A dog must be at least 17 pounds to enter the dog park.Which description best represents the weight the dog needs to be?Any value less than or equal to 17Any value equal to 17Any value greater than 17Any value greater than or equal to 17


Answer 1


4th option: Any value greater than or equal to 17


According to the statement, the first must be at least 17 pounds to enter the dog park, which means that the minimum weight is 17 pounds.

Which means the best way to represent it is any value greater than or equal to 17.

Related Questions

hi good afternoon pls I need solution to a problem the question goes like this : The horizontal floor of a water reservoir is said to be 1.0m deep when viewed vertically from above .if the refractive index of water is 1.35 calculate the real depth of the reservoir a)2.35mb)1.35mc)1.00md)0.35m


[tex]\begin{gathered} n1sin\theta1=n2sin\theta2 \\ 1sin(90)=1.35sin\theta2 \\ \theta2=47.79\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

First, you have to use Snell's law to calculate the refractive angle. Remember the light enters at a 90 angle and the refractive index of air is 1.

[tex]\begin{gathered} h\cdot sin\theta2=1m \\ h=\frac{1}{sin(47.79)}=1.35m \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the resistance is 150 Ohm connected to 300 volt line. Calculate the current drawn by the line.



The resistance of the line is,

[tex]R=150\text{ Ohm}[/tex]

The potential difference across the line is,

[tex]V=300\text{ Volts}[/tex]

The current is given by from Ohm's law as,


substituting the values we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} i=\frac{300\text{ Volts}}{150\text{ Ohm}} \\ =2\text{ A} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the current drawn by the line is 2A.

What is the magnitude of a force that is required to keep a spring with a spring constant 205 N/m compressed 0.4 m from its starting point?


By Hooke's law we have that the magnitude of the force exerted by a pricng is given by:


where k is the spring constant and x is the length of extension or compression, then we have:


Therefore the force is 82 N

In the figure below a given point charge is shown following five different paths through a uniform electric field. In which path is the change in potential energy for the point charge the greatest? (The electric field lines are shown in blue and the paths are show in green.)



Path D


We want to identify the path for which the change in potential energy for the point charge is greatest.

The change in potential energy of the point charge is equal to the amount of work that is done by the charge to move from its position along the path taken. This implies that the greatest change in potential energy will occur along the path that requires that the most work is done.

Work done is dependent on force and distance moved by the point charge. Hence, the farther the distance travelled by the point charge, the greater the work done in the motion.

Since path D has the longest distance, then, it is in path D that the change in potential energy for the point charge is the greatest.

A person with a mass of 78.0 kg is standing on a bathroom scale in an elevator that is accelerating downwards at a rate of 1.25 m/s2What is the normal force? (the reading on the scale)(input your answer with one decimal place)



• Mass, m = 78.0 kg


• Acceleration = 1.25 m/s²

Let's find the normal force.

To find the normal force, apply the formula for Newton's second law:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Sigma F_y=ma_y \\ \\ F-mg=-ma \end{gathered}[/tex]


m is the mass of the person = 78.0 kg

a is the acceleration = 1.25 m/s²

g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

F is the normal force

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=mg-ma \\ \\ F=m(g-a) \\ \\ F=78(9.8-1.25) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving further:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=78(8.55) \\ \\ F=666.9\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The reading on the scale will be in kilograms.

Hence, we have:

[tex]m=\frac{N}{g}=\frac{666.9}{9.8}=68.1\text{ kg}[/tex]

Therefore, the reading on the scale will be 68.1 kg or 666.9 N


666.9 N

On slide 2f and 2g, what is the value of ΣF if the object is in equilibrium?a)0N b)It is impossible to tell


From the given figure, let's determine sum of forces (ΣF) if the object is in equilibrum.

When an object is said to be in equilibrum, the forces are balanced. This means that the object is in a state of equilibrum.

If an object is in a state of equilibrum, the sum of all forces is zero.

Therefore, we have:

ΣFx = 0 N

ΣFy = 0 N

ΣF = √(ΣFx)² + (ΣFy)²= 0 N

Therefore, the value of ΣF if the object is in equilibrum is 0N.


a) 0N



Property that makes cup and spoon get hot is, (C) Heat was convicted to the cup and spoon where the hot water molecules moved through the cooler molecules in the surrounding and transferred the heat.

What is heat?

Heat is a physical property that means when an object is collected into the fire it can absorb some energy through the fire. That energy is called heat. It can be measured by °c.

How can we conclude the statement about heat?

Heat is a property that transfers its energy into a cooler object to maintain equilibrium. When the chocolate object and hot water were poured into a ceramic cup it start transferring the heat.

As we know ceramic is heat conducting particle. It can be absorb the heat and transferred it too. So when the hot water is poured in there, the heat has connection with the cold ceramic cup and spoon.

Then the heat started to transfer his heat into the cold ceramic cup and spoon to maintain the energy. The ceramic cup and spoon started to collect the heat within them.

For this reason, Priya's cup and spoon become hot. So from this discussion we can conclude that,

The Heat was convicted to the cup and spoon where the hot water molecules moved through the cooler molecules in the surrounding and transferred the heat.

Learn more about heat:



Answer: (C) Heat was convicted to the cup and spoon where the hot water molecules moved through the cooler molecules in the surrounding and transferred the heat.

005 (part 1 of 3) A 59 N object is in free fall. What is the magnitude of the net force which acts on the object? Answer in units of N.006 (part 2 of 3) What is the magnitude of the net force when the object encounters 23.4 N of air resistance? Answer in units of N.007 (part 3 of 3) What is the magnitude of the net force when it falls fast enough to encounter an air resistance of 59 N?Answer in units of N.


Given that weight of the object, mg= 59 N

Here, m is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

(a) The net force acting on the object is

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=mg \\ =59\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(b) Given that object encounters air resistance of 23.4 N which acts in opposite direction of free fall.

Thus, the net force will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} F^{\prime}=\text{ mg-air resistance} \\ =59-23.4 \\ =35.6\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(c) Given that air resistance is 59 N.

Thus the net force will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} F^{\doubleprime}=\text{ 59-59} \\ =0\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the net forcce is zero in this case.

A force of 600 N is applied to stretch a spring by 15 cm. What is the spring constant of the spring?

A. 0.025
B. 40 N/m
C. 4000 N/m
D. 9000 N/M


The value of the Spring Constant, k is 40 N/m

The formula for Spring Force(F) is given by

F = - kx

where F is the spring force,

k is the spring constant

x is the displacement

This type of force is Conservative in nature as its magnitude only depends on the initial and final points. It is a restoring force.

The given Information is as follows,

F = Spring Force = 600 N

x = displacement = 15 cm

Now, Spring Constant = k = F/x = 600/15 = 40

Thus, The value of the Spring Constant, k is 40 N/m

To read more about Spring Constant, visit https://brainly.com/question/14159361


A rocket in outer space is traveling toward a far-off planet. An astronaut turns on the rocket’s engines, which exerts a force on the rocket. There is no gravity or air resistance.When the astronaut turns off the engines, what will the rocket do?possible answersIt will steadily slow down because no forces are acting on it.It will continue moving with a constant speed because no forces are acting on it.It will continue moving with a constant speed because the force from the engines is still acting on it.It will steadily slow down until the force from the engines is gone.



It will continue moving at a constant speed because no forces are acting on it.


By the second law of Newton, the force is proportional to the acceleration. If there is no force, there is no acceleration. So, when the astronaut turns off the engines, the rocket will have no acceleration which means that the speed will be constant.

Therefore, the answer is:

It will continue moving at a constant speed because no forces are acting on it.

Use Polya's four-step problem-solving strategy to solve the following exercise.A frog is at the bottom of a 13-foot well. Each time the frog leaps, it moves up 3 feet. If the frog has not reached the top of the well, then the frog slides back 1 foot before it is ready to make another leap. How many leaps will the frog need to escape the well?______ leaps



6 leaps


Keep adding 2 until the sum is 10 and count the number of 2 that has been added. Then add 1 to that number, as the last jump will cover the remaining 3 feet and the frog will reach the top of the well.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2+2+2+2+2=10 \\ 5\text{ leaps} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Carry out the plan

The number of 2 added is 5.

Add 1 to the number 5.

5+1 = 6

Hence, the total number of leaps is 7.

For 1st leap

3- 1 = 2

For 2nd leap

2+3 = 5-1 = 4

For 3rd leap

4+3=7-1 = 6

For 4th leap

6+3=9-1 = 8

For 5th leap


For 6th leap

10+3 = 13

Hence, the total number of leaps is 6

How much heat is necessary to change 500 g of ice at - 10°C to water at 20°C ?


Apply the specific heat equation:

q= mcΔT

q= heat energy

m= mass = 500g

c = specific heat capacity = 4.186 J/gC

ΔT= change in temperature = 30°

q= 500g x 4.186 J/gC x 30 C = 62,790 Joules

Then apply the latent heat formula:

q= mL

L = latent heat fusion, vaporization, etc for the substance = 334 J/g

q = 500 x 334 J/g = 167,000 J

Total q = 62,790 + 167,000 = 229,790 J

11 When early humans discovered fire, it likely changed the way they survived in harsh winter climates. What is another change that happened around the same time because of this discovery? A. Their diets moved from nuts and berries to include meat. B. They developed salves or ointments to deal with burns. C. Their language skills progressed to describe things like fire. D. They learned how to preserve food through fermentation.


Another change that happened around the same time as discovery of fire was that their diets moved from nuts and berries to include meat. So, the correct option is (A)

What was the influence of Fire on Human Evolution?

Humans must have learned to handle fire very early in human history. Most likely due to natural sources such as lightning strikes and naturally occurring forest fires. It wasn't until much later that mankind invented how to make fire. Hominidae (genus Homo) appeared in East Africa about 2.5 million years ago, and fire is closely associated with many stages of evolution. The ability to cook food is thought to have led to the rise of Homo erectus from its more primitive ancestors.

Cooked foods provide much more energy than raw foods with low food consumption. This may have given time to develop social skills too. Cooked foods also detoxify potentially harmful bacteria. This has increased the variety of food available.

Cooking with fire is thought to have developed a large brain. These factors are thought to have driven the evolution of other human traits, including large brains and bodies, small teeth, modern limb proportions, and many social aspects of human-related behavior ( Wrangham et al. 1999). Indeed, by softening food, fire may have had a significant impact on extending human life beyond the age of healthy teeth.

To know more about Human Evolution visit:



One end of a thin rod is attached to a pivot about which it can rotate without friction. Air resistance is absent. The rod has a length of 0.48 m and is uniform. It is hanging vertically straight downward. The end of the rod nearest the floor is given a linear speed V so that the rod begins to rotate upward about the pivot. What must be the value of V such that the rod comes to a momentary halt in a straight up orientation, exactly opposite to its initial orientation?



5.32 m/s


We can determine the velocity from the following equation (initial kinetic energy:

[tex]\frac{1}{6}\cdot v^2_0=g\cdot L[/tex]

Where L is the length of the rod and g would be gravity, we replace and calculate the value of the initial velocity:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v^2_0=6\cdot9.81\cdot0.48 \\ v^{}_0=\sqrt[]{28.2528} \\ v_0=5.32\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The velocity is 5.32 m/s

8. An object of mass 13 kg going to the right witha speed of 26 m/s collides with a(n) 10 kg object at rest.After collision the 13 kg object moves with a speed of 11 m/smaking an angle of 20 degree with the horizontal-right.Calculate the x-component of the velocity of the 10 kgobject after collision. (1 point)A. 07.069 m/sB. O 17.629 m/sC. O 3.745 m/sD. O 11.865 m/sE. O 20.362 m/s


8)Answer: 20.362 m/s


According to the law of conservation of momentum,

Total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision

Total momentum before collision = m1u1 + m2u2


m1 is the mass of the object moving to the right

u1 is its velocity

m2 is the mass of the object at rest

u2 is its velocity

From the information given,

m1 = 13

u1 = 26

m2 = 10

u2 = 0

Total momentum before collision = 13 x 26 + 10 x 0 = 338

Total momentum after collision = m1v1cosθ1 + m2v2cosθ2


θ1 is the angle made by m1 with the horizontal

θ2 is the angle made by m2 with the horizontal

v1 is the final velocity of m1 after collision

v2 is the final velocity of m2 after collision

From the information given,

v1 = 11

θ1 = 20

Total momentum = 13 x 11cos20 + 10v2cosθ2 = 134.376 + 10v2cosθ2


338 = 134.376 + 10v2cosθ2

10v2cosθ2 = 338 - 134.376 = 203.624

v2cosθ2 = 203.624/10

v2cosθ2 = 20.362 m/s

The x component of the velocity of the 10kg ball after collision is 20.362 m/s

Even when the head is held erect, as in the figure below, its center of mass is not directly over the principal point of support (the atlanto-occipital joint). The muscles in the back of the neck musttherefore exert a force to keep it erect. That is why your head falls forward when you fall asleep in class. If the perpendicular distance between the line of action for the weight of the head and thepivot point is rw = 2.4 cm and the perpendicular distance between the line of action for theforce the muscles exert on the head and the pivot point is rMi=5.1 cm. determine each or thefollowina. (Assume the weight of the head is 50 N.)


We are asked to determine the force required by the neck muscle in order to keep the head in equilibrium. To do that we will add the torques produced by the muscle force and the weight of the head. We will use torque in the clockwise direction to be negative, therefore, we have:

[tex]\Sigma T=r_{M\perp}(F_M)-r_{W\perp}(W)[/tex]

Since we want to determine the forces when the system is at equilibrium this means that the total sum of torque is zero:


Now, we solve for the force of the muscle. First, we add the torque of the weight to both sides:


Now, we divide by the distance of the muscle:


Now, we substitute the values:


Now, we solve the operations:


Therefore, the force exerted by the muscles is 23.53 Newtons.

Part B. To determine the force on the pivot we will add the forces we add the vertical forces:

[tex]\Sigma F_v=F_j-F_M-W[/tex]

Since there is no vertical movement the sum of vertical forces is zero:


Now, we add the force of the muscle and the weight to both sides to solve for the force on the pivot:


Now, we plug in the values:


Solving the operations:


Therefore, the force is 73.53 Newtons.

2. One of your classmates, in a fit of unrestrained ego, jumps onto a lab table!a) Draw a qualitative force diagram for the table. Use marks on the vectors to show the balance of forces.b) Your classmate's mass is 65 kg and the table weighs 500 N. Calculate the normal force on thetable by the floor. Show your work!c) Find the mass of the table.




Apply newton's second law

N = Wm + Wt

N = normal

Wm = weight of the man = mass of classmate *gravity= 65 kg * 9.8 m/s = 637 N

Wt = weight of the table = 500 N

N = 637 + 500 = 1,137 N

c) Weight = mass x gravity

Mass = Weight / gravity = 500 N / 9.8 m/s^2 = 51.02 kg

Questions : 1. What is the penguin’s average velocity during the chase? 2. What is the penguin’s average speed during the chase?



• Distance traveled rightward = 6 m


• Distance traveled leftward = 10 m


• Total time, t = 30 s

Let's solve for the following:

• (1). What is the penguin’s average velocity during the chase?

To find the average velocity, apply the formula:



• v is the average velocity in m/s


• d is the displacement


• t is the total time in seconds.

The displacement given a 6 meters rightward move and 10 m leftward move is:

d = 6m + (-10 m) = 6m - 10m = -4 m

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{-4}{30} \\ \\ v=-0.13\text{m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The average velocity is -0.13 m/s.

• (2). What is the penguin’s average speed during the chase?

To find the average speed, we have:


v is the average speed in m/s

d is the total distance = 6m + 10m = 16m

t is the total time = 30 s

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{16}{30} \\ \\ v=0.53\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The average speed is 0.53 m/s.


0. Average velocity = -0.13 m/s


1. Average speed = 0.53 m/s

A 45.8 kg block is placed on an inclined plane that is 44.2 degrees from the horizontal. What is the acceleration of the block? Ignore friction.I have to do the following:1. Draw a free body diagram2.Identify Givens and Unknowns3.Identify the Equations4.Set up the equation using the givens and unknowns5.Solve



The acceleration of the block = 6.83 m/s²


The free body diagram representing the given description is:

The mass of the block, m = 45.8 kg

The angle of inclination, θ = 44.2°

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m/s²

Applying Newton's second law of motion

∑F = ma

mgsinθ = ma

Divide both sides by m

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{mg\sin \theta}{m}=\text{ }\frac{ma}{m} \\ a\text{ = gsin}\theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

a = 9.8 sin (44.2)

a = 9.8(0.697)

a = 6.83 m/s²

Suppose a person pushes a box over a distance of 5.48 m with a constant force of 427.5 N. How much work do they do over this distance?



2342.7 J


The work can be calculated as

W = Fd

Where F is the force and d is the distance.

Replacing F = 427.5 N and d = 5.48 m, we get

W = (427.5 N)(5.48 m)

W = 2342.7 J

Therefore, the answer is 2342.7 J

Data/Research:Mass: _ 1 kgMaterial: CopperInitial temperature (Ti measure in °C): _330°Final temperature (T, measure in ºc): 3300at*C.Specific heat (c value measure in J/kg.°C):Phase Change Temperatures:Melting (melting point)the change from___to___Bolling.(boiling point)the change from___to___Heat of fusion (H, value measure in J/kg):Heat of vaporization (H, value measure in J/kg):


Specific heat (C) for copper is 389 J/kg.°C.

Melting (melting point) the change from soild to liquid at 1084.62°C.

Boiling (boiling point) the change from liquid to gas at 2595°C.

Heat of fusion of copper is 206000 J/kg.

Heat of vaporization of copper is 4730000 J/kg.

Vector C is 6.28 units long in a105° direction. In unit vectornotation, this would be writtenas:C = [?]î + [?]i coefficient (green)j corfficient (yellow)


We have a vector 6.28 units long in 105° direction

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6.28\cos (105)=-1.62 \\ 6.28\sin (105)=6.03 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the vector C is


ulietta and Jackson are playing miniature golf. Julietta's ball rolls into a long, straight upward incline with a speed of 3.24 m/s and accelerates at -0.234 m/s/s for 2.56 seconds until it reaches the top of the incline and then continues along an elevated section. Determine the length of the incline?


The distance that is covered by the  ball is  22.4 m.

What is the length of the incline?

We know that the length of the incline is the distance that have been travelled by the ball as it rolls up the incline. We have to use the formula for motion which is;

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

v = final  velocity

u = initial velocity

a = acceleration

s = distance


3.24^2 = 0^2 -  2(-0.234) * s

3.24^2 = -  2(-0.234) * s

s =  3.24^2/-  2(-0.234)

s = 22.4 m

Thus the ball would roll up a distance of about  22.4 m.

Learn more about velocity:https://brainly.com/question/18084516


A woman standing before a cliff claps her hands, 3.6s later she hears the echo. How far away is the cliff? The speed of sound in air at ordinary temperature is 353m/s.


Since we know that the time it takes to the cliff will be half the time it takes for the echo to be heard, the distance is:

[tex]t=\frac{3.6s}{2}\Rightarrow t=1.8s[/tex][tex]d=\frac{353m}{s}\cdot1.8s\Rightarrow d=635.4m[/tex]

So, the cliff is 635.4 meters away.

A sample of gas in a cylinder is compressed by a piston at a constant pressure of 0.800 atm. The volume of the cylinder decreases from 8.50 L to 2.00 L, while at the same time 320 J of energy leaves the gas by heat.
What is the work done on the gas (in J)?


The work done on the gas 526.89 Joule.

What is work done?

The amount of force multiplied by the distance the thing travelled in the direction of the applied force is how much work is done on an object.

Work is equal to force times distance.

Given parameters:

Constant pressure of the gas: p = 0.800 atm.

Initial volume of the cylinder: V₁ = 8.50 L.

Final volume of the cylinder: V₂ = 2.00 L.

Energy leaves the gas by heat: E = 320 J.

So,  the work done by the gas (W) = pΔV = p(V₂ - V₁)

= 0.800(2.00 - 8.50) atm-lit

= - 5.2 atm-lit

= - 5.2×101.325 Joule

= - 526.89 Joule.

Hence, The work done on the gas 526.89 Joule.

Learn more about work here:



Monica is loading a box that weighs 96 N into a truck. She pushes the box up a ramp using a force of 32 N. What is the mechanical advantage of the ramp?a. 3.0b. 128 Nc. 0.33d. 64 N


The mechanical advantage is given by:

[tex]MA=\frac{\text{ output force}}{\text{ input force}}[/tex]

In this case the output force is 96 N and the input force is 32 N, then we have:


Therefore, the mechanical advantage is 3

As soon a the starting gun sounded out, a sprinter rapidly accelerated from rest to her top speed. Does the KE and PE increase, decrease, or stay constant?


Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position. The potential energy of the object is directly proportional to its height.

The kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. The kinetic energy of an object is directly proportional to the square of its velocity.

As the sprinter starts to accelerate forward, the sprinter starts to gain velocity but the height of the sprinter remains the same. Thus, the kinetic energy of the sprinter increases and the potential energy remains the same.

A police officer in hot pursuit drives her car through a circular turn of radius 379 mwith a constant speed of 90.0 km/h. Her mass is 52.0 kg.What are (a) themagnitude and (b) the angle (relative to vertical) of the net force of the officer onthe car seat? (Hint: Consider both horizontal and vertical forces.)


The centripetal force keeps the car in the circle. This force is directed towards the center of the circle. The upward force on the police officer is f = mg and the centripetal force is represented as follows


The net force will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{net}=F_c+mg \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{(\frac{mv^2}{r})^2+(mg)^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} r=379m \\ m=52.0\text{ kg} \\ \text{speed}=90\text{ km/h} \\ \text{speed}=25\text{ m/s} \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{(\frac{52\times25^2}{379})^2+(52\times9.8)^2} \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{(\frac{32500}{379})^2+(509.6)^2} \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{(85.7519788918)^2+259692.16} \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{7353.40188386+259692.16} \\ F_{net}=\sqrt[]{267045.561884} \\ F_{net}=516.764512988 \\ F_{net}\approx516.76N \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan \emptyset=\frac{\frac{mv^2}{r}}{mg} \\ \tan \emptyset=\frac{mv^2}{r}\times\frac{1}{mg} \\ \tan \emptyset=\frac{v^2}{rg} \\ \tan \emptyset=\frac{25^2}{379\times9.8} \\ \tan \emptyset=\frac{625}{3714.2} \\ \tan \emptyset=0.16827311399 \\ \emptyset=\tan ^{-1}0.16827311399 \\ \emptyset=9.55185382438 \\ \emptyset=9.55^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Current is measured through a resistor during a laboratory experiment. 1.833 C of charge is measured to pass through the resistor in 1,538 s. What is the current of the circuit? (6 decimal places)



The charge passed through the resistor, q=1.833 C

The time, t=1,538 s

The electric current can be defined as the time rate of flow of charge. Thus the electric current that passes through the resistor is given by,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{1.833}{1538} \\ =1.191807\times10^{-3}\text{ A} \\ =1.191807\text{ mA} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the current of the circuit is 1.191807 mA.

An object with a mass of 3.2 kg has a force
What is the resulting acceleration of the object?
of 7.3 newtons
applied to it.


2.28125 ms^-2  is the resulting acceleration of the object.

Force = ma


a=7.3 newtons/ 3.2 kg

a=2.28125 ms^-2

Acceleration is the rate of change in a moving object's speed and direction over time. When anything moves faster or slower, it is considered to be accelerating. Motion on a circle increases even while the speed is constant because the direction is always changing.

Since acceleration has both a magnitude and a direction, it is a vector quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity as well. The definition of acceleration is the change in velocity vector during a time interval divided by the time interval.

To know more about  acceleration visit : https://brainly.com/question/13154163


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