a company uses the aging of receivables method. during the year, the company recorded credit sales of $620,000. before adjusting entries at year-end, the company has accounts receivable of $340,000, of which $56,000 is past due, and the allowance account had a credit balance of $2,700. the company expects it will not collect 8% of the amount not yet past due and 24% of the past due accounts. which of the following adjusting entries will the company record at year-end?


Answer 1

$33,460  of the following adjusting entries will the company record at year-end.

What do you mean by sales?

A sale is an agreement between a buyer and a seller during which the seller exchanges money for the sale of physical or intangible products, assets, or services. There are a number of people involved in a sale. A sale, or a contract between a number of parties, such as the buyer and seller, can be thought of in larger terms.


Credit sales = $620,000

Accounts receivable = $340,000

Past due = $56,000

Credit balance = $2,700

Rate = 8 %

Rate = 24 %


so here Not yet past due is = $340,000 - $56,000 -

Not yet past due = $284,000


past due = $56,000

so  Required provision is

Required provision = $284,000 × 8% + $56,000 × 24 %

Required provision = $36,160


Opening balance is $2,700

Required expense for year = $36,160 - $2,700

Required expense for year  = $33,460

so here

correct entry is

Bad Debt Expense Dr. $33,460    

Allowance for Uncollectible accounts Cr. $33,460

To know more about Sales visit:



Related Questions

Identify a true statement about channel selection.
Before choosing a communication channel, it should be determined whether a permanent record of a
message is needed or if a temporary form would suffice.
Personal interaction cannot replace written communication, printed or online, which is essential in today's
team-based work environments.
An electronic communication tool is appropriate for communicating bad-news messages in sensitive
d) If a message is straightforward and informative, a technological communication channel is inappropriate.
Activate Wind
Go to Settings to ac


The true statement about channel selection is A. Before choosing a communication channel, it should be determined whether a permanent record of a message is needed or if a temporary form would suffice.

What is a channel selection?

The choice of institutions that will make up a system tasked with moving valuable goods from points of production to points of consumption is referred to as marketing channel selection. A successful marketing strategy must carefully choose distribution channels because that is how businesses get their goods to consumers.

This is crucial because there are many companies selling identical or related products, so the business must be exact and efficient in delivering the product to meet the client's expectations. A business must take into account elements relating to the market, consumers, its own circumstances, the product, and the competitive environment.

Based on the information illustrated, it should be noted that the correct option is A.

Learn more about channel on:



Which of the following strategic planning models best reflects an
environment where the operating environment is not clearly understood
within a company?
OA. Goals-based model
OB. Organic model
OC. Issues-based model
D. Traditional model

Answer: C. Issues-based model


The issue-based model is essentially an upgrade to the fundamental model. The issue-based model is more dynamic and used by established businesses to create plans that are more comprehensive.

To begin, conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

What is strategic planning based on issues?

Young or resource-constrained organizations benefit most from issue-based planning. As a first step, the leadership team or stakeholders determine the major issues and objectives. Your organization will then develop action plans to deal with the issues, including how to allocate the budget.

How does issue-based analysis work?

Tactic managers frequently use the Issue-Based Strategic Analysis Model, one of the most important planning models, to identify and address various organizational issues. The organization is able to evaluate a variety of issues and put new strategies into action by making use of this model.

To learn more about issue-based model here:



the given statements relate to variables in the equation of exchange. place the appropriate variable or variables next to each statement according to how a monetarist would describe the variable or variables.


The relationship between the money supply, money velocity, and price level is depicted in the equation of exchange. M stands for the money supply, V for the velocity of money, and it is expressed as MV = PY.

How is the exchange equation used?

The relationship between money and nominal GDP as well as between money and price level is covered by the Equation of Exchange. Y is equal to real output or real GDP.

Who created the exchange equation?

The economist John Stuart Mill developed the equation of exchange. According to the equation, the entire value of products and services traded in an economy will always be equal to the total quantity of money that is exchanged.

To know more about equation of exchange visit:



1when accounting for investigational drugs, which of the following statements is true of investigator record keeping?


The amount of drug received at the research site needs to be tracked when accounting for investigational drugs, and record-keeping of the same. Therefore, the option B holds true.

The process of record-keeping can be referred to or considered as the process that involves the safekeeping of relevant records, mostly in the chronological order of their occurrence. The data created out of record-keeping may be sought as an important evidence of transactions that have taken place within the organization.

Learn more about record-keeping here:



Complete question

when accounting for investigational drugs, which of the following statements is true of investigator record keeping?

A. Investigators do not need to account for investigational drug.

B. The amount of drug received at the research site needs to be tracked.

C. Amount of drug used at the research site is not important to track.

D. Amount of drug on hand includes drug that is not used in the study.

Suppose Yamahonda, a Japanese-owned motorcycle manufacturer, builds a production plant in Alabama.
This is an example of foreign .......investment in the United States.
Which of the following policies are consistent with the goal of increasing productivity and growth in developing countries? Check all that apply.
a. Providing tax breaks and patents for firms that pursue research and development in health and sciences.
b. Protecting property rights and enforce contracts
c. Pursuing inward-oriented policies.
d. Imposing restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic capital.


Protecting property rights and enforce contracts  are consistent with the goal of increasing productivity and growth in developing countries.

What are property rights?

Property rights are frequently defined as the ability to possess something, like land or a car, and dispose of it whatever one pleases. This, however, is but one component of property rights that emphasises the sole right to possession. The concept of property rights, which have evolved throughout ancient and contemporary history, from Abrahamic law to Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is used in economics to specify how a resource or economic good is utilised and owned. Consequently, the owner of an apartment, for instance, has the authority to decide whether to rent it out and, if so, to whom. He or she also has the right to live there.

To learn more about property rights click,



the following activities are not part of the management planning and control cycle: providing information to investors and creditors.


Giving information to creditors and investors is the proper response. This does not fall under the purview of the management planning and control cycle.

What are the five stages of planning?

The strategic planning process includes five steps.

Choose a position for your strategy.Sort your goals by importance.Organize a strategic plan.Implement and oversee your plan.Plan review and revision.

The four phases of this project management process are initiating, planning, executing, and closing. Between the executing and closing stages, some might also include a fifth "monitoring and controlling" stage.

Learn more about management planning from the given link.



when operating cash flows are calculated using the indirect method, if accounts receivable balance increased, then the change is .


If accrued obligations increased over the period, the change is included in the operating cash flows calculated using the indirect approach.

The indirect approach modifies the operating section of the cash flow statement from the accrual method by using increases and decreases in balance sheet line items. Using the indirect technique, net income from an organization's income statement is first subtracted to determine cash flow from operating operations.

To reiterate, on the cash flow statement, an increase in receivables shows a drop in cash, and a decrease in it shows an increase in cash. In order to calculate the amount of cash created, the statement of cash flows is prepared indirectly by adjusting net income for changes in balance sheet accounts.

To learn more about Accounts receivable from given link



an insurance producer must receive which of the following from the commissioner as evidence of their authority?


Credit restricted line credit insurance, limited lines and casualty insurance. Insurance on the title.

What do you mean when you say insurance?

Insurance is a tool for risk management. You get protection against unforeseen financial losses when you purchase insurance. If something unpleasant happens to you, the insurer reimburses you or someone else of your choosing.

What advantages does insurance offer?

It provides you with financial assistance from the damage and losses. By enlisting the assistance of several people who are prepared to pay to accept their risks, all insurance coverages fulfill the essential purpose of avoiding damage to the insured. The fund is also used to generate capital through market investing.

To know more about insurance visit:



the verification of stock ownership, indicating the number of shares owned by the stockholder are blank . multiple choice question. stockholders stocks stock certificates


The verification of stock ownership, indicating the number of shares owned by the stockholder are stock certificates.

What is stock in business?

A stock, usually referred to as equity, is a type of investment that denotes ownership in a portion of the issuing company. Shares, also known as units of stock, entitle its owners to a share of the company's assets and income in proportion to the number of shares they possess.

In order to obtain money to run their operations, corporations issue stock, and the holder of that shares, known as a shareholder, may be entitled to some of the company's assets and earnings.

Based on the proportion of shares an investor holds to the total number of outstanding shares, a shareholder is regarded as an owner of the issuing firm.

To study more about stock



Neoclassical economists focus on the economy. Select all that apply: in the long-run in the short-run when it is experiencing a prolonged recession at the natural rate of unemployment


The focus of neoclassical economists when it comes to the economy A. in the long-run in the short-run.

What is the focus of neoclassical economists ?

According to neoclassical theory, the three variables of labor, capital, and technology lead to economic growth. Even though an economy has a finite amount of labor and capital resources, technology can nonetheless make a limitless contribution to growth.

Neoclassical economists tend to place a greater focus on long-term growth than on battling recessions because they think that the standard of living will ultimately be determined by long-term growth rather than by recessions, which they believe will pass in a few years.

This shows that the focus of neoclassical economists is the long run.

Find out more on neoclassical economics at https://brainly.com/question/28350870


zebra, inc., a calendar year s corporation, incurred the following items this year. sammy is a 40% zebra shareholder throughout the year.


Sammy’s share of Zebra’s nonseparately computed income or loss is $28,000 and Sammy’s share of any Zebra long-term capital gain is $6,000.

Following is a calculation of Sammy's nonseparately computed income or loss and Sammy's shares in long-term capital gains:

Non-separate income = Operating income + Recapture revenue from Depreciation- Cost of Goods Sold- ADM Expense - Depreciation.

Non-separate income= $100,000 + $25,000 - $40,000 - $5,000 - $10,000  

Non-separate income= $70,000

Sammy's Share = Non separately income × Sammy Percentage

= $70,000 × 0.40

= $28,000

Sammy share in Long term capital gain

= $15,000 * 0.40

= $6,000

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Zebra, Inc., a calendar year S corporation, incurred the following items this year. Sammy is a 40% Zebra shareholder throughout the year.

Operating income (sales) $100,000

Cost of goods sold (40,000)

Depreciation expense (MACRS) (10,000)

Administrative expenses (5,000)

§1231 gain 21,000

Depreciation recapture income $25,000

Short-term capital loss from stock sale (6,000)

Long-term capital loss from stock sale (4,000)

Long-term capital gain from stock sale 15,000

Charitable contributions (4,500)

a. Calculate Sammy’s share of Zebra’s nonseparately computed income or loss.

b. Calculate Sammy’s share of any Zebra long-term capital gain.

Learn more about  capital gain at  https://brainly.com/question/15028443


When the real dollar figures are known and then these figures are compared to what was budgeted, this process is called


Answer: Multiple Choice the budget process, forecasting method, the financial control process, or the reimbursement method
(All are correct)

Financial control refers to comparing actual dollar amounts with budgeted amounts after knowing the actual dollar amounts. Thus, option C is correct.

What is financial control?

The methods, procedures, and techniques an organization uses to monitor and manage the use, allocation, and direction of its financial resources are known as financial controls.

Any organization's resource management and operational effectiveness depend on its financial controls.

Financial controls are the policies and process an organization develops to manage its financial resources effectively.

A set of guidelines for recording, evaluating, and reporting transactions are also included. It enables a business to make decisions about the usage, allocation, and direction of financial resources and to guarantee efficient financial management, productive output, and financial success.

Without it, operations, performance, and budgeting can all suffer. Financial controls are laws and practices intended to stop or catch fraud and accounting irregularities.

Learn more about the financial control here:



Your question is incomplete; most probably, your complete question was this:

When the real dollar figures are known, and then these figures are compared to what was budgeted, this process is called

Multiple Choice

A the budget process.

B Both the budget process and the forecasting method are correct.

C The financial control process.

D The reimbursement method.

E The forecasting process

Which of the following explains why individuals accept the risks of business ownership?


The option that  explains why individuals accept the risks of business ownership is B. The sense of self-satisfaction and independence

What is Business ownership ?

Business ownership can be described as the  legal control over a business which provide the owner the legal capacity to dictate the business operations and dealings however the major business ownership are  Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships as well as others.

However, Business risk  serves as the exposure a company or organization has to figure out which could bring about the lowering of its profits or cause it to go bankrupt , however the sources of business risk can be seen to be  varied but can range from changes in consumer taste  hence the state of the overall economy, and government rules and regulations.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about ownership at:



missing options:

A. The potential for learning how to be self-disciplined

B. The sense of self-satisfaction and independence

C. The challenge of seeking power

D. The desire to work fewer hours

(figure: actual and natural rates of unemployment) use figure: actual and natural rates of unemployment. in 2010, the output gap was:


The actual rate of unemployment in 2010 was 10% while the natural rate was 5.8%.

What does Unemployment mean?

Unemployment is a term used to describe a person who is out of work or who is looking for work but is unable to find it. The individual may be unemployed or have lost their job and are looking for another but are unable to find suitable employment. Unemployment can also refer to a broader situation in which an economy lacks job opportunities.

What does Natural rate mean?

A theoretical rate of interest at which aggregate supply and aggregate demand for goods and services in an economy are equal is known as the "natural rate of interest." This rate reflects an economy's normal level of real output and employment and does not account for any government or central bank intervention. It is also known as the Wicksellian rate of interest or the equilibrium rate of interest.

To know more about Intrest,



100 POINTS PLEASE HELP Supply curves shift to the left when a product is more expensive to create. All of the following are examples of scenarios that would cause this EXCEPT:
A. higher materials cost
B. higher minimum wage for employees
C. higher demand from customers




drag the developments in human evolution to their correct locations on the timeline. note the relationship between the rise of certain species and the evidence of their behavior.


Drag the human evolution milestones to the proper spots on the timeline. Keep in mind the connection between the growth of particular species. There may have been 12 different species of early hominins between 6 and 1.5 million years ago.

According to the available evidence. Remains from numerous sites, including Zhoukoudian in China, demonstrate that erectus was consuming a variety of plant foods in addition to a considerable amount of meat from a variety of animal species. These creatures may have been both hunted and scavenged (from other predators). Since we are primates, we have ancestors in common with dinosaurs and all other creatures. Since we are primates, ape-like animals are our ancestors. Primates that lived before modern humans are no longer extant.

To learn more  human evolution from given link



Which of the following is one of the six traits identified by Kathleen Eisenhardt in regard to teams that engaged in healthy conflict? resolved issues without forcing consensus did not share commonly agreed upon goals worked with less information rather than more reduced the amount of alternatives to a debated topic


One of the six traits identified by Kathleen Eisenhardt in regard to teams that engaged in healthy conflict is resolving issues without forcing consensus. The Option A is correct.

What is healthy team conflict?

Some of the behaviors to observe when team conflict is healthy includes that the team members openly share their unique perspectives, open to listening to others different perspectives, debate about ideas and solutions rather than making personal judgements about others.

While the group harmony is a noble aim, a true unity comes when team members trust each other enough to discuss issues fully. When the members of team feel secure enough to express dissenting opinions, a firm foundation of trust results.

Read more about healthy team



Effects of DeflationThe nominal interest rate is 7% on a 1-year loan for $1,000. The lender had anticipated an inflation rate of 2% for the coming year. During the year, however, the economy experienced deflation of 4%.


The real interest rate expected by the lender was 5%.

Define nominal interest rate?

It is the specified interest rate that is earned or paid by the investor or lender. Therefore, if you as a borrower receive a $100 loan at a rate of 6%, you can anticipate paying an interest fee of $6. Inflation has been accounted for by marking up the rate. The nominal interest rates for short-term loans are determined by central banks.

Lenders were anticipating a real interest rate of 5%. According to this formula, the nominal interest rate I = R + h) is roughly equal to the real interest rate plus the inflation rate.

Therefore, The periodic interest rate is multiplied by the number of periods in a year to create the nominal interest rate, often known as an annualized percentage rate or APR.

Learn more about nominal interest rates from the given link.



droughts can affect which of the following? food supply where we choose to live routing of commercial transportation all of the above


Droughts can affect food supply, shortages of drinking water and poor quality drinking water.

What does Drought means?

Drought is a period of unusually dry weather that leads to a shortage of water and below-average crop yields. It is caused by a combination of low levels of precipitation, high temperatures, and other environmental factors such as wind and humidity. Drought can have significant impacts on agriculture, wildlife, and human populations.

What does Agriculture  mean?

Agriculture is the science, art, and practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock for human consumption and other uses. It involves the management and care of the land, crops, animals, and machinery used in farming. Agriculture is also used to refer to the collective methods of producing food, fiber, and other goods through farming and forestry.

To know more about Management,



What happens when a
business gets audited?
A. The technology department will make
sure that their computer systems are safe
from hackers.
B. The government will look at all of the
company's finances and make sure the
money is accounted for.
C. The architectural engineer will look at
specifications for a project to make sure
they are correct.
D. The chief officers of the company will
look at the manufacturing process to ensure


Answer:In an audit, the IRS is simply questioning an item or items that you reported on your tax return. For example, the agency may question whether you actually reported all of your income, or claimed legitimate tax deductions. In most cases, you will need to provide additional documentation to support the item in question.


Marlin and Teri are married and will file a joint return. They live in a state that does not impose a state sales tax. However, they did pay the following taxes in 2021:
• $4,800 state income tax withheld from earnings.
• $900 state balance due for 2020.
• $750 personal property taxes.
• $5,750 real estate taxes.
How much are they eligible to deduct for taxes paid on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions?
a. $10,000
b. $11,300
c. $11,450
d. $12,200


The answer: D
Explanation: 4,800+900+750+5,750=12,200

Marlin and Teri are eligible to deduct $11,300 for taxes paid on Schedule as Itemized Deductions. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What is Itemized Deductions?

Itemized deductions are eligible expenses that individual taxpayers can claim on federal income tax returns to reduce their taxable income and are claimable in lieu of a standard deduction, if available, under US tax law.

The given data of taxes they paid in 2021:-

State income tax                   $4,800

State balance due for 2020 $900

Personal property taxes        $750

Real estate taxes                  $5,750

Allowed Itemized Deductions:

State income tax                    $4,800

Personal property taxes,        $750

Real estate taxes,                  $ 5,750

Total itemized deductions     $11,300

Therefore, $11,300 is the amount Marlin and Teri eligible to deduct for taxes paid on Schedule A.

To learn more about itemized deduction, click here:



key account managers and the key account team have a high level of job satisfaction when: group of answer choices management provides them with the assistance and support needed to meet unusual and non-routine problems. they perceive themselves to have an active part in determining company policies and standards that affect the key customer. they perceive that their top management recognizes their accomplishments. all of the above


When the main account team feels that their top management appreciates their achievements, they have a high degree of work satisfaction.

What is customer and example?

A customer is often thought of as someone who makes a purchase of a good, service, or product. Customers are more clearly defined as individuals or organizations that are presently purchasing, have recently purchased, or may be considering purchasing a good or service from some other person or business.

What are customer loyalty and care?

Customer loyalty is a continuing emotional bond between yourself and your customers that shows in their willingness to interact with you and make repeat purchases from you as opposed to your competition. When a consumer has a good experience with you, loyalty develops naturally and helps to build trust.

To know more about Customer visit:



_____ is best described as the output range needed to bring down the cost per unit as much as possible, allowing a firm to stake out the lowest-cost position that is achievable through economies of scale.


Economies of scale are the cost advantages a company has as a result of increasing its output level.

What does "economies" actually mean?

A community's resource allocation is ultimately determined by a collection of connected processes of production and consumption collectively referred to as an economy. The production and consumption of goods and services in their entirety satisfy the needs of those who live and work there.

Which four types of economies are there?

Every economy functions under a specific set of conditions and suppositions. The four main categories of economic systems are economy, centrally controlled economies, command economies, and market economies.

To know more about economies visit:



Imagine being an advisor to Hank Harris. What would you suggest should be Seller's Lab competitive strategy going forward?


Seller's lab can use either the cost leadership, cost focus, differentiation leadership, or differentiation focus strategy among the types of competitive strategies available depending on the situation of the company.

What is competitive strategy?

A competitive strategy is a long-term marketing plan created by businesses to protect their position in the market and obtain a competitive edge.

There are four types of competitive strategies can be used depending on the situation and objectives of each company-

Cost leadership strategy: The purpose of this strategy is to have lower costs than similar companies, which increases profit.Cost focus: This strategy aims at reducing costs to increase profit.Differentiation leadership: This strategy aims at making the company's products unique in comparison to similar companies.Differentiation focus: This strategy focuses on adding special characteristics to products, which can influence customers' loyalty.

Therefore, Seller's Lab would choose the appropriate competitive strategy from the above-mentioned types of competitive strategies for going forward.

To learn more about competitive strategies, click here:



the competitive advantage of an innovative strategy is directly related to management capability and the knowledge developed and shared.


It is completely true that the competitive advantage of an innovative strategy is directly related to the management capacity and the knowledge developed and shared

Innovation Process

You can classify 7 strategies that must be implemented if you seek to obtain a business innovation:

Create a creative teamImplement a customer management systemHire a Chief Future OfficerQualifies as a socially responsible companyUse digital platformsDevelop a department of new productsBuild partnerships that spur innovation

For more about Innovation strategies here https://brainly.com/question/24261602


using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell c23, construct a formula to calculate the projected expenses for 2020 after the forecasted increase in cell b21 is applied. fill the formula through cell f23.


There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.

When copied and filled into other cells, relative and absolute references act in various ways. A formula relative references are altered when it is transferred to another cell. Contrarily, regardless of where they are duplicated, absolute references stay true.

Relative references:

All cell references are by default relative references. They modify based on the relation between rows and columns when replicated across many cells. For instance, the formula =A1+B1 will become =A2+B2 if you transfer it from row 1 to row 2. When you need to repeat the same computation over numerous rows or columns, relative references are extremely useful.

Absolute references:

When filling up cells, there may be situations when you don't want a cell reference to change. Absolute references don't change when copied or filled in, in contrast to relative references. To maintain the consistency of a row and/or column, utilize an absolute reference.

Learn more about Relative and Absolute Cell References:



which of the following is a budgeting approach that can be used as a complement to both traditional and activity-based budgeting systems?


Kaizen Budgeting can be used as a complement to both traditional and activity-based budgeting system.

Traditional Budgeting is a method of preparing the current year's budget using data from last year's budget as the base. The last year's budget will be adjusted based on the inflation rate, consumer demand, market situation, etc., before being use in the current year's budgeting.

Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) is a budgeting approach that records, researches, and analyzes any cost-incurring activities. Every activities in the organization that incurs a cost is scrutinized for potential ways to create efficiencies. Budgtes will be developed based on these results. This approach does not take historical costs into consideration when creating a budget.

Kaizen Budgeting is a budgeting approach that continually improving processes and reducing costs. Kaizen Budgeting tends to yield gradual improvements over a long period of time. Kaizen Budgeting allows a company to drive down costs below their current levels on a continual basis. Kaizen focuses on finding little areas to be improved. Kaizen Budgeting adds qualilty on the final product through continuus improvement in processes and ends up reducing the average cost of production.

Learn more about Kaizen Budgeting here: https://brainly.com/question/16960276


Complete Question:

Which of the following is a budgeting approach that can be used as a complement to both traditional and activity-based budgeting systems?

a. Time-driven activity based budgeting (TDABB)

b. Master budgeting.

c. Kaizen budgeting.

d. Continuous-improvement budgeting.

According to the earned value management (EVM) process, in which of the follawing scenaios would the project manager and client need to reassess the assumptions of a project? More than one answer may be setected Check All That Completing a critical task according to new chent specifications would cause the properti to to over budgetAding two additional developers the project would reduce the schedule by hal resulting in an estimated 60 percent increase in salesA project manager determines that the project will not be completed on timeMarket Research has determined that the product bening worked on does not mete the need of their target market


According to the earned value management (EVM) process, completing a critical task according to new client specifications would cause the project to go over budget, the project manager and client need to reassess the assumptions of a project.

What are the benefits of EVM?

TEVM offers more data than standard project tracking does. By responding to the query, "Have we reached where we want to be in the project?," it goes one step further. & When will this project be completed? It makes it easier to pinpoint our current position in the project and determine when it will be successfully completed. In order to respond to problems early on and keep the project on schedule, the value added strategy helps create greater visibility and control over the project operations. It promotes project visibility and accountability and enables clear communication of the tasks involved. Earned value management (EVM fundamental )'s tenet is that the value of a work product is equal to the quantity.

To know more Earned value management visit:



True or False
______ 1. In the MercuryGate TMS, a shipping order (SO) represents the record of what a company has hired a carrier to move.


In the Mercury Gate TMS, a shipping order (SO) represents the record of what a company has hired a carrier to move. The statement is true.

What is Mercury Gate TMS?

For shippers, 3PLs, brokers, and carriers worldwide, the MercuryGate TMS streamlines and centralizes the administration of freight transportation inside a single software platform to save time and money. To provide you visibility into every shipment, automate manual operations, and help you make better decisions based on delivery performance, the platform supports all forms of transportation, including ocean, air, rail, truckload, LTL, last mile, package, and intermodal.

You often have to pick between feature-rich systems that are challenging to implement and operate and TMS lite options that lack the ability to handle complexity in the transportation management system (TMS) industry. Through our special blend of strength and usability, Mercury Gate enables you to overcome that trade-off and generate ROI that rivals can't match.

To learn more about TMS



under the six sigma quality standard the idea is to detect potential problems, in order to prevent their occurrence.


The statement under the six sigma quality standard the idea is to detect potential problems, to prevent their occurrence is correct.

What is six sigma?

Six Sigma is a method that provides organizations with tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services.

Six Sigma quality is a term generally used to indicate a process is well controlled (within process limits ±3s from the center line in a control chart, and requirements/tolerance limits ±6s from the center line).

Learn more about six sigma at https://brainly.com/question/10470492


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