a fixed-volume container is used to prepare nh3(g) from a properly balanced mixture of n2(g) and h2(g) at 25 c. if the final pressure of the pure nh3(g) product is 10000.0 pa, what was the initial pressure of the reactant gas mixture?


Answer 1

The initial pressure of the reactant gas mixture is 20000.0

What is a gas reactant?

Ammonia, nitrous oxide, hydrogen chloride, and tungsten hexafluoride are examples of reactant gases. In chemical vapour deposition, ammonia is frequently used with silane or dichlorosilane to create silicon nitride layers.

[tex]N_{2} +3H_{2}[/tex]  → [tex]2NH_{3}[/tex]

At constant volume and temperature, pressure of a mixture of gas is proportional to its moles.

pf ∝ nNH3

pf ∝ nN2 + nH2

Using balanced equation,




⇒ 10000/Pi= 2/4

⇒ Pi = 20000.0

The initial pressure of the reactant gas is 20000.0

To learn more about reactant gas from the given link.



Related Questions

pf6− does not obey the octet rule. draw its lewis structure and state the type of octet-rule exception. indicate the values of nonzero formal charges. be sure to include lone pair electrons on all atoms.


The PF6- molecule has an octahedral Lewis structure.

The molecule SF6 is an exception to the octet rule. It has six fluorine atoms F linked to sulfur S. With two electrons each link, sulfur has 12 total electrons. That slightly exceeds an octet of eight.

The formal charge on the phosphorus is -1.

Octet rule-the idea that an atom's valence electrons should be eight in order for a molecule comprising carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine to be more stable. An open octet is present in these atoms when one of them has fewer than eight valence electrons.

Sulfur with more than an octet is said to have expanded its valence shell. This can only occur when the valence shell has enough orbitals to accommodate the extra electrons. For example, in the case of phosphorus, the valence shell has a principal quantum number of n = 3. 3s23p6 is an octet.




Calculate the number of moles at r.t.p in 2dm of carbon dioxide



0.083 mol


Molar volume of gas at r.t.p = 24 dm³

Number of moles = volume(dm³) / 24

Number of moles = 2/24 = 0.083...

Help, please!

How would you compare the mass of two objects without using a scale?


Balance scale is another method of comparing the mass of objects in the absence of a scale.

What is a balance scale?

A balance is a type of measurement device used to compare the weight or mass of an object  by balancing them against the standard weights of known objects. It has two pans and a balanced beam. The beam is in balance when the pans have the same mass.

To determine the weight of an object, place it in one pan and standard weights in the other. Balances can be made be made locally with available tools like hangers and bags in place of pans and wood to be balanced on.

Learn more on balance scales here: https://brainly.com/question/19070452


Order the following events to describe how igneous rock can form at Mauna Loa



3 then 4 then 5 then 1 then 2


ordering 1 through 5 from top to bottom

The correct order of igneous rock can form at Mauna Loa is as follows:

3Rock beneath Mauna Loa melts to form magma.

4 Melted rock rises toward Earth's surface.

5 Lava erupts from Mauna Loa and flows down the volcano.

1 Lava flowing down the volcano enters the Pacific Ocean.

2 Ocean water cools the lava, causing it to crystallize and form igneous rock.

What is an igneous rock ?

Igneous rocks are the form when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies. Igneous rock is produced through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

Igneous rocks produce when magma from inside the Earth moves toward the surface, or is forced above the Earth's surface as lava and ash by a volcano.

Thus, The correct order of igneous rock can form at Mauna Loa is 3, 4, 5, 1, and 2.

To learn more about the igneous rock, follow the link;



at a constant temperature, a sample of a gas in a balloon that originally had a volume of 7.6 l and pressure of 661 torr has a change of pressure to 728 torr. calculate the new volume in liters.


The new volume of the balloon, of pressure 728 torr is 6.9 L.

What is volume?

Volume is the measure of the capacity that an object holds.

To calculate the volume of the balloon, we use the formula below.


V = P'V'/P.................. Equation 1


V = Final volume of the balloonP = Final pressure of the balloonP' = Initial pressure of the balloonV' = Initial volume of the balloon

From the question,


P' = 661 torrP = 728 torrV' = 7.6 L

Substitute these values into equation 1

V = (661×7.6)/728V = 6.9 L

Hence, the new volume of the balloon is 6.9 L.

Learn  more about volume here: https://brainly.com/question/1972490


when the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a _____ dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.


The orbital that is created when the lobes of two p orbitals overlap side by side while being in phase with one another has a lower dissociation energy than the molecular orbital created when the two p orbitals are directly in phase with one another.

What do you call it when two atoms share electrons and overlap their electron shells to form a molecule?

When two atoms share a pair of electrons, a covalent bond is created. The electron pair is drawn to both of the nuclei, which keeps the atoms together.

Exactly what kind of orbital overlap produces the strongest covalent bond?

The strongest bond is produced by the head-on overlapping of 2p2p orbitals because the electron density is highest along the bond's axis.

To know more about electron shells visit:-  



4. Which of the following is true for any atom?
A. atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons
B. atomic number = number of neutrons = number of electrons
C. mass number = number of protons = number of electrons
D. mass number = number of protons = number of neutrons


For every neutral atom, the atomic number is the number of protons, and the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. Option A.

Components of atoms

Atoms contain positively charged components known as protons, negatively charged components known as electrons, and neutral components known as neutrons.

Protons and neutrons are located in the nuclei of atoms while electrons are found outside the nuclei in the orbitals. For every neutral atom, the number of positively charged components (protons) always balances the number of negatively charged components (electrons).

Also, the atomic number of atoms is the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms. Thus, for neutral atoms, the number of protons equals the number of electrons which also equals the atomic number.

More on atoms can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/13654549


Why did we choose these particular salts to test how the soap reacts with hard water?


The magnesium ion interacts with the soap molecules in hard water to create a precipitate, which is a solid that does not dissolve.

What sort of thing is a precipitate?

The chemical reaction of potassium chloride + silver nitrate, which results in the precipitation of solid silver chloride, is one of the greatest illustrations of precipitation reactions. The precipitation reaction resulted in the formation of this insoluble salt.

A precipitate, does that imply it dissolved?

A substance emerging from solution is the act of precipitation. The opposite of solvation or dissolution, respectively. The solute particles dissociate from one another and are encircled by solvent molecules during dissolution. When precipitation occurs, the solute find one another and combine to form a solid.

To know more about precipitate visit:



2.95 l of n2(g) is mixed with 3.84 l of h2(g) and reacts with 100% yield. what volume of nh3(g) is produced? assume all gases are at the same temperature and pressure.


Volume of nh3(g) is produced is 2.56L


As per the reaction stochiometry we see that the gaseous ractants and products are in the following mole ratio 1:3:2 So ratio of their volume will also follow same ratio.

Hence to maintain that ratio the

2.95L N2(g) will react with 8.85L H2(g) to form theoretically 2⋅2.95L=5.90L NH3(g)

But the volume of H2(g) will fall short then. So hydrogen given will be fully consumed and the yeild of NH3(g) to be calculated on the consumption of of available H2(g) i.e. 3.84L

So theoretical yeild of NH3(g) will be =(2/3)×3.84L≈2.56L


Stoichiometry is the area of ​​chemistry that involves using the relationships between reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to determine quantitative data of interest. In Greek, stoicane means element and metron means measure, so stoichiometry literally means measure of elements.

Learn more about Stoichiometry here:



What is the percent yield of the reaction? Type in the answer using 3 significant figures.





What is the best salt to use on sidewalks?



Magnesium Chloride


is a great choice While magnesium chloride is more expensive than sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is less likely to damage your concrete or your lawn. This type of salt only works in temperatures down to 0° F, which is better than sodium chloride but not quite as good as calcium chloride.

which formula represents an asymmetrical molecule




An asymmetrical molecule is a molecule that has non-superimposable mirror images. In other words, the molecule cannot be superimposed on its own mirror image.

One way to represent an asymmetrical molecule is with the formula R-L, where R and L represent different groups attached to a central carbon atom. This formula indicates that the molecule has a chiral carbon, which is a carbon atom that is bonded to four different groups. Because the groups attached to the carbon atom are different, the molecule is asymmetrical.

Another way to represent an asymmetrical molecule is with the formula (R,R)-(S,S), where R and S represent different groups attached to a central carbon atom. This formula indicates that the molecule has two chiral carbons, each of which is bonded to two R groups and two S groups. Because the groups attached to the carbons are different, the molecule is asymmetrical.

Overall, the exact formula for an asymmetrical molecule will depend on the specific groups attached to the central carbon atom(s) and the arrangement of those groups.

Fill in the blank to make this statement true: (0,0) is a solution to _________ equation(s) in the form y=kx.


(0,0) is a solution to all equation(s) in the form y = kx.

When an equation is given in the form of y = kx, it shows direct variation, meaning that the y-intercept is 0. For example, lets take an equation in slope-intercept form, it has an equation of y = mx+b. Since there is an absence of "b", in the form y = kx, that means that the line must pass through the origin, or (0,0).

For any equation, (0,0) can be the solution if it is in the form of y = mx. Hence, the statement is (0,0) is a solution to all equation(s) in the form y=kx.

Learn more about equations from the link given below.



A ample of ga at 20ºC ha a volume of 10 L and exert a preure of 912 mm Hg. How many mole
of ga are in the ample?
a. 0. 3 mol c. 0. 8 mol
b. 0. 5 mol d. 1. 00 mol


The Number of moles present is 0.5mol.

What is ideal gas law?

The general gas equation, also known as the ideal gas law, is the equation of state for a fictitious ideal gas. The equation for the ideal gas's relationship to pressure P, volume V, temperature T, and number of moles n is known as the ideal gas law.

Use P V = n R T 

R = 0.08206 L -atm /mol -K when the pressure is in atmosphere atm, the volume is in litres L, and the temperature is in Kelvin K.

One atm is equal to 760.0 mm Hg, so depending on how the pressure changes, there will either be a division or multiplication.

Divide the value in mmHg by 760.0 mmHg/atm to convert it to atm.

P= 912mmHg /760mmHg/atm=1.2atm

to convert °C to kelvin,

  K=°C +273= 20+273=293K


Add these values to given equation,


 = 1.2×10÷0.08206×293

 = 12÷24.02


To learn more about ideal gas law


How and Why are element configurations written in terms of Noble gas configuration. Explain giving examples.



In chemistry, the element configuration of an atom refers to the arrangement of its electrons in its outermost energy level, or valence shell. The element configuration is typically written using the symbols of the elements in the periodic table, and it is used to predict the chemical behavior of the atom.

One common way to write element configurations is in terms of noble gas configurations. A noble gas is a chemical element that is unreactive and stable due to its filled valence shell, and the noble gases are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

The reason why element configurations are often written in terms of noble gas configurations is that it makes it easier to predict the chemical behavior of the atom. For example, the element configuration of sodium is 1s22s22p63s1. This can be written in terms of the noble gas configuration of neon, which is 1s22s22p6, as [Ne]3s1. This notation indicates that the valence shell of sodium has the same electron configuration as the noble gas neon, plus one additional electron in the 3s subshell.

Similarly, the element configuration of chlorine is 1s22s22p63s23p5. This can be written in terms of the noble gas configuration of argon, which is 1s22s22p6, as [Ar]3d5. This notation indicates that the valence shell of chlorine has the same electron configuration as the noble gas argon, plus five additional electrons in the 3p and 3d subshells.

Therefore, element configurations are written in terms of noble gas configurations to provide a concise and easy-to-understand representation of the electron arrangements in the valence shells of atoms. This can help predict the chemical behavior of the atoms and aid in the understanding of the properties of chemical compounds.

Is CH2O positive or negative?


Formaldehyde CH₂O is neither positive nor negative it is neutral.

The formaldehyde CH₂O molecule contains one carbon, one Oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.

The hydrogen atom are connected by one single bond to the carbon atom and the oxygen atom is connected to the carbon atom by two bonds which is sometimes called the double bond.

As we know that hydrogen requires only one electron to obtain stable configuration which are provided by one of the four valence electrons of the carbon atom. Also oxygen requires to electrons for stable electronic configuration vichar fulfilled by the two electrons of the central carbon atom in the formaldehyde molecule.

So, now there is no formal charge on the molecule.

This is why we can include that the formaldehyde atom is neither positive nor negative.

To know more about formaldehyde visit



suppose the temperature of a gas is 373.15 k when it is at the boiling point of water. what then is the limiting value of the ratio of the pressure of the gas at th


117 grams of liquid water are in a cylinder with a piston maintaining 1 atm (101325 Pa) of pressure. It is exactly at the boiling point of water, 373.15 K. We then add heat to boil the water, converting it all to vapor. The molecular weight of water is 18 g/mol and the latent heat of vaporization is 2260 J/g.  

What is the parameters?

Let's state the parameters given.

Given that:

mass (m) = 117 gram

specific latent heat of vaporization (L) = 2260 J/g

Pressure (P) = 1 atm or 101325 Pa

Temperature (T) = 373.15 K

molecular weight = 18 g/mol

i.e we are to find the heat energy which is denoted by Q = mL

Q = 117g × 2260 J/g

= 264420 J

= 264.42 KJ

and the water vapor takes up some final volume

If we assume that the vapor is an ideal gas.

We can represent the parameters using the equation of an ideal gas:



P =  1 atm or 101325 Pa

n = no of moles of the water

n = mass/molecular weight

 = 117/18

= 6.5 mole

R = 8.314

T = 373.15

= 0.199 m³

At Constant Pressure, the work done  by the vapour in pushing on the piston can be calculated as:

W =(ΔV)

= 101.325 × (0.199 - 0)

= 101.325 × 0.199

= 20.16KJ

Let ΔU = water internal energy change

Q = Heat Energy

W = work done  by the vapour in pushing on the piston

Q = ΔU + W

ΔU = - Q + W   (by multiplying the left hand side with minus (-))

ΔU = Q - W

ΔU = 264.42 - 20.16

ΔU = 244.26KJ

Therefore, The molecular weight of water is 18 g/mol and the latent heat of vaporization is 2260 J/g.  

Learn more about molecular weight on:



If an electricity producer decided to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide (carbon footprint) released by the power plant and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero, which of the following energy resources would no longer be an acceptable alternative?
A. hydroelectric power
b. biomass power
c. geothermal power
d.wind power



NONE but the most accurate of your list will be: geothermal power


If an electricity producer decided to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide released by the power plant and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero, then none of the energy resources listed would be an acceptable alternative. This is because all of the listed energy sources, including hydroelectric power, biomass power, geothermal power, and wind power, produce some amount of greenhouse gas emissions, even if that amount is relatively small. The only way to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions from an electricity-generating power plant would be to use a completely carbon-free energy source, such as solar or nuclear power.

Select the intermolecular force that is overcome when hexane is converted from a liquid to a gas. - London dispersion forces -dipole-dipole forces -hydrogen bonding -ion-dipole forces


The London dispersion force is the intermolecular force that is overcome when hexane is changed from a liquid to a gas.

The London dispersion force is what holds molecules together. The London dispersion force is the main force since hexene is a nonpolar molecule. The intermolecular force that results from the electrostatic force of attraction acting between atoms is known as the London dispersion force.

The weak force of attraction is London dispersion. It is a transitory force brought on by attractions. Thus, the London dispersion intermolecular force in acting ion the hexane converted from the liquid to the gas.

To learn more about intermolecular force, visit the link below:



PLEASE HELP ASAP:Two objects are placed a certain distance from each other. The amount of gravitational force between the two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. As the masses of the objects decrease, the force of gravity between them _____________. As the distance between the objects decreases, the force of gravity between them ______________.


Decreases ,

What is the electrode potential of Cu2 +?


0.34 Volts is the CuCu +2 standard electrode potential. Electrode potential in electrochemistry is the electromotive force of a galvanic cell constructed from a common reference electrode with elements.

Additional electrode that needs to be defined. The standard hydrogen electrode serves as the reference electrode (SHE). It is known as having a potential of 0 volts. By coupling the electrode under consideration with a standard hydrogen electrode and measuring the emf of the cell created, the standard electrode potentials (oxidation or reduction) of various elements can be determined. The electromotive force of a galvanic cell composed of a reference electrode that is typically used and a test electrode is known as electrode potential. The standard hydrogen electrode serves as the reference electrode (SHE).

Learn more about elements here



Potassium metal reacts hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas and potassium chloride. If 3. 0 moles of potassium reacts to form 2. 0 moles of potassium chloride, how many moles of hydrogen gas are produced?.


The moles of hydrogen gas produced is 2.0 moles that can be determined using stoichiometry ratios.

The response among potassium and hydrochloric acid is over very quick. The potassium at once ignites on touch with the acid, generating a vivid lilac flame that quick grows till the potassium burns up.

The chemical reaction can be depicted as follows:


The moles of potassium are 3.0 moles.

The moles of potassium chloride are 2.0 moles.

According to the stoichiometry of the reaction, two moles of potassium react with two moles of hydrochloric acid to produce two moles of potassium chloride and one mole of hydrogen gas.

Thus, the moles of hydrogen gas produced is 2.0 moles.

To learn more about moles check the link below:



Is phosphorus and chlorine polar or nonpolar?


Both phosphorus and chlorine are non-polar because the four atoms of phosphorus (P4) cancel each other out and remain non-polar, while the two atoms of chlorine (Cl2) exert equal but opposite forces on one another and cancel each other out.

All four phosphorus atoms are connected to one another in the tetraphosphorus molecule shown below. Each phosphorus atom shares the same properties, which results in an identical electronegativity. Tetraphosphorus is hence nonpolar since each phosphorus atom's electron attraction in the two opposite directions is the same, canceling out one another.

The shared pair of electrons in a chlorine molecule (Cl2) is equally attracted by the two chlorine atoms, resulting in a nonpolar bond. as a result, chlorine is non-polar molecule.

To know more about polarity visit here ; https://brainly.com/question/15207647?referrer=searchResults


How must nitrogen from the atmosphere be changed in order for plants and
animals to use it?
OA. Each N₂ molecule must be split into two N atoms.
OB. Pairs of N atoms must be combined into N₂ molecules.
OC. Each N atom must be changed into an O atom.
D. Each NO₂ molecule must be split to produce N atoms.


Nitrogen from the air can be converted to use by plants and animals by nitrogen fixation .

What is nitrogen fixation ?

Nitrogen moves from the atmosphere into the soil. Earth’s atmosphere contains a huge pool of nitrogen gas (N2). But this nitrogen is “unavailable” to plants, because the gaseous form cannot be used directly by plants without undergoing a transformation. To be used by plants, the N2 must be transformed through a process called nitrogen fixation. Fixation converts nitrogen in the atmosphere into forms that plants can absorb through their root systems.

A small amount of nitrogen can be fixed when lightning provides the energy needed for N2 to react with oxygen, producing nitrogen oxide, NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2. These forms of nitrogen then enter soils through rain or snow. Nitrogen can also be fixed through the industrial process that creates fertilizer. This form of fixing occurs under high heat and pressure, during which atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen are combined to form ammonia (NH3), which may then be processed further, to produce ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), a form of nitrogen that can be added to soils and used by plants.

To know more about nitrogen fixation visit



bakign soda (nahco3) is often used as an antacid it neutralized express hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach. which is the more ffective antacid per gram


From the reaction Mg(OH)₂  is more effective.

What is antacid ?

Acids can be neutralized by antacids, which are very simply built salts and salt-like molecules. This neutralization processes result in processes including hydrolysis and precipitations of insoluble compounds, as well as a number of products (other salts, water, and possibly carbon dioxide).

What is hydrochloric acid ?

In its reaction with an organic base, hydrochloric acid (HCl, also known as muriatic acid) transforms into a salt known as hydrochloride. Hydrochloric acid has a variety of commercial uses.

NaHCO₃ (aq)+ HCl (aq)⇒ NaCl (aq) + H₂O (1)+ CO₂ (g)

N= m/M = 1.00g/ 84.01g/mol= 1.19*10^-2 mol NaHCO₃

1.19*10^-2mol NaHCO₃* 1 mol HCl / 1 mol NaHCO₃ 1.19*10^-2 mol HCl

Mg (OH)₂ (S) +2HCl (Aq)  ⇒ 2H₂O (1)+MgCl₂(Aq)

N=m/M = 1.008/58.33g/mol = 1.71*10^-2 mol Mg(OH)₂

1.71*10^-2mol Mg(OH)₂ *2 mol HCl / 1 mol Mg(OH)₂= 3.42*10^-2 mol HCl

Mg(OH)₂  is more effective.

Therefore, from the reaction Mg(OH)₂  is more effective.

Learn more about antacid from the given link.



when solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, the δh for the solution process is −44.4 kj/mol. if a 13.9 g sample of naoh dissolves in 250.0 g of water in a coffee-cup calorimeter initially at 23.0 °c. what is the final temperature of the solution? assume that the solution has the same specific heat as liquid water, i.e., 4.18 j/g·k.


The final temperature of solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water is 355.88 kelvin.

A given amount of matter's heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius. While the heat capacity of 1 mole of a substance is known as its molar heat capacity, the heat capacity of 1 gram of a substance is referred to as its specific heat capacity (or specific heat). The equation q = mcT, where m is the mass of the sample, c is the specific heat, and T is the temperature change, can be used to determine how much heat is gained or lost by a sample (q).


Mass of NaOH = 13.9 g

Mass of water = 250 gram

Specific heat of the solution = 4.18 j/g·k

Initial temperature  = 23.0 °c or 296 kelvin

Heat evolved in process = −44.4 kj/mol

Q = mc (T₂ - T₁)

−44400 j/mol = 263.9 x 4.18 j/g·k x (T₂ - 296k)

T₂ = 355.88 k

Hence, final temperature of NaOH solution is 355.88 kelvin.

To know more about Specific heat.



the ground state electronic configuration of an atom is 1s22s22p63s23p5. how many electrons does this atom have?


Chlorine have electronic configuration of an atom is 1s22s22p63s23p5.

What is Electronic Configuration?

The distribution of electrons in an element's atomic orbitals is described by the element's electron configuration. Atomic electron configurations adhere to a standard nomenclature in which all atomic subshells that contain electrons are arranged in a sequence with the number of electrons they each possess expressed in superscript. For instance, sodium's electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s1.

The placement of electrons in orbitals surrounding an atomic nucleus is known as electronic configuration, also known as electronic structure or electron configuration.

The electrical configuration of sodium in this notation would be 1s22s22p63s1, with the orbitals distributed as 2-8-1.

Learn more about Electronic Configuration from given link



What are strong and weak acids? In the following list of acids, separate strong acids weak acids: Hydrochloric acid, citric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, formic acid, sulphuric acid.


Strong acid : hydrochloric acid , sulphuric acid and nitric acid.

weak acid : citric acid , acetic acid and formic acid.

The strong acids are those which completely ionizes in the aqueous solution. the strong acid will losses more H⁺ ion when it dissolved in the water. The weak acid are those which are partially ionizes in the aqueous solution.  the strong acid will losses few H⁺ ion when it dissolved in the water.

                        strong acids                     weak acids

                   hydrochloric acid                  citric acid

                    sulphuric acid                       formic acid

                      nitric acid                               acetic acid  

Thus, citric acid , acetic acid and formic acid are the weak acid and  hydrochloric acid , sulphuric acid and nitric acid are the strong acids.

To learn more about strong and weak acid here



What are some ways each person could reduce air pollution?


Some ways each person could reduce air pollution is using the public transport , recycle and reuse , no to the plastic bags, planting the more trees, using environment friendly vehicle.

There are several ways to reduce the air pollution :

1) by using the public transport or the ecofriendly transport like cycle. the use of public transport is the easy way to contribute to the less air pollution.

2) recycle and reuse reduces the air pollution. the recycle products are take less power to make the products.

3) no to plastic bags : as we all know the plastic products are very harmful to environment.

4) planting more trees : this method is also a very easy method that ever can contribute to the less air pollution. plants gives us oxygen or fresh air.

To learn more about air pollution here



What is the solubility of potassium chloride in 20 g of water at 80 C?


In 20 g of water at 80 C, potassium chloride dissolves with a solubility of 0.25. One or more solutes combined uniformly in a solvent form a solution. Solubility is the quality that enables molecules to dissolve.

Consequently, "solubility" can be described as a substance quality. The metal halide salt potassium chloride (KCl, often known as potassium salt) is made up of both potassium and chlorine. It has a vitreous crystal look and is odourless or colourless. The potassium chloride easily dissolves in water, and the flavour of its solutions is similar to salt. An old dried lake is a source of potassium chloride. A homogeneous mixture is a sort of mixture in which all of its constituent parts are present in the same amounts inside the sample.

20/80 = 0.25

Learn more about potassium chloride here



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