8 - 9)/2√3



The value of the expression  ctg 30° + 2 csc 60° - 3 cos 30° is 5√3/6

To learn more about trignometric values refer here



Consider the probability model with sample space (A,B,C} and P(A)=0.1, P(B)=0.1, P(C)=0.8.Then


The sum of all the possible events is 1, which means that all the events are independent of the others, in that case

P(A or C) = P(A)+P(C) = 0.1 + 0.8 = 0.9

P(B and C) = P(B)*P(C) = 0.1 * 0.8 = 0.08

can yall help me with this




Step-by-step explanation:

If you see two negatives next to each other, just think of them as adding. So add 8 and 7, you get 15.

Erika sells bags of fresh coffee beans at a local food co-op. She created the table below that shows her last four sales. Based on Erika's data, what was the cost per pound of coffee?


By using division of decimal numbers, it is obtained that cost of 1 pound of coffee is $8.99

What is decimal number and division?

Decimal numbers are those numbers which consist of an integer part and a fractional part.

Decimal are of two types-

Terminating decimals are those decimals which has finite number of figures after decimal point

Non terminating decimals are those decimals which has infinite number of figures after decimal point.

Division is the process by which value of single unit can be calculated from the value of multiple unit

The number which is divided is the dividend, the number by which dividend is divided is the divisor, the result obtained is the quotient and the remaining part is the remainder.

There is a well known formula in division

Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = Dividend

Here, division of decimal will be used

Cost of 5 pounds of coffee = $44.95

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{44.95}{5}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 8 pounds of coffee = $71.92

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{71.92}{8}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 14 pounds of coffee = $125.86

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{125.86}{14}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

Cost of 20 pounds of coffee = $179.80

Cost of 1 pound of coffee = $[tex]\frac{179.80}{20}\\[/tex]

                                          = $8.99

So cost of 1 pound of coffee = 8.99

To learn more about decimal and division, refer to the link:



Help the question is attached


The correct option will be A that is t=(A-P)/Pr by the simplification of equation, "an equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal ".

What is equation?

In its most basic form, an equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal. 3x + 5 = 14, for example, is an equation in which 3x + 5 and 14 are two expressions separated by a 'equal' sign. In mathematics, an equation is a relationship of equality between two expressions written on both sides of the equal to sign. 3y = 16 is an example of an equation. Some examples of important equations are:

Linear equationsQuadratic equationsCubic equationQuadratic equationsDifferential equationsParametric equations





The answer is A, which is t=(A-P)/Pr using the equation's simplified form. An equation is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions.

To know more about equation,



how can I rewrite 0.000000417 in appropiate scientific notation?


We have the following:

the number of 0 represents the number of the exponent

as is the are zeros to the right, the exponent is negative


Therefore, the answer is:


Kehlani went into a movie theater and bought 6 bags of popcorn and 8 drinks, costing a total of $76. Madelyn went into the same movie theater and bought 7 bags of popcorn and 4 drinks, costing a total of $62. Determine the price of each bag of popcorn and the price of each drink.


The price of each bag of popcorn and the price of each drink are $6 and $5 respectively.

What is equation?

Equation: A declaration that two expressions with variables or integers are equal. In essence, equations are questions and attempts to systematically identify the solutions to these questions have been the driving forces behind the creation of mathematics.


The no of popcorn bags bought by Kehlani = 6,

The no of popcorn bags bought by Madelyn = 7,

The no of drinks bought by Kehlani = 8,

The no of drinks bought by Madelyn = 4,

The costing by Kehlani = $76,

The costing by Madelyn = $62,

Let the price of the popcorn bag is x and the price of the drink is y, then,

According to the question statement,

6x + 8y = 76 and 7x + 4y = 62,

Solve the equation by the elimination method,

x = 6 and y = 5

Therefore, the price of each bag of popcorn and the price of each drink are $6 and $5 respectively.

To know more about equation:



The daily cost of production in a factory is calculated using f(x)= 400+ 13x where x is thenumber of products made. Which set of numbers best defines the domain of f(x)?A) IntegersB) Positive real numbersC) Positive rational numbersD) Whole numbers


Recall that the domain of a function is the set of numbers to which the function is defined. That is, if you replace the value of the independant variable (normally represented as x), then the function will give another number as a result.

In this case, we are given the function 400+13x. Since x is the independant variable, to determine the domain we must think on what possible values the variable x can take. Since in this case x represents the number of products made, it is impossible that it takes negative values, since in real life you can't produce negative amounts of products.

So far, we know that x should be greater or equal to zero. Once again, in this context, it doesn't make sense that, for example, x=7.8, since this would mean that 7.8 number of products were made. Since x represents the number of products made, it can only take values as x=0,x=1, x=2, x=3 and so on.

This set receives the name of whole numbers.

A contractor is pouring a rectangular concrete slab with dimensions of 16 feet by 30 feet. To ensure that the sides of the slab form 90° angles, how many feet should each diagonal measure?.


If each  sides of the slab form 90° angles, The number of feet that

each diagonal measure is 34 feet.

How to find the diagonal feet?

Using Pythagoreans theorem formula to find the diagonal feet

D² =L² + W²


D = Diagonal

L= Length = 16 feet

W = Width = 30

Let plug in the formula

D² = 16² + 30²

D² = 256 + 900


D= 34 feet

Therefore the diagonal measure 34feet

Learn more about of diagonal feet here



people with type o-negative blood are universal donors. that is, any patient can receive a transfusion of o-negative blood. only 7.2% of the american population have o-negative blood. if we choose 10 americans at random who gave blood, what is the probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor?


The probability that any given person is a universal donor is 7.2%. This means that the probability that a person is not a universal donor is 92.8%.This indicates that there is a 0.65 percent chance that at least 1 out of every 10 randomly selected individuals is a universal donor.

Now, if we choose 10 people at random, we can use the binomial distribution to calculate the probability that at least 1 of them is a universal donor. The binomial distribution tells us that the probability of getting exactly k successes in n trials is:

P(k; n, p) = (n choose k) p^k (1-p)^(n-k)

where n is the number of trials, p is the probability of success on a single trial, and k is the number of successes.

plugging in our values, we get:

P(1; 10, 0.072) = (10 choose 1) (0.072)^1 (1-0.072)^9

P(1; 10, 0.072) = 10(0.072) (0.928)^9

P(1; 10, 0.072) = 0.65

This means that the probability that at least 1 out of 10 people chosen at random is a universal donor is 0.65.

Learn more about probability at : https://brainly.com/question/11234923


1. Michelle used a standard deck of 52 cards and selected a card at random. Afterrecording the suit of the card she picked, she then replaced the card.SultOutcomeSpades 9Hearts11Clubs7Diamonds3Part A: Determine the empirical probability of selecting a heart.Part B: Determine the theoretical probability of selecting a heart.Part C: Determine the empirical probability of selecting a club or diamond.Part D: Determine the theoretical probability of selecting a club or diamond.


The card deck is a standard deck of 52 cards, with 13 cards in each suit.

For the experiment carried out by Michelle, we have the following information:

n(Spades) = 9

n(Hearts) = 11

n(Clubs) = 7

n(Diamonds) = 3

The total number of times she performed the experiment is

[tex]n(\text{Total) = 9+11+7+3 = 30}[/tex]

The empirical probability will make use of the experimental results, while the theoretical probability will make use of the total possibilities.

PART A: Empirical Probability of selecting a heart.

Probability is calculated by

[tex]P(\text{outcome) = }\frac{n(outcome)}{n(total)}[/tex]

Therefore, the probability is calculated as

[tex]P(\text{heart) = }\frac{11}{30}[/tex]

PART B: Theoretical probability of selecting a heart.

This is calculated by

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(\text{heart) = }\frac{13}{52} \\ P(\text{heart) = }\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

PART C: Empirical probability of selecting a club or diamond.

To calculate the probability for two outcomes, A or B, the probability can be calculated by

[tex]P(A\text{ or B) = P(A) + P(B)}[/tex]

Therefore, we will find the probability of getting a club and then a diamond.

[tex]P(\text{heart) = }\frac{11}{30}[/tex][tex]P(\text{diamond) = }\frac{3}{30}=\frac{1}{10}[/tex]

Therefore, the probability of selecting a club or a diamond is

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(\text{heart or diamond) = }\frac{11}{30}+\frac{1}{10} \\ P(\text{heart or diamond) = }\frac{7}{15} \end{gathered}[/tex]

PART D: Theoretical probability of selecting a club or a diamond

We will find the probability of getting a club and then a diamond.

[tex]P(\text{club) = }\frac{13}{52}=\frac{1}{4}[/tex][tex]P(\text{diamond) = }\frac{13}{52}=\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Therefore, the probability of selecting a club or a diamond is

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(\text{heart or diamond) = }\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{4} \\ P(\text{heart or diamond) = }\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]




5, 6, 7, 8

Step-by-step explanation:

substitute the values of x from the table into f(x)

f(1) = 1 + 4 = 5

f(2) = 2 + 4 = 6

f(3) = 3 + 4 = 7

f(4) = 4 + 4 = 8

the values of f(x) are 5, 6, 7, 8

An isosceles trapezoid has perimeter of 70. Each of the congruent nonparallel sides has length 13, and the height of the trapezoid is 12. How long is the longest side?


The length of the longest side is 27 units, in the isosceles trapezoid.

What is isosceles trapezoid?

A four-sided shape called a trapezoid has two parallel lines on each side (normally the top and bottom sides). A trapezoid that has equal-length non-parallel sides (the legs) is said to be isosceles. Considering everything mentioned before, we may start learning how to calculate an isosceles trapezoid's perimeter.

Given, the congruent nonparallel sides has length 13.

he height of the trapezoid is 12.

the extra length of the larger side will be 2*x, as it will be extra portion in both side.

So x² = 13²-12²

x² = 169-144 = 25

x = √25 = 5

So the lentgh of the larger side is 10 unit larger than smaller side.

The perimer of the isosceles trapezoid will be P = sum of all sides

P = 2*13 + L + L+10

⇒70 = 26+10 +2L

⇒2L = 70 - 36

⇒2L = 34

⇒L = 17

The length of the larger side will be 17+10 = 27 units.

Hence the length of the longest side is 27 units.

Learn more about isosceles trapezoid, by the following link.



Which point shown on the grid is located at (-3,6)


If the coordinates of the points are (x, y), then the point lies in the 1st quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (-x, y), then the point lies in the 2nd quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (-x, -y), then the point lies in the 3rd quadrant

If the coordinates of the point are (x, -y), then it lies in the 4th quadrant

Since the given point is (-3, 6), then it should be in the 2nd quadrant

Since point B is in the 2nd quadrant, then

The answer is B the third answer


The domain for f(x) and g(x) is the set of all real numbers. let f(x)=3x+5 and g(x)=x^2. find f(x) +g(x)



1) In this question, we are dealing algebra of functions. So, let's add them up.


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3x+5 \\ g(x)=x^2 \\ f(x)+g(x)=3x+5+x^2 \\ (f+g)(x)=x^2+3x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note that we wrote it in the standard form.

2) Hence, the answer is:


Find the total surface area of this cone.
Leave your answer in terms of T.
Hint: Surface Area of a Cone = Tre + B
Where l = slant height, and B = area of the base



[tex]\begin{gathered} r=8m \\ l=25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The given formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ area of a cone =}\pi rl+B \\ where\text{ l is slant height} \\ and\text{ B is the area base} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The base is circle

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area\text{ of a circle=}\pi r^2 \\ Area\text{ of a circle=}\pi8^2 \\ Area\text{ of a circle =64}\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now back to the given formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ of area of cone=}\pi rl+B \\ B=64\pi \\ l=25 \\ r=8 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Surface\text{ of area of cone =}\pi\times8\times25+64\pi \\ Surface\text{ofareaofcone=200}\pi\text{+64\pi} \\ Surface\text{ofareaofcone=264\pi} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer

[tex]264\pi m^2[/tex]

I need help solving questions 28 and 34 by expanding and simplifying please



The given expression is

[tex]\lbrack x+(y-2)\rbrack\lbrack x-(y-2)\rbrack[/tex]

At first, we will simplify each square bracket

Note that, the + sign does not change the terms in the bracket but the - sign change the signs of the terms inside the bracket

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lbrack x+(y-2)\rbrack=\lbrack x+y-2\rbrack \\ \lbrack x-(y-2)\rbrack=\lbrack x-y+2\rbrack \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we will multiply the 2 brackets

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lbrack x+y-2\rbrack\lbrack x-y+2\rbrack= \\ (x)(x)+(x)(-y)+(x)(2)+(y)(x)+(y)(-y)+(y)(2)+(-2)(x)+(-2)(-y)+(-2)(2)= \\ x^2-xy+2x+xy-y^2+2y-2x+2y-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we will add the like terms

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+(-xy+xy)+(2x-2x)-y^2+(2y+2y)-4= \\ x^2-y^2+4y-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Give the information asked for to each problems Ax Styles Tags Assignments Calendar In each of the following state the Start Value Growth Value 1. C-5f + 32 Calts FE 2. Y= 4000 - 250x 3 х -3 0 6 у -9 3 -1 -5 3 4. x -4 4 8 Olo у 3 15 21 5. A financial account begins with $5900. Each week $300 is deducted. 6. Also point to the start value Apps Hus Type here to search



1) C = 5/9 f + 32

The start value is the constant = 32.

The start value = 32

Growth value = rate of change

Growth value = 5/9

2) y = 4000 - 250x

The start value is the constant = 4000

The start value = 4000

a homeowner estimates that it will take him 16 days to roof his house. a professional roofer estimates that he could roof the house in 3 days. how long will it take if the homeowner helps the roofer?


If the homeowner helps the professional roofer they will do the job in  2.53 days

How to determine how long it takes to do the roofing job

Let the number of days to complete the job be x

The rate at which the homeowner will roof is x / 16

The rate at which the professional roofer will roof is x / 3

Adding the rates together gives

x / 16 + x / 3

19x / 48

The rate it will take them both to finish the job is

= 48 / 19

= 2.53 days

Learn more about rate here:



12 eggs for 3$ how much is the cost of each egg




Step-by-step explanation:

3 / 12 = 0.25

Answer:  0.60

Step-by-step explanation:

Please assist me, oh great smart people of the internet!


The value of x in (5 + 2x)/3 < (2x + 2)/4 is x < - 7.

What are inequalities and their types?

Inequality is a relation that compares two numbers or other mathematical expressions in an unequal way.

The symbol a < b indicates that a is smaller than b.

When a > b is used, it indicates that a is bigger than b.

a is less than or equal to b when a notation like a b.

a is bigger or equal value of an is indicated by the notation a b.

Given, Inequality is (5 + 2x)/3 < (2x + 2)/4.

Now, (5 + 2x)/3 - (2x + 2)/4 < 0.

{4(5 + 2x) - 3(2x + 2)}/12 < 0.

{20 + 8x - 6x - 6}/12 < 0.

(2x + 14)/12 < 0.

2x + 14 < 0.

x + 7 < 0.

x < - 7.

learn more about inequalities here :



(24x3 − 14x2 + 20x + 6) ÷ (4x2 − 3x + 5) = Q +
4x2 − 3x + 5

Q =

R =



Step-by-step explanation:

Dividend = 24x³ - 14x² + 20x + 6

Write the explicit formula for the given arithmetic sequence in explicit form: a(n)=a(1)+d(n-1)



what is seven and fifteen hundredths as a decimal


Seven hundredths is:


Fifteen hundredths is:


If EG = 10 and EF = 4, thenFG = [?]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{then ;} \\ EF=4 \\ EG=10 \\ FG=X \\ EF(4)+FG(X)=EG(10) \\ 4+X=10 \\ X=10-4 \\ X=6 \\ FG=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In the exercise we first formulate and then replace values ​​to find an unknown;

It is important to first look at what data the exercise gives us and then place them in the correct way, it must coincide with what the graph shows us.

Select the correct image.
Which image shows triangle A dilated by a scale factor of 2 with a center at the origin?


The triangle ABC undergoes a dilation of scale factor 2 centered at the origin.

Dilation About the Origin

Given a point P(x,y), its dilation about the origin by a scale factor of k maps the point to a point P'(kx,ky).

If we are given the dilated point, then we can find the original point by dividing by the scale factor.

Triangle ABC was dilated by a scale factor of 2 about the origin mapping it to triangle A'B'C' with vertices A'(-4,4), B'(-4,6), and C(2,4).

The coordinates of triangle ABC are:

A=(-4/2,4/2) = (-2,2)

B=(-4/2,6/2) = (-2,3)

C=(2/2,4/2) = (1,2)

The coordinates of ABC are respectively (-2,2), (-2,3), and  (1,2).

Hence the answer is the triangle ABC undergoes a dilation of scale factor 2 centered at the origin.

To learn more about triangles click here https://brainly.com/question/1058720


Answer:i'm pretty sure it's the one to the right of the example

Step-by-step explanation:

Justify [tex] \sqrt[3]{8} \times \sqrt[3]{8} = 16[/tex]using the properties of exponents in at least two different ways.



Given the cubic root:


Rewriting 8 as 2^3:


Applying the property of roots:



hello!! Can someone please explain and solve this problem for me? I’m having a hard time understanding.. I believe you start with terminal point and then initial.. but the rest i have no clue

Find the component form of vector v with initial point (-6,2) and terminal point (7,-3).


The component form of vector v with initial point (-6,2) and terminal point (7,-3) is (13,-5).

What is component form of vector?

The component form of a vector is represented as x, y >, where x denotes the direction of travel (right or left) and y denotes the direction of travel (up or down) of the vector. Any two-dimensional vector may be conceived of as exerting influence in two separate directions. In other words, it can be considered to have two pieces. Components are the individual pieces that make up a two-dimensional vector. A vector's elements show how that vector will act in a specific direction.


initial point A=(-6,2)

terminal point B=(7,-3).

AB=(Bx-Ax, By-Ay)

=(7-(-6), -3-2)

= (13, -5)

The component form of the vector v with the starting points (-6, 2) and terminal points (7, -3) is (13,-5).

To know more about component form,



PLEASE HELP ME OUT What is x^2 - 4


Answer: (x-2)(x+2) is the solution

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the sum-product pattern

Common factor from the two pairs

Rewrite in factored form



Step-by-step explanation:

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Now tell me, in the name of Heaven, what sent you riding across the country in this fashion?Which best explains the context clues for and the correct meaning of incoherently? Based on the context clues great Scott, bounced, and stammered, the word incoherently means in an eager manner. Based on the context clues whats the matter, gaped, and bounced, the word incoherently means in an angry manner. Based on the context clues gaped, choking, and now tell me, the word incoherently means in a nervous manner. Based on the context clues stammered, gaped, and in the name of Heaven, the word incoherently means in a confused manner.7.question Read the excerpt from A Century Ride.Im choking with thirst, said Maude. Get me a drink of water, and Ill tell you, and the Doctor bounced in for a dipper, and out to the pump for the required beverage.To update this excerpt to a more modern style, what slang would most likely replace choking with thirst? dying of thirst getting up a thirst athirst somethin fierce cottonmouthed with thirst8.question Read the excerpt from "A Century Ride.When she came forward at Commencement, in a delightful little Greenaway gown of white muslin, peppered over with tiny dots, with the very smile of childhood in her wide blue eyes, and her curly hair clustering round her browsthe learned doctors, imported to adorn the Commencement exercises, blinked their eyes and looked twice, and hesitated, even then, to accept her as an established fact.Which detail most helps the reader infer that women were not commonly expected to become doctors at this time? she came forward at Commencement smile of childhood in her wide blue eyes imported to adorn the Commencement blinked their eyes and looked twice9.question Read the excerpt from A Century Ride.So he foraged, and brought triumphantly forth half a chicken, a couple of slices of melon and some light biscuits, with a generous noggin of milk to wash it all down.What word most indicates that the excerpt was written in the 1800s rather than in modern times? foraged triumphantly forth noggin10.questionRead the excerpt from "A Century Ride.Lizzie Dunlop patted the small ladys shoulder soothingly. "There, there, little iceberg, she said, "let it all be buried! Its forgotten. You shall never be worried about it again. You are here to enjoy every moment of your holiday, and to tell me the news of civilization, and to take rides across the prairie. What a blessing we have a decent road for the velocipedeI beg pardonbicycle! You must have lots of grit to mount that scary machine; andoh! Maude! How can you want to be a surgeon? I should die if I saw a man cut up and mangled; but you are a marvel!Which phrase from the excerpt is most like the modern language used in writing? There, there little iceberg You are here to enjoy every moment You must have lots of grit I should die if I saw a man cut upand now you get 100% When the real dollar figures are known and then these figures are compared to what was budgeted, this process is called. 4/3x+2/3=1 can someone help me