A chemist mixes each of the following pairs of chemicals in aqueous solution. Which resulting reaction will NOT yield a precipitate? A. ammonium sulfate and barium nitrate calcium sulfate and sodium carbonate lead (II) nitrate and sodium chloride copper (II) chloride and sodium hydroxide barium iodide and magnesium sulfide E.


Answer 1

From the following options for mixing chloride and sodium hydroxide in an aqueous solution will not form the precipitate.

what is meant by the aqueous solution?

In an aqueous solution, liquid water acts as the solvent. In other words, water molecules surround and integrate solute (dissolved) atoms and ions into their web of bonds. Following that, the dissolved species dispersed all over the water.

what are atoms and ions?

Atoms are balanced because they have an equal quantity of protons and electrons. An ion is a particle that is electrically charged and is created by either taking electrons away from a neutral atom to create a positive ion or giving electrons to an atom to produce a negative ion.

To more about aqueous solutions visit:



Related Questions

How many moles of KOH are contained in 50.0 mL of 6.00 M KOH?



The answer is 1.82.

the answer is 0.3 moles


the molarity formula is M=moles/vol in liters

so moles no =M×vol in liters

=6.00×50/1000=0.3 moles

What is the mole ratio of H to N in the ammonia molecule?


The mole ratio of H to N in the ammonia molecule is 3:1.

What is mole?

Mole is defined as the ratio of given mass of substance to the molar mass of that particular substance.


Mole = Given mass/ Molar mass

As we know that, ammonia have molecular formula NH3.

From this, we can say that one mole of Nitrogen combine with 3 mole of Hydrogen to form a single mole of ammonia.

So, Mole ratio of Nitrogen is given as 1:4.

Mole ratio of Hydrogen is given as 3:4.

Mole ratio of hydrogen to the nitrogen can be given as

Mole ratio of hydrogen/ Mole ratio of Nitrogen

= 3:1

Thus, we concluded that the mole ratio of H to N in the ammonia molecule is 3:1.

learn more about Mole:



What is the percent composition of Fluorine (F) in the compound XeF6?


The percent by mass of the fluorine in the compound is 46.472%.

What is the percent by mass?

We know that the percent by mass has to do with the ratio of the total mass of the atom that is part of the compound and the total molar mass of the compound multiplied by one hundred.

The question in this case has demanded that we ought to obtain the mass percent of fluorine from the compound that we can be able to identify from the formula of the compound that is shown here as xenon hexa fluoride.

Mass of the compound can be obtained from; 131 + 6(19)

= 245 g/mol

The total mass of the fluorine atom in the compound is 114 g

Thus we have the use of;  114 /245 * 100/1

= 46.472%

The percent  by mass is now gotten for the fluorine atom as 46.472%.

Learn more about percent by mass:https://brainly.com/question/5394922


How many moles of NaOH are present in 27.0 mL of 0.160 M NaOH?
moles of NaOH:

I will thumbs up help please !


it's similar I think explained everything right , I hope I helped

What is the molar mass of a gas with a density of 3.786 g/L at STP? Which noble gas is it most likely to be?



The molar mass of a gas can be calculated by dividing the density of the gas by its molar density at STP, which is 0.08206 g/L. Therefore, the molar mass of the gas is 3.786 g/L / 0.08206 g/L = 46.3 g/mol.

The most likely noble gas with a molar mass of 46.3 g/mol is Xenon (Xe), which has a molar mass of 131 g/mol.


a radioactive isotope, like 14c, can be used to accurately date something up to about half-lives.


A radioactive isotope, like 14c, can be used to accurately date something up to about half-lives.

Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 ± 40 years (i.e., half the amount of the isotope present at any instant will undergo spontaneous disintegration during the succeeding 5,730 years).

What is an isotope?

The first 80 elements in the periodic table have stable isotopes. The properties of stable isotopes allow their use to understand and manage water and soil resources. They are also used in environmental studies, nutritional assessment and forensic science.Naturally occurring stable isotopes, such as hydrogen isotopes, are used by measuring their abundance and ratio in water samples to determine the age and origin of water, understand its history, and recognize its sources. This is known as isotopic hydrology.

To know more about isotopes of elements, click the link given below:








list the original states (solid, liquid, or gas) of the solute and solvent that are combined to make each of the following solutions.


These are the combinations for the original states (solid, liquid, or gas) of the solute and solvent.

What is solute?

The term "solute" refers to a material that has dissolved in a solution. In fluid solutions, there are more solvent molecules than solute molecules. Salinity and water are two excellent examples of solutes in daily life. The solute is salt because it dissolves in water.

What is solvent?

The ingredients that are utilized as solutes in the formulation are dissolved using solvents. Solids, liquids, or gases may make up these solutes. In order to obtain a solution, a suitable solvent is utilized in conjunction with the solute.

Hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic solutions (tonicity).

Solute-Solvent Combinations.

Gas-Gas Solutions.

Solid-Solid Solutions.

Liquid-Liquid Solutions.

Therefore, these are the combinations for the original states (solid, liquid, or gas) of the solute and solvent.

Learn more about solute from the given link.



Question 1-3
A balloon with a volume of 2.50 L is left in a car at 323K. After sitting in the sun, the temperature increases to 398K. What is the volume
of the heated balloon?



[tex] \huge{\boxed{3.08 \: L}} [/tex]


The volume of the heated balloon can be found by using the Charles' law formula which is;

[tex] \bold{\frac{V_1}{T_1} = \frac{V_2}{T_2}} \\ [/tex]


T1 is the initial temperature

T2 is the final temperature

V1 is the initial volume

V2 is the final volume

From the question

T1 = 323K

T2 = 398K

V1 = 2.5 L V2 = ?

[tex] V_2 = \frac{V_1 \times T_2}{T_1} \\ [/tex]

[tex] V_2 = \frac{2.5 \times 398}{323} = \frac{995}{323} \\ = 3.0804 [/tex]

We have the final answer as

3.08 L

Oxygen and chlorine gas are mixed in a container with partial pressures of 3040 mmHg
1.63 atm, respectively.
What is the TOTAL pressure inside the container in atm? *Don't forget to convert: 760mmHg
= latm*
Type your answer...


A mixture of oxygen and chlorine gas with a partial pressure of 3040 mmHg and 1.63 atm respectively will have a total pressure of 5.55 atm.

Partial pressure of gas mixtures

According to Dalton's law of partial pressure, when a gas contains a mixture of gases, the total pressure of the gas mixture is the sum of the individual gas pressure.

This law can be mathematically expressed as:

P (total) = P ₁ + P ₂ + P ₃ + ......

Where P is the pressure of gas and 1, 2, 3, etc., represent the gases respectively.

In this case, the pressure of oxygen is 3040 mmHg. We first need to convert this to atm.

1 mmHg = 0.0013 atm

Thus, 3040 mmHG = 3040 x 0.0013

                                = 3.952 atm

The pressure of chlorine is 1.63 atm. Thus, the total pressure of the gas mixture would be:

P (total) = P oxygen + P chlorine

             = 3.92 + 1.63

              = 5.55 atm

In other words, the total pressure inside the container in atm would be 5.55 atm.

More on the partial pressure of gases can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/23526269


When the temperature decreased to
150k, the pressure
This shows
us that temperature and pressure
have a.



Which of the following is currently most often used to indicate the location of a signal on an IR spectrum?a. frequencyb. wavelengthc. wavelength and wavenumberd. wavenumber


Currently, the method utilised to identify a signal's position on an IR spectrum is called vibration excitation (increase vibration of the bonds or frequency).

The fingerprint area is the range of the infrared spectrum between 1200 and 700 cm-1. By measuring atom vibrations using IR spectroscopy, the functional groups of molecules can be identified.

What device might we employ to find IR?

A radiometer is a device used to find or quantify radiant energy. The phrase is specifically used in reference to instruments used to measure infrared radiation. There are several different types of radiometers, and each has a different measurement method.

To know more about wavelength, visit:



Which element belongs to the p-block?
O oxygen
O rubidium
O hydrogen
O cobalt





Oxygen - p-block (group = 2, period = 16)

Rubidium - s-block (group = 5, period = 1)

Hydrogen - s-block (group = 1, period = 1)

Cobalt - d-block (group = 4, period = 9)

Answer: Oxygen  


when a substance goes under evaporation does energy increase or decrease 



it decreases and lowers the average energy of the remaining liquid molecules

two of the following statements are true, select them. two of the following statements are true, select them. a hydrogen atom in the n


Radius of the second orbit is 4 times the radius of the first orbit.

KE∝ 1/n²

So, kinetic energy is maximum in 1st orbit.

(Radius)n ∝ n²/z

r2 = k(4); r1 = k(1)

Radius of the second orbit is 4 times the first orbit.

What is radius?

If the object has no center, the term can refer to its circumferential radius, the radius of its circumscribed circle, or circumscribed sphere. In any case, the radius can be greater than half the diameter, which is usually defined as the maximum distance between any two points in the image. The radius of a geometric figure is usually the radius of the largest circle or sphere contained within it. The radius of a regular polygon is also called an apothem. In graph theory, the radius of a graph is minimal over all vertices at the maximum distance from u to any other vertex of the graph.

To know more about radius, click the link given below:



i want to be taught chemistry


Chemistry is graph equations and chemical atoms and moles and it hard at first but it’s fun

What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron traveling at 1.59×105m/s ?


The de Broglie wavelength of an electron traveling at 1.59×105m/s is  0.4547 x 10⁻⁹ m.

What is an electron ?

The elementary electric charge of the electron is a negative one, making it a subatomic particle. Due to their lack of known components or substructure, electrons, which are part of the first generation of the lepton particle family, are typically regarded to be elementary particles.

The length scale at which a particle's wave-like characteristics are significant is indicated by its de Broglie wavelength. The symbol or dB is typically used to indicate the De Broglie wavelength. The de Broglie wavelength for a particle with momentum p is given by dB = hp.

λ = h/mv


λ = wavelength of electron

m = mass of electron = 9.11e-31 kg

v = speed of electron = 1.59 × 10⁵ m/s

h = constant


λ = (6.626x10⁻³⁴J-s) ÷  [(9.11e-31 kg) (1.59 x 10⁵ m/s)]

λ = 0.4547 x 10⁻⁹ m

Thus, The de Broglie wavelength of an electron traveling at 1.59×105m/s is  0.4547 x 10⁻⁹ m.

To learn more about an electron, follow the link;



Carries oxygen-rich blood and
nutrients away from the heart
to the rest of the body
Carries carbon
dioxide-rich blood
back to the heart
Exchanges gases to remove
carbon dioxide and add
oxygen to blood
Responsible for
pumping blood
throughout the body
Transports oxygen-depleted
blood to the lungs to exchange
CO₂ for O,
Transports oxygen-rich blood
to the heart to redistribute to
the rest of the body

 dragon drop 


the i was a bit worried that the game was gonna be a bit boring and i was just

which of the following species is the richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, a type of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (lc-pufas)?


The one that is richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids is the anchovies.

Omega-3 fatty acids, sometimes also called Omega-3 oils are a type of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs. They are characterized by their double bond, three atoms away from the terminal methyl group in the chemical structure.

In nature, omega-3 fatty acids are mostly found in marine algae and phytoplankton. However, in foods directly for human consumption, one of the richest sources is fish and fish oils, especially cold-water fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and anchovies. Anchovies are one of the richest, with one serving containing 0.45 grams of EPA and 0.77 grams of DHA.

Your question seems incomplete, but most likely the completed version is as follows:

Which of the following species is the richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, a type of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs)?






Learn more about omega-3 fatty acids at https://brainly.com/question/1373421


Ag3P ionic or molecular



ionic ionic ionic


it just is

1. A 56.75 gram sample of diamond is heated from 22.365 °C to 45.1 °C. How much energy was required to heat the diamond? The specific heat of diamond is 0.519 J/g°C


Nearly 670 Jule of energy was required to heat the diamond.

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do the work. scientist defines energy as the ability to do work.

The amount of heat gained or we can say lost by a sample (q) can definitely be  calculated using to  the equation q = mcΔT, where the m  is the mass of the sample, c is the specific by the heat, and ΔT is the temperature change.

Here's is the  temperature difference is 22.735 °C

Specific heat is 0.519 J/g°C

The mass is 56.75

So heat Q = 56.75(0.519)(22.735)

Or Q =669.61 J or nearly 670 J

To know more about energy click-



How many moles are 501 g of OF2?





A gas has an initial volume o 5.32L at 371K. The same gas now has a volume of 4.90 Lat 273
K and 1.03 atm. What was the original pressure of the gas?
Type your answer...



Explanation: We are given P2,V1,V2,T1, and T2. We are looking for P1.

We can plug it into the combined gas laws formula.

[tex]\frac{(P1)(V1)}{T1} =\frac{(P2)(V2)}{T2}[/tex]  [tex]P1=\frac{(P2)(T1)(V2)}{(T2)(V1)}[/tex]

P1 = ?

V1 = 5.31 L

T1 = 371 K

P2 = 1.03 atm

V2 = 4.90 L

T2 = 273 K

[tex]P1 = \frac{(1.03)(371)(4.90)}{(273)(5.31)} \\[/tex]

P1 = 1.29 atm

draw the complete lewis diagrams showing all lone pairs for water and ammonia in an orientation that allows for a hydrogen bond. use a line to indicate the location of the hydrogen bond.


With 3 covalent connections to h and 1 lone pair, nitrogen has formed its whole octet, as seen by the Lewis dot picture.

What is the purpose of ammonia?

How is nitrate used? Ammonia generated by industries is used as fertilizer in agriculture to the tune of 80%. Ammonia is also used to create polymers, explosives, textiles, pesticides, dyes, and other compounds in addition to its various applications. Additionally, it is utilized to clean water sources.

Do people require ammonia?

It is also known as ammonia, aqueous ammonia, or ammonia solution when it is in this form. The majority of ammonia in water converts to ammonium ions, or nH4+. For plant, animal, and human life to exist, ammonia is a necessary component. It is a source that can be found in the air, soil, and water.

To know more about ammonia visit:



4. Many scientists agree that gluten insensitivity stems from an inability to break bonds. Some scientists blame gluten insensitivity specifically on a lack of human-made enzymes. Other scientists blame it on an imbalance in the microbiome (the bacteria that live in our intestines )How could they both be correct ?


The human digestion-resistant gluten peptides can be broken down by a number of enzymes, including cysteine proteases, and subtilisins.

What is enzyme ?

Proteins called enzymes serve as biological catalysts by quickening chemical reactions. Substrates are the molecules that enzymes can interact with, and the enzyme changes the substrates into other molecules known as products.

Human saliva contains Rothia bacteria that can degrade gluten components that trigger an inflammatory immune response and are normally insensitive to the digestion enzymes produced by animals.

Thus, the human digestion-resistant gluten peptides can be broken down by a number of enzymes.

To learn more about an enzyme, follow the link;



the accepted density of a certain material is 7.44 g/cm^3. A student measures the density of the same material as 7.30 g/cm3. What is the percentage error of the measurement?


The percentage error of the measurement, given that the accepted measurement is 7.44 g/cm³, is 1.88%

How do I determine the percentage error?

First, we shall determine the absolut error. This can be obtained as follow:

Accepted value = 7.44 g/cm³Measured value = 7.30 g/cm³Absolute error = ?

Absolute error = accepted value - measured value

Absolute error = 7.44 - 7.30

Absolute error = 0.14 g/cm³

Haven obtained the absolute error, we shall determine the percentage error. Details below:

Absolute error = 0.14 g/cm³Accepted value = 7.44 g/cm³Percentage error =?

Percentage error = (Absolute error / accepted value) × 100

Percentage error = (0.14 / 7.44) × 100

Percentage error = 1.88%

Thus, we can conclude that the percentage error is 1.88%

Learn more about percentage error:



The pH of a fruit juice is 2.5. Find the hydronium ion concentration, [H₃O⁺]of the juices. Use the formula pH=-log[H₃O⁺]
The hydronium ion concentration [H₃O⁺]is approximately_____ moles per liter
(Use scientific notation. Use the multiplication symbol in the math palates as needed. Round to the nearest tenth as needed.)


The hydronium ion concentration [H₃O⁺]is approximately 3.16 x 10^-3 moles per liter.

The pH of a solution is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration, which in turn is a measure of its acidity.

The pH of a fruit juice is 2.5.

To calculate the pH of an aqueous solution you need to know the concentration of the hydronium ion in moles per liter (molarity).

By the formula,


2.5 = -log[H₃O⁺]

-2.5 = log[H3O+]

[H3O+] = antilogarithm(-2.5)

[H3O+] = 3.16 x 10^-3 moles.

To learn more about pH of a solution visit:



The hydronium ion concentration [H₃O⁺] of a fruit juice with pH 2.5 is 3.16 × 10⁻³ moles per litre.

The pH of a solution is defined as the hydrogen ion concentration present is a substance. The more the hydrogen ion concentration, more is the acidity of the substance.

In order to calculate the pH of an aqueous solution, firstly we must know the concentration of hydronium ion [H₃O⁺]  in moles per litre which is given by the formula

pH = -log [H₃O⁺]

From here, another defination of pH is that pH is equl to the negative logarithm of the hydronium ion concentration.

According to the question,


pH of fruit juice = 2.5

To find: hydronium ion concentration  [H₃O⁺]

Thus, by formula

2.5= -log[H₃O⁺]

[H₃O⁺]= antilogarithm (-2.5)

[H₃O⁺] = 3.16 × 10⁻³ moles per litre.

Thus, the  hydronium ion concentration  [H₃O⁺] is 3.16 × 10⁻³ moles per litre.

To know more about hydronium ion concentration here



A sample of a certain lead compound contains 12.92 g of lead for 2 g of oxygen. A second sample has mass of 34.27 g and contains 14.39 g of oxygen. Are the two compound the same


The two chemical compounds are not the same, because their ratio is not equal. In both samples the composition of lead and oxygen is different.

What is a chemical compound?

A chemical compound is a substance made of numerous similar molecules (or molecular entities) joined by chemical bonds and comprising atoms from various chemical elements. Therefore, a molecule made up of only one type of atom is not a compound. Chemical reactions, which may entail interactions with other molecules, can change a compound into a distinct substance. Atomic bonds may be broken or new ones created during this process.

What are the calculations?

sample 1 = mass of lead / mass of oxygen = 12.92g/2g = 6.46 .

sample 2 = mass of lead/ mass of oxygen = 34.27 - 14.39/14.39 = 1.38 .

so, the ratios are not the same.

Hence, the two chemical compounds are not the same, because their ratio is not equal. In both samples the composition of lead and oxygen is different.

To know more about Chemical compounds, check out:



Which statement below best describes SO2 with respect to the polarity of bonds and the polarity of the molecule? A) SO2 has polar S-O bonds and is a non-polar molecule. B. SO2 has polar S-O bonds and is a polar molecule. C) SO2 is neither a polar nor a non-polar molecule but is rather an ionic compound. D) SO2 has non-polar S-O bonds and is a polar molecule. E) SO2 has non-polar S-O bonds and is a non-polar molecule.


The statement below best describes SO₂ with respect to the polarity of bonds and the polarity of the molecule is  B) SO₂  has polar S-O bonds and is a polar molecule.

The  SO₂ is an covalent bond. the bond between the sulfur and the oxygen atom is the covalent bond. the oxygen atom is more electronegative than the sulfur atom . the oxygen atom attract the shared paired of the electron towards it self. thus it makes the S - O bond polar bond. the each S - O bond is polar bond. the net dipole moment in the  SO₂  molecule is greater than zero due to the unequal sharing of the electrons.

Thus, the  SO₂  molecules is the polar molecule.

To learn more about polar molecule here



dentify if the following molecule is a strong acid, strong base, weak acid or a weak base. Sodium hydroxide Weak base Strong base Weak acid Strong acid


Sodium hydroxide is classified as strong. strong base: In water, NaOH totally dissociates to produce Na+ and OH.

Because every accessible [OH] in NaOH is present in solution as [OH] and ready to take protons, it is regarded as a strong base.Because it entirely dissociates into sodium cation and hydroxide anion in aqueous solution, sodium hydroxide is a strong basic. One mole of sodium hydroxide will therefore include one mole of sodium cation and one mole of hydroxide anion since one formula unit of sodium hydroxide comprises one sodium cation and one hydroxide anion.Because it completely dissociates into hydroxide ions when placed in water, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is a strong basic.

For more information on strong base kindly visit to



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