a federal crime involving parties on guam would most likely be heard in which court?


Answer 1

Answer: U.S. Court of International Trade. U.S. Tax Court.


Answer 2


U.S. court


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Which was the most influential on 1920's consumerism?


The vehicle was the most significant consumer good of the 1920s. At the start of the decade, cars were affordable pleasures; by the conclusion, they were essentially necessities due to low prices (the Ford Model T only cost $260 in 1924) and easy credit.

What does it mean when you are influential?

Influential persons or things have a significant impact on other people or events. Possessing prominent friends is beneficial. He had shaped economic policy in a significant way. Alternative Words: significant, significant, significant more influential opposites. Influential people live with intention, mindful of their behavior and how it may be seen by others. They provide helpful criticism and express gratitude for effort.

What do Influential points affect?

An outlier that significantly changes the slope of the regression line is a significant point. Compute the regression equation both with and without the outlier as a technique to examine the impact of an outlier. a group of methods that make it possible to ascertain the extent to which certain data points influence the outcome of a statistical procedure as a whole. Regression analysis uses it, for instance, to investigate which observations have a disproportionate impact on the suggested regression equation.

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What are some purposes of nonprofit organizations ?


Every nonprofit organization is a business that the IRS deems to be eligible for tax-exempt status due to its focus on advancing social causes and serving the general welfare.

What does "non-profit organization" actually mean?

Any nonprofit (NPO) is a group that receives any donations made above and beyond what is needed to keep the organization running but is instead driven by a devotion to a particular cause. NPOs are thus given tax-exempt status by the federal government, which absolves them any paying income tax.

What occurs when a nonprofit business is in operation?

The proprietors of a non-profit organization do not make any money from it. The group donates the money it makes rather than keeping it for its own use. A not-for-profit organization may also use donations to fund ongoing operations.

To know more about nonprofit organization visit:



What did the washington naval conference, the nine-power treaty, and the kellogg-briand pact have in common?.


designed to keep peace in the world

What are roles of the government in a mixed market economy?


The roles of government in a mixed market economy: to redistribute wealth by taxing the private sector and by using funds from taxes to promote social objectives.

Economics takes a look at shortage and its implications for using assets, manufacturing of products and services, an increase of manufacturing and welfare over time, and an outstanding form of other complicated issues of vital problems to society.


Economics is the study of the way humans allocate scarce sources for manufacturing, distribution, and intake, both individually and collectively. the two branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics makes a specialty of performance in production and change. The take a look at economics facilitates people to apprehend the arena around them. It enables human beings to apprehend human beings, organizations, markets, and governments, and consequently higher reply to the threats and possibilities that emerge whilst things change.

Learn more about Economics here:



What are the purposes of NGO?


NGOs take part in a range of activities, including environmental, social, and human rights action.On a large or small scale, they can seek to advance social or political change.

What are NGOs, for instance?

NGOs, often known as non-governmental organizations, are a broad category that includes a variety of groups. They also include international nonprofit organizations like OXFAM and Save the Children in addition to educational institutions, churches, community-based organizations, lobbying groups, and trade associations.

What precisely do NGOs do, and what do they?

Non-governmental organization is referred to as an NGO. Even if there isn't a single, generally acknowledged concept of an NGO, it's usually a temporary position or band that operates outside of the government and has a social goal. NGOs or other similar organizations operate.

To know more about NGOs visit:



Which of the following are processes by which state judges can be removed from office?i. Impeachment by state legislatureii. Removal by state supreme courtiii. Impeachment by state governorA. i onlyB. i and ii onlyC. ii and ii onlyD. i, ii, and iii


The process through which state judges can be dismissed from their positions is impeachment. This procedure is used by the political branches of government to dismiss judges from their positions, typically the legislature.

What is meant by state legislature?

In India, the state's legislative branch is known as the State Legislature. It is made up of the State Governor, the Legislative Assembly, and occasionally the Legislative Council. The President, the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), and the House of the People make up the Union's legislative body, known as Parliament (Lok Sabha). Each House shall reassemble not later than six months after the conclusion of its previous session.

What do state legislatures primarily accomplish?

State legislatures fulfill three basic objectives. They fulfill a legislative function by carrying out research, drafting legislation, and passing it. Members react to citizens' requests and represent their areas. Finally, legislatures serve as the executive branch's watchdog. By adopting a resolution to that effect with a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting, the state's legislative assembly has the authority to establish or abolish the State Legislative Council.

To know more about State Legislature visit:





the minimum wage law is an example of responses the unwritten constitution. the unwritten constitution. a right guaranteed by the constitution. a right guaranteed by the constitution. an interpretation of the constitution. an interpretation of the constitution. the amendment process.


The minimum wage type of law is an example for an interpretation of the all Constitution.

Minimum Price are an example of minimum wage rules. The minimum wage becomes a legally obligatory price floor if it is set higher than the market clearing wage. The Minimum Wages Act of 1948 is a piece of federal legislation that aims to impose legal minimum wage rates in jobs where sweated labor is common and there is a chance that disorganized workers may be exploited.

According to federal law, a minimum wage is the lowest salary an employee may be paid per hour. Nonexempt workers may not be offered a job or agree to work for less than the legally required minimum wage level for hourly compensation.

Learn more about minimum wage law visit: brainly.com/question/14337883


Correct Question:

The minimum wage law is an example _____________ of the all Constitution.

1. The unwritten constitution. a right guaranteed by the constitution.

2. A right guaranteed by the constitution.

3. An interpretation of the constitution.

4. An interpretation of the constitution. the amendment process.

did the city control or direct the activities of the driver to the extent that the city should be liable for the manner in which he operated the vehicle at the time of the accident? please advocate for the plaintiff or the defendant and provide the basis for your position.


Yes, the city does control or guide the driver's actions to the point that it should be held accountable for how he operated the car at the time of the collision (i.e., accident).

One question in this case concerned whether the city was legally liable for the actions of a driver who was employed by a different ambulance service, even though the city had just helped the ambulance service secure a federal grant to help pay for the ambulance. A municipality is exempt from such claims under the Pennsylvania Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act, unless its employee is the driver of the vehicle.

The municipality was dropped as a defendant, but the ambulance firm and driver were kept on as defendants after the processes revealed that the driver was not a city employee. In the event of a collision, the driver must remain completely composed and refrain from doing anything that could endanger the other driver, the other vehicle, or any other person. According to the "registered-owner rule," the registered owner of a vehicle whose use injures another is held vicariously accountable.

To learn more about accident, refer: brainly.com/question/29111395


What are the effects of government expenditures?


There could be a multiplier effect as a result of the increased government spending. The unemployed will have more money to spend if government expenditure results in employment growth, which will further boost aggregate demand.

Public consumption, public investment, and transfer payments made up of income and capital transfers are all considered to be a part of government expenditures. Government final consumption expenditure refers to government spending on products and services for immediate consumption to directly meet individual or communal needs of community members (GFCE.) It is an expenditure from the national accounts' "use of income account" for products and services that directly meet community members' individual or collective needs.

Learn more about government expenditure here:



What does the government do with the taxes collected from the citizens of the country?


The government with the taxes collected from the citizens of the country pays for government activities as well as pays for goods and services provided to United States citizens and businesses.

Tax revenues are used not only for Social Security and Medicare but also for public services and government operations. Imposing taxes and fees is a fundamental way for a country to generate public revenue and fund investments in human capital infrastructure and the provision of services to citizens and businesses.

Taxes move resources from individuals and businesses to governments pay for public goods and services regulate the economy and redistribute income. Governments use the money to pay for three general types of expenses purchases remittances and interest payments.

Learn more about Taxes here:- https://brainly.com/question/25783927


What are 3 purposes of non-profit organizations?


Every nonprofit organization is a business that the IRS deems to be eligible for tax-exempt status due to its focus on advancing social causes and serving the general welfare.

What does "non-profit organization" actually mean?

Any nonprofit (NPO) is a group that receives any donations made above and beyond what is needed to keep the organization running but is instead driven by a devotion to a particular cause. NPOs are thus given tax-exempt status by the federal government, which absolves them any paying income tax.

What occurs when a nonprofit business is in operation?

The proprietors of a non-profit organization do not make any money from it. The group donates the money it makes rather than keeping it for its own use. A not-for-profit organization may also use donations to fund ongoing operations.

To know more about nonprofit organization visit:



a federal crime involving parties on guam would most likely be heard in which court?


A Federal crime involving parties on Guam would most likely be heard in Territorial Courts .

Congress created the 13 United States courts of appeals, which hear appeals from district courts, and the United States district courts, which handle the majority of federal matters, in accordance with the Constitution's authority to establish courts below the Supreme Court.

Federal courts can only consider things that are specifically permitted by the US Constitution or federal legislation since they only have limited jurisdiction. A case must be brought in federal district court if it arises from a federal law, the Constitution, or a treaty.

To know more about Territorial Courts visit :



What is the structural climax of Hamlet?


Climax Hamlet engages in overtly aggressive behavior and inevitably engages in conflict with the king when he stabs Polonius through into the ostia in Act III, scene iv.

What, for instance, does conflict mean?

A passionate debate between people who have very different principles or viewpoints: He and my father would fight all the time. It was a contentious policy that gave rise to various conflicts inside the party. He and the president frequently disagree due to his strong ideas.

What causes conflict?

The five primary sources of conflict are information conflict, value conflicts, financial conflicts, disagreement, and structural conflicts. When people differ on the applicability of news or have conflicting, insufficient information, conflict over information arise.

To know more about conflict visit:



What does it mean for a country to be dependent?


Dependent states that have jurisdiction over them but are not a part of the motherland or the continent. They frequently have some degree of local government autonomy but lack full political independence or statehood.

What is an illustration of a dependant nation?

For instance, Saint Helena is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom, while Greenland is a dependent territory of Denmark. The majority of these dependent nations were formerly colonies with little to no authority.

Why are nations reliant on one another?

When nations lack the resources or capacity to meet their own needs and wants, they trade with one another. Countries can produce a surplus and exchange it for the resources they require by developing and utilizing their limited domestic resources.

To know more about dependent nations, visit:



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.


an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law.


This is true statement: An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law.

What is Occupational Injury

Occupational injury or work injury is a hazard in work that can cause fatal or non-fatal conditions. There are many causes for this type of injury, from overuse of the musculoskeletal muscles or joints or lack of training and orientation.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), more than 4,000 workers in the United States died in 2012 and more than 3.8 million from the public and private sectors suffered non-fatal occupational injuries in the same year. In the previous year, 2011, at least two million workers had entered the emergency department, and more than 100,000 of them needed to be hospitalized.

Occupational injury has become a significant issue in economic and employment policy because these policies have a major impact on the development aspect of a country, as well as on the health problems of workers. According to a report published in 2011 in the Millbank Quarterly, occupational injuries cost the United States Government up to $192 million annually, stemming from direct costs such as healthcare, and indirect costs such as lost wages and productivity. Then, in 20114, the value of DART (number of non-working days, job transfers, or work bans) reached 1.7% (3 million workers) in 2014.

Learn more about occupational injury at https://brainly.com/question/8726224.


choose the term that best matches the description given.

analyze the spelling and style of writing in order to link the document to the correct author

a-author identification
B-linguistic dialectology
c-forensic stylistics
D-forensic phonetics​


Author identification is the term that best matches the description given. Hence, option A is correct.

What is author identification?

Author identification is the process of selecting the most likely author of unidentified works from a group of potential authors. Authorship identification is frequently taken into account in text categorization tasks.

It covers the process of choosing the right candidate from a set of contenders to be the content's creator by using relevant information gleaned from the text. As a result, stylometry identifies relevant traits that provide context for authorial difference.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Author identification, click here:



What was the main reason why President Jefferson wanted to purchase this plot of land from France?


President Jefferson wanted to purchase a plot of land from France Jefferson's men were in Paris because he wanted to buy the port of New Orleans. For him New Orleans was the only  key to owned. It would be America's natural enemy.

He wants to seize the opportunity to double the size of the nation and to provide future generations with a seems to  inexhaustible supply of new farmland because that nation would control the channel through which produce from more than a third of the United States had to pass.

Jefferson confronts the so many questions of presidential authority in deciding whether he aquire to purchase  or not purchase the territory, since the US Constitution does not explicitly give the president the power to purchase territory.

Learn more about President Jefferson click the link here:



According to peacemaking criminology, which role should our criminal justice system assume?.


Peacemaking criminology suggests that our country's criminal laws use harsh forms of punishments, such as imprisonment, to control criminal behavior to put an end to crime.

Define peacemaking criminology.

A non-violent movement called peacemaking criminology works to combat oppression, social injustice, and violence in criminology, the criminal justice system, and society at large. It is closely related to the growing view of positive criminology due to its emphasis on inter-personal, intra-personal, and spiritual integration.

A view of crime called "peacemaking criminology" proposes using alternative techniques to develop peaceful responses to crime. According to peace-promoting criminologists, putting an end to pain is the only way to stop crime. They advocate peace and justice as the solution to crime rather than punishment. A manner of thinking and behaving known as "peacemaking" places an emphasis on "mercy and compassion" in the procedures and results of the criminal justice system.

To learn more about criminal justice system, visit:



Who have the control of all executive offices?


The President of the United States has the control of all the executive offices.

Executive Office refers to the location of the Company that the Directors may from time to time decide to serve as the Company's chief office. The executive branch is led by the President of the United States. The Vice President, department heads (sometimes known as Cabinet members), and leaders of autonomous agencies provide assistance to the President. The head of state governs the nation. He or she is the head of state, the head of the federal government, and the supreme commander of the American military. The president is elected for a four-year term and is limited to two elections.

Learn more about executive offices here:



A federal crime involving parties on Guam would most likely be heard in which court?answer choices- U.S. Court of International Trade- U.S. Tax Court- U.S. Court of Federal Claims- Territorial Courts


A federal crime involving parties on Guam would most likely be heard in  Territorial Courts.

What does Territorial courts mean?

Territorial courts are courts of limited jurisdiction established by the United States Congress in the various territories of the United States. These courts have jurisdiction to hear and decide civil and criminal cases arising under the laws of the U.S. territories and the laws of the United States.

What does Fedral crime mean?

A federal crime is any criminal offense that violates a law established by the United States Congress. Examples of federal crimes include tax evasion, counterfeiting, mail fraud, wire fraud, bank robbery, and certain drug offenses. Federal crimes are investigated by federal law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and prosecuted in federal court.

Therefore the option D. Territorial Courts is the correct answer.

To know more about Fedral Crime,



What type of inheritance does java have Mcq?


The correct answer is Java supports hierarchical inheritance directly. 6.However most languages like C++, Java and C# support classical inheritance.

Java does not allow for multiple class inheritance, however it does allow for multiple interface inheritance. Consequently, a class can inherit and implement several interfaces but cannot inherit more than one class. What is accurate regarding Java's inheritance system? 1) Private procedures are irreversible. 2) Inherited classes outside of a package can access protected elements of the package. Polymorphism, which is defined as having "many forms," happens when there are several classes that are connected to one another by inheritance. We may inherit properties and methods from another class using inheritance, as we mentioned in the previous chapter. These techniques are used by polymorphism to carry out various tasks.

To learn more about hierarchical inheritance click the link below:



Should the government be able to restrict or censor unpatriotic, disloyal, or critical speech in times of international conflict? what about from government whistle-blowers or employees who leak sensitive information? how much freedom should journalists have to report on stories from the perspective of enemies or to repeat propaganda from opposing forces?.


1. No, Strength and truth are not harmed by scrutiny. Corruption, crime and lies wither under scrutiny. Critical speech is very important. 2. When it comes to whistleblower cases, it’s important to remember that, just as there are official protections for whistleblowers under the law, there are also procedures for properly reporting information. 3. There are a few benefits to giving journalists freedom to report from the perspective of enemies or opposing forces.

1. No. Am I unpatriotic for saying that the Iraq war was a terrible mistake and a waste of lives, money, and political good will? Is that in any way disloyal to this country? In what way is it a sign of patriotism in a citizen to encourage pursuit of bad policy? If citizens are prevented from assessing and protesting political decisions they disagree with, then we are not a free country.

2. When it comes to whistleblower cases, it’s important to remember that, just as there are official protections for whistleblowers under the law, there are also procedures for properly reporting information. Revealing classified or sensitive information to anyone without a clearance or the authorization to receive it is not whistleblowing—it’s leaking. Even if your leak is supposedly for the greater good, anytime you’re sharing information with the media, or someone who doesn’t have a security clearance, you’re not whistleblowing – you’re leaking.

3. Freedom in any context is never absolute. Freedom of Media is essential but rising concerns of misinformation, data manipulation, fake news, populism etc. in the current environment are making authorities to place regulations on it to some extent.

Learn more about international conflict visit: brainly.com/question/27497321


Correct Question:

1. Should the government be able to restrict or censor unpatriotic, disloyal, or critical speech in times of international conflict?

2. what about from government whistle-blowers or employees who leak sensitive information?

3. How much freedom should journalists have to report on stories from the perspective of enemies or to repeat propaganda from opposing forces?

What are 4 needs for control in non for profit organizations?


Any non-profit organization, regardless of size, should have the minimum internal controls listed below.

Monthly reconcile and review bank statements. Use proper cash management techniques. Keep records of your non-cash revenue. Use credit and debit cards responsibly.

Separate financial responsibilities: Effective internal controls prevent any one person from being in charge of two or more stages of a financial operation or transaction. Examine and reconcile your bank statements every month: A person who does not write or sign checks for the organization should reconcile its bank statements every month. Along with the monthly statement, it is also advisable to keep copies of cheques, wire transfer details, and other information on deposits and withdrawals.

Adopt cash handling practices: Ideally, cash should be collected via a cash register or multiple-copy receipt book. The organization should set up two persons to accept, record, and monitor the collection at fundraising events or other times when it gets money, and a third person to arrange for the deposit. Show proof of income from non-cash sources: At the absolute least, you should record income from sources other cash, such as credit cards, cheques, and so forth, in a notebook or log.

Learn more about profit organizations visit: brainly.com/question/26476622


professor patty is very distraught that three students in her class cannot afford to buy the 42- chapter book for the course. the book is used for two semesters, although not all students take the second semester. she finally tells the three students that she will make copies of the first 21 chapters for them, at no charge. professor patty makes the copies and gives each chapter to the students prior to her coverage of the relevant chapter in class. if professor patty is sued for copyright infringement


She suffers even though she plagiarizes large portions of the text, including entire sections.

What is the name for a plagiarist?

Instances of plagiarism. a person who presents someone else's words or thoughts as his own. Academic pirate, pirate, plagiarizer, and plagiarist are similar terms.

What results from plagiarism?

Accusations made of plagiarism may result in a participant's suspension or expulsion. The ethics violation may be reflected in students disciplinary achievements, which could result throughout the individual being denied admission to academia from junior high or perhaps another college. Academic institutions, colleges, and institutions all take plagiarism quite seriously.

To know more about plagiarizes visit:



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

What are interest groups and how do they attempt to shape public policy ?


Any association of people or groups, usually formally constituted, that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of one or more common concerns is known as an interest group.

To advance themselves or their goals, all interest groups share the ambition to influence governmental policy. Their objective may be to implement a policy that only benefits members of their group or a interest group specific sector of society (such as government subsidies for farmers) or to accomplish a more general public objective (e.g., improving air quality). By exerting pressure on decision-makers to change the course of policy in their favor, they try to lobby, or advance, their objectives.

Any association of people or groups, usually formally constituted, that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of one or more common concerns is known as an interest group, sometimes known as a special interest group, advocacy group, or pressure group.

Learn more about interest group here



Which of the following types of riders would require signed acceptance by the insured if it was added after the base policy is issued?
A.A rider needed to avoid duplication of Medicare benefits
B.A rider designed to exercise a specific, reserved right
C.A rider requested in writing by the insured
D.A rider to reduce coverage under the policy


D. A rider to reduce coverage under the policy would require signed acceptance by the insured if it was added after the base policy is issued.

What is the base policy?

The Vitality Integrated Policy, which is the underlying life insurance policy that is linked to the Vitality Active Program, is referred to as the Base Policy. Example 1. Base Policy refers to this policy's comprehensive coverage, excluding any potential additions. A basic or primary health insurance policy protects you against all medical unforeseen circumstances. When purchasing a health insurance policy, you must choose a sum insured amount. Up to the amount of coverage you choose for your sum insured, the policy pays for hospitalization and medical treatment costs incurred. A base premium is the portion of an insurance policy's premium that is used to calculate the amount of reinsurance premium that will apply to the coverage. It is also referred to as a subject premium or an underlying premium.

To learn more about the health insurance policy click on the given link:



What are the goals of monetary policy which goal is the most important or the principal goal?


The goal of monetary policy would be to maintain the purchasing power of money by ensuring minimal, stable, and expected hyperinflation.

Describe monetary policy.

The term "monetary policy" describes the economic strategy of the central bank. The government of a country use this demand-side economic strategy to pursue goals in the areas of inflation, consumption, growth, and agility. It requires regulating the monetary base and rate of return.

What sort of monetary policy would that be?

Monetary policy refers to the steps taken by a country's central bank to control the supply of money in order to ensure economic stability. To improve labor, GDP, and macroeconomic stability, for instance, authorities control the flow of money using tools like treasury yields, reserves, loans, etc.

To know more about monetary policy visit:



cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Cherokee leader Wilma Pearl Mankiller reminds us that Iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations past and future when making decisions that affect their people.

Who was the first leader of the Iroquois?

Hiawatha is an important figure in the pre-colonial history (c. 1400-1450) of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) of what is now southern Ontario and upstate New York. In the Iroquois tradition Hiawatha, an Onondaga tribe born among the Mohawks, to form an alliance between 1570 and 1600. He is best known for uniting the five nations of Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk into a political coalition. It is attributed to Decanawida (Peacemaker), who is said to have to promote authority, justice and great law.

How did the Iroquois choose their leaders?

Iroquois leaders were usually elected by the women of the tribe, and these leaders represented the tribes at tribal confederation meetings.

To learn more about Iroquois leader visit:



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