A family of four is going to the amusement park. Tickets normally cost $56.99 per person. The park is offering a deal where a package of four tickets costs $155. How much will the family save if they buy the package deal?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


227.96-155= 72.96

Answer 2
They will say 72.96 dollars if the bought the family package

56.99 x 4= 227.96
155 - 227.96= 72.96

Related Questions

Tuck everlasting Please help i cant think of anything to write
Remember, to make an inference about a story, you must consider the TEXT CLUES + BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE you have about the topic/characters, etc.

In this assignment, you will choose a character and a character trait that you can INFER applies to that person. You will explain how you came to the inference using TEXT EVIDENCE and your own knowledge.

Read the following text frame and example.
Mae Tuck is a ___________________ person. TELL in your own words how you know. In the text it says,(FILL IN EVIDENCE). Based on these story clues, I can infer that she is ________
because (EXPLAIN).


Mae Tuck is a caring person. I know this because Mae tries to make Winnie feel better after the Tucks are forced to kidnap her. Some evidence to prove this idea can be found on p. 34 when Babbitt writes, “Mae Tuck’s round face wrinkled in dismay. ‘Dear Lord, don’t cry! Please don’t cry, child!’ she implored. ‘We’re not bad people, truly we’re not.’” This evidence shows that Mae is trying to soothe Winnie’s feelings of fear and help her to be calm and know they won’t hurt her. Also, Mae tries to make Winnie feel at home when she has to sleep at the Tucks’ house. Mae gives Winnie a chair pad for a pillow and offers her a nightgown to sleep in. On p. 70, Babbitt writes, “‘But still,’ Mae lingered. ‘We been alone so long, she said at last, ‘I guess we don’t know how to do with visitors. But still and all, it’s a good feeling, you being here with us. I wish you was…ours.’” This statement shows that Mae has grown to feel like Winnie is their child and that she cares about Winnie as if she were her daughter and doesn’t want her to go home.”
Now you will do the same.
Choose one of these characters: Tuck, Jesse, Miles, or the Man in the Yellow Suit.
Choose one of these character traits that you can INFER fits the character:
youthful, serious, greedy, earnest, optimistic, humorous, dishonest, selfish
Write a paragraph like the example above, using the text frame to help you.
YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST TWO REASONS AND PIECES OF EVIDENCE from the text (cited and explained) in your paragraph.



thx for points

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that a phone that originally sold for $800 loses of its value each year after it is released. After 2 years, how much is the phone worth? Write an equation for the value of the phone, , years after it is released.






Someone plss help ehgfsbehgbake


Answer: The answer is answer (C) sorry if I am wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

5x + 38 is less than or equal to 8 - 20x.25x is less than or equal to -30.x is less than or equal to -(6/5).Hence, the correct answer is (C).

will give brainlesit to the best giving answer



D! See explanation below!

Step-by-step explanation:

D is absolutely correct!

And I'll explain why:

The area of the trapezoid is (lower base + upper base) times (height) divide 2

So:[tex](4+7)(8)/2\\=11(4)\\=44 (cm)^{2}[/tex]

The area of the Triangle is (Base)(Height)/2


Well, 44 is larger than 30, so the answer's D!!!

Hoped I helped. (P.S. I love math!!!)

The answer is definitely D


Two​ trains, Train A and Train​ B, weigh a total of 417 tons. Train A is heavier than Train B. The difference of their weights is 249 tons. What is the weight of EACH​ train?


Subtract 249 from 417 and you’ll get 168 then divide 168 by 2 and you’ll then get 84

So train b is 84 tons

Train A is 249+84 so 333

Which equation has the solution x = 6?

Select true if the equation has the solution x = 6. Select false if the equation does not have the solution x = 6. x3×6=18 is False, 4(x+2)=16 is true, x−2=2 is False and 3x + 8 = 14 is true.



1. false 2. true 3. false 4. false

Step-by-step explanation:

1 is false 2 is true and 3faulse same wit 4

EASY QUESTIONS FOR EASY POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT IS 2+10????
WHAT IS 60 divided by 2?????
WHAT IS 75 divided by 5???
I know the answer to this I'm just telling you to answer it though for the full points


and thank you for the points :))))) i appreciate it :’)

The length of a rectangle is 8 more than the width of the rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 40 centimeters. Write and solve an equation to determine the length and width of the rectangle. (Please show work!)



the lenth of a rentangle is 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help ASAP!!!!50 points!!!!!!!!No fake answers!!!!!!!!!!!!need ALL answers ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
please please please don't waste my points!!!!!!!! ONE ANSWER PER QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all questions MUST BE ANSWERED!!!!!


The fraction is: 2/3
the percentage: 60%

Help me please please help me



Go by the 5 times table and on

Step-by-step explanation:

There saying what numbers can you multiply to get ten.

once you find at least four/five of them, reverse it so it can be division.

Them use ether numbers you used to divide as your answer.

I hope this helps!  ✨

go on the internet and do a 5x5 multiplication table

Hailey used 2 2/3 liters of cola to completely fill 2 bottles. If the bottles are all the same size, how many liters of cola does each bottle hold? Enter your answer below



they each hold 1 1/3 litters of cola

Step-by-step explanation:

Because if there is 2 2/3 liters of cola

then you either divide it by 2

or you can look at it and see what would add evenly to make that number

in this case it would be 1 1/3

1 1/3 +1 1/3= 2 2/3

please mark me as brainliest

hope this helps!

how are you? <3 does anyone know the song stand out fit in? 23x5=?


I’m good and yes I do know that song

Answer: The answer is 115

Find the volume of the prism shown.



Volume of a pyramid is




^yeah thats what i got to!

i don't get it. Please help me with this geometry



I belive the answer is 2 per edge

Step-by-step explanation:

because it is 1/2 per edge and there is 4 cubes on the edge.

The answer should be 2 per edge

The opening of a bird’s nest is in the form of a circle. The opening has a diameter of 18 centimeters. What is the area of the opening?


Answer: 254.6cm2

Step-by-step explanation: pi(3.14)∗9(2)=22/7∗81=254.6

254.6cm2 would be the answer

can somebody plz help for brainliest


part A: no nether have a negative slope
part B: i would say function 1 has a greater Roc
A- Neither have a negative slope
B- Function 1 has a greater rate of change.

Need help please show work


The answer is C. 37.5

please help asap!!


I believe the correct answer is C - 1,152

Can someone help me out a little I got confused when it said what is the slope of the line.


rise over run rise 3 over 1 is slope
It’s 3 over 1 just put that

Brittany has a hoop. She wants to put tape around the edge of the hoop.
How long does the tape have to be to cover the hoop completely?


Answer: 9.42 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

circumference=diameter times pi


c=3 * 3.14 =9.42

Answer: 9.42 feet

Step-by-step explanation: :p

So Maurice just bought a new home. The home can be represented by the function y = 200,000(1.025)^x. What is the growth rate of the value of Maurice's home each year after 2000 and what would the property value of Maurice's home be after 40 years?


The growth would be 2.19 after each year

13 points please help


90 degrees in a right angle. skipping 12. a supplementary angle is 180 degrees. x is 30. complementary is 90. skip the one you answered. i think the next one is also 157. i’m skipping 16 i keep blanking out. hope i helped a little bit
12. X=20 16. X=19
Explanation: I worked it out

Which of the following equations is true?

A. 12x + 3 = 4x + 10
B. 12x + 3 = 7x + 1
C. 7x + 1 = 6x + 5
D. 7x + 1 = 4x + 10


All expect A , i am in 8th grade now so i barely even know but i found out and it’s all expect a !
I think it’s D

Correct me if I’m wrong

Pat borrowed $2,000 to help pay college expenses. The interest rate was 8% annually, and she will repay the loan in 6 years. What is the total amount she will pay back in the 6 years? pls help



which is $160

Step-by-step explanation:

2,000 of 8%

= 160

2,000 divided by 8%

in inglis:

In the next 6 years she will pay only: "R$ 160,00"

in portugues;e

Nos próximos 6 anos ela ppagará apenas: "R$ 160,00"

answer: (responda)

[tex]8[/tex]%[tex]de[/tex][tex]\frac{8}{100} .2000 = \frac{8.2000}{100} = \frac{8.20}{1} = \frac{160}{1} = 160[/tex]

help please nowwwwwwwwwwwwww


A, the first option is correct
It’s A!!! I did the answerrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrr

One sanctuary had 180 green sea turtles come ashore to lay eggs last year. This year, the number of turtles increased by 10%. How many turtles came ashore to lay eggs in the sanctuary this year?



198 turtles

Step-by-step explanation:

10% of 180 is 18


198 turtles

The perimeter of a rectangle is 86. The length of the rectangle is one more than twice the width. Determine the length and width of the rectangle.


There are two equation of the system

(1) The perimeter

    2(w + l) = p

    2(w + l) = 86

(2) The length and the width

     2w = l + 2

From the second equation

2w = l + 2

l + 2 = 2w

l = 2w - 2

Subtitute l with 2w - 2 in the first equation to find the width

2(w + l) = 86

2(w + 2w - 2) = 86

2(3w - 2) = 86

6w - 4 = 86

6w = 90

w = 15

Now, find the length by subtituting w with 15

l = 2w - 2

l = 2(15) - 2

l = 30 - 2

l = 28

The dimension of the rectangle

length = 28 cm

width = 15 cm

How do you figure out this question?


It’s D
d is the answer to the question

answer asap pleaseeee




Step-by-step explanation:




( -1, -1 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Just multiply the scale factor with the coordinates

-3 × [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{-3}{3}[/tex]

= -1

So the coordinates are :

( -1, -1 )

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