A country is dealing with a serious macroeconomic problem. The value of the
country's currency has dropped rapidly in recent months. Products that used
to sell for $10 now cost over $100 at stores. People who saved money for
years now have very little wealth, as their savings are worth much less than
Which problem is this country dealing with?

a. a rapid growth in GDP
b. a low per capita GDP
c. a high unemployment rate
d. a high level of inflation


Answer 1


Answer 2

The country is dealing with a high level of inflation.

What does high inflation cause?

If inflation stays elevated for too long, it can lead to something economists call hyperinflation. This is when expectations that prices will keep rising fuel more inflation, which reduces the real value of every dollar in your pocket.

What does high inflation do to the economy?

As a result, the rate of inflation increases. Inflation is a sustained rise in overall price levels. Moderate inflation is associated with economic growth, while high inflation can signal an overheated economy. If economic growth accelerates very rapidly, demand grows even faster and producers raise prices continually.

Learn more about inflation here https://brainly.com/question/1082634


Related Questions

Which Empire had a city of the same name in Africa ?


I think it's Ghana Empire Wagadou

Some Americans were against the involvement of the United States in World War I. Which best describes how the United States was able to crack down on possible outbursts against the government?



Explore how President Wilson’s crackdown on dissent during World War I, which was strengthened by the Sedition Act in 1918, put civil liberties at risk, in this video adapted from The Great War: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. Anyone who spoke out against the United States government, the flag, or the armed forces could be arrested and/or imprisoned. This led to a “chilling effect” on civil liberties at the same time that the United States was fighting in a war to “make the world safe for democracy.”


how do forests help in maintaining global climate​



they emit large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This contributes to climate change.


They help us live and keep the air clean realize carbon dioxide

How is business investment different than spending on production?



In business investment you put your money in to get a larger amount if the business grows

In production you create items to be sold at a higher price

Business investment has more risk.


ano ang cohesive device?​


Ang Cohesive devices o, Kohesyong gramatikal ay mga salitang panghalili sa pangngalan sa isang pangungusap. Mayroong dalawang uri ng Kohesyong Gramatikal, ito ay ang mga sumusunod:

Anapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa hulihan ng pangungusap.

Katapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa unahan ng pangungusap.
Tatlong halimbawa ng Cohesive devices:

1) Ito
2) Dito
3) Siya

The weak branch of the government has now become arguably




the judicial branch

78, the judicial branch of government is without a doubt the weakest branch. The judicial branch doesn't have the power to act only to judge and only the executive branch has the choice to carry the judgments or decisions out.

The Founding Fathers considered the US Supreme Court to be the weakest of the three branches of government since, as Alexander Hamilton noted, it held “neither sword nor purse strings.”

Yet while a US president may remain in office for two terms or a maximum of eight years, they are also able to influence public policy for decades to follow through appointments to the US Supreme Court. Indeed, justices serve until they retire, die, or are impeached. The average tenure of a justice is 15 years, though many serve longer.

How would I know if I was reading a fable? A short fenchol story with animals as characters.





it might read as the following "Jackal said " basically you would be told which animal is talking

016-17 SS
Cumulative Exam
As a result of economic growth during the 1950s, the percentage of Americans who were in the middle class
O increased slightly.
O increased greatly.
O decreased slightly.
O decreased greatly.



Option C-

Decreased slightly.

Economic growth during the 1950s, the percentage of Americans who were in the middle class decreased slightly.  Thus, option C is correct.

What is economic growth?

Economic growth increments state limits and the stockpile of public products. At the point when economies develop, states can burden that income and gain the limit and assets expected to give the public labor and products

Cultural changes and innovation and the downfall of associations and the job of globalization — everything have squeezed into what we see as the contracting of the working class and the shift of pay to upper-pay families

There will be changes that will be helping in the way that the middle class were the one that were getting the money. Also, there status of living was increasing. Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about economic growth, here:



Most of the people killed by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust were
O Jewish people.
O Russian people.
O gay people.
O Roma people.



Jewish people



A. Jewish people.



Should the minimum wage be $15? Explain why in at least 3 sentences.


It should be $15 to help reduce poverty. It would also help struggling Americans, especially due to the pandemic who are out of a job. It would also make a better life and more stable living. Mark brainliest :)




yes because people have to go out to work everyday. Considering everything that is going on in the world(the coronavirus). Also jobs that are paying minimum wage are not the best/ easiest. You have to deal with rude people and work from 9 to 5

what is ecosystem.......​


Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment

Hope it helped

Match the location with the type of environmental damage that most likely presents a problem for it.

Northern Forest _________
Midwestern River ________
Oceans _________

fertilizer runoff, acid raid, and thermal water pollution


Northern Forest: acid rain

Midwestern River: fertilizer runoff

Oceans: thermal water pollution

The Northern Forest region, which covers parts of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, is particularly susceptible to acid rain due to its high concentration of granite and other rock formations that cannot neutralize acidic precipitation. Acid rain can damage forests, lakes, and streams and lead to soil erosion.

The Midwestern River region is known for its heavy agriculture industry, and as a result, faces a significant problem of fertilizer runoff. Fertilizers from agricultural activities enter waterways and contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms, which can deplete oxygen in the water and lead to the death of fish and other aquatic life.

Oceans are impacted by thermal pollution, which is caused by the discharge of heated water from industrial processes, power plants, and other human activities.

This discharge can cause water temperatures to increase, leading to a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels and harming marine life. Thermal pollution also causes changes in water density, which can affect the movement of ocean currents and the distribution of nutrients.

for similar questions on environmental damage



Based on this chart, what is the marginal cost, in dollars, to produce four jackets? (5 points)









What was the impact of the revolution on Native American, African Americans and women?



African-Americans fought for both sides, joining whichever side promised them freedom. Native Americans - Throughout the revolution some agreements were made with the natives where they agreed to remain neutral to the fighting.

Identify the region where the Underground Railroad maintained safe houses. (The big red circles are answer choices, and the arrows are the routes of the underground railroad)
A. Nebraska Territory
B. Michigan
C. Louisiana/Mississippi/Arkansas


I think it’s c if I’m wrong than B

Answer: B. Michigan

Explanation: Some of the arrows point to Michigan indicating it contained safe houses which would be used to house slaves who are trying to get to Canada for freedom.

How were the effects of the cold war different and similar in the eastern and western hemispheres of the world?



Eastern Europe fell under the influence of the Soviet Union, and the region was separated from the West. ... When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, all the Soviet Republics bordering Eastern Europe declared independence from Russia and united with the rest of Europe.


Please help! It’s urgent!!!





The advertisement for aircraft below shows airplanes carrying milk
What does this advertisement depict?
exports of U.S. agricultural goods to postwar Europe
economic aid to Europe under the Marshall Plan
resistance to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin
U.S. airpower over Germany during World War II



resistance to blockade of West Berlin


the picture says “Milk... new weapon of democracy” it shows that it’s a democracy against a dictatorship and the only one besides D that makes sense is C

What do you think was the most important factor that caused the French Revolution?

A) The wide gap between the rich and the poor

B) The fact that the issues and concerns of the people were not taken into account by the rulers

C) The fact that there had been a revolution across the Atlantic Ocean



it is a


the ignorance due to the rich. who used to rule over the poor which caused the french revolution


The reasons are all equal


A) The poor were starving and told to eat cake (which was basically saying if you are starving and have no dinner, just eat dessert instead) and this made them angry and caused the "Women's March." This was when a group of peasant women took axes, and pitchforks, and torches and marched through to capitol to protest the sky high price of bread.

B) The Upper Class got one vote (even though they were only 1% of the population), the Middle Class got one vote (even though they were only 10% of the population) and the Lower class got one vote (even though they were 89% of the population). Thus, the Upper and Middle classes voted for the Lower class to have to pay all of the taxes. This, along with the fact that the ruler were living in extravagant luxury, helped fuel the French Revolution.

C) Once the American Colonies had overthrown England, the French had a lot of hope for their own Revolution and had the morale to carry it out.

 What was the invasion of Iraq about



As President Bush declared an end to major combat operations on May 1. the invasion of Iraq went from being an a huge operation for the liberation of the Iraqi populace from the tyranny of the  Saddam Hussain, to an illegal occupation by an outside military force. it had  caused not only tumult across the region, but it had as also helped in creating one of the largest terrorist organizations ever seen, the Islamic State.


16. Which major operation helped turn the tide in the Allies' favor?
the Battle of Dunkirk
Operation Barbarossa
the attack on Pearl Harbor
the D-Day landings

need a answer right away​



Im pretty sure the answer is the D-Day landings.



the answer is D


An organ, in any multicellular organism, would BEST be described as
several types of cells working together for a common purpose.
a group of the same kind of cells with a common structure and function.
a structure containing a single cell that is part of a large system.
a structure made of two or more tissues functioning together for a common



the answer is D





Question 7/10
Your starting salary at a new company is $34,000 and it increase by 2.5% each year
Part A: Write an exponential function that represents this scenario. Format your answer like: A(t) =a (1 + r)


Answer: $38467.88

Explanation:V is the salary is 5 years

P is the when you first joined

R is the percentage increase per year

N is the number of years



×(1+2.5%)5 =34000×1.0255

= $38467.88 (2dp)

Did the population of Kansas decrease in the 1800's





Yea it did I think that is the answe

England's Magna Carta limited the power of the...


England's Magna Carta limited the power of the government

The graph shows changing population statistics during the early part of the twentieth century.

A line graph showing African American Population by Region, 1900 to 1930 comparing the Midwest to Northeast. X axis is years 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930. Y axis is Population in increments of 500,000 starting at 0 and ending at 1,500,000. In 1900 and 1910 both regions were around 500,000. In 1920 both grew to around 750,000, and in 1930 both were close to 1,250,000.

By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast

had more than tripled since 1900.
had more than doubled since 1900.
had increased by half since 1900.
had remained the same since 1900.



By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast  had more than doubled since 1900.


Given that the African-American population in the Midwest and Northeast was 500,000 people in 1900, and rose to 1,250,000 by 1930, to determine the percentage by which said population increased, the following calculation must be performed:

500,000 = 1

1,250,000 = X

1,250,000 x 1 / 500,000 = X

2.5 = X

Thus, the African American population in those regions had more than doubled during that period of time.

What current movement is similar to the women's suffrage movement?


boys suffer movement to the states

Which Supreme Court case expanded the right to legal counsel to all cases involving any jail time?
Powell v. Alabama (1932)
Johnson v. Zerbst (1938)
Betts v. Brady (1942)
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)






Native Americans were a very important part of the War of 1812, and the tribes were very active participants in the conflict in both the Northern and Southern parts of the war. Use the resources below to complete one of the two assignments listed Answering the following question- in what ways did Native Americans contribute to the War of 1812? Describe important battles and important leaders on both sides of the conflict.

Write 2-3 paragraphs answering the question above effectively with proper spelling, punctuation, paragraph and sentence structure.

please help fast ill give brainlest to the best answer and 50 pionts


Native Americans were a very important part of the War of 1812, and the tribes were very active participants in the conflict in both the Northern and Southern parts of the war. Use the resources below to complete one of the two assignments listed Answering the following question- in what ways did Native Americans contribute to the War of 1812? Describe important battles and important leaders on both sides of the conflict.

no one is going to write this answer for you .
The War of 1812, which lasted from June 18, 1812 to February 18, 1815, was fought over issues that continued to plague relations between the United States and Britain after the Revolutionary War, like impressment of American sailors and trade restrictions on American shipping.
Though many American grievances were resolved during the course of the war, the Treaty of Ghent, which formally ended the War of 1812, involved no significant change in pre-war borders or boundaries.
For Native Americans who had allied with the British, the outcome of the war was devastating to their land and political autonomy.

4 main causes of WW1 Please Do It Like This
1 uhreuhur
2 fkhrufh
3 hfriehfr
4 sefjoier
Not A GIANT paragraph


2secret alliances
4 nationalistic pride
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