A frog that is native to the rainforests of Central America is a member of the genus agalychnis. This genus is part of the hylidae family, and this specific frog belongs to the species callidryas.

What is the scientific name for this frog?


Answer 1
red-eyed tree frog, I’m pretty sure, not 100% certain

Related Questions

Check all the examples that would be considered an APPROPRIATE use of biotechnology.

A. Selective breeding to improve milk production in cows.

B. Genetic engineering of a virus to create a biological weapon.

C.Use of genetic modification to produce laboratory mice with D.Alzheimer's disease.

E.Use of genetic modification to produce a superior race of humans

F.Use of DNA evidence to free someone wrongfully convicted of murder.



B. Genetic engineering of a virus to create a biological weapon.

C.Use of genetic modification to produce laboratory mice with D.Alzheimer's disease.

E.Use of genetic modification to produce a superior race of humans

Explanation: Biotechnology is the use of biology to solve various problems.

Modern biotechnology has provide various technologies to fight debilitating and rare disease, increase food production and the use less and cleaner energy.

The use of Genetically modified organism(GMO)produced through genetic engineering is one of the major biotechnology that is used in this age or generation. GMO's contains genes that are artificially engineered into them that are beneficiary.

If a 100-pound person played tug of war with a 50-pound dog , how light difference forces affect the results?


Answer: APPARENTLY YOU CAN battle a lion at the San Antonio Zoo. OK, it's not that kind of battle—it's a tug of war battle. There is a thick rope passing through a hole. On one end, there is a lion cub. On the other end of the rope there could be three professional WWE wrestlers. Who wins? Well, the wrestlers don't win. But there is also some physics here.

It's all about friction

A typical tug of war isn't really about strength—it's about friction. It doesn't matter how strong you are if you don't have enough friction to keep yourself from sliding. Let me show you. Here is a force diagram for two people in a tug of war.

Each puller (person pulling on the rope) has essentially four forces acting on them. There is the downward weight which is balanced by the upward push of the ground. Since the person pulls on the rope, the rope pulls on the person in the opposite direction (this because of the two-ended nature of forces). Finally, there is the frictional force between the person and the ground. If no one is "winning," all these forces add up to zero and the person stays at rest. In order to start moving in the winning direction, the frictional force must be greater than the force from the rope.


This "two-ended" nature of forces means that forces come in pairs and are an interaction between two objects. It doesn't matter how hard the person on the left pulls on the rope, this same rope pulls on that person. So if you were to increase your pull to 1,000 Newtons—that same rope pulls on both people. So the key is the other force acting in the horizontal direction: friction.

The maximum frictional force depends on two things. It depends on the types of surfaces interacting (maybe it's the rubber on a shoe interacting with a concrete floor) where some surfaces just have more friction than others. You really can't change this part in a tug of war. The friction force also depends on the normal force. The normal force is the force with which the two surfaces are pushed together. In the case of this simple tug of war above, the ground pushes up with a force equal to the gravitational weight of the person. This means that heavier people will have a greater frictional force acting to help win a tug of war.

Oh, note that in the human vs. lion tug of war the humans are on a different surface than the lion. Who has the advantage? It's probably the lion since she could have uneven ground that would allow her to use more than just plain old sliding friction.

So, it's really about mass

If you have two contestants on equal ground with similar friction materials, mass matters. If the person on the left has half the mass of the person on the right, they will have half the friction. This means that it's pretty tough to beat a heavier puller.

What about the lion? This looks like a young lion—she could have a mass of about 120 kg (up to maybe 182 kg). A typical massive human wrestler might have a mass of around 90 to 100 kg. Three humans will probably have more mass than a single female lion. Probably. The humans should have an advantage in the mass.

It's also about rope friction

Wait! This isn't a normal tug of war. The rope isn't straight. Did you notice that? This can make a big difference in that it can add another frictional force into play. Let me show you how this works with a diagram of the rope as seen from the top where it passes through the glass.


Which of these is a weakened or dead form of a pathogen that causes an immune response? A antibody b vaccine c antigen d inflammation Question 11 (1 point)



B. Vaccine


Vaccines contain weakened forms of a virus or bacteria, but is still strong enough to trigger an immune response. Therefore, the answer is B.

On a worldwide basis, which of the following uses the least water?
a. industry.
b. agriculture.
c. hydroelectric power plants
d. domestic uses (drinking, cooking toilets, etc.)


A industry it’s basically factory’s everything else uses water

Conserving water is important because it keeps water pure and clean while protecting the environment.

On worldwide basis domestic use uses least water.

On the worldwide which uses least water?

a. industry: 19 percent of total water is used by industry.

b. agriculture: 70 percent of total water is used by agriculture.

c. hydroelectric power plants: 52 percent of water is used by hydroelectric power plant.

d. domestic use: 11 percent of total water is used by domestic use.

Thus we can conclude that the correct option is (d) that is domestic use.

You can learn more about water conservation here:



The primitive Earth atmosphere is hypothesized to have consisted mostly of _____.



This is the movement of genes into and out of a gene pool. This subphylum of organism is considered the earliest form of multicellular life on Earth. The primitive Earth atmosphere is hypothesized to have consisted mostly of these molecules. hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor.

what is a carbon pool and give some examples of these pools




Carbon pools are reservoirs of carbon that have the capacity to both take in and release carbon.There are four very broad global carbon pools which encompass many complex systems which will be discussed on this page. Each of these pools exchange carbon with one another, known as carbon fluxes, comprising what is known as the global carbon cycle.


the Terrestrial ecosystems is a carbon pool and  The atmosphere is one to also the ocean really hope this helps

Which statement would most likely be in agreement with Lamarck's theory of evolution?A) Black moths have evolved in an area because they were better adapted to the environment and had high rates of survival and reproduction.B) Geographic barriers may lead to reproductive isolation and the production of new species.C) Giraffes have long necks because their ancestors stretched their necks reaching for food, and this trait was passed on to their offspring.D) Most variations in animals and plants are due to random chromosomal and gene mutation.



Lamarck’s theory of evolution involves the idea that acquired characteristics (traits acquired during lifetime), can be passed to offspring through genetic inheritance.

What molecule(s) do plants release into the air?



There are three kinds of gases. Stomata: carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor.


Hope this helps!


oxygen and carbon dioxide

1. Which does NOT belong to the principles of waste storage?
A Water storage
B. Physical storage c Chemical storage​


mmm i think it is b.

Which picture should I use for supporting that my hypothesis was not supported? And please make a good explanation of the picture you have chosen



You should probably use the third picture to support that your hypothesis was incorrect.


I do not know what your project was, but it seems as though you were able to gather that the state of matter is liquid throughout the experiemnt using the last picture. If your hypothesis was that the state of matter would change, then the third picture would show that this is wrong, as it remains in a liquid state.

Hybrid cars can switch back and forth between gasoline power and electric power in a way that reduces fuel use
As a result, they are more fuel efficient than traditional cars that run only on gasoline. They offer one solution to
the problem of people consuming too many fossil fuels to meet their transportation needs.
Which of the following behaviors could further refine this solution?
A. People can drive hybrid cars instead of using more conservative tecnics.
B. People can drive separate hybrid cars instead of carpooling
C. People can use additional conservation tactics, like sometimes bicycling
D. People can drive hybrid cars more often than they need to



C. People can use additional conservation tactics, like sometimes bicycling


According to this question, cars called HYBRID cars are said to have the ability to switch back and forth between gasoline power and electric power in a way that reduces fuel use. This solves the problem of buying excessive transport fuel.

Asides the hybrid car, one can also use a more conservative approach, which is bicycling. Hence, the use of additional conservation tactics, like sometimes bicycling.

Which three structural zones overlap with the mantle ?


lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere

Relate the importance of classifying to a real-life situation you encountered personally.
State that situation here. What have you learned from that situation


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The real-life situation I encountered personally was to stereotype people according to the way they looked.

Unfortunately, I stereotype and prejudge people just because of their nationality. And I was so wrong.

Since I was a kid I have heard that immigrant people were not good. That they had a different way of thinking, different culture, and traditions that were not good for the American people.

So when I met this kind of people in school, I was on the defensive side. I was never rude to anyone, just put my "barriers" in front of me and tried to keep my distance.

However, one day during finals, I encounter some problems due to personal issues. I ask help from my friends, all American friends, and they never answered. To my surprise, these people from abroad were there for me and lent me a helping hand when I needed it the most. They treated me well as if I were one of them.

What I learned from that situation was that you never have to judge or stereotype people just because they are not like you. You always have to be open to know different kinds of people and welcome different ideas and cultures to learn more about people.

I promise to never judge people because I do not want other people to judge me without really knowing me.

Which organism is most related to birds?

Ray-finned fish



Crocodiles are actually the closest living relatives to birds

The pedigree chart represents three generations. Red family members have a disease that is caused by an autosomal dominant gene. Consider the chart. The father in Generation I must have what genotype? D represents the allele for the disease; d the allele for normal


The chart has not been provided.

Help will give brainlest 100 points



the answer is A I'm pretty sure

Increasing the temperature of the reaction will increase the speed of the reaction. This is due to the increase in kinetic energy of the molecules.

A is the correct answer.

If a secondary consumer is an omnivore what would it eat?

A. Tertiary Consumers
B. Producers and Primary Consumers
C. Only the Producers
D. Tertiary and Secondary Consumers



probably b because a producer is a plant and the secondary producer is eaten by the tertiary consumer so it's not a nor a



How are your arteries and veins like the sanitary sewer system?


Your cardiovascular system is what moves blood through your body, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and more to its many cells. Those veins and arteries keep you alive. In your home, there are pipes that deliver water to different rooms of the house, helping you stay clean and hydrated.


Your cardiovascular framework is the thing that moves blood through your body, conveying oxygen, supplements, and more to its numerous cells. Those veins and conduits keep you alive.


How does the Ocean’s circulation redistribute the Sun’s energy through the earth system


Answer: Ocean currents are movements of surface water. Because they cover 67 per cent of the Earth's surface, the oceans receive 67 per cent of the Sun's energy that reaches Earth. It holds onto this heat for longer than the land does and the ocean currents move this heat around, from the tropics to higher latitudes.


What happens in the body if we eat too much fat, carbohydrate or proteins


Excess fat, carbohydrates, and or proteins would be stored as fat in the body. If you eat any of these food groups too much, you would get fat.

Question 8
The animals in this ecosystem provide what form of matter to the producers (to be used in photosynthesis)

A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Sugar
D. H2O


Answer:carbon dioxide


Cause animals release carbon dioxide for plants to inhale amd exhale oxygen


hi how are you doing today Jasmine

Please someone help me and don’t send me a link


1. Variations
2. Extinction
3. Behavioral
4. Functional
5. Structural

the process by which living things change and diversify over time​



Evolution is the process by which living things change and diversify over time​

There are seven levels of classification used to classify organisms, can someone list those seven in order from the smallest to most specific and largest and most general?



Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom

Can someone take it from there

How would you classify this organism based on the dichotomous key?
Select one:

A. Kingdom Plantae

B. Viruses

C. Kingdom Eubacteria

D. Kingdom Protista



1. Kingdom Plantae


Example Dichotomous Key

Example objects to identify: apple tree, water-lily, fir tree, dandelion, astroturf, seaweed. Dichotomous keys may be simple or complex depending on what is being identified.

It addition to fungi, what other organism is responsible for returning nutrients to an environment by break down decaying matter?

A. Plants







I am too lazy to do this, but I am assuming you were supposed to do this in class. I will give you ideas.

Why is soil important?  Soil is our life support system. Soils provide anchorage for roots, hold water and nutrients. Soils are home to myriad micro-organisms that fix nitrogen and decompose organic matter, and armies of microscopic animals as well as earthworms and termites.

What is soil erosion?  Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In agriculture, soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of water (Figure 1) and wind (Figure 2) or through forces associated with farming activities such as tillage.

what human activities are responsible for soil erosion happening at advance rates?     Ploughing, unsuitable agricultural practices, combined with deforestation and overgrazing, are the main causes of human-induced soil erosion

What are some effects on soil loss?  The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. It has led to increased pollution and sedimentation in streams and rivers, clogging these waterways and causing declines in fish and other species. And degraded lands are also often less able to hold onto water, which can worsen flooding.

What can be done to prevent soil erosion?   Maintaining a healthy, perennial plant cover.


Planting a cover crop – such as winter rye in vegetable gardens. ...

Placing crushed stone, wood chips, and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.

Explanation:  Hope this helps and have a great day

Question 7
An organism that eats both plant and animal matter is called the:
A. Producer
B. Carnivore
C. Omnivore
D. Herbivore



C. Omnivore


An omnivore is an organism which feeds on both plants ( could be fruit , seeds) and animals

Examples are : man , birds , dogs , bears even racoons .

Yeah , I know. You're an Omnivore.


C. Omnivore


An organism that eats both plant and animal matter is called the: Omnivore

The ___ in figure 4-1 shows how one rock changes into another



[tex]\huge\red{ROCK \: CYCLE}[/tex]

6. Plant cells use sunlight to make their own food. Which structure allows plant cells to perform
this function?
A. nucleus
B. vacuole
C. chloroplast
D. mitochondrion


C because I took a test
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