a firm that adopts a flexible short-term financial policy is more likely to have: multiple choice lower carrying costs than shortage costs. lower shortage costs than carrying costs. stricter limits on credit sales than the average firm. a relatively low level of current assets. greater short-term financing needs than if the firm adopted a restrictive policy.


Answer 1

A firm that adopts a flexible short-term financial policy is more likely to have lower carrying costs than shortage costs. A is the best option.

A set of rules known as financial policy has been put in place to ensure that organizations have the right management and control systems for their payment and receipt systems. These processes regulate a company's financial planning and, in most circumstances, give an overview of its financial operations.

When the carrying costs are lower and the shortage costs are higher, flexible short-term financial policy is typically the best option. Shortage costs are expenses spent by an organization when an investment does not generate enough revenue to cover its costs; as a result, the company must fill the gap. An organization must pay carrying expenses in order to keep inventories. Since this strategy is dependent on quick sales, there is typically little inventory on hand, which minimizes the company's carrying cost.

Know more about policy:



Related Questions

even though they are political rivals, with what country is taiwan's economy tightly interconnected (especially with regard to manufacturing)?


With China is Taiwan's economy tightly interconnected (especially with regard to manufacturing)

What is economy?An economy is the area of ​​production, distribution, trade and  consumption of goods and services. Generally, it is defined as a social domain emphasizing practices, discourses, and material expressions related to the production, use, and management of scarce resources. An economy is a system of interconnected production and consumption activities that ultimately determine the allocation of resources within a group. The production and consumption of goods and services as a whole meet the needs of the people who live and work there. Economy is the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold and purchased in a country or region. The increase in tourists helps the city's economy. The economy can be classified into four main types: the traditional economy, the command economy, the mixed economy, and the market economy.

to learn more about economy from the given link :



a comparison of the proportion of employees in a protected group with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market is called a(n) . multiple choice question.


A comparison of the proportion of employees in a protected group with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market is called  Workforce Utilization Review

A workforce demographics analysis is referred to as a utilization analysis or workforce utilization review. The objective is to determine whether an organization employs a particular group, such as women, minorities, or others. at a rate that is in line with the availability of the workforce.

Utilization analysis is crucial because it ensures that employees have equal access to resources and opportunities. In addition, it encourages businesses to adhere to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) rules and regulations in their diversity and inclusion efforts.

The enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws is the responsibility of the EEOC. They ensure that workplace discrimination is addressed in the following ways:

Age, Disability, Ethnicity , Sexual orientation and Gender . As a result, organizations can benefit from carrying out a utilization analysis by:

Identify the demographic groups that are underutilized and the kinds of changes the company must lead (such as hiring practices, networking, mentoring, and so on).

Make decisions based on data In the end, utilization analysis can assist employers in creating a workplace that is safer, happier, and more diverse if done correctly.

There are some essential steps involved in conducting a utilization analysis:

Divide workers into job groups: This requires combining job titles into job groups (such as management professionals, support professionals, specialized professionals, and so forth). Additionally, employers must determine the proportion of minority and female employees in each job group.

Determine women's and minority worker availability: This necessitates determining the proportion of minorities and women in a reasonable recruitment region who possess the necessary skills to fulfill the first job groups.

To know more about Workforce Utilization Review visit



which is not a problem in rangeland management? fires overgrazing poor soil conditions the high cost of grazing permits


The high cost of grazing permits is not a problem in rangeland management.

What is meant by rangeland management?

Range management refers to the utilization of grazing space to maintain stable livestock output while also conserving range resources. Professional natural science known as rangeland management focuses on the study of rangelands and the "conservation and sustainable management [of arid lands] for the benefit of contemporary societies and the future generations."  

In addition, range management is based on four main principles: Animals of the right kind (livestock), animals in the right number, the correct time of year to use the range or graze. In order to produce sustainable resource goods like beef, wildlife habitat, and clean water, rangeland management entails the intentional adjustment of grazing animal distribution, density, and timing.

To learn more about range management, visit:



Analyzing collected facts and figures and putting them into formats useful to a business
a. True
b. False


The statement, "Analyzing collected facts and figures and putting them into formats useful to a business" is true.

When information is gathered and transformed into useable form, data processing takes place. Data processing must be done appropriately in order to avoid having a detrimental impact on the final result, or data output, and is often carried out by a data scientist or team of data scientists.

Processing of data is the technique of gathering and modifying digital data to obtain valuable information. Information processing, which is the alteration (processing) of data in any way that can be observed by an observer, includes data processing. Data processing uses facts and figures in its unprocessed state and transforms it into a more legible format (graphs, papers, etc.), providing it the structure and context needed for computer interpretation and use by staff members across an organization.

Learn more about Data here:



Why do I need a sales tax permit in Texas?


In states where you have nexus, which is another word for relationship, you must obtain a sales tax permit and abide by sales tax regulations.

Eight units, each with a distinct set of priorities, handle the revenue collection and permitting duties of the Office of Finance. The following list does not encompass all of the divisions and units in charge of carrying out everyday tasks at the Office of Finance, but it does cover the ones that are accessible to the general public and that you as a business owner might interact with.

The task of locating corporations (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp) and sole tax permit proprietors who are conducting business in the City of Los Angeles but have not yet applied for their Business Tax Registration Certificate falls within the purview of the Revenue Management Systems Unit.

Learn more about tax permit here



during a period of stable interest rates, which type of preferred stock tends to be the most volatile?


Participating preferred is the type of preferred stock tends to be the most volatile.

What does participating mean in preferred stock?Participating preferred stock is a form of preferred stock that entitles the bearer to both an extra payout depending on a predefined condition and dividends equal to the generally specified rate at which preferred dividends are paid to preferred shareholders.Participating preferred is less lucrative for the founders as well as the A investor. Furthermore, it raises a serious potential mismatch. The idea that engaging favoured is always preferable for investors is widespread. Here is a quick rundown of the several liquidation preferences investors could request.The preferred investors have the right to extra dividends if the firm makes additional profits and pays out additional dividends to its common stockholders.

Learn more about Participating preferred refer to :



erastic corporation has $18,000 in cash, $10,000 in marketable securities, $40,000 in account receivable, $48,000 in inventories, and $46,000 in current liabilities. the corporation's current assets consist of cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventory. the corporation's acid-test ratio is closest to:


The Erastic Corporation's acid test ratio is 2.5 .

What is acid test ratio?

This ratio compares a company's "immediate assets" (cash and accounts receivable) to current liabilities. This is one of six basic calculations used to determine short-term liquidity.

Significance of acid test ratio:

The acid test, or quick ratio, compares a company's shortest term assets with its shortest term liabilities to determine whether the company has enough cash to meet its immediate liabilities, such as debt. The endurance test ratio ignores current assets that are difficult to liquidate quickly.


Acid Test Ratio= Cash or cash equivalents + Accounts receivables +          marketable securities / Current Liabilities

Acid Test Ratio=  18000 + 10000 + 40000 + 48000/ 46000

Acid Test Ratio= 116000/46000

Acid Test Ratio= 2.521

To learn more about acid test ratio visit the link below



With respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


The term "attack surface" refers to problems with LEED-certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots. The attack surface of any system refers to all possible points of entry for unauthorised access.

The LEED Certification programme is the most widely used international standard for identifying buildings that are the cost-effective, effective, and good for their occupants and the attack surface ., whether they are new or old. Engineers Lynn Barker and Tom Paladino co-chaired the newly established LEED technical committee in 1996 as interest in LEED developed. Between 1994 and 2006, LEED evolved from a single new construction standard to a complete system.

To learn more about LEED, click here.



What makes a transition difficult?


Transition difficulties can manifest in many ways depending on the child and transitions environment. It can take the form of resistance, evasion, distraction, negotiation, or total collapse.

Some of these reactions are the result of children being overwhelmed by emotions. Some of these reasons could be because a child is tired, hungry, confused, or not ready to leave an activity. These difficult transitions are also common in children with communication difficulties, limited social and emotional skills, or academic delays. Research shows that life changes can lead to depression and emotional distress. Part of the difficulty lies in dealing with the unknown.

To learn more about transition difficult, click here.



The statement of cash flows is designed for all of the following purposes except: ________
a. to list all revenues and expenses. b. to predict future cash flows. c. to provide information about cash receipts and cash payments during a period. d. to determine a company's ability to pay dividends and interest.


The statement of cash flows is designed not for the purpose to list all revenues and expenses. The correct option is a.

What do you understand about expenses?

Expenses can be understood as the cost of operations that a company incurs to generate revenue. It is defined as the cost one is required to spend on obtaining something. There is a common saying which we all know that it costs money to make money.

Payments to suppliers, employee wages, factory leases, and equipment depreciation are some of the common expenses. To lower their taxable income and thus their tax liability businesses are allowed to write off tax-deductible expenses on their income tax returns.

Businesses are allowed to claim as a deduction but the Internal Revenue Service has strict rules on which expenses.

Learn more about expenses here:



An important reason why the Federal Reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that:
a) it restricts the money supply, making it harder for banks to lend money.
b) it limits the ability of the Fed to use expansionary monetary policy when the next recession occurs.
c) it makes borrowing for homes and major purchases more expensive.
d) it raises the possibility of higher unemployment because lower interest rates slow economic growth.


An important reason why the Federal Reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that: it restricts the money supply, making it harder for banks to lend money. Option A.

What is the federal reserve?

The United States of America's central banking system is called the Federal Reserve System. With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, it was established in response to the need for centralized control of the monetary system to prevent financial crises following a string of financial panics.

The interest rate at which depository institutions overnight lend reserve holdings to other depository institutions on an uncollateralized basis is known as the federal funds rate in the United States. Reserve balances are sums kept at the Federal Reserve to satisfy the reserve requirements of depository institutions.

The interest rate that banks charge one another to lend or borrow excess reserves overnight is known as the federal funds rate. Banks are required by law to maintain a minimum reserve.

Read more on the federal reserve here:https://brainly.com/question/25817380


to maintain current interest rates, the fed would buy government bonds in the open market when select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a investment demand decreases. b the demand for money decreases. c the discount rate increases. d the demand for money increases.


To maintain current interest rates, the fed would buy government bonds in the open market when the demand for money increases. Thus, option D is correct.

What is an interest rate?

The interest due each period expressed as a percentage of the sum lent, transferred, or lent is known as an interest rate. The cumulative interest on a loaned or acquired sum is determined by the purchase price, the yield curve, the frequency of accumulation, and the time period the loan, deposit, or borrowing took place.

Thus, it motivates banks to extend additional credit. Banks' cash on hand at the Fed increase as a result of the Fed purchasing their assets. As that safety cushion grows, banks are more motivated to provide loans. The money supply will expand as a result of the Fed's international market bond buying. The amount of money in circulation will drop if it issues the open markets for bonds.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about interest rates, here:



Why are interest groups important to our political system ?


Interest groups serve as platforms for political engagement. They give like-minded persons a way to coordinate their efforts and combine their resources for broad-based political activity. Interest groups support education among their members, the general public, and elected officials.

A special interest group (SIG) is a collection of people who work together within a larger organisation to advance a certain area of knowledge, education, or technology. Members may communicate, physically meet, and organise conferences as they collaborate to influence or create solutions in their specialised fields. The word was originally used in 1961 by the Association for Computing Machinery, an academic and professional computer association. Later, CompuServe, an early provider of online services, rose to prominence for SIGs, a section of the site dedicated to particular interests. These interest organisations speak on behalf of organisations that defend and assist weaker communities. For instance, the Sierra Club prioritises protecting both the environment and the world's wild areas.

Learn more about Interest groups from



beth and bob martin have total take-home pay of $5,300 a month. their monthly expenses total $4,950. calculate the minimum amount this couple needs to establish an emergency fund.


The minimum amount Bob and Beth Martin needs to establish an emergency fund is $14850.

Why is having an emergency fund crucial?

If your income is unexpectedly lost, you'll need an emergency fund to pay your bills, cover unexpected medical costs, and pay for necessary home and auto repairs.

Briefing :-

Emergency fund = monthly expense × 3 ( months )

= $4950 × 3 ( months )


To know more about emergency fund visit :-



Drag each tile to the correct location on the table. Each tile can be used more than once, but not all tiles will be used. Lewis is saving for a down payment of $8,750 on a house. The initial amount of money he has saved is $250, and the amount of money he plans on saving every month is $340. To model the situation, he created this equation, where x represents the number of months and y represents the total amount of savings: y = 250 + 340x. Determine the missing steps and justifications.


the missing step and justification are

The fill up for the 3rd  step is y - 250 =  340x.The fill up of the 5th step is  x =y-250


The fill up of the 6th step  is 8750-250=25=x


The justification for the 2nd step is subtraction PE.The justification for the 4th step is division PE.

What is simplification?

Please note:

y-250 = 250 + 340 x - 250

y = 250 + 340x.

Make x the subject of the expression.

y - 250 = 340x.

y-250/340 = x

after that

The justification for the second step is the subtraction property of the equation, since equal terms are subtracted and collected and subtracted from each other as shown below.

y-250 = 250 + 340 x - 250

y = 250 + 340x - 250 + 250

Note that (-250 + 250) = 0.

y = 250 + 340x.

Finally, the addition of step 6 is to replace the saved amount and then simplify.

your question is incomplete, but most probably the complete question attached below

Learn more about simplification from



personal controls would be more commonly used in a blank company. multiple choice question. international small large domestic


In a small company, personal controls would be employed more frequently.

In order to exercise control over a firm, there must be a sufficient number of voting shares. This privileged position—also known as "corporate control"—exists because of the backing of the majority of shareholders or because of a dual-class shareholder structure, but it can be overthrown by a takeover or proxy battle.

Internal controls are accounting and auditing procedures used in the finance division of a business to guarantee the accuracy of financial reporting and conformity with legal requirements.

Internal controls assist businesses in abiding by rules and regulations and preventing fraud. By making sure that policies are followed, budgets are followed, capital shortages are discovered, and correct reports are provided for leadership, they can also assist in enhancing operational efficiency.

To know more about controls click here,



Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?
a. Mutually exclusive.
b. Normal.
c. Independent.
d. Contingent.


The group or pairs of project that describe where you can accept one but not all is option D. Contingent

What is a contingent pairs of object?

In philosophy and logic, contingency is the being of propositions that are neither true under every possible valuation nor false under every possible valuation. A contingent proposition is neither necessarily true nor necessarily false.

Therefore, contingent pairs of project implies that such pairs of project can incorporate one but not all. By extension, this kind of pairs (contingent) is the one that describes groups or pairs of projects where one can accept one but not all

learn more about contingent: https://brainly.com/question/939242


when would an improved next best alternative not yield results for a company owner that is negotiating


An improved next best alternative not yield results for a company owner that is negotiating the company does not make the other party aware of its improved next best alternative.

What do you mean by the negotiating in company?

Negotiation is a strategic dialogue that resolves a problem in a way that is agreeable to both parties.

Negotiations can occur between buyers and sellers, between an employer and a prospective employee, or between governments of two or more nations.

A business negotiation is a process in which two or more parties seek to find common ground and achieve an agreement to settle a topic of mutual concern, resolve a conflict, and exchange value.

Contract negotiation is a pre-determined technique or set plan of action to achieve a specified aim or target in a negotiation with the help of the finest negotiation strategies, such as finding and making an agreement or contract.

Therefore, an improved next best alternative not yield results for a company owner that is negotiating the company does not make the other party aware of its improved next best alternative.

To know more about the negotiating in company, visit:



the process by which regulatory agencies become protective of and influenced by the industries they were established to regulate is known as


According to the economic theory known as "regulatory capture," industries or other interests that are the subject of regulatory agencies' mandates may eventually come to control them.

The social science of economics focuses on the creation, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economics is the study of how economies function and the activities and interactions of economic agents. The study of microeconomics examines what are thought to be the fundamental components of the economy, such as individual agents, markets, and the relationships that result from those interactions. Examples of individual agents include homes, businesses, buyers, and sellers. Macroeconomics examines the economy as a system in which production, consumption, saving, and investment coexist, as well as factors influencing it such as the employment of labour, capital, and land resources, currency inflation, economic growth, and public policies that have an effect on these components. Other major divisions within economics include those between positive economics, which advocates "what ought to be," and normative economics, which describes "what is."

Learn more about economic from



which tax form(s) must be filed in order to take a deduction against income when a qualified contribution is made to a traditional ira


When a distribution is made from a conventional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA that contains after-tax funds, Form 8606 must be submitted annually.

If Form 8606 is not submitted, the individual may be responsible for paying income tax and an early distribution penalty on sums that are supposed to be tax and penalty-free.

One of the things that a lot of people don't know about IRAs is that they allow qualifying plan account holders to roll over after-tax assets to regular IRAs.

Form 8606 is not necessary for the year in which you roll over nontaxable monies from a qualified retirement plan to a regular IRA, according to IRS Publication 590-A. In such cases, Form 8606 must be filled out for the year in which the payout from the IRA was received.

For your records, it might still be a good idea to complete the form.

To know more about tax click here,



in general, do you think it is easier for blades to hedge its inflows or its outflows denominated in foreign currencies? why?


Since inflows are solely impacted by future exchange rates, but outflows are impacted by both future exchange rates and the amount of payables, Blade can hedge its inflows of foreign currency more easily than its outflows.

To guard against a negative currency movement, one might use the forex market to hedge one's position. When a trader is concerned about news or an event that might cause volatility in currency markets, it is usually a type of short-term protection.

To safeguard its profit margin against market volatility, a corporation would hedge its FX exposure. The most typical setting for it is in companies with fixed prices for their goods and services and exposure to a secondary currency.

To know more about Hedge Foreign Currency here



if the website visitor has had an ample opportunity to read the terms of an agreement, and if those terms are not unreasonable, a(n):


A legitimate contract exists if the website user has had a sufficient chance to understand the terms and if those terms are fair.

Most contracts need to include two things to be considered legally binding: An offer made by one party and accepted by the other requires the agreement of all parties. A valuable exchange must take place between two valuable items. This can be in the form of products to be exchanged for goods, money, services, or other things.

A contract may be deemed valid, void, or potentially void.

1. Valid

Any agreement that complies with the fundamental requirements of contract law is lawful.

For instance, if you sign a contract to buy a blue house and the house is blue, the deal is enforceable.

2. Voidable

A contract that is voidable gives both parties the chance to back out. The contract is legitimate when it is first created, but it might later be void. Because they include contingency clauses, most sales contracts are voidable.

3. Void

A void contract is unenforceable in court. It is not a contract because it is lacking a crucial component.

A contract to kill someone, for instance, would not be valid because it serves an illegal aim.

To know more about  contracts click here,



nontoxic separated solids from factory wastewater sludge are an example of waste. why? it is poisonous, corrosive, chemically reactive, and/or flammable. it was produced by factories. it was produced by residents and employees.


Hazardous wastes are the ones that can comprise toxic substances generated from businesses, health facilities, and some styles of family wastes. those wastes could be corrosive, inflammable, explosive, or react when uncovered to different substances.

Hazardous waste is waste from houses that make it probably risky or dangerous to human health or the environment. The universe of unsafe wastes is massive and diverse. risky wastes may be beverages, solids, or contained gases.

Kinds of waste that might be usually risky encompass cleaning solvents, spent acids and bases, metallic completing wastes, portray wastes, sludges from air and water pollutants manage gadgets, and lots of different discarded substances.

Learn more about  Hazardous wastes here https://brainly.com/question/1172912


What key value does Accenture's myConcerto bring to clients looking for automated solution Brainly?


Accenture's myConcerto brings the key value of automated solutions that are tailored to each client's specific needs.

myConcerto helps clients achieve rapid results with its pre-built tools, easy-to-use interface, and flexible platform. myConcerto also provides a range of analytics, reporting, and dashboards to help businesses gain better insights and make more informed decisions.

Automated solutions are systems or applications that are programmed to perform specific tasks with minimal or no human intervention.

Examples of automated solutions include automated customer service agents, robotic process automation, and artificial intelligence systems. Automation can help businesses streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service and satisfaction.

To know more about myConcerto here



a sum of $1000 was invested for 4 years, and the interest was compounded semiannually. if this sum amounted to $1430.29 in the given time, what was the interest rate? (round your answer to two decimal places.)


The answer is: the interest rate  on the investment is 9.15%

The compound interest formula is:

A = P(1 + r/n)ⁿˣ

A - the final amount

P - the initial amount

r - interest rate

n - number of compoundings per year

x - time period

We have:

A = $1430.29

P = $1000

r = ?

n = 2  (it is semiannual)

x = 4

A = P(1 + r/n)ⁿˣ

1430.29 = 1000(1r/2)²*⁴

1430.29 = 1000(1 + r/2)⁸

(1 + r/2)⁸ = 1430.29/1000

(1 + r/2)⁸ = 1.430

[tex]\sqrt[8]{(1+ r/2)}^{8}[/tex]  = [tex]\sqrt[8]{1.430}[/tex]

r = 0.0915

0.0915/ 100 = 9.15%

The interest rate required to get a total amount of $1430.29 from compound interest on a principal of $1000 compounded 2 times per year over 4 years is 9.15% per year.

To learn more about Interest click here:




Name five technological innovations that helped to increase transoceanic interconnections.


These are some technological innovations that helped increase transoceanic interconnection:

Records of wind patternsMaps of the starAstrolabeMagnetic CompassCarvel (a type of sailing vessel)

Transoceanic interconnection is the exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the western and eastern hemispheres. It started in 1450, following Columbus' voyage, and ended in 1750.

To make transoceanic trade possible, there are many inventions had to be made first. The major things are new tools (such as the magnetic compass), the understanding of wind and current patterns, star maps, and innovation in ship designs.

Attached below is an image of the astrolabe, an astronomical instrument that's used to observe the sky. It's especially useful to measure the altitude of a celestial body and to determine local latitude.

Learn more about Transoceanic interconnection at https://brainly.com/question/16009030


in the financial year 2016, for every $100 in revenues, microsoft earned $21.5 in profit, while apple earned $20.6 in profit. this demonstrates that


Microsoft's profit on revenue was greater than that of Apple's profit.

What is the financial year of India and USA?

In the USA, the financial year typically runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following calendar year, or 365 days. A key issue regarding the US financial year is that, before to 1976, it began from July 1 to concluded on June 30 of the following calendar year.The fiscal or financial year in India runs from April 1 to March 31. AY 2023–24 will serve as the evaluation period for FY 2022–23. The revenue generated during the current Financial Year (FY) 2022–2023 is the revenue generated between April 1 and March 31 of that year.Income generated in Financial Year (FY) 2022-23 simply refers to whatever money you made between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2022.

To learn more about financial year refer to:



Classify each of the given expenses based on whether they are used to calculate accounting profit. The business hires several employees, cach of whom is paid an annual salary The business operates out of a building that is owned by the business owner. She could lease the building to another company for $100.000 per year. The owner of the business uses her time to manage day to day operations. The business's owner could have earned an additional $20,000 over the past year, had she invested the $200,000 she used to start her company in the stock market instead


The expenses used to calculate accounting profit are:

The business hires several employees, who are paid an annual salary.

What is accounting profit?

Accounting profit, also known as financial profit is the difference between total revenue and explicit costs for a business. Accounting profit is applied to evaluate a company's performance and examine how it stacks up against rivals' financial positions.

Accounting profit is the difference between revenue and costs for a business. Economic profit may be calculated by deducting entire costs from the total income or return of a business or investment.

The expenses that are not included to calculate accounting profit are:

She could lease the building to another company for $100.000 per year.

The owner of the business uses her time to manage day to day operations.

The business's owner could have earned an additional $20,000 over the past year, she invested the $200,000 she used to start her company in the stock market.

To learn more about accounting profit



true or false: it is mandatory to start saving a large amount very early because retirement will be expensive.


It is essential to begin saving a significant sum of money very early because retirement will be costly. it is untrue.

Retirement is the cessation of one's employment, occupation, or active working life. Another way to semi-retire is to work fewer hours or with less job. When they are old or unable to work due to health issues, many people decide to retire. People may also choose to retire if they are qualified for private or public pension benefits, while some people are compelled to do so due to physical limitations or because of laws governing their professions. The concept of retiring was first popularised in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the majority of nations. Prior to the advent of social security, pension plans, and low life expectancy.

Learn more about retirement  from



b) the three companies agree they will not do business with amazon. what is this known as, is it legal and if it is illegal is it a per se violation or rule of reason?


In the given case, various theories are applied like :

A. The major merchants in the market, Walmart, Target, and K Mart, decided to band together and charge $50 for the new item that will be released for Christmas. In this instance, the competitors cooperate to prevail. Because of this, it is referred to as "Competitive Collaboration." It is lawful and not illegal for these major merchants to work together in order to promote and enhance sales of the impending new Product.

Collaboration is more common than ever, and it is usually done to increase sales and profits. The court will undoubtedly permit the businesses to continue if they merge and grow in size in order to generate sales and profits in a fair market.

B.  Anti-Competition Practices are what these three businesses are accused of engaging in when they decided not to do business with Amazon. It is a legal strategy to prevent significant competition in the market since it is a rule for reason, which makes it a rule to minimize competition and make it fair.

To know more about Business here



WalMart, Target, and K Mart decide they will charge $50 for the new toy coming out for Christmas. Explain what this would be called and if it would be legal or illegal and if it is a per se violation or a rule of reason violation.

b) The three companies agree they will not do business with Amazon. What is this known as, is it legal and if it is illegal is it a per se violation or rule of reason?

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How is Anne resourceful in "The Diary of Anne Frank?" A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:b. Firms in this industry will likely earn:c. If foreign firms begin supplying the product, increasing the number of competitors, it is likely that:a. oligopoly.b. an economic profitc.economic profits will fall. Wade Boggs played professional baseball for three different teams in 18 years.The table shows his total number of hits for each team.the Red Sox had 2,098 hits, Yankees had 702 hits, and Devil Rays had 210 hits.Suppose he made the same number of hits each of the 18 years. If t = total number of hitsand a = number of hits per year, which two equations can be used to determine the numberof hits he made each year? Drag these equations into the box. tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious disease and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.a. bacteriab. DNAc. genomed. immunity What are the slope and y-intercept of the linear function that is represented by the equation y=-10x1? What caused Tom to change his opinion of Mr. Berry?The students are afraid of Mr. Berry because During a period of regularly rising purchase costs, the metod yields the lowest income tax expense. What's the oldest bridge in the world? Explain the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. in the __________ division of the ans, the preganglionic nerve fibers are short, while in the __________ division, the preganglionic fibers are relatively long. Evaluate x/y for x = 3/10 and = 4/5 A: 7/50B: 7/15C: 3/8D: 12/50 when an organization sets a price to achieve a desired rate of return, it is using what type of pricing strategy? you are using a single cloud sql instance to serve your application from a specific zone. you want to introduce high availability. what should you do? Curran is testing out a newly waxed hallway floor by sliding in his socks.He runs from one end of the hallway and starts sliding midway going allthe way to the right. The forces acting on Curran as he is sliding arerepresented in the diagram below. Identify the forces and match themcorrectly to the numbers. _______ is a set of activities that includes defining an achievable completion date that is acceptable to the project stakeholders, developing a workable project schedule, and ensuring the timely completion of the project.a. Scope managementb. Cost managementc. Time managementd. Quality management what is a possible - although currently still quite uncertain - implication that the vents have for the story of life on earth? Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.Group of answer choicesTrueFalse a tax per unit will do what to the marginal cost a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results? About _____ percent of adolescents and young adults have reported being cyberbullied or cybervictims.